1st PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण वाक्य शुद्धि

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Karnataka 1st PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण वाक्य शुद्धि

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को शुद्ध कीजिएः

१) गोविन्द के बहिन का नाम सुशीला है।
गोविन्द की बहन का नाम सुशीला है।

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२) आप उसके घर को गए।
आप उसके घर गए।

३) मेज में पुरतक पड़ी है।
मेज पर पुस्तक पड़ी है।

४) वह आपका घर कल आ सकेगा।
वह आपके घर कल आ सकेगा।

५) मैं स्कूल जाना चाहिए।
मुझे स्कूल जाना चाहिए।

६) हम हमारे देश को प्यार करते हैं।
हम अपने देश से प्यार करते हैं।

७) मंदिर की चारों ओर दुकानें हैं।
मंदिर के चारों ओर दुकानें हैं।

८) तालाब के अन्दर छोटी-सी मन्दिर है।
तालाब के अन्दर छोटा-सा मंदिर है।

९) उसने अपने मित्र को एक-सौ रुपया पूछा।
उसने अपने मित्र से एक-सौ रुपये पूछे।

१०) सभी उसको तारीफ करते हैं।
सभी उसकी तारीफ करते हैं।

११) वह घर को जा रहा है।
वह घर जा रहा है।

१२) वह प्रातःकाल के समय आया।
वह प्रातःकाल आया।

१३) रोहन ने रोटी खाया।
रोहन ने रोटी खायी।

१४) श्रीकृष्ण के अनेकों नाम हैं।
श्रीकृष्ण के अनेक नाम हैं।

१५) मुझे मैसूर जानी पड़ेगी।
मुझे मैसूर जाना पड़ेगा।

१६) गुणशीला चलती-चलती थक गए।
गुणशीला चलते-चलते थक गई।

१७) गोपाल गाना गाया।
गोपाल ने गाना गाया।

१८) श्याम काग किया।
श्याम ने काम किया।

१९) मेरे को उसने बुलाया है।
मुझे उसने बुलाया है।

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२०) सरला ने कहानी पढ़ा।
सरला ने कहानी पढ़ी।

२१) मोहन की पिताजी अस्वस्थ हैं।
मोहन के पिताजी अस्वस्थ हैं।

२२) हवा तेज बहने लगा।
हवा तेज बहने लगी।

२३) उसका हाथ में मामूली चाकू था।
उसके हाथ में मामूली चाकू था।

२४) ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी का बात है।
ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी की बात है।

२५) वह दरवाजा खोला।
उसने दरवाजा खोला।

२६) आप आपके घर जाइए।
आप अपने घर जाइए।

११) वह घर को जा रहा है।
वह घर जा रहा है।

१२) वह प्रातःकाल के समय आया। .
वह प्रातःकाल आया।

१३) रोहन ने रोटी खाया।
रोहन ने रोटी खायी।

१४) श्रीकृष्ण के अनेकों नाम हैं।
श्रीकृष्ण के अनेक नाम हैं।

१५) मुझे मैसूर जानी पड़ेगी।
मुझे मैसूर जाना पड़ेगा।

१६) गुणशीला चलती-चलती थक गए।
गुणशीला चलते-चलते थक गई।

१७) गोपाल गाना गाया।
गोपाल ने गाना गाया।

१८) श्याम काग किया।
श्याम ने काम किया।

१९) मेरे को उसने बुलाया है।
मुझे उसने बुलाया है।

२०) सरला ने कहानी पढ़ा।
सरला ने कहानी पढ़ी।

२१) मोहन की पिताजी अस्वस्थ हैं।
मोहन के पिताजी अस्वस्थ हैं।

२२) हवा तेज बहने लगा।
हवा तेज बहने लगी।

२३) उसका हाथ में मामूली चाकू था।
उसके हाथ में मामूली चाकू था।

२४) ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी का बात है।
ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी की बात है।

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२५) वह दरवाजा खोला।
उसने दरवाजा खोला।

२६) आप आपके घर जाइए।
आप अपने घर जाइए।

२७) तेरे को क्या हो गया है?
तुझे क्या हो गया है? (तुम्हें क्या हो गया है?)

२८) उसने बस वाले को पूछा।
उसने बस वाले से पूछा।

२९) तारकोल का सड़क चमक रही थी।
तारकोल की सड़क चमक रही थी।

३०) आप कल जरूर आओ।
आप कल जरूर आइए।

३१) आप कहे थे।
आपने कहा था।

३२) यह पाठ का नाम क्या है?
इस पाठ का नाम क्या है?

३३) कई विद्यालय खुला।
कई विद्यालय खुले।

३४) साहित्य और जीवन का घोर सम्बन्ध है।
साहित्य और जीवन का अटूट (गहरा) सम्बन्ध है।

३५) हिन्दी शिक्षा का माध्यम बन चुका है।
हिन्दी शिक्षा का माध्यम बन चुकी है।

३६) सूर्य की किरणें चमक रहे हैं।
सूर्य की किरणें चमक रही हैं।

३७) सुभाष चन्द्र बोस महान नेता था।
सुभाष चन्द्र बोस महान नेता थे।

३८) वह पुस्तक लेकर भागता हुआ घर आया।
वह पुस्तक लेकर भागते हुए घर आया।

३९) लड़के पढ़े करते हैं।
लड़के पढ़ा करते हैं।

४०) बैल और बकरे चर रही हैं।
बैल और बकरे चर रहे हैं।

४१) बकरी ने बाघिन को देखी।
बकरी ने बाघिन को देखा।

४२) लता को गीत गानी है।
लता को गीत गाना है।

४३) उसने परीक्षा दिया।
उसने परीक्षा दी।

४४) जो जन्म लेती है वह अवश्य ही मरती है।
जो जन्म लेता है, वह अवश्य ही मरता है।

४५) मैंने को जाना है।
मुझे जाना है।

४६) उस लड़का का क्या नाम है?
उस लड़के का क्या नाम है?

४७) मज़दूरों की सभा हो रहा है।
मजदूरों की सभा हो रही है।

४८) यह दस रुपया का नोट है।
यह दस रुपये का नोट है।

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४९) उनने आपसे क्या कहा?
उन्होंने आपसे क्या कहा?

५०) आप अभी कहाँ जा रहे हो?
आप अभी कहाँ जा रहे हैं?

अतिरिक्त प्रश्नः

1) आज मैंने यह काम करना ही है।
आज मुझे यह काम करना ही है।

2) आज अखिल के जाना है।
अखिल को आज जाना है।

3) तुम्हें ऐसा बातें नहीं करनी चाहिए।
तुम्हें ऐसी बातें नहीं करनी चाहिए।

4) तुम तुम्हारा काम करो।
तुम अपना काम करो।

5) हमने इसको विचार किया है।
हमने इस पर विचार किया है।

6) कोई लड़के को आवाज़ दो।
लड़के को कोई आवाज़ दो।

7) वह जल में पौधे सींचती है।
वह जल से पौधे सींचती है।

8) मैं मंगलवार के दिन आप से मिलूँगा।
मैं आप से मंगलवार के दिन मिलूँगा।

9) वह हिमालय पर्वत पर चढ़ा।
यह हिमालय पर चढ़ा।

10) आप तो नहीं आए पर तुम्हारा भाई आ गया था।
आप तो नहीं आए पर आपका भाई आ गया था।

11) जैसे देश, ऐसा भेष।
जैसा देश, वैसा भेष।

12) वह जहाँ भी गया, उधर का ही हो गया।
वह जहाँ भी गया, वहीं का हो गया।

13) हमारे यहाँ का सब कुछ लुट गया।
हमारे यहाँ सब कुछ लुट गया।

14) यह वही लड़की है इसको इनाम मिला था।
यह वही लड़की है जिसको इनाम मिला था।

15) मेरे को आपकी सलाह नहीं चाहिए।
मुझे आपकी सलाह नहीं चाहिए।

16) वह शीला से लघुतम है।
वह शीला से छोटी है।

17) सब छात्रों में वह महान है।
सभी छात्रों में वह महान है।

18) आप इधर बैठो।
आप इधर बैठिये।

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19) सुनिए, यह काम कर दो।
सुनिए, यह काम कर दीजिए।

20) मैं आपका दर्शन के लिए फ़िर जाऊँगा।
मैं आपके दर्शन के लिए फिर आऊँगा।

21) अब आप जा सकता है।
अब आप जा सकते है।

22) मैंने आगरा जाना है।
मुझे आगरा जाना है।

23) वे एक सप्ताह रुकेगा।
वे एक सप्ताह रुकेंगे।

24) पिता जी आप वहाँ उस जगह बैठो।
पिता जी आप वहाँ उस जगह बैठ जाइए।

25) रमेश तीन आम खाए।
रमेश ने तीन आम खाए।

26) सुरेश, मालती और जूही खाना खा रही हैं।
सुरेश, मालती और जूही खाना खा रहे हैं।

27) तुम किताब पढ़ लिए हैं।
तुमने किताब पढ़ ली हैं।

28) महात्मा गाँधी का देश सदा आभारी रहेगा।
देश सदा महात्मा गाँधी का आभारी रहेगा।

29) शरीर पर कई अंग होते हैं।
शरीर के कई अंग होते हैं।

30) हमारे माता जी मेले में गए हैं।
हमारी माता जी मेले में गयी हैं।

31) मैंने एक व्यक्ति बहुत दुबला-पतला देखा।
मैंने एक बहुत दुबला-पतला व्यक्ति देखा।

32) ये कविता सुनकर आनंद की अनुभव हुआ।
यह कविता सुनकर आनंद का अनुभव हुआ।

33) जलसे में अनेकों लोग उपस्थित थे।
जलसे में अनेक लोग उपस्थित थे।

34) गत मास वह अपने घर पर ही रहेगा।
अगले मास वह अपने घर पर ही रहेगा।

35) हमारे को भी कुछ बताओ।
हमें भी कुछ बताओ।

36) उसके काम करने का ढंग मेरे को पसंद नहीं हैं।
उसके काम करने का ढंग मुझे पसंद नहीं हैं।

37) दस रुपया में यह खिलौना खरीदा है।
दस रुपये में यह खिलौना खरीदा है।

38) तितली के पास सुंदर पंख होते हैं।
तितली के सुंदर पंख होते हैं।

39) बालक छत में खेल रहे हैं।
बालक छत पर खेल रहा हैं।

40) हमने इसको विचार किया।
हमने इस पर विचार किया।

41) मोहन नया पोशाक पहन कर आया है।
मोहन नयी पोशाक पहन कर आया है।

42) उसने पुस्तक पढ़ चुकी है।
उसने पुस्तक पढ़ ली है।

43) मैं मेरे घर जा रहा हूँ।
मैं अपने घर जा रहा हूँ।

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44) हमने अच्छे-अच्छे काम करें।
हमने अच्छे-अच्छे काम किये।

45) उसने पुस्तक पढ़ चुका।
उसने पुस्तक पढ़ ली।

46) मेरा भाई विद्यालय में प्रवेश हो गया।
मेरे भाई ने विद्यालय में प्रवेश ले लिया है।

47) केवल यहाँ दो पुस्तकें हैं।
यहाँ केवल दो पुस्तकें हैं।

48) तुम्हें अभी बहुत बातें सीखना है।
अभी तुम्हें बहुत बातें सीखनी हैं।

49) जब भी आप आओ मुझसे मिलो।
जब भी आप आएँ, मुझसे मिलिए।

50) राम, लक्ष्मण और सीता वन को गई।
राम, लक्ष्मण और सीता वन को गए।

51) क्या आप भोजन किए हैं?
क्या आप ने भोजन किया हैं?

52) गत रविवार वह मुंबई जाएगा।
गत रविवार वह मुंबई गया था।

53) उसकी सौंदर्यता पर मैं मोहित हूँ।
उसके सौंदर्य पर मैं मोहित हूँ।

54) सुरेश को, महेश को और रमेश को कल मैंने साथ-साथ देखा था।
सुरेश, महेश और रमेश को कल मैंने साथ-साथ देखा था।

55) प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ रामचरितमानस से ली हैं।
प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ रामचरितमानस से ली गई हैं।

56) उत्तम चरित्र-निर्माण हमारे लक्ष्य होने चाहिए।
उत्तम चरित्र-निर्माण हमारा लक्ष्य होना चाहिए।

57) प्रधानाचार्य अध्यापक को बुलाए।
प्रधानाचार्य ने अध्यापक को बुलाया।

58) केवल यहाँ दो पुस्तकें रखी हैं।
यहाँ केवल दो ही पुस्तकें रखी हैं।

59) एक फूलों की माला ले आइए।
फूलों की एक माला ले आइए।

60) मेरे को घर जाना है।
मुझे घर जाना है।

61) क्या आप आ सकोगे?
क्या आप आ सकेंगे?

62) क्या आप पढ़ लिए हैं?
क्या आपने पढ़ लिया है?

63) पुलिस ने डाकुओं का पीछा किया गया।
पुलिस ने डाकुओं का पीछा किया।

64) केवल मात्र महिलाओं के लिए आरक्षित।
केवल महिलाओं के लिए आरक्षित है।

65) यहाँ लगभग कोई एक दर्जन के करीब संतरे हैं।
यहाँ लगभग एक दर्जन के करीब संतरे हैं।

66) अध्यापक से हिंदी पढ़ाई है।
अध्यापक ने हिंदी पढ़ाई है।

67) डाकुओं ने चौकी लूटी गई।
डाकुओं से चौकी लूटी गई।

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68) मैं आम खाया गया।
मुझसे आम खाया गया।

69) मोहन ने घर गया और सोया।
मोहन घर जाकर सो गया।

70) वह अभी तक नहीं पहुँचा, उसने इसी गाड़ी से जाना था।
वह अभी तक नहीं पहुंचा, उसे इसी गाड़ी से जाना था।

71) उन सबों ने काम नहीं किया।
उन सब ने काम नहीं किया।

72) वह लोग आ गए हैं।
वे लोग आ गए हैं।

73) मैं तेरे से नहीं बोलता।
मुझे तुमसे नहीं बोलना।

74) हमने इसको विचार किया।
हमने इस पर विचार किया।

75) मुझे एक चाय का गरम प्याला दो।
मुझे एक गरम चाय का प्याला दो।

76) मुंबई मोहन का भाई गया है।
मोहन का भाई मुंबई गया है।

71) अनेकों लोगों ने दूरदर्शन पर क्रिकेट मैच देखा।
अनेक लोगों ने दूरदर्शन पर क्रिकेट मैच देखा।

78) मेरे को अभी विद्यालय जाना है।
मुझे अभी विद्यालय जाना है।

79) मोहन ने रोटी खाया।
मोहन ने रोटी खाई।

80) मैंने तेरे को पुस्तक दी।
मैंने तुम्हें पुस्तक दी।

81) वहाँ अनेकों लोग आए हुए थे।
वहाँ कई लोग आए हुए थे।

82) आपको अभी बहुत बातें सीखना है।
आपको अभी बहुत बातें सीखनी है।

83) बालक छत में खेल रहे हैं।
बालक छत पर खेल रहे हैं।

84) केवल यहाँ दो पुस्तकें हैं।
यहाँ केवल दो पुस्तकें हैं।

85) मैंने भी आपके साथ चलना है।
मुझे भी आपके साथ चलना है।

86) यह तो मेरा पुस्तक है।
यह तो मेरी पुस्तक है।

87) मैने तेरे को पुस्तक दी थी।
मैंने तुम्हें पुस्तक दी थी।

88) तेरे को पिता जी ने बुलाया है।
तुम्हें पिता जी ने बुलाया है।

89) लड़का ने पत्र लिखा।
लड़के ने पत्र लिखा।

90) कृपया मेरे घर आने की कृपा करें।
कृपया मेरे घर आने का कष्ट करें।

91) कल तुमने घर में क्या करा था?
कल तुमने घर में क्या किया था?

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92) संभवत यह आज अवश्य आएगा।
आज संभवतः यह अवश्य आएगा।

93) तुम्हारा बोलना मेरे को पसंद नहीं है।
तुम्हारा बोलना मुझे पसंद नहीं है।

94) मेरे को लड्डू अच्छे नहीं लगते।
मुझे लड्डू अच्छे नहीं लगते।

95) ऐसा विनाश देखकर मेरा तो प्राण ही निकल गया।
ऐसा विनाश देखकर मेरे तो प्राण ही निकल गये।

96) इस पत्र पर अपना हस्ताक्षर कर दीजिए।
इस पत्र पर अपने हस्ताक्षर कर दीजिए।

97) कृपया, मुझे दो दिन का अवकाश देने की कृपा करें।
कृपया, मुझे दो दिन का अवकाश देने का कष्ट करें।

98) जहाँ तुम जाओगे, मैं जाऊँगा।
तुम जहाँ जाओगे, मैं वहाँ आऊँगा।

99) तेरे का घर मुझे मालूम है।
तुम्हारा घर मुझे मालूम है।

100) गर्म गाय का दूध स्वास्थ्यवर्धक होता है।
गाय का गर्म दूध स्वास्थ्यवर्धक होता है।

101) रोटी तो मिल गया लेकिन सब्जी नहीं मिली।
रोटी तो मिल गयी लेकिन सब्जी नहीं मिली।

102) हमारे को भी कुछ बताओ।
हमें भी कुछ बताओ।

103) यहाँ ताज़ा गन्ने का रस मिलता है।
यहाँ गन्ने का ताजा रस मिलता है।

1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 8 Environment and Society

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 8 Environment and Society

You can Download Chapter 8 Environment and Society Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Environment and Society One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Environment?
Environment means “That which surrounded us” or “environus”, which is helpful to man’s existence and progress has been divided into physical, biological and social environments.

Question 2.
How the term environment derived?
The word environment is derived from the French word ‘Environ’ which means all that surrounds us.

Question 3.
What do you understand by the term Ecology?
The term “eco” derived from Greek word, which means home. The concept of ecology indicate the entire world is a home for all living things and they are mutually related in the total environment.

Question 4.
Define Social Ecology.
Social ecology to carry out studies on how living begins continuously adjust themselves to the environment around them.

Question 5.
What is pollution?
According to P. H. Collin “pollution refers centralization of polluting things, created by man”.

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Question 6.
What is Air Pollution?
According to oxford dictionary, air pollution means “The compounds that get mixed with the atmosphere causes dangerous effects on useful plants, animals and human begins”.

Question 7.
What is Water Pollution?
Any activity of human begins resulting in variations in the water quality is known as water pollution.

Question 8.
What is Social pollution?
The decreases in the quality of the soil and changes in it due to various activities of the human is called as soil pollution.

Question 9.
What is pollution by Solid Waste?
A Pollution, chemical fertilizers, medicine and pesticides usage, industrial wastages and agricultural wastes are causing soil pollution.

Question 10.
Who introduced the concept of Greenhouse effect?
Joseph Fourier.

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Question 11.
What is Ozone layer?
Ozone layer is a natural protation. This gas layer protects the Earth from Sun’s ultraviolet rays entering it.

1st PUC Sociology Environment and Society Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 12.
What are the types of environment?
They are four types of environment they are:

  • Physical environment
  • Biological environment
  • Social environment
  • The science of ecology

Question 13.
Mention branches of Ecology.

  • Animal Ecology
  • Plant Ecology
  • Human or Social Ecology.

Question 14.
What are the sources of pollution?
The sources of pollution are:

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Solid pollution.

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Question 15.
Mention any two natural environment disasters.

  1. Earth quakes
  2. Floods
  3. Nature calamites etc.
  4. Air pollution
  5. Soil Pullution.

Question 16.
Mention any two Manmade environment disasters.
Spreading pollutants like smoke tar and dust

  • More population growing now days
  • Introducing more factor, industry etc.

Question 17.
What is Global warming?
Mother earth in the essence of the birth and fastening of all living creatures, the earth’s temperature increases when water vapour, carbon di oxide, methane, other harmful gases get collected in environment and this gases do not find an other naturally increases the earth’s temperature is known as Global warming.

Question 18.
What is Acid rain?
Factories and vehicles excrete sulphuric, Nitrogen oxides. These remain the environment for longtime. By chemical and photo chemical reac tions, sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed and combines with water vapors in the environment, This is called ‘Acid Rain’.

Question 19.
What is Green house effect?
Deforestation is one of the main reasons for this global warming Co2, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Nitric acid etc, results in increase in temperature of the globe. Joseph Fourier frend out this facts and called it as Green House Effects.

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Question 20.
What is Biodiversity?
It is the existence of a wide variety of species plants, animals and micro organisms in a natural habitatant within a particular environment or of genetic variation with in a species. All living organism have maintained their specific quality we find air water and temperature on this – earth including micro organisms birds and butterflies, aquatic plants and animals, wild animals like dinosaurs etc. all live on the earth

Question 21.
Mention any two environment movements.

  1. In 1993 chipco movement
  2. 1983 Appiko movement.

1st PUC Sociology Environment and Society Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain types of Environment.
The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means all that surrounds us.
Environment which is helpful to man’s existence and progress has been divided into physical, biological and social environments

Physical Environment: It consists of earth, water, mountains and hills, forests, planets, stars, lakes, minerals sources etc., This is called Physical or Natural Environment. The Physical Environment is not created by man: hence it is called the Natural environment.

Biological Environment: This category of environment includes all living things on • earth. For the production and growth of all living creatures, environment is complimentary and protecting.

Social Environment: Social Environment is man-made. Social environment is nothing but the collective and cooperative life of human beings. Sociologists feel that “man is a social animal and one cannot live without society”. For the survival of mankind there must be a cordial relationship with environment.

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Question 2.
Write a note on types of pollution.
The types of environment pollution are:
Air PollutionrAir pollution is caused by unwanted and rejected things in the atmosphere around us. According to Oxford dictionary air pollution means “The compound’s that get mixed with the atmosphere causes dangerous effects on useful plants, animals and human being.-,

Water Pollution: Water is essemial for all living things 2/3 portion on the earth is covered by watei, 97.2% of water on earth is mixed with solids and rest 2.8% only is left for drinking purpose Watei pollution occurs in three different forms

  • Inland pollution.
  • Underground pollution
  • Sea pollution.

Noise Pollution: Intolerable sound is considered as sound pollution, because intense sound result in physical and mental stress and also irritation. Sound pollution is also result due to various activities of human begins. Intensity of sound is measured in decibels while talking usual intensity of sound is 60 decibels.

Soil Pollution: The upper most layer of the earth is consisted of “Soil” This soil layer is * formed by the natural processes from millions of years. This layer supplies the necessary nutrients essential for the growth of the plants. The soil which feeds the plants is the reason for the existence of all biological system.

The decrease in the quality of the soil and changes in it due to various activities of the humans is called as soil pollution. Soil pollution lessens the productive nature of the soil and destroys the living beings in it and also its rejuvinable process.

Question 3.
What is Bio diversity? Describe.
Only the earth has provided essential environment to all kinds of species. The earth has been evolved since 460 billions of years. Since then evolution has been taking place stage by stage It is the existence of a wide variety of species- plants, animals and micro-organisms in a natural habitant within a particular environment or of genetic variation with in a species.

All living organisms have maintained their specific quality. We find air, water and temperature on this earth including micro organisms, birds and butterflies, aquatic plants and animals, wild animals like Dinosaurs etc., all live on this earth.

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Question 4.
What are the effects of Global warming?
The effects of Global warming
Mother earth is the essence for the birth and fastening of all living creatures. The earth’s temperature increases when water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, other harmful gases get collected in environment and when these gases do not find, an outlet naturally increase the earth’s temperature.

The whole ecological system is endangered by global warming. Wind movement is affected untimely rains, increase in temperature are the changes that occur It is a serious responsibility of the civilized world to control global warming and greenhouse effects. Preventive measures to be undertaken to control warming to protect the environment from greenhouse effects should impose strict laws on the excessive use of fuels. Use of chloro-phoro carbon chemicals should be banned totally.

Question 5.
What do you know about Acid Rain?
Acid rain: Factories and vehicles excrete sulphur, Nitrogen oxide. These remain the environment for longtime. By chemical and photo chemical reactions, sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed and combines with water vapor in the environment. This is called ‘Acid Rain’.

One country’s waste will be result in another countries acid rain. For example waste from factories and vehicles in India reaches environment and sulphur, corbondioxide will causes acid rain in Pakistan and China.

Acid rain refers to the ways in which acid form the atmosphere is deposited on the earth’s surface. Polluted things like sulphur, oxides and nitrogen oxides, coal, petroleum based coal then bum the smoke contributes to acid rain. Idol/ marbles will be leached because of acid rain. Leaves in the forests will be dropped down. Acid rain when they falls on the leaves destroys it.

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Question 6.
What is geographic environment and manmade environment ?
Geographic environment is also called natural environment for it consists of things that are provided by nature, this can also be called physical environment for it includes the physical conditions of life. The geographic or physical conditions exist independently of man’s existence. Man has limited and sometimes no control over them. This environment includes; the surface of the earth, natural resources, land and water, mountains and plains, fertile lands, and deserts, oceans, storms and cyclones, weather and climatic factors, seasons, etc. it includes biological conditions such as plants and animals with all theory complexities.

In order to control the conditions of his life man has created a new environment which can be called man made environment and some have called it socio cultural environment. Man through the introduction of science and technology has tried to modify the conditions of physical environment. It can be understood as outer environment, we what we are today, is because of the modifications of physical environment introduced by man’s technology.

It includes our hoses and cities our means of transport and communication, our comforts and conveniences, it also includes the vast systems of industry and machinery create by man. It covers in brief the whole apparatus of our civilization. Some anthropologists have called this part of socio¬cultural environment, material culture.

Question 7.
What is the functional importance of natural environment for the human beings?
The application of human ecological perspective points out at the three basic functions of natural environment for the human beings and also for many other animal species.

The Environment provides the resources essential for life. These resources include air, water and materials used to create shelter, transportation and such other needed products. If human beings exhaust these resources in an irresponsible way for example by polluting the water supply or destroying rain forests then serious consequences will be the result The environment houses our species: Environment is our home, our living space, the place where we reside work and play, at times we take this truth for granted, but some others times we forget it and make our own living conditions very unpleasant and horrible.

It is only when our air becomes heavy with smoke, dust etc., if our tap water turns brown, if toxic chemicals seep into our garden- only then we remember why it is vital to live in a healthy environment The environment serves as a waste respiratory: more than any other species on earth human beings produce a huge quantity and variety of products- bottles, boxes, papers, plastics, sewage, garbage, and so on. Various types of pollution have become more common ‘ because human societies are generating more waste than the environment can safely absorb.

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1st PUC Sociology Environment and Society Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the causes for environmental pollution?
The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means all that surrounds us.

Air Pollution:
Air pollution is caused by unwanted and rejected things in the atmosphere around us. According to Oxford dictionary air pollution means “The compounds that get mixed with the atmosphere causes dangerous effects on useful plants, animals and human beings”.

Causes for Air pollution: Man’s activities in the name of the modernization have damaged the living species. Man’s activities are also responsible for polluting air, causing dirt, dust and smoke. The Natural disasters like volcanic eruption, forest fire and bacteria also cause air pollution. Man has created industries, vehicles, atomic energy, excessive use of Petrol and other source of energy like Coal, and different types of mining also cause air pollution.

Water Pollution:
Water is essential for all living things 2/3 portion on the earth is covered by water, 97.2% of water on earth is mixed with solids and rest 2.8% only is left for drinking purpose.

Water pollution occurs in three different forms.

  • Inland pollution.
  • Underground pollution
  • Sea pollution.

Causes for water pollution: Water pollution is due to many factors. Factory wastes, Houses hold wastes and water from agricultural land, all these contributions to water pollution. Biological contamination like gutter water, food processing factories, skin and hide processing factories, insecticides,.drugs, various chemical colours contributes to water pollution.

Noise Pollution
Intolerable sound is considered as sound pollution, because intense sound result in physical and mental stress and also irritation. Sound pollution is also result due to various activities of human begins. Intensity of sound is measured in decibels while talking usual intensity of sound is 60 decibels.

Soil Pollution
The upper most layer of the earth is consisted of “Soil” This soil layer is formed by the natural processes from millions of years. This layer supplies the necessary nutrients essential for the growth of the plants. The soil which feeds the plants is the reason for the existence of all biological system.

The decrease in the quality of the soil and changes in it due to various activities of the humans is called as soil pollution. Soil pollution lessens the productive nature of the soil and destroys the living beings in it and also its rejuvinable process.

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Question 2.
Explain the effects of environment pollution on society.
Effects of Air pollution
Air pollution is a extensive problem badly affecting Man’s health, plants and Animals.

  • The minute particles of Sulphuric Dioxide, Coal, Silica, Barium and other chemicals cause lung cancer, heart diseases like hypertension.
  • Due to rapid technological radiation anemia, Leukemia, Cancer, Physical weakness are caused.
  • Due to air pollution world famous marble Taj Mahal is getting destroyed stage by stage. The rare intricate carvings are getting spoiled day by day.
  • Due to use of different fuels the temperature of the earth is increasing. This is called as Green house effect
  • The photo synthesis activities of plants and trees are showing down due to dirt and dust getting collected on leaves every day. This is sole reason for decreasing levels of oxygen in the air.

Effects of water pollution:

Water pollution leads to so many side effects. Those are:

  • Contaminated water results in various water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, Diarrhea, dysentery and other infectious diseases.
  • Contaminated water prevents photosynthesis and retards the growth of Plants and trees.
  • Because of oil leakage into the sea plants, sea animals and birds die. Every’ year nearly 50000 to 250000 birds die due to oil pollution of sea water.
  • Water pollution leads to damage of ozone layer.
  • If polluted water is used for agriculture, Poisonous/ dangerous molecules are added to the food by products. Agriculture yield also reduced by 17% to 30% if polluted water is used Effects of noise pollution

Sound pollution result in various effects. These are as follows:

  • If the sound is more than 120-150 decibels, it results in respiratory disorders, physical imbalance, vomiting and deafness.
  • Sound pollution results in mental problem, disinterest in the work and leads to many mistakes. It also has effects on Animals and birds behavior
  • It increase heart rate, B.P and other heart related problems
  • Contribution is affected resulting in loss of memory.

Effects on soil Pollution
Soil is one of the main source of the nature of pollution of the soil will leads to so many negative effects.

  • Reduction in the crop yield
  • The food obtained by the contaminated soil will spoil the human health
  • Soil contamination leads to the water scarcity in some regions causing the death of animal multitude
  • Contamination of soil will leads to the water pollution

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Question 3.
Explain why environmental problems are also social problems?
Pollution from the solid waste: The waste things those thrown out by the human beings that is domestic things and the pollution caused by their processing is the pollution of solid waste, if the thrown out things are put in a particular place in a cone shape in one year, height will equal to that of mount Everest every year in whole the world, 1000 tonnes of solid wastes thrown out.

The responsibility of recycling the solids wastes does by preventing the damage to the environment is on the modern society. The solid wastes must be controlled in the production stage itself the wastes must be divided and processed, and be used for compost manufacturing. The technology must improve for recycling the solid wastes and for preventing the harm.

Sea pollution: Even the sea water is not out of pollution. The industrial wastes chemicals, the . oil leakage occurred by the petroleum transporting, ships will imbalance the biological system of the sea. Mow the sea atmosphere is so much polluted so that the aqueous animals cannot be live there. Pouring of pollution causing things to the sea., thereby making the sea water unfit for the life of aqueous animals is called as sea pollution.

Global warming:Mother earth is the essence for the birth and fastening of all living creatures. The earth’s temperature increases when water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, other harmful gases get collected in environment and when these gases do not find, an outlet naturally increase the earth’s temperature.

The whole ecological system is endangered by global warming. Wind movement is affected untimely rains, increase in temperature are the changes that occur.

It is a serious responsibility of the civilized world to control global warming and green house effects. Preventive measures to be under taken to control warming to protect the environment from greenhouse effects should be impose strict laws on the excessive use of fuels. Use of chloro-phoro carbon chemicals should be banned totally.

Destruction of Ozone layer: In 1982 Foreman the scientist reported about the hole in ozone layer. On Antarctic earth surface. Ozone layer is a natural protection. This gas layer protects the earth surface from sun’s ultraviolet rays entering it.

As the ozone layer slowly getting damaged by the global warming threatening living species on the earth. Ultraviolet rays causes skin cancer. If man is continuously exposed to ultra violet rays his resistance power will decrease. This leads to health related problems like herpes, eyesight and cataract.

Acid rain: Factories and vehicles excrete sulphur, Nitrogen oxide. These remain the environment for longtime. By chemical and photo chemical reactions, sulphuric acid and nitric acid are formed and combines with water vapor in the environment.

Acid rain refers to the ways in which acid form the atmosphere is deposited on the earth’s surface. Polluted things like sulphur, oxides and nitrogen oxides, coal, petroleum based coal then burn the smoke contributes to acid rain. Idol/ marbles will be leached because of acid rain. Leaves in the forests will be dropped down. Acid rain when they falls on the leaves destroys it.

One country’s waste will be result in another countries acid rain. For example waste from factories and vehicles in India reaches environment and sulphur, Corbondioxide will causes acid rain in Pakistan and China.

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Question 4.
Explain legal and constitutional measures for Environmental pollution.
The legal and constitutional measures are:

As per 1948 rule it’s a mandatory to get permission from the granting commissions for establishment and extension of the factories. From this policy which directs the factories will have the full information about the chemical that can spill out from the factories .

The Atomic energy rule (1962). Each and every matter relating to the atomic energy will be directly affiliated to the Central government. This rule controls and directs the atomic energy related matters.

The 1972 rule of Wild life protection provided complete protection to the wild life and birds. As per the directed of this rule every state government and centralized states must create a committee for wild life suggestion. This law restricts the hunting of wild animals violates of this law will be punished .

Control and prevention of Water pollution act (1974) has enforced and the water pollution is prohibited through this law and for prevention of water pollution a special rule in 1981 is introduced( prevention on control of air pollution)

Environment protection act (1986) have intended to protect and improve the environment; it implements nationwide programs on environment pollution and encourages the researches on Environment Pollution.

The Motor vehicles act 1988 control the air pollution caused by the vehicle traffic.

The noise pollution act of 1989: This law controls the decibels of the sounds residential places, schools and colleges, hospitals, courts premises are declared as silent zones and prohibits using mikes crackers etc. in these areas.

1991 rule of Public Security: the Government of India has introduced this law in 1991 this law suggested to establish a environment solution fund and provided security to the citizen, it enables to lodge a criminal cases on the law breakers.

State pollution control board is active in state level and with the co-ordination of central pollution control board is engaged in the environment protection. Environment department will implement many works regarding environment protection.

Question 5.
What is the role of individual and society in environment protection?
The role of individual and society in environment pollution
Environment pollution is the Global problem caused by the modern industrial society, it’s a primary duty of every governments and sensible civilians:

  • To bring out the policies of environment and industries which are coordinate to environment protection
  • To control the uncontrolled urbanization and un-scientific urbanization through good city planning.
  • The water from the factories and domestic usage must be processed and let<to rivers and sea.
  • Prohibit the plastic use, inorganic waste things must be processed in for away places and can made to re-use
  • To establish separate dust bins to dry and raw wastes to help the public
  • Environment protection must be a main agenda for the public
  • Each and every one of the workers belt, with collars, and everyone must feel that the protection of environment is their first duty.
  • The researches about the environment protection must be encouraged through funding
  • All the projects regarding the Environment Protection must be implemented duly and succeed.
  • Use toilets must be mandatory
  • Bringing awareness in the public regarding the side effects of pesticides and the medicines.
  • To encourage organic agriculture.

The Government and private organizations role in India’s environment protection is important. In 1969 on the request by the Government of India for the protection of nature a fund for the nature protection is established. In 1980 Environment department and in 1983 environment, forestry and wild life departments are established.

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Question 6.
What is the major environment issues associated with pollution?
The environment loses in balance due to man’s activities and this in turn affects the all living things on this plant in harmful way. American arthoropologist Margaret Mead has remarked that “Pollution in the greatest challenge created by the growing mofem and technological civilization of the city.

Question 7.
What are the causes of Environmental pollution?
Population is caused by many factors among which the following may be noted:
Abuse of Nature by man for his Greed: Of all the living organisms it is only man who is causing pollution. Man’s attempts to use natural resources for genuine purposes are not problematic; but their greed by him, is causing this problem. According Write- “human greed and ignorance have allowed our culture to develop an ecological crisis like pollution”.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 7 Social Research

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 7 Social Research

You can Download Chapter 7 Social Research Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Social Research One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Social Research?
According to William P Scott Social research is any research that focuses on the study of human groups or the processes of social interaction.

Question 2.
What is Observation?
P. V. Young defines observation as “a systematic and a deliberated study through the eye of occurrences at the time they occur”.

Question 3.
What is a Questionnaire?
According to Goode and Hatt “questionnaire as a device for securing answers to question using a form which the respondent fills in himself’.

Question 4.
What is Primary data?
Primary data are those which are assembled for the specific purpose of solving a particular research problem.

Question 5.
What is Secondary data?
Secondary data are those already recorded foe some other purpose but used in research project.

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Question 6.
Bring out one difference between interview and questionnaire method.
Interview it is a direct method of direct collection of data, where as a questionnaire is a tool for data collection

1st PUC Sociology Social Research Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Mention two difference between primary data and secondary data.
The two difference between primary and secondary data.

  • Primary data is original data collected by the researcher from field study
  • The major sources of primary data are Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, and Social Survey

Secondary data.

  • It is collected by the researcher from different documents
  • It includes Personal Documents Public Documents Books, Periodicals’, Abstracts and Indexes

Question 2.
State two types of observations.
The two types of observations are:

  • Structured: In this form of interview, there are definite, concrete and predetmined questions are framed.
  • Unstructured : it includes a set of questions which are not structured in advances and which may be adjusted according to need during the question period.

Question 3.
State two types of sources of primary data.
The major sources of primary data are Observation, Interview, Questionnaire and Social Survey.

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Question 4.
State two types of sources of Secondary data.
The major sources of primary data are Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Social Survey.

Question 5.
Mention two demerits of observations.

  1. There is a danger of losing objectivity because of emotional attachments and over involvement or ego satisfaction.
  2. Some phenomena cannot be observed through participation for instant, an observer cannot become a criminal.

Question 6.
State two merits of questionnaire.

  1. It is economical and covers large number of people spread over a large area.
  2. It-is time saving because a large extent of respondents can be reached through mailed questionnaire.

Question 7.
What is meant by objectivity?
The Objectivity simple means the ability to see and accept facts as they are might wish them to be objectivity.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Research Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is primary data? Discuss its sources of data.
Primary Data is the information related to research collected by the researcher for the first time. This data is drawn from field study or from laboratories for the specific purpose of solving a particular research problem”.

Primary data is original data collected by the researcher from field study. Primary or secondary data are collected through various tools or meAnswer: The major sources of primary data are: Observation., Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule and Social Survey.

Question 2.
Discuss the source of Secondary data.
Secondary data is collected by the researcher from different documents. According to Roberta on and Wright, “ Secondary data are those already recorded for some other purpose but used in research project “It includes Personal Documents, Public Documents, Books Periodicals, Abstracts, Bibliographies and Indexes, Office Statistics, Year Book, Encyclopedia, Directories and others.

Question 3.
Discuss the role of interview method in data collection.
Interview: The very term implies “Interviewing is an interactional process, it is a mutual view of each other”.

Merits of structured Interview:

  • It provides safe basis for the generalization
  • In this method, interview’s bias can be restricted
  • It is more methodical and easy to administer.


  • The rigid and mechanical process, sometimes defeat the purpose of interview. It lacks the flexible nature and personal touch in interview.
  • In this method, there is a possibility that substances of interview obtain less importance than formal process and set up.

Unstructured (Oral) Interview: It is not rigid type of interview. In this method, there is flexibility in the entire process of interview. The interview has greater freedom to choose the form depending on situations. The flexibility nature of interview allows the interview to ask number, sequence, and method of questions according to requirements of situations.

Merits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview creates a congenial atmosphere for effective communication.
  • In a highly diverse society of India, the formal set up interview imposes serve limitations on interview. Unstructured interview is the only remedy for this problem

Demerits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview provides respondents to answer differently, this is difficult in analysis of data
  • To administer this type of interview, well trained and skilled persons are required
  • The more number of personal bias and prejudices may be the part of this method.

Merits of Interview method

  • It is possible to obtain highly reliable information and in depth knowledge
  • It is possible to obtain information about the past and also about future plans in a detailed manner.
  • There is a high rate of response
  • Interview method can be used with all types of persons.

Demerits of Interview method

  • There is a possibility of misleading information being given by the interview
  • There can be defects due to the interview who may not be the best person to give information
  • There can be defects due to the bias or prejudice of the interview himself. Interview is a difficult skill and needs training
  • It is a costly and time-consuming method.

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Question 4.
Discuss the difference between primary data and secondary data.
Primary Data is the information related to research collected by the researcher for the first time. This data is drawn from field study or from laborators for the specific purpose of solving a particular research problem”.

Primary data is original data collected by the researcher from field study. Primary or secondary data are collected through various tools or means. The major sources of primary data are : Observation., Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule and Social Survey

Secondary data is collected by the researcher from different documents. According to Roberta on and Wright, “ Secondary data are those already recorded for some other purpose but used in research project “It includes Personal Documents, Public Documents, Books Periodicals, Abstracts, Bibliographies and Indexes, Office Statistics, Year Book, Encyclopedia, Directories and others.

Question 5.
Define Research. What is social research?
Research is a “Systematized investigation to gain a new knowledge about social phenomena and problems we call it social research”
Modern society is dominated by Information and Communication Technology. Recent computers perform multi-dimensional functions. Various soft ware packages provide data on different topics. Use of internet provided world wide data on different subjects. Internet provides more up to data information, very large extent of data which is limitless because traditional print media has limited space in library. Internet access is available for 24 hours a day. research successfully save time, energy and resources due to use of internet.

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing techniques are common in America. It helps the researcher to collect data systematic way and computer easily store, classify and analyses the responses immediately completion of interview.

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Question 6.
Describe the importance of observation method in data collection.
The importance of Observation method in data collection are:

  • It is possible to observe the natural behavior of the group because the observer is not stranger.
  • It is possible to gather quantitatively more and quantitatively better information.
  • It is possible to get better insights into the phenomena because the observer is an insider. It is possible to observe secrete behavior.
  • It is possible to retain a high level of objectivity.
  • A non-participant observer is able to collect considerable information because of his open role as an observer and his eagerness to learn
  • It is possible to record behavior as it occurs, without any distortions. This gives highly qualitative data.
  • Observation is a flexible method of data collection
  • It is independent of people’s willingness to report.

Question 7.
Discuss briefly the technique of questionnaire method.
Techique include a set of questions which are not structured in advice and which may be adjusted according to need during the question period it is in flexible nature. It is used to collect data pertaining to personal experience opinions, attitudes etc.

Question 8.
Discuss the types of interview.
Interview: The very term implies “Interviewing is an interactional process, it is a mutual view of each other”.

Structured Interview : has predetermined questions and standard techniques. The number * of questions is also fixed. In this method of interview, number and nature of questions, order of asking them, wording of questions, recording system and everything in the interview process is standardized.

Merits of structured Interview:

  • It provides safe basis for the generalization
  • In this method, interview’s bias can be restricted
  • It is more methodical and easy to administer


  • The rigid and mechanical process, sometimes defeat the purpose of interview. It lacks the flexible nature and personal touch in interview
  • In this method, there is a possibility that substances of interview obtain less importance . than formal process and set up.

Unstructured (Oral) Interview: It is not rigid type of interview. In this method, there is flexibility in the entire process of interview. The interview has greater freedom to choose the form depending on situations. The flexibility nature of interview allows the interview to ask number, sequence, and method of questions according to requirements of situations.

Merits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview creates a congenial atmosphere for effective communication
  • In a highly diverse society of India, the formal set up interview imposes sei ve limitations on interview. Unstructured interview is the only remedy for this problem

Demerits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview provides respondents to answer differently, this is difficult in analysis of data
  • To administer this type of interview, well trained and skilled persons are required
  • The more number of personal bias and prejudices may be the part of this method.

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Question 9.
Explain the importance of computers and Internet in social research.
Modern society is dominated by Information and Communication Technology. Recent computers perform multi-dimensional functions. Various soft ware packages provide data on different topics. Use of internet provided world wide data on different subjects.

Internet provides more up to data information, very large extent of data which is limitless because traditional print media has limited space in library. Internet access is available for 24 hours a day. research successfully save time, energy and resources due to use of internet.

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing techniques are common in America. It helps the researcher to collect data systematic way and computer easily store, classify and analyses the responses immediately completion of interview

Question 10.
Write short notes on the focused interview and repeated interview.
This is a differentiated form other types of interview by the following characteristics.

  • It takes place with persons known to have been involved in particular concrete solution.
  • It refers to situations which have been analyzed prior to the interview.
  • It proceeds on the basis of an “interview guide” which outline the major areas of the inquiry.

The Repeated Interview: This type of interview is particularly useful in attempts to trace the specific development of social or psychological process, that is, repeated at some interview to know and to record the progressive reaction or response of the interviewee on the very same matter, say, general elections.

Paul Lazarsfeld and his association made extensive use of this repeated interview technique in their study of how the voter makes up his mind in a presidential campaign, these interviews secured the progressive reaction of the voter and also helped to know about the influence of various factors entering into the choice of a president.

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Question 11.
What is closed form and open end type questionnaire.
In closed form questionnaire, a number of alternative answers are provided at the end of each questions and the task is, the informant has to choose one of them, this is also called “poll- type” or “selective-type” of questionnaire for the informant has to select one among the answers supplied by the investigator himself.

In open-end type questions are not followed by any ready-made answers, the informant has to think of the answer himself and he is free to answer as he likes, the open-end responses are free and spontaneous expressions on the part of the informant who is not limited in his replies to a particular question posed to him. this is called “inventive type” for the respondent has to think of or invent the answer himself.

The respondent may be asked to write a descriptive essay and express his view point, describe his relationships, attitudes, indicate his problems, and repost on details and events without restrictions imposed as in the type of closed questions.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Research Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Discuss the sources of data.
In the process of conducting research, data collection is important stage. In general, collecting information related to the problem under research is called data collection. According to William Scott “information collected from observation or measurement from which attempt is made to develop generation or conclusion is called “Data are divided into two types:

Primary and Secondary Data.
Primary Data is the information related to research collected by the researcher for the first time. This data is drawn from field study or from laboratories for the specific purpose of solving a particular research problem”. Primary data is original data collected by the researcher from field study. Primary or secondary data are collected through various tools or means. The major sources of primary data are : Observation., Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule and Social Survey.

Secondary data is collected by the researcher from different documents. According to Roberta on and Wright, “ Secondary data are those already recorded for some other purpose but used in research project “It includes Personal Documents, Public Documents, Books Periodicals, Abstracts, Bibliographies and Indexes, Office Statistics, Year Book, Encyclopedia, Directories and Others.

Question 2.
Explain the concept of Social Research.
Report Writing in final stage in Social Research process. It consists in communicating the finding of the study or investigation to others. There are different types of report. Report to general public is simple clear and interesting. Report meant to organizers, it is detailed. A report meant for scientific community must be technical.

A good report should be clear and accurate. It will not have any confusion. It should explain objectives of the study and comprehensive report must be properly organized with suitable arrangement and systematic presentation. It should be ethically neutral. It should not consist personal bias and prejudices. Report should have suitable writing style and attractive presentation. It should be always prepared according to the objectives of the study.

Report has no standard outline. But is should included a clear statement of the problem, information on finding and conclusions. In the preliminary of the report, there should be a Title page, preface or foreword, acknowledgements, methodology adopted, list Or graphs, illustrations, tables, charts it should have table of contents.

The contents of the report should have an introduction, which explains objectives of the study, statements of the problem and its definition, hypothesis, definitions of concent* review of literature and previous studies, scope, time and place of present study assumptions and limitations. Finally, report should include reference materials also. It includes Bibliography, appendices, glossary of terms and index. Certain format is followed in giving bibliography. Generally author’s name, year of publication, name of the book, referred page numbers, address of publisher is provided in reference. All these aspects of report, explain relevance of the study.

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Question 3.
Discuss the techniques of data collection in social research.
The techniques of data collection are: Observation is a regulated perception of facts and circumstances with a definite purpose in view There are two types of observation on the basis of different criteria:

Controlled and Uncontrolled observation: Controlled observation implies the use of various tools and instruments to control one or more variable. It usually takes place in a laboratory. Uncontrolled observation is also called unaided observation because it is made in the natural environment without exercising any controls on the phenomena observed.

Participant and Non-Participant Observation: The Participant observation method focus on observer or researcher participants in the social phenomena under study. Whereas in Non-participant observation or researcher does not participate, is a loof and observes the life and activities of the group in a passive manner.

Merits of participant Observation

  • It is possible to observe the natural behavior of the group because the observer is not stranger.
  • It is possible to gather quantitatively more and quantitatively better information.
  • It is possible to get better insights into the phenomena because the observer is an insider.
  • It is possible to observe secrete behavior.


  • There is a danger of losing objectives because of emotional attachment and over-involment or ego-satisfaction
  • Some phenomena cannot be observed through participation. For instance, an observer cannot become a criminal.

Merits of Non-Participant Observation

  • It is possible to retain a high level of objectivity.
  • A non-participant observer is able to collect considerable information because of his open role as an observer and his eagerness to learn.


  • It is not possible to get information on many aspects of life and activities because observation is limited to formal occasions and organizations.
  • It is not possible to gain insights into many aspects of behavior because the observer is an outsider.

Merits and limitation of Observation

  • It is possible to record behavior as it occurs, without any distortions. This gives highly qualitative data.
  • Observation is a flexible method of data collection
  • It is independent of people’s willingness to report.


  • Data collected through observation cannot be quantified
  • There is a danger of bias, especially hidden bias.
  • Observation cannot be used to study private behavior
  • Observation is limited by the duration of the event.

The very term implies “Interviewing is an interactional process, it is a mutual view of each other”.
Structured Interview: has predetermined questions and standard techniques. The number of questions is also fixed. In this method of interview, number and nature of questions, order of asking them, wording of questions, recording system and everything in the interview process is standardized.

Merits of structured Interview:

  • It provides safe basis for the generalization
  • In this method, interview’s bias can be restricted
  • It is more methodical and easy to administer


  • The rigid and mechanical process, sometimes defeat the purpose of interview. It lacks the flexible nature and personal touch in interview
  • In this method, there is a possibility that substances of interview obtain less importance than formal process and set up.

Unstructured (Oral) Interview: It is not rigid type of interview. In this method, there is flexibility in the entire process of interview. The interview has greater freedom to choose the form depending on situations. The flexibility nature of interview allows the interview to ask number, sequence, and method of questions according to requirements of situations.

Merits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview creates a congenial atmosphere for effective communication .
  • In a highly diverse society of India, the formal set up interview imposes serve limitations on interview. Unstructured interview is the only remedy for this problem

Demerits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview provides respondents to answer differently, this is difficult in analysis of data
  • To administer this type of interview, well trained and skilled persons are required
  • The more number of personal bias and prejudices may be the part of this method.

Merits of Interview method

  • It is possible to obtain highly reliable information and in depth knowledge
  • It is possible to obtain information about the past and also about future plans in a detailed manner.
  • There is a high rate of response
  • Interview method can be used with all types of persons.

Demerits of Interview method

  • There is a possibility of misleading information being given by the interviewee
  • There can be defects due to the interview who may not be the best person to give information
  • There can be defects due to the bias or prejudice of the interview himself. Interview is a difficult skill and needs training
  • It is a costly and time-consuming method.

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Question 4.
Write short note on 1. Observation 2. Social Research 3. Role of computers in Social research.
Observation: Observation is a regulated perception of facts and circumstances with a definite purpose in view

There are two types of observation on the basis of different criteria:

Controlled and Uncontrolled observation: Controlled observation implies the use of various tools and instruments to control one or more variable. It usually takes place in a laboratory. Uncontrolled observation is also called unaided observation because it is made in the natural environment without exercising any controls on the phenomena observed.

Participant and Non-Participant Observation: The Participant observation method focus on observer or researcher participants in the social phenomena under study. Whereas in Non-participant observation or researcher does not participate, is a loof and observes the life and activities of the group in a passive manner.

Merits of participant Observation

  • It is possible to observe the natural behavior of the group because the observer is not stranger.
  • It is possible to gather quantitatively more and quantitatively better information.
  • It is possible to get better insights into the phenomena because the observer is an insider.
  • It is possible to observe secrete behavior.


  • There is a danger of losing objectives because of emotional attachment and over-in volment or ego-satisfaction
  • Some phenomena cannot be observed through participation. For instance, an observer cannot become a criminal.

Merits of Non-Participant Observation

  • It is possible to retain a high level of objectivity.
  • A non-participant observer is able to collect considerable information because of his open role as an observer and his eagerness to learn.


  • It is not possible to get information on many aspects of life and activities because observation is limited to formal occasions and organizations.
  • It is not possible to gain insights into many aspects of behavior because the observer is an outsider.
    Merits and limitation of Observation


  • It is possible to record behavior as it occurs, without any distortions. This gives highly qualitative data.
  • Observation is a flexible method of data collection
  • It is independent of people’s willingness to report.


  • Data collected through observation cannot be quantified
  • There is a danger of bias, especially hidden bias.
  • Observation cannot be used to study private behavior
  • Observation ig limited by the duration of the event.

Social research:
Report Writing in final stage in Social Research process. It consists in communicating the finding of the study or investigation to others. There are different types of report, report to general public is simple clear and interesting. Report meant to organizers, it is detailed. A report meant for scientific community must be technical.

A good report should be clear and accurate. It will not have any confusion. It should explain objectives of the study and comprehensive report must be properly organized with suitable arrangement and systematic presentation. It should be ethically neutral. It should not consist personal bias and prejudices. Report should have suitable writing style and attractive presentation. It should be always prepared according to the objectives of the study.

Report has no standard outline. But is should included a clear statement of the problem, information on finding and conclusions. In the preliminary of the report, there should be a Title page, preface or foreword, acknowledgements, methodology adopted, list or graphs, illustrations, tables, charts it should have table of contents.

The contents of the report should have an introduction, which explains objectives of the study, statements of the problem and its definition, hypothesis, definitions of concepts, review of literature and previous studies, scope, time and place of present study assumptions and limitations. Finally, report should included reference materials also. It includes Bibliography, appendices, glossary of terms and index. Certain format is followed in giving bibliography.

Generally authors name, year of publication, name of the book, referred page numbers, address of publisher is provided in reference. All these aspects of report, explain relevance of the study.

Role of computers in social research:
Research is a “Systematized investigation to gain a new knowledge about social phenomena and problems we call it social research”.
Modern society is dominated by Information and Communication Technology. Recent computers perform multi-dimensional functions. Various soft ware packages provide data on different topics. Use of internet provided world wide data on different subjects. Internet provides more up to data information, very large extent of data which is limitless because traditional print media has limited space in library. Internet access is available for 24 hours a day. research . successfully save time, energy and resources due to use of internet.

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing techniques are common in America. It helps the researcher to collect data systematic way and computer easily store, classify and analyses the responses immediately completion of interview.

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Question 5.
Describe the merits and demerits of interview.
The very term implies “Interviewing is an interactional process, it is a mutual view of each other”.

Structured Interview : has predetermined questions and standard techniques. The number of questions is also fixed. In this method of interview, number and nature of questions, order of asking them, wording of questions, recording system and everything in the interview process is standardized.

Merits of structured Interview:

  • It provides safe basis for th&generalization
  • In this method, interview’s bias can be restricted
  • It is more methodical and easy to administer


  • The rigid and mechanical process, sometimes defeat the purpose of interview. It lacks the flexible nature and personal touch in interview
  • In this method, there is a possibility that substances of interview obtain less importance than formal process and set up.

Unstructured (Oral) Interview: It is not rigid type of interview. In this method, there is flexibility in the entire process of interview. The interview has greater freedom to choose the form depending on situations. The flexibility nature of interview allows the interview to ask number, sequence, and method of questions according to requirements of situations.

Merits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview creates a congenial atmosphere for effective communication.
  • In a highly diverse society of India, the formal set up interview imposes serve limitations on interview. Unstructured interview is the only remedy for this problem

Demerits of Unstructured Interview

  • The informal nature of interview provides respondents to answer differently, this is difficult in analysis of data
  • To administer this type of interview, well trained and skilled persons are required
  • The more number of personal bias and prejudices may be the part of this method.

Merits of Interview method

  • It is possible to obtain highly reliable information and in depth knowledge
  • It is possible to obtain information about the past and also about future plans in a detailed manner.
  • There is a high rate of response
  • Interview method can be used with all types of persons.

Demerits of Interview method

  • There is a possibility of misleading information being given by the interview
  • There can be defects due to the interview who may not be the best person to give information
  • There can be defects due to the bias or prejudice of the interview himself. Interview is a difficult skill and needs training
  • It is a costly and time-consuming method.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 6 Social Change

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 6 Social Change

You can Download Chapter 6 Social Change Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Social Change One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is change?
According to samuel koening “Social change refers to modification which occure in the life patterns of People.

Question 2.
What is social change?
According to M. E. Lones “social change is a term used to describe variations in our modification of any aspect of social process. Social patterns, social interactions or social organization”

Question 3.
What is Evolution?
According to Morris Ginsberg “The notion that evolution is a movement from the simple to the complex can be and has been seriously disputed”.

Question 4.
Give meaning of the term evolution.
The term evolution is emerged from the Latin word ‘Evolvere’ which means to unfold’or to ‘develop’.

Question 5.
What is progress?
The Progress means to a forward movement of Population from one area to another.

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Question 6.
What is global village?
Communication skills, transportation methods changed to such extent that today human world is called as global village

Question 7.
What is migration?
Migration is one of the most influential activities which brings changes in the society,

Question 8.
Who is the author of the book “The origin of Species”?
Charles Darwin is the author of the book ‘the origin of species’.

Question 9.
Who introduced the term evolution?
Herbert Spencer introduced the term evolution.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Change Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define Social change?
According to M. E. Jones: “Social change is a term used to describe variations in our modification of, any aspect of social process social patterns, social interactions or social organization. According to Samuel Koenig “ Social change refers to modification which occurs in the life patterns of people”.

Question 2.
Give two characteristics of social change?
The two characteristics of social change are:

  • Social change is universal
  • Complex phenomenon
  • Social change is change in community
  • Social change is continuous and temporal ,

Question 3.
Give two examples for Natural change.
Food habits, Human activities.

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Question 4.
Give two examples for Biological change.
Family Planning, Birthrate

Question 5.
Give two examples for Cultural Change.
Discovery, Invention

Question 6.
Give two examples for Technological change.
Mobile Phone, Computers.

Question 7.
Give two legislations brought change in India.
legislations, specially social legislations brought social reforms Through the notice of social change concept of welfare state in modem state directly express change in the life style of people.

Question 8.
Give two differences between progress and evolution.

Progress Evolution
Progressive is a mobility from inferior to superior which express ideal Evolution is in one direction it is always move from homogeneity to heterogeneity
Progress is change towards definite goal, if progress involves human satisfaction Evolution is a continuous process. It is intrinsic and it continues only within the structure.

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Question 9.
Define development.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, development means a gradual unfolding a fallen working out of details of anything it is in this sense that we often speak of the development of a child or of a disease, but the case of social development it is difficult to speak in the same way.

Question 10.
How do you consider “social change” as an objective term?
The term social change is an objective term because it has not value-judgments attached to it. In sociology, social change as a social phenomenon is neither moral nor immoral, but amoral.

Question 11.
Mention any two characteristics of social change.
Two characteristics of social change are

  • Social change is universal
  • It involves tempo and some direction.

Question 12.
What do you mean by planned social change?
When social change is conditioned by human decisions, efforts, plans and programmers to bring about definite results, it is called “planned social change”.

Question 13.
What do you mean by unplanned social change?
Unplanned change refers to change resulting from natural calamities such as famines and floods, earthquakes volcanic eruptions, etc.

Question 14.
What is social development?
The concept of social development is generally used by people to mean the development of society its improvement or advancement.

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Question 15.
Mention any two character tics of social progress.
The two features of progress are:

  • Social progress is basically a type of change but it denotes a change towards some goal.
  • It is defined in terms of our values.

Question 16.
Mention any two differences between social change and social progress.
The two differences between social change and social progress are:

  • Social change is an objective term social progress is an abstract and a normative term.
  • The word social change indicates no direction, but the word social progress denotes change taking place towards some directions.

Question 17.
Mention any two factors of social change.
The two factors of social change are:

  • Geographic factors and
  • Technological factors.

Question 18.
Name any two social geographers.
Huntington, Lombroso, Le Play and others were known as great social geographers

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Question 19.
What is technology?
According to Horton and Hunt “technology is the use of scientific discoveries to solve practical problems”.

Question 20.
Mention any two effects of technology.
The two effects of technology are:

  • Technology has led to industrialization and urbanization
  • Technology has led to technological unemployment.

Question 21.
What is modernization?
Modernization is a process in which the characteristics and life-styles of the more advanced societies are acquired by the people of less advanced societies.

Question 22.
In what way our habit can also resist social change.
Habits resisting social change: individuals are very much influenced by habits and customs. People are not ready to give up a practice to which they have been habituated to and adopt a new one.

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Question 23.
State as to how economic disparity leads to resistance for social change.
Economic disparity and resistance to change: Wide gap between the rich and poor also poses problems for change. People who have economic difficulties or problems cannot take the risk of inviting or supporting new things. They fear that such a step may prove to be very costly for them.

1st PUC Sociology Social Change Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the role of Natural factor which brings social change.
Natural factor or Geographical factors:

(i) Change brought by natural conditions or change brought by environment is called as physical factor or geographical factors. Man and society exist within the environment. Whenever change occur in environment it brings change in society too.

(ii) According to Ian Robertson, relationship between social and environmental factors bring change in society. We find less change in polar region. More on banks of river. When society grows complex. It brings more loss on geographical factors. Civilization brings convenience to man but develops controversies with environment.

(iii) Recently because of technological and scientific developments we find less influence of physical factor. Growth of culture and civilization minimize the influence of geography.

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Question 2.
Explain the role of Biological factor social change.
Biological factor: It indicates two types (A) One is non human biological factor and (B) Second is human biological factor. It is true that both constitute total life on earth.

Mclver and page are the opinion that demographic or biological factors involves (1)size of population (2) structure of population (3) Heredity (4) race (5) Birth rate (6)Death rate (7) fertility (8)sex ratio

Six of population: People are assets, without men and women this society is useless. But the size of population is to balanced. We know that according to Malthus, more population leads to poverty. Similarly optimum size of population, theory explains that there should be balance between population and production of food. It fails we find change in society. To maintain balanced society we want population.

Birth rate and death rate: A high birth rate and low death rate leads to population increase. This brings various problems, like poverty, unemployment, housing problems etc Similar lower birth rate and higher death rate brings changes in society like that of scarcity of human resources, decrease in efficiently. This may create defense r blem in nation.

Migration: It is one of the most influential activities which brings changes in society. Migration means movements of population from one area to another. There are two types of migration (1) Urban rural migration (2) Rural urban migration.

Age and sex ratio: Population constitutes three elements in its structure children, youth and old. In every society the members of below fourteen years and more. But in china due to strick’ One child norm,’ there is decrease in 0-14 years age children ratio. If youth population low economic development.

Question 3.
Explain the role of cultural factor Social change.
Cultural factor: Man is a social human being. Also man is a cultural being, the term society itself express that, it is a cultural phenomenon. Without culture it is difficult to understand social life.
Mainly three process can be observed which bring change:

  • Discovery, discovery is the perception which unfold a reality that already exists, for egg. Vasco- D-Gama discovered way to India by sea.
  • Invention: invention is use of existing knowledge to produce something that did not exist before
  • Diffusion: diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one culture to another. For egg. Western culture is spreading in east. Buddhism and its culture spread in China and Shri Lanka.

Question 4.
Distinguish between progress and evolution.
The difference between progress and Evolution

Progress Evolution
Progress is a change towards desired goal. Evolution is a definite term explained definite features in change
Progress is subjective and is value based. Evolution is slow and step by step process
Progressive is a mobility from inferior to superior which express ideal. Evolution is in one direction it is always move from homogeneity to heterogeneity
Progressive is change towards definite goal, if progress involves human satisfaction. Evolution is a continuous process. It is intrinsic and it continues only within the structure.

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Question 5.
Explain How desire for stability resist change.
Desire for stability:
Society and its functions go smooth with required stability. Individuals are safe in stable society. Change disturbs the balance in present society. Often change brings insecurity to people in society. Common men feel

  1. No guarantee in new social system, and
  2. New things may bring pain.
  3. Pleasure and comforts may not exists in new
  4. Wants to maintain present status.
    Therefore, members in stable conditions do not accept change. Desire for stability is guard against change.

Question 6.
Explain the three processes brought changes in cultural factor.
Man is a social human being. Also man is a cultural being, the term society itself express that, it is a cultural phenomenon. Without culture it is difficult to understand social life.

Mainly three process can be observed which bring change:

  • Discovery: discovery is the perception which unfold a reality that already exists, for egg. Vasco- D-Gama discovered way to India by sea.
  • Invention: invention is use of existing knowledge to produce something that did not exist before.
  • Diffusion: diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one culture to another. For egg. Western culture is spreading in east. Buddhism and its culture spread in China and Shri Lanka.

Question 7.
Explain the consequences of social changes.
Change is inevitable. Both man and society must agree to face the changes. Human history, explain the struggle of man and society against the consequences of sopial change. Social change bring two types of changes one is positive change, which helps human life. Other type is negative in direction for which man show his resistance. Social development, social progress, social reformations can be listed as positive changes.

Threat by natural calamity, environmental imbalance Ecological crises, war, pests, famine are the examples for change in negative direction in society.
Change in one aspect bring change in another parts of society. Direct change can be observed immediately but indirect consequences in other part of society is to be studied. Extent of change may be small but its effect is wide, and slowly influences in future. Technological changes created an arena for industrialization urbanization and modernization. Such changes brought new social problems like, slums, housing, rural urban migration. Such new consequences are in India also.

Ogbum explains that material culture changes whereas non material culture changes slow, which bring the consequences like cultural lag society always suspended by the problems of cultural lag, in simple we always talk about generation gap. After 1947 political changes in India brought many social changes. India accepted democracy.

Conclusion: All changes are not harmful and unjustifiable. Change and resistance to change both are advantageous and disadvantageous. Community should be cautious before it look to change. Specially in adopting new scientific inventions, there is need to study its effect on environment, pollution is a grave problem in modem world. Evaluation is always necessary before adopting artificial change. Change is meaningful and harmful. Society admits or rejects on its need.

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Question 8.
Write a note on development.
Owing to the weakness ofthe analogy between biological and social evolution. Some sociologists preferred to used the term ‘Social Development’ to refer to the process of historical change. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Development means a gradual unfolding a fuller working out of details of anything. In the recent sociological literature the term Development is used firstly to refer to the distinction between two types of societies, namely Industrial Society and Rural and agricultural society.

Question 9.
Mention any five characteristics of social change.
The characteristics of social change are:

Social change is Universal and Continuous: The change is true for all societies. Whether it is east or west, urban or Rural societies, for example in rural society change may be slow in urban society change may be rapid. Today in India we find rapid change from north to south. The extent of change may be different but every part of society changes.

Social Change is Continuous and Temporal: Social change never stops. It continues and is continuous. It is also called a process. Social change happens in time period and it is called as temporal. We see in society that many innovations, alterations, modifications take place from time to time regularly. Time is the best yard stick to measure change. We observe two different phenomena in two different time period.

Social change is Inevitable: Naturally change is inevitable because it is natural. Natural phenomena are inevitable to society. Hence, social changes are inevitable. Social change does not occur according to the interest of man. Social change does not go according to our interest only. It is changing naturally. Man changes its direction and speed.

Inclusive Organisation : Society is the most inclusive organisation. As we have seen earlier, the concept Society may be analysed from both structural and functional view points. In its wider sense, it is used to refer to human race as a whole. In its narrower sence, it is applied to a tribe consisting of only few hundred people or families. The concept includes the total social heritage of folkways, mores and institutions; of habits, sentiments and ideals; also the groups in reciprocal relationships interacting upon one another.

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Question 10.
Differentiate between social change and social progress.
The terms “change” and “progress” are interrelated. The fpllowing table highlights the. differences between the two

Change Evolution
1. The term “change” is a general term. It denotes all types of changes 1. The term “evolution” is a specific term. It implies only one form of change.
2. Change could be slow or fast. Evolutionary or revolutionary. 2. Evolution implies a slow and a gradual transformation.
3. Change could take place in any direction. It could be matrilineal, progressive or regressive, short-run or long-run and so on. 3. Evolution takes place in only one direction. It is unidirectional. It proceeds from simplicity to complexity.
4. Change is a continuous process but it need not necessarily take place in the structure alone. 4. Though evolution implies “continuous” change it always takes place from “within” that is in the structure.

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Question 11.
Distinguish between change and evolution.
The term “change” and “evolution”, though interrelated are not one and the same. Main differences between them are mentioned below:

Change Progress
1. Change implies a variation or an alteration or modification in an object or a situation. 1. The term “progress” implies not only change, but change in a desired direction, towards the fulfillment of a goal
2. Change is an objective term. It does not indicate the direction in which change is taking place. It does not involve value- judgments. 2. It is an abstract concept. But it definitely involves and implies value-judgments. Whenever the change is for the better, for an upward trend, there is progress.
3. It is silent its outcome, in the sense, it neither appreciates nor welcomes, nor condemns its effects. It is neutral. 3. Social progress connotes improvement, betterment, going up from a lower position. Hence, it is welcomed and appreciated.
4. The term ‘social change’ as used in sociology implies an analytical term. Unlike ‘social progress’. It is not a value- loaded term. Hence it is not associated with the elements of human happiness or unhappiness. 4. When we speak of progress we imply not merely direction, but direction towards some final goal, some destination determined ideally. Progress always refers to the change that leads to human happiness.

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Question 12.
Explain any five factors that resist the process of social change.
The factors that resist the process of social change. Lack of New Inventions: Social changes depends on the invention of new objects, techniques, thoughts, devices and plans to a great extent. Changes will take place without much opposition if the people have the strong craving for new things. Lack of inventions as such, do not provide a favorable atmosphere for change.

Rejection or Non-Acceptance of New Inventions: No change is possible if people go on rejecting the new inventions. Ex (1) Dr. William Harvey’s Blood Circulation. Theory, and Galileo’s theory concerning the planetary system and the movements of earth, were opposed in the beginning (2) opposition came in the British Parliament for the use of steam energy in British Naval Ships.

Imperfections of New Inventions: In the beginning, inventions are generally subject to imperfections, such as inadequate performance, easy breakage, and difficulty of repair. Social inventions also have imperfections in the beginning. People may oppose them for their inadequacies.

Fear Towards the New: Man has not only love for the past but also fear for the new. People express their fear for the new while making use of the new objects, listening to the new thoughts and following a new practice.

Tradition and Reverence for the past: People are traditional in their attitudes, the old and the traditional practices and things and ideas are upheld by the people. People are emotionally and sentimentally bound by them.

Question 13.
Examine the concept of “social evolution”.
The term “evolution” is borrowed from the biological science to sociology. Herbert Spencer, a – British sociologist, made evolution a “universal principle” in his book “First Principles”. He replaced the term “organic evolution” by “social evolution” in sociology. Whereas the term “organic evolution” is used to denote the evolution of organism, the expression “social evolution” is used to explain the evolution of human society. Here the term implies the evolution of man’s social relations. It was hoped that the theory of social evolution would explain the origin and development of man’s social life and his society.

The concept of Social Evolution- As Popularized By Herbert Spencer: It was Herbert Spencer, who made the concepts of evolution and social evolution the central concepts in his sociological theories. Spencer, who adopted the concept of Evolution spoke in terms of the four main principles of social evolution. They are as follows.

Social evolution is but the cultural aspect of the law of cosmic evolution.
Social evolution takes place in the same way in which cosmic evolution takes places Social evolution is gradual and Social evolution is progressive.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Change Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define social change. Explain the characteristics of social change.
According to M. E. Jones: “Social change is a term used to describe variations in our modification of, any aspect of social process social patterns, social interactions or social organization Characteristics of social change are:

Social change is universal: The change is true for all societies. Whether it is east or west, urban or Rural societies, for example in rural society change may be slow in urban society change may be rapid. Today in India we find rapid change from north to south. The extent of change may be different but every part of society changes

Complex Phenomenon: Change may take place part by part or change may occur as a whole. The direction of change, variations of change are different or mixed together. Therefore we call change as a complex phenomenon.

Social change is change in community.’ Social change is no change in individual or the change in personality of individual. In sociology we study change as change in community or change in social life entirely. Many aspects influences community.

Social change is continuous and Temporal : Social change never stops. It continues and is continuous. It is also called a process. Social change happens in time period and it is called as temporal. We see in society that many innovations, alterations, modifications take place from time to time regularly. Time is the best yard stick to measure change. We observe two different phenomena in two different time period.

Social change varies from society to society: Speed and extent of social change varies from society to society. One may change fast or other may change slow or in one factor we see fast change and another factor we see slow change. In one part of society or in one section of society, there may be differences in change. Similarly the directions of social changes are different. Upward changes in society for one or the other reasons may go downward likewise speed and extent varies.

Social change is inevitable: Naturally change is inevitable because it is natural. Natural phenomena are inevitable to society. Hence, social changes are inevitable. Social change does not occur according to the interest of man. Social change does not go according to our interest only. It is changing naturally. Man changes its direction and speed Social change is a process of synchronization: We cannot say that change destroys past and creates new. New emerges out of old only. Some new and some aspects are combined together in the process of change, in society also we see the synchronization of old and new.

Social changes shows chain-Relation sequence: Society is complex. Society is a dynamic whole, consisting of mutually related parts. Change in one part usually reacts on other part. This we call it as chain reaction. Social change shows chain relation or chain link.

Social change has no value judgment: The term social change is neutral. When change occurs we try to look to change as good or bad. Moral or immoral but social scientists look to the mater as amoral. Change may be beneficial or harmful. The industrial revolution in world is both progressive and regressive, but we study the changes caused by industrial revolution. Industrials ion in India helped to promote jobs also brought negative effect on traditional professions.

Social change may be planned and unplanned: Both man and nature are caused for social change. When we find change by man according to his choice, we call it as planned change, when nature but its process changes we call it as unplanned change. Society is guided by both artificial and natural aspects. All manmade aspects are artificial. Others are natural.

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Question 2.
Explain the role of Technology brought social change.
Use of machines and technological tools are common in modem soci ‘ Scientific development and approach towards making life more convenient, help the grow di of society Ogbum and Nimkoff remark that the Most novel phenomena in society is not capitalism but Mechanization. The role of technology can be discovered in the following ways:

Transport and communication: After 18th century, we see big changes in society due to industrialization, communication and transportation. Such development took place only because of growth in technology. As a result now modem technology has changed the joint family system and its relationships. Communication skills, transportation methods changed to such extent that today human world is called as “Global Village”.

Growth of classes: Industrialization leads to growth of urbanization. Industrialization brought opportunities for new professions. Youths are provided new jobs. Along with it new “Class” system developed in society. Society is classified as upper middle and lower class.

Agriculture: Changes in the agricultural technology directly influenced rural community invention of new agricultural tools and techniques’ chemical manures brought increase in agricultural production which influenced standard of living in village.

Question 3.
Describe the factors that resist social change.
Ogburn and Nimkoff says that sometimes “Boon to society is also opposed”

The factors for resistance are:

Inadequacy of invention: For one or the other reason. People may or may not show interest in inventions. Some time the innovatory fails to convince the community. Inventions do not impress community life or are needful by that perfect of time.

Fear: Men in general are happy with present. People always .feel that new disturbs or may bring new problems. When Thomas Edison invented electric bulb, exhibition of illuminating electric bulb was arranged, immediately when electric bulb illuminated, people ran away with fear. Earlier people did not show interest in photography.

Ignorance: Education and training make him intelligent. Even though man is ignorant about new. Before he is given proper knowledge his ignorance make him to resist. Secondly some men do not even learn to live. They are happy with their ignorance. America took generations to learn use of iron plough. Material change and its resistances is temporary. For example Mahatma Gandhiji and his efforts are still in process to bring “non alcoholic society”.

Habit: Man develops his personality thorough socialization. Once developed Personality cannot be changed easily. Personality is a complex whole of many habits. Habits force man to follow traditions. Habits influence our thoughts and dialylife.. people hesitate to accept new rules and regulations in society.

Vested Interests: Vested Interest are selfish groups who want statuesque. Most social changes carry a threat to some vested interests. Land Reform Act in India brought change. But such change and legislative reformations were opposed by land lords. Orthodox society is always in fear of losing its interests, it opposes inter caste marriage.

Economic Costs: Money play important role in adopting social change. For example to implement five year planning Indian government invested money. In recent tears cost of planning is raising. Some of the welfare measures like education, health, housing are lagging behind.

Lack of an integrated approach: Society is combination of different parts, for example religion, education, government are in social system only. Change in one element brings change in another part also. When we want to bring change in religion it is necessary to bring change in education system also. To eradicate blind belief or evil practices all other conditions in prevailing society should be changed.

Technical difficulties in implementation: Looking to new technical innovations, society adopt its life style. Community many times accepts technical changes immediately, but does not accept some time. Technical devices should be restructured or they are not suitable to the conditions, hence there is hindrance in acceptance.

Intellectual Laziness: Creativity drive the attention immediately. Lack of creativity in man does not accept new. Active men agree to modem condition. Lazy do not. To understand the importance of new one must show interest in it. when there is lack of interest and do not pay attention, it is difficult to make men to change themselves.

Desire for stability: Society and its functions go smooth with required stability. Individuals are safe in stable society. Change disturbs the balance in present society. Often change brings insecurity to people in society. Common men feel

  1. No guarantee in new social system, and
  2. New things may bring pain.
  3. Pleasure and comforts may not exists in new
  4. Wants to maintain present status.
    Therefore, members in stable conditions do not accept change. Desire for stability is guard against change.

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Question 4.
Explain the various factors of social change.
According to M. E. Jones “Social change is a term used to describe variations in our modification of, any aspect of social progress, social patterns, social interactions or social organization” The various factors of social change

In all societies there are several conditions or causes that make for social change. These conditions are understood as factors. The change may occur internally. All the factors which bring change in society naturally or change comes from within society is known as intrinsic change.

Natural factor or Geographical factors:
Change brought by natural conditions or change brought by environment is called as physical factor or geographical factors. Man and society exist within the environment. Whenever change occur in environment it brings change in society too.

Aecording to Ian Robertson, relationship between social and environmental factors bring change in society. We find less change in polar region. More on banks of river.
When society grows complex. It brings more loss on geographical factors. Civilization brings convenience to man but develops controversies with environment.
Recently because of technological and scientific developments we find less influence of physical factor. Growth of culture and civilization minimize the influence of geography.

Biological factor: It indicates two types A) One is non human biological factor and B) Second is human biological factor. It is true that both constitute total life on earth. Mclver and page are the opinion that demographic or biological factors involves l)size of population 2) structure of population 3) Heredity 4) race 5) Birth rate 6)Death rate 7) fertility 8) sex ratio

Six of population: People are assets, without men and women this society is useless. But the size of population is to balanced. We know that according to Malthus, more population leads to poverty. Similarly optimum size of population, theory explains that there should be balance between population and production of food. It fails we find change in society. To maintain balanced society we want population.

Birth rate and death rate: A high birth rate and low death rate leads to population increase. This brings various problems, like poverty, unemployment, housing problems etc Similar lower birth rate and higher death rate brings changes in society like that of scarcity of human resources, decrease in efficiently. This may create defense problem in nation.

Migration: It is one of the most influential activities which brings changes in society. Migration means movements of population from one area to another. There are two types of migration 1) Urban rural migration 2) Rural urban migration.

Age and sex ratio: Population constitutes three elements in its structure children, youth and old. In every society the members of below fourteen years and more. But in china due to strick’One child norm’ there is decrease in 0-14 years age children ratio. If youth population low economic development.

Cultural factor: Man is a social human being. Also man is a cultural being, the term society itself express that, it is a cultural phenomenon. Without culture it is difficult to understand social life.

Mainly three process can be observed which bring change:

  •  Discovery: discovery is the perception which unfold a reality that already exists, for egg. Vasco- D-Gama discovered way to India by sea.
  • Invention: invention is use of existing knowledge to produce something that did not exist before
  • Diffusion: diffusion is the spread of cultural elements from one culture to another. For egg. Western culture is spreading in east. Buddhism and its culture spread in China and Sri Lanka.

Use of machines and technological tools are common in modem society. Scientific development and approach towards making life more convenient, help the growth of society Ogbum and Nimkoff remark that the Most novel phenomena in society is not capitalism but Mechanization. The role of technology can be discovered in the following ways:

Transport and communication: After 18th century, we see big changes in society due to industrialization, communication and transportation. Such development took place only because of growth in technology. As a result now modern technology has changed the joint family system and its relationships. Communication skills, transportation methods changed to such extent that today human world is called as “Global Village”.

Growth of classes: Industrialization leads to growth of urbanization. Industrialization brought opportunities for new professions. Youths are provided new jobs. Along with it new “Class” system developed in society. Society is classified as upper middle and lower class.

Agriculture: Changes in the agricultural technology directly influenced rural community invention of new agricultural tools and techniques’ chemical manures brought increase in agricultural production which influenced standard of living in village.

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Question 5.
Analyze the consequences of social change.
Change is inevitable. Both Man and society must agree to face the changes. Human history, explain the struggle of man and society against the consequences of social change. Social change bring two types of changes one is positive change, which helps human life. Other type is negative in direction for which man show his resistance. Social development, social progress, social reformations can be listed as positive changes. Threat by natural calamity, environmental imbalance Ecological crises, war, pests, famine are the examples for change in negative direction in society.

Change in one aspect bring change in another parts of society. Direct change can be observed immediately but indirect consequences in other part of society is to be studied. Extent of change may be small but its effect is wide, and slowly influences in future. Technological changes created an arena for industrialization urbanization and modernization. Such changes brought new social problems like, slums, housing, rural urban migration. Such new consequences are in India also.

Ogburn explains that material culture changes whereas non material culture changes slow, which bring the consequences like cultural lag society always suspended by the problems of cultural lag, in simple we always talk about generation gap. After 1947 political changes in India brought many social changes. India accepted democracy.

Conclusion: All changes are not harmful and unjustifiable. Change and resistance to change both are advantageous and disadvantageous. Community should be cautious before it look to change. Specially in adopting new scientific inventions, there is need to study its effect on environment, pollution is a grave problem in modern world. Evaluation is always necessary before adopting artificial change. Change is meaningful and harmful. Society admits or rejects on its need.

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Question 6.
Define social change. Explain its characteristics.
According to M. E. Lones “social change is a term used to describe variations in our modification of any aspect of social process. Social patterns, social interactions or social organization” The characteristics of social change are:

Social change is Universal and Continuous
The change is true for all societies. Whether it is east or west, urban or Rural societies, for example in rural society change may be slow in urban society change may be rapid. Today in India we find rapid change from north to south. The extent of change may be different but every part of society Changes.

society changes Social Change is Temporal:
Social change never stops. It continues and is continuous. It is also called a process. Social change happens in time period and it is called as temporal. We see in society that many innovations, alterations, modifications take place from time to time regularly. Time is the best yard stick to measure change. We observe two different phenomena in two different time period.

Social change is Inevitable and Environment:
Naturally change is inevitable because it is natural. Natural phenomena are inevitable to society. Hence, social changes are inevitable. Social change does not occur according to the interest of man. Social change does not go according to our interest only. It is changing naturally. Man changes its direction and speed

Social change is Human Change:
The sociological significance of the change consists in the fact that it involves the human aspect. The composition of society is not constant, but changing. The fact that people affect change and are themselves affected by it makes change extremely important.

Factors of Social change:
Social change results from an interaction of a number of factors. A single factor may trigger a particular change, but normally is always associated with a number of factors. The physical, biological, technological cultural and other factors may together bring about social change.

Question 7.
Describe the factors that resist the social change.
The factors that resist the process of social change.

Lack of New Inventions: Social changes depends on the invention of new objects, techniques, thoughts, devices and plans to a great extent. Changes will take place without much opposition if the people have the strong craving for new things. Lack of inventions as such, do not provide a favorable atmosphere for change.

Rejection or Non-Acceptance of New Inventions: No change is possible if people go on rejecting the new inventions. Ex (1) Dr. William Harvey’s Blood Circulation Theory, and Galileo’s theory concerning the planetary system and the movements of earth, were opposed in the beginning (2) opposition came in the British Parliament for the use of steam energy in British Naval Ships.

Imperfections of New Inventions: In the beginning, inventions are generally subject to imperfections, such as inadequate performance, easy breakage, and difficulty of repair. Social inventions also have imperfections in the beginning. People may oppose them for their inadequacies.

Fear Towards the New: Man has not only love for the past but also fear for the new. People express their fear for the new while making use of the new objects, listening to the new thoughts and following a new practice.

Tradition and Reverence for the past: People are traditional in their attitudes, the old and the traditional practices and things and ideas are upheld by the people. People are emotionally and sentimentally bound by them.

Ignorance: Due to ignorance people often oppose new inventions and changes. It usually takes time for a new discovery or a tool or a technique to be understood.

Habit: Habit is another obstacle to social change. Individuals are very much influenced by habit and customs. People are not ready to give up a particular to which they have been habituated to, and adopted a new one.

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Question 8.
Write a shot note on Social evolution and social developments.
The term “evolution” is borrowed from the biological science to sociology. Herbert Spencer, a British sociologist, made evolution a “universal principle” in his book “First Principles”. He replaced the term “organic evolution” by “social evolution” in sociology. Whereas the term “organic evolution” is used to denote the evolution of organism, the expression “social evolution” is used to explain the evolution of human society. Here the term implies the evolution of man’s social relations. It was hoped that the theory of social evolution would explain the origin and development of man’s social life and his society.

The concept of Social Evolution-As Popularized By Herbert Spencer: It was Herbert Spencer, who made the concepts of evolution and social evolution the central concepts in his sociological theories. Spencer, who adopted the concept of Evolution spoke in terms of the four main principles of social evolution. They are as follows.

  • Social evolution is but the cultural aspect of the law of cosmic evolution.
  • Social evolution takes place in the same way in which cosmic evolution takes places Social evolution is gradual and
  • Social evolution is progressive.
  • Social Development

The term development like evolution is not used in a precise manner in our sociological literature. In ordinary usage “development” means “a gradual unfolding” a fuller working out of the details of anything the growth of what is in the germ and so on. It implies expansion maturity and advancement. It denotes qualitative changes whether they are positive or negative.

The concept of social development is generally used by people to mean the development of society, its improvement or advancements. It is also used to mean the generally economic development of the society. It denotes an arrangements within society to make provision for a more equal distribution of income and wealth within the various sections of the society. It also reflects a state of affair that ensures the moral development of people.

Question 9.
What is technology? Examine the social effects of technology.
According to Horton and Hunt “Technology is the use of scientific discoveries to solve practical problems”
Use of machines and technological tools are common in modem society. Scientific development and approach towards making life more convenient, help the growth of society Ogburn and Nimkoff remark that the Most novel phenomena in society is not capitalism but Mechanization. The role of technology can be discovered in the following ways:

Transport and communication:
After 18th century, we see big changes in society due to industrialization, communication and transportation. Such development took place only because of growth in technology. As a result now modem technology has changed the joint family system and its relationships. Communication skills, transportation methods changed to such extent that today human world is called as “Global Village”.

Growth of classes:
Industrialization leads to growth of urbanization. Industrialization brought opportunities for new professions. Youths are provided new jobs. Along with it new “Class” system developed in society. Society is classified as upper middle and lower class.

Changes in the agricultural technology directly influenced rural community. Invention of new agricultural tools and techniques’, chemical manures brought increase in agricultural production which influenced standard of living in village.

In many Countries the growth of Industries has contributed to the growth of cities or urbanization. Urbanization denotes a diffusion of the influence of Urban centers to a Rural Hinterland.

Technology has led to modernization “Modernization” is a process which indicates the adoption of the modem ways of life and values. It indicates a change in peoples food habits, dress habits, speaking styles, tastes, choices, preferences, ideas and etc.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 5 Social Institutions

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 5 Social Institutions

You can Download Chapter 5 Social Institutions Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Social Institutions One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is marriage?
According to Robert H. Lowie Marriage is a permanent bond between permissible mates.

Question 2.
Mention any one function of marriage.

  1. Regulation of sex life
  2. Marriage leads to the establishment of the family.

Question 3.
Define family.
According to Ogburn and Nimkoff “ It is a group united by the ties of marriage with or without children.

Question 4.
State any one primary function of the family.

  1. Member replacement and physical maintenance
  2. Status transmission.

Question 5.
Who is the author of the book The History of Human Marriage?
Edward Westermark was the author of the book, The History of Human Marriage.

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Question 6.
Give a definition of marriage.
According to Edward Westermarck defined “The history of human marriage as a relation of ‘ one or more men to more women which is recognized by custom or law and involves certain rights and duties both in the case of parties entering the union and in the case of the children of it”.

Question 7.
What is monogamy?
Monogamy restricts the individual to one spouse at a time under this system, at any given time a man can have one husband and women can have only one husband.

Question 8.
What is polygyny?
One husband with two or more wives

Question 9.
What is sororal polygyny?
Preferential rules for the choice of wives/ husband are followed in some polygamous societies in certain societies males marry the wife’s sisters such marriages are termed as sororal polygyny.

Question 10.
What is polyandry?
Polyandry means one wife with two or more husband

Question 11.
What is Fraternal polyandry?
Fraternal polyandry is by for the most common in these societies, a group of brothers, are collectively the husband of a woman.

Question 12.
What is non Fraternal Polyandry?
Non- Paternal polyandry the wife spend time with husband who are not related to each other.

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Question 13.
How is the word family derived?
The word family is derived from Latin word Famulus which means a servant.

Question 14.
Give a definition of family.
According to Ogbum and Nimkoff “It is a group united by the ties of marriage with or without Children.”

Question 15.
What is a joint family?
A joint family means an old mand and his wife, their son the Son’s wife and son’s childeren married and unmarried childerens.

Question 16.
What is a nuclear family?
Nuclear family is one which consists of the husband, wife or wives and their children.

Question 17.
Define religion?
According to Durkheim in his book “The elementary forms of Religious life” defines Religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things that is to say, things set apart and forbidden”

Question 18.
Define Education?
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous efforts to impose on the child ways of seeing feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously

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Question 19.
Write any one function of Education.
Preservation function, Reformative function.

Question 20.
What is the etymological meaning of Education?
The term education derived from the Latin word Educare which means ‘To bring up’.

Question 21.
Write the Durkheim’s definition of Education?
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous efforts to impose on the child ways of seeing feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously

Question 22.
State any one function of Education?
Allocative function, Reformative funcation.

Question 23.
State any one types of Education?
Informal education.

Question 24.
What is informal Education?
Family is the first school and the mother is the first teacher is the dictum that sufficiently explains the role of informal education.

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Question 25.
Mention any one agent of Informal Education?
Family, is the agent of Informal education.

Question 26.
What is Formal Education?
The non- formal stream in the educational system also aims to give relevant information without assessments tests and so on.

Question 27.
State any one agent of formal Education?
School is the agent of formal education.

1st PUC Sociology Social Institutions Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is marriage? Give one definition?
According to Edward Westermarck defined marriage in his works “The history of human marriage as a relation of one or more men to more women which is recognized by custom or law and involves certain rights and duties both in the case of parties entering the union and in the case of the children of it”.

Question 2.
Explain any one feature of marriage.
Marriage is more or less a universal institution.

Question 3.
Give any two functions of marriage.
The two functions of marriage are:

  • Regulation of sex life
  • Marriage regulates sex relations also
  • Marriage leads to the establishment of the family
  • Provides for economic co-operation

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Question 4.
What is marriage? What are its forms?
Marriage is an important and universal social institution. As a social institution, it provides a recognized form for entering into a relatively enduring sexual relationship for the bearing and rearing of children. It is thus primarily a way of regulating human reproduction it forms are:
More marriage has mainly three forms :

  • Monogamy
  • Polyguny
  • Polyandry.

Question 5.
What is polygamy? What are its types?
Polygamy denotes marriage to more than one mate at one time and takes the form of either Its types are:

  • Polygyny
  • Polyandry

Question 6.
What is polygamy? What are its types?
Polygamy denotes marriage to more than one mate at one time and takes the form of either Its types are:

  • Sororal Polygyny
  • Non- sororal Polygyny

Question 7.
What is polyandry? Name two communities who practiced poltandry?
Polyandry means one wife with two or more husband:
The two communities who practiced polyandry are:

  • Some tribes in South India, to das are considered
  • A classic example for Polyandrous People.

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Question 8.
What is family? Give one definition?
The basic unit of the social structure in every society is the family. It associated with such emotive issues as love, marriage, home and childbearing.

According to Maclver and Page “Marriage is a durable association between husband and wife for procreation and upbringing of children and requires social approval”

Question 9.
Explain any one distinctive feature of family?
The features of family are:

  • Family is a universal
  • Biological basis of the family
  • Limited size
  • Functions of family

Question 10.
List any two function of family?
The two functions of families are:

  • Primary functions
  • Secondary functions

Question 11.
List any two secondary function of family?
The two secondary functions of family are:

  • Economic function.
  • Educational function
  • Religious function
  • Recreational function

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Question 12.
Write any two functions of religion?
The two functions of religion are:

  • Supernatural and the sacred
  • Beliefs and practice
  • Provides moral prescriptions
  • Methods of salutation

Question 13.
Mention any two functions of religion?
The two functions of religion are:

  • Social solidarity
  • Social control
  • Social change

Question 14.
Define education.
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous efforts to impose on the child ways of seeing feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously.

Question 15.
State any two Characteristics of Education.
The two characteristics of education are:

  • Preservative function
  • A locative function
  • Reformative function

Question 16.
Mention any two function of Education.
The two characteristics of education are:

  • Preservative function
  • At locative function
  • Reformative function

Question 17.
Define two types of Education.
The two types of education are:

  • Informal education
  • Formal education

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Question 18.
State the role of family in informal Education.
Family is the first school and mother is the first teacher is the dictum that sufficiently explains the role of informal education in moulding human nature and personality.

Question 19.
How is the term ‘education ‘derived.
The term ‘Education’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Educare’. Which means to bring up, to rear and to bring faith.

1st PUC Sociology Social Institutions Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the characteristics of marriage?
The characteristics of marriage are:

Marriage is more or less a universal institutional: It is found among the pre¬literate as well as literate people. It is enforced as a social rule in some of the societies. For example. In Japan celibacy is publicly condemned. In Korea, unmarried individual are called‘Half’persons. Among the Hindus, marriage is a sacrament which is regarded as more or less obligatory.

The Todas ofNilagiri refuse to perform funeral rites for a girl if she dies before her marriage. But they do perform it after completing some sort of marriage ceremony for the corpse. According to the Chinese philosopher Confucius, an individual who remains unmarried throughout his life commits a crime.

Relationship between Man and Woman: Marriage is a union of man and woman. It indicates a relationship between one or more men to one or more women. Who should marry whom? One should marry how many? Are the questions which represent social rules regarding marriage differ significantly.

Marital bond is relatively durable: Marriage indicates a long lasting bond between the husband and wife. Hence, it is not co-extensive with sex life. It excludes relationships with prostitutes or any other sexual relationship which is viewed as casual and not sanctioned by custom, law or church. Marital relationship between man and women lasts even after the sexual satisfaction is obtained.

Marriage requires social approval: A union of man and woman becomes a marital bond only when the society gives its approval. When marriage is given the hallmark of social approval, it becomes a legal contract.

Marriage is associated with some civil or religious ceremony: Marriage gets its social recognition through some ceremony. This ceremony may have its own rites, rituals, customs, formalities, etc, it means marriage has to be concluded in public and in a solemn manner. Sometimes as s sacrament it receives the blessing of religion. Marriage among the Hindus, for examples, is regarded as a sacrament. It is connected with the sacred rituals such as- Vagdana. Homa, Kanyadana, Magalia Dharana, Saptapadi, Ashmarohana, etc

Marriage creates mutual obligations: Marriage imposes certain rights and duties on both the husband and wife. Both are required to support each other and their children.

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Question 2.
Briefly explain the secondary functions of family.
The secondary function are:

Economic function: Family an important unit of both production and consumption, but today, modem families mainly earn incomes. Thus, their principles function is that of the consumption of goods and services which they purchase. Because of income the provision of economic support for family members is a major function of the modem family.

Educational function: In the modem world child learns basic skills at formal school and colleges. At the same time child learn its mother tongue and traditions skills and talents at home. Traditions families were associated with vocational education because families were associated with a particular task.

Religious function: Family is the centre for the Religious training of the children who learn various religious virtues from their parents. Rituals, ceremonies and worship are carried out on which made the outlook of children.

Recreational function: Family provides Recreation to its members. It may be day today interaction among the members in several occasion such as feasting, gathering, marriage, festival enhances happiness.

Thus family is a school of civil virtues. The virtues of love, co-operati

Inter-institutional linkage: Each baby is a potential participant in the group life of the society. Family relationship with other institutions like religious, political, economic, recreational and other kinds of organizations typically gives individuals an opportunity to participate in these activities. The family, then, not only prepares the individual to play social roles and occupy a status in the community, but also provides the opportunities for such activity.

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Question 3.
Explain the types of family.
On the basis of structure, the family has been classified as (1) nuclear and (2) joint family. Nuclear family is one which consists of the husband, wife or wives and their children. The children leave the parental households as soon as they are married. A nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of the elders. Since the newlyweds creates a separate residence the physical distance between parent and married child parent and grandparent minimized the interdependence between them.

Joint family can be viewed as a merger of several nuclear families. Thus a small joint family may include an old man and his wife, their son, the son’s wife and the son’s children, two nuclear families, the son being a member of both. A large joint family may include the old man and his four wives, their unmarried children and married sons, and the son’s wives, their unmarried children. A joint family may be crammed into a single house, or it may occupy a cluster of houses within an joint family compound, or the houses mat be more widely dispersed than this.

Question 4.
Define Religion.
Religion: Religion is an individual as well as group phenomenon. It consists a body of believes, a set of practices,-a range of moral prescriptions covers the entire spear of human life from . birth to death. It helps in spelling out the goals of life and for their realization, exercise powerful influence on the processes of socialization and social control, the sociology of religion studies the social contexts of religion; and the role of religion in shaping and reshaping the social order.

According to Durkheim, in his book “The elementary forms of Religious life” defines Religion “as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things that is to say, things set apart and forbidden”. James G Frazer considered Religion as a belief in power superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and Human life.

Singer: in his book “Religion, Society, and the Individual” Religion, involves a group of people and a shared system of believers and practices. Every religion emphasizes the need for collective worship, festival and rituals are occasions which bring people together.

Durkheim, a pioneering sociologist, equates god with society, so much so that, when you worship God you are worshipping your own society. According to Durkheim God is a human creation and a social at that. God is, in fact, born in the collective experience of coming together, leading to rituals.

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Question 5.
Explain the basic elements of religion.
James G Frazer considered Religion as a belief in power superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and Human life.

Elements of Religion:

Supernatural and the Sacred: At the centre of almost every religion lies the idea of the supernatural. It is something beyond physical understanding. It is omnipotent infinite or extraordinary. According to E. B. Tylor Belief in supernatural begins is called religion.

Belief in the supernatural begins might also include belief in other kinds of begins like magic forces, angles or soul of dead ancestors, believers might arrange the supernatural begins in a hierarchy according to their power or they may differentiate the supernatural begins in terms of their functions. It should be interesting to note that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the three Hindu Gods, are said to perform the function of creation of the cosmic order, its maintenance and destruction, respectively.

Beliefs and practice: Religious belief is a system of knowledge about the divine and its relationship with the human. It is simply not enough to believe in the existence of a supernatural force. The knowledge of its existence must be explained to people and to generations to come. Belief serves this purpose of revealing the existence of the supernatural or divine or the sacred. Belief explains the nature of the divine.

Provides Moral Prescriptions: Religion is the source of moral values, and religion without moral prescription is virtually not possible. Religion can distinguish between the right and the wrong, more powerful than other social institutions.

Methods of Salvation: Methods of salvation constitutes another elements of Religion. If may be in various forms like attaining moksha, Nirvana, Salvation, and the Christian has a redeemer in Christ, the son of God, who gave his life for man’s Sin. In short religion is the institutionalized set of beliefs men hold about super natural forces belief are formalized and regularized.

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Question 6.
Explain the functions of religion?
Singer: in his book “Religion, Society, and the Individual” say that Religion, involves a group of people and a shared system of belives and practices. Every religion emphasizes the need for collective worship, festival and rituals are occasions which bring people together. Functions of Religion: Religion is an important universal institution in human society. It is a part of society, interwoven with all other aspects of human life. It is obvious that religion has an important role in society, it performs a number of important functions:

Social Solidarity:
(a) Emile Durkheim, defines religion as “a unified system of belief and practice related to sacred things”. A thing is sacred not because of a peculiar quality inherent in the thing itself. What makes a thing sacred is an attitude filled with emotion and sentiment a feeling that certain things are above and apart from the ordinary matters of everyday life.

(b) By defining the values and moral beliefs as sacred, religion provides them with greater power to direct human action. Social obligations are transformed into religious duties, in worshipping society men recognize the importance of the group, their dependence upon it.

(c) Collective worship as a means of reinforcing social solidarity in a social group. In collective ceremonials, the members of a group express their faith in common values and belief, a sense of group solidarity is affirmed and frightened.

(d) Malinowski argues that religion promotes social solidarity by dealing with situations pf emotional stress such as birth, puberty, death, accidents and natural disaster which threaten social conension.

(e) Religious beliefs provide the ultimate justification for the values of social system. It provides support for social standard, socially accepted behavior. Thus the doctrines of Karma and Dharma in Hinduism. The Christian society maintains the tradition like Christmas, baptism and monogamous marriage, and tries to encourage conformity to society’s norms.

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Question 7.
What do you mean by A locative function?
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous effort to impose on the child ways of seeing, feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously A locative function: The education process, with its different specialization, different levels and certification process which goes along with it, allocates the younger generation to various roles in society according to their possession of or lack of appropriate diplomas and degree, specifying particular skills, abilities and values.

Thus it legitimizes the existing distribution of position of socio-economic gains and power by convincing the losers or relative loss that their failure in life is due to their failure in education, which interim is due to their lack of abilities. Moreover, this a locative function induces greater demands for more and more education and thus contributes to the expansion of education system and increase the common people’s dependence on and subjugation to, it is that some of the so called universal goals of education ‘ in a society articulate the thinking of philosophers and social reformers of the times.

Question 8.
What is Reformative function of Education?
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous efforts to impose on the child ways of seeing feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously Reformative function Education is of fundamental significance to the development and progress of human society. Although education as a process of socialization.

Education has also the capacity to liberate the human mind from shackles of the past and the present. It has the potential to make men question the ruling values and norms in society, to make them rebel- against the existing social constraints and to solutions to the developed social contradiction and constraints outside the framework of he established system. This we call the transformative, progressive or reformative function of education.

The American sociologists Bowles and Gintis argues that the major role of education in modem world is the reproduction of labor power. The education system helps to achieve these objectives largely through the hidden curriculum. It is not the content of lessons and the examinations that pupils take which are important, but the form that teaching and learning take and the way that schools are organized. The hidden curriculum consists of those things that pupils learn through the experience of attending school, rather than the stated educational objectives of such institutions.

According to Bowles and Gintis, the hidden curriculum shapes the future workforce in the following ways:

  1. it helps to produce a subservient workforce of uncritical, passive and docile workers. Far from living up to liberal ideal of encouraging self-development.
  2. Bowles and Gintis claim that the hidden curriculum encourages an acceptance of hierarchy. Schools are organized on a hierarchical principle of authority and control.
  3. At school, pupils learn to be motivated by external rewards, just as the workforce in a capitalist society is motivated by external rewards. Because students have so little control over, and little feeling of involvement in, their schoolwork, they get little satisfaction from studying.

Question 9.
What do you mean by preservative function?
The educational system tries to embrace almost all people where they are young and equip them with at least the minimum skills of literacy and numeracy education. Preservation function: As the transmission of culture is needed for the preservation of social order, it is also called the preservation function of education. Social structure persists only with the aid certain values and these values have to be handed down to the next generation.

When the values and skills become absolute with the passage of time replacing them with new vistas is also a major function of education. With the growth of modern economy and the . complexity of socio-economic structure. This is usually achieved through the political and administrative apparatus. The knowledge, skill and values acquired through education not only meet the economic needs of society but also permeated with a social ‘content corresponding to the existing socio-economic and political structure and the consequent social stratification and distribution of power in society.

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Question 10.
Explain the Education and the characteristics of Education.
The educational system tries to embrace almost all people where they are young and equip them with at least the minimum skills of literacy and numeracy education.

Preservative function: As the transmission of culture is needed for the preservation of social order, it is also called the preservation function of education. Social structure persists only with the aid certain values and these values have to be handed down to the next generation. When the values and skills become absolute with the passage of time replacing them with new vistas is also a major function of education.

With the growth of modern economy and the complexity of socio-economic structure. This is usually achieved through the political and administrative apparatus. The knowledge, skill and values acquired through education not only meet the economic needs of society, but also permeated with a social ‘content corresponding to the existing socio-economic and political structure and the consequent social stratification and distribution of power in society.

Allocative function: The education process, with its different specialization, different levels and certification process which goes along with it, allocates the younger generation to various roles in society according to their possession of or lack of appropriate diplomas and degree, specifying particular skills, abilities and values.

Thus it legitimizes the existing distribution of position of socio-economic gains and power by convincing the losers or relative loss that their failure in life is due to their failure in education, which interim is due to their lack of abilities. Moreover, this a locative function induces greater demands for more and more education and thus contributes to the expansion of education system and increase the common people’s dependence on and subjugation to, it is that some of the so called universal goals of education in a society articulate the thinking of philosophers and social reformers of the times.

Reformative function: Education is of fundamental significance to the development and progress of human society. Although education as a process of socialization. Education has also the capacity to liberate the human mind from shackles of the past and the present. It has the potential to make men question the ruling values and norms in society, Scrtial to make them rebel-against the existing social constraints and to solutions to the developed social contradiction and constraints outside the framework of he established system.

This we call the transformative, progressive or reformative function of education, The American sociologists Bowles and Gintis argues that the major role of education in modem world is the reproduction of labor power. The education system helps to achieve these objectives largely through the hidden curriculum.

It is not the content of lessons and the examinations that pupils take which are important, but the form that teaching and learning take and the way that schools are organized. The hidden curriculum consists of those things that pupils leam through the experience of attending school, rather than the stated educational objectives of such institutions.

According to Bowles and Gintis, the hidden curriculum shapes the future workforce in the following ways:

  1. it helps to produce a subservient workforce of uncritical, passive and docile workers. Far from living up to liberal ideal of encouraging self-development.
  2. Bowles and Gintis claim that the hidden curriculum encourages an acceptance of hierarchy. Schools are organized on a hierarchical principle of authority and control.
  3. At school, pupils leam to be motivated by external rewards, just as the workforce in a capitalist society is motivated by external rewards. Because students have so little control over, and little feeling of involvement in, their school work, they get little satisfaction from studying.

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Question 11.
Explain the Allocative function of Education.
Allocative function:
The education process, with its different specialization, different levels and certification process which goes along with it, allocates the younger generation to various roles in society according to their possession of or lack of appropriate diplomas and degree, specifying particular skills, abilities and values. Thus it legitimizes the existing distribution of position of socio-economic gains and power by convincing the losers or relative loss that their failure in life is due to their failure in education, which interim is due to their lack of abilities.

Moreover, this allocative function induces greater demands for more and more education and thus conti mutes to the expansion of education system and increase the common people’s dependence on and subjugation to. It is true that some of the so called universal goals of education in a society articulate the thinking of philosophers and social reformers of the times, for instance, Gandij I’s.

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Question 12.
Breifly explain the function of Education.
The educational system tries to embrace almost all people where they are young and equip them with at least the minimum skills of literacy and numeracy education.

Preservative function: As the transmission of culture is needed for the preservation of social order, it is also called the preservation function of education. Social structure persists only with the aid certain values and these values have to be handed down to the next generation. When the values and skills become absolute with the passage of time replacing them with new vistas is also a major function of education.

With the growth of modem economy and the complexity of socio-economic structure. This is usually achieved through the political and administrative apparatus. The knowledge, skill and values acquired through education not only meet the economic needs of society, but also permeated with a social ‘content corresponding to the existing socio-economic and political structure and the consequent social stratification and distribution of power in society.

Allocative function: The education process, with its different specialization, different levels and certification process which goes along with it, allocates the younger generation to various roles in society according to their possession of or lack of appropriate diplomas and degree, specifying particular skills, abilities and values.

Thus it legitimizes the existing distribution of position of socio-economic gains and power by convincing the losers or relative loss that their failure in life is due to their failure in education, which interim is due to their lack of abilities. Moreover, this a locative function induces greater demands for more and more education and thus contributes to the expansion of education system and increase the common people’s dependence on and subjugation to, it is that some of the so called universal goals of education in a society articulate the thinking of philosophers and social reformers of the times.

Reformative function: Education is of fundamental significance to the development and progress of human society. Although education as a process of socialization. Education has also the capacity to liberate the human mind from shackles of the pass and the present.

It has the potential to make men question the ruling values and norms in society, to make them rebel- againstthe existing social constraints and to solutions to the developed social contradiction and constraints outside the frame work of he established system. This we call the transformative, progressive or reformative function of education.

The American sociologists Bowles and Gintis argues that the major role of education in modem world is the reproduction of labor power. The education system helps to achieve these objectives largely through the hidden curriculum. It is not the content of lessons and the examinations that pupils take which are important, but the form that teaching and learning take and the way that schools are organized. The hidden curriculum consists of those things that pupils leam through the experience of -attending school, rather than the stated educational objectives of such institutions.

According to Bowles and Gintis, the hidden curriculum shapes the future workforce in the following ways:

  1. it helps to produce a Subservient workforce of uncritical, passive and docile workers. Far from living up to liberal ideal of encouraging self-development.
  2. Bowles and Gintis claim that the hidden curriculum encourages an acceptance of hierarchy. Schools are organized on a hierarchical principle of authority and control.
  3. At school, pupils leam to be motivated by external rewards, just as the workforce in a capitalist society is motivated by external rewards. Because students have so little control over, and little feeling of indolent in, their schoolwork, they get little satisfaction from studying.

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Question 13.
Briefly explain the types of Education.
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the younger generation and it is a continuous effort to impose on the child ways of seeing, feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously”.

The types of Education: Education is a process, as a process, education is a continuous activity that goes on all through one’s life from birth to death. This process of humanizing man, developing his personality, transmitting culture from one generation to other, a Spontaneous unfolding of human potentialities, is carried on in all social institutions like religion, peer grouped, neighborhood, family and community etc.

On the other hand, what takes place in schools and colleges, the methodical socialization, designed instruction and interaction between socialize and the socializing agent for the education land the educator is what is called formal education.

A brief description of types of education as follows:

Informal education: It simply denotes the in deliberate, spontaneous, life long process of learning continuously and universally emanating from all most all social institutions. The process of informal training begins for every one of us in the family.

Family is the first school and the mother is the first teacher is the dictum that sufficiently explains the role of informal education in molding human nature and personality. “Peer Groups” means those groups made up of the age mates or contemporaries of the child, his associates in playground, neighborhood etc.,

Formal education: On the other hand is designed, consciously and deliberately given with a planned pursuit what takes place within the four walls of the school, strictly officially in accordance with the curriculum is format instruction.

Time table, syllabi, specialized and compartmentalized knowledge, authority pattern, official structure, by laws, disciplines, hierarchy of teachers and class grades, examination system all reflects the formal design of the school and colleges. As it is with the modem social structure characterized by formal institutions and relations in performing economic, industrial, legal and political regulative functions.

Question 14.
Describe the characteristics of family.
The basic unit of the social structure in every society is the family. It associated with such emotive issues as love, marriage, home and childbearing.
According to Macular and Page “Marriage is a durable association between husband and wife for procreation and upbringing of children and requires social approval”

The characteristics of family are:

Family is an Universal: As stated earlier, the family is the most permanent and pervasive of all social institutions. All societies both large and small, private and civilized, ancient and modern, have institutionalized the process of procreation of the species and the rearing of the young. It is a permanent and universal institution and one of the constants of human life.

Biological Basis of the Family: The institution of the family is to be explained in terms of biological factor-the existence of two sexes and the sexual character of reproduction in the human species. It appears as s natural answer to the human sexual drive, a phenomenon solidly based in the biology of the human organism.

Limited size: Family is defined as a primary group. It may include parents and their unmarried children or parents and their children. The bonds that the together these limited number of members with limited common interests are the outcome of emotional factors such as love, mutual affection and solicitude. This emotional basis of the family makes it an ideally suitable primary social group in every society.

Common Residence and Nomenclature, satisfy basic needs: The family is one of the most durable of all social institutions. Each family has s residence, an address and a name, a family can mean two quite different things depending upon the vantage from which we view it.

Each family has common habitation for its living. Without a dwelling place, place the task of childbearing and rearing cannot be adequately met. however, family has a wider meaning than mere household since a family can be spread out geographically sometimes but yet emotionally, socially and legally be known as a family.

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Question 15.
Briefly analyze the types of family.
On the basis of structure, the family has been classified as (1) nuclear and (2) joint family. Nuclear family is one which consists of the husband, wife or wives and their children. The children leave the parental households as soon as they are married. A nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of the elders. Since the newlyweds creates a separate residence the physical distance between parent and married child parent and grandparent minimized the interdependence between them.

Joint family can be viewed as a merger of several nuclear families. Thus a small joint family may include an old man and his wife, their son, the son’s wife and the son’s children, two nuclear families, the son being a member of both. A large joint family may include the old man and his four wives, their unmarried children and married sons, and the son’s wives, their unmarried children. An joint family may be crammed into a single house, or it may occupy a cluster of houses within an joint family compound, or the houses mat be more widely dispersed than this.

Question 16.
Define religion. Mention the elements of religion.
James G. Frazer considered Religion as a belief in power superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and human life.

Elements of Religion:

Supernatural and the Sacred: At the centre of almost every religion lies the idea of the supernatural. It is something beyond physical understanding. It is omnipotent, infinite or extraordinary. According to E. B. Tylor ‘Belief in supernatural begins is called religion’. Belief in the supernatural begins might also include belief in other kinds of begins like magic forces, angles or soul of dead ancestors, believers might arrange the supernatural begins in a hierarchy according to their power or they may differentiate the supernatural begins in terms of their functions. It should be interesting to note that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the three Hindu Gods, are said to perform the function of creation of the cosmic order, its maintenance and destruction, respectively.

Beliefs and practice: Religious belief is a system of knowledge about the divine and its relationship with the human. It is simply not enough to believe in the existence of a supernatural force. The knowledge of its existence must be explained to people and to generations to come. Belief serves this purpose of revealing the existence of the supernatural or divine or the sacred. Belief explains the nature of the divine.

Provides Moral Prescriptions: Religion is the source of moral values, and religion without moral prescription is virtually not possible. Religion can distinguish between the right and the wrong, more powerful than other social institutions.

Methods of Salvation: Methods of salvation constitutes another elements of Religion.

If maybe in various forms like attaining Moksha, Nirvana, Salvation, and the Christian has a redeemer in Christ, the son of God, who gave his life for man’s Sin. In short religion is the institutionalized set of beliefs. Men hold about supernatural forces belief are formalized and regularized.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Institutions Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the functions of marriage.
According to naclver and Page “Marriage is a durable association between husband and wife for procreation and upbringing of children and requires social approval”
The functions of marriage are:

Regulation of sex life: Marriage is the powerful instrument of regulating the sex life of man. It is an Instinct, it has to be controlled and regulated through the Institution of marriage. Marriage thus regulative means of sex life marriage often called the license for sex life acts as a

Marriage regulates sex relations also:
It prohibits sex relations between the closest relatives i.e., between father and daughter, mother and son., brother and sister etc., such a kind of prohibition is called “incest taboo” Marriage also puts restrictions on the premarital and extra martial sex relations.

Marriage leads to the establishment of the family: Sexual satisfaction offered by marriage results in self-perpetuation. It is in family the children are bom and brought up. The marriage which determines the descent, inheritance and succession.

Provides for economic co-operation: Marriage makes division of labor possible on the basis of sex age and experience, partners of marriage divide work among themselves and perform them.

Marriage contributes to emotional and intellectual aerstimulation of the partners: Marriage brings life-partners together and helps them to develops intense love and affection towards other. It depends the emotion and strengthens and also helps them to develop intellectual co-operation between them.

Marriage aims at social solidarity: Marriage not only brings two individuals of the opposite sex together but also their respective families and their Kith and Kin, friendship between these groups is reinforced through marriage. It is often suggested that by encouraging marriage between different castes, races, classes, religious, linguistic and other1 communities.

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Question 2.
Briefly explain the general characteristics of family.
The basic unit of the social structure in every society is the family. It associated with such emotive issues as love, marriage, home and child bearing.
According to naclver and Page “Marriage is a durable association between husband and wife for procreation and upbringing of children and requires social approval”

The characteristics of family are:

Family is an Universal
As stated earlier, the family is the most permanent and pervasive of all social institutions. All societies both large and small, primitive and civilized, ancient and modem, have institutionalized the process of procreation of the species and the rearing of the young. It is a permanent and universal institution and one of the constants of human life.

Biological Basis of the Family: The institution of the family is to be explained in terms of biological factor-the existence of two sexes and the sexual character of reproduction in the human species. It appears as s natural answer to the human sexual drive, a phenomenon solidly based in the biology of the human organism.

Limited size: Family is defined as a primary group. It may include parents and their unmarried children or parents and their children. The bonds that the together these limited number of members with limited common interests are the outcome of emotional factors such as love, mutual affection and solicitude. This emotional basis of the family makes it an ideally suitable primary social group in every society.

Common Residence and Nomenclature, satisfy basic needs: The family is one of the most durable of all social institutions. Each family has s residence, an address and a name, a family can mean two quite different things depending upon the vantage from which we view it.

Each family has common habitation for its living. Without a dwelling place, place the task of childbearing and rearing cannot be adequately met. however, family has a wider meaning than mere household since a family can be spread out geographically sometimes but yet emotionally, socially and legally be known as a family.

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Question 3.
Briefly explain the primary functions of family.
The primary functions are;

Member replacement and physical maintenance: In order to survive, every society must replace members who die and keep the survivors alive. The regulations of reproduction is centered in the family as are cooking and eating and care of the sick. Once children are bom, they will be nurtured and protected within the family. It is the family that feeds, clothes and shelters them.

Regulation of sexual behavior:The family regulates sexual behavior. Each member’s sexual behavior is influenced to some extent by what is learnt in the family setting. The sexual attitudes and patterns of behavior in the family reflects societal norms and regulate the sexual behavior,

Socialization of children: The family carries out the responsibility of socializing each child. Children are taught largely by their families to conform to socially approved patterns of behavior. The family as an act of instrument of transmission of culture, it serves the individual as an instrument of socialization.

Status transmission: Individual social identity is initially fixed by family membership being bom to parents of a given status. Children take on the socio-economic class standing of their parents and the culture of the class into which they are born, including its value, behavior patterns, in addition to the internalizing family attitudes and beliefs. Children are treated and defined by others as extensions of the social identity of their parents.

Emotional support: The family as a primary group is an important source of affecting entertainment love and interaction, caring. It is seemingly the nature of human begins to establish social interdependency, not only to meet physical needs, but also to gratify emotional and psychological needs also.

Fulfillment of needs: Family is the most important primary institution that gives moral and emotional support for the members. Providing safety, security, love and affection. Warmth and comfort. It provides defense against Isolation. Family as an health agency provides most of the help for the young, the old and the sick. It is by large responsibility for the Health of its members.

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Question 4.
Define Education and Explain the process of Education.
The educational system tries to embrace almost all people where they are young and equip them with at least the minimum skills of literacy and numeracy education.
Following are the important functions of Education.

Preservative function: As the transmission of culture is needed for the preservation of social order, it is also called the preservation function of education. Social structure persists only with the aid certain values and these values have to be handed down to the next generation. When the values and skills become absolute with the passage of time replacing them with new vistas is also a major function of education.

With the growth of modern economy and the complexity of socio-economic structure. This is usually achieved through the political and administrative apparatus. The knowledge, skill and values acquired through education not only meet the economic needs of society, but also permeated with a social ‘content corresponding to the existing socio-economic and political structure and the consequent social stratification and distribution of power in society.

Allocative function:The education process, with its different specialization, different levels and certification process which goes along with it, allocates the younger generation to various roles in society according to their possession of or lack of appropriate diplomas and degree, specifying particular skills, abilities and values. Thus it legitimizes the existing distribution of position of socio-economic gains and power by convincing the losers or relative loss that their failure in life is due to their failure in education, which interim is due to their lack of abilities.

Moreover, this a locative function induces greater demands for more and more education and thus contributes to the expansion of education system and increase the common people’s dependence on and subjugation to, it is that some of the so called universal goals of education in a society articulate the thinking of philosophers and social reformers of the times.

Reformative function: Education is of fundamental significance to the development and progress of human society. Although education as a process of socialization. Education has also the capacity to liberate the human mind from shackles of the pass and the present. It has the potential to make men question the ruling values and norms in society, to make them rebel-against the existing social constraints and to solutions to the developed „ social contradiction and constraints outside the frame work of he established system. This we call the transformative, progressive or reformative function of education.

The American sociologists Bowles and Gintis argues that the major role of education in modem world is the reproduction of labor power. The education system helps to achieve these objectives largely through the hidden curriculum. It is not the content of lessons and the examinations that pupils take which are important, but the form that teaching and learning take and the way that schools are organized. The hidden curriculum consists of those things that pupils learn through the experience of attending school, rather than the stated educational objectives of such institutions.

According to Bowles and Gintis, the hidden curriculum shapes the future workforce in the following ways:

  1. it helps to produce a subservient workforce of uncritical, passive and docile workers. Far from living up to liberal ideal of encouraging self-development.
  2. Bowles and Gintis claim that the hidden curriculum encourages an acceptance of hierarchy. Schools are organized on a hierarchical principle of authority and control.
  3. At school, pupils learn to be motivated by external rewards, just as the workforce in a capitalist society is motivated by external rewards. Because students have so little control over, and little feeling of involvement in, their school work, they get little satisfaction from studying.

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Question 5.
Explain the types of Education.
According to Durkheim “Education as the socialization of the Younger generation and it is a continuous efforts to impose on the child ways of seeing feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously.

The types of Education: Education is a process, as a process, education is a continuous activity that goes on all through one’s life-from birth to death. This process of humanizing man, developing his personality, transmitting culture from one generation to other, a Spontaneous unfolding of human potentialities, is carried on in all social institutions like religion, peer grouped, neighborhood, family and community etc. on the other hand, what takes place in Schools and colleges, the methodical socialization, designed instruction and interaction between socialize and the socializing agent for the education and the educator is what is called formal education. A brief description of types of education as follows:

Informal education: It simply denotes the in deliberate, spontaneous, life long process of learning continuously and universally emanating from all most all social institutions. The process of informal training begins for everyone of us in the family.

Family is the first school and the mother is the first teacher is the dictum that sufficiently explains the role of informal education in molding human nature and personality. “Peer Groups” means those groups made up of the age mates or contemporaries of the child, his associates in playground, neighborhood etc.,

Formal education: On the other hand is designed, consciously and deliberately given with a planned pursuit what takes place within the four walls of the school, strictly officially in accordance with the curriculum is format instruction.

Time table, syllabi, specialized and compartmentalized knowledge, authority pattern, official structure, by laws, disciplines, hierarchy of teachers and class grades, examination system all reflects the formal design of the school and colleges. As it is with the modern social structure characterized by formal institutions and relations in performing economic, industrial, legal and political regulative functions.

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Question 6.
Explain the functions of religion.
Functions of Religion: Religion is an important universal institution in human society. It is a part of society, interwoven with all other aspects of human life. It is obvious that religion has an important role in society, it performs a number of important, functions:

Social Solidarity:

(a) Emile Durkheim, defines religion as “a unified system of belief and practice related to ‘ sacred things”. A thing is sacred not because of a peculiar quality inherent in the thing itself. What makes a thing sacred is an attitude filled with emotion and sentiment a feeling that certain things are above and apart from the ordinary matters of everyday life.

(b) By defining the values and moral beliefs as sacred, religion provides them with greater power to direct human action. Social obligations are transformed into religious duties, in worshipping society men recognize the importance of the group, their dependence upon it.

(c) Collective worship as a means of reinforcing social solidarity in a social group. In collective ceremonials, the members of a group express their faith in common values and belief, a sense of group solidarity is affirmed and frightened.

(d) Malinowski argues that religion promotes social solidarity by dealing with situations of emotional stress such as birth, puberty, death, accidents and natural disaster which threaten social cohesion-.

(e) Religious beliefs provide the ultimate justification for the values do social system. It provides support for social standard, socially accepted behavior. Thus the doctrines of Karma and Dharma in Hinduism. The Christian society maintains the tradition like Christmas, baptism and monogamous marriage, and tries to encourage conformity to society’s norms.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 4 Culture and Socialization

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 4 Culture and Socialization

You can Download Chapter 4 Culture and Socialization Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Culture and Socialization One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How is the term ‘culture’ derived?
The term ‘culture’ is derived from a Latin word “Colere” means to Cultivate or to till the soil.

Question 2.
What is culture?
According to Malinowski “culture is the handiwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends”.

Question 3.
Is culture an inborn trait?
No, Culture is not in born trait.

Question 4.
Is culture an acquired trait?
Yes, Culture an acquired or learnt.

Question 5.
Is culture an individual phenomenon.
No, culture an individual phenomenon it is a group phenomenona.

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Question 6.
Name few things included in the material culture.
Material culture are printing press, banks, money and asper like.

Question 7.
What are the items included in the non-material culture?
The items included in the non-material culture are languages and ideologies, all the contributions such as family, marriage and religion are non-material culture.

Question 8.
Who introduced the concept ‘cultural lag’?
Cultural lag was introduced by W. F. Og burn.

Question 9.
What is socialization?
Socialization begins almost at birth and continues throughout life.

Question 10.
Define the concept ‘socialization’.
According to H. M Johnson “socialization in the learning process that enables the learner to perform social roles”.

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Question 11.
Is socialization a biological process?
Yes, socialization a biological process.

Question 12.
Is socialization a learning process?
Yes, socialization a learning process.

Question 13.
What is primary identification?
The personality of the child. His role and that of the mother are not probably clearly distinguished. Hence the infant and mother are merged Sigmund Freud called this stage as the stage of primary identification.

Question 14.
What is oedipus complex?
Sigmond Freud has suggested that at this stage a boy develops “oedipus complex” that is a feeling of Jealousy towards his father and love towards his mother.

Question 15.
What is electra complex?
If a girl develops the “Electra complex” that is a feeling of Jealousy towards her mother and love towards her father.

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Question 16.
Name any two agents of socialization.
the two Agencies of socialization are:

  • Informal agencies
  • Formal agencies.

Question 17.
Is school an authoritarian agent of socialization?
Yes, school is an authoritarian agent of socialization.

Question 18.
What is a peer group?
The peer group consists of his agemates, Playmates, Statusmates, those who from the inner circle of friends, classmates, workmates etc.

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1st PUC Sociology Culture and Socialization Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define culture.

  • According to Malinowski: “culture is the handiwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends”
  • According to Robert Bierstedt “ Culture is the Complex whole that consists of everything we think and do and have as members of society.

Question 2.
Explain any one feature of culture.
State any features of Culture:

  • Culture is learnt
  • Culture is social
  • Culture is shared
  • Culture is transmissive.

Question 3.
What is material culture?
According to Og bum material Culture includes all the man made concrete, tangible, visible things. They include for example the house, buildings, furniture, automobiles, machine, dams, locomotives etc.

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Question 4.
What is non- material culture?
Nonmaterial culture includes all the abstracts intangible invisible elements. The beliefs, tradition, habits, values etc are examples of non- material culture.

Question 5.
What is cultural lag?
When nonmaterial culture cannot adjust itself to the material culture it falls behind the material culture. As a result there exists a gap between the two. According to Ogburn, this gap between the material culture and non- material culture is called.“cultural lag”.

Question 6.
What is socialization?
According to H. M Johnson “socialization in the learning process that enables the learner to perform social roles”.

Question 7.
How is socialization a process?
The concept of socialization is one of the central concepts in sociology. It is a learning process by which an individual develops into a social being and is able to function in society. Childrearing formal education, acculturation and role learning are all socializing processes that help to mould individuals to the ways of their society & culture.

Question 8.
Name the stages of socialization.
The stages of socialization are:

  • The oral stage
  • The anal stage
  • The oedipal stage
  • The stage of Adolescence.

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Question 9.
What is a primary identification?
The personality of the child, his role and that of the mother are not probably clearly distinguished. Hence the infant and mother are merged Sigmund Freud called this stage as the stage of a primary identification.

Question 10.
What is meant by oral crisis?
The oral stage commences at birth and continues till the completion of first year. At birth the child faced the first crisis that is he must breath exert himself to fed, exposed to conditions of wet and other discomforts. Here the child cries a lot for everything, by this the child establishes oral dependency and also learns to signal his needs for care.

Question 11.
What is meant by Oedipus complex?
Sigmund Freud has suggested that at this stage the boy develops “Oedipus complex” that is a feeling of jealously towards his father and love towards his mother.

Question 12.
What is meant by Electra complex?
If a girl develops the “Electra complex” that is a feeling of Jealousy towards her mother and love towards her father.

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1st PUC Sociology Culture and Socialization Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of culture.
Culture and human society are the two faces of the same coin. They always go hand-in-hand. Culture is a unique feature that differentiates human society from animals. Man is not only a social animal, but also a cultural animal, every man can be considered as a representative of the culture. Therefore culture can also be considered an important agency of social change. According to Robert Bierstedt “ Culture is the Complex whole that consists of everything we think and do and have as members of society”.

According to Malinowski: “culture is the handiwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends”.
According to Edward B.Tylor, “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom, language and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society”.

Question 2.
Explain any four features of culture.
According to Malinowski: “culture is the handiwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends”

Characteristics of culture are:

Culture is learnt: Culture is often understood as learned ways of behaviors. Culture is not an inborn tendency. It is acquired or learnt. It includes those learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting that are transmitted from one generation to the next. Therefore what is learned through socialization and are acquired in group life are what is called culture.

Culture is Social: Culture is not the property of any individual. It is the social heritage of man. It is a way of group life. It originates in and develops through social interaction. It consists of a number of behavior patterns that are common to a group of people. It is the inclusive of all expectation of the members of the groups. Thus culture is a social products shared by most of the members of the group.

Culture is Shared: Culture is a social property. It belongs to the group. The elements of culture such as customs beliefs, idea, folkways, mores, and language are all belonged to the people of a group. These are commonly shared by the members of a group. So culture is the product of groups life. Culture cannot be hidden and used by one individual. According to Robert Bierstadt. “Culture is something adopted, used believed, practiced or possessed by more than one person”.

Culture is Transmissive: Culture is the total social heritage. It is linked with the past. The past continues because it lives in culture. Culture is something that can be transmitted from one generation to the next. Culture is passed through language. Language is the chief vehicles of culture. Culture is also passed from one generation to another through traditions and customs. It is a product of human experience.

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Question 3.
Write a note on the contents of culture.
According to Robert Bierstedt “ Culture is the Complex whole that consists of everything we think and do and have as members of society.

Characteristics of culture are:

Culture is learnt: Culture is often understood as learned ways of behaviors. Culture is not an inborn tendency. It is acquired or learnt. It includes those learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting that are transmitted from one generation to the next. Therefore what is learned through socialization and are acquired in group life are what is called culture.

Culture is Social: Culture is not the property of any individual. It is the social heritage of man. It is a way of group life. It originates in and develops through social interaction.

It consists of a number of behavior patterns that are common to a group of people. It is the inclusive of all expectation of the members of the groups. Thus culture is a social products shared by most of the members of the group.

Culture is Shared: Culture is a social property. It belongs to the group. The elements of culture such as customs beliefs, idea, folkways, mores, and language are all belonged to the people of a group. These are commonly shared by the members of a group. So culture is the product of groups life. Culture cannot be hidden and used by one individual.

According to Robert Bierstadt. “Culture is something adopted, used believed, practiced or possessed by more than one person”.

Culture is Transmissive: Culture is the total social heritage. It is linked with the past. The past continues because it lives in culture. Culture is something that can be transmitted 1 from one generation to the next. Culture is passed through language. Language is the chief vehicles of culture. Culture is also passed from one generation to another through traditions and customs. It is a product of human experience.

Culture is Relative: All societies are not uniform. Hence all culture are also not uniform. They are vary and differ from time to time and place to place. There may be common elements such as customs, mores, folkways, art forms, dietary habits, value systems, institutions etc,, may be seen everywhere culture is also related to time. It varies from time to time. History of every society is the history of change in culture from – time to time.

Culture is Dynamic: Culture is not a static phenomena. It is a Dynamic entity. Changes in society implies changes in its culture; Culture simply means a way of life. It is nothing ” but a total “design for living”. Factors like inventions, problems, plans and policies etc.

have a drastic effect on culture. As society changes a new way of life in evolved and . adopted to adjust with the changing circumstances. Every factor that during changes in society will also being changes in the culture. Thus culture is dynamic.

Culture is Gratifying: Culture is the pilot of every human activity. Culture provides the necessary environment for the satisfaction of human wants. It shows the way for getting the work done. Culture determines and guides the activities of men.

Culture is continuous and cumulative: Culture is an growing phenomenon. It includes the glory of the past and the achievements present. Eg: Bullock carts, train, Aero planes etc., achievements. It is always cumulative.

Culture is Idea national: It is not merely material and non material culture. One cannot confine the culture as an objects which satisfies different goals of life. The members of society provides a psychological meanings to their own cultural traits. They attach the I sentiments to their cultural elements. In this regard Herbert Spencer considers culture is neither organic, nor inorganic but it is super organic. It is commonly witnessed that people, never tolerate any condemnation of their culture.

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Question 4.
Distinguish between material and non-material parts of a culture.
Material culture: according to Ogbum material culture includes all the man made concrete, tangible, visible things. They include for example the house, buildings, furniture, automobiles, machines, dams, locomotives etc. it also includes the printing press, banks, money and the like. Material culture is also referred to as “Civilization”. The material culture is undergoing rapid changes within a short period of time.

Non Material Culture: it includes all the abstracts intangible invisible elements. The beliefs, tradition, habits, values, rituals etc. are the examples for non material culture. Ogburn includes . languages and ideologies, all the contributions such as family, marriage and religion in non¬material culture. It is said that the non material culture changes slowly and does not adjust itself to the changes in material culture.

Question 5.
Explain the concept of cultural lag.
The concept of cultural lag was first introduced by W. F. Ogbum published in his book entitled ‘Social change’ in 1922. In his book he had delineated the two aspects of culture-material and non material. In that context he introduced the concept of cultural lag. By the very natural of it the material aspects changes quickly but the non material changes but slowly. The change between material and non material culture is called gap or lag. The word lag denotes crippled movement of one part of culture as compared with the other. Culture has two parts, material and nonmaterial. Both be changed by human begins.

In the process of change Ogbum believes that both the material culture and nonmaterial culture undergoes change. But the non-material culture according to Ogbum is often slow to respond to the rapid changes in material culture. When non material culture cannot adjust itself to the material culture it falls behind the two. According to Ogbum this gap between the material culture and nonmaterial culture is called “cultural lag”.

In the words of Ogbum “the strain that exists between two correlated parts of culture that change at unequal rates of speed may be interpreted as a lag in the part that is changing at the slowest rate for the one lags behind the other”. For example a lag is seen when people change method of cultivation without change in the land owning system. Thus according to Ogbum one of the main problems of adjustment in modem society is due to problem of uneven speed of change in material and non material culture.

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Question 6.
Explain the concept of socialization?
The concept of socialization is one of the central concepts in sociology. It is a learning process by which an individual develops into a social being and is able to function in society. Childrearing, formal education, acculturation and role learning are all socializing processes that help to mould individuals to the ways of their society & culture. Socialization begins almost at birth and continues throughout life.

The human infant comes into the world as a biological organism with animal needs. It is gradually molded into social being and he learns the social ways of acting and feeling. Without this process of moulding the society could not continue itself, nor could culture does not exist, nor could the individual becomes a person. This process of moulding is called “Socialization”.

According to H. M. Johnson: “Socialization in the learning process that enables the learner to perform social roles”.
According to Ogburn & Nimkoff: “Socialization is the process by which the individual learns to conform to the norms of the group”.

On the basis of above given definition we can draw the fact that socialization is a learning process by which one acquires the culture of his group. This will help an individual to develop his ‘Self concept. He is converted into an active member of the community.

Question 7.
Examine socialization as a process?
The concept of socialization is one of the central concepts in sociology. It is a learning process by which an individual develops into a social being and is able to function in society. Child rearing, formal education, acculturation and role learning are all socializing processes that help to mould individuals to the ways of their society & culture. Socialization begins almost at birth and continues throughout life.

The human infant comes into the world as a biological organism with animal needs. It is gradually moulded into social being and he leams the social ways of acting and feeling. Without this process of moulding the society could not continue itself, nor could culture does not exist, nor could the individual becomes a person. This process of moulding is called “Socialization”.

According to H. M. Johnson: “Socialization in the learning process that enables the learner to perform social roles”.
According to Ogburn & Nimkoff: “Socialization is the process by which the individual leams . to conform to the morms of the group”.

On the basis of above given definition we can draw the fact that socialization is a learning process by which one acquires the culture ofhis group. This will help an individual to develop his Self concept. He is converted into an active member of the community.

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Question 8.
Examine socialization as a learning process.
Socialization is Social Learning Process: As it is made in the definitions cited previously socialization is learning social roles and social rules. Socialization is a process in which the newborn individual is inducted into the social world. It is the process of culture learning also. As Richard T. Schaefer has pointed out, “Socialization is the process whereby people leam the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as member of a particular culture”.

Socialization is a continuous process: It is a process of inducting the individual into the social world. It consists in teaching culture which he must acquire and share. Socialization is social learning. This learning is not intermittent but continuous. The more we try to leam the more remains to be leant. Perfection in social learning is rarely achieved. The process of socialization is something that continues throughout life.

Question 9.
Explain the oral stage of socialization.
H. M. Johnson has listed four stages of socialization.
The oral stage: The oral stage commences at birth and continues till the completion of first year. At birth the child faced the first crisis that is he must breath exert himself to fed, exposed to conditions of wet and other discomforts. Here the child cries a lot for everything; by this the child establishes oral dependency and also learns to signal his needs for care.

In this stage the child is founding sub system consisting of two persons himself and his mother. For others the child is little more than a possession. The child cannot differentiate the role of others from the mother. Thus in this stage in the personality of the child, his role and that of the mother are not probably clearly distinguished. Hence the infant and mother are merged. Sigmund Freud called the stage as the stage of a “Primary Identification”.

Question 10.
Discuss the family as an agent of socialization.
The family: Family is the first agency of socialization of the child. Physical nearness, close relationship, passiveness of the child, authority of parents over the child etc., all have greater influence in moulding the personality of the child.

In family, parental influence, particularly of the mother, is very great. From the parents the child learns language. It is taught number of civic virtues. The child gets his first lessons in cooperation, tolerance self-sacrifice, love and affection, etc., in the family.

The earliest and the closet ties of an individual are with his parents and siblings. There have authority over the child. Possessiveness of the child and its emotional attachment with parents and siblings make socialization an easy and smooth process. Cultural heritage is passed from one generation to the other in family.

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Question 11.
Discuss the peer group as an agent of socialization.
The next most important agency of socialization is the peer group. The peer group consists of his age mates, playmates, and status mates, those who form the inner circle of friends, classmates, and workmates etc., who share almost the status with the child. They serve an important function in defining appropriate behavior, acquiring appropriate roles, setting standards of conduct, arriving at a level of personal independence and inculcating goals.

The child acquires something from his friends and playmates which he cannot acquires cooperative morality and some of the informal aspects of culture like fashions, fads, crazes, modes of gratification etc. the peer group also provides opportunities to explore tabooed topics. For instance, most of the sex knowledge in early stage, rightly or wrongly, comes from one’s peer group.

Question 12.
Discuss the school as an agent of socialization.
The School
School is also an agent of socialization. Teachers in school play a decisive role in molding child’s personality. Since the family in itself is not fully equipped to prepare the child for adult roles, school has an important role to play. In the school the child gets his education which moulds his ideas and attitudes, school transmits not only required knowledge but also important values such as cooperation, discipline, patriotism, friendship etc. it helps further development of intellectual, emotional and social development. It is a formal agency that socializes the child.

Question 13.
Discuss the role of mass-media in socialization.
The Mass Media: The print and audio-visual means of communication have a great role to play in child’s .’ocialization. Newspaper, magazine, text books, television etc., play a lucid role in transmitting culture from one generation to the other. The state may also use them deliberately to educate the mass. They may be used purposively to change the value system.

In traditional and simple societies the agencies of socialization are limited and harmonious in influencing the personality of the individual. In complex societies, however, there are many and diverse agencies, at time working at cross purposes.

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1st PUC Sociology Culture and Socialization Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define culture and explain all its chief characteristics.
According to Robert Bierstedt “Culture is the Complex whole that consists of everything we think and do and have as members of society.

Characteristics of culture are:

Culture is learnt: Culture is often understood as learned ways of behaviors. Culture is not an inborn tendency. It is acquired or learnt. It includes those learned patterns for thinking, feeling and acting that are transmitted from one generation to the next. Therefore what is learned through socialization and are applied in group life is what is called culture.

Culture is Social: Culture is not the property ofanyindividual.lt is the social heritage of man. It is a way of group life. It originates in and develops through social interaction. It consists of a number of behavior patterns that are common to a group of people. It is the inclusive of all expectation of the members of the groups. Thus culture is a social products shared by most of the members of the group.

Culture is Shared: Culture is a social property. It belongs to the group. The elements of culture such as customs beliefs, idea, folkways, mores, and language are all belonges to the people of a group. These are commonly shared by the members of a group. So culture is the product of group’s life. Culture cannot be hidden and used by one individual. According to Robert Bierstadt. “Culture is something adopted, believed, practiced or possessed by more than one person”.

Culture is Transmissive: Culture is the total social heritage. It is linked with the past. The past continues because it lives in culture. Culture is something that can be transmitted from one generation to the next. Culture is passed through language. Language is the chief vehicles of culture. Culture is also passed from one generation to another through traditions and customs. It is a product of human experience.

Culture is Relative: All societies are not uniform. Hence all cultures are also not uniform. They varying and differ from time to time and place to place. There may be common elements such as customs, mores, folkways, art forms, dietary habits, value systems, institutions etc, that may be seen everywhere Culture is also related to time. It varies from time to time. History of every society is the history of change in culture from time to time.

Culture is Dynamic: Culture is not a static phenomenon. It is a Dynamic entity. Changes in society imply changes in its culture. Culture simply means a way of life. It is nothing but a total “design for living”. Factors like inventions, problems, plans and policies etc. have a drastic effect on culture. As society changes a new way of life in evolved and adopted to adjust with the changing circumstances. Every factor during changes in society will also bring changes in the culture. Thus, culture is dynamic.

Culture is Gratifying: Culture is the pilot of every human activity. Culture provides the necessary environment for the satisfaction of human wants . It shows the way for getting the work done. Culture determines and guides the activities of men.

Culture is continuous and cumulative: Culture is an growing phenomenon. It includes the glory of the past and the achievements of present. Eg: Bullock carts, train, Aeroplanes etc., achievements. It is always cumulative.

Culture is Ideal in Nature: It is not merely material and non material culture. One cannot confine the culture as objects which satisfy different goals of life. The members of society provide psychological meanings to their own cultural traits. They attach the sentiments to their cultural elements. In this regard Herbert Spencer considers’culture is neither organic, nor inorganic but it is super organic. It is commonly witnessed that people never tolerate any condemnation of their culture.

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Question 2.
Explain the different stages of socialization.
H.M. Johnson, in his treatise “Sociology-A Systematic Introduction” has listed four stages of socialization. These stages are

  1. The oral stage
  2. The anal stage
  3. The oedipal stage
  4. Stage of Adolescence.

1. The oral stage: The oral stage commences at birth arid continues till the completion of first year. At birth the child faced the first crisis that is he must breath, exert himself to fed, exposed to conditions of wet and other discomforts. Here the child cries a lot for everything, by this the child establishes oral dependency and also learns to signal his needs for care.

In this stage the child is founding sub system consisting of two persons himself and his mother. For others the child is little more than a possession. The child cannot differentiate the role of others from the mother. Thus in this stage in the personality of the child, his role and that of the mother are not probably clearly distinguished. Hence the infant and mother are merged. Sigmund Freud called the stage as the stage of a “primary identification”.

2. The Anal stage: According to Sigmond Freud the Anal Stage normally begins after first year. Completed during the third year. The crisis of this period is called anal crisis and is caused by imposition of new demands. In this stage the child is asked to take over some degree of care for himself. Anal disciplines are learned through what in ordinary termed as “Toilet Training”.

In this stage the child internalizes to clearly separated roles- his own and that of the mother. The child now apart from receiving love and care also starts giving love in return. In this stage the child becomes capable of discriminating between correct and incorrect performances in two ways. Firstly by the training from the socializing agent and secondly by being rewarded for correct actions and punished for incorrect or wrong actions.

3. The Oedipal stage: The third stage begins from the fourth year of the child and lasts up to puberty, that is the age of twelve or thirteen years. At this stage he starts taking himself as the member of the family. He also becomes familiar with his or her roles. Sigmund Freud has suggested that at this stage the boy develops “Oedipus complex”. That is a feeling of Jealousy towards his father and love towards his mother.

Likewise a girl develops the “Electra complex” that is a feeling of jealousy towards her mother and love towards her father. These feeling in both the cases are believed to be sexual. Moreover indentifying different role models is an important thing to be observed in this stage.

In this stage the child joins the group of his playmates. Interest in the opposite sex in this period in relatively content. In this stage the boy makes three kinds of identification. They are.

  • Sex role identification that is identification with the father and brother.
  • Role of the child in the family that is identification with his siblings.
  • Identification with the family as a member.

4. The Stage of Adolescence: The fourth stage begins roughly at puberty. This is an important stage of socialization because of changes like physiological and psychological start taking place within the individual. In this stage the young ones would like to free themselves from parental control. This stage is said to be very sensitive for boys and girls because they pass through various types of emotional crisis. Sex instinct which was latent till now is aroused and an interest in the opposite sex is heightened. But the sexual norms prevailing in the society will not allow them to satisfy it as and when they wish.

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Question 3.
Examine the role played by different agents in socialization.
Formal agencies:

The School: School is also an important agent of socialization. Teachers in school play – a decisive role in molding child’s personality. Since the family in itself is not fully equipped to prepare the child for adult roles, school has an important role to play. In the school the child gets his education which moulds his ideas and attitudes, school transmits not only required knowledge but also important values such as cooperation, discipline, patriotism, friendship etc. it helps further development of intellectual, emotional and social development already begun in the family. It is a formal agency that socializes the child authoditway.

The Mass Media: The print and audio-visual means of communication have a great role to play in child’s socialization. Newspaper, magazine, text books, television etc., play a lucid role in transmitting culture from one generation to the other. The state may also use them deliberately to educate the mass. They may be used purposively to change the value system.

In traditional and simple societies the agencies of socialization are limited and harmonious in influencing the personality of the individual. In complex societies, however, there are many and diverse agencies, at time working at cross purposes.

State: The state plays an important role in socialization. It is an authoritarian agency. State makes laws for the people and lays down the modes of conduct expected of them. The people have to compulsorily obey these laws. The state has immense power at its command which helps the development of personality of an individual. This will help the individual to adjust with social situation. State makes arrangement to socialize people through the media and other means of communication. State teaches citizens to follow the rules of law and values. State motivates its citizens by rewarding for their achievements.

Formal education: On the other hand is designed, consciously and deliberately given with a planned pursuit what takes place within the four walls of the school, strictly officially in accordance with the curriculum is format instruction. Time table, syllabi, specialized and compartmentalized knowledge, authority pattern, official structure, by laws, disciplines, hierarchy of teachers and class grades, examination system all reflects the formal design of the school and colleges. As it is with the modern social structure characterized by formal institutions and relations in performing economic, industrial, legal and political regulative functions.

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Question 4.
Define Socialization. Explain the role of culture in socialization.
Socialization is an important matter for society. It doesn’t occur accidently. But should be controlled through cultural directions. Social nature is very much influenced by the culture of an individual. It is a known fact that man is bom as a biological animal. He becomes social animal only through the process of socialization. Culture is the content that is length in the process of socialization. Though culture varies from society to society, every society has its own distinct culture. Therefore society, culture and socialization are closely related to each other, Socialization that turns the child in to a useful members of society according to cultural directions.

The role of culture in socialization can be explained in the followings:

  • Culture provides the base to the socialization process was making the individual a normal social being.
  • Culture provides the guidance to the individual to control his various activities.
    Which he learns through the process of socialization.
  • Culture assists socialization in teaching the culture qualities like morality, good behaviors, positive attitude, ideals and values.
  • Culture through the process of socialization helps the individual to decide his career.
  • Cultures through the socialization also provide guidance to the individual to maintain their behavior patterns according to social situation.
  • Culture through the socialization process helps an individual to become an important contributor to society.
  • Culture through the process of socialization helps to work for social welfare and develop a positive attitude towards all.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 3 Social Process

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 3 Social Process

You can Download Chapter 3 Social Process Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Social Process One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Social interaction?
Social interaction is the foundation of society. It is very essence of social life.

Question 2.
What is social contact?
Social contact means simply a coming together of independent units. It involves a mutual response, an inner adjustment of behavior to the actions of others.

Question 3.
What is Communication?
Communication is the medium of interaction

Question 4.
Mention any one element of interaction.
Contact and communication.

Question 5.
What is co-operation?
Co-operation is one of the basic pervasive and continuous social process. It generally means “working together for the pursuit of the common goal”.

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Question 6.
Mention any one feature of Co-operation.

  1. Co-operation is universal and continuous
  2. Perception of common goals.

Question 7.
Mention any one form of Co-operation.
Direct co-operation and Indirect Co-operation.

Question 8.
What is direct Co-operation?
In the direct co-operation action the individuals involved to do the identical function. ,

Question 9.
What is indirect Co-operation?
In this case people work individual for the attainment of a common end.

Question 10.
What is Competition?
Competition is the most fundamental form of social struggle.

Question 11.
Mention any one form of competition.
Social competition, economic competition etc.

Question 12.
Mention any one feature of Competition.

  1. Scarcity as a condition of competition
  2. Competition and affluence.

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Question 13.
State any one importance of Competition.
Social Competition.

Question 14.
What is conflict?
Conflict is an ever- present process in human relations.

Question 15.
State any one feature of conflict.

  1. Conflict is universal
  2. Conflict is a conscious action.

Question 16.
Mention any one form of conflict.
War, feud and factional strife, litigation, conflict of impersonal ideas.

Question 17.
” What is Feud?
Feud is an extra group conflict. It may arise because of injustice alleged to have been done by one group to another.

Question 18.
What is litigation?
Litigation is ajudicial form of conflict.

Question 19.
What is accommodation?
Accommodation is one of the principal types of social processes.

Question 20.
Mention any one feature of accommodation.

  1. Accommodation is the natural result of Conflict
  2. Accommodation is Universal.

Question 21.
Mention any one method of accommodation.

  1. Yielding to coercion
  2. Compromise.

Question 22.
What is coercion?
Coercion involves the use of force or the threat of force for making the weaker party to accept the conditions of agreement.

Question 23.
What is compromise?
Compromise each party to the dispute makes some concessions and yield to some demand of the other.

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Question 24.
What is sublimation?
Adjustment by means of sublimation involves the substitution of non-aggressive attitudes and activities for aggressive ones.

Question 25.
What is assimilation?
Assimilation is one of the types of interaction.

Question 26.
Mention any one characteristic of assimilation.
Assimilation is not confined to single field only.

Question 27.
Mention any one factors that is favorable of assimilation.
Intimate social relationships.

1st PUC Sociology Social Process Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Mention any two types of communication.
The two types of communication are:

  1. Emotions,
  2. Sentiments.

Question 2.
What is social processes?
Social interaction is the foundation of society. It is the very essential of social life.

Question 3.
Mention any two types of social process.
Co-operation, competition, conflict, accommodation and assimilation.

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Question 4.
How is the term ‘Co-operative’ derived.
The term co-operation is derived from the Latin word ‘co’ meaning ‘together’ and ‘operari’ meaning to work.

Question 5.
Mention two types of Co-operation.
Direct co-operation and indirect co-operation.

Question 6.
Mention two advantages of Co-operation.

  1. Co-operation helps society to achieve progress
  2. Co-operation provides solutions for many international problems and disputes.

Question 7.
What is competition.
According to Biesanz and Biesanz: “ Competition is the string of two or more persons for the same goal which is limited so that all cannot share”.

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Question 8.
Mention any two types of competition.

  1. Social competition
  2. Economic competition
  3. Political competition
  4. Cultural competition.

Question 9.
Mention any two functions of competition.

  1. Source of motivation
  2. Assigns statuses to the individuals
  3. Provides for new experience
  4. Provides for social mobility.

Question 10.
What is conflict?
According to A.W. Green “ Conflict is the deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of another or others”.

Question 11.
Mention Simmel’s foul types of conflict.

  1. War
  2. Feud and factional strife
  3. Litigation
  4. Conflict of impersonal ideas.

Question 12.
What is accommodation?
According to Ogburn and Nimkoff: “Accommodation is a term used by the sociologists to describe the adjustment of hostile individuals or groups”

Question 13.
Mention any two types of accommodation.

  1. Yielding to coercion
  2. Compromise
  3. The role of third party in compromise
  4. Toleration.

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Question 14.
What is rationalization?
This involves excuses or explanations for ones’ behavior. One is not prepared to acknowledge one’s failures or defects for it may indicate guilt or the need for change.

Question 15.
What is assimilation?
According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one”.

Question 16.
Mention any two features of assimilation.

  1. Assimilation is not confined to single field only
  2. Assimilation is a slow and gradual process

Question 17.
Mention any two factors that is favorable of assimilation.

  1. Toleration
  2. Intimate social relationships
  3. Amalgamation or intermarriage.
  4. Culture similarity.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Process Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Social interaction? Explain the conditions of social interaction?
Social interaction is the foundation of society. It is the very essence of social life. Hence, the concept is crucial to any study of the dynamics of society and culture without interaction there would be no group life. Thus, it can be said that interaction is the basic social process, the broadest term for describing dynamic social relationships. Social interaction represents the dynamic nature of human society. It is true the life is stable, confined and defined by traditional systems, norms and patterned ways.

Life is dynamic. People are on the move they are striving, competing, conflicting, Co-operation, appeasing, adjusting, reconciling and then challenging again. This action element or functional element itself represents social interaction Direct and Symbolic interaction Interaction may be direct or symbolic. Direct interaction refers to the activities of person which may be seen in such conduct as pushing fighting, pulling, embracing dishing or in other forms of bodily contact with other gestures and language, spoken or written.

A symbol is a summary of experience. It may represent an object, act, quality, value idea or any expected response. Language is the rich storehouse of such symbols. The centre nature of interaction is inter stimulated and response. One stimulates the actions, thoughts or emotions of another persons and response to the similar behavior of the others. Interaction increases mental activity, fosters comparison of ideas, sets new tasks, accelerates and discovers the potentialities of the individual.

According to N. P. Gish “Social interaction is the reciprocal influence human begins exert on each other through inter stimulation and response”. According to Dawson and Gettys: “Social interaction is a process where by men interpenetrate the minds of each other”.

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Question 2.
What is social processes? Explain.
According to Maclver and Page: “Social processes is the manner in which the relationship of the members of a group, once brought together, acquire a distinctive character”.

According to A. W. Green: The social processes are merely the characteristics ways in which interaction occurs”.
The society’ is a system of social relationship. We may witness such relationship between father and son, employer and employee, teacher and student, merchant and customer, leader and follower or between friends and enemies, between children etc., socialogy must analyze and classify social relationship because they represent social fact and social data.

Social relationship represents the functional aspects of society. Analyzing and classifying social relationship is a difficult task. Social relationship involve reciprocal obligations. It refers to a pattern of interaction between these individuals thus social relationships may be studied by the kind or mode of interaction. It exhibit kinds of interaction are called social processes. Social processes are the fundamental ways in which men interact and establish relationships.

Types of Social processes:

There are five types of social process.
Social interaction assumes different forms, Cooperation, competition, conflict, accommodation and assimilation are very necessary social interactions.

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Question 3.
Describe the two fold classified of Co-operation.
Types of Co-operation:
The types of co-operation can be discussed in the following ways:

1. Direct Co-operation: In the direct cooperation action the individual involved to do the identical function. Ex. Playing together worshiping together, tilling the field together, taking out a cut from the mud, etc., people do work in company with other members, performance of a common task with joint efforts brings them social satisfaction.

2. Indirect Co-operation: In this case people work individually for the attainment of a common end. People do tasks towards a similar end. This is based on the principle of division of labor and specialization. For ex. Farmers, spinners, weavers, dyers, tailors are different and engaged in different activities. But their end remains the same, that of producing clothes. The modem technological age requires specialization of skill and functions, hence it depends on Co-operation.

Sociologi st have also spoken of three other types of Co-operation, namely Primary Co¬operation Secondary Co-operation and tertiary Co-operation. These types are witnessed in primary groups, secondary groups and between two or more groups respectively.

Question 4.
Co-operation has becomes an inseparable aspects of our modern social life? Explain
The importance of Co-operation are:

1. Co-operation is universal and continuous: It is a form of social process is not only universal but also continuous. Co-operation makes possible same understanding and adjustment between individuals and groups without which social life is impossible. Co-operation is hailed as the very basis of the communication life of men.

2. Perception of common goals: Individual indulging in Co-operative interaction are aware of some goals. The goal may be winning a victory in a battle, winning a hockey match, students making a combined study and so on perception of a common goal often draws people together.

3. Collective work for common rewards: Co-operation involves combined or collective efforts, rewards are normally shared by them, for example the reward may be match victory or profit shared in an Industry.

4. Co-operation is not necessarily unselfish: It is generally believed to be unselfish, but men may also find that their selfish goals are best served by working together with their fellows. Groups may Co-Operate for self-advancement as in the case of a monopoly or mutual protection, or for the welfare of all groups of people.

5. Essential conditions of Co-operation: According to Young and Marck Co-operation takes under some conditions. They are as follows. Firstly, Co-operation requires a motivation to seek a goal. Secondly, people must have some knowledge of the benefits of Co-operative activity. This requires some kind of education and must have a favorable attitude towards sharing both the work and the rewards involved.

6. Psychological qualities necessary for the developing Co-operative attitudes: Co-operation requires sympathy and identification, Sympathy depends upon the capacity of the individual to imagine himself in the place of another, particular when the other person is in difficulties. Mutual aid is another name for Co-operation. Co-operation is possible only when there is like mindedness. Similarity of purpose, mutual awareness, mutual understanding, mutual helpfulness and selfless attitudes.

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Question 5.
What is competition? Explain its major types.
Competition plays an important role in social life. Competition performs a number of useful functions in society.
The major types are:

(a) Social Competition: People always compete to get into higher status and position, Competition of this kind is mostly observed in ‘open’ societies. Wherever individual ability, merit, talents and capacities are recognized.

(b) Economic Competition: The most important and at the same time the most vigorous forms of Competition is the economic Competition. It is witnessed in the processes of production, distribution and consumption of goods

(c) Political Competition: In the modern world Competition for political power is always present. Political parties are always engage in Competition to secure power. Such a Competition becomes apparent especially during elections.

(d) Cultural competition: Some sociologists have also spoken of cultural competition. It may take place between two or more cultural groups. Human history provides various example of such a Competition.

(e) Racial competition: Competition may also take place between racial groups such as the Blacks and the Whites, Aryans and Dravidians etc.

Question 6.
Describe the characteristics of Co-operation.
The nature of Co-operations are:

1. Co-operation is universal and continuous: It is a form of social process is not only universal but also continuous. Co-operation makes possible same understanding and adjustment between individuals and groups without which social life is impossible, Co-operation is hailed as the very basis of the communication life of men.

2. Perception of common goals: Individual indulging in Co-operative interaction are aware of some goals. The goal may be winning a victory in a battle, winning a hockey match, students making a combined study and soon perception of a common goal often draws people together.

3. Collective work for common rewards: Co-operation involves combined or collective efforts, rewards are normally shared by them, for example the reward may match the victory or profit shared in an Industry.

4. Co-operation is not necessarily unselfish: It is generally believed to be unselfish, but men may also find that their selfish goals are best served by working together with their fellows. Groups may Co-Operate for self-advancement as in the case of a monopoly or mutual protection, or for the welfare of all groups.

5. Essential conditions of Co-operation: According to Young and Marck Co-operation takes under some conditions. They are as follows. Firstly, Co-operation requires a motivation to seek a goal. Secondly, people must have some knowledge of the benefits of Co-operative activity. This requires some kind of education and must have a favorable attitude towards sharing both the work and the rewards involved.

6. Psychological qualities necessary for the developing Co-operative attitudes: Co-operation requires sympathy and identification, Sympathy depends upon the capacity of the individual to imagine himself in the place of another, particular when the other person is in difficulties. Mutual aid is another name for Co-operation. Co-operation is possible only when there is like mindedness. Similarity of purpose, mutual awareness, mutual understanding, mutual helpfulness and selfless attitudes.

Types of Co-operation:

The types of co-operation can be discussed in the following ways:

1. Direct Co-operation: In the direct cooperation action the individual involved to do the identical function. Ex. Playing together worshiping together, tilling the field together, taking out a cut from the mud, etc., people do work in company with other members, performance of a common task with joint efforts brings them social satisfaction.

2. Indirect Co-operation: In this case people work individually for the attainment of a common end. People do tasks towards a similar end. This is based on the principle of division of labor and specialization. For ex. Farmers, spinners, weavers, dyers, tailors are different and engaged in different activities. But their end remains the Same, that of producing clothes. The modem technological age requires specialization of skill and functions, hence it depends on Co-operation.

Sociologist have also spoken of three other types of Co-operation, namely primary Co-operation Secondary Co-operation and tertiary Co-operation. These types are witnessed in primary groups, secondary groups and between two or more groups respectively.

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Question 7.
Explain functions of competition.
Importance or function of competition:
Competition plays an important role in social life. Competition performs a number of useful functions in society. Some of them may be noted here

1. Source of motivation: Competition is a source of motivation for the individuals. It makes the individual to show his ability and express the talent. It increases individual efficiency. Assigns statuses to the individuals: Competition assigns individuals their respective place in the social system. Social status and competition are always associated Some people complete with others to retains their status, other complete to enhance their status.

2. Provides for new experiences: As Ogburn and Nimkoff has pointed the individuals better opportunities to satisfy their desires for new experiences and recognition. As far as the group is concerned Competition means experimental charge.

3. Competition contributes to Socio-economic progress: Fair Competition is conducive to economic as well as social progress. It even contributes to general welfare because it spurns individuals and groups on to exert their best efforts. When the Competition is directed to promote the general interests of community as a whole, it can bring about miraculous results.

4. Provides for social mobility: As far as the individual is concerned. Competition implies mobility and freedom. The spirit of Competition helps the individual to improve his social status.

Question 8.
Competition has become an separable aspect of our life? Explain.
Competition has become an separable aspect of our life in following ways:

1. Scarcity as a condition of competition: Wherever there are community desired goods and services, there is Competition. In fact, economics starts with its fundamental proposition that while human wants are unlimited the resources that can satisfy these wants are strictly limited. Hence people complete for the possession of these limited resources. As Hamilton pointed out Competition is necessitated by “a population of insatiable wants and a world of stubborn and inadequate resources”.

2. Competition and affluence: Competition may be found even in circumstances of abundance or affluence. In a time of full employment, Competition may take place for the status of the top class. There is Competition not only for food, shelter and other basic needs but also for luxuries, power, name, fame, social position, mates and so on.

3. Competition is Universal: Modem civilized society is marked by the Phenomenon of Competition. Competition is covering almost all the areas of customers, lawyers for clients, doctors for patients, students for ranks or distinctions, athletes and sportsmen for trophies, political parties for power, no society can be said to be exclusively Competition or co-operative.

4. Competition is continuous: Competition is continuous. It is found virtually in every area of social activity and social interaction. Particularly Competition for status, wealth and fame is always present in almost all societies.

5. Competition is dynamic: It stimulates the achievement and contributes to social change to higher level. A college student who completes with others to get selected to the college cricket team. After becoming successful may later struggle to get selected to the University cricket team, to the state team to the national team and so on.

6. Competition is always governed by norms: Competition is not limitless nor is it unregulated. There is no such things as ‘unrestricted competition’ such a phrase I contradiction in terms. Moral norms or legal rules always govern and control competition competitors are expected to use ‘fair tactics’ and not ‘cut-throat devices’.

7. Competition may be unconscious also: Competition may take place on an unconscious level. Many times individuals engaged in Competition are not always aware of the fact that they are in a Competitive race.

8. Competition may be constructive or destructive: Competition may be healthy or unhealthy. If one of the two or more competitor tries to win only at the expense of the others, it is destructive. Sometimes, big industrialists or businessmen to become virtually bankrupt. But constructive competition is mutually stimulating and helpful. It contributes to the welfare of all at large.

9. Competition may be personal or impersonal: Competition is normally directed towards a goal and not against any individual. Sometimes, it takes place without a actual knowledge of other’s existence. Ex. It is impersonal as in the case of civil service examination in which the contestants are not even aware of one another’s identity. Competition may

also be personal as when two individuals contest for election to an office. As competition becomes more personal., it leads to rivalry and shades into conflict. Competition in the social world is largely impersonal. The individual may be vaguely aware of, but has no personal contact with other competitors.

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Question 9.
Explian Simmel’s typology of conflict.
George Simmel has distinguished four types of conflict
(a) war
(b) feud or rational strife
(c) litigation
(d) conflict of impersonal ideas.

(a) War: According to Simmel war represents a deep seated antagonistic impulse in men. But to bring out this impulse into action some define objectives is needed. The objective may be the desire to gain material interests.

(b) Feud and factional strife: This is an intra-group conflict. It may arise because of injustice alleged to have been done by one group to another.

(c) Litigation: Litigation is a judicial form of conflict. It is a judicial struggle by an individual or group to protect right to possessions. This kind of conflict is more objectives in nature.

(d) Conflict of impersonal ideas: This is a conflict carried on by the individuals not for themselves but for an ideal. In such a conflict each party attempts to justify truthfulness of its own ideas. For ex, the communists and Capitalists carry on conflicts to prove that their own system can bring in a better world order.

Question 10.
Explain the characteristics of accommodation.
According to Ogburn and Nimkoff: “Accommodation is a term used by the sociologists to describe the adj ustment of hostile individuals or groups”. Maclver says that “the term Accommodation refers particularly to the process in which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment.

Characteristics of Accommodation:

1. Accommodation is the natural result of Conflict: Since conflicts cannot take place continuously they involved in conflict do not relish the sense of conflict they sit down for it settlement. Such settlements temporary or permanent may be called “Accommodation” in the absence of conflict the question of arriving at accommodation does not arise.

2. Accommodation may be a conscious or an unconscious: Man’s adjustment with the social environment is mostly unconscious. From birth to death man to be behave in conformity with the normative order. The new bom individual learns to accommodate himself with the social order which is dedicated by various norms such as customs, morals, traditions etc. Thus, unconsciously the new bom individual accommodation himself with his family, caste or race, neighborhood. Life is full of such unconscious accommodative activities.

3. Accommodation is Universal: Accommodation as a ‘condition’ and as a ‘process’ is universal. Human society is composed to antagonistic elements and hence conflicts are inevitable. Since no society becomes necessary. Thus accommodation is found in all societies and in all fields of social fife.

4.  Accommodation is continuous: The process of accommodation is not confined to any particular stage in the life of an individual It is not limited to any fixed social situation also. On the contrary, throughout the life one has to accommodate oneself with various situations, further, as and when conflicts take place sooner or later accommodation would follow not only the individuals but also the groups within the society are obliged to accommodate among themselves.

5. The effects of accommodation may vary with the circumstances: It may act to reduce the conflict between persons or groups as an initial step towards assimilation. It may serve to postpone outright conflict for a specific period of time, as in a treaty between nations or labor.

Management agreement. It may permit groups marked by sharp social-psychological distance to get along together. It may prove to be beneficial for the parties involved in it. Sometimes it may help the superior or more powerful party to party to impose it on the weaker party.

Question 11.
Describe the role of the third party of compromise.
The role of third party in compromise:

1. Arbitration: When the contending parties themselves are not able to resolve their differences they may resort to arbitration. Arbitration is a device for bringing about compromise in which a third party tries to bring about an end to the conflict. Here the decision of the third party is binding on both the parties. Labour management disputes, some political disputes are often resolved in this way.

2. Mediation: Mediation is more a kin to arbitration. This involves the introduction into the conflict of a neutral agent whose efforts are directed towards bringing about a peaceful settlements. But the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as but the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as such for his decisions are not binding on the parties.

3. Conciliation: Closely related to compromise is conciliation. This is an attempt to persuade the disputants to develop friendship and come to an agreement. Conciliation has been used in industrial, racial and religious struggles. Conciliation implies a milder response to an opponent than coercion. In the end conciliation, like toleration opens the door to assimilation.

4. Toleration: It is another form of accommodation in which the conflict are avoided rather than settled or resolved. Toleration is an outgrowth of the “live and let-live” policy. It is a form of accommodation without formal agreements. Here there is no settlements of difference but there is only the avoidance of over conflict. Each group tries to bear with the others. The groups realized that their differences are irreconcilable. Hence they decided to coexist with their differences. Racial groups castes political parties wedded to mutually opposite ideologies.

5. Conversion: This form of accommodation involves a sudden rejection of one’s beliefs, convictions and loyalties context to refer to one’s conversion into some other religion. This concept is now used in the literary, artistic, economic and political fields.

6. Sublimation: Adjustments by means of sublimation involves the substitution of non- aggressive attitudes and activates for aggressive ones. It may take place at the individual as well as at the group level. The method suggested by Gandhij i and most of the religious prophets to conquer violence and hatred by non-violence, love and compassion is that of sublimation.

7. Rationalization: This involves excuses or explanations for one’s behavior. One is not prepared to acknowledge one’s failure or defects for its may indicate guilt or the need for change. Hence one blames other for one’s own fault. By ascribing one’s failure to others instead of accepting one’s own defects, one can retain self-respect.

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Question 12.
Mention Gillin typology of accommodation.
Methods of Accommodations:
Accommodation arrangements between groups or individuals take variety of forms, Gillin and Gillin have mentioned. They are:

1. Yielding to coercion: Coercion involves the use of force or the threat of force for making the weaker party to accept the conditions of agreement. This can take place when the parties are of unequal strength in wars the victorious nation imposes its will on the vanquished. Various political dictatorship are also instances of coercive accommodation in which a strong minority group which seizes political power imposes its will on the masses.

2. Compromise: When the contending parties are almost equal in power they attain accommodation by means of compromise. In compromise each party to the dispute makes some concessions dnd yields to some demand of the other. The “all or nothing” attitudes gives way to willingness to give up certain points in order to gain others. Certain international agreements and management labour agreements on wages, hours of work are example of compromise.

The role of third party in compromise:

1. Arbitration: When the contending parties themselves are not able to resolve their differences they may resort to arbitration. Arbitration is a device for bringing about compromise in which a third party tries to bring about an end to the conflict. Here the decision of the third party is binding on both the parties. Labour management disputes some political disputes are often resolved in this way.

2. Mediation: Mediation is more a kin to arbitration. This involves the introduction into the conflict of a neutral agent whose efforts are directed towards bringing about a peaceful settlements. But the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as but the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as such for his decisions are not binding on the parties.

3. Conciliation: Closely related to compromise is conciliation. This is an attempt to persuade the disputants to develop friendship and come to an agreement. Conciliation has been used in industrial, racial and religious struggles. Conciliation implies a milder response to an opponent than coercion. In the end conciliation, like toleration opens the door to assimilation.

Question 13.
Examine the characteristics of assimilation?
According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into One”.
Characteristics of Assimilation:

1. Assimilation is not confined to single field only: The term assimilation is generally applied to explain the fusion of two distinct cultural group. Thus, it is an universal process. The process occur in every walks of Human life ex: social, economic, political, art, music, agriculture, food and dress, habit etc. But this process is by no means limited to any single field. In the religious field, assimilation may take place when an individual or a group of individuals or a particular religious background get converted into some other religious sect or group. As a process assimilation encompasses life in general.

2. Assimilation is a slow and gradual process: Assimilation cannot take place all of a sudden it takes. Fusion of personalities and groups usually takes time. It occurs only when there is relatively continuous and direct contact. The speed of the process of assimilation depends on the nature of contacts. If the contacts are primary then assimilation occurs naturally and rapid. On the contrary, if the contracts are. Secondary assimilation takes place very slowly. The formation of American Culture due to the assimilation of British, Scottish, German and other European Cultures also has taken several decades and centuries.

3. Assimilation is an unconscious process: In the process of assimilation the individual or group is usually unconscious of what is taking place. Mostly it occurs in an unconscious manner individual and groups discard cultural heritage and substitute it with the new one.

4. Assimilation is a two-way process: Assimilation involves the principle of give and take. It is normally preceded by another process called ‘acculturation’Acculturation is a preliminary and necessary step towards assimilation. It takes place when one cultural group which is in contact with another borrows from it certain cultural elements and incorporate them into its own culture. Contact between two groups essentially affects into its own culture. Contac between two groups essentially affects both. Usually the culturally ‘weaker’ group borrows must of the trails from the culturally ‘stronger’ group.

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Question 14.
Explain the factors that is favorable of assimilation.
Factors Favoring Assimilation:

1. Toleration: Assimilation is possible only when individual and groups are tolerated towards cultural differences of others. Tolerance helps people to comet ether, to develop contacts and to participate in common social and cultural activities. on the majority group or the dominant group itself is secure.

2. Intimate social relationships: Assimilation is the final product of social contacts. The relative speed in which it is achieved depends on the nature of the contacts. It takes place naturally in primary groups such as family and friendship groups.

3. Amalgamation or intermarriage: It is an effective favoring assimilation process. It does not combine two opposite sexes but also two different families, castes, religious and regional groups together. A factor which helps complete assimilation is amalgamation

4. which refers to the intermarriage of different groups without biological amalgamation complete assimilation is not possible. Mere inter mixture of the groups to a limited degree does not guarantee assimilation but intermarriage or amalgamation must be accepted in the mores and become a part of the institutional; structure, before assimilation exists.

Cultural similarity: If there are striking similarities between them an constituents of cultures of groups assimilation is quick to take place. In America, for example English

1. speaking protestants are assimilated with greater aped than non-Christians who do not speak English;

2. Education: Education is another conductive factor for assimilation. For immigrant people public education has played a prominent role in providing culture contact. Maurice R Davis has pointed out in his “world immigration” that in American public schools has been playing the vital role in the process of Americanizing the children of foreign born parents.

3. Equal Social and economic opportunity: Public education alone is not enough. People of all groups must have equal access to socio-economic opportunities. Only then, they can come closer and establish relations among themselves with mutual trust. As it has been observed in the case of America, full assimilation is possible only when full participation in social, cultural and economic life is allowed. Assimilation is a two way process when it happens between two culture groups. Each group contributing varying proportions of the eventual blend.

Question 15.
Explain three levels of assimilation?
Forms of assimilation
The process of assimilation takes place mainly at three levels:

  • Individual level
  • Group level
  • Culture level.

1. Individual level: A social individual when enters or joins a new patterns of different cultural patterns, he or she has to adopt new patterns of values, habits, customs and beliefs of the other group in order to be fully accepted by new group. In course of time, he or she becomes assimilated into the second group. An Indian woman after marriage starts with dissimilar backgrounds and develops a surprising unity of infests and identifies herself with the family of her husband. The tendency is to conform to other’s behaviors pattern and differences in the time may largely disappear.

2. Group level: When two groups with dissimilar patterns of behavior come in close contact, they inevitably affect each other. In this process, it is generally seen that the weaker group would do more of the borrowing from and would give very little to stronger group. For instance, when we came in contact with Britishers, being a weaker group, we have adopted many cultural elements of Britishers but they have adopted many cultural elements from Indian society. The adoption of elements of dominant cultural paves the way for

total absorption., if not checked, of the new culture group with the dominant culture.

3. Cultural level: When two cultures merge to produce a third culture which, while somewhat distinct, has features of both merging cultures. In western countries to some extent, rural and urban cultures which were radically different are, with rapidly increasing communication, merging as differences continue to disappear although they still exist.

Question 16.
Explain the types of assimilation?
Forms of assimilation The process of assimilation takes place mainly at three levels:

  • Individual level
  • Group level
  • Culture level.

Individual level: A social individual when enters or joins a new patterns of different cultural patterns, he or she has to adopt new patterns of values, habits, customs and beliefs of the other group in order to be fully accepted by new group. In course of time, he or she becomes assimilated into the second group. An Indian woman after marriage starts with dissimilar backgrounds and develops a surprising unity of interests and identifies herself with the family of her husband. The tendency is to conform to other’s behaviors pattern and differences in the time may largely disappear.

Group level: When two groups with dissimilar patterns of behavior come in close contact, they inevitably affect each other. In this process, it is generally seen that the weaker group would do more of the borrowing from and would give very little to stronger group. For instance, when we came in contact with Britishers, being a weaker group, we have adopted many cultural elements of Britishers but they have adopted many cultural elements from Indian society. The adoption of elements of dominant cultural paves the way for total absorption, if not checked, of the new culture group with the dominant culture.

Cultural level: When two cultures merge to produce a third culture which, while somewhat distinct, has features of both merging cultures. In western countries to some extent, rural and urban cultures which were radically different are, with rapidly increasing communication, merging as differences continue to disappear although they still exist.

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1st PUC Sociology Social Process Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Social Interaction? Explain its elements?
Social interaction is the foundation of society. It is the very essence of social life. Hence, the concept is crucial to any study of the dynamics of society. And nature without interaction there would be no group life. Thus, it can be said that interaction is the basic social process, the broadest term for describing dynamic social relationships. Social interaction represents the dynamic nature of human society.

It is true the life is stable, confined and defined by traditional systems, norms and patterned ways. Life is dynamic. People are on the move they are striving, competing, conflicting, Co-operation, appeasing, adjusting, reconciling and then challenging again. This action element or functional element itself represents social interaction

Direct and Symbolic interaction: Interaction may be direct or symbolic. Direct interaction refers to the activities of person which may be seen in such conduct as pushing fighting, pulling, embracing dishing or in other forms of bodily contact with other gestures and language, spoken one written. A symbol is a summary of the experience. It may represent an object, act, quality, value idea or any expected response. Language is the rich storehouse of such symbols.

The centre nature of interaction is inter stimulated and response. One stimulates the actions, thoughts or emotions of another persons and response to the similar behavior of the others. Interaction increases mental activity, fosters comparison of ideas, sets new tasks, accelerates and discovers the potentialities of the individual.

According to N. P. Gish “Social interaction is the reciprocal influence human begins to exert on each other through inter stimulation and response”. According to Dawson and Gettys: “Social interaction is a process where by men interpenetrate the minds of each other”. Two conditions of Interaction: Park and Burgess are of the opinion that Contact and Communication are the two main condition of social interaction.

Contact: It is the first stage of interaction. Contact means simply a coming together of independent units. It involves a mutual response, an inner adjustment of behavior to the actions of others. The two kinds of contact are: 1) Contact in time 2) Contact in space. The first one refers to contact of a group with the earlier generations through customs, traditions, folkways, morals etc. The second one refers to the relationship between contemporary individuals and groups within a particular area. The contacts may be primary and personal or secondary and impersonal in nature.

Communication: It is the medium of interaction. In communication one person infers from the behavior of another the idea or feeling of the other person. It may take place at three levels-through the sense, the emotions and the sentiments and ideas. The first two are called the natural forms of communication.

They are common to man and the animals on the sensory level, seeing* hearing, smelling and touching all play a role in evoking responses on the emotional level such thing as facial expression, blushing and laughing arouse response, communication on the third level, taking place through the intellect is strictly limited to men.

Direct and Symbolic interaction:
Interaction may be direct or symbolic. Direct interaction refers to the activities of person which may be seen in such conduct as pushing fighting, pulling, embracing dishing or in other forms of bodily contact with other gestures and language, spoken or written. A symbol is a summary of experience. It may represent an object, act, quality, value idea or any expected response. Language is the rich storehouse of such symbols.

The centre nature of interaction is inter stimulated and response. One stimulates the actions, thoughts or emotions of another persons and response to the similar behavior of the others. Interaction increases mental activity, fosters comparison of ideas, sets new tasks, accelerates and discovers the potentialities of the individual.

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Question 2.
What are the social processes? Explain?
The society is a system of social relationship. We may witness such relationship between father and son, employer and employee, teacher and student, merchant and customer, leader and follower or between friends and enemies, between children, etc., socialogy must analyze and classify social relationship because they represent social fact and social data.

Social relationship represents the functional aspects of society. Analyzing and classifying social relationship is a difficult task. Social relationship involve reciprocal obligations. It refers to a pattern of interaction between these individuals thus social relationships may be studied by the kind or mode of interaction. It exhibit kinds of interaction are called social processes.

Social processes are the fundamental ways in which men interact and establish relationships. According to Maclver and Page:” Social processes is the manner in which the relationship of the members of a group, once brought together, acquire a distinctive character”According to A. W. Green: The social processes are merely the characteristics ways in which interaction occurs”

Types of Social processes: Social processes refers to the kinds or types of social interaction. Social interaction assumes different forms, Cooperation, competition, conflict, accommodation and assimilation are very necessary social interactions. These five types social interaction or social processes may be deeply analyzed here.

Question 3.
Describe the nature and importance of co-operation?
Co-operation is one of the basic pervasive and continuous social process. It is very basic of .men’s social existence. Co-operation generally means “working together for the pursuit of the common goal”.
According to Merrill and Eldredge: “Co-operation is a form of Social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end”.

The nature of Co-operation are:

Co-operation is universal and continuous: It is a form of social process is not only universal but also continuous. Co-operation makes possible same understanding and adjustment between individuals and groups without which social life is impossible. Co-operation is hailed as the very basis of the communication life of men.

Perception of common goals: Individual indulging in Co-operative interaction are aware of some goals. The goal may be winning a victory in a battle, winning a hockey match, students making a combined study and so on perception of a common goal often draws people together.

Collective work for common rewards: Co-operation involves combined or collective efforts, rewards are normally shared by them, for example the reward may be match victory or profit shared in an Industry.

Co-operation is not necessarily unselfish: It is generally believed to be unselfish, but men may also find that their selfish goals are best served by working together with their fellows. Groups may Co-Operate for self-advancement as in the case of a monopoly or mutual protection, or for the welfare of all groups.

Essential conditions of Co-operation: According to Young and Marck Co-operation takes under some conditions. They are as follows. Firstly, Co-operation requires a motivation to seek a goal. Secondly, people must have some knowledge of the benefits of Co-operative activity. This requires some kind of education and must have a favorable attitude towards sharing both the work and the rewards involved.

Psychological qualities necessary for the developing Co-operative attitudes: Co-operation requires sympathy and identification, Sympathy depends upon the capacity of the individual to imagine himself in the place of another, particular when the other person is in difficulties, Mutual aid is another name for Co-operation. Co-operation is possible only when there is like mindedness. Similarity of purpose, mutual awareness, mutual understanding, mutual helpfulness and selfless attitudes.

The types of co-operation can be discussed in the following ways:

Direct Co-operation: In the direct cooperation action the individual involved to do the identical function. Ex. Playing together worshiping together, tilling the field together, taking out a cut from the mud, etc., people do work in company with other members, performance of a common task with joint efforts brings them social satisfaction.

Indirect Co-operation: In this case people work individually for the attainment of a common end. People do tasks towards a similar end. This is based on the principle of division of labor and specialization. For ex. Farmers, spinners, weavers, dyers, tailors are different and engaged in different activities. But their end remains the same, that of producing clothes. The modern technological age requires specialization of skill and functions, hence it depends on Co-operation.

Sociologist have also spoken of three other types of Co-operation, namely primary Co-operation Secondary Co-operation and tertiary Co-operation. These types are witnessed in primary groups, secondary groups and between two or more groups respectively.

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Question 4.
Analyze the nature and importance of Competition.
The characteristics of Competition are:

Scarcity as a condition of competition: Wherever there are community desired goods and services, there is Competition. In fact, economics starts with its fundamental proposition that while human wants are unlimited the resources that can satisfy these wants are strictly limited. Hence people complete for the possession of these limited resources. As Hamilton pointed out Competition is necessitated by “a population of insatiable wants and a world of stubborn and inadequate resources”.

Competition and affluence: Competition may be found even in circumstances of abundance or affluence. In a time of full employment, Competition may take place for the status of the top class. There is Competition not only for food, shelter and other basic needs but also for luxuries, power, name, fame, social position, mates and so on.

Competition is Universal: Modem civilized society is marked by the Phenomenon of Competition. Competition is covering almost all the areas of customers, lawyers for clients, doctors for patients, students for ranks or distinctions, athletes and sportsmen for trophies, political parties for power, no society can be said to be exclusively Competition or co-operative.

Competition is continuous: Competition is continuous. It is found virtually in every area of social activity and social interaction. Particularly Competition for status, wealth and fame is always present in almost all societies.

Competition is dynamic: It stimulates the achievement and contributes to social change to higher level. A college student who completes with others to get selected to the college cricket team. After becoming successful may later struggle to get selected to the University cricket team, to the state team to the national team and so on.

Competition is always governed by norms: Competition is not limitless nor is it unregulated. There is no such things as ‘unrestricted competition’ such a phrase is contradiction in terms. Moral norms or legal rules always govern and control competition competitors are expected to use ‘fair tactics’ and not ‘cut-throat devices’.

Competition may be unconscious also: Competition may take place on an unconscious level. Many times individuals engaged in Competition are not always aware of the fact that they are in a Competitive race.

Competition may be constructive or destructive: Competition may be healthy or unhealthy. If one of the two or more competitor tries to win only at the expense of the others, it is destructive. Sometimes, big industrialists or businessmen to become virtually bankrupt. But constructive competition is mutually stimulating and helpful. It contributes to the welfare of all at large.

Competition may be personal or impersonal: Competition is normally directed towards a goal and not against any individual. Sometimes, it takes place without a actual knowledge of other’s existence. Ex. It is impersonal as in the case of civil service examination in which the contestants are not even aware of one another’s identity. Competition may also be personal as when two individuals contest for election to an office. As competition becomes more personal., it leads to rivalry and shades into conflict. Competition in the social world is largely impersonal. The individual may be vaguely aware of, but has no personal contact with other competitors.

Importance or function of competition:
Competition plays an important role in social life. Competition performs a number of useful functions in society. Some of them may be noted here

Source of motivation: Competition is a source of motivation for the individuals. It makes the individual to show his ability and express the talent. It increases individual efficiency.

Assigns statuses to the individuals: Competition assigns individuals their respective place in the social system. Social status and competition are always associated. Some people complete with others to retains their status, other complete to enhance their status.

Provides for new experiences: As Ogbum and Nimkoff has pointed the individuals better opportunities to satisfy their desires for new experiences and recognition. As far as the group is concerned Competition means experimental charge.

Competition contributes to Socio-economic progress: Fair Competition is conductive to economic as well as social progress. It even contributes to general welfare because it spurns individuals and groups on to exert their best efforts. When the Competition is directed to promote the general interests of community as a whole, it can bring about miraculous results.

Provides for social mobility: As far as the individual is concerned. Competition implies mobility and freedom. The spirit of Competition helps the individual to improve his social status.

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Question 5.
Examine the nature and type of conflict.
The characteristics of Conflict:

Conflict is Universal: Conflict or cash of interests is Universal in nature. It is present in almost all the societies. In some societies conflict may be very acute and vigorous while in some others. It may be very mild. Karl marx, Frederich Engels, Saint Simon and others have emphasized the role of conflict as a fundamental factor in the social life of man.

Karl Marx, the architect of communism, has said that “The history of the hitherto existing human society is nothing but the history of the class struggle.” He has mentioned the capitalists and the labourers as belonging to two distinct social classes which have mutually opposite interests.

Conflict is a conscious action: Individual and group who are involved in Conflict are aware of the fact that they are Conflicting As Park and Burgess have pointed out conflict is always conscious and evokes the deepest emotions and stronger passions.

Conflict is personalized by competition: When competition is personalized it leads to conflict. In the struggle to overcome the other person or group, the goal is temporarily related to a level of secondary importance.

Conflict is not continuous but intermittent: Conflict never takes place continuously. It takes place occasionally. No society can sustain itself in a state of continuous Conflict.

Conflict is conditioned by culture: Conflict is affected by the nature of the group and its particular culture. The objects of Conflicts maybe property, power and status, freedom of action and thought, or any other highly desired value when the stability of a political order is threatened, political Conflict may be the result. If sectarianism is ripe, we may expect Conflict to occur in region. The culturally determined values of a society will set the stage for this struggles.

Conflict and norms: Not only culture modifies conflict and its forms but also controls and governs it. When conflict is infrequent and when no adequate techniques have been worked out, more violent and unpredictable sorts at Conflict such as race, riots arise.

Frustration and insecurity promote Conflict: Sometimes, factors like frustration and insecurity promote Conflicts within the same society, individual feel frustrated if they are thoroughly disturbed in their attempts to reach their goals. These goals may be desire for power, position, prestige, status, wealth, money etc.

insecurities like economic crisis, unemployment, the fear of deprivation of love and affection may add to the frustration. In extreme case of this sort one may even lose mental balance or even commit suicide. A society marked by widespread insecurity is one in which Conflict is potential.

Types of conflict:

George Simmel has distinguished four types of conflict (a) war (b) feud or rational strife (c) litigation (d) conflict of impersonal ideas.

War: According to Simmel war represents a deep seated antagonistic impulse in men. But to bring out this impulse into action some define objectives is needed. The objective may be the desire to gain material interests.

Feud and factional strife: This is an intra-group conflict. It may arise because of injustice alleged to have been done by one group to another.

Litigation: Litigation is a judicial form of conflict. It is ajudicial struggle by an individual or group to protect right to possessions. This kind of conflict is more objectives in nature.

Conflict of impersonal ideas: This is a conflict carried on by the individuals not for themselves but for an ideal. In such a conflict each party attempts to justify truthfulness of its own ideas. For ex, the communists and Capitalists carry on conflicts to prove that their own system can bring in a better world order.

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Question 6.
What is accommodation? What are the methods of accommodation? Explain.
According to Ogbum and Nimkoff: “Accommodation is a term used by the sociologists to describe the adjustment of hostile individuals or groups”.
Maclver says that “the term Accommodation refers particularly to the process in which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment.

Characteristics of Accommodation:

Accommodation is the natural result of Conflict: Since conflicts cannot take place continuously they involved in conflict do not relish the sense of conflict they sit down for it settlement. Such settlements temporary or permanent may be called “Accommodation” in the absence of conflict the question of arriving at accommodation does not arise.

Accommodation may be a conscious or an unconscious: Man’s adjustment with the social environment is mostly unconscious. From birth to death man to be behave in conformity with the normative order. The new born individual learns to accommodate himself with the social order which is dedicated by various norms such as customs, morals, traditions etc. Thus, unconsciously the new bom individual accommodation himself with his family, caste or race, neighborhood. Life is full of such unconscious accommodative activities

Accommodation is Universal: Accommodation as a ‘condition’ and as a ‘process’ is universal. Human society is composed to antagonistic elements and hence conflicts are inevitable. Since no society becomes necessary. Thus accommodation is found in all societies and in all fields of social life.

Accommodation is continuous: The process of accommodation is not confined to any particular stage in the life of an individual. It is not limited to any fixed social situation also. On the contrary, throughout the life one has to accommodate oneself with various situations, further, as and when conflicts take place sooner or later accommodation would follow not only the individuals but also the groups within the society are obliged to accommodate among themselves.

The effects of accommodation may vary with the circumstances: It may act to reduce the conflict between persons or groups as an initial step towards assimilation. It may serve to postpone outright conflict for a specific period of time, as in a treaty between nations or labor.

Management agreement. It may permit groups marked by sharp social-psychological distance to get along together. It may prove to be beneficial for the parties involved in it. Sometimes it may help the superior or more powerful party to party to impose it on the weaker party

Methods of Accommodations:
Accommodation arrangements between groups or individuals take variety of forms, Gillin and Gillin have mentioned. They are:

Yielding to coercion: Coercion involves the use of force or the threat of force for making the weaker party to accept the conditions of agreement. This can take place when the parties are of unequal strength in wars the victorious nation imposes its will on the vanquished. Various political dictatorship are also instances of coercive accommodation in which a strong minority group which seizes political power imposes its will on the masses.

Compromise: When the contending parties are almost equal in power they attain accommodation by means of compromise. In compromise each party to the dispute makes some concessions and yields to some demand of the other. The “all or nothing” attitudes gives way to willingness to give up certain points in order to gain others. Certain international agreements and management labour agreements on wages, hours of work are example of compromise.

The role of third party in compromise:

Arbitration: When the contending parties themselves are not able to resolve their differences they may resort to arbitration. Arbitration is a device for bringing about compromise in which a third party tries to bring about an end to the conflict. Here the decision of the third party is binding on both the parties. Labour management disputes some political disputes are often resolved in this way.

Mediation: Mediation is more akin to arbitration. This involves the introduction into the conflict of a neutral agent whose efforts are directed towards bringing about a peaceful settlement. But the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as but the mediator has no power to settle the conflict as such for his decisions are not binding on the parties.

Conciliation: Closely related to compromise is conciliation. This is an attempt to persuade the disputants to develop friendship and come to an agreement. Conciliation has been used in industrial, racial and religious struggles. Conciliation implies a milder response to an opponent than coercion. In the end conciliation, like toleration opens the door to assimilation.

Toleration: It is another form of accommodation in which the conflict are avoided rather than settled or resolved. Toleration is an outgrowth of the “live and let-live” policy. It is a form of accommodation without formal agreements. Here there is no settlements of difference but there is only the avoidance of over conflict. Each group tries to bear with the others. The groups realized that their differences are irreconcilable. Hence they decided to coexist with their differences. Racial groups castes political parties wedded to mutually opposite ideologies.

Conversion: this form of accommodation involves a sudden rejection of one’s beliefs, convictions and loyalties context to refer to one’s conversion into some other religion. This concept is now used in the literary, artistic, economic and political fields.

Sublimation: Adjustments by means of sublimation involves the substitution of non- aggressive attitudes and activates for aggressive ones. It may take place at the individual as well as at the group level. The method suggested by Gandhiji and most of the religious prophets to conquer violence and hatred by non-violence, love and compassion is that of sublimation.

Rationalization: This involves excuses or explanations for one’s behavior. One is not prepared to acknowledge one’s failure or defects for its may indicate guilt or the need for change. Hence one blames other for one’s own fault. By ascribing one’s failure to others instead of accepting one’s own defects, one can retain self-respect.

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Question 7.
Analyse the nature and factors that favorable of assimilation.
According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct
groups into one”.
Characteristics of Assimilation:

Assimilation is not confined to single field only: The term assimilation is generally applied to explain the fusion of two distinct cultural group. Thus, it is an universal process. The process occurs in every walks of Human life ex: social, economic, political, art, music, agriculture, food and dress, habit etc. But this process is by notifications limited to any single field. In the religious field, assimilation may take place when an individual or a group of individuals or a particular religious background get converted into some other religious sect or group. As a process assimilation encompasses life in general.

Assimilation is a slow and gradual process: Assimilation cannot take place all of a sudden it takes. Fusion of personalities and groups usually takes time. It occurs only when there is relatively continuous and direct contact. The speed of the process of assimilation depends on the nature of contacts. If the contacts are primary then assimilation occurs naturally and rapid. On the contrary, if the contracts are Secondary assimilation takes place very slowly. The formation of American Culture due to the assimilation of British, Scottish, German and other European Cultures also has taken several decades and centuries.

Assimilation is an unconscious process: In the process of assimilation the individual or group is usually unconscious of what is taking place. Mostly it occurs in an unconscious manner individual and groups discard cultural heritage and substitute it with the new one.

Assimilation is a two-way process: Assimilation involves the principle of give and take. It is normally preceded by another process called ‘acculturation’ Acculturation is a preliminary and necessary step towards assimilation. It takes place when one cultural group which is in contact with another borrows from it certain cultural elements and incorporate them into its own culture. Contact between two groups essentially affects into its own culture. Contact between two groups essentially affects both. Usually the culturally ‘weaker’ group borrows must of the trails from the culturally ‘stronger’ group.

Factors Favoring Assimilation:

Toleration: assimilation is possible only when individual and groups are tolerated towards cultural differences of others. Tolerance helps people to come together, to develop contacts and to participate in common social and cultural activities. When the majority group or the dominant group itself is secure.

Intimate social relationships: Assimilation is the final product of social contacts. The relative speed in which it is achieved depends on the nature of the contacts. It takes place naturally in primary groups such as family and friendship groups.

Amalgamation or intermarriage: It is an effective favoring assimilation process. It does not combine two opposite sexes but also two different families, castes, religious and regional groups together. A factor which helps complete assimilation is amalgamation which refers to the intermarriage of different groups without biological amalgamation complete assimilation is not possible.

Mere intermixture of the groups to a limited degree does not guarantee assimilation but intermarriage or amalgamation must be accepted in the mores and become a part of the institutional; structure, before assimilation exists.

Cultural similarity: If there are striking similarities between them an constituents of cultures of groups assimilation is quick to take place. In America, for example English – speaking protestants are assimilated with greater aped than non-Christians who do not speak English.

Education: Education is another conductive factor for assimilation. For immigrant people public education has played a prominent role in providing culture contact. Maurice R Davis has pointed out in his “world immigration” that in American public schools has been playing the vital role in the process of Americanizing the children of foreign born parents.

Equal Social and economic opportunity: Public education alone is not enough. People of all groups must have equal access to socio-economic opportunities. Only then, they can come closer and establish relations among themselves with mutual trust. As it has been observed in the case of America, full assimilation is possible only when full participation in social, cultural and economic life is allowed.

Assimilation is a two way process when it happens between two culture groups. Each group contributing varying proportions of the eventual blend.
Forms of assimilation The process of assimilation takes place mainly at three levels:

  • Individual level
  • Group level
  • Culture level.

Individual level: A social individual when enters or joins a new patterns of different cultural patterns, he or she has to adopt new patterns of values, habits, customs and beliefs of the other group in order to be fully accepted by new group. In course of time, he or she becomes assimilated into the second group. An Indian woman after marriage starts with dissimilar backgrounds and develops a surprising unity of interests and identifies herself with the family of her husband. The tendency is to conform to other’s behaviors pattern and differences in the time may largely disappear.

Group level: When two groups with dissimilar patterns of behavior come in close contact, – they inevitably affect each other. In this process, it is generally seen that the weaker group would do more of the borrowing from and would give very little to a stronger group. For instance, when we came in contact with Britishers, being a weaker group, we have adopted many cultural elements of Britishers but they have adopted many cultural elements from Indian society. The adoption of elements of dominant cultural paves the way for total absorption, if not checked, of the new culture group with the dominant culture.

Cultural level: When two cultures merge to produce a third culture which, while somewhat distinct, has features of both merging cultures. In western countries to some extent, rural and urban cultures which were radically different are, with rapidly increasing communication, merging as differences continue to disappear although they still exist.

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Question 8.
Explain the process of assimilation at individual level.
According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one”.
Individual level: A social individual when enters or joins a new patterns of different cultural patterns, he or she has to adopt new patterns of values, habits, customs and beliefs of the other group in order to be fully accepted by new group. In course of time, he or she becomes assimilated into the second group.

An Indian woman after marriage starts with dissimilar backgrounds and develops a surprising unity of inrests and identifies herself with the family of her husband. The tendency is to conform to other’s behaviors pattern and differences in the time may largely disappear.

Question 9.
Explain the process of assimilation at group level?
According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one”.
Group level: When two groups with dissimilar patterns of behavior come in close contact, they inevitably affect each other. In this process, it is generally seen that the weaker group would do more of the borrowing from and would give very little to stronger group.

For instance, when we came in contact with Britishers, being a weaker group, we have adopted many cultural elements of Britishers but they have adopted many cultural elements from Indian – society. The adoption of elements of dominant cultural paves the way for total absorption, if not checked, of the new culture group with the dominant culture.

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Question 10.
Explain the process of assimilation at cultural level.
Characteristics of Assimilation:
Assimilation is not confined to single field only: The term assimilation is generally applied to explain the fusion of two distinct cultural group. Thus, it is an universal process. The process occur in every walks of Human life ex: social, economic, political, art, music, agriculture, food and dress, habit etc.

But this process is by no means limited to any single field. In the religious field, assimilation may take place when an individual or a group of individuals or a particular religious background get converted into some other religious sect or group. As a process assimilation encompasses life in general.

Assimilation is a slow and gradual process: Assimilation cannot take place all of a sudden it takes. Fusion of personalities and groups usually takes time. It occurs only when there is relatively continuous and direct contact. The speed of the process of assimilation depends on the nature of contacts.

If the contacts are primary then assimilation occurs naturally and rapid. On the contrary, if the contracts are Secondary assimilation takes place very slowly. The formation of American Culture due to the assimilation of British, Scottish, German and other European Cultures also has taken several decades and centuries.

Assimilation is an unconscious process: In the process of assimilation the individual or group is usually unconscious of what is taking place. Mostly it occurs in an unconscious manner individual and groups discard cultural heritage and substitute it with the new one.

Assimilation is a two-way process: Assimilation involves the principle of give and take. It is normally preceded by another process called acculturation is a preliminary and necessary step towards assimilation. It takes place when one cultural group which is in contact with another borrows from it certain cultural elements and incorporate them into its own culture. Contact between two groups essentially affects into its own culture. Contact between two groups essentially affects both. Usually the culturally ‘weaker’ group borrows must of the trails from the culturally ‘stronger’ group.

According to Young and Mack: “Assimilation is the fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one”.

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Cultural level: When two cultures merge to produce a third culture which, while somewhat distinct, has features of both merging cultures. In western countries to some extent, rural and urban cultures which were radically different are, with rapidly increasing communication, merging as differences continue to disappear although they still exist.

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Question 11.
Explain the cause of conflict.
The characteristics of Conflict:
Conflict is Universal: Conflict or cash of interests is Universal in nature. It is present in almost all the societies. In some societies conflict may be very acute and vigorous „ while in some others. It may be very mild. Karl marx, Frederich Engels, Saint Simon and others have emphasized the role of conflict as a fundamental factor in the social life of man.

Karl Marx, the architect of communism, has said that “The history of the hitherto existing human society is nothing but the history of the class struggle.” He has mentioned the capitalists and the labourers as belonging to two distinct social classes which have mutually opposite interests,

Conflict is a conscious action: Individual and group who are involved in Conflict are aware of the fact that they are Conflicting As Park and Burgess have pointed out conflict is always conscious and evokes the deepest emotions and stronger passions.

Conflict is personalized by competition: When competition is personalized it leads to conflict. In the struggle to overcome the other person or group, the goal is temporarily related to a level of secondary importance.

Conflict is not continuous but intermittent: Conflict never takes place continuously. It takes place occasionally. No society can sustain itself in a state of continuous Conflict.

Conflict is conditioned by culture: Conflict is affected by the nature of the group and its particular culture. The objects of Conflicts may be property, power and status, freedom of action and though, or any other highly desired value when the stability of a political order is threatened, political Conflict may be the result. If sectarianism is ripe, we may ’ The causes of Conflict:

There are many other causes of conflict, which may be briefly stated as under:

Individual differences: No men are alike in their nature, attitudes, ideals, opinions and interests. These differences lead them to some or the other sort of conflict to fulfill their individual interest. Because of these differences, they fail to accommodate themselves with each other.

Cultural differences: Culture differs from society to society and also group to group. These differences, sometimes cause tension and lead to conflict. The religious differences have often led to wars and persecution in history. In India, often, communal conflicts broke out which are the results of religious differences.

Clash of interests: The interests of different people or groups occasionally clash. For example, the interests of workers clash with those of the employers which leads to conflict in the form of strike, bandh or dharma etc. among them. ‘

Social change: All parts of society do not change with the same speed. This causes Tag’ in the parts which may cause of generations is the result of such social changes.

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Question 12.
Explain the role of conflict?
Role of conflict: Conflict has always captured the attention of the people and the society. As other forms of social interaction, it has both positive and negative effects. Conflict both terminates and commences to serve the interests of man in society. Cooley maintained “Conflict of some sort is the life of society, and progress emerges from a struggle in which each individual, class or institutions seeks to realize its own ideals of good”.

Lewis A. Coser, in his work “The functions of conflict”, has also analyzed the role of conflict in promoting unity in detail. Thus, the above discussion about the role of conflict may be summed up as given below, Conflict determines the status of the individual in the social organization. Rivalry, war and other forms of personal struggle determine superiority and subordination of men and groups.

Conflict is not always an unmitigated evil everywhere as it is generally assumed. It is a chief role in the development and spread of culture.
Conflict may eventuate-in the peace through victory of one contestant over others.

Conflict helps to define social issues and brings about a new equilibrium of contending, forces. It may lead to the working out of non-violent techniques for resolved at least for a time.

Conflict keeps groups alert to members ‘ interests. Conflict generates new norm and new institutions. It happens mostly in economic and technological realms. Economic historians often have pointed out that much technological improvement has resulted from the conflict activity of trade unions.

Conflict within and between bureaucratic structures provides means of avoiding the ossification and ritualism which threatens their form of organization.

Conflict leads not only to over-changing relations within the existing social structure, but the total system undergoes transformation through conflict. Conflict between vested interests and the new strata and groups demanding share of power, wealth and status have proved to be productive of vitality.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 2 Basic Concepts

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 2 Basic Concepts

You can Download Chapter 2 Basic Concepts Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Basic Concepts One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who was the first person to say “Man is social animal”?
Aristotle was the first person to say “Man is social animal”.

Question 2.
How is the term society derived?
The term Society is derived from Latin word ’Socius’ which means “companionship or friendship’

Question 3.
What does the web of social relations symbolises?
The reciprocal contact between two or more persons. Social relationships have a wide range.

Question 4.
What is co-operation?
The mutual co-operation between male and female is essential for the reproduction of human race and lead to the growth of culture and civilization.

Question 5.
Give one example for community.
Caste community, Lingnistic community.

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Question 6.
What is locality?
Locality means Geographical area.

Question 7.
What is association?
According to Maclver and Page “An association is an organisation deliberately formed for the collective pursuit of some interest or a set of interests, which its members share”.

Question 8.
Give one example for association.
Political parties, trade union, student union, rotary clubs, lion club, professional association etc

Question 9.
What is an institution?
According to Kingsley Denis “ Institution is a set of interwover of folkways, mores and laws built around one or more functions”.
According to Maclver and Page “Institutions may be defined as the “Established forms or conditions of procedure characteristics of group activity”.

Question 10.
Give one example for institution
Family, marriage, education, religion, school college etc.

Question 11.
Give an example for primary institutions.
Religious, Morality, Family kinship, Marriage etc.

Question 12.
Give an example for secondary institutions?
Education, Law, Legislation etc.

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Question 13.
Give an example for evolved institutions?
Family, Marriage.

Question 14.
What is social groups?
Marshal Jones is of the opinion that a social group is ‘two or more people between whom there is an established pattern of interaction’.

Question 15.
Who classified the social groups into “in-groups” and “out-groups”?
W.GSumner classified the social groups into in-groups and out-groups.

Question 16.
Who introduced the term primary groups.
C. H. Cooley introduced the term primary groups.

Question 17.
Who classified groups into “Gemeinschaft” and “Geselleschaft”?
German Sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies classified groups into Gemeinschaft and Geselleshaft.

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Question 18.
Give an example of gemeinschaft
The family kin group. Neighborhood, the rural Community, the friend group represent the gemeinschaft.

Question 19.
Give an example of gaselleschaft.
Business contract, legal pacts between individuals represent the geselleschaft relationships, Business companies, corporations, cities, towns, etc.

Question 20.
Who classified groups into voluntary and involuntary groups?
C.H. Cooley. Classified groups into voluntary and involuntary groups.

Question 21.
Who classified groups into horizontal and vertical groups?
American sociologist PA Sorokin

Question 22.
Give an example of vertical group.
Economic classes, (upper, middle and lower classes) and caste group.

Question 23.
Who classified groups into territorial and non-territorial groups.
American sociologist Park and Burgess.

Question 24.
Give an example of organized groups.
College, University, Bank, Hospital, Club etc.

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Question 25.
Give an example of unorganized groups.
Mob, audience, spectators, group, public etc

Question 26.
Who introduced the concept of social control?
E.A. Ross introduced the concept of social control.

Question 27.
Who wrote the book of social control?
E.A. Ross. Written the book of social control.

Question 28.
Give an example of formal control.
Laws and legislation, courts, police Jail, armed force, Bureaucracy etc.

Question 29.
Give an example of informal control.
Folkways, mores, customs, morality etc.

Question 30.
Who introduced the concept of folkways?
W. G. Sumner introduced the concept of folkways.

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Question 31.
What is a folkway?
According to Land burg says that the “Folkways are the typical or habitual beliefs, attitudes and style of conduct observed within a group or community”.

Question 32.
Give an example of folkways?
The ways of eating, talking, dressing, playing, walking, greeting, conversing, expressing love and affection etc.

Question 33.
What is more?
According to Maclver and Page. “When the folkways have added to them conceptions of group welfare, standards of right and wrong they are converted into morals”

Question 34.
What is law?
According to J.S. Roucek “Laws are a form of social rule emanating from political agencies”

Question 35.
What do you mean by Food gathering and hunting society?
Hunting and food gathering societies, characterised by small number of people, gaming their livelihood from hunting, fishing, and gathering of edible plants.

Question 36.
Give a feature of agrarian society.
Agrarians societies based on small rural communities without towns or cities. Lively hood gained through agriculture, often supplemented by hunting and gathering it was ruled by a chief and inequalities exited among themselves”.

Question 37.
Define Patrol society.
Size of this society ranges from five hundred people to many thousand depends on the tending of domesticated animals for their subsistence.

Question 38.
Light a feature of traditional society.

  1. Traditional societies are large in size.
  2. This society is based on agriculture.

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Question 39.
Define first world societies.
“Companionship or friendship”.

Question 40.
What do you mean by second world societies?
It refers to the social nature of man, companionship thus means sociability.

Question 41.
Write a feature of developing societies.
These societies existed from 18“ century to the present day.

Question 42.
Name any one country that comes under new industrialized country.
America comes under new industrialized country.

Question 43.
Who introduced the concept of the consciousness of kind?
F H Giddings introduced the concept of consciousness of kind.

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1st PUC Sociology Basic Concepts Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is basic concept?
“A word or set of words that expresses a general idea concerning with the nature of something or the relations between things” is called basic concepts.

Question 2.
Define society.
According to Maclver and Page “Society is the web of social relationship” According to G. D. M. Cole “Society is a complex of organised association and institutions within the community”.

Question 3.
What is division of labor?
The division of labor depends on peoples interest, ability, sex, and age etc. Due to division of labor in various fields task are performed more efficiently. In modem society, skilled and specialized persons have more importance”.

Question 4.
What do you mean by principles of likeness?
The principle of “Likeness” is essential for society. It exists among the people who have similarities with regards to their needs, works, aims, ideals, values and so on.

Question 5.
What do you mean by principles of differences?
It refers to the physical, mental and social differences found among people. Likeness and differences are like the two faces of the same coin.

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Question 6.
Why society is called dynamic?
Society is not static it is dynamic. Society is like water in a stream or river that ever flows. It is always in flux. Old men die and new ones born.

Question 7.
Mention any two characteristics of society.

  1. Society is the group of groups
  2. Society is a web of Social Relations
  3. Similarity or Likeness
  4. Differences in Society.

Question 8.
Define community.
According to Kingsly Devis “Community is the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life”
According to E.S. Bagardus: “Community is a Social Group with some degree of “we feeling” and living in a given area”.

Question 9.
What are two essential elements of community?

  1. Locality or Geographical area
  2. Community Sentiment
  3. Stability or Relative Permanence
  4. Naturalness.

Question 10.
What is community sentiment?
Community sentiment is “a feeling of belongingness towards” or “a kind of conscious identification with the local group.

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Question 11.
What is tribal community?
Tribal community consist of mostly Indigenous people living far away from the area of influence of civilisation. It constitutes a group speaking a common dialect inhabiting in a common area and following a common culture.

Question 12.
What is rural community?
Rural community consist of people living in village and depending mainly on agriculture and • allied occupations. Rural community is homogeneous in nature relatively smaller in size and has a dominance of primary relations.

Question 13.
What is urban community?
Urban community consist of people living in towns and cities and depending mainly on non- agricultural occupations. This is heterogeneous in nature, relatively bigger in size and has a dominance of non- intimate or secondary relations.

Question 14.
Define association?
According to Maclver and Page “An association is an organization deliberately formed for the collective pursuit of some interest or a set of interests, which its members share”.

Question 15.
Mention any two characteristics of association?

  1. Association-A Human group
  2. Specific Interest
  3. Co-Operative Spirit
  4. Organized Group.

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Question 16.
Define institution.
Kingsley Devis says “Institution is a set of interwoven of folkways, mores and laws built around one or more functions”.
According to Maclver and page “Institutions may be defined as the “established forms or conditions of procedure characteristics of group activity”.

Question 17.
Mention any two characteristics of institution?

  1. Universal
  2. Institutions are Standardized Norms
  3. Institutions are Controlling Mechanism
  4. Abstract in Nature.

Question 18.
What is primary institution?
Primary institutions are those that cater to the primary needs of man.
Ex: Religion, Morality.

Question 19.
What is secondary institution?
Secondary institutions are those that cater to the secondary needs of people.
Ex: Education, Law.

Question 20.
Mention any two characteristics of social groups.

  1. Collection of Interacting Individuals
  2. Sense of Group Unity and Solidarity.

Question 21.
Define social groups.
According to Marshal Jones opinion that a social group is two or more people between I whom there is an established pattern of interaction.

Question 22.
What is in-group?
In group is one to which an individual belongs, or feels that he belongs.

Question 23.
What is out-group?
Outgroup is one to which an individual does not belong or feels that he does not belong, in a
particular context. Ex. Religious group, cast group.

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Question 24.
What is primary group?
C.H. Cooley classified groups into primary group refers to a “social groups characterized by fact-to-face relationship, mutual aid and companionship” example family neighborhood, friends, club, peer groups etc.

Question 25.
What is secondary group?
According to Ogburn and Nimkoff say that “Groups which provide experience lacking in intimacy can be called secondary groups”. Ex. Schools and Colleges.

Question 26.
What is voluntary group?
Voluntary groups are those whose membership is not compulsory. Individuals have the freedom to join or not to join them.
Example: Political parties, Recreational clubs, Cultural associations, Sports clubs, Rotary club etc.

Question 27.
What is organized group?
Organized groups are also called associationaf group. These group come to be established through a formally articulated process known as organisation.
Examples: political parties, Trade union, college, university, company, club etc.

Question 28.
What is unorganized group?
Social groups that conspicuously lack the attribute of organization can be called unorganized group. They are unorganized in the sense.
Examples: Crowd, Mob, audience, spectator’s, group, public etc.

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Question 29.
What is genetic group?
Genetic groups are involuntary a nature and the individuals are born in them.
Ex : Family groups.

Question 30.
Define social control.
According to E.A. Ross: Social control refer to the “system of devices whereby society brings its members into conformity With the accepted standards of behavior”.

Question 31.
Give any two objectives of social control.

  1. Social control Brings about Social Conformity
  2. Social control Brings about Social Solidarity.

Question 32.
Mention two types of social control.

  1. Informal control.
  2. Formal control.

Question 33.
What is informal control?
Informal control refers to that type of social control. Which is not purposefully created, but spontaneously evolved and which includes informal ways and means for maintenance of social control.

Question 34.
What is formal control?
Formal control refers to those types of social control which is deliberately created and which includes some fixed formal means and procedure for the maintenance of social control.

Question 35.
Mention any two characteristics of primary groups.

  1. Dominance of primary or face to face relationships
  2. Small in size
  3. Physical Proximity or Nearness
  4. Durability of the groups.

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Question 36.
Mention any two characteristics of Secondary groups.

  1. Dominance of Secondary Relations
  2. Large in size
  3. No physical basis
  4. Nature of Membership.

Question 37.
Mention any two characteristics of organized groups.

  1. Common interests and goals
  2. Elements of organization
  3. Size of the Groups
  4. Nature of social relations.

Question 38.
Mention any two characteristics of unorganized groups.

  1. Lack of organization
  2. Spontaneous in origin
  3. Shorter life span
  4. Lack of organization in social interaction.

Question 39.
Mention any two characteristics of folkways.

  1. Social in Nature
  2. Unplanned Origin
  3. Informal Enforcement
  4. Folkways are Innumerable.

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Question 40.
Mention any two characteristics of Mores.

  1. 1. Mores are the regulators of social life
  2. Mores are relatively more persistent.
  3. Mores vary from group to group or time to time.
  4. Mores are often backed by values and religion.

Question 41.
Mention any two characteristics of laws.

  1. Laws are the general conditions of human activity prescribed by the state for its members
  2. Law is called law, only if enacted by a proper law making authority. Hence it is a product of conscious through deliberate attempts and careful planning.

Question 42.
Write any two characteristics of food gathering and hunting society.
Hunting and food gathering societies, characterized by small number of people, gaining their livelihood from hunting, fishing, and gathering of edible plants.

Question 43.
Write any two features agrarian society.
Agrarians societies based on small rural communities without towns or cities. Lively hood gained through agriculture, often supplemented by hunting and gathering it was ruled by a chief and inequalities exited among themselves”.

Question 44.
Write any two features traditional society.
Size of this society ranges from few hundred people to many thousand depends on the tending of domesticated animals for their subsistence.

Question 45.
Write any two modern societies.
America and Indian societies.

Question 46.
Write any two characteristics of New Industrial society.

  1. Industrial societies have existed only in the very modem era.
  2. The very invention of machines to produce goods has proved to be an event of great historical importance.

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1st PUC Sociology Basic Concepts Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is society? Explain.
The term society is the most fundamental concept in sociology. Sociology is established as a separate science to study human society scientifically. Human life and society are two faces of the same coin. Man cannot live alone. He lives everywhere in groups in society. Society has become an essential condition for all round development of personality. Hence “Aristotle” recognized that “Man is a social animal” man has created his own society because of his intellectual capacity. Sociology only deals with human society.

In simple term, society is very loosely used in their daily life. Thus the expression- the agricultural society, women’s society, rural society, the weaver’s society, Cooperative Society, etc, But in sociology the term society has a specific meaning. The term Society is derived from Latin word ‘Socious’ which means “companionship or friendship”. According to Maclver and page: “Society is “the web of social relationships”.

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Question 2.
Explain any five characteristics of society.
Characteristics of society.

(a) Society- The Group of Groups: People collect together to form groups. Such groups combine together to give rise to society. Each society has family, neighbor, village, city, labor association, religious gathering, Political Parties etc, H.M.Johnson – Has thus remarked that “society is the group of groups”, but it is not’just like a crowd. It is a system. It consists of innumerable groups which fulfill the various needs of the people.

(b) Society is a web of Social Relations: Social relation means -’’The reciprocal contact between two or more persons. Social relationships have a wide range. For example Teacher – student, Parent-children, patient-doctor, husband-wife and so on. One individual enters into several social relationships at the same time. Maclver and Page- Point out that “society exists only where social beings behave towards one another in ways determined by their recognisation of one another. Thus society is a web of social relations.

(c) Similarity or likeness: The principal of ‘ likeness’ is essential for society. It exists among the people who have similarities with regards to their needs, work, aims, ideals, values and so on. these similarities inspire the people to interact and like each other and live together. Hence mutual intimacy, Co-operation, love and affection, Sympathy, sacrifice and feeling of oneness among people develop. Similarly the people of same nature and behavior live together in society.

(d) Differences in Society: Likeness and differences are two faces of the same coin. Therefore we see natural differences among people in their interest, ability, talent, attitude, intelligence and so on. Thus we find farmers, labors. Teachers, soldiers, businessmen, advocates, doctors, engineers and other working in different capacities, Maclver and page – Said that “Primary likeness and Secondary differences are the chief features of human society.

(e) Co-operation and Division of Labor: Human Society is essentially based on ‘co-operation and division of labour. Due to the feeling of co-operation people share their joys and Sorrows. The division of labour depends on people’s interest, ability, sex, and age etc. Due to division of labor in various fields task are performed more efficiently. In modem society, skilled and specialized persons have more importance. Thus co-operative and division of labor are reciprocal.

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Question 3.
Explain the elements of community.
Elements of community E.A. Bogardus identified the following elements by community. Geographical area or locality and community sentiments are considered as the essential elements of community. They are also considered as characteristics of community.

(a) Locality or Geographical area: A community is a territorial group. It always occupies some geographic area. Locality is the physical basis of a community. Locality Means – “a group of people became a community only when it starts to reside permanently in a definite locality”.

In contrast with Society a community is more or less locally limited. Living together facilitates people to develop social contacts, provides to fulfill their common interests. In community physical conditions may influence people’s social life, family, religion, belief, employment etc.

(b) Community Sentiment: Community sentiment: “A feeling of belongingness towards, or “a kind of conscious identification with the local group.” Community sentiment makes the people share their joys and sorrows and brings social integrity in them. Common interests, and similar lifestyles awakens community sentiments in pepple.

Other Characteristics of community:

1. Stability or Relative Permanence: A community is not temporary group like a crowd or a mob. It includes a permanent life in a definite territory. As along as there is life on the earth, People continue to reside permanently all through their life in the communities.

2. Naturalness: Communities are normally established in a natural way. They are not deliberately created. They are not made by planned efforts. The members of a community are the individual who are born in a community. As people live over a period of time in a particular territory naturally the community feeling develops.

3. Size of the Community: Community has no certain size. A community may be big or small. A village is small community where as a city is a big one. A city and a village may be included in a wider community called the district. Hence there are communities within communities. Nation as a big community, may include communities like, Village, towns cities etc.

4. Social Control: Every community has its own rules and regulations to control the relationship of its members. The nature of this regulation depends very much on the nature and type of the community. For example. In the rural and tribal communities informal means of regulations such as customs, folkways, mores, beliefs, rites and rituals etc are enough to exercise social pressure on the behavior of the people.

5. A Specific Name: Every community has some particular name, whether community is a village or a city or a tribe it has its own name and identity, on the basis of these one community is distinguished from the other.

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Question 4.
Explain the characteristics of community.
Elements of community E.A. Bogardus identified the following elements by community. Geographical area or locality and community sentiments are considered as the essential elements of community. They are also considered as characteristics of community.

(a) Locality or Geographical area: A Community is ja territorial group. It always occupies some geographic area. Locality is the physical basis of a community. Locality Means – “A group of people became a community only when it starts to reside permanently in a definite locality.

In contrast with Society a community is more or less locally limited. Living together facilitates people to develop social contacts, gives fulfill their common interests. In community physical conditions may influence peoples social life, family, religion, belief, employment etc.

(b) Community Sentiment: Community sentiment: “a feeling of belongingness towards, or “a kind of conscious identification with the local group.” Community sentiment makes the people share their joys and sorrows and brings social integrity in them. Common interests, and similar lifestyles awaken community sentiments in people.

Other Characteristics of community:

1. Stability or Relative Permanence: A community is not temporary group like a crowd or a mob. It includes a permanent life in a definite territory. As along as there is life on the earth, People continue to reside permanently all through their life in the communities.

2. Naturalness: Communities are normally established in a natural way. They are not deliberately created. They are not made by planned efforts. The members of a community are the individual who are born in a community. As people live over a period of time in a particular territory naturally the community feeling develops.

3. Size of the Community: Community has no certain size. A community may be big or small. A village is small community where as a city is a big one. A city and a village may be included in a wider community called the district. Hence there are communities within communities. Nation as a big community, may include communities like, Village, towns cities etc.

Question 5.
Explain the characteristics of association.
Characteristics of Association.

(a) Association – A Human Group: An association is formed by people. It is basically a social group. Without people there can be no association. However all groups are not associations. Because an association is basically an organized group. An unorganized group like a crowd or a mob cannot be an association.

(b) Specific Interest or Interests: An association is not only collection of individuals. But also consists of those individuals who have more or less the same interests. According those who have political interests may join political parties and those who have sports interest may join sports association and so on.

(c) Co-operative Spirit: An association is based on the co-operative spirit of its members. People work together to achieve common purpose. For example: Workers to work together on a co-operative basis in order to fulfill their objective of getting good working conditions.

(d) Organized Group: Association is not just a collection of individuals. It is an organized collections for some specific ends. Organization gives stability and proper shape to an association. Organization refers to the way in which the status and roles are distributed among its members.

(e) Regulation of Relations: Every association has its own rules and regulation applicable to its members. These are called associational norms. Organization depends on this elements of regulation. Association reports to formal or informal means to regulate the relations of its members. For Example: Family through the institution of marriage controls the sexual behavior of its members, professional organization have formal norms to control members.

(f) Element of Stability: An association may be permanent or temporary. There are some long standing association like the political parties, trade union etc. Some associations may be purely temporary in nature, Example: Association that are established to felicitate some great writers, scientists and religious leaders.

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Question 6.
Explain any five characteristics of institution?
Characteristics of institution
Universal: Social institution are universal in nature. They are found everywhere and at all stages of social development. There can be no society in the absence of institutions. The basic institutions such as marriage, family, property, Religion are observed even in the tribal or primitive societies. Institutions are Standardized Norms: Social institution must be understood as well recognized or standardized procedures and norms. They prescribe the way of doing thing. They also prescribe rules and regulations that are to be followed.

For example – marriage, as an institution that governs the relation between the husband and wife. Similarly the school or college has its own established or standardized rules and procedures. Institutions are Controlling Mechanism: Institutions like religion, education, morality, state, government, legislation etc Control the behavior of man. These mechanisms preserve the social order and give stability to it. Institutions is the machinery through human society carries on its activities. They are like wheels on which human society marches on towards the desirable goals.

Institutions are Relatively Permanent: Institutions normally do not undergo sudden or rapid changes. Changes take place gradually. Many institutions are rigid and enduring. They in course of time became the conservative element in society. Examples- caste, religion etc. But under the pressure of circumstances they also undergo changes.

Abstract in Nature: Institutions are not external visible or tangible things. They are abstract. Thus marriage cannot be kept in a mueseum. Religion cannot be brought to the laboratory experiments and so on. However They can be compared and evaluated on the basis of values and ideologies.

Question 7.
Explain any five characteristics of social groups.
Marshal Jones is of the opinion that “a social group is two or more people between whom there is an established patter of interaction”.
Characteristics of social group:

1. Collection of Interacting Individuals: Social groups consists of people. Social interaction is the very basis of group life, hence mere collection of individual does not make a group. The members must have interaction. A social group is, in fact, a system of social interaction. Different interaction patterns exists in different groups such as family, friendship, and recreational associations etc.

2. Sense of Group Unity and Solidarity: Depending on the nature of the group, its members are tied together by a sense of unity. The solidarity or unity of a group is largely dependent upon the frequency, the variety, and the emotional quality of the interactions of its members. A friends group or a peer group, or a professional association is highly united because its members are related by several common interests.

3. Group Goals and Interests: The interest and goal of a group are said to be common. Groups are mostly formed or established for the fulfillment of certain interests. In fact, men do not join groups but also form groups for the realization of their objectives or interests. Forms of the group differ depending upon the interests of the groups, educational groups, professional groups, recreational groups and so on.

4. Groups are Stronger than their Individual Members: A group is more than the sum of its parts. As Durkheim noted a group has a reality of its own or “suigeneris”. For example, the age and size of a group are not simple derived from the ages and sizes of its members. As Wallace and Wallace have pointed out. “groups are generally stronger and collective than even the strongest individual members”.

5. Group Norms: Every group has its own rules or norms which the members are supposed to follow. These norms may be in the form of customs, folkways, mores, traditions, conventions, laws etc. They may be written or unwritten norms or standards. Every group has its own ways and means of correcting those who go against the rules. The continued groups-life of man practically becomes impossible without some norms.

6. Size of the Group: Every group involves an idea of size. Social groups vary in size. A group may be small as that of a dyad as big as that of a political party having lakhs of members. Size will have its own impact on the character of the group. Membership is limited or unlimited depending on its purpose.

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Question 8.
Explain the characteristics of primary groups.
The concept of ‘primary groups’ is a significant of C.H. Cooley to the social thought. Building black of human societies throughout the world history.
Characteristics of primary groups.

(a) Dominance of primary or face-to-face relationships: Primary groups are characterized by close and intimate relationships. These exists a face-to-face relationship among the members. In primary groups everyone knows everyone else; one’s name and fame, one’s status, wealth, occupation, level of education etc.

(b) Small in size: Primary groups are generally small in size, because its consists of few members. Size of primary groups should be small if the relations among members are to be close personal and intimate.

(c) Physical Proximity or Nearness: Face-to-face relations can be found only when members reside in particular area more or less permanently. Seeing and talking with each other facilitates the exchange of ideas, opinions and sentiments.

(d) Durability of the groups: Primary groups are relatively a permanent groups. Other
things equal, the longer the groups remains together, the more numerous and deeper are the contacts between its members.

(e) Similarity of Background: The members of the primary groups may have more or less the same background, these must be some approximations in their levels of experience. Each must have something to contribute to give as well as to take.

(f) Shared Interest: The shared interests of the groups also hold them together. Any interest becomes focused and enriched in the group process. Since all are working for a common cause each acquires stimulation and a heightening of the emotional significance of the interest.

Question 9.
Explain the characteristics of secondary groups.
In the secondary groups the relationships secondary, relatively impersonal contractual task – oriented, hence I limited focus of its activities.

(a) Dominance of Secondary Relations: The relationships that are found within secondary groups are formal indirect impersonal and secondary for example the relationship between the teachers and the students.

(b) Large in size: The secondary groups are generally large in size in comparision to primary groups that may contain thousands of members. Trade union, corporation, international associations, etc. are secondary groups and they have thousands of members.

(c) No physical basis: Secondary groups are not necessarily characterized by physical proximity. Many secondary groups are not limited to any definite area. The members such a groups are scattered over vast area.

(d) Nature of Membership: Membership is the case of secondary groups in mainly voluntary. Individuals are at liberty to join or go away from the groups, for example: they are at liberty to join political parties.

(e) Specific Ends and interest: Secondary groups are formed for the realization of some specific interests ends. They are often called ‘Special interest groups’. Members are interested in the groups because they have specific ends to aim at.

(f) Nature of Group control: Informal means of social control are loss effective in regulating the relations of members. Moral control is only secondary formal means of social control such as law, legislation, police, court, etc. are made use of to control the behavior of members.

Question 10.
Explain the characteristics of folkways.
The term folkways was introduced to the sociological literature by W.GSummer in his book with the little “Folkways” published in 1906. The word literately means “The ways of the folk or people”. Folkways are the accepted ways of behavior.

(a) Social in Nature: Folkways are the product of man’s group life. They are created by the groups for their sustenance and maintenance. Individuals get social recognition by conforming to the folkways. Every new generation absorbs folkways partly by deliberate teaching but mainly by observing and taking part in life about them.

(b) Unplanned Origin: The origin of folkways are very obscure. Sumner believed that they arise automatically and unconsciously, they are not the result of any advance planning.

(c) Informal Enforcement: Folkways are not as compulsive and obligatory as those of laws or morals. Conformity to the folkways is neither required by law nor enforced by any special agency of the society.

(d) Folkways are Innumerable: It is not possible for anyone to enlist all the folkways. No encyclopedia could contain all the folkways observed by all of the people of history. They are very diverse and numerous.

(e) Folkways are subject to change: Folkways are not static, but dynamic, folkways are change with changing social conditions. Some folkways undergo relatively rapid change, some are resist change very often.

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Question 11.
Explain the characteristics of mores.
According to Maclver and Page “When the folkways have added to them conceptions of groups welfare, standards of right and wrong are converted into mores”.

Characteristics of Mores are:

1. More are the regulators of social life: Mores represent the living character of the group or community. They are always considered right by the people who share them. They are morally right and their violation morally wrong. Hence they are more compulsive in nature. They put restrictions on our behavior.

2. Mores are relatively more persistent: More are relatively long lasting than ordinary folkways. In fact, they even become conservative elements in society. They also put up resistance to change.

3. Mores vary from group to group or time to time: What is prescribed in one group is prohibited in another Eskimos for example: often practice female infanticide, whereas such a practice is strictly forbidden in the modern societies. Mores not only differ with culture but also with time. What is right at one time may be wrong at another and vice versa. Ex; the practice of “Sat” was “moral” then, but today it is illegal and immoral.

4. Mores are often backed by values and religion: More normally receive the sanction and backing of values and religion. When this occurs they become still more powerful and binding. Mores backed by religious sanctions are strongly justified people.

Question 12.
Explain the characteristics of law.
Law is the most powerful formal means of social control in the modern society. It is an l indispensable part of the modem social life. Laws appear only in societies where a political organization called “Government” is found. According to J.S. Roucek “Laws are a form of social rule emanating from political agencies”.


  • Laws are the general condition of human activity prescribed by the state for its members.
  • Law is called law, only if enacted by a proper law making authority. Hence it is a product of conscious thought deliberate attempts and careful planning.
  • Law is written definite, clear, precise and unambiguous.
  • Law applies equally to all without exception in identical circumstances.
  • Violation of law is followed by penalties and punishments determined by the authority of the state.
  • Laws are always written down and recorded.
  • Laws are not the result of voluntary consent of persons against whom they are directed.
  • Laws a dynamic and subject to change. Law. is not a static body of rules handed down from generation to generation. Rather, it reflects continuously changing standards of, what is right and wrong of how violations are to be determined, and of what sanctions are to be applied.
  • Laws differ from country to country. Though the outward pattern of the legal system to be same every where. The content of laws often differ significantly.

Question 13.
Explain the importance of Groups.
The study of human society is essentially the study of human groups. Society consists of groups of innumerable kinds and variety. That is why H. M. Johnson calls human society “the group of groups” No man exists, without a society and no society exists without groups.
Groups; have become a part and parcel of our life. Man’s life, to an enormous extent, is lived and controlled by groups of different kinds.

(a) Survival becomes problematic without groups: Groups have become so necessary that our very survival becomes problematic and doubtful in their absence. Groups are complementary to the development of human nature, human faculties, and capacities.

Man by birth itself have the biological potentiality of getting transformed into a social being. The biological or physical survival of man has been made possible by groups. The very important needs of man such as the need for protection and security need for companionship or fellowship; need for food, clothing and shelter etc. are fulfilled by the context of the group life of man.

(b) Man becomes man only among men: Man becomes man only among men. Various studies have convincingly proved that man fails to develop human qualities in the absence of human environment.

Example: The most interesting feral case of the two Hindu female children Kamala and her sister found in an wolf’s den, and the pitiable case of Anna, an illegitimate American child who was kept away from human contacts for more than five years, and several other similar instances have proved beyond doubts that only a human environment makes a man; a biological animal, a human being.

(c) Groups help social survival also: Not only from the point of view of physical survival but also from the viewpoint of leading a successful social life man depends on groups. By engaging himself in constant relation with others, he learns things and mends his way. He _ keeps his eyes wide open, lends his ears to what others say, tries to keep his memory ever fresh to remember the good things of the post to refrain from repeating the blunders of the past.

(d) Groups give us our identity: Social groups are important because they provide us our identity in the larger society. According to Merton, people who interact in a group are also seen by others as belonging to a group. Because, the group acquires an identity in the eyes of outsiders. The social esteem of the group depends on its identity. An urban gang known for rowdism has its own identity in the neighborhood. At the same time, a youth club committed to selfless social service, too has its own identity.

(e) Groups contribute to the development of personality: Personality is the product of the group life. The self that every individual develops. Though unique, is itself a product of the group. No self arises in isolation. Groups provide scope for the individuals to express their real nature, their talents and abilities. Hidden potentialities can find their expression only in the context of social groups. What is latent in man becomes manifest only in groups. The groups shape man’s attributes, his beliefs, his morals and his ideals.

(f) Groups help transmission of culture: According to Richard T. Schaefer, social groups “play a key role in the transmission of culture”. By functioning as the agents of socialisation, groups such as family, peer group, friends group, neighborhood, school and various other formal as well as informal groups, transmit the culture of the group and the larger society to the younger generation. Groups, thus assure the continuity of the cultural tradition.

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Question 14.
Explain the pre-modern societies.
Societies can be divided into pre-modern and modem societies. In the pre-modem societies

(1) Hunting and food gathering societies, characterized by small number of people gaining their livelihood from hunting, fishing and gathering of edible plants. There were few differences based on age and gender.

(2) Agrarians societies based on small rural communities without towns or cities. Lively hood gained through agriculture, often supplemented by hunting and gathering. It is ruled by a chief and inequalities existed among themselves.

(3) Pastoral Societies Size of this society ranges from few hundred people to many thousands depends on the tending of domesticated animals for their subsistence. It is marked by distinct inequalities and ruled by a chief or warrior kings.

(4) Traditional societies or civilizations. This kind of societies were existed from 6000B.C to 19th century. These relatively disappeared. Traditional societies were large in size some numbering millions of people though small compared with industrialized societies. Some cities exists in which trade and manufacturing are concentrated.

Societies in the modern world are divided into

(1) The first world societies which existed since 18th century to the present. First world societies are based on industrial production and generally free enterprise. The majority of the people live in towns and cities, a few work in rural agriculture persists.

(2) Second world Societies-These societies period of existence: In early 20th century to the early 1990s. It is based on industry, but the economic system is centrally planned. Small proportion of the population work in agriculture, most live in towns and cities major class inequalities persists. Distinct political communities are Nations State. Until 1989, composed of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. But Social and Political changes began to transform them into free enterprise, economic system according to the model of first world’s societies.

(3) Developing Societies These societies existed from 18th century to the present day. Majority of the population work in agriculture, using traditional methods of production. Some have free enterprise system while the others are centrally planned distinct political communities are Notions State, including China, India, and most Africa and South American Nations come under this category.

(4) Newly industrialized societies. These societies came into existence since 1970 onwards. Former developing societies now based on industrial production and generally free enterprises. Majority of the people live in towns arid cities, a few work in agricultural pursuits. Major class inequalities found than the first world societies. Average per capita income is considerably less than first world societies. The countries like Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Brazil and Mexico etc.

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Question 15.
Explain the modern societies.
Our social world consist of thousands of human societies. For the sake of comparison, and analysis, it is necessary for us to classify them on some basis. According to Lenski, these diverse societies which are existing at present can be classified into a limited number of basic.

types depending upon the technologies or the subsistence strategies that they use to exploit the natural environment. Different societies have used different subsistence strategies, and those societies that have tended to grow larger and more complex! These complex societies often enjoy their success at the expense of societies using more primitive technologies.

Thus, it is on the basis of the level of technology or reliance on the basic type of subsistence strategy, societies can be generally classified into the following types:

Hunting and Gathering Societies. Pastoralism or Pastoral Societies. Horticultural Societies

  • Agricultural Societies, and
  • Industrial Societies

Hunting and Gathering Societies: As Gerhard Lenki pointed out in his “Human Societies” the oldest and the simplest type of society is the “Hunting and Gathering a nomadic way of life and a very primitive technology. They have the most primitive tools such as stone axes, spears and knives.

Characteristics: hunting-gathering societies consist of small but scattered groups. They are nomadic in nature. There is limited or no division of labour among them for there is no scope for different occupation roles. Since they are wandering in nature they need to face danger constantly. Family and kinship are the only defined institutions among them and there is no ground for the development of political institutions.

Even their religious faith is. also very simple and it has. not developed into a complex institution. It is interesting to note that they do not have desire to acquire wealth for sharing a norm in such societies. Also, there is no wealth worth calling, to be acquired among them.

Herding or Pastoral Societies.“Herding society refers to any form of society whose main subsistence comes from tending flocks and herds of domesticated animals. In practice, subsistence needs are often met by a combination of herding with hunting and gathering and other forms of agriculture”.

Characteristics: Herding societies are relatively larger in size and their size ranges between some hundred to a few thousands of members. Herding people like the hunters and gatherers, are nomadic because of their seasonal need to find sufficient grazing areas for their herds. Pastoralist has proved to be a better productive strategy than hunting and gathering for it provides an assured food supply and permits the accumulation of surplus resources. Accumulation of surplus resources has contributed to the beginning of inequality among them.

Horticultural Societies:“A horticultural society is a society system based on horticulture, a mode of production in which digging sticks are used to cultivate small gardens” Horticulturists specialize in the domestication of plants such as wheat, rice etc. the simplest horticulturalists cultivate manually with hoes or digging sticks in relatively small gardens without using the metal tools and weapons. The subsistence’s strategy of the horticulturists is typically based on a “slash and bum” technology. Horticulturalists are better settled than pastoralists.

This society assures better food supply and the possibility of surplus. Existence of surplus leads to specialization of roles, such as those of Shaman trader, or craft worker. We find the emergence of political allows institutions among these people. The surplus production allows some wealthy individuals to become more powerful than others. This leads to the emergence of political institutions in the form of chieftainships.

Agricultural or Agrarian Societies: Around 3000 B. C the invention of the plough led to the beginning of the agrarian society. Agrarian societies first arose in ancient Egypt and were based on the introduction of the plough and the harnessing of animal power “An agricultural society focuses its mode of production primarily on agriculture and the cultivation of large field. Cultivation of land through the plough is the main feature of this society.

Based on the invention of the plough around 3000 B.C the agrarian revolution marked its beginning. This invention enables animal power to pull the plough enables a person to achieve great productivity. Size of the agricultural societies is much greater than that of horticultural or pastoral communities. The full-time specialists who engage themselves in non agricultural activities tend to concentrate in some compact places which ultimately led to the birth of cities. Agricultural societies, in source of time, lead to the establishment of more elaborate political institutions.

Industrial Societies: The industrial mode of production began in England about 250 years ago. The very invention of machines of produce goods has proved to be an event of great ” historical importance. Industrial societies have existed only in the very modern era, dating from the industrialization of Great Britain in the late 18 century. Industrial society is associated with Industrial Revolution and industrialism.

Industrialism is based on the application of scientific knowledge to the technology of production, enabling new energy sources to be harnessed. Technology based on modem scientific knowledge leads to higher rate of technology innovations. These innovations in turn, bring about a flood of social changes.

Industrial societies have huge populations and large scale division of lab our. Division of labor is also complex for it gives scope for thousand of new specialized jobs. Science and education assume more importance here and at the same time, family and kind ship and religion start losing their hold and control over the members.

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1st PUC Sociology Basic Concepts Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is society? Explain its characteristics.
The term society is the most fundamental concept in sociology. Sociology is established as a separate science to study human society scientifically. Human life and society are two faces of the same coin. Man cannot live alone. He everywhere in groups in society, society has became an essential condition for all round development of personality. Hence “ARISTOTLE” recognized that “man is a social animal” man has created his own society because of his intellectual capacity. Sociology only delay with human society.
Characteristics of society

(a) Society- The Group of Groups: People collects together to form groups. Such groups combine together to give rise to society, each society has family, neighbour, village, city, labor association, religious gathering, Political Parties etc. H.M.Johnson – Has thus remarked that “society is the group of groups”. But it is not just like a crowd. It is a system. It consists of innumerable groups which fulfill the various needs of the people.

(b) Society is a web of Social Relations: Social relation means -’’The reciprocal contact between two or more persons. Social relationships have a wide range, for example Teacher – student, parent-children, patient-doctor, husband-wife and so on. One individual enters into several social relationships at the same time. Maclver and Page- Point out that “society exists only where social beings behave towards one another in ways determined by their recognisation of one another. Thus society is a web of social relations.

(c) Similarity or likeness: The principal of likeness is essential for society. It exists among the people have similarities with regards to their needs, work, aims, ideals, values and soon. These similarities inspire the people to interact and like each other and live together. Hence mutual intimacy, Co-operation, love and affection, sympathy, sacrifice and feeling of oneness among people develops. Similarly of the people of same nature and behavior live together in society.

(d) Differences in Society: Likeness and differences are two faces of the same coin. Therefore we see natural differences among people in their interest, ability, talent, attitude, intelligence and so on. Thus we find farmers, labours. Teachers, soldiers, business men, advocates, doctors, engineers and other working in different capacities, Maclver and page – Said that “Primary likeness and Secondary differences are the chief features of human society.

(e) Co-operation and Division of Labor: Human Society is essentially based on ‘Co-operation and divisions of labour. Due to the feeling of Co-operation people share their joys and sorrows. The division of labor depends on peoples interest, ability, sex, and age etc. Due to division of labor in various fields task are performed more efficiently. In modem society, skilled and specialized persons have more importance, thus co-operative and division of labor are reciprocal.

(f) Interdependence: Interdependence is another characteristic of society. An individual seeks the satisfaction of his wants and the fulfillment of his goals with the co-operation of others. For example “Family is a primary institution is based on interdependence of members, with the growth of civilization and industrialization the need of interdependence has increased. Today not only individuals are interdependent but even communities are also interdependent.

(g) Society is Dynamic: Society keeps on changing forever. No society can ever remain constant for a long period. New associations, institutions and groups may come into being and old ones may die a natural death. Changes may take place slowly or suddenly at a rapid pace. For example-in the rural society changes may occur at a slower pace, where as in an urban society changes will occur at a faster pace.

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Question 2.
Define community. Describe the element?
Generally the term community is very loosely used Thus the expressions like a caste community, a racial community, a religious community, a linguistic community are used in a very limited since. But its sociological meaning is different and specific. Elements of community E.A. Bogardus identified the following elements by community. Geographical area or locality and community sentiments are considered as the essential elements of community. They are also considered as characteristics of community.

(a) Locality or Geographical area: A community is a territorial group. It always occupies some geographic area. Locality is the physical basis of a community, locality Means- “a group of people became a community only when they start to reside permanently in a definite locality. In contrasct with Society a community is more or less locally limited. Living together facilitates people to develop social contacts, gives fulfill their common interests. In community physical conditions may influence peoples social life, family, religion, belief, employment etc.

(b) Community Sentiment: Community sentiment: “a feeling of belongingness towards’’. Or “a kind of conscious identification with the local group.” Community sentiment makes the people share their joys and sorrows and brings social integrity in them. Common . interests, and similar life styles awaken community sentiments in people.

Other Characteristics of community:

1. Stability or Relative Permanence: A community is not temporary group like a crowd or a mob. It includes a permanent life in a definite territory. As a along as there is life on the earth, People continue to reside permanently all through their life in the communities.

2. Naturalness: Communities are normally established in a natural way. They are not deliberately created. They are not made by planned efforts. The members of a community are the individual who are born in a community. As people live over a period of time in a particular territory naturally the community feeling develops.

3. Size of the Community: Community has no certain size. A community may be big or small. A village is small community where as a city is a big one. A city and a village may be included in a wider community called the district. Hence there are communities within communities. Nation as a big community, may include communities like, Village, towns cities etc.

4. Social Control: Every community has its own rules and regulations to control the relationship of its members. The nature of this regulation depends very much on the nature and type of the community. For example. In the rural and tribal communities informal means of regulations such as customs, folkways, mores, beliefs, rites and rituals etc are enough to exercise social pressure on the behavior of the people.

5. A Specific Name: Every community has some particular name, whether community is a village or a city or a tribe it has its own name and identity, on the basis of these one community is distinguished from the other.

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Question 3.
Define Association. Explain its characteristics.
In day to day life, associations and institutions are used very commonly. Sometimes these words are used inter changeably to mean one and the same. But in Sociology these words have specific meaning Definition of Association: According to E.S. Bogardus “Association is usually working together . of people to achieve some common purpose”.

Accordingto William P. Scott “An Association refer to a formal group organised for a specialised and specifically stated pupose”.

Characteristics of Association.

(a) Association – A Human Group: An association is formed by people. It is basically a social group. Without people there can be no association. However all groups are not associations. Because an association is basically an organized group. An unorganized group like a crowd or a mob cannot be an association.

(b) Specific Interest or Interests: An association is not only collection of individuals. But also consists of those individuals who have more or less the same interests. According those who have political interests may join political parties and those who have sports interest may join sports association and so on.

(c) Co-operative Spirit: An association is based on the co-operative spirit of its members. People work together to achieve common purpose. For example: Workers to work together on a co-operative basis in order to fulfill their objective of getting good working conditions.

(d) Organized Group : Association is not just a collection of individuals. It is an organized collections for some specific ends. Organization gives stability and proper shape to an association, organization refers to the way in which the status and roles are distributed among its members.

(e) Regulation of Relations: Every association has its own rules and regulation applicable to its members. These are called associational norms. Organization depends on this elements of regulation. Association resorts to formal or informal means to regulate the relations of its members. For Example: Family through the institution of marriage controls the sexual behavior of its members, professional organization have formal norms to control members.

(f) Element of Stability: An association may be permanent or temporary. There are some long standing association like the political parties, trade union etc. Some associations may be purely temporary in nature, Example rAssociation that are established to felicitate some great writers, scientists and religious leaders.

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Question 4.
What is institution? Explain its characteristics.
The concept of institution is another important concept in the field to sociology. It is basic to the understanding of society. Therefore French sociologist Durkheim has gone to the extent of defining “sociology as the science of social institutions. “F.H.Giddings regards “Institutions are the organ that conserve what is best in the part of human race.

Characteristics of institution

(a) Universal: Social institution are universal in nature. They are found everywhere and at all stages of social development. There can be no society in the absence of institutions. The basic institutions such as marriage, family, property. Religion are observed even in the tribal or primitive societies.

(b) Institutions are Standardized Norms: Social institution must be understood as well recognized or standardized procedures and norms. They prescribe the way of doing thing. They also prescribe rules and regulations that are to be followed. For example – marriage, as an institution that governs the relation between the husband and wife. Similarly the school or college has its own established or standardized rules and procedures.

(c) Institutions are Controlling Mechanism: Institutions like religion, education, morality, state, government, legislation etc Control the behavior of man. These mechanisms preserve the social order and give stability to it. Institutions is the machinery through which human society carries on its activities. They are like wheels on which human society marches on towards the desirable goals.

(d) Institutions are Relatively Permanent:Institutions normally do not undergo sudden or rapid changes. Changes take place gradually. Many institutions are rigid and enduring. They in course of time became the conservative element in society. Examples- caste, religion etc. But under the pressure of circumstances they also undergo changes.

(e) Abstract in Nature:Institutions are not external visible or tangible things. They are abstract. Thus marriage cannot be kept in a museum. Religion cannot be brought to the laboratory experiments and so on. However They can be compared and evaluated on the basis of values and ideologies.

(f) Oral and Written Traditions institutions may persist in the form of oral or written traditions. In simple and preliterate societies, institutions, were in the oral form, Institutions are based on either customs and dogmas. But in modem societies, they are found in written as well as oral forms. There may be institutional forms like law, constitution, Sacred text, governmental orders, business contracts, political, educational and economic institutions and so on.

(g) Symbolic Traits: Every social institution may have their own symbols, material or non-material. Examples: The Nation has flag, emblem and anthem as its symbols. Religion may have its own symbols like Idol, holy cross, crescent, star, swastika, Marriage may have own wedding ring or mangle-sutra and so on: Symbolic traits are common to all well established institutions of the modem society.

(h) Institutions are Interrelated: Institutions are interrelated. Understanding of one institution requires an understanding of other related institutions. Example: religious, moral, educational, political, economic, and other types of institutions are essentially interlinked.

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Question 5.
What is social groups? Explain its characteristics.
According to Marshal Jones is of the opinion that a social group is ‘two or more people between whom there is’an established patter of interaction’.
Characteristics of social group:

1. Collection of interacting individuals: Social groups consists of people. Social interaction is the very basis of group life, there more collection of individual does not make a group. The members must have interaction. A social group is, in fact, a system of social interaction. Different interaction patterns exists in different groups such as family, friendship, and recreational associations etc.

2. Sense of group unity and solidarity: Depending on the nature of the group, its members are tied together by a sense of unity. The solidarity or unity of a group is largely dependent upon the frequency, the variety, and the emotional quality of the interactions of its members. A friends group, or a peer group, or a professional association is highly united because its members are related by several common interests.

3. Group goals and interests: The interest and goal of a group are said to be common. Groups are mostly formed or established for the fulfillment of certain interests. In fact, men not join groups but also form groups for the realization of their objectives or interests. Forms of the group differ depending upon the interests of the groups, educational groups, professional groups, recreational groups and so on.

4. Groups are stronger than their individual members: A group is more than the sum of its parts. As Durkheim noted a group has a reality of its own or “suigeneris”. For example, the age and size of a group are not simple derived from the ages and sizes of its members. As Wallace and Wallace have pointed out. “Groups are generally stronger collectively than even the strongest individual members”.

5. Group Norms: Every group has its own rules or norms which the members are supposed to follow. These norms may be in the form of customs, folkways, mores, traditions, conventions, laws etc. They may be written or unwritten norms or standards. Every group has its own ways and means of correcting those who go against the rules. The continued groups-life of man practically becomes impossible without some norms.

6. Size of the Group: Every group involves an idea of size. Social groups vary in size. A group may be small as that of a dyad as big as that of a political party having lakhs of members. Size will have its own impact on the character of the group. Membership is limited or unlimited depending on its purpose.

7. Groups are Dynamic: Social groups are but dynamic. They are subject to changes whether slow or rapid. Old members die and new members are bom. Some existing groups may disintegrate and new groups may come to be formed. Small groups may develop into gigantic groups, and the larger ones may shrink in size.

8. Degree of Stability: Groups are formed to.be stable or unstable: permanent or temporary in character. Some groups like, the crowd, mob, audience, spectators, groups etc. are purely temporary and unstable. But many groups such as political parties, student’s union, professional organizations and trade unions are relatively permanent and stable in character.

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Question 6.
What is social control? Explain its features.
Social control is one of the mechanisms of society. E.A. Ross was the first sociologist to the concept of “Social Control” in his famous book “Social Control” published in 1901. Since then, the concept has become quite popular. Society has to make use of its mechanisms to accomplish the necessary order and discipline. RosS has stressed upon the roles of public opinion, law, belief, suggestion, religion, ideals, ceremony, etc., in establishing social control.
Types of Social Control
(a) Informal control, (b) Formal control.

(a) Informal control: Refers to that types of social control. Which is not purposefully created, but spontaneously evolved and which includes informal ways and means for maintenance of social control. Eg Folkways mores, customs, morality etc., ‘

(b) Formal control: Refers to those types of social control which is desperately created and which includes some fixed formal means and procedures for the maintenance of social control. Eglaws and legislation, courts, police Jainl, armed force, Bureaucracy etc.

Question 7.
What are primary groups? Explain its characteristics.
The concept of ‘primary groups’ is a significant of C.H. Cooley to the social thought. Building black of human societies throughout the world history.

Characteristics of Primary Group:

(a) Dominance of primary or face-to-face relationships: Primary groups are characterized by close and intimate relationships. These exists a face-to-face relationship among the members. In primary Groups everyone knows everyone else; one’s name and fame, one’s status, wealth, occupation, level of education etc.

(b) Small in size: Primary groups are generally small in size, because its consists of few
members. Size of primary groups should be small if the relations among members are to be close personal and intimate. ‘

(c) Physical proximity or nearness: Face-to-face relations can be found only when members reside in particular area more or less permanently. Seeing and talking with each other facilitates the exchange of ideas, opinions and sentiments.

(d) Durability of the groups: Primary groups are relatively a permanent groups. Other things equal, the longer the groups remains together, the more numerous and deeper are the contacts between its members.

(e) Similarity of background: The members of the primary groups may have more or less
the same background. These must be some approximations in their levels of experience. Each must have something to contribute to give as well as to take.

(f) Shared interest: The shared interests of the groups also hold them together, any interest becomes focused and enriched in the group process. Since all are working for a common cause each acquires stimulation and a heightening of the emotional significance of the interest.

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Question 8.
What is secondary groups? Explain its characteristics.
In the secondary groups, the relationships secondary, relatively impersonal contractual task oriented, hence limited focus of its activities.
(a) Dominance of secondary relations: The relationships that are found with hi secondary groups are formal indirect impersonal and secondary for example the relationship between teacher and students.

(b) Large in size: The secondary groups are generally large in size incomparision to primary groups that may thousands of members. Trade union, corporation, international association, etc. are secondary groups and they have thousands of members. .

(c) No physical basis: Secondary groups are not necessarily characterized by physical proximity. Many secondary groups are not limited to any definite area. The members such a groups are scattered over vast area.

(d) Nature of membership: Membership in the case of secondaiy groups in mainly voluntary. Individuals are at liberty to join or go away from the groups, for example : they are at liberty to join political parties.

(e) Specific ends and interest: Secondary groups are formed for the realization of some specific interest’s ends. They are often called ‘Special interest groups’. Members are interested in the groups because they have specific ends to aim at.

(f) Nature of group control: Informal means of social control are loss effective in regulating the relations of members. Moral control is only secondary formal means of social control such as law, legislation, police, court etc. are made use of to control the behavior of members.

Question 9.
What is a folkway? Explain its characteristics.
The term folkways was introduced to the sociological literature by W.G. Summer in his book with the little “Folkways” published in 1906. The word literately means “The ways of the floor people”. Folkways are the accepted ways of behavior.

(a) Social in Nature: Folkways are the product of man’s group life. They are created by the groups for their sustenance and maintenance. Individuals get social recognition by conforming to the folkways. Every new generation absorbs folkways partly by deliberate teaching but mainly by observing and talking part in life about them.

(b) Unplanned Origin: The origin of folkways are very obscure. Sumner believed that they arise automatically and unconsciously. They are not result of any advance planning.

(c) Informal Enforcement: Folkways are not as compulsive and obligatory as those of laws or morals. Conformity to the folkways is neither required by law nor enforced by any special agency of the society.

(d) Folkways are Innumerable: It is not possible for anyone to enlist all the folkways. No encyclopedia could contain all the folkways observed by all of the people of history. They are very diverse and numerous.

(e) Folkways are subject to change: Folkways are not static, but dynamic; folkways are change with changing social conditions. Some folkways undergo relatively rapid change; some are resist change very often.

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Question 10.
What are mores? Explain its characteristics.
According to Maclver and Page “When the folkways have added to them conceptions of groups welfare, standards of right and wrong they are converted into mores”.

Characteristics of Mores are:

More are the regulators of social life: Mores represent the living character of the group or community. They are always considered right by the people who share them. They are morally right and their violation morally wrong. Hence they are more compulsive in nature. They put restrictions on our behavior.

Mores are relatively more persistent: More are relatively long lasting than ordinary folkways. In fact, they even become conservative elements in society. They also put up resistance to change.

Mores vary from group to group or time to time: What is prescribed in one group is prohibited in another Eskimos for example: often practice female infanticide, whereas such a practice is strictly forbidden in the modern societies. Mores not only differ with culture but also with time. What is right at one time may be wrong at another and vice versa. Ex; the practice of “Sati” was “moral” then, but today it is illegal and immoral.

Mores are often backed by values and religion: More normally receive the sanction and backing of values and religion. When this occurs they become still more powerful and binding. Mores backed by religious sanctions are strongly justified people.

Question 11.
What is law? Explain its characteristics.
Law is the most powerful formal, means of social control in the modem society. It is an indispensable part of the modem social life. Laws appear only in societies where a political organization called “Government” is found.
According to J.S. Roucek “Laws are a form of social rule emanating from political agencies”


  • Laws are the general condition of human activity prescribed by the state for its members.
  • Law is called law, only if enacted by a proper law making authority. Hence it is a product of conscious thought deliberate attempts and careful planning.
  • Law is written definite, clear, precise and unambiguous.
  • Law applies equally to all without exception in identical circumstances.
  • Violation of law is followed by penalties and punishments determined by the authority of the state.
  • Laws are always written down and recorded.
  • Laws are not the result of voluntary consent of persons against whom they are directed.

Laws a dynamic and subject to change. Law is not a static body of rules handed down from generation to generation. Rather, it reflects continually changing standards of what is right and wrong of how violations are to be determined, and of what sanctions are to be applied.

Laws differ from country to country. Though the outward pattern of the legal system to be same every where the content of laws often differ significantly.

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Question 12.
Explain briefly pre-modern society.
Societies can be divided into pre-modem and modem societies. In the pre-modem societies

(1) Hunting and food gathering societies, characterized by small number of people gaining their livelihood from hunting, fishing and gathering of edible plants. There were few differences based on age and gender.

(2) Agrarians societies based on small rural communities without towns or cities. Lively hood gained through agriculture, often supplemented by hunting and gathering. It was ruled be a chief and inequalities existed among themselves.

(3) Pastoral Societies Size of this society ranges from few hundred people to many thousands depends on-the tending of domesticated animals for their subsistence. It is marked by distinct inequalities and ruled by a chief or warrior kings.

(4) Traditional societies: This kind of societies were existed from 6000B.C to 19th century. These were relatively disappeared. Traditional societies were large in size some numbering millions of people though small compared with industrialized societies. Some cities exists in which trade and manufacturing are concentrated.

Societies in the modern world are divided into:

(1) The first world societies which existed since 18th century to the present. First world societies are based on industrial production and generally free enterprise. Majority of the people live in towns and cities, a few work in rural agricultural persists.

(2) Second world societies-These societies period of existence: In early 20th century to ’ the early 1990s. It is based on industry, but the economic system is centrally planned. Small proportion of the population work in agriculture, most live in towns and cities major class inequalities persists. Distinct political communities are Nations State. Until 1989, composed of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. But Social and Political changes began to transform them into free enterprise, economic system according to the model of first world’s societies.

(3) Developing societies These societies existed from 18th century to the present day. Majority of the population work in agriculture, using traditional methods of production. Some have free enterprise system while others are centrally planned distinct political communities are Notions State, including China, India, and most Africa and South American Nations come under this category.

(4) Newly Industrialized societies: These societies come into existence since 1970 onwards. Former developing societies now based on industrial production and generally free enterprises. Majority of the people live in towns and cities, a few work in agricultural pursuits. Major class inequalities found than the first world societies. Average per capital income considerably less than first world societies. The countries like Hong Kong, South, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Brazil, and Mexico etc.

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Question 13.
Explain briefly the types of modern societies.
Our social world consists of thousands of human societies. For the sake of comparison, and analysis, it is necessary for us to classify them on some basis. According to Lenski, these diverse societies which are existing at present can be classified into a limited number of basic types depending upon the technologies or the subsistence strategies that they use to exploit the natural environment. Different societies have used different subsistence strategies, and those societies that have tended to grow larger and more complex. These complex societies often enjoy their success at the expense of societies using more primitive technologies.

Thus, it is on the basis of the level of technology or reliance on the basic type of subsistence  strategy, societies can be generally classified into the following types:

  • Hunting and Gathering Societies.
  • Pastoralism or Pastoral Societies.
  • Horticultural Societies
  • Agricultural Societies, and Industrial Societies

Hunting and Gathering Societies.
As Gerhard Lenki pointed out in his “Human Societies” the oldest and the simplest type of society is the “Hunting and Gathering a nomadic way of life and a very primitive technology. They have the most primitive tools such as stone axes, spears and knives.

Characteristics: Hunting-gathering societies consist of small but scattered groups. They are nomadic in nature. There is limited or no division of labour among them for there is no scope for different occupation roles. Since they are wandering in nature they need to face danger constantly. Family and kinship are the only defined institutions among them and there is no – ground for the development of political institutions. Even their religious faith is also very simple and it has not developed into a complex institution. It is interesting to note that they do not have desire to acquire wealth for sharing is a norm in such societies. Also, there is no wealth worth. calling, to be acquired among them.

Herding or Pastoral Societies.
“Herding society refers to any form of society whose main subsistence comes from tending flocks and herds of domesticated animals. In practice, subsistence needs are often met by a combination of herding with hunting and gathering and other forms of agriculture”.

Characteristics: Herding societies are relatively larger in size and their size ranges between some hundred to a few thousands of members. Herding people like the hunters and gatherers, are nomadic because of their seasonal need to find sufficient grazing areas for their herds. Pastoralism has proved to be a better productive strategy than hunting and gathering for it provides an assured food supply and permits the accumulation of surplus resources. Accumulation of surplus resources has contributed to the beginning of inequality among them.

Horticultural Societies: “A horticultural society is a society system based on horticulture, a mode of production in which digging sticks are used to cultivate small gardens”

Characteristics: Horticulturists specialize in the domestication of plants such as wheat, rice etc. the simplest horticulturalists cultivate manually with hoes or digging sticks in relatively , small gardens without using the metal tools and weapons. The subsistence’s strategy of the horticulturists is typically based on a “slash and bum” technology. Horticulturalists are better settled than pastoralists.

This society assures better food supply and the possibility of surplus. Existence of surplus leads to specialization of roles, such as those of Shaman trader, or craft worker. We find the emergence of political allows institutions among these people. The surplus production allows some wealthy individuals to become more powerful than others. This leads to the emergence of political institutions in the form of chieftainships.

Agricultural or Agrarian Societies
Around 3000 B. C, the invention of the plough led to the beginning of the agrarian society. Agrarian societies first arose in ancient Egypt and were based on the introduction of the plough and the harnessing of animal power “An agricultural society focuses its mode of production primarily on agriculture and the cultivation of larga fields”

Characteristics: Cultivation of land through the plough is the main feature of this society. Based on the invention of the plough around 3000 B.C the agrarian revolution marked its beginning. This invention enables animal power to pull the plough enables a person to achieve great productivity. Size of the agricultural societies is much greater than that of horticultural or pastoral communities. The full-time specialists who engage themselves in non agricultural activities tend to concentrate in some compact places which ultimately led to the birth of cities. Agricultural societies, in source of time, lead to the establishment of more elaborate political institutions.

Industrial societies
The industrial mode of production began in England about 250 years ago. The very invention of machines of produce goods has proved to be an event of great historical importance. Industrial societies have existed only in the very modem era, dating from the industrialization of Great Britain in the late 18th century.

Characteristics: Industrial society is associated with Industrial Revolution and industrialism. Industrialism is based on the application of scientific knowledge to the technology of production, enabling new energy sources to be harnessed. Technology based on modern scientific knowledge leads to higher rate of technology innovations. These innovations in turn, bring about a flood of social changes.

Industrial societies have huge populations and large scale division of lab our. Division of labor is also complex for it gives scope for thousand of new specialized jobs. Science and education assume more importance here and at the same time, family and kind ship and religion start losing their hold and control over the members.

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1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 1 Nature of Sociology

Karnataka 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 1 Nature of Sociology India

You can Download Chapter 1 Nature of Sociology Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

1st PUC Sociology Nature of Sociology One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How is the term Sociology derived?
The term “Sociology” is derived from Latin word “SOCIUS” means “Companion” or “Associate” and Greek word “LOGOS” means “Science” or “Study”.

Question 2.
Who is called the “Father of Sociology”?
Auguste Comte.

Question 3.
In which year the term Sociology was introduced.
The word Socialogy was introduced in the year 1839.

Question 4.
What is the literal meaning of the word Sociology?
The study of society.

Question 5.
State any one definition of Sociology.
According to Auguste Comte: “Sociology is the Science of Social phenomena Subject to natural and invariable laws. The discovery of which is the object of investigation”

Question 6.
Mention any one book written by Auguste Comte.
“Positive Philosophy”

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Question 7.
Mention Comte’s definition of Sociology.
According to Auguste Comte: “Sociology is the Science of Social phenomena Subject to natural and invariable laws. The discovery of which is the object of investigation”

Question 8.
Mention Durkheim definition of Sociology.
According to Durkheim: “Sociology is the Science of institutions”

Question 9.
Mention Maclver & page definition of Sociology.
According to Maclver and Page: “Sociology is about Social relationships”

Question 10.
What is categorical science?
Sociology Studies things “as it is” and not “as it ought to be”. As a Science, Sociology is necessarily silent about the questions of value.

Question 11.
What is pure science?
Pure science is a branch for knowledge, without primary concern for its practical use ;

Question 12.
Is sociology a pure science.
Yes, Sociology a pure science.

Question 13.
What is an applied science?
Applied science is the search for ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

Question 14.
Mention any one specific literary source of ancient though.
Vedas, Upanishads.

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Question 15.
Mention any one factor that led to the emergence of Sociology.
Impact of Twin Revolution: The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution. Inspiration from the “Growth of Natural and other Social Sciences.

Question 16.
Mention twin revolution that led to the emergence of Sociology.
Impact of the twin Revolution are:

  • The French Revolution and
  • The Industrial Revolution.

Question 17.
State any one effect of Industrial Revolution.
The revolution led to factory system of production which in turn gave place to mechanization and industrialization.

Question 18.
Mention any one subject matter of sociology.
Providing a Sociological analysis of human culture and society.

Question 19.
Mention any one specialised fields of Sociology.
Interpersonal Relations, Rural and Urban life marriage and family, Social differentiation are
the specialised fields of Sociology.

Question 20.
Mention any one method which Sociology is making use of in its studies.
Method in which Sociology is making use of its study of society, needs scientific method with objectives, were believe theoretical science of society and a systematic investigation of behavior were needed to improve society.

Question 21.
Write any two social problems of India.
India is facing so many social problems like:

  1. Poverty, unemployment.
  2. Corruption.

Question 22.
Who called Sociology as a vehicle to social reform?
August Comte

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Question 23.
Mention anyone use of the study of Sociology.
Studying sociology will make a change in altitudes and it also gives solution to social problems.

Question 24.
What are the two parts of sociology according to August Comte?

  1. Social Statics
  2. Social Dynamics.

Question 25.
Write anyone pioneer of Sociology other than August Comte.
Max Weber

Question 26.
Define theological stage.
During theological stage all human thoughts were guided by religious ideas and faith in the supernatural powers.

Question 27.
What is positive stage?
It is a stage that everything based on intellectual way of thinking looking the world.

Question 28.
Who is “Priests of humanity”?
August Comte is the “priests of humanity”.

Question 29.
Which book influenced Spencer very much?
“The origin of the Species”.

Question 30.
Write the name of evolution a list influenced Spencer.
Militant society and Industrial society”.

Question 31.
Name any one Book written by Spencer.
’’Social Statics”, “Principles of Ethics” etc.

Question 32.
Who is the second father of sociology?
Herbert Spencer

Question 33.
What is social fact according to Durkhiem?
According to Durkheim. A social fact is every way of acting, fixed or not, capable of exercising on the individual an external constraint.

Question 34.
Write anyone specialised field introduced by Durkhiem?
General Sociology, sociology of religion,, sociology of morals etc.

Question 35.
Write any one Book written by Durkheim?
The Division of Labor in society, The Rules of sociological method etc.

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Question 36.
In which university of India Sociology was first introduced?
Bombay university introduced Sociology in India first time.

Question 37.
Write any two names of Indian Sociologist.

  1. Dr.GS.Ghurye [Maharashtra]
  2. Dr. M. N. Srinivas [Mumbai]

Question 38.
Who is the Father of Indian sociology?
Dr. G. S Ghurye is called Father of sociology.

Question 39.
Who is the source behind the formulation of the Indian sociological study?
Dr. G. S Ghurye.

Question 40.
Mention any two Book written by G. S. Ghurge.
“Caste and Race in India”, “Scheduled tribes” etc.

Question 41.
Who wrote the book Caste and Race in India?
Dr. G. S. Ghurye.

Question 42.
Who is the famous sociologist of Karnataka?
Dr. M. N. Srinivas.

Question 43.
Write any one concept introduced by M.N. Rinivas.
Analysing the process of social change in India he introduced the concept of “Sanskritisation”, “Westernization” and “Dominate caste”.

Question 44.
Who is the First women sociologist of India?
Dr. Iravati Karve was the First women sociologist of India.

Question 45.
Who wrote the book Kinship organization in India?
Dr. Iravati Karve.

Question 46.
Who introduced the concept of Deconstruction?
Jacques Derrida introduced the concept of Deconstruction.

Question 47.
Who introduced the concept of Structuration?
F.H. Giddings introduced the concept of Structuration.

Question 48.
Who introduced the concept of Habitius?
Bourdieu introduced the concept of Habitius.

1st PUC Sociology Nature of Sociology Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Sociology?
This is a continuous pursuit of knowledge human being has invented various branches of knowledge According to Auguste Comte : “Sociology is the Science of Social phenomena Subject to natural and invariable laws. The discovery of which is the object of investigation”.

Question 2.
Mention Comte’s definition of Sociology.
According to Auguste Comte: “Sociology is the Science of Social phenomena Subject to natural and invariable laws. The discovery of which is the object of investigation”.

Question 3.
Mention Max Weber’s definition of Sociology.
According to Max Weber “Sociology is the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order there by to arrive at causal explanation of its cause and effects”.

Question 4.
State Ginsberg’s definitions of Sociology.
According to Morris Ginsberg “In the broadest Sense, Sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations. Their conditions and consequences”.

Question 5.
Give H. M. Johnson’s definition of sociology.
According to Harry, M. Johnson “Sociology is the science that deals with Social groups”.

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Question 6.
Give an example to support the view that Sociology is an Abstract science.
It does not limit itself to the study of any particular war or revolution. On the contrary, it deals with them in general or abstract Mannar, as social phenomena.

Question 7.
Mention any two factors that led to the beginning of sociology.

  1. The great intellectual process of Renaissance
  2. Reformation and enlightenment gave a big impact to begin sociology.

Question 8.
State any literary sources of ancient India Social thought.
“Vedas”, “Upanishads”, “Puranas”, etc.

Question 9.
Mention any two social effects if Industrial Revolution.
The social effects of Industrial Revolution were many. They are:

  • The revolution led to factory system of production which in turn gave place to mechanisation and industrialisation
  • The simple rural life and domestic industries were replaced by complex urban life and mass production of goods.

Question 10.
Mention any two primary units of social life according to Alex Inkeles.
The primary units are. The area are concerned with- social acts and social relationships,
” individual personality, groups of all varieties communities etc.

Question 11.
Name the two books of August Comte.
Positive Philosophy and Positive polity.

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Question 12.
Mention any two subject matter of sociology.

  1. Providing a sociological analysis of human culture and society.
  2. Analyzing the primary units of social life.

Question 13.
Mention any four specialized fields of Sociology?

  1. Interpersonal relations
  2. Rural and urban life
  3. Marriage and family
  4. Social differentiation.

Question 14.
Is Sociology helpful in tacking social problems? How?
Yes, “Sociology gives valuable suggestions to solve”.

Question 15.
Mention any two important use of Sociology?

  1. Development of personality
  2. Change in Attitudes
  3. Solution of social problems
  4. Social planning and policy making.

Question 16.
Mention Comte’s Law of three Stages.

  1. The Theological stage
  2. The Metaphysical stage
  3. The positive stage.

Question 17.
Why August Comte is called as the father of sociology?
Auguste Comte is called father of Sociology, because he is the first to introduced a new science called “Sociology” and a brief note of his contributions confirms a new era for the study of sociology.

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Question 18.
What are the two types of society introduced by Spencer?

  1. Militant Society
  2. Industrial society.

Question 19.
Write any two famous books written by Durkheim.

  1. “The Division of Labour in Society”
  2. “The Rules of sociological method”.

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Question 20.
Mention any two types of suicide according to Durkheim.

  1. Egoistic suicide
  2. Anomic suicide
  3. Altruistic suicide.

Question 21.
Write any two Indian sociologists?

  1. Dr. G. S. Ghurye
  2. Dr. M. N. Srinivas
  3. Dr. Iravati Karve.
  4. A. R. Desai.

Question 22.
Which are the concepts introduced by M. N. Srinivasa?
Sanskritization, Westernization and Dominate Caste.

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1st PUC Sociology Nature of Sociology Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is sociology? Explain by citing at least three definition of Sociology.
The term “Sociology” is derived from Latin word “SOCIUS” meaning ‘Companion’ or ‘Associate’ and Greek word “LOGOS” means ‘Science’ or ‘Study’. Thus the etymological meaning of the term Sociology is “study of Society”. Some of the definitions of Sociology are: August Comte, the founding father of sociology, defines Sociology as “The Science of social phenomena subject to natural and invariable laws. The discovery of which is the object of investigation.”

  • Maclver and Page says that “Sociology is about Social relationships.”
  • Emile Durkheim defines “Sociology is the Science of Social institutions.”
  • Max Weber says “Sociology is the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order there by to arrive at causal explanation of its course and effects.”
  • Harry M. Johnson said that “Sociology is the science that deals with Social groups.”
  • Morris Ginsberg says “In the broadest Sense, Sociology, is the study of human interactions and interrelationships, their conditions and consequences.”

Question 2.
Examine briefly nature and characteristics of sociology.
The nature and characteristics of sociology can be summarised in the following way :
Sociology is an Independent Science: Sociology is not treated and studied as a branch of any other Science like philosophy or political philosophy. As an independent science it has its own subject matter, theories and method of approach.

Sociology is a Social Science not a physical Science: Sociology belongs to the Social Science and not to the physical science. As a Social Science it concentrates its attention on man, his Social behaviour, Social activities and Social life. It is intimately related to other social Sciences like anthropology, Political Science, economics, and Psychology, etc.

Sociology is a categorical not a Normative Discipline: Sociology Studies things “as it is” and “not as they ought to be”. As a Science, Sociology is necessarily silent about the questions of value. It does not make any kind of value-judgements. Its approaches neither moral nor immoral but amoral. It is ethically neutral. It cannot decide the directions in which Sociology ought to go. Sociology is a pure Science not an Applied science: Sociology is a pure science, because the immediate aim of Sociology is the acquisition of knowledge.

On the contrary an applied science is interested in the application or utilization of that knowledge. Sociologists never determine questions of public policy and do not recommend legislators what laws should be passed or repealed. But the knowledge acquired by a Sociologist is of great help to the administrator, legislators, diplomats, teachers, Social workers, & citizens, i Sociology is relatively an abstract science and not a concrete science Sociology does not confine itself to the study of particular or concrete instances of human events.

But it. studies the abstract forms of human events and their patterns. For example, it does not limit ‘ itself to the Study of any particular war or revolution. On the contrary it deals with them in a I general or abstract manner, as Social phenomena, i.e., as types of Social conflict. In a similar manner, it makes such generalized Studies of marriage, religion, family, group, etc.

Sociology is a Generalising and not a particularising science: Sociology tries to make generalisations on the basis of the study of some selected events. For example, a Sociologist make generalizations on the following:

  1. Joint families are more stable than the nuclear families.
  2. Social changes tale place with greater rapidity in urban communities than in tribal or rural communities.

Sociology is a General Social Science and not a special Social Science: The area of enquiry of Sociology is general and not specialized. It is concerned with human activities whether they are political, economic, religious, social, etc., in a general way.

Finally Sociology is both an Empirical and a Rational Science: Sociology is an empirical science because it emphasises the facts that result from observation and experimentation, it rests on trial, or experiment or experience. It is a rational Science because it stresses the role of reasoning and logical inferences. An empiricist collects facts where as a rationalist co-ordinates and arranges them. All modem science including Sociology avail themselves of both empirical and rational resources.

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Question 3.
Analyse the role of the twin revolutions in the emergence of sociology.
Influence of the French revolutions (1789): The French Revolution was the most immediate factor in the rise of sociological thinking, the new political climate emphasized liberty, equality, emity, justice, individual right & thinking. The writers and thinkers of the day were particularly I disturbed by the chaos and disorder which the Revolution brought in.

Some of the radical I thinkers sought the need to find out new bases of social order or system which had been disturbed by the political revolutions. This interest in the issue of social order evinced by the social thinkers ultimately supported the cause of the emergence of sociology. The impact of the Industrial Revolution: the Industrial Revolution that began in England 1 in the 18th century swept through many western societies.

The Social effects of Industrial I Revolution were many. The revolution led to a factory system of production which in turn gave, place to mechanisation and industrialization. The simple rural life and domestic industries were replaced by complex urban life and mass production of goods. Industrialization changed the direction of civilisation.

Question 4.
Explain Alex Inkle’s views about the subject matter of Sociology.
Alex Inkle’s in his book “What is Sociology?” has provided a general outline of the fields of Sociology on which there is considerable agreement among sociologists. It could be presented in the following manner:

1. Providing a sociological analysis of human culture and society: The major concern of sociology is human society and its culture. A sociologist seeks to provide an analysis of human society and culture with Sociological perspective. He evinces interest in the evolution of society and tries to reconstruct the major stages in the evolutionary process. An attempt is also made “to analyses the factors and forces underlying historical transformations of society”. Due importance is given to the scientific method that is adopted in the sociological studies.

2. Analysing the primary units: Sociology has given sufficient attention to the study of primary units of social life. In this area it is concerned with social acts and social relationships, individual personality, groups of all varieties, communities(urban, rural and tribal), association organisations and population.

3. Studying the Nature and Functions of Basic Social Institutions: Social Institutions constitute the basic fabric the society. Any social system is built on the foundation of social institutions. Institutions such as – the family and kinship religions and morality, Economic and political, legal and educational, scientific and aesthetic, recreational and expressive, medical and welfare, etc. Serve the most important needs of man. Sociology develops deep into the study of the origin and development, structure and function, changes and challenges of a wide variety of social institutions.

4. Sociology throws Light on the Fundamental social processes: Human society is neither static nor uniform. It is dynamic and diverse. This dynamic element in society is reflected by what are known as “social processes”. They reveal the way in which human interaction assume different patterns and courses in social life. The social processes such as co-operation and competition, accommodation, and assimilation, social conflict and communication, social differentiation and stratification, socialisation social control and deviance, social integration and social change, etc., assume prominence in sociological studies.

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Question 5.
Explain the role of August Comte in the development of Sociology?
Being one of the pioneers of Sociology, August Comte is the first who introduced the term “Sociology”. Therefore the credit of calling “Father of Sociology” goes to him. August Comte was the first to introduced a new science called “Sociology” and a brief note of his contribution Confirms a new era for the study of sociology. He used the word “Sociology” for the first time in his famous work “positive philosophy” during 1839.

He called sociology as the scientific study of society. He wanted that this science of society should explain the laws of the social world like natural sciences explain the laws of the physical world. August Comte insisted that, study of society needs scientific method with objectivity. He believed that theoretical science of society and a systematic investigation of behaviour were needed to improve society.

August Comte divided sociology into two parts. They are : (1) social statics and (2) social dynamics. “Social statics” deals with major Institutions such as family, economy, religion, etc. “Social Dynamics” deals with the issue of social change and social progress. Now these words are called in the name of social structure and social change respectively.

According to August Comte, there is a direct relation between intellectuality and social progress. Related to this he explains law of three stages. They are:

(i) The Theological stage: During this stage all human thoughts were guided by religious ideas and faith in the supernatural powers. It emphasizes the belief that everything is attributed to a particular God.

(ii) The metaphysical stage: During this stage, all human thought were guided by “abstract forces” like nature. It is almost like philosophical inquiry into the nature.

(iii) The positive or scientific stage: This is what the stage that everything based on intellectual way of thinking, looking the world. Through this theory Comte tried to establish the fact that man became more and more rational and scientific in his approach. Comte introduced a theory of classification of sciences. Through this theory he emphasized that there is interrelation and interdependence of social sciences.

August Comte as a supporter of the moral order in the society says that sociologists have to taken responsibility of “priesthood of humanity” and should solve the problems of the society. August Comte’s contribution to sociological literature are “Positive Philosophy” and “Positive Polity”.

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Question 6.
Explain the role of Herbert Spencer in the development of Sociology?
Herbert Spencer is one of pioneers of Sociology and it has been described Herbert Spencer’s Sociology as socially Darwinistic. Herbert Spencer has been called as “Second Father Sociology.”

Being a famous evolutionist, Spencer was very much influenced by Charles Darwin’s book “The origin of the species”. He tried to apply the theory of Biological evolution to Sociology. Spencer used the concept of evolution of animals to explain the evolution of society and he compares the society to human organism. His theory of organic analogy was very much popular earlier even though it has been rejected now. Spencer claimed that man’s mind has evolved in the same way from the simple automatic responses of lower animals to the process of reasoning in the thinking of man.

Spencer believed in two kinds of knowledge: knowledge gained by the individual and knowledge gained by the race. He also developed a theory of two types of society. They are (1) militant society (2) Industrial society. These are corresponded to the evolutionary progression. Thus according to him society is changing from simple form to complex form. Spencer stressed that the whole society should be considered as a unit of society.

According to him the different parts of society are interrelated and interdependent, not only the parts influence the whole system, but also the whole system influences the parts. While explaining the stages of the development of society his attitude of comparison draws a special attention. Major works of Herbert Spencer are “Social Statics”, “First Principles”, “Principles of ‘ Ethics”, “The Man Versus State”, “The study of sociology”, Principles of sociology”.

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Question 7.
Briefly write the contributions of Durkheim to the enrichment of Sociologists.
Emile Durkheim was definitely one of the most important contributors to sociological knowledge. His “comparative method” leads to the importance of studying different types of society comparatively. Durkheim believed that we must study social life with the same objectivity as scientists study the natural world. He was the first sociologist who emphasized the reality of society. He introduced “Rules of sociological method” to carry out the scientific study of „ society.

Durkheim’s opinion is that man’s social behavior has to understand not by personal view but by social background. He says that human event is called “social”. According to him, we perform every action in the interest of society. Our duties and practices are defined through law and custom. We have not created the duties, but have inherited them through our education these types of conduct are called ‘social facts’ in the words of Durkheim.

“A social fact is every way of acting, fixed or not. Capable of exercising on the individual an entemal constraint. Durkheim used the theory of “Anomie” in his book on the Davison of labor in society. To him suicide is a social fact that takes place due to external force. He outlined four types of suicide. They are (1) Egoistic suicide (2)Anomie suicide (3)Altruistic suicide (4)Fatalistic suicide.

Durkheim was impressed by the fact that religion is universal in human society and he felt that religion plays vital role in maintaining society as whole religious beliefs emerges from society and helps to hold the society together. Durkheim laid foundation for various specialized fields of study like General Sociology, sociology of religion, sociology of morals, sociology of law, sociology of crime, economic sociology and sociology of aesthetics, etc.

The major works of Emile Durkheim are “The division of Labour in society”, “Suicide”, “The Rules of sociological method”, “The Elementary forms of religious Life”.

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Question 8.
Write briefly about G.S.Ghurye and Iravathi Karve as Indian sociologists.
Dr GS.Ghurye: Dr. Ghurye played a key role in popularizing Sociology in India. Therefore he is called as the “Father of Indian Sociology”. The fame of functioning as the first head of the Department of Sociology goes to Dr. Ghurye. He is also recognized as the leading expert in the field of Sociology. Dr. Ghurye carried a elaborate study of “Cap caste and races in India”. He has elaborately written on origin of caste, regional existence of caste and its characteristics, impact of British rule on caste, caste in politics etc.

His study on rural culture has also gained importance in the field od Sociology. Studied on major deities, ancient civilization, role of sudhus and sanyasis was also included in his analysis. He has also written on Bharatnatyam and its costumes. He also covered studies in Rajput, literature, Shakespeare, Comte, contemporary problems in India. Totally his works present a logical continuity from the past to present to the immediate future. Dr. Ghurye has written “Caste and Race in India”, “Scheduled Tribes”, “Social tension in India”, “Vedic India”.

Dr. Iravathi Karve: Dr.Iravati Karve has been recognised as a renowned and brilliant sociologist. As a student of Dr. G.S.Ghurye, Dr.Iravati Karve was the first “Women Sociologist in India”. Dr. Iravati Karve’s field of studies is very much extensive that Indian society social institutions and kinship are her specialised interest of studies. Understanding Indian society and its institutions on the basis of kinship was her main effort. “Kinship organisation in India”, in his famous book “Hindu Society- an interpretation”, Land and people of Maharashtra, “Family of India” and more than seven books were written by Dr.Iravati Karve.

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Question 9.
Distinguish between Sociology and common sense.
Many times Sociology is charged with what it studies, we have at least a bit of knowledge about it or we have experienced it. Sometimes in our own lives or we know it through our popular wisdom. This knowledge, while sometimes accurate, is not always reliable, because it rests on commonly held beliefs rather than systematic analysis of facts. It was once considered ‘common sense’ to accept that the earth was flat. This was questioned by Pythagoras and Aristotle. Such notions still remain with us today.

For thousands of years people’s common sense told them that big objects fall faster than small ones, that stone and iron were perfectly. Solid materials, that the desire for children is instinctive in women, that with the spread of education, the institutions of caste and dowry will automatically wither away, yet today we know that none of these statement are true. These common sense statement s based on popular wisdom illustrate our point that common sense knowledge is not always true.

Some popular observations may be true but many others are not supported by empirical data. Many .common sense conclusions are based on guesses, hunches, ignorance, prejudices, mistaken interpretation and haphazard trial and error learning. Common sense can lead us astray when we are studying other societies and also when we are studying our own society. Like other scientists, sociologists do not accept something as a fact because “everyone knows it”. Instead, each piece of information must be tested and recorded, then analysed in relationship to other data. Sociology relies on facts gathered scientifically in order to describe, understand and predict about many social phenomena. ‘

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Question 10.
Mention any five famous sociologists of 20th century?
The famous sociologists of 20 century are
Pierre Bourdieu (1930): For Bourdieu the objective of sociology is to unveil the hidden culture of the society. For achieving this objective, sociologist should study cultural practices of the masses rather than classes. As such sociology should take up cultural analysis as their primary concern to uncover the political uses of science, the authority of science Physical or economic science, not to mention the biological or sociology, of the advanced forms of racism. Being a neo-Marxist, he emphasized on the culture of which is against the established culture.

What should be the shape of sociology? Answering this question, Bourdieu in his later works. The Logic of Practice (1990) and Craft of Sociology (1991) observed that the subjective and objective aspects of social life are inescapably bound together, as such there is no fun in the dualism of macro versus micro and structure versus agency, Instead, he calls for a constructivist approach to sociology, transcending both essentialism and all ideas taken for granted in everyday life.

Jurgen Habermas (1929): Jurgen Habermas is perhaps the most influential social thinker today with an explicit allegiance to Marxist thought. He is known as a best spokesman of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Habermas has severely critised positivism. In his opinion, it has limited our understanding of natural and the social world. He focused particularly on three major contributions which have become prominent in the 1960s: (1) The phenomenological sociology (2) Anthropological extension of Wittgenstein’s notation of language games, and (3) Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics.

He has been a serve critique of capitalist societies in which, according to him, change is ever present tend to destroy the moral order on which they in fact depend. We live in a social order where economic growth tends to take precedence over all else but this situation creates a back of meaning in everyday life.

Jacques Derrida (1930): French philosofher and post- modernist, who himself declined to be called as sociologist, but who has definitely made imprint on the modern sociology is Jacques Derrida. His ideas are developed primarily from linguisrics. Through his popular concept deconstruction, he has pleaded for the deconstruction of sociological texts. In his opinion, these texts demystified the social reality.

They do always unveil the truth of society. By deconstruction, Derrida means that the textual reading is hot always correct, it does not lead us to know the reality of society. Deconstruction brings out what texts exclude by showing what operates as in decidable in the texts itself. It is the task of sociology to deconstruct the narratives of the texts through the explicit and implicit analyses.

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Question 11.
Consider Sociology as a pure science.
Pure science is a branch for knowledge, without primary concern for practical use. Knowledge for knowledge sake is the main aim of a pure scientist. Scientists, who seek knowledge for its own sake, no more moved by the question of its, utility like the mother and the father who protect and nourish their children without expecting any thing inretum parents commonly love their children without calculating their usefulness.

Many students/ researchers of science feel much the same thing about their work. Pure sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Physiology, Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, etc) are concerned with the advancement of knowledge. Their main aim is to investigate the underlined principles of the natural and social world which sustain and change in the natural and social order.

They are not concerned w ith the practical applications of their results or curing the immediate ills of natural or social orders. The goal of each natural science, including sociology is the formulation of scientific laws. Sociology is a pure science, not an applied one. The immediate goal of sociology is the acquisition of knowledge about the human society, not the utilization of that knowledge.

Question 12.
Consider Sociology as an applied science.
Applied science is the search for ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. This science which apply the principles of knowledge are used principles to manipulate something something, gained from the basic or pure sciences, are known as applied sciences. All branches of engineering, medicine, architecture, and social work come under this category of applied sciences. An applied science has quite opposite aim and intent than a pure science.

It is not concern with the theory or formulation of laws or development and systemization of principles. The social sciences like all the sciences have dual function. They serve to help the people to solve their problems and at the same time to explore and to understand the world around them. As such, there is an interest in application and an interest in understanding as well.

When social scientific findings are applied to the solutions of social problems, it is called applied sociology. Sociology as an applied discipline which uses knowledge of the pure social scientists to improve social life. Immediately, sociology seeks to understand the fundamental mechanism „ of social reality but the desire to understand is always motivated by the wish to control. The main aim of applied sociology is to bring social welfare in society through social scientific investigation.

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Question 13.
Write the five main branches of applied Sociology.
Applied Sociology may be divided into five main branches:

  1. Clinical Sociology
  2. Social engineering
  3. Social work
  4. Applied social research
  5. Action Sociology

Question 14.
Mention the new perspective development by Modern Sociologists to study society?
All science are useful to the human begins in one or the other manner. Professor Giddings says, “Sociology tells us how to become what we want to become”. The study of Sociology has a great practical importance in the modern complex society which is as follows:

1. Development of Personality: Man is fundamental a social being. He has to adjust to the changing conditions of the society’. In order to adjust, he is in need of knowledge of the society. Sociology gives a scientific and a comprehensive knowledge of human society. The scientific knowledge about the structure of society, its development, change, problems, individuals rights and obligations etc, makes not only individual an enlighten member of the society, but also leads to the development of his personality in a proper manner.

2. Change in Attitudes: Sociology is useful in developing rational attitudes towards society, religion, customs, mores, institutions, values; ideologies etc. Sociology plays a important role in changing the attitudes towards others. The study of Sociology helps us to overcome prejudices about others people, class, caste, religious hat redness, misconceptions, ambitions, Totally Sociology helps us to develop a critical approach towards the Social World, so that we can have better relations with the people of not only our society, but also with people of other societies Solution of Social Problems: Every society is facing its own problems.

For ex, India is facing so many social problems like Poverty, Unemployment, Terrorism, Corruption, Untouchability Prostitution, Gambling, Over population, Beggary etc. they deep study of these problems is necessary to solve them, Sociology helps us to make an objective study of social problems. It’s also gives valuable suggestions to solve.

3. Social Planning and Policy Making: Sociology is playing a key role in social planning and policy making Sociological knowledge is very much useful and the service and suggestions of expert sociologists are sought even in the formulations of Government Policies, Social legislations, regarding family, population control, child labour, environment pollution, beggary, etc,

4. To promote Welfare of the Backward and Weaker Section of the Societyrln India SC’s, ST’s and other weaker sections are explained social economic & political field for centuries. To promote welfare programmers for these groups sociological knowledge is necessary.

5. Sociology as a Attractive Teaching Subject: Sociology is gaining importance as a popular teaching subject, Carriers apart from teaching are now possible in Sociology, Sociology is introduced as one of the subject to be studied in many colleges and Universities, Sociology is also included in the subjects to be offered by candidates taking competitive examinations like IAS, IPS, IFS, KAS and KES etc. there are many employment opportunities in-many fields like Education, social Welfare, Family Welfare, Public Administration, Women and Child Welfare Department etc.

Role of Sociology in developing countries: Social factors are also responsible for the economic backwardness particularly in under developed countries. Economists have now realized the importance of sociological information and knowledge in analyzing the economic life goes their countries. So, it has been said that “Economist should be Sociologist also”.

6. Sociological Knowledge about modern situations and developments: Sociology always gives information about the recent changes and development that takes place in and around us. So that, we can act according to the changes. The knowledge about these things makes us conscious about our responsibilities towards society.

Conclusion: We can be convinced of the importance or uses of Sociology by the above explanation. Is has both personal and social advantages. The question of the value of Sociology is therefore not a question of whether or not should have such a science, but a question of how the knowledge acquired by it can be used.

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Question 15.
Explain EW Burgess Classification of Institution?
EW Burgess has offered fourfold classification:

  • Cultural institutions for transmitting social heritage like family, school and religious institution
  • Economic institutions for organizing of services of utility like bank, labor union, commercial and industrial enterprises.
  • Recreational institution for satisfying human desire of entertainment amusement and play etc.
  • Social control institutions for solving problem of society and personality.

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1st PUC Sociology Nature of Sociology Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define Sociology? Describe its characteristics?
Sociology is the youngest among the Social Sciences. The term “Sociology” is derived from Latin word “Socius” means ‘Companion’ or ‘Associate’ and Greek word “LOGOS” means ‘Science’ or ‘Study of Society’. Thus the etymological meaning of the term Sociology is “Study of Society”.

The nature and characteristics of sociology can be summarised in the following way :

1. Sociology is an independent science: Sociology is not treated and studied as a branch of any other science like philosophy or political philosophy. As an independent science, it has its own field of study, boundary and method of approach.

2. Sociology is a Social Science and not a physical Science: Sociology belongs to the Social Science and not to Physical Science. As a social science, it concentrates its attention on man, his Social behavior, Social Activities, and Social life. It is intimately related to other social Sciences like Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, etc.

3. Sociology is a categorical and not a Normative Discipline: Sociology Studies things “as it is” and not “as they ought to be”. As a Science, Sociology is necessarily silent about the questions of value. It does not make any kind of value-judgements. Its approaches neither moral nor immoral but amoral. It is ethically neutral. It cannot decide the directions in which Sociology ought to go.

4. Sociology is a pure science and not an Applied science: Sociology is a pure Science because the immediate aim of Sociology is the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary an applied science is interested in the application or utilization of that knowledge. Sociologists never determine questions of public policy and do not recommend legislators what laws should be passed or repealed. But the knowledge acquired by a Sociologist is of great help to the administrator, legislators, diplomats, teachers, social workers, and citizens.

5. Sociology is relatively an abstract science and not a concrete science: Sociology does not confine itself to the study of particular or concrete instances of human events. But it studies the abstract forms of human events and their patterns. For example, it does not limit itself to the study of any particular war or revolution. On the contrary, it deals with them in a general or abstract manner, as social phenomena, i.e., as types of Social conflict. In a similar manner, it makes such generalized Studies of marriage, religion, family, group, etc.

6. Sociology is a Generalising and not a particularising science: Sociology tries to make generalizations on the basis of the study of some selected events. For example, a sociologist make generalizations on the following:

  • Joint families are more stable than the nuclear families.
  • Social changes tale place with greater rapidity in urban communities than in tribal or rural communities.

7. Sociology is a General Social science and not a Special Social Science: The area of inquiry of Sociology is general and not specialized. It is concerned with human activities whether they are political, economic, religious, social, etc., in a general way.

8. Sociology is both an Empirical and a Rational Science: Sociology is an empirical science because, it emphasises the facts that result from observation and experimentation, it rests on trial, or experiment or experience. It is a rational Science because it stresses that role of reasoning and logical inferences. An empiricist collects facts where as a rationalist co-ordinates and arranges them. All modern science including Sociology avail themselves of both empirical and rational resources.

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Question 2.
Examine the factors that contributed to the emergence of Sociology.
The major factors which favoured the emergence of Sociology are as follows:
(a) Impact of the Twin Revolution: Sociology emerged in the context of the sweeping changes that the twin revolutions, namely (a) The French Revolution and (b) The Industrial Revolution, brought to Europe.

1.  Influence of the French revolutions (1789): The French Revolution was the most immediate factor in the rise of sociological thinking, the new political climate emphasised liberty, equality, fraternity, justice, individual right and thinking. The writers and thinkers of the day were particularly disturbed by the chaos and disorder which the Revolution brought in. Some of the radical thinkers sought the need to find out new bases of social order or system which had been disturbed by the political revolutions. This interest in the issue of social order evinced by the social thinkers ultimately supported the cause of the emergence of sociology.

2. The impact of the industrial revolution: The Industrial Revolution that began in England in the 18th century swept through many western societies. The social effects of Industrial Revolution were many. The revolution led to factory system of production which in turn gave place to mechanisation and industrialisation. The simple rural life and domastic industries were replaced by complex urban life and mass production of goods. Industrialisation changed the direction of civilisation. Peasants left the rural areas and flocked towns, Cities started growing at a very fast rate. Cities also became the centres of crime, Political orders and religious beliefs were also adversely affected.

(b) Inspiration from the growth of natural and other social sciences: The age of Enlightenment and the era of Revolutions increased the importance of Science in Society. Science subjects came to introduced as major subjects of learning in several colleges and universities in the west. Further technological products from coal to steam engines, from sward tq hand gun and canons, from pen and paper to printing press, and the like started entering almost all sectors of life. Science thus, started acquiring enormous prestige in society.

The success attained by the natural scientists inspired and even tempted good number of social thinkers to imitate their example. Many thinkers wanted to model Sociology after the successful physical and biological sciences. Comte, Durkheim, Spencer, Weber, Simmel and others successfully demonstrated that the methods of physical sciences could be used effectively to study the social world.

(c) Inspiration provided by the newly discovered societies and cultures: The colonial powers of Europe such as England, France, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Germany, and other nations came in contact with different societies and cultures in the colonies. Their exposures to such diversities in cultures provided an intellectual challenge for the social scientists of the day. Information about the widely contrasting social practices of these distant peoples raised fresh questions about society! The new science of society called “Sociology” emerged as an independent science in an attempt to find convincing answer to these and to many such questions.

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Question 3.
Examine the subject matter of Sociology.
Alex Inkle’s in his book “what is Sociology?” has provided a general outline of the fields of Sociology on which there is considerable agreement among sociologists. It could be presented in the following manner:

(1) Providing a sociological analysis of human culture and society: The major concern ,. of Sociology is human society and its culture. A sociologist seeks to provide an analysis of ” human society and culture with a Sociological perspective. He evinces interest in the 1 evolution of society and tries to reconstruct the maj or stages in the evolutionary process.

An attempt is also made to “analyse the factors and forces underlying historical Transformations of society”. Due importance is given to the scientific method that is adopted in the sociological studies.

(2) Analysing the primary units of social life: Sociology has given sufficient attention to the study of primary units of social life. In this area it is concerned with social acts and social relationships, individual personality, groups of all varieties, communities(urban, rural and tribal), association organisations and population.

(3) Studying the Nature and Functions of Basic Social Institutions: Social Institutions constitute the basic fabric the society. Any social system is built on the foundation of social institutions. Institutions such as – the family and kinship religions and morality, Economic and political, legal and educational, scientific and aesthetic, recreational and expressive, medical and welfare, etc. Serve the most important needs of man. Sociology. develops deep into the study of the origin and development, structure and function, changes ’ and challenges of a wide variety of social institutions.

(4) Sociology throws Light on the Fundamental social processes: Human society is neither static nor uniform, it is dynamic and diverse. This dynamic element in society is reflected by what are known as “social processes”. They reveal the way in which human interaction assume different patterns and courses in social life. The social processes such as co-operation and competition, accommodation, and assimilation, social conflict and communication, social differentiation and stratification, socialisation social control and deviance, social integration and social change, etc., assume prominence in sociological studies.

In the present era of explosion of knowledge, sociologists have ventured to make specialisations also, thus, today good number of specialised fields of inquiry are emerging out. Sociology of knowledge, Sociology of history, Sociology of culture, Sociology of religion, Sociology of family, etc., represent such specialised fields.

Question 4.
Describe the contributions of Comte and Spencer towards the development of Sociology.
August Comte: Being one of the pioneers of Sociology, August Comte is the first who introduced the term “Sociology”. Therefore the credit of calling “Father of Sociology” goes to.him. August Comte was the first to introduce a new science called “Sociology” and a brief note of his contribution confirms a new era for the study of Sociology. He used the word “Sociology” for the first time in his famous work “Positive Philosophy” during 1839. He called Sociology as the scientific study of society. He wanted that this science of society should explain the laws of the social world like natural sciences explain the laws of the physical world.

August Comte insisted that the study of society needs scientific method with objectivity. He believed that theoretical science of society and a systematic investigation of behaviour were needed to improve society.

August Comte divided Sociology into two parts. They are : (1) Social statics and (2) social dynamics. “Social statics” deals with major institutions such as family, economy, religion, etc. “Social Dynamics” deals with the issue of social change and social progress. Now these . words are called in the name of social structure and social change respectively.

According to August Comte, there is a direct relation between intellectuality and social progress. Related to this he explains law of three stages. They are:
(i) The Theological stage: During this stage all human thoughts were guided by religious ideas and faith in the supernatural powers. It emphasizes the belief that everything is attributed to a particular God.

(ii) The metaphysical stage: During this stage, all human thought were guided by “abstract forces” like nature. It is almost like philosophical inquiry into the nature.

(iii) The positive or scientific stage: This is what the stage that everything based on intellectual way of thinking, looking the world. Through this theory Comte tried to establish the fact that man became more and more rational and scientific in his approach. Comte introduced a theory of classification of sciences.

Through this theory he emphasized that there is interrelation and interdependence of social sciences. August Comte as a supporter of the moral order in the society says that sociologists have taken responsibility of “priesthood of humanity” and should solve the problems of the society. August Comte’s contribution to sociological literature are “Positive Philosophy” and “Positive Polity”

Herbert Spencer: Herbert Spencer is one of pioneers of Sociology and it has been described Herbert Spencer’s Sociology as socially Darwinistic. Herbert Spencer has been called as “Second Father of Sociology.” Being a famous evolutionist, Spencer was very much influenced by Charles Darwin’s book “The Origin of Species”. He tried to apply the theory of Biological evolution to Sociology.

Spencer used the concept of evolution of animals to explain the evolution of society and he compares the society to human organism. His theory of organic analogy was very much popular earlier even though it has been rejected now. Spencer claimed that man’s mind has evolved in the same way from the simple automatic responses of lower animals to the process of reasoning in the thinking of man. Spencer believed in two kinds of knowledge: knowledge gained by the individual and knowledge gained by the Race. He also developed a theory of two types of society.

They are (1) Militant society (2) Industrial society. These are corresponded to the evolutionary progression. Thus according to him society is changing from simple form to complex form. Spencer stressed that the whole society should be considered as a unit of society. According to him the different parts of society are interrelated and interdependent, not only the parts influence the whole system, but also the whole system influences the parts. While explaining the stages of the development of society his attitude of comparison draws a special attention.

Major works of Herbert Spencer are “Social Statics”, “First Principles”, “Principles of ethics”, “The Man Versus State”, “The study of Sociology”, Principles of Sociology”

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Question 5.
Explain the uses of Sociology:
a. Development of Personality : Man is fundamentally a social being. He has to adjust to the changing conditions of the society. Sociology gives a scientific and a comprehensive knowledge of human society. The scientific knowledge about the structure of society, its development, change, problems, individual rights and obligations, etc., makes not only individual an enlighten member of the society, but also leads to the development of his personality in a proper manner.

b. Change in attitudes: Sociology is useful in developing rational attitude towards society, religion, customs, mores, institutions, values, ideologies, etc. Sociology plays an important role in changing the attitudes towards others. The study of Sociology helps us to overcome prejudices about others people, class, caste, religious hatredness, misconceptions ambitions. Totally Sociology helps us to develop a critical approach towards the ‘ Social World’, So that, we can have better relations with the people of not only our society but also with the people of other societies.

c. Solutions of Social Problems: Every society is facing its own problems. For example, India is facing so many problems like poverty, unemployment, terrorism, corruption, untouchability, prostitution, gambling, over population, beggary, etc. The deep study of these problems is necessary to solve them. Sociology helps us to make an objective study of social problems. It also gives valuable suggestions to solve.

d. Social Planning and Policy Making: Sociology is playing a key role in social planning and policy making. Sociological knowledge is very much useful and the service and suggestions of expert sociologists are sought even in the formulations of Government Policies, Social Legislations regarding family, population control, child labour, environment pollution, beggary, etc.

e. To promote welfare of the backward and weaker section of the society: In India, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other weaker sections are exploited in social, economic, and political fields for centuries. To promote welfare programmes for these groups sociological knowledge is necessary.

f. Sociology as a Attractive Teaching Subject: Sociology is gaining importance as a popular teaching subject. Careers apart from teaching are now possible in Sociology. Sociology is introduced as one of the subj ect to be studied in many colleges and Universities. Sociology is also included in the subjects to be offered by candidates taking completive examinations like IAS, IPS, IFS, KAS and KES, etc. There are many employment opportunities in many fields like Education, Social Welfare, Family Welfare, Public Administration, Women and Child Welfare Development, etc.

g. Role of Sociology in developing countries: Social factors are also responsible for the economic backwardness particularly in under developed countries. Economists have now realized the importance of sociological information and knowledge in analyzing the economic life of their countries. So, it has been said that “Economist should be Sociologist also”.

h. Sociological knowledge about modern situations and developments: Sociology always gives information about the recent changes and developments that takes place in and around us. So that we can act according to the changes. The knowledge about these things makes us conscious about our responsibilities towards society.

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Question 6.
Explain the modern trends in Sociology.
Sociology as we know it today draws upon the firm foundation developed by Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx. The trio has been seen by some sociologists as epitomising modern Sociology. However, the discipline has not remained stagnant over the last century. Sociologists have gained new insights which have helped them to better understand the workings of society. Contemporary Sociology reflects the diverse contributions of earlier theorists like GH.Mead, C.H.Cooley, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton and many others speaking through the pages of current research.

Sociologists expect the 21st century too be perhaps the most exciting and critical period in the history of the discipline because of a growing recognition that social problems must be addressed because of a growing recognition that social problems must be addressed in the near future. The far going long description and analysis about the nature, perspective, scope, and subject matter will be incomplete if we do not reflect on the modern trends in Sociology.

It is a fact that during the last quarter of the 20th century, many new thinkers who were not trained as sociologists, have entered into the arena of Sociology, notable among them are Michel Foucault, Jurgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Jacques Derrida and Anthony Giddens. They have in some way or other influenced the course of Sociology, especially the methods of investigation. This new generation of sociologists has invented or used many concepts as tools od sociological research such as Habitus, Deconstruction, Structuration, etc. With their efforts new perspectives have developed such as post-industrialism, post – structuralism, post – modernism, neo-functionalism, neo-Marxism, etc.

The types of questions as the classical thinkers – Comte, Durkheim, Marx, Weber sought to answer – what is human nature? Why is society so structured? Why and how do societies change? What directions will change take in the future?- are the same questions modem thinkers try to answer today but their approaches are different. Our modern world is radically different from the past and this has an impact on the development of Sociology also. Now, it is the task of sociology to help us understand the rapidly changing world in which we live and reflect about the nature of the future world.

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Question 7.
List out the fields of Sociology in 20th century.
Contemporary sociology has been divided and subdivided into a wide range of specialized fields of research and theory. The prominent fields of research now-a-days are : interpersonal Natures of Setioiagy relations, rural and urban life, marriage and family, social differentiation, stratification and inequality, caste, gender, population and demography, Subaltern studies, economic sociologies, political sociology, educational sociology, formal sociology, race and ethnicity, formal organisations, linguistics, Criminology, Gerontology, Social change, modernity and post modernity, globalisation and world system.

Other important branches are sociology of religion and knowledge, law, work, occupation, professions and industries, architecture, art, music, literature, health, illness, and medicines, development and welfare, deviance, and many other subjects along with sociology and sociological methodology.

Question 8.
Point out the sociological views of Pierre Bourdieu, Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida.
Pierre Bourdieu: For Bourdieu, the objective of Sociology is to unveil the hidden culture of the society. For achieving this objective, sociologists should study cultural practices of the masses rather than classes. As such, sociology should take up cultural analysis as their primary concern to uncover the political uses of science, the authority of science of the advances forms of racism.

Being a neo-Marxist, he emphasized on the culture of proletariat to which he calls “counter culture”. What should be the shape Sociology? Answering this question, Bourdieu in his later works, The Logic Of Practice( 1990) and Craft Of Sociology (1991), observed that the subjective and objective aspects of social life are inescapably bound together, as such there is no fun in the dualism of macro versus micro and structure versus agency. Instead, he calls for a constructivist approach to sociology, transcending both essentialism and all ideas taken for granted in everyday life.

Jurgen Habermas: Habermas is perhaps the most influential social thinker today with any explicit allegiance to Marxist thought. He is known as the beast spokesman of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Habermas has severely criticised positivism. In his opinion, it has limited our understanding of natural and the social world. He focussed particularly on three major contributions which have become prominent in the 1960’s : (1) The phenomenological sociology, (2) Anthropological extension of Wittgenstein’s notation of language games, and (3) (Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics.

He has been a severe critique of capitalist societies in which, according to him, change is ever present tend to destroy the moral order on which they they in fact depend. We live, in a social world where economic growth tends to take precedence over all else but this situation creates a back of meaning in everyday life. Jacques Derrida: French philosopher and post – modernist, who himself declined to be called as sociologist, but who has definitely made imprint on the modern sociology is Jacques Derrida. His ideas are developed primarily from linguisrics.

Through his most popular concept. deconstruction, he has pleaded for deconstruction of sociological texts. In his opinion, these texts demystified the social reality. They do always unveil the truth of society. By deconstruction, Derrida means that the texting reading is not always correct, it does not lead us to know the reality of society. Deconstruction brings out what texts exclude by showing what operates as in decidable in the texts itself. It is the task of sociology to deconstruct the narratives of the . texts through the explicit and implicit analyses.

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1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 7 Executive

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Karnataka 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 7 Executive

1st PUC Political Science Executive One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is executive?
The executive is the second important branch of the government. It enforces the laws enacted by the legislature.

Question 2.
What is the term of office of the President?
5 years.

Question 3.
Who appoints the Prime Minister of India?
The President of India.

Question 4.
Who is Ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?
The vice president is an Ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha.

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Question 5.
What are the terms of office of the Governor?
5 years.

Question 6.
Who appoints Chief Minister of a state?
Governor appoints Chief Minister of a state.

Question 7.
Who appoints the Governor?

Question 8.
Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?
President appoints the Chief Justice of India.

Question 9.
What is the term of Vice President of India?
The term of the Vice President of India is 5 years.

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Question 10.
Who appoints the Chiefs of defence forces in India?
President appoints the Chiefs of defence forces in India.

Question 11.
What is the primary function of the executive?
Execution of laws is the primary function of executive.

Question 12.
Define parliamentary executive.
In a parliamentary executive, executive is the part of legislature.

Question 13.
Define Presidential Executive.
It is not chosen by legislature. The people directly elect him and he is not responsible to the legislatue. Best example: President of USA.

Question 14.
What is collective responsibility?
It means in Parliamentary executive, executive is responsible to the legislative. The Prime Minister and Council Ministers are collectively responsible and answerable to the legislature.

Question 15.
What is no-confidence motion?
The Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers remain in power so long as they continue to enjoy the confidence of majority members of the Parliament.
The power of the legislature to remove the ministers is called the power of no-confidence motion.

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Question 16.
What is veto power?
The power of the President to send back the bill passed by the legislature when it is sent to President’s approval.

Question 17.
What is ordinance?
The power of the President to pass laws when the Parliament is not in session is called ordinance.

Question 18.
What is impeachment?
The President can be removed from office for grave misconduct by a special trial conducted by Parliament is called impeachment.

Question 19.
Who appoints the Central/State Ministers?
The President appoints the Council of Ministers with the advice of the Prime Minister. Governor appoints the Council of Ministers in a state with the advice of the Chief Minister.

Question 20.
Who is the nominal executive in India?
President is the nominal executive in India.

Question 21.
Who is the real executive in India?
Prime Minister.

Question 22.
Who is the leader of the Council of Ministers?
Prime Minister.

Question 23.
What is meant by Permanent Executive?
It implies Civil Service, Government officials in Civil Service.

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Question 24.
Who appoints the Prime Minister?

Question 25.
Who acts as a bridge between President and Parliament?
Prime Minister.

Question 26.
Who is the Head of the State Executive?

Question 27.
Which state has the right to draft its own constitution?
Jammu and Kashmir.

Question 28.
Who is the leader of the government?
Prime Minister.

Question 29.
Who acts as a bridge between Governor and legislature?
Chief Minister.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Give the meaning of Executive.
As organ which enforce the laws and implement the policies of the government is called executive. It is a 2nd organ of the government.

Question 2.
What are the qualifications required for the President of India?

  • Must be a citizen of India
  • Must have attained the age of 35 years
  • Must have attained all qualifications that of a member of Lok sabha.
  • Should not hold an office of profit – national, state or local.
  • Should not be of unsound mind or an insolvent or bankrupt
  • Should abide by the constitution.

Question 3.
Write a note on the Vice-President of India.
The Constitution of India provides for a Vice-President of India. The term of his office is five years. The Vice-President is ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha. He officiates as President in the absence of President.

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Question 4.
What are the qualifications necessary for Governor?
A Citizen to become a Governor must have the following qualifications:

  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Should have attained the age of 35 years.
  • Must not be a member of either house of the state legislature.
  • Should not hold an office of profit – national, regional, or local.
  • Must not be insolvent or bankrupt.
  • Should be loyal to the constitution.

Question 5.
Name the three types of emergencies which the president can promulgate.

  1. National emergency (Art, 352)
  2. Presidential rule (Art, 356)
  3. Financial emergency (Art, 360)

Question 6.
What are the qualifications required to become Vice President of India?

  1. He must be a citizen of India.
  2. Should have completed 35 years of age.
  3. Should be qualified to contest an election of Rajyasabha.
  4. Should not hold office of profit under the Union/State Government.

Question 7.
Who participates in the election of the president of India?
Elected members of both the houses of parliament and elected members of all the state assemblies in the country participate in the election of the president of India.

Question 8.
What should be the strength of the council of Minister in Loksabha?
The total member of ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total number of members of the Loksabha.

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Question 9.
What should be the strength of the council of Ministers in the State Assembly?
The total member of ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total number of members of the State Assembly.

Question 10.
What are the financial function of the Governor?
Governor supervises in the introduction of budget. He can give assent to the demand for grants.

Question 11.
How is the Vice-President of India elected?
The Vice-President of the Indian Union is elected by members of an electoral college consisting of members of both the Houses of Parliament.

Question 12.
How many types of executives are there?
There are 4 types :

  1. Nominal and Real Executive
  2. Single and Plural Executive.
  3. Political and Permanent.
  4. Parliamentary and Non-parliamentary Executive.

Question 13.
Who are permanent executives?
Government or Civil Servants are permanent executives. They are appointed On the basis of merit. They don’t belong to any political party. They continue in office till their age of retirement.

Question 14.
Write the importance of executive.
The executive is the most important organ of Government No state can exist without the executive. It occupies a pivotal position in a governmental organisation.

Question 15.
Distinguish between political and administrative executives.
Political executive is an elected executive. It changes from time to time. They come and go whereas, administrative or permanent executive are appointed by the government.

Question 16.
Distinguish between single and plural executives.
In single, the power will be in the hands of one individual, e.g. President of the USA. In a plural executive, the final authority rests in the body of individuals, e.g. Collegiate executive in the USSR.

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Question 17.
What is the cabinet?
It consists of senior ministers holding cabinet rank. It is a small group, which meets regularly.

Question 18.
Write a note on Governor.
The Governor is executive head of State. He is appointed by President of India. He is constitutional head of State and hence exercises his powers on advice of his Council of Ministers.

Question 19.
Write a note on Chief Minister.
He is the leader of the majority party and Chairman of the State Council of Ministers. He occupies a position in the state very similar to that of the Prime Minister.

Question 20.
What is Veto Power?
President has the power to withhold a bill, by refusing to give his assent. This power is called ‘Veto power’.

Question 21.
What do you mean by Coalition Government?
When there is a hung parliament, two or more parties join together to get the working majority and form the government.

Question 22.
What is an Ordinance?
The power of the executive to issue orders when the parliament is not in session is called as Ordinance. In India the President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks from the date of the ordinance. Otherwise, it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

Question 23.
What is Impeachment?
The President can be removed from office by the process called ‘Impeachment’ on grounds Qf proven misbehavior and inefficiency. The motion for impeachment can be initiated in either house of parliament. However, before impeaching the President 14 days advance notice must be given of the said cause. If the motion of impeachment is taken up by Loksabha, Rajyasabha will sit in judgement and vice versa. If the motion is sustained by a 2/3 majority of members present and voting, the President stands impeached and shall leave office.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Briefly explain the significance of Executive.
1. Rule implementation:
Rulemaking and rule implementation are two faces of the same coin. Good the laws, if not properly implemented has no relevance. The executive plays an important role in reaching the laws to the people.

2. Concept of welfare state:
Modem states are welfare states involving in every sphere of human activity. With ever widening scope of the government activity, the role of the executive has also increased many-fold.

3. Symbol of national prestige:
The executive reflects the prestige of a nation. A resourceful and visionary executive can work wonders for people and the country.

Question 2.
Explain the method of election to the office of the president of India.
The president of India is elected by the electoral college which consists of the elected member of the both houses of parliament and elected members of the state assemblies and the union territories.

The candidature for the election of president is to propose by atleast 50 members. Rs. 15,000 has to be deposited by the presidential candidate in the Reserve Bank, the election of the president is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. The voting takes place by secret ballet system. In the presidential election, the total number of votes cast of member of parliament equals the total member of votes cast by state legislators.

The voters voting in this election should suggest their preferences by writing the members before the name of the candidates in their preferential order. The candidate who secures the required quoto will be elected as a president and shall take oath of office before the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

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Question 3.
Describe the Legislative powers of the President.
Powers and functions of the president of India are as follows:
In the Parliamentary government, the position of the President is that of a respectful figurehead, representing the honor and dignity of the people of India. It has become a fashion to label the President as “a rubber stamp’, the impression is that he does nothing but signing bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint Prime minister rests with the President (Ar- tide 75).

In case of sudden demise of Prime minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest, President may appoint a person of his choice as the Prime minister. Importantly, if a government loses majority and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Lok sabha), it is purely power of the President to dissolve the parliament or not (Article 85).

The powers and functions of the President are as follows:
1.Legislative Functions: The legislative functions are detailed below

  1. To summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.
  2. The President enjoys the power to address the Parliament. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. It is generally called Presidential speech. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government.
  3.  In passing the bills, if a deadlock arises due to non-agreement between two houses of the parliament, the President may call for a joint session of both the houses.
  4. The President may address Lok sabha or Rajya sabha or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses of parliament to look into a bill.
  5. In the considered view of the President, if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate 12 members to Rajya Sabha and 2 members to Lok sabha.
  6. Prior permission of the President is essential while dealing with bills relating to the formation of new states, alteration of boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bill can become a law without the assent of the President. He enjoys the power to withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power’. However, he cannot refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for a nonmoney bill. But if the same is resubmitted for signature even without changes, he cannot refuse to sign it.
  8. The President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks of its passage. Otherwise, it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

Question 4.
Explain the executive powers of the President.
The President is die administrative Head of the State and orders are executed in his name. Article 53 clearly states that ‘the executive powers of the State must be vested in the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of the minister on the recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing the highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (EMC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and other commissions.

Question 5.
Explain the emergency powers of President.

  1. The President may declare internal emergency under Article 352, if, in his opinion, there is a threat to India’s security due to war or external aggression.
  2. The President may impose ‘President’s Rule’ under Article 356 if he is convinced that in that particular state the law and order have completely deteriorated and it cannot be governed as per the constitution. Though the President’s rule is imposed on the recommendation of the governor of the concerned state, it is not compulsory.
  3. If the President is convinced that the financial stability and prestige of the nation are at risk, he may impose a financial emergency under Article 360. However, the imposition of internal and financial emergency should be placed before Parliament and its consent was taken within 2 months of the declaration of emergency, otherwise, it is considered invalid.

Question 6.
Explain the functions of the vice president of India.
The functions of the vice president are explained as below.
1. Ex – Officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha :
The vice president of India performs as an ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He is empowered to preside over the meetings of Rajya Sabha. He can adjourn the house or suspend its sitting in the event of the absence of a quorum.

2. Acting President of India:
The vice president is permitted to work as an acting president when the office of the president is vacant by reason of death, resignation, removal. At that time the vice president can claim all the benefits of the office of the president. He will be in that office until a new president is elected:

Question 7.
Explain the role of Prime Minister in India.
The power and position of Prime minister is so powerful that he is referred to as The first among equals (primus intersperes). Lord Morley regards Prime minister as “the keystone of the cabinet arch.” Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson considered Prime Minister as “a person who conducts an orchestra without using any instrument”. The greatest ever British Prime minister R.A.Butler once said, “A Prime minister must be a good butcher, and know all the joints.”

  • Article 74 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister for the Union of India”. The Prime minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Lok sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the President to pick the Prime minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Prime minister should be from Loksabha. Some scholars compare the Prime minister to the Sun because complete administration revolves around him. B. R. Ambedkar compares the powers of Prime minister to that of the President of U.S.A,

The success or failure of a Prime minister largely depends upon the personality besides administrative knowledge and experience. For example, Nehru was known for his magnetic personality, Shastri for his soft-spoken, but firm nature, Mrs. Gandhi for ‘never forget or forgive enemies’ attitude and Rajiv Gandhi was progressive but parasitic. P. V Narasimha Rao always regarded not making any decision as to the best decision, whereas Vajpayee was emotional.

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Question 8.
Briefly explain the powers and functions of the Prime minister of India.
The powers and function of the Prime minister are detailed below:
1. Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Prime minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents Prime minister from picking anyone as minister.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavyweight portfolios such as Home, Defence, Finance, Commerce and Industry, External affairs, etc., are to be given to party heavyweights who enjoy a good clout and following among the party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. Prime minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Prime minister. The Cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Prime minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected.

In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Prime minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a Cabinet full of divergent views, ideologies, and principles. For example, for the last fifteen years, we are a witness to pulls and pressures exerted on the Prime minister from different alliance partners.

4. Leader of Lok Sabha:
Prime minister is the leader of Lok sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the government are made by the Prime minister. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to ensure that all bills brought before Lok sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house.

Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Prime minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Prime minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The Prime minister, as leader of the government, has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of parliament.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Prime minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances, it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Prime minister is tested on this count. A Prime minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term.

Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill. The Prime minster is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each Minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality.

To maintain quality in administration, the Prime minister will have to supervise. It not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Prime Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7.Bridge between the President and the Parliament:
The Prime minister acts as a link between President and Parliament In a parliamentary government. As all executives powers are vested in the hands of the President, the Prime minister is duty-bound to keep the President informed about the decisions taken by the government. Also, the President himself can call for any information from the government.

The Prime minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the President seeks the advice of Prime minister before dissolving Lok sabha.

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Question 9.
Explain the powers and functions of Union Council of Ministers.
The powers and functions of the cabinet is as follows:
1. Formulation of Policy:
The primary responsibility of Cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at the Cabinet reflects the national and international outlook of the government. Before the start of the parliament session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the parliament without the approval of the cabinet.

The bills so placed before the parliament for approval must be strongly defended by the – cabinet. The members of parliament can comment, criticize, and seek clarifications, from
the government on any bill. Thus, from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the Executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the cabinet decisions. If any minister violates the cabinet decisions he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the Finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy,
the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Prime minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposal are discussed between the Prime minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the parliament, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though the cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of its has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship these committees suggest means of coordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor, the Chiefs of Staff (army, navy, air force), Chief Election Commissioner, etc., are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

Question 10.
Explain the powers and functions of the council of ministers of a State.
The Cabinet referred to as the ‘Wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ is the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue. The Cabinet being the highest decision making body, all ministers must abide by its decisions. In case of difference of opinion on a Cabinet decision, a minister must quit his post, as he is not allowed to criticize the cabinet decisions being a party to it.

The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole state. So, obviously, its work load and responsibilities are varied and diverse. In order to make things convenient Cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look in to the respective departments and gather necessary’ information, which help in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1. Formulation of policy:
The primary responsibility of cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at cabinet reflects the state’s outlook of the government. Before the start of Legislative assembly session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the assembly without the approval of cabinet. The bills so placed before the legislature for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet; the members of legislature can comment, criticize and seek clarifications from the government on any bill. Thus from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the Cabinet decisions. If any Minister violates the Cabinet decisions, he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Chief Minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposals are discussed between the Chief Minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the state legislature, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary’. Though cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because, it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example, if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the Feasibility of it has to be decided by the finance ministry, which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis.

To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship these committees suggest means cc co-ordination. 5. Control over appointments: Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

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Question 11.
Explain the discretionary powers of Governor.
The discretionary powers of the Governor are as follows:

  1. In appointing the Chief Minister if no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to call any person to form the government and prove his majority.
  2. On the recommendation of the Chief Minister, Governor can sack any minister (Article 1 64).
  3. If the Governor believes that the government has lost majority or if the Chief Minister having lost majority does not resign or if the government is using unethical means for political gains, under these circumstances he can dissolve the Council of ministers. (‘Article 174).
  4. The Governor can return a bill back to legislature for reconsideration.
  5. The Governor can reserve certain bills passed by the state legislature for consideration of the President (Article 200).
  6. Before issuing an ordinance, the Governor can receive directions from the President.
  7. If the Governor is satisfied that a situation-has arisen in which the government cannot be run according to provision of the constitution he may request the President to take over the state administration under Article 356. This is called President’s rule’. The report sent by the Governor to President must be kept confidential from the Council of ministers.

Question 12.
Explain the functions of the Chief Minister.
The functions of the Chief Minister is so powerful that he is referred to as “the first among equals” (Primus intersperes). Article 164 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Chief Minister for the state”. The Chief Minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Vidhana Sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to pick the Chief Minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Chief Minister should be from the Vidhana Sabha.

1. Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Chief Minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents the Chief Minister from picking anyone as minister from any party. The Chief Minister enjoys the authority to pick and choose his ministry because he is responsible for the efficiency and performance of the government.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavyweight portfolios such as Home, Revenue, Finance, Industry, Public works are to be given to key and heavyweights who enjoy clout and following among party worker. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. The Chief Minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. The cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Chief Minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected. In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Chief Minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a cabinet meeting full of divergent views, ideologies and principles.

4. Leader of Vidhana Sabha:
Chief Minister is the leader of Vidhana Sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the state government are made by the Chief Minister. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to ensure that all bills brought before Vidhana sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Chief Minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Chief Minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The opposition parties lose their identity if they do not criticize the government. So to guard against it, the Chief Minister, as leader of the government has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of legislature.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Chief Minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Chief Minister is tested on this count. A Chief Minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Chief Minister is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Chief Minister will have to supervise it, not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Chief Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the Governor and the State Legislature:
The Chief Minister acts as a link between the Governor and state legislature in a parliamentary government. As all executive powers are vested in the hands of the Governor, the Chief Minister is duty-bound to keep the Governor informed about the decisions taken by the government.

Also, the Governor himself can call for any information from the government. The Chief Minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the Governor seeks the advice of the Chief Minister before dissolving Vidhana sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Vidhana sabha exists as long as the Chief Minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Chief Minister may seek the dissolution of Vidhana sabha. The Vidhana sabha may be dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil appointments are made by the Governor, it is based on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

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Question 13.
Write a short note on Cabinet.
The Cabinet is referred to as the ‘wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ and the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under, the chairmanship of the Prime minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue. The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole nation. Its workload and responsibilities are varied and diverse.

In order to make things, convenient cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as, Foreign Affairs Committee, Defense Committee, Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look into the respective departments and gather necessary information, which helps in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Ten Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is executive? Explain its significance.
The President is the administrative head of the State and orders are executed in his name.
Article 53 clearly states that ‘the executive powers of the State must be vested in the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of the minister on the recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). National Human Right Commission (NHRG), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (LMC), Backward Class Commis¬sion (BCC) and other commissions.

Question 2.
Explain the powers and functions of the President of India.
In the Parliamentary government, the position of the President is that of a respectful figure-head, representing the honor and dignity of the people of India. It has become a fashion to label the President as ‘a rubber stamp’, the impression is that he does nothing but signing bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint Prime minister rests with the President (Article 75).

In case of sudden demise of Prime minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest, President may appoint a person of his choice as the Prime minister. Importantly, if a government loses majority and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Lok sabha), it is purely power of the President to dissolve the parliament or not (Article 85).
The powers and functions of the President are as follows:

1. Legislative Functions: The legislative functions are detailed below:

  1. To summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.
  2. The President enjoys the power to address the Parliament. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. It is generally called Presidential speech. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government.
  3. In passing the bills, if a dead lock arises due to non-agreement between two houses . of the parliament, the President may call for joint session of both the houses.
  4. The President may address Lok sabha or Rajya sabha or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses of parliament to look into a bill.
  5. In the considered view of the President, if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate 12 members to Rajva Sabha and 2 members to Lok sabha.
  6. Prior permission of the President is essential while dealing with bills relating to formation of new states, alteration of boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bill can become a law without the assent of the President. He enjoys the power to withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power”. However he cannot refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for a non money bill. But if the same is resubmitted for signature even without changes, he cannot refuse to sign it.
  8. The President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks of its passage. Otherwise it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

2. Executive Functions:
The President is the administrative Head of the State and orders are executed in his name. Article 53 clearly states that the executive powers of the State must be vested in ‘the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of minister on recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), ChiefVigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), National Human Right Commission (NHRC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (LMC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and other commissions.

3. Financial powers:

  1. It is the constitutional obligation of the President to see that the annual income expenditure statement. The budget is placed before the Parliament for approval.
  2. Financial bills cannot be presented in the Parliament without the consent of the President.
  3. The recommendation of the Finance Commissions and the Planning Commission are placed before the Parliament on orders of the President.
  4. The members of the Finance Commission and Planning Commission are appointed by the President.

4. Judicial Powers:

  1. The President enjoys the power of pardoning the sentence of a person declared an offender by the Supreme Court. He is so powerful that he can reduce change or altogether cancel the punishment. This power is called Presidential Pardon. This is provided to ensure against any miscarriage of justice (Article 72).
  2. The Judges of the Supreme Court and High court are appointed by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India.
  3. The President is entitled to legal advice on matters relating to the constitutional clarity of bills. However, it is not binding on the President to accept it.

5.Military Powers:

  1. President is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
  2. President has the power to declare war or peace, but parliamentary approval is essential for such a decision.
  3. The President can raise funds for training and preservation of armed forces with prior approval of the Parliament.
  4. The Chiefs of Army, Navy, and Air force are appointed by the President.

6. Diplomatic Powers:
The diplomatic powers of the President are purely symbolic in nature.

  1. The President represents the country in international affairs. His visits are of courtesy nature aimed at strengthening bilateral relations; he does not sign any treaties or agreements.
  2. The ambassadors representing the country abroad are appointed by the President.
  3. The foreign ambassadors are received by the President. No person can be considered an ambassador unless he is given the ‘Letter of Accreditation’ by the president.

7. Emergency Powers:
The emergency powers of the President are enumerated in the constitution from Article 352 to Article 360. The President may declare emergency under three circumstances:

  1. The President may declare internal emergency under Article 352, if, in his opinion, there is a threat to India’s security due to war or external aggression.
  2. The President may impose ‘President’s Rule’ under Article 356 if he is convinced that in that particular state the law and order has completely deteriorated and it cannot be governed as per the constitution. Though the President’s rule is imposed on the recommendation of the governor of the concerned state, it is not compulsory.
  3. If the President is convinced that the financial stability and prestige of the nation is at risk, he may impose financial emergency under Article 360.

However, the imposition of internal and financial emergency should be placed before Parliament and its consent taken within 2 months of the declaration of emergency, otherwise, it is considered invalid.

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Question 3.
Write a note on the Wee President of India.
1. Ex – Officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha :
The vice president of India performs as an ex – officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He is empowered to preside over the meetings of Rajya Sabha. He can adjourn the house or suspend its sitting in the event of the absence of a quorum.

2. Acting President of India:
The vice president is permitted to work as a acting president when the office of the president is vacant by reason of death, resignation, removal. At that time the vice president can claim all the benefits of the office of the president. He will be in that office until a new president is elected.

Question 4.
Explain the powers and functions of Prime Minister of India.
The power and position of Prime minister is so powerful that he is referred to as The first among equals (primus intersperes). Lord Morley regards Prime minister as “the key stone of the cabinet arch.” Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson considered Prime Minister as “a person who conducts an orchestra without using any instrument”. The greatest ever British Prime minister R.A.Butler once said, “A Prime minister must be a good butcher, and know all the joints.”

Article 74 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister for the Union of India”, The Prime minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Lok sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the President to pick the Prime minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time.

Traditionally, the Prime minister should be from Loksabha. Some scholars compare the Prime minister to the Sun because complete administration revolves around him. B. R. Ambedkar compares the powers of Prime minister to that of the President of U.S.A,

The success or failure of a Prime minister largely depends upon the personality besides administrative knowledge and experience. For example, Nehru was known for his magnetic personality, Shastri for his soft-spoken, but firm nature, Mrs. Gandhi for ‘never forget or forgive enemies’ attitude and Rajiv Gandhi was progressive but parasitic. P. V. Narasimha Rho always regarded not making any decision as the best decision, whereas Vajpayee was emotional.
The powers and function of the Prime minister are detailed below:

1.Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Prime minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy However, nothing prevents Prime minister from picking any one as minister.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavy weight portfolios such as Home, Defence, Finance, Commerce and Industry, External affairs etc., are to be given to party heavy’ weights who enjoy a good clout and following among the party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. Prime minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Prime minister. The Cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of Prime minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Prime minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected.

In the era of coalition politics it is a challenge for the Prime minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to. chair,a Cabinet full of divergent views, ideologies and principles. For example, for the last fifteen years we are a witness to pulls and pressures exerted on the Prime mmister from different alliance partners.

4. Leader of Lok Sabha:
Prime minister is the leader of Lok sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the government are made by the Prime minister. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to ensure that all bills brought before Lok sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the bouse. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Prime minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Prime minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The Prime minister, as leader of the government, has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of parliament.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Prime minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances, it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Prime minister is tested on this count. A Prime minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Prime minster is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each Minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Prime minister will have to supervise. It not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Prime Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the President and the Parliament:
The Prime minister acts as a link between President and Parliament In a parliamentary government. As all executives powers are vested in the hands of the President, the Prime minister is duty-bound to keep the President informed about the decisions taken by the government.

Also, the President himself can call for any information from the government. The Prime minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the President seeks the advice of Prime minister before dissolving Lok sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Lok sabha exists as long as Prime minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Prime minister may seek the dissolution of Lok sabha. The Lok sabha is dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil, military, judicial and diplomatic appointments are made by the President it is based on the recommendation of the Prime minister. The highest constitutional position such as the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC), Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), the Judges of the Supreme court and the High courts, the Chiefs of army, navy, and air force, the diplomats etc., are appointed on the advice of the Prime minister.

10. Special Powers:
The foreign affairs, national security and on economic matters Prime minister enjoys a special position. As the whole world watches and listens to his words with the attention he has a special place.

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Question 5.
Explain the powers and functions of Union Council of Ministers.
The powers and functions of the cabinet is as follows:
1. Formulation of Policy:
The primary responsibility of Cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at the Cabinet reflects the national and international outlook of the government. Before the start of the parliament session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the parliament without the approval of the cabinet.

The bills so placed before the parliament for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet The members of parliament can comment, criticize, and seek clarifications, from the government on any bill. Thus, from shaping the policy to defending it, the cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the Executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the cabinet decisions. If any minister violates the cabinet decisions he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the Finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Prime minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposal are discussed between the Prime minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the parliament, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though the cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of its has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship, these committees suggest means of coordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor, the Chiefs of Staff (army, navy, airforce), Chief Election Commissioner, etc., are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

Question 6.
Explain the powers and functions of the Governor of a State.
Powers and functions of the Governor:
In the Parliamentary executive systems of India, the position of Governor is that of a respectful figure-head, representing the honour and dignity of the people of the states. It has become a fashion to label the Governor as a rubber stamp the impression is that he does nothing but signing the bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint the Chief Minister rests with the governor.

In case of the sudden demise of the Chief Minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest the Governor may appoint a person of his choice as the Chief Minister. Importantly if a government loses the majority, and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Vidhana sabha), it is purely left to the governor whether to dissolve or not.

1. The legislative functions are detailed below.

  1. To Summon the session, to Prorogue the session or dissolve the legislature.
  2. The Governor enjoys the power to address the legislature. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. That is called “Governor’s speech”. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government. Traditionally this speech is prepared by the cabinet but read by the Governor.
  3. In passing the bills, if a deadlock arises due to non-agreement between two houses of the legislature, the Governor may call for joint session of both the houses.
  4. The Governor may address either House of the state legislature or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses to settle an unsettled bill. But, however, no Governor so far has neither addressed the house nor sent messages.
  5. In the considered view of the Governor if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate a member to Vidhana sabha.
  6. (vi) Governor must seek prior permission of the President while dealing with bills relating to formation of new states, alteration of state boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bills can become a law without the assent of the Governor. He enjoys the power of withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power’. However, he can’t refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for non-money bills. But if the same is resubmitted for signature, even without changes, he cannot refuse.
  8. The Governor enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the legislature is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the state legislature provided the same is ratified by the legislature within 6 weeks of its. passage, otherwise it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void.

2. Executive Functions:
The Governor is the administrative head of the state and orders are executed in his name. Article 154 clearly states that “the executive powers of the state must be vested in the hands of the Governor”.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the government of state is done in the name of the Governor.
  2. The Governor has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The Governor appoints the Chief Minister and the council of ministers on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.
  4. The member of the State Public Service Commission (SPSC), Backward Classes
    Commission (BCC) are appointed by the Governor.

3. Financial powers:
The following are the financial functions of the Governor.

  1. It is the constitutional obligation of the Governor to see that the annual income expenditure statement the budget is placed before state legislature for approval.
  2. Financial bills cannot be presented in state legislature without the consent of the Governor.
  3. The recommendations of the state finance commissions and the planning commission are placed before the legislature on orders of the Governor.
  4. The members of the Finance Commission and Planning Commission are appointed by the Governor.

4. Judicial Powers:

  1. The judicial powers of the Governor extends till the will of the state legislature extends,
  2. The Governor enjoys the power of pardoning the sentence of a person declared an offender by the High Court. He is so powerful that he can reduce change or altogether cancel the punishment. This power is called Governor’s pardon. This is provided to ensure against any miscarriage of justice. However, the Governor has no power to pardon a person if the case is pending with the Supreme court.
  3. The judges of the High court are appointed by the President in consultation with the Governor and the Chief justice of the high court.
  4. The Governor is entitled to legal advice on matters relating to the constitutional clarity of bills. However, it is not binding on the Governor to accept it.

5. Discretionary Powers:
As first citizen of the state, the Governor has the responsibility of conducting the administrative machinery as per the provisions enshrined in the constitution.
Article 163 vests the Governor with discretionary power that cannot be questioned in any court of law. Though the powers are discretionary, the constitution expects it to be used with common sense, restraint and a sense of justice.

The discretionary powers of the Governor are as follows:

  1. In appointing the Chief Minister if no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to call any person to form the government and prove his majority.
  2. On the recommendation of the Chief Minister, Governor can sack a minister (Article 164).
  3. If the Governor believes that the government has lost majority or if the Chief Minister having lost majority does not resign or if the government is using unethical means for political gains, under these circumstances he can dissolve the Council of ministers. (‘Article 174).
  4. The Governor can return a bill back to legislature for reconsideration.
  5. The Governor can reserve certain bills passed by the state legislature for consideration of the President (Article 200).
  6. Before issuing an ordinance, the Governor can receive directions from the President.
  7. If the Governor is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the government cannot be run according to provision of the constitution he may request the President to take over the state administration under Article 356. This is called President’s rule’. The report sent by the Governor to President must be kept confidential from the Council of ministers.

Question 7.
Explain the powers and functions of the Chief Minister of a State.
The power and position of the Chief Minister is so powerful that he is referred to as “the first among equals’” (Primus intersperes). Article 164 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Chief Minister for the state”. The Chief Minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Vidhana Sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to pick the Chief Minister, who in his opinion will prove majority’ in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Chief Minister should be from the Vidhana Sabha.

1.Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Chief Minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents the Chief Minister from picking anyone as minister from any party. The Chief Minister enjoys the authority to pick and choose his ministry because he is responsible for the efficiency and performance of the government.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavy’ weight portfolios such as Home, Revenue, Finance, Industry, Public works are to be given to key and heavyweights who enjoy clout and following among party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. The Chief Minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. The cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Chief Minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected. In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Chief Minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a cabinet meeting full of divergent views, ideologies and principles.

4. Leader of Vidhana Sabha:
Chief Minister is the leader of Vidhana Sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the state government are made by the Chief Minister. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to ensure that all bills brought before Vidhana Sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Chief minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Chief Minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The opposition parties lose their identity if they do not criticize the government. So to guard against it, the Chief Minister, as leader of the government has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of legislature.

6. Co-ordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Chief Minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Chief Minister is tested on this count. A Chief Minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Chief Minister is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Chief Minister will have to supervise it, not only gives him a general
feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Chief Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the Governor and the State Legislature:
The Chief Minister acts as a link between the Governor and state legislature in a parliamentary government. As all executive powers are vested in the hands of the Governor, the Chief Minister is duty bound to keep the Governor informed about the decisions taken by the government. Also, the Governor himself can call for any information from the government. The Chief Minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary’ the President will look forward for advice. For example, the Governor seeks the advice of the Chief Minister before dissolving Vidhana Sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Vidhana sabha exists as long as the Chief Minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Chief Minister may seek the dissolution of Vidhana Sabha. The Vidhana Sabha may be dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil appointments are made by the Governor, it is based on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

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Question 8.
Explain the powers and functions of the council of ministers of a state.
The Cabinet referred to as the ‘Wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ is the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue.

The Cabinet being the highest decision-making body, all ministers must abide by its decisions. In case of difference of opinion on a Cabinet decision, a minister must quit his post, as he is not allowed to criticize the cabinet decisions being a party to it.

The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole state. So, obviously, its work load and responsibilities are varied and diverse. In order to make things convenient Cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look in to the respective departments and gather necessary information, which help in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1. Formulation of policy:
The primary responsibility of cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at cabinet reflects the state’s outlook of the government. Before the start of Legislative assembly session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval.

No minister can place any bill in the assembly without the approval of cabinet. The bills so placed before the legislature for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet; the members of legislature can comment, criticize and seek clarifications from the government on any bill. Thus from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the Cabinet decisions. If any Minister violates the Cabinet decisions, he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the finance:
The cabinet is responsible for the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Chief Minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposals are discussed between the Chief Minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the state legislature, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example, if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of it has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on a priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship, these committees suggest means cc co-ordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.