2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण मुहावरे

You can Download 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण मुहावरे, 2nd PUC Hindi Textbook Answers, Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण मुहावरे

उदाहरण :

  • अगर – मगर करना = टालमटोल करना
  • उँगली पर नचाना = इच्छानुसार कार्य करवाना
  • घर का उजाला = इज्जत बढ़ाने वाला
  • सिर उठाना = विरोध करना

KSEEB Solutions

अ) निम्नलिखित मुहावरों को अर्थ के साथ जोड़कर लिखिए :

1) 1) रंग जमाना – क) हारकर भागना
2) पीठ दिखाना – ख) भाग जाना
3) नौ दो ग्यारह होना – ग) याचना करना
4) हाथ फैलाना – घ) धाक जमाना
1 – घ;
2 – क;
3 – ख;
4 – ग।

2) 1) हाथ – पाँव फूल जाना – क) मर जाना
2) ठंडा पड़ जाना – ख) होश आना
3) छक्के छुड़ाना – ग) डर जाना
4) आँखें खुलना – घ) बुरी तरह हराना
1 – ग;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ख।

3) 1) टोपी उछालना – क) क्रोध करना
2) छाती से लगाना – ख) अपमानित होना
3) पानी – पानी होना – ग) प्यार करना
4) लाल – पीला होना – घ) लज्जित होना

1 – ख;
2 – ग;
3 – घ;
4 – क।

4) 1) आँख रखना – क) सम्मान नष्ट होना
2) कमर कसना – ख) मौज मस्ती करना
3) आँखों से गिरना – ग) तैयार होना
4) गुलछरें उड़ाना – घ) निगरानी करना
1 – घ;
2 – ग;
3 – क;
4 – ख।

5) 1) खिल्ली उड़ाना – क) बहुत प्यारा
2) तारे गिनना – ख) हँसी उड़ाना
3) आँखों का तारा – ग) मेहनत से बचना
4) जी चुराना – घ) प्रतीक्षा करना
1 – ख;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ग।

6) 1) घी के दिए जलाना – क) आरम्भ करना
2) नींव डालना – ख) उपेक्षा करना
3) दिन फिरना – ग) खुशियाँ मनाना
4) मुँह फेरना – घ) भाग्य पलटना
1 – ग;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ख।

KSEEB Solutions

7) 1) हवा से बातें करना – क) असहनीय दुःख होना
2) सिर पर भूत सवार होना – ख) रूठ जाना
3) कलेजा फटना – ग) धुन सवार होना
4) मुँह फुलाना – घ) तेज दौड़ना
1 – घ;
2 – ग;
3 – क;
4 – ख।

8) 1) आसमान सिर पर उठाना – क) काम बिगड़ जाना
2) इशारे पर नचाना – ख) बहुत शोर करना
3) गुड़ गोबर होना – ग) सफल न होना
4) दाल न गलना – घ) वश में करना
1 – ख;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ग।

अतिरिक्त प्रश्न :

आ) निम्नलिखित मुहावरों को अर्थ के साथ जोड़कर लिखिएः
9) 1) कंचन बरसना – क) हार जाना
2) फूलें न समाना – ख) आमदनी बढ़ना
3) मुँह की खाना – ग) सम्मान बढ़ाना
4) पत – पानी बनाना – घ) अत्यधिक खुश होना
1 – ख;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ग।

10) 1) दम न लेना – क) क्रोधित होना
2) कमर सीधी करना – ख) कीर्ति पाना
3) तिनक जाना – ग) कठिन परिश्रम करना
4) नाम जगाना – घ) आराम करना
1 – ग;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ख।

11) 1) पोल खुलना – क) मार डालना
2) ढाढ़स बांधना – ख) रहस्य प्रकट करना
3) मौत के घाट उतारना – ग) हिम्मत बढ़ाना
4) आग उगलना – घ) गुस्सा करना
1 – ख;
2 – ग;
3 – क;
4 – घ।

12) 1) लू उतारना – क) बहुत क्रोधित होना
2) थू – थू करना – ख) चकित होकर देखना
3) आग बबूला होना – ग) बेइज्जत करना
4) आँखें फाड़े देखना – घ) अहं उतारना
1 – घ;
2 – ग;
3 – क;
4 – ख।

KSEEB Solutions

13) 1) टाँग अड़ाना – क) व्याकुल होना
2) रंग बदलना – ख) बाधा डालना
3) दिल बैठ जाना – ग) बेकार बैठना
4) मक्खी मारना – घ) स्वभाव बदलना
1 – ख;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ग।

14) 1) गम के आँसू पीना – क) भाग जाना
2) गले पड़ना – ख) शुरुआत करना
3) नौ दो ग्यारह होना – ग) दुःख दर्द सहना
4) श्री गणेश करना – घ) मुसीबत पीछे पड़ना
1 – ग;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ख।

15) 1) अंगूठा दिखाना – क) भेद खुलना
2) कलई खुलना – ख) साफ़ इनकार करना
3) गले का हार – ग) व्यर्थ समय गवाना
4) घास काटना – घ) बहुत प्यारा होना
1 – ख;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ग।

16) 1) चंपत हो जाना – क) डरकर भागना
2) दुम दबाकर भागना – ख) गायब हो जाना
3) दस से मस न होना – ग) मिन्नतें करना
4) नाक रगड़ना – घ) थोड़ा भी विचलित न होना
1 – ख;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ग।

17) 1) ढोल पीटना – क) मर जाना
2) चल बसना – ख) बात को हर जगह बताते फिरना
3) पेट में चूहे दौड़ना – ग) इज्जत उतारना
4) पगड़ी उछालना – घ) बहुत जोर से भूख लगना
1 – ख;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ग।

18) 1) लोहा लेना – क) कोशिश करना
2) हाथ पैर मारना – ख) बदला लेना
3) ईद का चाँद होना – ग) प्रस्थान करना
4) कूच करना – घ) बहुत कम दिखाई देना
1 – ख;
2 – क;
3 – घ;
4 – ग।

KSEEB Solutions

19) 1) अगर – मगर करना – क) इज्जत बढ़ाने वाला
2) उंगली पर नचाना – ख) टाल मटोल करना
3) घर का उजाला – ग) विरोध करना
4) सिर उठाना – घ) इच्छानुसार कार्य करवाना
1 – ख;
2 – घ;
3 – क;
4 – ग।

2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण काल परिवर्तन

You can Download 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण काल परिवर्तन, 2nd PUC Hindi Textbook Answers, Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण काल परिवर्तन

अ) सूचनानुसार काल बदलिए : –

1) कुछ और पहले की घटना याद आती है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
कुछ और पहले की घटना याद आयी। / कुछ और पहले की घटना याद आती थी।

2) माली पौधों को पानी दे रहा है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
माली पौधों को पानी देगा।

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3) सरला गाना गाती थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
सरला गाना गाती है।

4) मैंने भिखारी को एक रुपया दिया। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
मैं भिखारी को एक रुपया दूँगा।

5) वह गद्गद कंठ से कहता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
वह गदगद कंठ से कहता था।

6) निमोनिया के कारण रोगी मर जाएगा। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
निमोनिया के कारण रोगी मरता/मर रहा/मर जाता है।

7) राजेश ने बहुत सारी कविताएँ लिखीं। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
राजेश बहुत सारी कविताएँ लिखता है।

8) रमेश अपना जन्मदिन मना रहा है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
रमेश अपना जन्मदिन मनाता रहा था।

9) राहुल कुंभ मेले में जा रहा है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
राहुल कुंभ मेले में जायेगा।

10) वह मुझे मुम्बई बुला रहा है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
वह मुझे मुम्बई बुला रहा था।

11) मीरा आँसू बहाती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
मीरा आँसू बहाएगी।

12) जनसंख्या दिनोंदिन बढ़ती जा रही है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
जनसंख्या दिनोंदिन बढ़ती जा रही थी।

13) लड़कियाँ फूल चुनेंगी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
लड़कियाँ फूल चुनती हैं।

14) टिकट कलेक्टर डिब्बे में प्रवेश करेगा। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
टिकट कलेक्टर ने डिब्बे में प्रवेश किया।

15) मैं कहानी लिखती हूँ। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
मैं कहानी लिलूँगी।

16) उसमें भयंकर दृढ़ता की छाप होती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
उसमें भयंकर दृढ़ता की छाप होगी।

17) शीला कपड़े धोती थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
शीला कपड़े धोती है।

18) अजयपाल तिलमिला उठेगा। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
अजयपाल तिलमिला उठा था।
अजयपाल तिलमिला उठा।

19) व्यापारी ट्रक में माल भरकर लाता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
व्यापारी ट्रक में माल भरकर लाया।

20) मुझे डर लग रहा था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
मुझे डर लग रहा है।

21) उसने आग चिता पर रख दी। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
वह आग चिता पर रखेगा।

22) गुरुजी ने कविता लिखी। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
गुरुजी कविता लिखेंगे।

23) आत्मानंद देश की सेवा करता है।
(भूतकाल में बदलिए) आत्मानंद ने देश की सेवा की।

24) इस दिशा में काम शुरू हो जाएगा।
(वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए) इस दिशा में काम शुरू हो रहा हैं।

25) अंधी लकड़ी के सहारे मार्ग तय करती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
अंधी लकड़ी के सहारे मार्ग तय करेगी।

26) महाकवि कबीर का जनता पर व्यापक प्रभाव था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
महाकवि कबीर का जनता पर व्यापक प्रभाव है।

27) सिद्धार्थ कुछ अपूर्व अनुपम लाते हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
सिद्धार्थ कुछ अपूर्व अनुपम लाते थे।
सिद्धार्थ कुछ अपूर्व अनुपम लाये।

28) यात्री गंगा में स्नान कर रहे हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
यात्री गंगा में स्नान कर रहे थे।

29) उस रोगी का शरीर बहुत दुर्बल था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
उस रोगी का शरीर बहुत दुर्बल है।

30) उसने अपना काम सुचारु रुप से किया। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
वह अपना काम सुचारु रुप से करेगा।

अतिरिक्त प्रश्न :

31) सुजान भिक्षुक को संतुष्ट करता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
सुजान भिक्षुक को संतुष्ट करता था।

32) सुजान के खेत में कंचन बरसता है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
सुजान के खेत में कंचन बरसेगा।

33) मैं भी तो बैठा नहीं था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
मैं भी तो बैठा नहीं हूँ।

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34) शंकर गाड़ी में नारियल भरकर लाता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
शंकर गाड़ी में नारियल भरकर लाता था।

35) सुजान के मन में तीर्थ यात्रा करने की इच्छा थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
सुजान के मन में तीर्थ यात्रा करने की इच्छा है।

36) सुजान को चारों पदार्थ मिल गए। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
सुजान को चारों पदार्थ मिलेंगे।

37) झूठे से सभी घृणा करते हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
झूठे से सभी घृणा करते थे।

38) वह मेरी किताब की चोरी करता है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
वह मेरी किताब की चोरी करेगा।

39) हमारा जीवन सदा अनेक कार्यों में व्यस्त रहेगा। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
हमारा जीवन सदा अनेक कार्यों में व्यस्त रहता है।

40) कर्तव्य करना न्याय पर निर्भर है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
कर्तव्य करना न्याय पर निर्भर रहेगा।

41) उन सभी को उसी पर छोड़ दिया था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
उन सभी को उसी पर छोड़ दिया है।

42) सत्यता को खुले रूप में अपनाने का आग्रह करेंगे। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
सत्यता को खुले रूप में अपनाने का आग्रह करते थे।

43) दल से दल लड़ता है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
दल से दल लड़ेगा।

44) सेवा करने से चरित्र बनता था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
सेवा करने से चरित्र बनता है।

45) असली झगड़ा कुर्सी का है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
असली झगड़ा कुर्सी का था।

46) बेटा, प्रकृति सर्वशक्तिमान है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
बेटा, प्रकृति सर्वशक्तिमान रहेगी।

47) इसका कोई अंत दिखाई नहीं देता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
इसका कोई अंत दिखाई नहीं देता था।

48) गुरुजी ने छात्र को पुस्तक दी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
गुरुजी ने छात्र को पुस्तक दी है।

49) वे जिंदगी भर अपने लिए कुछ माँगते नहीं हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
वे जिंदगी भर अपने लिए कुछ माँगते नहीं थे।

50) उनका भाषण सुनते ही बधाई देता हूँ। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
उनका भाषण सुनते ही बधाई दूंगा।

51) एक बहुत बड़े आर्थिक झटके के कारण वे इंदौर से अजमेर आ गए थे। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
एक बहुत बड़े आर्थिक झटके के कारण वे इंदौर से अजमेर आ गए हैं।

52) दरियादिली के चर्चे भी कम नहीं थे। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
दरियादिली के चर्चे भी कम नहीं होंगे।

53) प्रतिभा को भट्टी में झोंकना था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
प्रतिभा को भट्टी में झोंकना है।

54) दोनों का तो रास्ता ही टकराहट का है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
दोनों का तो रास्ता ही टकराहट का था।

55) रात की दावत हरजेन्द्र चौधरी के घर पर थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
रात की दावत हरजेन्द्र चौधरी के घर पर है।

56) यहाँ हिन्दी-उर्दू प्रेमियों का जमावड़ा है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
यहाँ हिन्दी-उर्दू प्रेमियों का जमावड़ा होगा।

57) कुछ देर तक हम इसका वैभव देखते हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
कुछ देर तक हम इसका वैभव देखते थे।

58) अधिकांश सीटें खाली थीं। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
अधिकांश सीटें खाली होंगी।

59) शालीनता जापान का गुणधर्म है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
शालीनता जापान का गुणधर्म था।

60) उन्होंने हमें स्वचालित रेल और लांच में घुमाया। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
वे हमें स्वचालित रेल और लांच में घुमा रहे हैं।

61) यात्री गंगा में स्नान कर रहे हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
यात्री गंगा में स्नान कर रहे थे।

62) सरला गाना गाती थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
सरला गाना गाती है।

63) अंधी लकड़ी के सहारे मार्ग तय करती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
अंधी लकड़ी के सहारे मार्ग तय करेगी।

64) सिद्धार्थ कुछ अपूर्व अनुपम लाते हैं। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
सिद्धार्थ कुछ अपूर्व अनुपम लाते थे।

65) निमोनिया के कारण रोगी मर जाएगा। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
निमोनिया के कारण रोगी मर जाता है।

66) गुरुजी ने कविता लिखी। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
गुरुजी कविता लिखेंगे।

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67) आत्मानंद देश की सेवा करता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
आत्मानंद देश की सेवा करता था।

68) रमेश ने बहुत सारी कविताएँ लिखीं। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
रमेश बहुत सारी कविताएँ लिखता है।

69) उसने आग चिता पर रख दी। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
वह आग चिता पर रखेगा।

70) व्यापारी ट्रक में माल भरकर लाता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
व्यापारी ट्रक में माल भरकर लाया।

71) लड़कियाँ फूल चुनेंगी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
लड़कियाँ फूल चुनती हैं।

72) उसमें भयंकर दृढ़ता की छाप होती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
उसमें भयंकर दृढ़ता की छाप होगी।

73) अजयपाल तिलमिला उठेगा। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
अजयपाल तिलमिला उठा था।

74) शीला कपड़े धोती थी। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
शीला कपड़े धोती है।

75) मीरा आँसू बहाती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
मीरा आँसू बहाएगी।

76) टिकट कलेक्टर डिब्बे में प्रवेश करेगा। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
टिकट कलेक्टर ने डिब्बे में प्रवेश किया था।

77) मुझे डर लग रहा था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
मुझे डर लग रहा है।

78) राहुल कुंभ मेले में जा रहा है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
राहुल कुंभ मेले में जायेगा।

79) जनसंख्या दिनोंदिन बढ़ती जा रही है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
जनसंख्या दिनोंदिन बढ़ती जा रही थी।

80) इस दिशा में काम शुरू हो जाएगा। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
इस दिशा में काम शुरू हो रहा हैं।

81) मैंने भिखारी को एक रुपया दिया। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
मैं भिखारी को एक रुपया दूंगा।

82) वह मुझे मुम्बई बुला रहा है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
वह मुझे मुम्बई बुला रहा था।

83) महाकवि कबीर का जनता पर व्यापक प्रभाव था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
महाकवि कबीर का जनता पर व्यापक प्रभाव है।

84) माली पौधों को पानी दे रहा है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
माली पौधों को पानी देगा।

85) रमेश अपना जन्मदिन मना रहा है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
रमेश अपना जन्मदिन मनाता था।

86) उस रोगी का शरीर बहुत दुर्बल था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
उस रोगी का शरीर बहुत दुर्बल है।

87) उसने अपना काम सुचारु रुप से किया। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
वह अपना काम सुचारु रुप से करेगा।

88) वह गद-गद कंठ से कहता है। (भूतकाल में बदलिए)
वह गद-गद कंठ से कहता था।

89) उसके चेहरे पर गहरा अवसाद और अकेलापन था। (वर्तमानकाल में बदलिए)
उसके चेहरे पर गहरा अवसाद और अकेलापन है।

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90) कुछ और पहले की घटना याद आती है। (भविष्यत्काल में बदलिए)
कुछ और पहले की घटना याद आएगी।

2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति

You can Download 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति, 2nd PUC Hindi Textbook Answers, Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति

अ) कोष्ठक में दिए गए कारक चिन्हों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए :
(ने, को, से, के द्वारा, के लिए, का, की, के, में, पर)

1) पेड़ ……………. फल गिरता है। [से]
2) रमेश ………….. तीन बहनें हैं। [की]
3) घर ……….. सामने बगीचा है। [के]
4) मेज ………….. पुस्तक रख दो। [पर]
5) राम कैंची ……….. कागज काटता है। [से]
6) थैली …………. पुस्तक है। [में]
7) बिल्ली ………… सारा दूध पी लिया। [ने]
8) हम लोग बाग ………. घूमेंगे। [में]
9) वे घर-घर घूमकर पीड़ितों ……… सहायता करते हैं। [की]
10) मैंने ब्राह्मण ………….. धन दिया। [को]
11) हाथ …………… गिलास छूट गया। [से]
12) वे साहित्य और दर्शन …………. विद्वान थे। [के]
13) स्त्री ………….. सम्मान देना चाहिए। [को]
14) माँ ………… बेटे को समझाया। [ने]
15) रश्मि ने रमा ……….. पुस्तक दी। [को]

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16) देश ……………. प्यार करना हमारा कर्तव्य है। [से]
17) यह संकोच ……………. युग नहीं है। [का]
18) सड़क ………… लोग जमा हैं। [पर]
19) आप अपने कमरे ……….. जाइए। [में]
20) वह गाड़ी ……………. उतरा। [से]
21) पुस्तकालय ………….. बहुत सी किताबें हैं। [में]
22) वीरों ने देश ……….. प्राणों की आहुति दी। [के लिए]
23) पीड़ितों …………. दान दो। [को]
24) नाव नदी ………….. डूब गई। [में]
25) कुत्ते ………… पिल्ला बड़ा प्यारा है। [का]
26) अहमद …………. पत्र लिखा गया। [से]
27) पंछी ……….. पिंजरा खाली किया। [ने]
28) वह अपने गुरु …………. इज्जत करता है। [की]
29) यह काम मेरे मित्र …………… हो जाएगा। [के द्वारा]
30) कलावती बच्चों ……….. पढ़ा रही है। [को]

आ) कोष्ठक में दिए गए उचित शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए :

(पावन, भला, किताब, समाज, विज्ञान, स्वभाव, समय, ज्ञान)
1) आप ……….. तो जग भला। [भला]
2) साहित्य ………….. का दर्पण है। [समाज]
3) वह सरस्वती देवी का ………….. मंदिर है। [पावन]
4) आज का युग ……….. का युग है। [विज्ञान]
5) ………….. परिवर्तनशील है। [समय]
6) उस ………. का क्या मूल्य है? [किताब]
7) मानस में भक्ति, ……. और कर्म का समन्वय है। [ज्ञान]
8) उसके ……….. में मधुरता है।[स्वभाव]

अतिरिक्त प्रश्न :

इ) कोष्ठक में दिए गए कारक चिन्हों/शब्दों से रिक्त स्थान भरिए :
1. (का, पर, को, से)
1) कुत्सित लोगों …………… सभी घृणा करते हैं। [से]
2) जो खर्च करता है, उसी ………….. देता है। [को]
3) उसके चेहरे …………… रंग लाल हो गया। [का]
4) इस पद …………. उन्होंने तीन वर्षों तक काम किया। [पर]

2. (ईश्वर, पुस्तक, बालक, खाना)
1) मेरे लिए ……….. लाओ। [खाना]
2) ……………. तुम्हे सुख व समृद्धि दे। [ईश्वर]
3) …………. ने रोटी खाई। [बालक]
4) वह ………… पढ़ रहा है। [पुस्तक]

3. (पास, दर्द, कई, निकल)
1) उसके …………… बहुत सोना है। [पास]
2) उसके प्राण ………. रहे हैं। [निकल]
3) मैंने तुम्हें ………….. बार कहा। [कई]
4) उसके पेट में ………….. हो रहा है। [दर्द]

4. (फल, कैंची, सामने, पुस्तक)

1) पेड़ से …………. गिरता है। [फल]
2) घर के …………… बगीचा है। [सामने]
3) मेज पर ………. रख दो। [पुस्तक]
4) राम …………. से कागज काटता है। [कैंची]

5. (बहनें, धन, नई, निर्णय)
1) मैं …………… पोशाक पहनूँगा। [नई]
2) पंचों का …………… सभी को मान्य है। [निर्णय]
3) रमेश की तीन …………. हैं। [बहनें]
4) मैंने ब्राह्मण को ……….. दिया। [धन]

6. (ने, की, के, में)
1) थैली ………….. पुस्तक है।। [में]
2) बिल्ली …………. सारा दूध पी लिया। [ने]
3) वे घर-घर घूमकर पीड़ितों …….. सहायता करते हैं। [की]
4) वे साहित्य और दर्शन …………. विद्वान थे। [के]

7. (बेटे, लोग, सम्मान, गिलास)
1) सड़क पर …………… जमा हैं। [लोग]
2) हाथ से …………. छूट गया। [गिलास]
3) स्त्री को …………. देना चाहिए। [सम्मान]
4) माँ ने ………….. को समझाया। [बेटे]

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8. (से, में, ने, को)

1) वीरों …………… देश के लिए प्राणों की आहुति दी। [ने]
2) रश्मि ने रमा ………… पुस्तक दी। [को]
3) आप अपने कमरे ……………. जाइए। [में]
4) वह गाड़ी …………. उतरा। [से]

9. (पत्र, नदी, पिल्ला, बहुत-सी)
1) पुस्तकालय में ………. किताबें हैं। [बहुत-सी]
2) नाव …………… में डूब गई। [नदी]
3) कुत्ते का …………… बड़ा प्यारा है। [पिल्ला]
4) अहमद से ……………. लिखा गया। [पत्र]

10. (की, से, ने, में)
1) मानस ……………. भक्ति, ज्ञान और कर्म का समन्वय है। [में]
2) पंछी ………….. पिंजरा खाली किया। [ने]
3) वह अपने गुरु …………… इज्जत करता है। [की]
4) यह काम मेरे मित्र ………….. हो जाएगा। [से]

11. (युग, दर्पण, दान, बाग)
1) हम लोग …………. में घूमेंगे। [बाग]
2) यह संकोच का ………….. नहीं है। [युग]
3) पीड़ितों को ……………. दो। [दान]
4) साहित्य समाज का …………. है। [दर्पण]

12. (पावन, विज्ञान, समय, भला)

1) आप ……………. तो जग भला। [भला]
2) वह सरस्वती देवी का ……………. मंदिर है। [पावन]
3) आज का युग ………….. का युग है। [विज्ञान]
4) …………. परिवर्तनशील है। [समय]

2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 6 Market and Communication Systems

Karnataka 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 6 Market and Communication Systems

You can Download Chapter 6 Market and Communication Systems Questions and Answers, Notes, 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

2nd PUC Sociology Market and Communication Systems One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who is the author of the book “Wealth of Nations”.
Adam Smith.

Question 2.
What is the other name for Laissez Fair Policy?
Free Market.

Question 3.
What does WWW Stand for?
World Wide Web.

Question 4.
Who created World Wide Web?
Tim Berners – Lee in 1990.

Question 5.
Expand T R P?
Television Rating Point.

Question 6.
Name anyone Traditional Business Communities in India.

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Question 7.
Who wrote Asian Drama?

Question 8.
Who conducted a study on Dhorai Tribal Market?
Alfred Gell.

Question 9.
Which day Dhorai weekly market Takes Place?

Question 10.
Who are the Business class according to Varanshram.system?

Question 11.
Which marginal Tribal Group was in Salt Trade?

Question 12.
In which month pushkar Annual fair held?
Karthika Ekadashi to Karthika Poomime.

Question 13.
Who invented Printing Technology?
John Guttenberg.

Question 14.
Who Introduced prototype New service in Paris?
Paul Julius Reuter.

Question 15.
Who started Sambad kaumudi?
Raja Ram MahanRoy.

Question 16.
Who started Shome Prakashana?
Ishwara Chandra Vidya Sagar.

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Question 17.
Which year Times of India started in Bombay?

Question 18.
Who founded Mangalooru Samachara?
Herman Magling.

Question 19.
Expand LAN.
Local Area Network.

Question 20.
In which year Ham Broadcasting club in Kolkolta and Chennai Started.

Question 21.
Where is the Headquarter of Aakashavani?
Bangalore. (Kannada Version of AIR)

Question 22.
Mention any one film in which Radio is used on an medium of commination?
Loge Raho Munnai Bhai.

Question 23.
Which Rural Development programs was Experimentally introduced in Television in 1959?
Krishi Darshan.

Question 24.
Expand the SITE
Satellite Instructional Television Experiment.

Question 25.
Mention anyone leading Kannada News Channel.
TV. 9.

Question 26.
Who is considered as father of Kannada Journalism?
M. Venkatakrishnya.

Question 27.
Who started weekly Magazine Vrittanta Chintamani.
M. Venkatakrishnya.

Question 28.
Mention any one English News Channel.
NDTV 24×7.

Question 29.
Expand DARPA.
Defense Advanced Research Agency.

Question 30.
Mention any one social networking site.

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Question 31.
Who is the owner of “News Corporation”
Report Murdoch.

Question 32.
Mention anyone leading English News Paper.
The Hindu.

Question 33.
Mention anyone leading Kannada News Paper.
Vijaya Karnataka.

Question 34.
Who said that electronic media are creating a global village?
Marshal Mucllhan.

Question 35.
Who referred to media as a social capital?
Robert Putnam.

Question 36.
Who analysed media as a decay of public sphere?

Question 37.
Who regards mass media as Hyper Reality?
Jean Budrillard.

Question 38.
Is market a social Institution?

Question 39.
Who. Introduced Invisible hand in the market?

Question 40.
Give an example to a weekly market.
Dorai weekly market.

Question 41.
Give an example to a caste based business community.

Question 42.
In which state pushkar annual fair Take place.

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Question 43.
Which is an another name for virtual market.
Online Market.

Question 44.
Who introduced teleshopping?
Micheal Aldrich.

Question 45.
Name any two print media.
News Papers and Magazines.

Question 46.
Name any two electronic media.
Radio and Television.

Question 47.
Which is the first news paper of India.

Question 48.
What is sensational Journalism?
Importance given to crime, Sports and sex is called sensational journalism.

Question 49.
Who regards television presents serious issue into an entertainment?
Horkheimer and Adorno.

Question 50.
Mention the caste based business community of Tamilnadu.

2nd PUC Sociology Market and Communication Systems Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by Market?
A market is one of the many varieties of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange of goods and services.

Question 2.
Mention any two features of Market.

  1. Market is a place where things are bought and sold
  2. Market is not just a physical place, but the gathering of people – buyers and sellers.

Question 3.
What is Virtual Market?
The new form of marketing and transactions are of taking place through online with the help of Information and Communication Technology. E-commerce, online purchase, online trading of stocks and shares are the latest in the market activities. Such transactions and activities are called as virtual activity of market.

Question 4.
Name any two online shopping sites.
Fliplcart. com e Bay. In

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Question 5.
What is Social Networking Site?
Social Network Sites are defined as online platforms that focus on building and reflecting social networks or social relations among people who share interests and activities.

Question 6.
What is Mcdonaldization?
McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurants are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world.

Question 7.
Mention guiding principles used by George Ritzer for Mcdonaldization.
Guiding principles for McDonald’s restaurants

  • Efficiency
  • Calculatebility
  • Predictability
  • Control through automation
  • Standardized and uniform services.

Question 8.
What is internet?
Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks consisting of millions of private, public, academic, business networks, which are linked with the networking technology. In simple words Internet is a network of networks.

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Question 9.
What is Mass Media?
Mass Media is a means of communication that reach large number of people in a short time. The mass media include a wide variety of forms, including Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television and Social Networking Sites.

Question 10.
Mention any two Traditional Business community in India.
Vaisyas and Marwaris.

Question 11.
Mention the leading Marwari Business and Industrial families or Groups.
Ambanis and Lakshmimittals.

Question 12.
Mention any two functions of mass media.
Information and Entertainment.

Question 13.
State the type of mass media.
Print media and electronic media.

Question 14.
Mention the epics which popularizes the Dooradarshan.
Ramayana and Mahabharata.

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Question 15.
State any two Kannada News Channels.
TV.9 and Suvarana News 24 x 7.

Question 16.
Define TRP.
Television Rating Point (TRP) is a tool provided to judge which programmes are viewed the most. This gives us an index of the choice of the people and also the popularity of a particular channel. For this purpose, a device is attached to the TV set of thousand viewers’ houses for judging purpose. The device is called as People’s Meter. It records the time and the programme that a viewer watches on a particular day.

Question 17.
Mention any two social networking sites.
Twitter and Face book.

Question 18.
On which Theme Murdoch developed journalism.
Sex, Crime and Sports.

Question 19.
Mention any two leading Kannada Newspapers.
Vijayakarnataka and KannadaPraba.

Question 20.
Mention any two leading English Newspapers.
The Hindu, The Times of India.

Question 21.
Mention any two leading English News Channels.
CNNIBN, NDTV 24 x 7.

Question 22.
What do you mean by weekly market?
In most agrarian societies, periodic markets are a central feature of social and economic organisation. Weekly markets bring together people from surrounding villages, who come to sell their agricultural or other produce and to buy manufactured goods and other items that are not available in their villages.

Weekly market is a common sight in rural and even urban India. In hilly and forested areas (especially those inhabited by Tribals, where settlements are far-flung, roads and communications are poor, and the economy relatively undeveloped, the weekly market is the major institution for the exchange of goods as well as for social intercourse.

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Question 23.
Write any two uses of Technology in Newspaper production.

  1. Newspaper production has become automatic, from reporters dess to final page proof.
  2. the use of paper has been completely eliminated with this automated chain.

2nd PUC Sociology Market and Communication Systems Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Name any five Kannada News Channels and briefly explain.
The Karnataka state is one of the fore-front of mass media. Doordarshan is the broadcaster of the Government of India and its channel DD Chandana is dedicated for Kannada language which also provides news. Udaya news was the first private channel to broadcast news in Kannada language’.

At present there are 8 Kannada news channels viz., Tv-9, Suvarna News, Kasturi 24×7, Samaya News, Udaya News, Janashree News and Raj News, ETV News and few news channels will also come up shortly. There are more than hundred news channels in India different languages catering all types of services.

They are cost effective and most accessible of electronic media. These channels play active roles in socializing everyday life by stimulating interests in their characters, life styles, relationship, wealth, clothing and personal likes and dislikes.

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Question 2.
Describe weekly market as a social institution.
In most agrarian societies , periodic markets are a central feature of social and economic organisation. Weekly markets bring together people from surrounding villages, who come to sell their agricultural or other produce and to buy manufactured goods and other items that are not available in their villages. They attract traders, as well as moneylenders, entertainers, astrologers, and a host of other specialists offering their services.

Weekly market is a common sight in rural and even urban India. In hilly and forested areas (especially those inhabited by Tribals, where settlements are far-flung, roads and communications are poor, and the economy relatively undeveloped, the weekly market is the major institution for the exchange of goods as well as for social intercourse.

Local people come to the market to sell their agricultural or forest produce to traders, who carry it to the towns for resale, and they buy essentials such as salt and agricultural implements, bangles and jewellery etc. But for many visitors, the primary reason to come to the market is social – to meet kin, to arrange marriages, exchange gossip, and so on.

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Question 3.
Write a note on Bastar Tribal Market.
The weekly market as a social institution, the links between the local Tribal economy and the outside, and the exploitative economic relationships between adivasis and others, are illustrated by a study of a weekly market in Bastar district. This district is populated by Gonds, an adivasi group. At the weekly market, you find local people, including tribals and non-tribals, as well as outsiders – mainly traders of various castes. Forest officials also come to the market to conduct business with adivasis who work for the Forest Department, and the market attracts a Variety of specialists selling their goods and services. The major goods that are exchanged in the market are

  1. Manufactured goods (such as jewellery and trinkets, pots and knives)
  2. Non-local foods (such as salt and Haldi (turmeric))
  3. Local food and agricultural produce and manufactured items (such as Bamboo baskets)
  4. Forest produce such as tamarind, oil-seeds and etc. The forest produce that is brought by the adivasis is purchased by traders who carry it to towns. 79. Describe the emergence of new market during the colonial period.

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Question 4.
Describe the emergence of new market during the colonial period.
The advent of colonialism in India produced major upheavals in the economy, causing disruptions in production, trade and agriculture. A well-known example is the demise of the handloom industry due to the flooding of the market with cheap manufactured textiles from England. In the colonial era India began to be more fully linked to the world capitalist economy. Before being colonised by the British, India was a major supplier of manufactured goods to the world market. After colonisation, India became a source of raw materials and agricultural products and a consumer of manufactured goods, both largely for the benefit of industrialising England.

At the same time, new groups (especially the Europeans) entered into trade and business, sometimes in alliance with existing merchant communities and in some cases by forcing them out. But rather than completely overturning existing economic institutions, the expansion of the market economy in India provided new opportunities to some merchant communities, which were able to improve their position by re-orienting themselves to changing economic circumstances. In some cases, new communities emerged to take advantage of the economic opportunities provided by colonialism and continued to hold economic power even after Independence.

A good example of this process is provided by the Marwaris, probably the most widespread and best-known business community in India. Represented by leading industrial families such as the Birlas, Ambanis, Lakshmimittal and etc. The Marwaris became a successful business community only during the colonial period, when they took advantage of new opportunities in colonial cities such as Calcutta, Bombay and settled throughout the country to carry out trade and money lending.

Like the Nakarattars, the success of the Marwaris rested on their extensive social networks, which created the relations of trust necessary to operate their banking system. Many Marwari families accumulated enough wealth to become moneylenders, and by acting as bankers also helped the commercial expansion of the British in India.

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Question 5.
Write a note on Pushkar annual fair.
The Pushkar Fair is the annual camel and livestock fair, held in the town of Pushkar in the state of Rajasthan. It is one of the world’s largest camel fairs, and apart from buying and selling of livestock it has become an important tourist attraction. Thousands of people go to the banks of the Pushkar Lake where the fair takes place. Men buy and sell their livestock, which includes camels, cows, sheep and goats. The women go to the stalls, full of bracelets, clothes, textiles and fabrics.

A camel race starts off the festival, with music, songs and exhibitions to follow. It is celebrated for five days from the Kartik ekadashi to Kartik Poomima, the full moon day of Kartik in Hindu calendar. The full moon day is the main day and the day, according to legend, when the Hindu god Brahma sprung up the Pushkar Lake, thus numerous people swim in its sacred waters.

There are many such fairs having socio, economic and Religions importance taken place in Karnataka also. For example fair at Yamanur in Dharwad Dt, Bavashankari in Bagalkote and Tippe Swamy fair in Dhavapagere (dt), Ground Nut fair in Bangalore, Cauvery Theerthodbhava at Bhagamandala, Antaragange fair in Kolar etc.

Question 6.
Write a note on Social Networking Sites?
Social Network Sites are defined as online platforms that focus on building and reflecting social networks or social relations among people who share interests and activities. Further, Social Networking Sites are a type of virtual community that has grown tremendously in popularity. Through social networking people can use network of online friends and group memberships to keep in touch with current friends, reconnect with old friends or create real- life friendships through similar interest or groups.

Besides, establishing social relationships, social networking members can share interest and their ideas with other like-minded members by joining groups or forums. They can also participate in discussions. Members will be updated instantly about their friends and groups. In short, a SNS is a hub for communication, entertainment and information. The Social Networking Sites include; Facebook, Orkut, Google plus, Myspace, Twitter, Friendster, Bharathstudent and etc.

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Question 7.
Explain in brief any five contemporary Indian news papers in English.
While English newspapers, often called ‘National Dailies’ i.e. The Times of India, The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economic Times, Hindustan Times, Deccan Herald and etc, circulate across nation, vernacular newspapers have vastly increased their circulation in the states and the rural hinterland. In order to compete with the electronic media, newspapers on the one hand reduced prices and on the other hand brought out editions from multiple centres. Increasing dependence on the sponsors of advertisements and many feared that the rise in electronic media would lead to a decline in the circulation of print media. This has not happened. Indeed it has expanded.

Question 8.
Write a note on Radio.
Radio broadcasting which commenced in India through amateur ‘HAM’ Broadcasting Clubs in Kolkata and Chennai in the 1920s, matured into a public broadcasting system in the 1940s during the World War II when it became a major instrument of propaganda for Allied forces in South-east Asia. At the time of independence there were only 6 radio stations located in the major cities catering primarily to an urban audience. Since the media was seen as an active partner in the development of the newly free nation the AIR’s programmes consisted mainly of news, current affairs, and discussions on development.

Apart from All India Radio (AIR) there is Vividh Bharati, a channel for entertainment that was primarily broadcasting film songs on listeners’ request. Vividh Bharati, which soon began to carry sponsored programmes and advertisements and grew to become a money-spinning channel for AIR. Aakashavani (Kannada version of AIR) headquarter at Bangalore and there are regional centers at Mysore, Bhadravathi, Dharwad, Mangalore and Gulbarga, broadcasting news, entertainment, sponsored programmes and commercial programmes etc.

After independence the government gave priority to the expansion of the radio broadcasting infrastructure, especially in state capitals and in border areas. Over the years, AIR has developed a formidable infrastructure for radio broadcasting in India. It operates a three-tiered – national, regional, and local – service to cater to India’s geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity. Nowadays radio broadcasts in 24 languages and 146 dialects.

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Question 9.
Explain any five leading Kannada newspapers.
The era of Kannada newspapers in Karnataka started in 1843 when Hermann Mogling, a missionary from German Basel Mission published the first Kannada newspaper called Mangalooru Samachara from Mangalore. Later it was renamed as Kannada Samachar. M. Venkatakrishnaiah (1844 – 1933) considered as the father of Kannada Journalism brought out his weekly “Vrittanta chintamani” in 1885 in Mysore.

He laid this foundation for modern Kannada Journalism. Afterwards in different parts of the state few newspapers cum magazines used to publish viz., Sabuddhi Prakasha Vara Patrike (1849), Arunodaya (1862), Mysore Herald (1886), Wealth of Mysore (1912), Bharathi (1907, D V Gund appa), Chitra gupta(1928, KN Veerannagowda, Mandya, Prajamatha (1931, B N Gupta).

There are many Kannada language newspapers that have served the media industry significantly and also have earned significant recognition. Some of the leading Kannada language newpapers include; Prajavani, Kannada Prabha, Samyukta Karnataka, Vijaya Karnataka, Hosa Digantha, Sanjevani, Udayavani, Andolana, ESange, etc. The Kannada language newspapers are playing important role in disseminating valuable information about the latest happenings in and around the world.

Question 10.
Define market. Explain the characteristics of market.
A market is one of the social institutions, whereby parties’engage in exchange of goods and services. Markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services in exchange for money from buyers. It can be said that a market is the process by which the prices of goods and services are established.
In the field of Sociology the concept of a market is a structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information. The exchange of goods or services for money is a Transaction.

The features of Market are as follow;

(1) Market is a place where things are bought and sold: In common usage, the word ‘market’ may refer to particular markets that we may know of, such as the market next to the railway station, the fruit market, or the wholesale market.

(2) Market is not just a physical place, but the gathering of people – buyers and sellers: Thus, for example, a weekly market may be found in different places on different days of the week in neighbouring villages or urban neighbourhoods.

(3) Market is a type of trade or business: Market refers to an area or category of trade or business, such as the market for cars or the market for readymade clothes.

(4) Market includes the entire spectrum of economic activities and institutions: In this very broad sense, then, ‘the market’ is almost equivalent to ‘the economy’. We are used to thinking of the market as an economic institution, but this chapter will show you that the market is also a social institution. In its own way, the market is comparable to more obviously social institutions like caste, religion or family.

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Question 11.
Explain the sociological perspectives on market and economy.
The discipline of economics is aimed at understanding and explaining how markets work in modem capitalist economies – for instance, how prices are determined, the probable impact of specific kinds of investment, or the factors that influence people to save or spend. Adam Smith argued that the capitalist economy is driven by individual self-interest, and works best when individual buyers and sellers make rational decisions that serve their own interests.

Smith used the idea of the ‘invisible hand’ to argue that society overall benefits when individuals pursue their own self-interest in the market, because it stimulates the economy and creates more Gunnar Myrdal, a Sweedish Nobel Laureate, Economist and Sociologist in his work Asian Drama is pertaining to the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena. Gunnar Myrdal analysed economic issues from social perspective and he says social issues determine economic development.

In contrast to this approach, sociologists have attempted to develop an alternative way of studying economic institutions and processes within the larger social framework. Sociologists view markets as social institutions that are constructed in culturally specific ways. For example, markets are often controlled or organised by particular social groups or classes, and have specific connections to other institutions, social processes and structures. Sociologists often express this idea by saying that economies are socially ‘embedded’. This is illustrated by two examples, one of a weekly markets and the other of a ‘Traditional business community’ and its trading networks in India.

Question 12.
Explain the structure of Dhorai Tribal Market.
According to Alfred Gell (1982), the anthropologist who studied Dhorai, the market has significance much beyond its economic functions. For example, the layout of the market symbolises the hierarchical inter-group social relations in this region. Different social groups are located according to their position in the caste and social hierarchy as well as in the market system.

(i) The wealthy and high-ranking Rajput jeweller and the middle-ranking local traders sit in the central ‘zones’.

(ii) The tribal sellers of vegetables and local wares in the outer circles.

(iii) The quality of social relations is expressed in the kinds of goods that are bought and sold, and the way in which transactions are carried out. For instance, interactions between tribals and non-tribal traders are very different than those between Hindus of the same community: they express hierarchy and social distance rather than social equality.

An Adivasi Village Market in Dhorai is the name of a market village located deep in the hinterland of North Bastar district, Chattisgarh. On non-market days Dhorai is a sleepy, Dhorai on non-market days – every day except Friday, that is hardly exists but Dhorai on a market day might be a totally different place. The Forest officials disburse payments to the Tribal labourers. They are joined by vegetable sellers, and by specialised craftsmen, potters, weavers and blacksmiths.

Question 13.
Analyse the caste based Trade among the Nakarattars of Tamil Nadu.
Caste-based trade among the Nakarattars of Tamil Nadu banking system resembled an Economist’s model of Western-style banking systems. the Nakarattars loaned and deposited money with one another in caste-defined social relationships based on business, residential location, descent, marriage, and common cult membership. The Nakarattar banking system was a caste-based banking system. Individual Nakarattars organised their lives around participation in and management of various communal institutions adapted to the task of accumulating and distributing reserves of capital.

The Nattukottai Chettiars (Nakarattars) of Tamil Nadu, provide an interesting illustration of how these indigenous trading networks were organised and worked. A study of this community during the colonial period shows how its banking and trade activities were deeply embedded in the social organisation of the community. The structures of caste, kinship, and family were oriented towards commercial activity, and business activity was carried out within these social structures.

As in most ‘traditional’ merchant communities, Nakarattar banks were basically joint family firms, so that the structure of the business firm was the same as that of the family. Similarly, trading and banking activities were organised through caste and kinship relationships. For instance, their extensive caste-based social networks allowed Chettiar merchants to expand their activities into Southeast Asia and Ceylon.

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Question 14.
Analyse the emergence of Marwari’s Business committee.
A good example of this process is provided by the Marwaris, probably the most widespread and best-known business community in India. Represented by leading industrial families such as the Birlas, Ambanis, Lakshmimittal and etc. The Marwaris became a successful business community only during the colonial period, when they took advantage of new opportunities in colonial cities such as Calcutta, Bombay and settled throughout the country to carry out trade and money lending.

Like the Nakarattars, the success of the Marwaris rested on their extensive social networks, which created the relations of trust necessary to operate their banking system. Many Marwari families accumulated enough wealth to become moneylenders, and by acting as bankers also helped the commercial expansion of the British in India.

Post Independence period some Marwari families transformed themselves into modern industrialists, and even today Marwaris control more of India’s Economy than any other community. This story of the emergence of a new business community under colonialism, and its transformation from small migrant traders to merchant bankers to industrialists, illustrates the importance of the social context to economic processes.

Question 15.
List out the early Newspapers in India.
The first modem mass media began with the development of the printing press. Although the history of print in certain societies dates back to many centuries, the first-attempts at printing books using modem technologies began in Europe. This technique was first developed by Johann Gutenberg in 1440. Initial attempts at printing were restricted to religious books. With the Industrial Revolution, the print industry also grew.

The first products of the press were restricted to an audience of literate elites. Paul Julius Reuter initiated a prototype news service in Paris in 1849, using carrier pigeons as well as the electric telegraph in his network. By 1923, the company he founded, Reuters, was transmitting news by Radio Early Newspapers in India.

  • Raja Rammohun Roy, his Sambad-Kaumudi in Bengali published in 1821, and Mirat-Ul- Akbar in Persian published in 1822, were the first publications in India with a distinct nationalist and democratic approach.
  • Fardoonji Murzban was the pioneer of the Gujarati Press in Bombay. It was as early as 1822 that he started the Bombay Samachar as a daily.
  • Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar started the Shome Prakash in Bengali in 1858.
  • The Times of India was founded in Bombay in 1861.
  • The Pioneer in Allahabad in 1865.
  • The Madras Mail in 1868.
  • The Statesman in Calcutta in 1875.
  • The Civil and Military Gazette in Lahore in 1876.
  • The Hindu in 1878.
  • The Indian Express
  • The Hindustan Times
  • Deccan Herald, etc.

Kannada Newspapers: The era of Kannada newspapers in Karnataka started in 1843 when Hermann Mogling, a missionary from German Basel Mission published the first Kannada newspaper called Mangalooru Samachara from Mangalore. Later it was renamed as Kannada Samachar. M. Venkatakrishnaiah (1844 -1933) considered as the father of Kannada Journalism brought out his weekly “Vrittanta chintamani” in 1885 in Mysore.

He laid this foundation for modem Kannada Journalism. Afterwards in different parts of the state few newspapers cum magazines used to publish viz., Sabuddhi Prakasha Vara Patrike (1849), Arunodaya (1862), Mysore Herald (1886), Wealth of Mysore (1912), Bharathi (1907, D V Gund appa), Chitra gupta (1928, K N Veerannagowda, Mandya, Prajamatha (1931, B N Gupta).

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Question 16.
Explain the Role of Technology in Newspaper productions.
From the late 1980s and early 1990s, newspapers have become fully automatic-from reporter’s desk to final page proof. The use of paper has been completely eliminated with this automated chain. This has become possible because of two technological changes – networking of personal computers (PCs) through LANs (local area networks) and use of news making software like Newsmaker and other customised software. Changing technology has also changed the role and function of a reporter. The basic tools of a news reporter – a shorthand notebook, pen, typewriter, and telephone has been replaced by new tools – a mini tape recorder, a laptop or a personal computer (PC), mobile or satellite phone, and other accessories like modem.

All these technological changes in news gathering have increased the speed of news and helped newspaper managements to push their deadlines to dawn. They are also able to plan a greater number of editions and provide the latest news to the readers. A number of newspapers are using the new technologies to bring out separate editions for each of the districts. While print centres are limited, the number of editions has grown manifold.

Newspaper chains like Vijaya Kamatak are using new technology for news gathering as well as for improving pictorial coverage. The newspaper has a network of nearly a hundred reporters and staffers and an equal number of photographers, feeding news. All the hundred correspondents are equipped with PCs and modems for news transmission, and the photographers carry digital cameras with them. Digital images are sent to the central news desk via modems.

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Question 17.
Write a note on report Murdoch.
Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born entrepreneur who is the head of one of the world’s largest media empires News Corporations. Murdoch established News Corporation in Australia before moving into the British and American markets in the 1960s. His initial purchases of the News of the World and the Sun in Britain in 1969 and the New York Post in the mid-1970s paved the way for a dramatic expansion in later acquisitions. In the USA alone, News Corporation’s holdings new include more than 130 newspapers.

Murdoch turned many of these newspapers towards sensationalistic journalism, building on the three themes of sex, crime and sport. The Sun, for example, became highly successful, with the highest circulation of any daily English-language newspaper in the world, standing at around 3.4 million copies daily in mid-2004.

Competition for broadcasting rights is intense between News Corporation and other media empires as the global demand for sports and other kinds of events. He is weighty enough to influence governments, but it is in the nature of the telecommunications business that it is everywhere and nowhere. Murdoch’s power base is very large, but also elusive.

To create sensation among the readers his company tapped the phone calls of the top Officials, Royal family members, Politicians and filmstars. He was accused of taping the British Royal family. British Parliament warned him for his illegal tapings.

Question 18.
Analyse the recent Trends in print media.
As is evident, the reasons for this amazing growth in the circulation of Indian language newspapers are many.

1. There is a rise in the number of literate people who are migrating to cities. The Hindi daily Hindustan in 2003 printed 64,000 copies of their Delhi edition, which jumped to 425,000 by 2005. The reason was that, of Delhi’s population of one more and forty-seven lakhs, 52 percent had come from the Hindi belt. Out of this, 47 percent have come from a rural background and 60 percent of them are less than 40 years of age.

2. Dominant Indian language newspapers such as Malayalam Manorama and Eenadu Telugu Nam Paper launched the concept of local news in a significant manner by introducing district and block editions.

3. Dina Thanthi, another leading Tamil newspaper, has always used simplified and colloquial language. In Kannada Prajavani, Vijaya Karnataka, Kannada Prabha have adopted the same techniques.

4. The Indian language newspapers have adopted advanced printing technologies and also attempted supplements, pullouts, and literary and niche booklets.

5. Marketing strategies have also marked the Dainik Bhaskar group, Vijayakarnataka’s . growth as they carry out consumer contact programmes, door-to-door surveys, and research.

6. Cross media ownership trend becoming visible among the major players such as Eenadu group, Times group, Dainik Jagaran, and Sahara who plunged into TV news after their long innings in newspapers.

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Question 19.
Explain the recent Trends in English Newspapers.
While English newspapers, often called ‘National Dailies’ i.e. The Times of India, The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economic Times, Hindustan Times, Deccan Herald and etc, circulate across nation, vernacular newspapers have vastly increased their circulation in the states and the rural hinterland. In order to compete with the electronic media, newspapers on the one hand reduced prices and on the other hand brought out editions from multiple centres. Increasing dependence on the sponsors of advertisements and many feared that the rise in electronic media would lead to a decline in the circulation of print media. This has not happened. Indeed it has expanded.

Question 20.
Discuss the trends of Television Channels.
In 1991 there was one state controlled TV channel in India. “Doordarshan”. By 1998 there . were 70 channels. Privately run satellite channels have multiplied rapidly since the mid-1990s. The staggering growth of private satellite television has been one of the defining developments of contemporary India.

The Gulf War of 1991 (which popularised CNN), and the launching of Star-TV in the same year by the Whampoa Hutchinson Group of Hong Kong, signalled the arrival of private satellite Channels in India. In 1992, Zee TV, a Hindi-based satellite entertainment channel, also began beaming programs to cable television viewers in India.

By 2000, many private cable and satellite channels were available including several that focused exclusively on regional-language broadcasting like Sun-TV, Eenadu-TV, Udaya-TV, Raj-TV, and Asianet. Zee TV has also launched several regional networks, other languages. Indian based English news channels like NDTV 24X7, CNN IBN, Times Now, Headlines Today are also popular among English speaking people.

The coming in of transnational television companies like Star TV, MTV, Channel [V], Sony and others, worried some people on the likely impact on Indian youth and on the Indian cultural identity. But most of the transnational Television channels have through research realised that the use of the familiar is more effective in procuring the diverse groups that constitute Indian audience.

So these channels are also given importance to family oriented entertainment. Entertainment television has produced a new cadre of superstars who have become familiar household names. Reality shows like Kaun Banega Crorepati or Indian Idol or Big Boss have become increasingly popular. Most of these are modelled along the lines of western programmes.

Question 21.
Discuss the events which popularise dooradarshan in gaining highest TRP.
The advent of colour broadcasting during the 1982 Asian Games in Delhi and the rapid expansion of the national network led to rapid commercialisation of Television broadcasting. During 1984-85 the number of television transmitters increased all over India covering a large proportion of the population. It was also the time when indigenous soap operas like Hum Log and Buniyaad were aired.

They were hugely popular acclaim and attracted substantial advertising revenue for Doordarshan as did the broadcasting of the epics Ramayana and Mahabharat, Vishnupurana, the sword of Tippusultan, the maratha, Jai Hanuman, Shaktiman, OmNamahshivay. These did help the Dooradarshan to gain Television Rating points (TRPs).

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2nd PUC Sociology Market and Communication Systems Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the functions of Mass Media.
(1) Information: The media provides a continuous flow of information about the world, from T.V., Newspapers and radio reports the political, sports, entertainment and weather reports, the stock market and news stories and issues that affect us personally.

(2) Correlation: The media explains and helps us to understand the meaning of the information. It provides support for established social norms and has an important role in the socialization of children.

(3) Continuity: The media has a function in expressing the culture, recognizing new social developments and forging common values.

(4) Entertainment: The media provides amusement, diversion and reduces social tension.

(5) Mobilization: To encourage economic development, work, religion or support in times of war, the media can campaign to mobilize society to meet these objectives.

(6) Social Reformation: The beginnings of the print media and its role in both the spread of the social reform movement and the nationalist movement have been noted. After independence, the print media continued to share the general approach of being a partner in the task of nation building by taking up developmental issues as well as giving voice to the widest section of people.

The gravest challenge that the media faced was with the declaration of Emergency in 1975 and censorship of the media. Fortunately, the period ended and democracy was restored in 1977. India with its many problems can be justifiably proud of a free media.

(7) National Consciousness: It was only in the mid 19th century, with further development in technologies, transportation and literacy that newspapers began to reach out to a mass audience. People living in different comers of the country found themselves reading or hearing the same news. It has been suggested that this was in many ways responsible for people across a country to feel connected and develop a sense of belonging or ‘we feeling’.

Question 2.
Describe virtual markets in detail.
The new form of marketing transactions are of taking place through online with the help of Information and Communication Technology. Such transactions and activities are called as virtual market. E-commerce, online purchase, online trading of stocks and shares are the latest in the market activities. Virtual marketing is a form of electronic or e-commerce which allows consumers or buyers to directly purchase goods or services from a seller over the internet using a web browser. Virtual market can be called as e-shop, internet shop, online store and virtual store.

The 21st century in India has witnessed for enormous increase in the number of virtual or online markets. The trend is common in western countries. But, in India with the advancement of Information Technology (IT) the growth of virtual marketing has immensely raised. In the global level the emergence of online or virtual market is relatively a new phenomenon and it has only a few decades of history. It is quite interesting to examine the events took place before 1990’s for the development of virtual market.

Even though the research for developing virtual market started early 1960, virtual market came to reality only after 1990’s. The concept of “Teleshopping” was first introduced by Michael Aldrich in 1979 and in the same year Videotex was being researched. In France, Mintel succeeded on the research of Videotex which allowed online purchases, check share market, etc in 1982. The actual growth of online or virtual market started in 1990, when the first World Wide Web (WWW) server and browser, created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, opened for commercial use in 1991.

Thereafter, with the advancement in I T, in 1994 an online pizza shop has been opened by Pizza Hut. Later, Intershop’s first online shopping system and Netscapes’ SSL systems have been developed with the advent of these above, in 1995 Amazon.com has launched its virtual marketing sites and later in the same year eBay also opened up its online shopping websites, which is the first online action website. With the emergence of big shopping companies like Futurebazaar, Shoppers stop, Reliance retail, Spencer Mart etc., the outlook of online shopping has completely changed for the best.

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Question 3.
Explain the social organization of traditional business communities.
As you have already learned, there is a close connection between the caste system and the economy, in terms of landholding, occupational differentiation, and so on. This is also true in the case of trade and markets.

(1) Varnashram System: In fact, ‘ Vaisyas’ constitute one of the four varnas – an indication of the importance of the merchant and of trade or business in Indian society since ancient times.

(2) Banias in North India: Although there are ‘Vaisya’ communities such as Banias in North India, whose traditional occupation has been trade or commerce for a long time, there are some caste groups that have entered into trade. Such groups tend to acquire or claim ‘Vaisya’ status in the process of upward mobility.

(3) Emergence of Traditional Business Communities: The ‘traditional business communities’ in India include not only ‘Vaisyas’, but also other groups with distinctive religious or other community identities, such as the Parsis, Sindhis, Bohras, or Jains. Marwaris during the colonial period. The long-distance trade in salt was controlled by a marginalised ‘tribal’ group, the Banjaras.

(4) Operations of Market: To understand the operation of markets in India, both in earlier periods and at present, we can examine how specific arenas of business are controlled by particular communities. One of the reasons for this caste-based specialisation is that trade and commerce often operate through caste and kinship networks, as we have seen in the case of the Nakarattars.

Because businessmen are more likely to trust others of their own community or kin group, they tend to do business within such networks rather than with outsiders – and this tends to create a caste monopoly within certain areas of business.

(5) Emergence of New Markets: Colonial Period: The advent of colonialism in India produced major upheavals in the economy, causing disruptions in production, trade and agriculture. A well-known example is the demise of the handloom industry due to the flooding of the market with cheap manufactured textiles from England. In the colonial era India began to be more fully linked to the world capitalist economy. Before being colonised by the British, India was a major supplier of manufactured goods to the world market.

After colonisation, India became a source of raw materials and agricultural products and a consumer of manufactured goods, both largely for the benefit of industrialising England. At the same time, new groups (especially the Europeans) entered into trade and business, sometimes in alliance with existing merchant communities and in some cases by forcing them out.

But rather than completely overturning existing economic institutions, the expansion of the market economy in India provided new opportunities to some merchant communities, which were able to improve their position by re-orienting themselves to changing economic circumstances. In some cases, new communities emerged to take advantage of the economic opportunities provided by colonialism and continued to hold economic power even after Independence.

(6) Emergence of Marwaris: A good example of this process is provided by the Marwaris, probably the most widespread and best-known business community in India. Represented by leading industrial families such as the Birlas, Ambanis, Lakshmimittal and etc. The Marwaris became a successful business community only during the colonial period, when they took advantage of new opportunities in colonial cities such as Calcutta, Bombay and settled throughout the country to carry out trade and money lending.

Like the Nakarattars, the success of the Marwaris rested on their extensive social networks, which created the relations of trust necessary to operate their banking system. Many Marwari families accumulated enough wealth to become moneylenders, and by acting as bankers also helped the commercial expansion of the British in India.

Post Independence period some Marwari families transformed themselves into modern industrialists, and even today Marwaris control more of India’s economy than any other community. This story of the emergence of a new business community under colonialism, and its transformation from small migrant traders to merchant bankers to industrialists, illustrates the importance of the social context to economic processes.

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Question 4.
Analyze the role of media in the contemporary world.
In the 21st century, communication technology is such that information can be shared instantaneously by millions of people simultaneously, almost anywhere around the world. Communication – the transfer of information from one individual or group to another, whether in speech or through the mass media of modem times – is crucial to any society. According to Marshall Mcluhan, society is influenced much more by the type of the media than by the content, or the messages, which the media convey.

The electronic media, according to Marshal McLuhan, are creating a Global village — people throughout the world see major events unfold and hence participate in them together. It is the Internet, at the heart of this communications revolution. With the expansion of technologies such as voice recognition, broadband transmission, web casting and cable links, the Internet became the conduit for the delivery of information, entertainment, advertising and commerce to media audiences.

Neil Postman in his book, Amusing Our-selves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, says television presents serious issues as entertainment because the form excludes the content. As Postman states, the medium of print creates a rational population, whereas the medium of television creates an entertained one.

Robert Putnam is referring Media as a social capital to useful social networks, a sense of mutual obligation and trust-worthiness, an understanding of the norms that govern effective behaviour and, in general, other social resources that enable people to act effectively. Putnam in his book Bowling Alone finds significant decline . in social capital over the last few decades. TV viewing is strongly and negatively related to social trust and group membership.

Horkheimer and Adorno made an extensive study of what they called the ‘culture industry’, meaning the entertainment industries of film, TV, popular music, radio, newspapers and magazines. They argued that the production of culture had become just as standardized and dominated by the desire for profit as other industries.

Art disappears, swamped by commercialization and culture is replaced by entertainment. Jurgen Habermas has analysed the media as decay – of the ‘public sphere’. The public sphere is an arena of public debate in which issues of general concern can be discussed and opinions

formed. According to Habermas, the -public sphere developed first in the salons and coffee houses of London, Paris and other European cities. Habermas argues that the salons were vital to the early development of democracy, for they introduced the idea of resolving political problems through public discussion. The public sphere – at least in principle – involves individuals coming together as equals in a forum for public debate.

The spread of mass media and mass entertainment causes the public sphere to become largely a sham. ‘Public opinion’ is not formed through open, rational discussion, but ‘through manipulation and control – as, for example, in advertising.

Jean Baudrillard regards impact of modern mass media as Hyper Reality The coming of the mass media, particularly electronic media such as Television, has transformed the very nature of our lives. TV does not just ‘represent’ the world to us; it increasingly defines, what the world in which we live actually is,; Consider as an example the trial of O. J. Simpson, a celebrated court case that unfolded in Los Angeles in 1994-5.

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1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 7 Executive

You can Download Chapter 7 Executive Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 7 Executive

1st PUC Political Science Executive One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is executive?
The executive is the second important branch of the government. It enforces the laws enacted by the legislature.

Question 2.
What is the term of office of the President?
5 years.

Question 3.
Who appoints the Prime Minister of India?
The President of India.

Question 4.
Who is Ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?
The vice president is an Ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha.

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Question 5.
What are the terms of office of the Governor?
5 years.

Question 6.
Who appoints Chief Minister of a state?
Governor appoints Chief Minister of a state.

Question 7.
Who appoints the Governor?

Question 8.
Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?
President appoints the Chief Justice of India.

Question 9.
What is the term of Vice President of India?
The term of the Vice President of India is 5 years.

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Question 10.
Who appoints the Chiefs of defence forces in India?
President appoints the Chiefs of defence forces in India.

Question 11.
What is the primary function of the executive?
Execution of laws is the primary function of executive.

Question 12.
Define parliamentary executive.
In a parliamentary executive, executive is the part of legislature.

Question 13.
Define Presidential Executive.
It is not chosen by legislature. The people directly elect him and he is not responsible to the legislatue. Best example: President of USA.

Question 14.
What is collective responsibility?
It means in Parliamentary executive, executive is responsible to the legislative. The Prime Minister and Council Ministers are collectively responsible and answerable to the legislature.

Question 15.
What is no-confidence motion?
The Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers remain in power so long as they continue to enjoy the confidence of majority members of the Parliament.
The power of the legislature to remove the ministers is called the power of no-confidence motion.

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Question 16.
What is veto power?
The power of the President to send back the bill passed by the legislature when it is sent to President’s approval.

Question 17.
What is ordinance?
The power of the President to pass laws when the Parliament is not in session is called ordinance.

Question 18.
What is impeachment?
The President can be removed from office for grave misconduct by a special trial conducted by Parliament is called impeachment.

Question 19.
Who appoints the Central/State Ministers?
The President appoints the Council of Ministers with the advice of the Prime Minister. Governor appoints the Council of Ministers in a state with the advice of the Chief Minister.

Question 20.
Who is the nominal executive in India?
President is the nominal executive in India.

Question 21.
Who is the real executive in India?
Prime Minister.

Question 22.
Who is the leader of the Council of Ministers?
Prime Minister.

Question 23.
What is meant by Permanent Executive?
It implies Civil Service, Government officials in Civil Service.

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Question 24.
Who appoints the Prime Minister?

Question 25.
Who acts as a bridge between President and Parliament?
Prime Minister.

Question 26.
Who is the Head of the State Executive?

Question 27.
Which state has the right to draft its own constitution?
Jammu and Kashmir.

Question 28.
Who is the leader of the government?
Prime Minister.

Question 29.
Who acts as a bridge between Governor and legislature?
Chief Minister.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Give the meaning of Executive.
As organ which enforce the laws and implement the policies of the government is called executive. It is a 2nd organ of the government.

Question 2.
What are the qualifications required for the President of India?

  • Must be a citizen of India
  • Must have attained the age of 35 years
  • Must have attained all qualifications that of a member of Lok sabha.
  • Should not hold an office of profit – national, state or local.
  • Should not be of unsound mind or an insolvent or bankrupt
  • Should abide by the constitution.

Question 3.
Write a note on the Vice-President of India.
The Constitution of India provides for a Vice-President of India. The term of his office is five years. The Vice-President is ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha. He officiates as President in the absence of President.

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Question 4.
What are the qualifications necessary for Governor?
A Citizen to become a Governor must have the following qualifications:

  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Should have attained the age of 35 years.
  • Must not be a member of either house of the state legislature.
  • Should not hold an office of profit – national, regional, or local.
  • Must not be insolvent or bankrupt.
  • Should be loyal to the constitution.

Question 5.
Name the three types of emergencies which the president can promulgate.

  1. National emergency (Art, 352)
  2. Presidential rule (Art, 356)
  3. Financial emergency (Art, 360)

Question 6.
What are the qualifications required to become Vice President of India?

  1. He must be a citizen of India.
  2. Should have completed 35 years of age.
  3. Should be qualified to contest an election of Rajyasabha.
  4. Should not hold office of profit under the Union/State Government.

Question 7.
Who participates in the election of the president of India?
Elected members of both the houses of parliament and elected members of all the state assemblies in the country participate in the election of the president of India.

Question 8.
What should be the strength of the council of Minister in Loksabha?
The total member of ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total number of members of the Loksabha.

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Question 9.
What should be the strength of the council of Ministers in the State Assembly?
The total member of ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total number of members of the State Assembly.

Question 10.
What are the financial function of the Governor?
Governor supervises in the introduction of budget. He can give assent to the demand for grants.

Question 11.
How is the Vice-President of India elected?
The Vice-President of the Indian Union is elected by members of an electoral college consisting of members of both the Houses of Parliament.

Question 12.
How many types of executives are there?
There are 4 types :

  1. Nominal and Real Executive
  2. Single and Plural Executive.
  3. Political and Permanent.
  4. Parliamentary and Non-parliamentary Executive.

Question 13.
Who are permanent executives?
Government or Civil Servants are permanent executives. They are appointed On the basis of merit. They don’t belong to any political party. They continue in office till their age of retirement.

Question 14.
Write the importance of executive.
The executive is the most important organ of Government No state can exist without the executive. It occupies a pivotal position in a governmental organisation.

Question 15.
Distinguish between political and administrative executives.
Political executive is an elected executive. It changes from time to time. They come and go whereas, administrative or permanent executive are appointed by the government.

Question 16.
Distinguish between single and plural executives.
In single, the power will be in the hands of one individual, e.g. President of the USA. In a plural executive, the final authority rests in the body of individuals, e.g. Collegiate executive in the USSR.

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Question 17.
What is the cabinet?
It consists of senior ministers holding cabinet rank. It is a small group, which meets regularly.

Question 18.
Write a note on Governor.
The Governor is executive head of State. He is appointed by President of India. He is constitutional head of State and hence exercises his powers on advice of his Council of Ministers.

Question 19.
Write a note on Chief Minister.
He is the leader of the majority party and Chairman of the State Council of Ministers. He occupies a position in the state very similar to that of the Prime Minister.

Question 20.
What is Veto Power?
President has the power to withhold a bill, by refusing to give his assent. This power is called ‘Veto power’.

Question 21.
What do you mean by Coalition Government?
When there is a hung parliament, two or more parties join together to get the working majority and form the government.

Question 22.
What is an Ordinance?
The power of the executive to issue orders when the parliament is not in session is called as Ordinance. In India the President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks from the date of the ordinance. Otherwise, it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

Question 23.
What is Impeachment?
The President can be removed from office by the process called ‘Impeachment’ on grounds Qf proven misbehavior and inefficiency. The motion for impeachment can be initiated in either house of parliament. However, before impeaching the President 14 days advance notice must be given of the said cause. If the motion of impeachment is taken up by Loksabha, Rajyasabha will sit in judgement and vice versa. If the motion is sustained by a 2/3 majority of members present and voting, the President stands impeached and shall leave office.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Briefly explain the significance of Executive.
1. Rule implementation:
Rulemaking and rule implementation are two faces of the same coin. Good the laws, if not properly implemented has no relevance. The executive plays an important role in reaching the laws to the people.

2. Concept of welfare state:
Modem states are welfare states involving in every sphere of human activity. With ever widening scope of the government activity, the role of the executive has also increased many-fold.

3. Symbol of national prestige:
The executive reflects the prestige of a nation. A resourceful and visionary executive can work wonders for people and the country.

Question 2.
Explain the method of election to the office of the president of India.
The president of India is elected by the electoral college which consists of the elected member of the both houses of parliament and elected members of the state assemblies and the union territories.

The candidature for the election of president is to propose by atleast 50 members. Rs. 15,000 has to be deposited by the presidential candidate in the Reserve Bank, the election of the president is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. The voting takes place by secret ballet system. In the presidential election, the total number of votes cast of member of parliament equals the total member of votes cast by state legislators.

The voters voting in this election should suggest their preferences by writing the members before the name of the candidates in their preferential order. The candidate who secures the required quoto will be elected as a president and shall take oath of office before the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

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Question 3.
Describe the Legislative powers of the President.
Powers and functions of the president of India are as follows:
In the Parliamentary government, the position of the President is that of a respectful figurehead, representing the honor and dignity of the people of India. It has become a fashion to label the President as “a rubber stamp’, the impression is that he does nothing but signing bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint Prime minister rests with the President (Ar- tide 75).

In case of sudden demise of Prime minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest, President may appoint a person of his choice as the Prime minister. Importantly, if a government loses majority and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Lok sabha), it is purely power of the President to dissolve the parliament or not (Article 85).

The powers and functions of the President are as follows:
1.Legislative Functions: The legislative functions are detailed below

  1. To summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.
  2. The President enjoys the power to address the Parliament. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. It is generally called Presidential speech. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government.
  3.  In passing the bills, if a deadlock arises due to non-agreement between two houses of the parliament, the President may call for a joint session of both the houses.
  4. The President may address Lok sabha or Rajya sabha or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses of parliament to look into a bill.
  5. In the considered view of the President, if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate 12 members to Rajya Sabha and 2 members to Lok sabha.
  6. Prior permission of the President is essential while dealing with bills relating to the formation of new states, alteration of boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bill can become a law without the assent of the President. He enjoys the power to withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power’. However, he cannot refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for a nonmoney bill. But if the same is resubmitted for signature even without changes, he cannot refuse to sign it.
  8. The President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks of its passage. Otherwise, it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

Question 4.
Explain the executive powers of the President.
The President is die administrative Head of the State and orders are executed in his name. Article 53 clearly states that ‘the executive powers of the State must be vested in the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of the minister on the recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing the highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (EMC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and other commissions.

Question 5.
Explain the emergency powers of President.

  1. The President may declare internal emergency under Article 352, if, in his opinion, there is a threat to India’s security due to war or external aggression.
  2. The President may impose ‘President’s Rule’ under Article 356 if he is convinced that in that particular state the law and order have completely deteriorated and it cannot be governed as per the constitution. Though the President’s rule is imposed on the recommendation of the governor of the concerned state, it is not compulsory.
  3. If the President is convinced that the financial stability and prestige of the nation are at risk, he may impose a financial emergency under Article 360. However, the imposition of internal and financial emergency should be placed before Parliament and its consent was taken within 2 months of the declaration of emergency, otherwise, it is considered invalid.

Question 6.
Explain the functions of the vice president of India.
The functions of the vice president are explained as below.
1. Ex – Officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha :
The vice president of India performs as an ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He is empowered to preside over the meetings of Rajya Sabha. He can adjourn the house or suspend its sitting in the event of the absence of a quorum.

2. Acting President of India:
The vice president is permitted to work as an acting president when the office of the president is vacant by reason of death, resignation, removal. At that time the vice president can claim all the benefits of the office of the president. He will be in that office until a new president is elected:

Question 7.
Explain the role of Prime Minister in India.
The power and position of Prime minister is so powerful that he is referred to as The first among equals (primus intersperes). Lord Morley regards Prime minister as “the keystone of the cabinet arch.” Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson considered Prime Minister as “a person who conducts an orchestra without using any instrument”. The greatest ever British Prime minister R.A.Butler once said, “A Prime minister must be a good butcher, and know all the joints.”

  • Article 74 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister for the Union of India”. The Prime minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Lok sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the President to pick the Prime minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Prime minister should be from Loksabha. Some scholars compare the Prime minister to the Sun because complete administration revolves around him. B. R. Ambedkar compares the powers of Prime minister to that of the President of U.S.A,

The success or failure of a Prime minister largely depends upon the personality besides administrative knowledge and experience. For example, Nehru was known for his magnetic personality, Shastri for his soft-spoken, but firm nature, Mrs. Gandhi for ‘never forget or forgive enemies’ attitude and Rajiv Gandhi was progressive but parasitic. P. V Narasimha Rao always regarded not making any decision as to the best decision, whereas Vajpayee was emotional.

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Question 8.
Briefly explain the powers and functions of the Prime minister of India.
The powers and function of the Prime minister are detailed below:
1. Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Prime minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents Prime minister from picking anyone as minister.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavyweight portfolios such as Home, Defence, Finance, Commerce and Industry, External affairs, etc., are to be given to party heavyweights who enjoy a good clout and following among the party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. Prime minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Prime minister. The Cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Prime minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected.

In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Prime minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a Cabinet full of divergent views, ideologies, and principles. For example, for the last fifteen years, we are a witness to pulls and pressures exerted on the Prime minister from different alliance partners.

4. Leader of Lok Sabha:
Prime minister is the leader of Lok sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the government are made by the Prime minister. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to ensure that all bills brought before Lok sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house.

Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Prime minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Prime minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The Prime minister, as leader of the government, has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of parliament.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Prime minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances, it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Prime minister is tested on this count. A Prime minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term.

Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill. The Prime minster is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each Minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality.

To maintain quality in administration, the Prime minister will have to supervise. It not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Prime Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7.Bridge between the President and the Parliament:
The Prime minister acts as a link between President and Parliament In a parliamentary government. As all executives powers are vested in the hands of the President, the Prime minister is duty-bound to keep the President informed about the decisions taken by the government. Also, the President himself can call for any information from the government.

The Prime minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the President seeks the advice of Prime minister before dissolving Lok sabha.

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Question 9.
Explain the powers and functions of Union Council of Ministers.
The powers and functions of the cabinet is as follows:
1. Formulation of Policy:
The primary responsibility of Cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at the Cabinet reflects the national and international outlook of the government. Before the start of the parliament session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the parliament without the approval of the cabinet.

The bills so placed before the parliament for approval must be strongly defended by the – cabinet. The members of parliament can comment, criticize, and seek clarifications, from
the government on any bill. Thus, from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the Executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the cabinet decisions. If any minister violates the cabinet decisions he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the Finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy,
the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Prime minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposal are discussed between the Prime minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the parliament, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though the cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of its has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship these committees suggest means of coordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor, the Chiefs of Staff (army, navy, air force), Chief Election Commissioner, etc., are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

Question 10.
Explain the powers and functions of the council of ministers of a State.
The Cabinet referred to as the ‘Wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ is the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue. The Cabinet being the highest decision making body, all ministers must abide by its decisions. In case of difference of opinion on a Cabinet decision, a minister must quit his post, as he is not allowed to criticize the cabinet decisions being a party to it.

The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole state. So, obviously, its work load and responsibilities are varied and diverse. In order to make things convenient Cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look in to the respective departments and gather necessary’ information, which help in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1. Formulation of policy:
The primary responsibility of cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at cabinet reflects the state’s outlook of the government. Before the start of Legislative assembly session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the assembly without the approval of cabinet. The bills so placed before the legislature for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet; the members of legislature can comment, criticize and seek clarifications from the government on any bill. Thus from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the Cabinet decisions. If any Minister violates the Cabinet decisions, he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Chief Minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposals are discussed between the Chief Minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the state legislature, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary’. Though cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because, it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example, if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the Feasibility of it has to be decided by the finance ministry, which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis.

To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship these committees suggest means cc co-ordination. 5. Control over appointments: Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

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Question 11.
Explain the discretionary powers of Governor.
The discretionary powers of the Governor are as follows:

  1. In appointing the Chief Minister if no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to call any person to form the government and prove his majority.
  2. On the recommendation of the Chief Minister, Governor can sack any minister (Article 1 64).
  3. If the Governor believes that the government has lost majority or if the Chief Minister having lost majority does not resign or if the government is using unethical means for political gains, under these circumstances he can dissolve the Council of ministers. (‘Article 174).
  4. The Governor can return a bill back to legislature for reconsideration.
  5. The Governor can reserve certain bills passed by the state legislature for consideration of the President (Article 200).
  6. Before issuing an ordinance, the Governor can receive directions from the President.
  7. If the Governor is satisfied that a situation-has arisen in which the government cannot be run according to provision of the constitution he may request the President to take over the state administration under Article 356. This is called President’s rule’. The report sent by the Governor to President must be kept confidential from the Council of ministers.

Question 12.
Explain the functions of the Chief Minister.
The functions of the Chief Minister is so powerful that he is referred to as “the first among equals” (Primus intersperes). Article 164 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Chief Minister for the state”. The Chief Minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Vidhana Sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to pick the Chief Minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Chief Minister should be from the Vidhana Sabha.

1. Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Chief Minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents the Chief Minister from picking anyone as minister from any party. The Chief Minister enjoys the authority to pick and choose his ministry because he is responsible for the efficiency and performance of the government.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavyweight portfolios such as Home, Revenue, Finance, Industry, Public works are to be given to key and heavyweights who enjoy clout and following among party worker. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. The Chief Minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. The cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Chief Minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected. In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Chief Minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a cabinet meeting full of divergent views, ideologies and principles.

4. Leader of Vidhana Sabha:
Chief Minister is the leader of Vidhana Sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the state government are made by the Chief Minister. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to ensure that all bills brought before Vidhana sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Chief Minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Chief Minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The opposition parties lose their identity if they do not criticize the government. So to guard against it, the Chief Minister, as leader of the government has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of legislature.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Chief Minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Chief Minister is tested on this count. A Chief Minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Chief Minister is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Chief Minister will have to supervise it, not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Chief Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the Governor and the State Legislature:
The Chief Minister acts as a link between the Governor and state legislature in a parliamentary government. As all executive powers are vested in the hands of the Governor, the Chief Minister is duty-bound to keep the Governor informed about the decisions taken by the government.

Also, the Governor himself can call for any information from the government. The Chief Minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the Governor seeks the advice of the Chief Minister before dissolving Vidhana sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Vidhana sabha exists as long as the Chief Minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Chief Minister may seek the dissolution of Vidhana sabha. The Vidhana sabha may be dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil appointments are made by the Governor, it is based on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

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Question 13.
Write a short note on Cabinet.
The Cabinet is referred to as the ‘wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ and the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under, the chairmanship of the Prime minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue. The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole nation. Its workload and responsibilities are varied and diverse.

In order to make things, convenient cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as, Foreign Affairs Committee, Defense Committee, Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look into the respective departments and gather necessary information, which helps in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1st PUC Political Science Executive Ten Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is executive? Explain its significance.
The President is the administrative head of the State and orders are executed in his name.
Article 53 clearly states that ‘the executive powers of the State must be vested in the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of the minister on the recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). National Human Right Commission (NHRG), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (LMC), Backward Class Commis¬sion (BCC) and other commissions.

Question 2.
Explain the powers and functions of the President of India.
In the Parliamentary government, the position of the President is that of a respectful figure-head, representing the honor and dignity of the people of India. It has become a fashion to label the President as ‘a rubber stamp’, the impression is that he does nothing but signing bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint Prime minister rests with the President (Article 75).

In case of sudden demise of Prime minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest, President may appoint a person of his choice as the Prime minister. Importantly, if a government loses majority and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Lok sabha), it is purely power of the President to dissolve the parliament or not (Article 85).
The powers and functions of the President are as follows:

1. Legislative Functions: The legislative functions are detailed below:

  1. To summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.
  2. The President enjoys the power to address the Parliament. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. It is generally called Presidential speech. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government.
  3. In passing the bills, if a dead lock arises due to non-agreement between two houses . of the parliament, the President may call for joint session of both the houses.
  4. The President may address Lok sabha or Rajya sabha or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses of parliament to look into a bill.
  5. In the considered view of the President, if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate 12 members to Rajva Sabha and 2 members to Lok sabha.
  6. Prior permission of the President is essential while dealing with bills relating to formation of new states, alteration of boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bill can become a law without the assent of the President. He enjoys the power to withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power”. However he cannot refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for a non money bill. But if the same is resubmitted for signature even without changes, he cannot refuse to sign it.
  8. The President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks of its passage. Otherwise it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

2. Executive Functions:
The President is the administrative Head of the State and orders are executed in his name. Article 53 clearly states that the executive powers of the State must be vested in ‘the hands of the President’.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the Government of India is done in the name of the President.
  2. The President has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The President appoints the Prime minister and the Council of minister on recommendation of the Prime minister.
  4. The highest constitutional functionaries such as Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), ChiefVigilance Commissioner (CVC) are appointed by the President.
  5. The member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), National Human Right Commission (NHRC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and National Commission for Women (NCW) are appointed by the President.
  6. The President enjoys the power of removing highest constitutional functionaries.
  7. The President can call for reports from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission, Linguistic Minorities Commission (LMC), Backward Class Commission (BCC) and other commissions.

3. Financial powers:

  1. It is the constitutional obligation of the President to see that the annual income expenditure statement. The budget is placed before the Parliament for approval.
  2. Financial bills cannot be presented in the Parliament without the consent of the President.
  3. The recommendation of the Finance Commissions and the Planning Commission are placed before the Parliament on orders of the President.
  4. The members of the Finance Commission and Planning Commission are appointed by the President.

4. Judicial Powers:

  1. The President enjoys the power of pardoning the sentence of a person declared an offender by the Supreme Court. He is so powerful that he can reduce change or altogether cancel the punishment. This power is called Presidential Pardon. This is provided to ensure against any miscarriage of justice (Article 72).
  2. The Judges of the Supreme Court and High court are appointed by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India.
  3. The President is entitled to legal advice on matters relating to the constitutional clarity of bills. However, it is not binding on the President to accept it.

5.Military Powers:

  1. President is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
  2. President has the power to declare war or peace, but parliamentary approval is essential for such a decision.
  3. The President can raise funds for training and preservation of armed forces with prior approval of the Parliament.
  4. The Chiefs of Army, Navy, and Air force are appointed by the President.

6. Diplomatic Powers:
The diplomatic powers of the President are purely symbolic in nature.

  1. The President represents the country in international affairs. His visits are of courtesy nature aimed at strengthening bilateral relations; he does not sign any treaties or agreements.
  2. The ambassadors representing the country abroad are appointed by the President.
  3. The foreign ambassadors are received by the President. No person can be considered an ambassador unless he is given the ‘Letter of Accreditation’ by the president.

7. Emergency Powers:
The emergency powers of the President are enumerated in the constitution from Article 352 to Article 360. The President may declare emergency under three circumstances:

  1. The President may declare internal emergency under Article 352, if, in his opinion, there is a threat to India’s security due to war or external aggression.
  2. The President may impose ‘President’s Rule’ under Article 356 if he is convinced that in that particular state the law and order has completely deteriorated and it cannot be governed as per the constitution. Though the President’s rule is imposed on the recommendation of the governor of the concerned state, it is not compulsory.
  3. If the President is convinced that the financial stability and prestige of the nation is at risk, he may impose financial emergency under Article 360.

However, the imposition of internal and financial emergency should be placed before Parliament and its consent taken within 2 months of the declaration of emergency, otherwise, it is considered invalid.

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Question 3.
Write a note on the Wee President of India.
1. Ex – Officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha :
The vice president of India performs as an ex – officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He is empowered to preside over the meetings of Rajya Sabha. He can adjourn the house or suspend its sitting in the event of the absence of a quorum.

2. Acting President of India:
The vice president is permitted to work as a acting president when the office of the president is vacant by reason of death, resignation, removal. At that time the vice president can claim all the benefits of the office of the president. He will be in that office until a new president is elected.

Question 4.
Explain the powers and functions of Prime Minister of India.
The power and position of Prime minister is so powerful that he is referred to as The first among equals (primus intersperes). Lord Morley regards Prime minister as “the key stone of the cabinet arch.” Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson considered Prime Minister as “a person who conducts an orchestra without using any instrument”. The greatest ever British Prime minister R.A.Butler once said, “A Prime minister must be a good butcher, and know all the joints.”

Article 74 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister for the Union of India”, The Prime minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Lok sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the President to pick the Prime minister, who in his opinion will prove majority in a stipulated time.

Traditionally, the Prime minister should be from Loksabha. Some scholars compare the Prime minister to the Sun because complete administration revolves around him. B. R. Ambedkar compares the powers of Prime minister to that of the President of U.S.A,

The success or failure of a Prime minister largely depends upon the personality besides administrative knowledge and experience. For example, Nehru was known for his magnetic personality, Shastri for his soft-spoken, but firm nature, Mrs. Gandhi for ‘never forget or forgive enemies’ attitude and Rajiv Gandhi was progressive but parasitic. P. V. Narasimha Rho always regarded not making any decision as the best decision, whereas Vajpayee was emotional.
The powers and function of the Prime minister are detailed below:

1.Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Prime minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy However, nothing prevents Prime minister from picking any one as minister.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavy weight portfolios such as Home, Defence, Finance, Commerce and Industry, External affairs etc., are to be given to party heavy’ weights who enjoy a good clout and following among the party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. Prime minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Prime minister. The Cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of Prime minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Prime minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected.

In the era of coalition politics it is a challenge for the Prime minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to. chair,a Cabinet full of divergent views, ideologies and principles. For example, for the last fifteen years we are a witness to pulls and pressures exerted on the Prime mmister from different alliance partners.

4. Leader of Lok Sabha:
Prime minister is the leader of Lok sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the government are made by the Prime minister. It is the responsibility of the Prime minister to ensure that all bills brought before Lok sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the bouse. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Prime minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Prime minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The Prime minister, as leader of the government, has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of parliament.

6. Coordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Prime minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances, it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Prime minister is tested on this count. A Prime minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Prime minster is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each Minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Prime minister will have to supervise. It not only gives him a general feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Prime Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the President and the Parliament:
The Prime minister acts as a link between President and Parliament In a parliamentary government. As all executives powers are vested in the hands of the President, the Prime minister is duty-bound to keep the President informed about the decisions taken by the government.

Also, the President himself can call for any information from the government. The Prime minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary the President will look forward for advice. For example, the President seeks the advice of Prime minister before dissolving Lok sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Lok sabha exists as long as Prime minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Prime minister may seek the dissolution of Lok sabha. The Lok sabha is dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil, military, judicial and diplomatic appointments are made by the President it is based on the recommendation of the Prime minister. The highest constitutional position such as the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC), Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), the Judges of the Supreme court and the High courts, the Chiefs of army, navy, and air force, the diplomats etc., are appointed on the advice of the Prime minister.

10. Special Powers:
The foreign affairs, national security and on economic matters Prime minister enjoys a special position. As the whole world watches and listens to his words with the attention he has a special place.

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Question 5.
Explain the powers and functions of Union Council of Ministers.
The powers and functions of the cabinet is as follows:
1. Formulation of Policy:
The primary responsibility of Cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at the Cabinet reflects the national and international outlook of the government. Before the start of the parliament session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval. No minister can place any bill in the parliament without the approval of the cabinet.

The bills so placed before the parliament for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet The members of parliament can comment, criticize, and seek clarifications, from the government on any bill. Thus, from shaping the policy to defending it, the cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the Executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the cabinet decisions. If any minister violates the cabinet decisions he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the Finance:
The cabinet is responsible to the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of the preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Prime minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposal are discussed between the Prime minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the parliament, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though the cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of its has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship, these committees suggest means of coordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor, the Chiefs of Staff (army, navy, airforce), Chief Election Commissioner, etc., are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

Question 6.
Explain the powers and functions of the Governor of a State.
Powers and functions of the Governor:
In the Parliamentary executive systems of India, the position of Governor is that of a respectful figure-head, representing the honour and dignity of the people of the states. It has become a fashion to label the Governor as a rubber stamp the impression is that he does nothing but signing the bills brought before him. But there are occasions that offer scope for independent decisions. When no party enjoys a majority, the power to appoint the Chief Minister rests with the governor.

In case of the sudden demise of the Chief Minister, if the party fails to elect its leader, at the earliest the Governor may appoint a person of his choice as the Chief Minister. Importantly if a government loses the majority, and recommends for the dissolution of the house (Vidhana sabha), it is purely left to the governor whether to dissolve or not.

1. The legislative functions are detailed below.

  1. To Summon the session, to Prorogue the session or dissolve the legislature.
  2. The Governor enjoys the power to address the legislature. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. That is called “Governor’s speech”. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government. Traditionally this speech is prepared by the cabinet but read by the Governor.
  3. In passing the bills, if a deadlock arises due to non-agreement between two houses of the legislature, the Governor may call for joint session of both the houses.
  4. The Governor may address either House of the state legislature or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses to settle an unsettled bill. But, however, no Governor so far has neither addressed the house nor sent messages.
  5. In the considered view of the Governor if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian community is not adequately represented, he may nominate a member to Vidhana sabha.
  6. (vi) Governor must seek prior permission of the President while dealing with bills relating to formation of new states, alteration of state boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.
  7. No bills can become a law without the assent of the Governor. He enjoys the power of withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power’. However, he can’t refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for non-money bills. But if the same is resubmitted for signature, even without changes, he cannot refuse.
  8. The Governor enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the legislature is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the state legislature provided the same is ratified by the legislature within 6 weeks of its. passage, otherwise it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void.

2. Executive Functions:
The Governor is the administrative head of the state and orders are executed in his name. Article 154 clearly states that “the executive powers of the state must be vested in the hands of the Governor”.

  1. All accords and agreements carried out on behalf of the government of state is done in the name of the Governor.
  2. The Governor has the power to call for any information from the government.
  3. The Governor appoints the Chief Minister and the council of ministers on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.
  4. The member of the State Public Service Commission (SPSC), Backward Classes
    Commission (BCC) are appointed by the Governor.

3. Financial powers:
The following are the financial functions of the Governor.

  1. It is the constitutional obligation of the Governor to see that the annual income expenditure statement the budget is placed before state legislature for approval.
  2. Financial bills cannot be presented in state legislature without the consent of the Governor.
  3. The recommendations of the state finance commissions and the planning commission are placed before the legislature on orders of the Governor.
  4. The members of the Finance Commission and Planning Commission are appointed by the Governor.

4. Judicial Powers:

  1. The judicial powers of the Governor extends till the will of the state legislature extends,
  2. The Governor enjoys the power of pardoning the sentence of a person declared an offender by the High Court. He is so powerful that he can reduce change or altogether cancel the punishment. This power is called Governor’s pardon. This is provided to ensure against any miscarriage of justice. However, the Governor has no power to pardon a person if the case is pending with the Supreme court.
  3. The judges of the High court are appointed by the President in consultation with the Governor and the Chief justice of the high court.
  4. The Governor is entitled to legal advice on matters relating to the constitutional clarity of bills. However, it is not binding on the Governor to accept it.

5. Discretionary Powers:
As first citizen of the state, the Governor has the responsibility of conducting the administrative machinery as per the provisions enshrined in the constitution.
Article 163 vests the Governor with discretionary power that cannot be questioned in any court of law. Though the powers are discretionary, the constitution expects it to be used with common sense, restraint and a sense of justice.

The discretionary powers of the Governor are as follows:

  1. In appointing the Chief Minister if no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to call any person to form the government and prove his majority.
  2. On the recommendation of the Chief Minister, Governor can sack a minister (Article 164).
  3. If the Governor believes that the government has lost majority or if the Chief Minister having lost majority does not resign or if the government is using unethical means for political gains, under these circumstances he can dissolve the Council of ministers. (‘Article 174).
  4. The Governor can return a bill back to legislature for reconsideration.
  5. The Governor can reserve certain bills passed by the state legislature for consideration of the President (Article 200).
  6. Before issuing an ordinance, the Governor can receive directions from the President.
  7. If the Governor is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the government cannot be run according to provision of the constitution he may request the President to take over the state administration under Article 356. This is called President’s rule’. The report sent by the Governor to President must be kept confidential from the Council of ministers.

Question 7.
Explain the powers and functions of the Chief Minister of a State.
The power and position of the Chief Minister is so powerful that he is referred to as “the first among equals’” (Primus intersperes). Article 164 of the constitution states that “there shall be a Council of ministers headed by the Chief Minister for the state”. The Chief Minister is elected from among the members of the majority party in Vidhana Sabha. In case no party enjoys majority it is left to the discretion of the Governor to pick the Chief Minister, who in his opinion will prove majority’ in a stipulated time. Traditionally, the Chief Minister should be from the Vidhana Sabha.

1.Formation of Ministry:
The primary task of the Chief Minister on assuming office is the formation of the Council of ministers. Normally ministers are picked from the same political formation to ensure uniformity and continuity of policy. However, nothing prevents the Chief Minister from picking anyone as minister from any party. The Chief Minister enjoys the authority to pick and choose his ministry because he is responsible for the efficiency and performance of the government.

2. Allocation of Portfolios:
After forming the ministry the next important task is the allocation of responsibilities to ministers. Certain key or heavy’ weight portfolios such as Home, Revenue, Finance, Industry, Public works are to be given to key and heavyweights who enjoy clout and following among party workers. Also to ensure efficiency and stability of the government. The Chief Minister enjoys the power of expanding and reforming the ministry.

3. Chairman of the Cabinet:
The cabinet meetings are held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. The cabinet is a deliberating forum and differences may come up. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to mediate and soften things and arrive at decisions. The Chief Minister has the authority to decide the matters to be taken up by the cabinet and may accept or reject proposals. Normally the proposals brought by ministers for discussion are not rejected. In the era of coalition politics, it is a challenge for the Chief Minister to hold the flock together. It is very difficult to chair a cabinet meeting full of divergent views, ideologies and principles.

4. Leader of Vidhana Sabha:
Chief Minister is the leader of Vidhana Sabha. All major decisions and announcements of the state government are made by the Chief Minister. It is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to ensure that all bills brought before Vidhana Sabha for approval are passed. And he has to defend the government on the floor of the house. Though ministers are individually responsible to their ministries, it is the Chief minister who provides general leadership and direction. If any minister makes a mistake, the Chief Minister has the power to guide and correct him.

5. Leader of the Government:
The decisions of the government however good, are subjected to scrutiny and criticism. The opposition parties lose their identity if they do not criticize the government. So to guard against it, the Chief Minister, as leader of the government has to defend policies and programmes of the government both in and out of legislature.

6. Co-ordination and Supervision:
In running the administrative machinery Chief Minister will have to encounter numerous problems ranging from routine to serious. Under the circumstances it is essential to integrate different departments and see that they work smoothly and the ability of the Chief Minister is tested on this count. A Chief Minister should not only pick a team but also retain it as a team till the end of the term. Whenever problems arise between departments, he has to mediate and sort it out amicably through dialogue and goodwill.

The Chief Minister is the general head of the government. Hence he has the responsibility of supervising the administration. Though each minister is in charge of a ministry, lack of general supervision results in poor administrative quality. To maintain quality in administration, the Chief Minister will have to supervise it, not only gives him a general
feel of the administration but also makes the ministers more responsible. The Chief Minister may correct the working of a particular ministry and offer suggestions.

7. Bridge between the Governor and the State Legislature:
The Chief Minister acts as a link between the Governor and state legislature in a parliamentary government. As all executive powers are vested in the hands of the Governor, the Chief Minister is duty bound to keep the Governor informed about the decisions taken by the government. Also, the Governor himself can call for any information from the government. The Chief Minister not only acts as a bridge but also as the advisor to the President. Whenever necessary’ the President will look forward for advice. For example, the Governor seeks the advice of the Chief Minister before dissolving Vidhana Sabha.

8. Power of Dissolution:
The Vidhana sabha exists as long as the Chief Minister wishes because even before the expiry of 5 years term, Chief Minister may seek the dissolution of Vidhana Sabha. The Vidhana Sabha may be dissolved if deep differences surface within the government or within the ruling party or the government loses a motion of no confidence.

9. Power of Appointment:
Though civil appointments are made by the Governor, it is based on the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

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Question 8.
Explain the powers and functions of the council of ministers of a state.
The Cabinet referred to as the ‘Wheel within a wheel’, ‘the magnet of policy’ is the most powerful decision making organ of the government. The Cabinet normally meets once in a week though it can meet whenever necessary, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. All decisions are taken based on debate and dialogue.

The Cabinet being the highest decision-making body, all ministers must abide by its decisions. In case of difference of opinion on a Cabinet decision, a minister must quit his post, as he is not allowed to criticize the cabinet decisions being a party to it.

The Cabinet makes decisions for the whole state. So, obviously, its work load and responsibilities are varied and diverse. In order to make things convenient Cabinet committees are formed. The committees such as Political Affairs Committee, Economic Affairs Committee, will look in to the respective departments and gather necessary information, which help in decisionmaking. These committees may be temporary or permanent depending upon the task on hand.

1. Formulation of policy:
The primary responsibility of cabinet is formulating the policy of the government. The decisions arrived at cabinet reflects the state’s outlook of the government. Before the start of Legislative assembly session, the cabinet makes a list of bills to be placed before the house for consideration and approval.

No minister can place any bill in the assembly without the approval of cabinet. The bills so placed before the legislature for approval must be strongly defended by the cabinet; the members of legislature can comment, criticize and seek clarifications from the government on any bill. Thus from shaping the policy to defending it, cabinet plays a key role.

2. Control over the executive:
All the ministers who are a part of the government belong to the executive. Each minister having assumed responsibility of a ministry is wholly responsible for any happening in that particular ministry. Hence all ministers must strive hard to implement the Cabinet decisions. If any Minister violates the Cabinet decisions, he may be fired for violating the party unity. The cabinet apart from the ministers also directs and supervises the activities of the civil service.

3. Control over the finance:
The cabinet is responsible for the income and expenditure incurred by the state, though the responsibility of preparing the annual income expenditure statement the budget lies with the Finance minister. In order to ensure secrecy, the cabinet does not discuss the budget proposal.

Generally, the Chief Minister also plays an important part in budget making, so the budget proposals are discussed between the Chief Minister and the finance minister. The content of the budget are not made known to cabinet till the Finance minister’s budget speech. Once the budget is placed before the state legislature, the cabinet can discuss and seek changes if necessary. Though cabinet has the authority to reject the budget in its entirety, it is hardly done. Because it amounts to an insult to the government.

4. Co-ordination:
To co-ordinate the activities of different ministries or departments and guide them is the responsibility of the cabinet. Generally, working of one department will have its effect on the other. For example, if two ministries work out an ambitious project calling for huge investment, the feasibility of it has to be decided by the finance ministry which holds the purse. Under these circumstances, the cabinet has to strike a balance between the two and release money on a priority basis. To co-ordinate governmental activities there are Secretarial Committees at the ministerial level headed by the Cabinet Secretary. Under his chairmanship, these committees suggest means cc co-ordination.

5. Control over appointments:
Generally, appointments do not come before the cabinet. But all major appointments such as the Governor are brought to notice of the cabinet before made public. The consent of the cabinet to these appointments is only a formality.

2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण वाक्य शुद्धि

You can Download 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण वाक्य शुद्धि, 2nd PUC Hindi Textbook Answers, Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Hindi Workbook Answers व्याकरण वाक्य शुद्धि

अ) निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को शुद्ध कीजिए :

1) तुम तुम्हारे घर जाओ।
तुम अपने घर जाओ।

2) वह धीमी स्वर में बोली।
वह धीमे स्वर में बोली।

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3) मेरे को अपना काम बहुत पसंद है।
मुझे अपना काम बहुत पसंद है।

4) श्याम ने संतोष का साँस ली।
श्याम ने संतोष की साँस ली।

5) बालक ने रोटी खाया।
बालक ने रोटी खायी।

6) यह एक इतिहासिक घटना है।
यह एक ऐतिहासिक घटना है।

7) भैंस का ताकतवर दूध होता है।
भैंस का दूध ताकतवर होता है।

8) अध्यापक जी पढ़ा रहा है।
अध्यापक जी पढ़ा रहे हैं।

9) श्यामा ने कहानी सुनाया।
श्यामा ने कहानी सुनायी।

10) मैं विश्वविद्यालय को जा रहा हूँ।
मैं विश्वविद्यालय जा रहा हूँ।

11) सुनिए, अंदर चले जाओ।
सुनिए, अंदर चले जाइए।

12) यह किताब किसका है?
यह किताब किसकी है?

13) यहाँ ताजा भैंस का दूध मिलता है।
यहाँ भैंस का ताजा दूध मिलता है।

14) रोगी को काटकर सेब खिलाओ।
रोगी को सेब काटकर खिलाओ।
सेब काटकर रोगी को खिलाओ।

15) आप खाना खाओगे।
आप खाना खाएँगे।

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16) मेरा प्राण बेचैन है।
मेरे प्राण बेचैन हैं।

17) लाल बहादुर शास्त्री का देश सदा आभारी रहेगा।
देश सदा लाल बहादुर शास्त्री का आभारी रहेगा।

18) लता ने आम को खाती थी।
लता ने आम खाया। (अथवा)
लता आम खाती थी।

19) मेरा काली घोड़ा खो गया।
मेरा काला घोड़ा खो गया।

20) मैं आप पर इज्जत करता हूँ।
मैं आपकी इज्जत करता हूँ।

21) रमा ने पढ़ती है।
रमा पढ़ती है।

22) मेरा तो प्राण निकल गया।
मेरे तो प्राण निकल गये।

23) कोई ने मेरी पुस्तक देखी?
किसी ने मेरी पुस्तक देखी?

24) यहाँ लोग ईमानदार और उदार रहते हैं।
यहाँ के लोग ईमानदार और उदार रहते हैं।

25) वह गाने की कसरत कर रहा है।
वह गाने का अभ्यास कर रहा है।

26) तुम जा सकता है।
उत्तरः तुम जा सकते हो।

27) लड़की ने पत्र लिखी।
लड़की ने पत्र लिखा।

28) रोहन को पूछो।
रोहन से पूछो।

29) वह पैदल से गया है।
वह पैदल गया है।

30) कोयल डाली में बैठी है।
कोयल डाली पर बैठी है।

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31) मेरे पास केवल मात्र पचास रुपए हैं।
मेरे पास केवल पचास रुपये हैं।

32) महेश और संगीता हमारे यहाँ आएगा।
महेश और संगीता हमारे यहाँ आएँगे।

33) सुमन माधव का पुत्री है।
सुमन माधव की पुत्री है।

34) कृपया से मेरा नाम भी लिख लीजिए।
कृपया मेरा नाम भी लिख लीजिए।

35) इसके बाद वे वापस लौट गए।
उत्तरः इसके बाद वे लौट गए।

36) शत्रु मैदान से दौड़ खड़ा हुआ।
शत्रु मैदान से भाग खड़ा हुआ।

37) मैं आपका दर्शन करने आया हूँ।
मैं आपके दर्शन करने आया हूँ।

38) मैंने मकान बनवाने के लिए मैसूर जाना है।
मुझे मकान बनवाने के लिए मैसूर जाना है।

39) सुरेश के चाची जी बीमार पड़े हैं।
सुरेश की चाची जी बीमार हैं।

40) मैं नया पोशाक पहनूंगा।
मैं नई पोशाक पहनूँगा।

41) बच्चों से गुस्सा न करो।
बच्चों पर गुस्सा न करो।

42) मेले में अनेकों दुकानें थीं।
मेले में अनेक दुकानें थीं।

43) तुलसीदास ने रामचरितमानस का रचना की।
तुलसीदास ने रामचरितमानस की रचना की।

44) मेरा नाम श्री महेन्द्रकुमारजी है।
मेरा नाम महेन्द्रकुमार है।

45) सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल ‘लोह पुरुष’ कहा जाता है।
सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल को ‘लोह पुरुष’ कहा जाता है।
सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल ‘लोह पुरुष’ कहे जाते हैं।

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46) एक दूध का गिलास दो।
एक गिलास दूध दो।

47) किसी भी आदमी को भेज दो।
किसी आदमी को भेज दो।

48) कॉफी में कौन पड़ गया है?
कॉफी में क्या पड़ गया है?

49) उसे बहुत गुस्सा आती है।
उसे बहुत गुस्सा आता है।

50) मैंने मेरी कलम अपने मित्र को दे दी।
मैंने अपनी कलम मित्र को दे दी।

51) जंगल में बड़ा अंधकार है।
जंगल में घना अंधकार है।

52) बाजार गए हैं पिताजी।
पिताजी बाजार गए हैं।

53) चरखा कातना चाहिए।
उत्तरः चरखा चलाना चाहिए।
सूत कातना चाहिए।

54) वह बिलकुल भी बात करना पसंद नहीं करती।
वह बात करना पसंद नहीं करती।

55) मुझको घबराना पड़ा।
मुझे घबराना पड़ा।

56) वह कमर कसा बैठा है।
वह कमर कसे बैठा है।

57) पंद्रह अगस्त का भारत के इतिहास में बहुत महत्व है।
भारत के इतिहास में पंद्रह अगस्त का बहुत महत्व है।

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58) अध्यापक बच्चों को बुलाए।
अध्यापक ने बच्चों को बुलाया।

59) हम तीन भाई हूँ।
हम तीन भाई हैं।

60) अपनी काम स्वयं करो।
अपना काम स्वयं करो।

अतिरिक्त प्रश्न :

61) मुझे बहुत गुस्सा आती है।
मुझे बहुत गुस्सा आता है।

62) राजू ने मुझे मथुरा दिखाई।
राजू ने मुझे मथुरा दिखाया।

63) उसने अपने बटुआ उठाई।
उसने अपना बटुआ उठाया।

64) वसंत ऋतु अच्छा लगती है।
वसंत ऋतु अच्छी लगती है।

65) उसका संतान मेहनती है।
उसकी संतान मेहनती है।

66) कल माताजी आ रहे हैं।
कल माताजी आ रही हैं।

67) अनेकों स्त्री पुरुष वहाँ आए थे।
अनेक स्त्री-पुरुष वहाँ आए थे।

68) उसके पास बहुत सोने हैं।
उसके पास बहुत सोना है।

2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 5 Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India

Karnataka 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 5 Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India

You can Download Chapter 5 Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India Questions and Answers, Notes, 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

2nd PUC Sociology Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
State any one characteristic of village community.
Agriculture as a way of life.

Question 2.
Mention any one sociologists who have conducted village studies.
M.N. Srinivas.

Question 3.
Who edited the book called “Rural Sociology in India”.
A.R. Desai.

Question 4.
Mention the two ancient cities of India.
Varanasi, Indraprasta.

Question 5.
Mention any one problem of village community.
Increase in Drought prone.

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Question 6.
Who considered Indian Villages as Little Republics?
Chaurl, Metcalf.

Question 7.
Write one change taken place in Indian villages during British rule.
The Britishers discontinued the grant to the village fund from village revenue. This affected the developmental activities which were carried out by the village councils panchayats.

Question 8.
State any one Importance of village studies.
Field work antidote to Book view.

Question 9.
Who undertook a study on Rampura village?
M.N. Srinivas. .

Question 10.
Who authored Remembered village?
M.N. Srinivas.

Question 11.
Who Conducted study on Kisan garhi village.
Mcim Marriot.

Question 12.
Mention any one social problem of Indian villages.

Question 13.
Mention any one Health problem of Indian villages.
Infant mortality

Question 14.
Mention any one economic problem of Indian villages.
Discriminatory policies.

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Question 15.
Who edited the book “Agrarian crisis and formers suicide?
R.S Deshapande and Saroja Arora.

Question 16.
According to R.S. Deshapande and saroja Arora which are the-events responsible for farmers suicide.
Crop failure.

Question 17.
Mention any one committee Appointed by Govt of Karnataka to study Agrarian crisis.
G.K. Veeresh Committee.

Question 18.
Which committee recommended Health Insurance schemes (Yeshaswini) to the farmers?
G.K. Veeresh Committee.

Question 19.
Which amendment in constitution has given more power to Panchayath Raj.?
73rd Amendment.

Question 20.
Expand IRDP.
Integrated Rural Development Programme.

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Question 21.
Mahathama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.

Question 22.
Expand SEZ
Special Economic Zone.

Question 23.
Mention any one changes Indian villages according to AR. Desai.
Transformation of Agriculture from subsistence to commercial Agriculture.

Question 24.
State any one problem of Indian cities.
Urban poverty.

Question 25.
Which company is Responsible for Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
Union Carbide Company.

Question 26.
Which toxic gas killed people of Bhopal in Gas Tragedy?
Methyl Isocynate.

Question 27.
Who is father of green revolution in India?
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan. .

Question 28.
Under whose instances Agricultural census is conducted?
Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and cooperation.

Question 29.
Once in how many years agricultural census is conducted?
Once in Five years.

Question 30.
Expand CDP
Community Development Programme.

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Question 31.
State one characteristics of slums.
Dilapidated and Poor Houses.

Question 32.
State one problems of slums.
Lack of public utility service.

Question 33.
State one reason for emergence of slums.
Migration of people from village to cities.

Question 34.
What is the slogan of land reforms?
Land to the tiller or land to the landless.

2nd PUC Sociology Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define Urbanization.
Urbanization has been often used to denote the process of population concentration in an urban area. It is the movement of population from rural to urban areas and the resulting increasing proportion of a population that resides in urban rather than rural places.

Question 2.
What is McKinnsey model of development?
WorldTrade organization model of Agricultural is Industry driven Agriculture result in Agriculture business development including Information Technology is called MC Kinsey model of Development.

Question 3.
Define slums.
“A slum area means any area where such dwellings predominate of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement of buildings, narrowness and faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, lack of sanitation facilities, inadequacy of open spaces and community facilities or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morale.”

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Question 4.
Write any two characteristics of Indian villages.
Small in Size Importance to Primary Relation.

Question 5.
Write any two major problems of Indian cities.
Urban Poverty and Slums.

Question 6.
Mention any two rural development programmes.

Question 7.
What is a slum?
“A slum area means any area where such dwellings predominate of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement of buildings, narrowness and faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, lack of sanitation facilities, inadequacy of open spaces and community facilities or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morale.”

Question 8.
State any two characteristics of slum.
Dilapidated and Poor Houses High Density of Population and Housing,

Question 9.
Define SEZs.
SEZ is defined as an earmarked geographical area meant for production of goods and services basically meant for the purpose of export where economic laws are different from the prevailing ones in other parts of the country. Special facilities are provided to the firms operating in SEZs in terms of tax concessions and infrastructural setups as well as regulatory incentives.

Question 10.
Mention any two changes taken place in Indian villages during British rule.

  1. The Britishers discontinued the grant to the village fund from village revenue. This affected the developmental activities which were carried out by the village councils panchayats.
  2. The establishment of regular law courts-civil as well as criminal-deprived the village elders of their power and prestige. The village dispute that could have been solved easily was taken to the courts in the town.

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Question 11.
Mention any two importance of village studies.

  1. Field work is an Antidote to Book View
  2. Calculated Opposition to Change

Question 12.
State the cause for farmer’s suicide According to Deshapande and S. Arora.

  1. Actors (moneylenders)
  2. Triggers (Increasing cost of outputs).

Question 13.
Which stressors are responsible for farmers suicide?
Heary borrowings, and Illness.

Question 14.
Which Triggers are responsible for farmers suicide?
Increase in cost of outputs Absence of Risk mitigating.

Question 15.
Define rural development.
Rural Development is designed to improve the economic and social well being of rural poor. The concept of Rural Development connotes overall development of rural areas. It is an improvement of the quality of life of rural people.

Question 16.
Mention any two objectives of land reforms.

  1. Abolition Intermediaries
  2. Tenancy reforms.

Question 17.
What is Decentralization of Democracy?
Panchayath Raj as a real Democratic Political Appartus which bring masses into political participation to establish a genuine political of rural India called Decentralization of Power.

Question 18.
Mention any two functions of village Panchayath.
Provision of water supplay and maintenance of minor Irrigation.

Question 19.
Mention the agricultural and its allied activities.
Animal Husbandry and Apiculture.

Question 20.
Write any two reasons for the emergence of slums.
(a) City life style attracting more people from the rural areas offering greater potential for employment.
(b) Its incapacity to meet the rising demand for housing.

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Question 21.
Write the problems of Industrial Accidents and sickness.
Industrial accidents in recent years show the latent facts of industrialization, for example Bhopal Gas disaster is a catastrophe which has no parallel in industrial history. The tragedy claimed between 16,000 – 30,000 lives. On December 2nd 1984 the most tragic industrial disaster occurred in the city of Bhopal by Union Carbide Company (UCC). Methyl isocynate (MIC) a highly toxic gas accidently released from the factory, which affected the millions of people.

2nd PUC Sociology Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the characteristics of Village.

  1. Small in Size: Indian villages are small in size. Due to that the density of population is less in Indian villages.
  2. Importance to Primary Relations: Small number of people share a common and Face to face relationships are common in village.
  3. Social Homogeneity: Village is more homogeneous in language, belief, mores and pattern of behavior. In their occupation villagers participate together and share common interests.
  4. Informal Social Control: Individual behavior is controlled by family, traditions, customs, religion, etc.
  5. Agriculture and Its Allied Occupations: Agriculture is the main source pf livelihood. Along with agriculture, animal husbandry, floriculture, fishing, mining and apiculture and cottage industries are the other occupations.
  6. Role of Neighborhood and Simplicity of Life: Neighborhood relation plays important role in social life of village people and simple way of life is common. There is an interdependent neighbourhood relations.
  7. Village Autonomy: Each village is relatively self-sufficient and independent. Charles Metcalfe called “Indian villages as Little Republics”. Recent studies proved that the Indian villages were never self-sufficient and Republic.

Question 2.
Explain the importance of village studies.
Importances of village studies are summarized in the following ways:

(1) Field Work is an Antidote to Book View: According to M.N. Srinivas, studies of Indian village communities would be of great significance for planners and administrators. Information provided by a Sociologist, is based on his intensive fieldwork experience and no account of book knowledge can ever be a substitute for this.

M.N.Srinivas undertakes a study on Rampura village near Mysore, with a view to highlight the agricultural practices of the Indian peasant can only be understood in the context of his Technology, level of knowledge, legal and social institutions, religion and way of life. M.N. Srinivas recorded his experience in Rampura village in his work Remembered Village.

(2) Calculated Opposition to Change: Over the last hundred years or more, the peasant has been represented as extremely conservative, pigheaded, ignorant and superstitious. But the Sociological studies do not subscribe to this view. McKim Marriot’s study of Kishan Garhi village in Uttar Pradesh reveals that the peasants had accepted new crops, techniques of cultivation, etc., and had opposed only few changes.

Thus, the headman of Rampura village wanted bull-dozers and electricity, but not a school. Electricity and bull-dozer would get him name and fame, his authority over others becomes stronger, etc. But, a school would make labour scarcer, educated poor people may lose respect they have for the rich and so on.There are key persons in each village thus, who exploit every change to their benefit. If he then opposes the tool or process, it is not because of stupidity but because of his intelligence. Only a field-study of the village community could shed light on aspects which otherwise go unnoticed.

(3) Literary Bias: Literature on caste states that caste is immobile. This is not a fact, through Sanskritization, castes have tried to move up on the local hierarchy. This is also true of the conditions of women. Condition of women prevalent among the upper castes were generalized to include all Hindus. But, the truth is that the women of lower castes are better placed in comparison to women of upper castes.

Observation of Hindu social life has been vitiated by book view and the upper-caste view. Thus, the only solution for this literary bias lies in doing field research. Field-studies suggest something different, from what is found in religious texts. It is clear that the book-view and upper-caste view may be biased and need not be a fact always. Only field research can help us to overcome literary bias and accept facts about village communities.

(4) Recording for Later Evaluation: Prof. Yogesh Atal states that “Roots of the present are always to be found in the past and an analysis of the present would guide the future. Hence, a comparison and evaluation of the impact of planned change at a later date necessarily demands that the present be recorded”.

(5) Development of Analytical Categories: The study of Indian village community has helped in developing certain analytical categories. Field studies conducted in different parts of the country point to the existence of certain processes of change which have been labelled either locally or on an all India basis.

For instance, analytical models like Sariskritization and Westernisation (M.N. Srinivas), Kulinisation (N. Prasad), De- Sanskritization (Majumdar), Universalisation and Parochialisation (McKim Marriot), Great tradition and little tradition (Robert Redfield), etc., have helped in the analysis of transformation that the village communities are undergoing. A. R. Desai’s Rural Sociology in India is an important work in this regard.

(6) Village Studies are Important for Social Reformation: Prof. Ramakrishna Mukherjee’s analysis makes it clear that the village has become the centre of all discussions and debates. Plan, Budget, Administrative strategy, etc., all have become rural area oriented. Thus, planners, economists, administrators, sociologists, reformers and others concentrate on village and are busy collecting data on them. Under the impact of planned and non-directed changes, villages are undergoing transformation. Thus, there is the need for the study of village communities in India.

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Question 3.
Describe the social problems of India villages.
(a) Illiteracy: Illiteracy is a major social problem in Indian villages. Lack of educational institution and poor quality education coupled with high rate of dropout rate has aggravated the situation. Majority of the educational institutions are suffering from educational infrastructures like adequate buildings, libraries and reading rooms, sports grounds, etc.

There is a great disparity among rural and urban regions of Indian society regarding educational opportunities. Further, basic facilities like drinking water, sanitation facilities, transport and communications facilities are not up to the mark.

(b) Rural Poverty: On the basis of an empirical study in seven districts in Rajasthan in 1996 sponsored by the World Bank has identified the following causes of poverty in rural areas:

  1. Inadequate and ineffective implementation of anti-poverty programmes.
  2. Low percentage of population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.
  3. Non-availability of irrigational facilities and erratic rainfall.
  4. Dependence on traditional methods of cultivation and inadequate modem skills.
  5. Non-availability of electricity for agriculture.
  6. Poor quality of livestock.
  7. Imperfect and exploited credit market, communication facilities and markets.
  8. Low level of education.
  9. Absence of dynamic community leadership.
  10. Failure to seek women’s cooperation in developmental activities and associating them with planned programmes.
  11. Inter-caste conflicts and rivalries.
  12. Spending a large percentage of annual earnings on social ceremonies like festivals, marriages, death feast, etc., and people being unwilling to discard expensive customs.

(c) Health Problems: About 74% of the doctors are in urban areas. When it is remembered that 70% people are living in villages the extent to which provision of skilled medical is lacking in the. Fertility and Birth rate as well as death rates are very high.

Infant mortality and maternal mortality are also highest. The problems of Malnutrition, the sporadic outbreak of epidemic diseases like Cholera, Malaria, Plague, Dengue and other communicable diseases are quite common. The housing are very much unsanitary while the addiction to alcohol & nicotine drugs makes the state of health condition even worse. Pesticides like Endosulfan also have caused much health hazardous in rural areas.

There are more than 5000 people affected by endosulfan in Uttara Kannada District alone. At the sametime soil has been degraded rendering it infertile due to excessive use of chemicals and fertilisers and it affect the not only yield but also health of the agriculturists.

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Question 4.
List out the agricultural and Economic problems of Indian villages.

  • Economic and Agricultural Problems
  • Disparities
  • Discriminatory Policies
  • Vulnerability of the Agricultural Sector
  • Increase in cost of cultivation & environmental degradation
  • The deliberate withdrawal of welfare programmes from state
  • Globalization Resultant Competition and Exploitation by Big Capitalists
  • Peculiar Banking Practices and Non-Availability of Loans from Institutional Sources
  • Failure of co-operative sector
  • Problems of marginal farmers
  • Dependency on ground water for irrigation
  • Increase in drought prone areas

Question 5.
Explain the Community Development Programme.
The planning commission described the community development programme as the method through which five year plan seeks to initiate a process of transformation of the social and economic life of the villages. The community development programme was inaugurated on October 2, 1952. It is a programme of aided self help to be planned and implemented by the villagers themselves, the government offering only technical guidance and financial assistance. Obj ectives of Community Development Programme The aims of community development programme are as follow;

  1. To solve the problem of unemployment in the villages.
  2. To provide safe drinking water facilities.
  3. To develop the mass communication in the villages.
  4. To improve the centres of primary education, public health and recreation in the villages.
  5. To improve the conditions of Houses.
  6. To encourage cottage industries and indigenous handicrafts.

The maximum possible increase in Agricultural production. The Long Term Objectives of community development programme is to complete planned development of all physical and human resources to provide all villagers with full employment. The goal of community development projects is the development of villages in such a way that the citizens of the country may not lack any thing – get adequate food and that everyone should progress socially, morally and financially.

Question 6.
Write the impact of British rule on Indian village communities.
Indian villages in British rule lost much of its internal cohesion, many of the administrative duties were taken up into the hands of the government and its subordinate agencies”. Administration was carried out through bureaucratized officers. There were a number of factors responsible for The important ones are:

1. The Britishers discontinued the grant to the village fund from village revenue. This affected the developmental activities which were carried out by the village councils panchayats.

2. The establishment of regular law courts-civil as well as criminal-deprived the village elders of their power and prestige. The village dispute that could have been solved easily was taken to the courts in the town.

3. Rural-urban migration also contributed in some measure for the decay of village -councils. Absence of sufficient avenues for utilizing best elements in the village itself at the one
end and availability of better opportunity, in the city on the other hand forced many to move toward; cities. .

4. The Britishers introduced new system of revenue collection and land settlement. Zamindari system created gross inequality and also affected the relationship between classes ruining the village community.

5. In spite of this, it must be recognized that, by bringing the village agricultural production within the sphere of Indian and world markets, by making agriculture an organic part of Indian economy, the British rule over India elevated Indian agriculture to the status of a national agriculture. This was a progressive aspect of the British conquest.

Since Indian agriculture became national in character, its problems also assumed national significance. Thus the problems of agriculture and the conditions of the agriculturists all became national problems.

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Question 7.
Explain the causes of rural poverty According to world Bank.
On the basis of an empirical study in seven districts in Rajasthan in 1996 sponsored by the World Bank has identified the following causes of poverty in rural areas:

  1. Inadequate and ineffective implementation of anti-poverty programmes.
  2. Low percentage of population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.
  3. Non-availability of irrigational facilities and erratic rainfall.
  4. Dependence on traditional methods of cultivation and inadequate modem skills.
  5. Non-availability of electricity for agriculture.
  6. Poor quality of livestock.
  7. Imperfect and exploited credit market, communication facilities and markets.
  8. Low level of education.
  9. Absence of dynamic community leadership.
  10. Failure to seek women’s cooperation in developmental activities and associating them with planned programmes.
  11. Inter-caste conflicts and rivalries.
  12. Spending a large percentage of annual earnings on social ceremonies like festivals, marriages, death feast, etc., and people being unwilling to discard expensive customs.

Question 8.
Discuss the Health problem of Indian villages.
About 74% of the doctors are in urban areas. When it is remembered that 70% people are living in villages the extent to which provision of skilled medical is lacking in the. Fertility and Birth rate as well as death rates are very high. Infant mortality and maternal mortality are also highest. The problems of Malnutrition, the sporadic outbreak of epidemic diseases like Cholera, Malaria, Plague, Dengue and other communicable diseases are quite common.

The housing are very much unsanitary while the addiction to alcohol & nicotine drugs makes the state of health condition even worse. Pesticides like Endosulfan also have caused much health hazardous in rural areas. There are more than 5000 people affected by endosulfan in Uttara Kannada District alone. At the sametime soil has been degraded rendering it infertile due to excessive use of chemicals and fertilisers and it affect the not only yield but also health of the agriculturists.

Question 9.
Briefly discuss Deshpande and Arora’s Methodological analysis of farmer’s suicide in India.
R.S. Deshpande and saroj Arora’s methodically analysed the causes of Farmers suicides are as (1) Events, (2) Stressors, (3) Actors, (4) Triggers

(1) Events: Among the ‘events’, crop loss, failure of a bore well, price crash, daughter’s marriage, family problems and property disputes are included.

(2) Stressors: These become ‘stressors’ (stress creators) when two or more such ‘events’ cluster together: Specifically, illness of the individual or any of the family members, heavy borrowings, continued disputes in the family or land-related problems usually act as ‘stressors’. These become lethal in combination with the ‘events’ but further ignition comes through the ‘actors/catalysts’ and ‘trigger’ incidence.

(3) Actors: Actors/catalysts create a sense of insecurity’ or ‘insult’ to the potential victim. These include the moneylender, banker, spouse, relatives and close friends.

(4) Triggers: On the background of the ‘events’ and ‘stressors’, the ‘actors/catalysts’ fire the final act by forcing an occasion to be the ‘Trigger’ for the unfortunate incident. Given this complex nature of the phenomena it certainly becomes difficult to pinpoint one particular reason for the suicide. Emile Durkheim’s monograph on Suicide indicates growing alienation of individual from the family, society and religion as a factor responsible for suicide. According to Durkheim suicides indicate social disintegration.

Among the reasons cited in various studies associated with suicides, indebtedness is one of the reasons but it is not the only risk factor. Multiple risk factors feed into each other and reinforce each other. In addition to the -weather related uncertainties, the farmer is also faced with market (increasing costs and output price shocks), technology, spurious inputs and credit- related vulnerabilities. In the absence of risk mitigation strategies the farmer is at the receiving end. Under stress some farmers end up committing suicide.

Studies indicate that suicides are occurring in the high and medium growth states and are conspicuously absent in the backward states like BIMARU (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh). Scholars have articulated ‘High Aspirations’ or the thrust for upward mobility in the absence of public policy support, as a major, causation for suicides in the backward areas of medium growth states.

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Question 10.
Explain the two committees appointed by the Govt of Karnataka to study the Agrarian crisis.
(1) Dwarakanatha Committee: The state government appointed a couple of commissions or committees to study the agrarian issues. One commission was popularly known as the Dwarakanath Committee (2000) under the chairmanship of Dwarkanath (Agricultural Scientist), which had studies like ‘Testing Bt. Cotton in Karnataka’, ‘Agricultural Bio -Technology’ and ‘Role of Hybrid Rice’. Interestingly, this commission supported field trials of Bt. Cotton and thereby supported Bio-Technology in Karnataka.

(2) G.K. Veeresh Committee: G. K. Veeresh Committee in 2002. This committee tried to link suicides to psychological and personal reasons. These include

  1. Alcohol, gambling, spend thriftiness (20.35 percent),
  2. Failure of crop (16.81 percent).
  3. Chit funds (15.04 percent).
  4. Family problems (13.27 percent).
  5. Chronic illness (9.73 percent).
  6. Marriage of daughters (5.31 percent).
  7. Political affiliations (4.42 percent).
  8. Property disputes (2.65 percent).
  9. Debt burden (2.65 percent).
  10. Price crash (2.65 percent).
  11. Borrowing beyond paying capacity and House construction and so on (2.65 percent),
  12. Loss in non-agricultural activities (1.77 percent) and finally
  13. Failure of bore wells (0.88 percent).

Question 11.
Briefly discuss the land reform measures.
Land to the tiller or land to the landless were the main slogans of land reforms. The productivity in agriculture is mainly dependent on technological and institutional factors. Technological factors are the use of agricultural inputs and methods such as improved seeds, fertilizers, improved plough tractors, harvesters, irrigation etc., which help to increase the productivity.

The institutional reform include the redistribution of land ownership in favour of the cultivating classes so as to provide them a sense of participation in rural life, improving the size of forms, providing security of tenure and regulation of rents etc., Land reforms aim at redistributing ownership holding from the view point of social justice and reorganizing operational holdings from the point of optimum utilization of land i.e. land to the tiller or land to the landless were the main slogans of land reform measures.

Major objectives land reform measures are as follows:

  1. Abolition of Intermediaries
  2. Tenancy reforms and conferment of ownership on them
  3. Ceilings on land holdings
  4. Consolidation of land holdings
  5. Organization of cooperative forms

Land reform had been conceived as the most important instrument of revolutioning agriculture and improving rural areas. Large numbers of tenants or farmers have become the owners. Absentee landlordism is almost eradicated and yet due to lack of implementation the actual results are far from satisfactory.

Question 12.
Define Panchayath Raj and Explain the functions of village Panchayath.
Panchayat Raj is as a real democratic political apparatus, which would bring the masses into active political participation to establish a genuine political of rural India. Generally, it is also called as “Decentralization of Democracy”. Since 1959 “Democratic Decentralization has been gradually extended throughout India. After the implementation of the constitution 73rd amendment act 1992. Panchayat Raj has brought politics down to village level. Balawant Rai Mehta committee recommended three Tier Structure of the Panchayat Raj institution. Namely, In brief, we can understand the general functions of panchayat raj.

  1. Village Panchayat – at the village level.
  2. Panchayat Samithi – at Block level and
  3. Zilla Panchayat – at the District level

Functions of Village Panchayat: The functions of Village Panchayat are (a) Provision of water supply (b) Maintenance of minor irrigation (c) School buildings, (d) Family Planning (e) Construction of wells and tanks (f) Promotion of agriculture and animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries, promotion of village and cottage industries providing electric facility. Construction and maintenance of Roads and Bridges, creating awareness regarding primary and secondary Education, maintenance of Public Health, general Sanitation and Welfare of weaker section, maintenance of public properties and regulation and fairs and festivals and promotion of social and cultural activities.

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Question 13.
Explain briefly the IRDP.
The Integrated Rural Development Programme is a programme for improving the living standards of the poorest of the poor living in rural areas and making the process of rural development self-sustaining. A large number of rural development programmes had been introduced in different states often creating confusion, problems of administration and effective implementation. Hence, the Government of India decided to replace all these programmes by a single Integrated Programme for the entire country.

It is in this background the Integrated Rural Development Programme [IRDP] was launched in 1978-79. IRDP was a major attempt to attack poverty. The program is based on “the local needs, resources, endowments and potentialities.” Its major objective is to enable selected families to cross the “poverty line” through “a strategy of productive assets and endowment”.

Now a days IRDP, TRYSEM, millions well scheme, etc are relaunched in the Name of Swama Jayanthi Grama Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) on April 1999 to provide sustainable Income to poor people in Rural Area. This programme aims at providing self – Employment to villagers through the establishment of self Help Groups.

Question 14.
Explain the major Trends of changes in Indian villages.
A.R. Desai has identified four major trends of social changes. In Indian villages as follows:
(1) Form to Non-form:

(A) Transformation from Subsistence to Market Economy: The rapid transformation of the agrarian society from the subsistence to a market based, profit oriented and commercialized agriculture. The rise of markets, assisted by the extension of Railways and Roads and the expansion in foreign trade of agricultural commodities transformed the old self-sufficient economy of the village based on barter into a market economy, based on cash.

(B) Transformation Followed by the Introduction of Modern Technology: Introduction of the new technology in the agriculture helped the peasants to attain greater level of self-sufficiency. Improved ploughing materials, hybrid seeds, chemicals and fertilizers, tractors, tillers, trucks, threshers, spraying machines and other modem equipments were introduced to the agrarian society as a result of technology. The green revolution and white revolution have added to the radical increase in the output. India has attained self-sufficiency in food production and dairy products.

(C) Transformation by Abolition of Intermediaries: The advent of Independence with a new promise and hope, the acceleration of economic and social reform measures, resulting in the abolition of the intermediaries consisting of the Zamindars brought about a structural change in the agricultural economy. The protection of the tenants and labourers, the political enfranchisement of the vast population under adult suffrage, have all widened the horizon of economic standards in the village.

(D) Emergence of Various Associations and Institutions: Emergence of a complex network of various associations and institutions within the agrarian society having close links with urban and wide network influences, for example, Co-operative Societies, political parties, peasant associations, youth organizations and educational institutions and panchayt raj institutions etc., Induce social changes.

Governmental agencies have attempted to encourage the growth of a new social organization in the village. The democratic measures, legislations, rural development programs have impact on social, economic, and political life of villagers. Apartment of the above changes we can also see following changes.

(2) Migration from villages to Cities: One consequence of these disparities is the growing migration from core areas to richer ones. For example Labourers from Orissa come to work on coffee plantations in the Coorg, district of Karnataka.

(3) Special Economic Zone (SEZ): SEZ is defined as an earmarked geographical area meant for production of goods and services basically meant for the purpose of export where economic laws are different from the prevailing ones in other parts of the country. Special facilities are provided to the firms operating in SEZs in terms of tax concessions and infrastructural setups as well as regulatory incentives.

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Question 15.
Mention the reason for emergence of slums.
It is in slums that poor people like industrial workers, casual labourers, hawkers, petty shopkeepers, vegetable-sellers and several others offering useful services to the city find a place to stay. The National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, has recorded that the emergence of slums is essentially the product of three forces:

  1. City lifestyle attracting more people from the rural areas offering greater potential for employment.
  2. Its incapacity to meet the rising demand for housing,
  3. The existing urban land policies, which prohibit the access of the poor to the urban land market.

It is further observed that the urban poor are left with no choice but to make or take shelter illegally on any available piece of land. Sometimes a slum is the consequence of blight in the old parts of the city. At times, a slum is inherited in the form of an old village or a haphazardly growing locality within the extended territorial limits of a town. .

Question 16.
Suggest measures to solve urban problems.
Answer: Solutions to Urban Problems

  1. Systematic development of cities and creation of job opportunities, which can permit multifunctional activities to sustain people in cities.
  2. To check migration, regional planning to provide employment at their native places is essential.
  3. Encouraging industries to move to backward areas. This will take care of linear development of metropolitan and big cities and also there will not be regional imbalance.
  4. Municipalities should find their own financial resources. A city must bear the cost of its own development.
  5. Encouraging private transportation facilities in view of the better services.
  6. Adopting pragmatic housing policies and encouragement to private investment, use of new and advanced technologies. Building of low cost houses, promotion of cooperative housing societies etc., it has to develop special schemes for the poor and low income people. Structural decentralization of municipal activities and community participation in the city activities. Modified and controlled liberalization, accountable bureaucrats and responsible elected body must work for the sake of area in the honest manner.

Question 17.
Explain the Agricultural panchasutras.
The philosophy of the present Agricultural Policy lies in the concept of ‘Pancha Sutra’ that was announced by the State in its budget 2006 – 07 for accelerated growth in agriculture. The five components of Sutra are:

  1. To protect and improve soil health.
  2. Conservation of natural resources, with special emphasis on water and micro irrigation.
  3. Timely availability of credit and other inputs to the farmers.
  4. Integrate post harvest processing with the production process, and
  5. Reducing the distance between ‘Lab to Land’ in transfer of technology.

Agricultural census is conducted in all the States and Union Territories in the Country, at the instance of Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operation, Government of India. It is a quinquennial census conducted once in five years since its inception in 1970-71. So far, Nine Agricultural Censuses have been conducted, the latest being the 2010-11 census.

Question 18.
Explain the importance of MGNAREGA.
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guarantee of 100 days of wage employment. The work should be provided within 5 kms. of the village at minimum wage rate. It is the obligation of the government to provide work as stipulated days failing which government has to pay unemployment allowance within 15 days. Along with community participation, the MGNREA is to be implemented mainly by the Gram Panchayaths (GPs).

It guarantees generating productive assets, protecting the environment, empowering rural women, reducing rural-urban migration and fostering social equity among others. Under this programme, all permissible works like water conservation, water harvesting, drought proofing, afforestation, irrigation works, restoration of traditional water bodies, land development, flood control, rural connectivity and works notified by the government included.

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2nd PUC Sociology Change and Development of Villages and Urbanisation in India Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain Agrarian Crisis and Formers’ Suicide in Karnataka.
R. S. Deshpande and Saroja Arora’s work “Agrarian Crisis and Farmer Suicides” is a field work based study. It was conducted by Center for Rural Studies, Lai Bahadur Shastri National Academy and Administration Mussoori in 2007. This volume deals with the problems of farmer’s suicide across the state. Agrarian crisis in Karnataka can be understood in the following way.

The Indian acknowledges the fact that between 1993 and 2003, 100,248 farmers committed suicide in India. Suicide is not confined to Karnataka alone. It has been reported among the sugarcane growers of UP, cotton growers of Andhra Pradesh and spice/coffee growers of Kerala. It has been reported from Orissa and West Bengal as well.

Karnataka has no history of farmers committing suicide even during the situation of acute agrarian crisis. Even the unorganised farmers would resort to other tactics such as throwing agricultural commodities on the roads, burning their crops and so on. However, suicide was an attempt to retain the identity as a distinct social category within the larger economy.

In this context, the report of the Agricultural Department, Government of Karnataka is important,, between 2003 and 2012 a total of2909 farmers committed suicide. On the contrary, the Central Government claimed that from 2000-01 to 2005-06, around 8600 farmers committed suicide which is the highest figure when compared to any other state in fact Maharashtra is relegated to third position in the suicide rate. However if we calculate the statistics provided by the Veeresh Committee report, including Other .press reports one can estimate the number of suicides is more than 5000.

Region-wise the highest suicide rate was reported from the Old Mysore areas, followed by the Old Bombay Presidency areas and the Old Hyderabad region. The Old Madras Presidency area, as well as Coorg also reported suicides, however their number is less. In fact, Old Mysore and Old Bombay Presidency areas are better known for irrigation. Most of those who committed suicide lived near the tail end of the canal.

The beginning of the suicides can be traced back to the year 1998, when farmers in Bidar, who were involved in cultivating toordal, a market oriented agricultural crop committed suicide. In the two years, farmer suicides were largely concentrated in the drought-prone districts of north Karnataka, or confined to economically backward, drought-prone regions such as Gulbarga and Bidar. However, after 2000, the phenomenon shifted to relatively advanced agricultural regions, particularly Mandya, Hassan, Shimoga, Davanagere, Koppal and even Chikamagalur and Kodagu.

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Question 2.
Explain the importance of Village Studies.
Importances of village studies are summarized in the following ways:

(1) Field Work is an Antidote to Book View: According to M.N. Srinivas, studies of Indian village communities would be of great significance for planners and administrators. Information provided by a Sociologist, is based on his intensive fieldwork experience and no account of book knowledge can ever be a substitute for this M.N.Srinivas undertakes a study on Rampura village near Mysore, with a view to highlight the agricultural practices of the Indian peasant can only be understood in the context of his Technology, level of knowledge, legal and social institutions, religion and way of life. M.N. Srinivas recorded his experience in Rampura village in his work Remembered Village.

(2) Calculated Opposition to Change: Over the last hundred years or more, the peasant has been represented as extremely conservative, pigheaded, ignorant and superstitious. But the Sociological studies do not subscribe to this view. McKim Marriot’s study of Kishan Garhi village in Uttar Pradesh reveals that the peasants had accepted new crops, techniques of cultivation, etc., and had opposed only few changes.

Thus, the headman of Rampura village wanted bull-dozers and electricity, but not a school. Electricity and bull-dozer would get him name and fame, his authority over others becomes stronger, etc. But, a school would make labour scarcer, educated poor people may lose respect they have for the rich and so on.

There are key persons in each village thus, who exploit every change to their benefit. If he then opposes’the tool or process, it is not because of stupidity but because of his intelligence. Only a field-study of the village community could shed light on aspects which otherwise go unnoticed.

(3) Literary Bias: Literature on caste states that caste is immobile. This is not a fact, through Sanskritization, castes have tried to move up on the local hierarchy. This is also true of the conditions of women. Condition of women prevalent among the upper castes were generalized to include all Hindus. But, the truth is that the women of lower castes are better placed in comparison to women of upper castes.

Observation of Hindu social life has been vitiated by book view and the upper-caste view. Thus, the only solution for this literary bias lies in doing field research. Field-studies suggest something different, from what is found in religious texts. It is clear that the book-view and upper-caste view may be biased and need not be a fact always. Only field research can help us to overcome literary bias and accept facts about village communities.

(4) Recording for Later Evaluation: Prof. Yogesh Atal states that “Roots of the present are always to be found in the past and an analysis of the present would guide the future. Hence, a comparison and evaluation of the impact of planned change at a later date necessarily demands that the present be recorded”.

(5) Development of Analytical Categories: The study of Indian village community has helped in developing certain analytical categories. Field studies conducted in different parts of the country point to the existence of certain processes of change which have been labelled either locally or on an all India basis.

For instance, analytical models like Sariskritization and Westernisation (M.N. Srinivas), Kulinisation (N. Prasad), De- Sanskritization (Majumdar), Universalisation and Parochialisation (McKim Marriot), Great tradition and little tradition (Robert Redfield), etc., have helped in the analysis of transformation that the village communities are undergoing. A. R. Desai’s Rural Sociology in India is an important work in this regard.

(6) Village Studies are Important for Social Reformation: Prof. Ramakrishna Mukherjee’s analysis makes it clear that the village has become the centre of all discussions and debates. Plan, Budget, Administrative strategy, etc., all have become rural area oriented. Thus, planners, economists, administrators, sociologists, reformers and others concentrate on village and are busy collecting data on them. Under the impact of planned and non-directed changes, villages are undergoing transformation. Thus, there is the need for the study of village communities in India.

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Question 3.
Explain the Agricultural and Economic problems of Indian villages.
Following are the important economic and agricultural problems.

(i) Desparities: Economic growth in contemporary India is marked by considerable disparities of region and class. The Nobel-prize-winning economist Amartya Sen worries that, “as these inequalities intensify, one half of India will come to look and live like California, the other half like sub-Saharan Africa.” Already, prosperity co-exists with misery, technological sophistication with human degradation.

(ii) Discriminatory Policies: Farmers as a group today feel let down by the policies of the State that puts them relatively in a disadvantageous position. This is made abundantly clear by many analysts in the recent past. In other words, it is not that the state is discriminatory against the farmers as a group, but the policies are sufficiently provocative in widening the gap between the net incomes of farmers and agricultural labourers on the one hand and the remaining professions on the other.

During the decade of the 1990s the situation became aggravated, both due to policy failure and the successive droughts at the end the prices did not pick up even in the event of low production. This was compounded by the economic reforms which took the agricultural sector for granted.

(iii) Vulnerability of the Agricultural Sector: The agricultural sector operates under a large number of constraints. State policies dictate prices of most of the factors of production required for agriculture: electricity, water, fertilisers, pesticides and minimum wages. The credit market operations are largely dictated by the credit policy of the reserve bank, as well as the difficulties in access to credit. Difficulties in accessing institutional credit compel the farmers to approach moneylenders and a new emerging institution; namely the input dealer.

Weather uncertainties, availability of irrigation water and inputs like fertilisers and pesticides are a cause of concern. These are compounded by product market imperfections and the price fluctuations that the farmer faces. The process of globalisation intensified some of these concerns, both because of the prominence of trade and the resulting commercialisation process in the agricultural sector.

(iv) Increase in Cost of Cultivation and Environmental Degradation: Increasing cost of cultivation and environmental degradation on one side due to significant increase in the input prices, technology and un-protected farming based on the monsoon on the other makes the farmers hopelessly vulnerable. Farmers also face high transaction costs and low bargaining power, which leave them with poor returns. The ecological crisis in the rural regions where declining water tables, loss of agricultural bio-diversity and the onset of a range of plant diseases and pests have become a challenge to the conduct of agriculture.

(v) The Deliberate Withdrawal of Welfare Programmes from State: The deliberate withdrawal of the state from its welfare role for the farmers and agriculture labourers contributed to the accentuation of the agrarian crisis. The capitalist agriculture in India could thrive because of the proactive role of the state in providing infrastructure, irrigation and credit through institutional agencies.

The gradual reduction in the state investment in agriculture was also instrumental in the decline in agricultural productivity and production. The partial withdrawal of subsidy given to the farmers or to agriculture. The power given free to agriculture was withdrawn and also the fact that it increased the power tariff drastically.

(vi) Globalization Resultant Competition and Exploitation by Big Corporates: The agrarian crisis is due to adoption of World Trade Organization model of agriculture or what is called McKinsey Model of development that created spaces for industry-driven agriculture which ultimately resulted in agri-business development including Information Technology. This model of development has not only exacerbated the crisis leading to an environmental catastrophe but also destroyed millions of rural livelihoods.

(vii) Peculiar Banking Practices and Non-Availability of Loans from Institutional Sources: NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) refinances the cooperative banking institutions and therefore imposes certain conditions for delivery and recovery of the credit. ‘Eligibility’ is probably the most important concept in dictating the performance of the sector.

A branch of a cooperative bank is categorized as eligible/ non-eligible based on the repayment performance and naturally the Primary Credit Cooperative Societies in the underdeveloped regions have lower repayment performance. As a consequence over the years, these societies, do not get adequate supply of credit and therefore, farmers from these regions have to depend upon the other informal sources of credit.

(viii) The Failure of the Co-operative Sector: The Cooperative sector could have helped the farmers in overcoming their debts. The Karnataka government failed to make the cooperative movement a success. For instance, in Karnataka, there are 32,382 cooperative societies at the village level, almost 40 percent of them are running heavy losses while nearly 20 percent of them are either defunct or at the verge of Bankrupt.

(ix) Dependence on Ground Water for Irrigation: Irrigation is another major source for agricultural growth. The actual area under canal and tank irrigation has been declining since the 1990’s. On the other hand, there is a phenomenal increase in the dependencey on the ground water resources through the wells and bore wells. Its aptly noted that the unstable growth of borewells combined with mansoon failure and decline in surface irrigated area that led to drying up of borewells due to inadequate recharge.

(x) Rise in Drought prove Areas: Drought prone Areas in India is rising. Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharastra are condisered as the major drought prone states. Karnataka ranked second in the drought prone areas. It has increased from 63% to 72 percent owing to erratic monsoon and lack of drought proofing methods.

12, 123 taluk in 23 districts were declared as drought hit. A total of 157 taluks and 64 taluks were declared dorught hit in 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively according to NABARD.

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Question 4.
Discuss the methodological analysis of farmer’s suicide in India.
R.S. Deshpande and saroj Arora’s methodically analysed the causes of Farmers suicides are as (1) Events, (2) Stressors, (3) Actors, (4) Triggers.

(1) Events: Among the ‘events’, crop loss, failure of a bore well, price crash, daughter’s marriage, family problems and property disputes are included.

(2) Stressors: These become ‘stressors’ (stress creators) when two or more such ‘events’ cluster together: Specifically, illness of the individual or any of the family members, heavy borrowings, continued disputes in the family or land-related problems usually act as ‘stressors’. These become lethal in combination with the ‘events’ but further ignition comes through the ‘actors/catalysts’ and ‘trigger’ incidence.

(3) Actors: Actors/catalysts create a sense of‘insecurity’ or ‘insult’ to the potential victim. These include the moneylender, banker, spouse, relatives and close friends.

(4) Triggers: On the background of the ‘events’ and ‘stressors’, the ‘actors/catalysts’ fire the final act by forcing an occasion to be the ‘Trigger’ for the un-fortunate incident. Given this complex nature of the phenomena it certainly becomes difficult to pinpoint one particular reason for the suicide. Emile Durkheim’s monograph on Suicide indicates growing alienation of individual from the family, society and religion as a factor responsible for suicide. According to Durkheim suicides indicate social disintegration.

Among the reasons cited in various studies associated with suicides, indebtedness is one of the reasons but it is not the only risk factor. Multiple risk factors feed into each other and reinforce each other. In addition to the -weather related uncertainties, the farmer is also faced with market (increasing costs and output price shocks), technology, spurious inputs and credit- related vulnerabilities. In the absence of risk mitigation strategies the farmer is at the receiving end. Under stress some farmers end up committing suicide.

Studies indicate that suicides are occurring in the high and medium growth states and are conspicuously absent in the backward states like BIMARU (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh). Scholars have articulated ‘High Aspirations’ or the thrust for upward mobility in the absence of public policy support, as a major, causation for suicides in the backward areas of medium growth states.

Question 5.
Write the recent policy initiatives in mitigate farmer’s Suicide.
(1) Loan Waivers and Relief: In 2008 Government of Karnataka 2007-08, the government waived the principal amount of outstanding loan to all farmers up to Rs 25,000 and waived the interest to those who have borrowed above Rs 25,000, if they pay the principal amount before 31 March 2008.

(2) Exorbitant Interest Rate Act-2004: The Government of Karnataka has enacted the Karnataka Prohibition of Levying of Exorbitant Rates of Interest Act, 2004, to check levying exorbitant rates of interest by private money lenders. It has provisions for taking stringent action against those money lenders who violate the Money Lenders Act and . levy exorbitant interest. Any such violation would attract imprisonment up to three years and a fine of Rs 30,000 or both.

G.K. Veeresh Committee came out with a series of recommendations such as i) the creation of farmer’s welfare fund, ii) establishment of nodal department for the welfare of farmers, iii) social security measures and so on.Following this, the Government of Karnataka had taken a series of steps in order to meet the distress, in consultation with the members of the Committee. These are listed below:

(A) Health Insurance Scheme for the farmers, namely Yeshaswini was put in place and the farmers had direct access to the best medical facilities available in the State-run hospitals. This has significantly reduced the expenditure of farmers on health. This has been introduced throughout the rural region of Karnataka in 2000 for a premium payment of Rs 120 per year per family. Participants are covered for all surgical interventions and for outpatient services at any of the designated network hospitals.

(B) The interest rates on loans from Cooperative banks were reduced to six percent per annum Reduction of the Intrest rate reduced to four percent per annum in the 2007¬08. This longs significantly helped the farmers.

(C) Review of compensation policy to the family of the victims (who have committed suicide) was thoroughly reviewed and compensation was allowed only in the case where suicide was directly related to the farming activities.

(D) Information Facility to Rayat Samparka Kendras were provided internet access and telephone facilities so that the initial signals of distress were transmitted directly to the state headquarters. Similarly, in the extension wing of the Department of Agriculture Telephone links were established to reach the concerned official with ease.

(E) Crop Insurance crop Insurance was taken up to Hobli level and compensation provided to the farmers based on the Hobli level data.

(F) Scheme on Seed Subsidy was announced and farmers were provided seeds with a subsidy up to 50 percent.

(G) Waters led development programme The Investment on Watershed Development Programmes was increased tenfold and that created increased employment opportunities in the rain-fed areas.

(H) The Market Intervention Scheme This Scheme was reviewed and the corpus fund for the scheme was increased to Rs Three Billion. Similarly, the market intervention scheme was made operational at the regulated market yard.

(I) Priority to agricultural Research. Agricultural Universities were directed to focus on research and development responding to the demand, rather than providing the ‘supply driven’ research priorities.

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Question 6.
Define urbanization and explain the Historical Background of urbanization in India.
Generally a city is a Human settlement of Non-Agricultural Hetrogenous and based on secondary relations.

1. According Louis Worth has said “a city may be defined as a relatively large, dense, and permanent settlement of socially heterogeneous population”.

2. George – A Theodorson has defined urban community as a community with a high population density, a predominance of non-agricultural occupation, a high degree of specialization resulting in a complex division of labour and a formalized system of local government. It is also characterized by the prevalence of impersonal secondary relations and dependence on formal social controls.

Indian people had built up a city civilization (Indus Valley Civilization) nearly 5000 years back. Harappa and Mohenjodaro were the then famous cities. The layout of the cities, the regular planning of the streets, the uniformity in weights and measures, all indicate that there must have been a strong centralized state.

At the time of Maghadas and Vedic period Ayodhya, kashi, Pataliputra and Indraprastha were famous educational and religious cities. During the Buddist time famous cities like Nalanda, Takshashila, Kashi, Kausambi, Mithila and other were flourished. The great temple cities of Ayodhya, Mathura, Hardwar, Dwaraka, Kashi, Prayag, Puri, Kanchi and Madurai were very ancient.

In Medieval India cities of Agra, Delhi, Fatherfursikri, Luknow, Hyderabad, Bijapur, Srirangapatna, Mysore, Bangalore, Ahamadabad etc. were built. In British rule, metropolitan port cities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. In post independence post period new cities like Chandigarh, Bhuvaneswar, Gandhinagar, Durgapur, Nyiveli etc., have been built. Some industrial cities like Rurekela, Bhilai, Durgapur, Chitaranjan, Roopanarayanapura, Bhadravathi, Vishakapatana, Sindi etc., have been evolved. Increasing economic, social, political and educational advancement have changed towns into cities and metropolitan cities have growing as cosmopolitan cities.

In India, places with less than 1,00,000 population are referred to as “Towns”, while places with 1,00,000 or more population are referred as “Cities”. Urban centres with more than one million population are categorized as Metropolitan cities. In India, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahamabad, Lucknow, are some of the Metropolitan Cities. According to 2011 census 31.8 percent of Indian population lives in urban areas.

Question 7.
Explain in brief the problems of Indian cities.
Problems of Indian cities can be classified into following ways:

1. Urban Poverty: Urban poverty is the by product of industrialization and urbanization. Poverty and overcrowding are the two most visible features of Indian cities. About half of the urbanites are poor and lives in substandard of life, because of cost of living, lack of regular income, low wages, pro-rich economic policies and inflation, etc.

India has issued its first-ever report on the nature and dynamics of urban poverty in the country undertaken with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India: Urban Poverty Report 2009 which identifies the problems faced by the . poor and focuses on the systematic changes that are needed to address them.

The report examines various issues related to urban poverty, such as migration, labour, the role of gender, access to basic services and the appalling condition of India’s slums. It also looks at the dynamics of urban land and capital market, urban governance, and the marginalisation of the poor to the urban periphery.

2. Slums: The magnitude of the problem of slums is alarming. The Government of India, Inorder to implementation of various schemes to urban development, has defined a slum area as follows: “A slum area means any area where such dwellings predominate of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement of buildings, narrowness and faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, lack of sanitation facilities, inadequacy of open spaces and community facilities or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morale.” These slum areas are also referred to as the ‘Blighted area’; ‘Renewal area’; ‘deteriorated area’, ‘Gray area’; ‘Lower class neighbourhood’; ‘Lower income area’, etc.

3. Problem of Urban Housing: The bulk of the people in the Indian cities live in one-room or in thatched huts in the sprawling slums or on the pavements. Another sad feature is total lack of essential municipal services like water supply, drainage, sewage, lighting, roads, etc. Further, large proportion of the rural migrants have been bringing with them unskilled persons who take up unskilled jobs in the services, trade, industries, etc.

Further the room has generally to meet all the requirements of the family including cooking, living, sleeping, confinement, it is difficult to keep it reasonably clean and sanitary washing and bathing facilities. The inconvenience they have to undergo is aggravated during the rainy days.

Almost all the above mentioned conditions are found in chawals of Bombay, ahatas of Kanpur, Bastis of Calcutta, Cheris of Madras as well as in Dhowrahas of the mining centres and barracks of the plantations in India. These are made of brick walls and iron roof or the huts consisting of bamboo walls and thatched roofs. The lanes are too narrow and the huts re built back to back. These lack the facilities like bathing, washing and toilets, etc.

4. Sanitation and Pollution: It is accompanied with corrupt municipal administration and inefficiency. According to UNICEF, lakhs of urban children in India die or suffer from diarrhea, diphtheria, tetanus and measles etc.,

5. Transportation and Traffic: Transportation and traffic picture in Indian cities is troublesome. Majority of people use buses and other vehicles, while a few use rails as transport system. The increasing number of two wheelers and other types of vehicles make the traffic problem worse.

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Question 8.
Define slums, explain the characteristics of slums.
Slums: The magnitude of the problem of slums is alarming. The Government of India, Inorder to implementation of various schemes to urban development, has defined a slum area as follows: “A slum area means any area where such dwellings predominate of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement of buildings, narrowness and faulty arrangement of street, lack of ventilation, lack of sanitation facilities, inadequacy of open spaces and community facilities or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morale.” These slum areas are also referred to as the ‘Blighted area’; ‘Renewal area’; ‘deteriorated area’, ‘Gray area’; ‘Lower class neighbourhood’; ‘Lower income area’, etc.

It is in slums that poor people like industrial workers, casual labourers, hawkers, petty shopkeepers, vegetable-sellers and several others offering useful services to the city find a place to stay. The National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, has recorded that the emergence of slums is essentially the product of three forces:

  1. City lifestyle attracting more people from the rural areas offering greater potential for employment;
  2. Its incapacity to meet the rising demand for housing,
  3. The existing urban land policies, which prohibit the access of the poor to the urban land market.

It is further observed that the urban poor are left with no choice but to make or take shelter illegally on any available piece of land. Sometimes a slum is the consequence of blight in the old parts of the city. At times, a slum is inherited in the form of an old village or a haphazardly growing locality within the extended territorial limits of a town. Characteristics of Slums: The physical aspects and general conditions of the slums are by and large the same everywhere. The foremost characteristics of slums can be briefly enumerated in the following manner.

1. Dilapidated and Poor Houses: Slums are made of poor design and scrap materials. These are often raised on unauthorized land.

2. High Density of Population and Housing: It leads to over-crowding and congestion; one room is often used for all practical purposes of domesting living. In Bombay and in many other big cities, it can be seen that in the slum areas one room tenement with 100 sq.f. to 150 sq.f. of space is occupied by more than 10 persons.

3. Lack of Public Utilities and Facilities: Lack of drainage, sanitation, water, electricity, health centers, sanitation and public parks, etc., are widely observable characteristic of slums.

4. Apathy and Social Isolation: Though the slum-dwellers are functionally integrated to the city life, apathy and social isolation characterize a slum. Under these circumstances, the slum-dwellers find it almost impossible to improve these conditions through their own efforts.

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2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 4 Family in India

Karnataka 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank Chapter 4 Family in India

You can Download Chapter 4 Family in India Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, 2nd PUC Sociology Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

2nd PUC Sociology Family in India One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who called the Indian joint family as a “Greater Home”?
Henry Maine.

Question 2.
Mention one advantage of joint family.
Protection to Members.

Question 3.
Mention one disadvantage of joint family.
Promotes Idleness.

Question 4.
What is IUam?
Patriarchical Joint Family ofNambudris Brahmina.

Question 5.
What is Tarawad?
Matriarchal Joint Family of Nairs of Kerala.

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Question 6.
Who is Karnavan?
Senior male member of Tarawad.

Question 7.
State one chang of joint family.
Changes in the size of the joint family.

Question 8.
Who is the author of the book ‘Kinship Organization in India?
Iravathi Karve.

Question 9.
Who is the author of the book ‘Marriage and Family in India?
K.M. Kapadia.

Question 10.
Who wrote some Aspects of family in Mahuva?
I.P Desai.

Question 11.
Which is the main occupation of Narasinganarar family?

Question 12.
Who called Indian Joint family as a co-operative Institution and Joint stock company?

2nd PUC Sociology Family in India Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define joint family.
Joint family: Iravati Karve (Kinship Organization in India) “A joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common, participate in common family worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred”.

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Question 2.
Mention any two characteristics of joint family.
Depth of Generations and Common Roof.

Question 3.
Mention any two advantages of joint family.
Protection to members and Provides Recreation.

Question 4.
Mention any two disadvantages of joint family.
Promotes Idleness and Encourages litigation.

Question 5.
Mention two types of joint family.
Matriarchical and Patriarchical Joint Family.

Question 6.
Mention any two causes for changes in joint family.
Education and Industrialization.

Question 7.
State the Iravathi Kervey’s definition of Joint family?
Joint family: Iravati Karve (Kinship Organization in India) “A joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common, participate in common family worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred”.

Question 8.
Write any two legislations which affect the Indian family?
Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 Domestic Violence Act of 2005

Question 9.
On what basis IP. Desai classified families in India.
Joistness interim of religion occupational relation degree, Intensity and orientation regarding functions and obligation. ,

Question 10.
What is joint family?
Joint family: Iravati Karve (Kinship Organization in India) “A joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common, participate in common family worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred”.

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2nd PUC Sociology Family in India Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain any five characteristics of joint family.
(1) Depth of Generations: Joint family consists of people of three or more generations including grandparents, parents and children. Sometimes, other kins such as uncles, aunts, cousins and great grandsons also live in a joint family.

(2) Common Roof: Henry Maine called the joint family a ‘Greater Home’. Members of the joint family normally reside together under the same roof. It is a place to uphold the family Heritage. It is a place for Socio, Economic, Religious, Entertainment etc. Due to the scarcity of accommodation members of the joint family may reside separately. Still, they try to retain regular contacts and the feeling of belonging to the same family. They have emotional and economic links with the original family.

(3) Common Kitchen: Members eat the food prepared jointly at the common kitchen. Normally, the eldest female member of the family (the wife of the Karta) supervises the work at the kitchen. Rest of the female members engaged in different kitchen work. A single kitchen under a common roof is a unique element of joint family.

(4) Common Worship: Joint family derives its strength from religion. Hence, it is associated with various religious rituals and practices. Every family may have its own deity of ‘Kula devata’ and its own religious tradition. Members of the family take part in common worship, rites and ceremonies. At least once a year they join other members to take part in the festivals, feasting, marriage ceremonies and so on.

(5) Common Property: The members hold a common property. As O’ Malley writes: “The joint family is a co-operative institution similar to a joint stock company in which there is a joint property”. The total earnings of the members are pooled into a common purse of the family and family expenses are met with out of that.

(6) Exercise of Authority: In the patriarchal joint family usually the eldest male member known as ‘Karta’ exerscises authority. The super-ordination of the eldest member and the subordination of all the other members to him is a keynote of the joint family. His commands are normally obeyed by others. Karta ruled his family by love and affection. Similarly, in the matriarchal joint family the eldest female (matriarch) member exercises the su-preme authority.

(7) Arranged Marriages: In the joint family, the elders consider it as their privilege to arrange the marriages of the members. The individual’s right to select his/her life-partner is undermined. The younger members rarely challenge their decisions and arrangements. But now-a-days selecting a life partner to a family member is more of democratic in nature.

(8) Identification with Mutual Rights and Obligations towards the Family: Every member has his own duties and obligations towards the family. The family in turn, protects the interests and promotes the welfare of all. The senior members of the family act as the guide for junior members.

(9) Self-Sufficiency: Joint family is relatively self-sufficient. It used to meet the economic, recreational, medical, educational and other needs of the members. No type of family is self-reliant that way today.

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Question 2.
Describe the advantages of joint family.

  1. Economic Advantage: Joint family prevents property being divided, subdivision and fragmentation. Cooperation of all the members supports the economic activities. It is the best pattern of living that is most conducive to the growth.
  2. Protection of Members: Joint family protects their members during childhood, adult and old age. It is capable of providing assistance at the time of pregnancy, sickness, death and other situations.
  3. Provides Recreation: Joint family provides recreation to its members. Similarly in a joint family the children play together. As a result there grows the feeling of oneness.
  4. Development of Personality: Joint family helps a person to build his/her own personality. They learn the lessons of generosity, patience, service, cooperation and obedience. Here a sense of sacrifice replaces selfishness. As such the disciplines in a joint family are self- imposed on its members.
  5. Socialism in Nature: Joint family is like a Cooperative Trust and in joint family each member works according to his capability and gets according to his need. In this sense to a larger extent achieves the socialistic order. The joint kitchen, naturally, runs on an understanding of mutual adjustment. Naturally those who are benefitted by the generosity of others remain obliged and grateful.

Question 3.
Explain any five disadvantages of joint family.

  1. Promotes Idleness: Joint family is the home for idlers and drovers as the non-earning members do not want to earn their livelihood. In the joint family it happens that some people have to exhaust themselves while the others lead a life of utter lethargy.
  2. Hindrance to the Development of Personality: In joint family there is a very little opportunity for the fostering of individual autonomy or self dependence.
  3. Encourages Litigation and Nepotism: The joint family may encourage litigation at the time of partition of common property; generally disputed crop up peaceful life is disturbed by such litigation, quarrels and conflicts. It is that joint family .systems are the root cause of Nepotism and discrimination of The Head of the family (Karta).
  4. Unfavourable for Savings and Investments: It is not favourable to accumulation of capital. When one has to share one’s income with large family,, it is not possible to save much. Joint family has to spend large amount of money on marriage and other uneconomic activities leads to unfavorable for Investment.
  5. Hinders Social Mobility and Low Status of Women: Joint family damages individual initiative and enterprise and it does not provide proper opportunity for the members to develop their talents. Any new enterprise or adventure on the part of the young people is discouraged by the head of the family.

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Question 4.
Write a note on Tarwad.
Tarawads were matrilineal institutions. Fathers had no significant properties separate from their own Tarawads to give their children, and fathers held no special claims over their children. The Tarawad institutions included family, household, and lands maintained a status and a life beyond any individual. Material support for the household was drawn from the inseparable lands of the Tarawad.

Properties of Tarawad were managed by a senior male called a ‘Karanavan’. The karanavan as the head of a large extended family. The internal management of the affairs of the tarawad were in fact directed by a senior female – a mother, aunt, or grandmother of all sharing the wealth and status of the Tarawad. Both males and females had a whole-life security within their mother’s tarawads; fathers visited only on occasion.

The kamavan is an absolute ruler of the family. On his death the next senior male member becomes kamavan. He can invest money in his own name, can mortgage property, can give money on loan, can give land as gift and is not accountable to any member in respect of income and expenditure. When Tarwad becomes too large, it is divided into Tavashis. ATavashis in relation to a woman is “a group of persons consisting of a female, her children and all descendents in the matrilineal.

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Question 5.
Explain the causes for changes in joint family.
1. Industrialization: With the establishment of factories in many places of the country, agriculture was pushed to the background and with it changed those social institutions which were its products. The industrial centers pulled persons of different families out of the traditional peasant society comprising of joint families.. This struck at the roots of joint families and the process of change started. Furthermore, the process of change in joint family gained momentum from the rapid development of transport and communication.

2. Urbanization: The percentage of workers dependent on agriculture comes down and more and more people migrate to cities and towns in search of jobs. The urban centers also provide people with various amenities of life concerning transport and communication, sanitation and health, education and employment etc., People are tempted by the lure of urban facilities and there is a rural to urban type of migration. Gradually they lost control over Joint family remained an independent in cities in the nuclear families.

3. Rapid Growth of Population: Rapid growth of population brought corresponding increased of the pressure on land. Agriculture being the prime occupation of the villagers, the rural youth-faced the problem of unemployment. People began to move into cities and industrial centers in search of jobs. Thus they had to leave the traditional joint families which resulted in the breakdown of jointness.

4. Education: Education changes the attitude of people. It enables people to get into jobs or profession. Modem education leads to occupational mobility. It has not only brought changes in the attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies of the people, but has also created the individualistic feelings. The increasing education not only brings changes in the philosophy of life of men and women but also provides new avenues of employment and led to economic independence.

5. Changing Status of Women: Social reform movements, awareness among the women for their own position, all affected the patriarchal authority of the joint family system. The spread of modem education enlightened the women. Education made them conscious of their rights and status in the society. It brought about drastic changes in the practices and ideals of family.

They were no more prepared to remain within the four walls of the household in the traditional subordinate position. Social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Keshab Chandra Sen, Jyothi Rao Phule, Maharshi Karve, Pandit Ramabai and many others worked and achieved considerable success for the cause of women. All these factors affected the patriarchal authority of the joint family. As a sequel to that the process of disintegration started in the joint family.

6. Social Legislations: Legislations enacted during the British rule proved harmful for joint family. Gains of Learning Act of 1930, the right of women to share in the property of the joint family by the Hindu Law of Inheritance Act of 1929, and the Hindu women’s Right to Property Act of 1937. Sati Prevention Act 1782, Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856, Child Marriage Restraint Act 1902 have brought changes in family relations.

After independence the process has continued and fundamental changes in the law of inheritance have been brought about by the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Civil Marriage Act, 1957 gave the freedom to the adult males and females to marry according to their choice and helped the women to seek divorce on certain grounds. All these legislations gave enough facility to the members to divide the joint family immediately after the death of the father. The necessity of jointness has also weakened due to various governmental provisions relating to old age pension, widow pension etc.

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2nd PUC Sociology Family in India Ten Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define joint family and explain its characteristics.
“Joint family is a group of kins of several generations, ruled by a head, in which there is a joint residence, common kitchen and property, where members are bound with each other by natural obligation.”

  • Iravati Karve (Kinship Organization in India) “A joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common, participate in common family worship and are related to each other as some particular type of kindred”.
  • K.M. Kapadia (Marriage and Family in India) “Joint Family is a group formed not only of a couple and their children, but also other relations either from father’s side of from mother’s side depending on whether the joint family is patrilineal or matrilineal.”

(1) Depth of Generations: Joint family consists of people of three or more generations including grandparents, parents and children. Sometimes, other kins such as uncles, aunts, cousins and great grandsons also live in a joint family.

(2) Common Roof: Henry Maine called the joint family a ‘Greater Home’. Members of the joint family normally reside together under the same roof. It is a place to uphold the family Heritage. It is a place for Socio, Economic, Religious, Entertainment etc. Due to the scarcity of accommodation members of the joint family may reside separately. Still, they try to retain regular contacts and the feeling of belonging to the same family. They have emotional and economic links with the original family.

(3) Common Kitchen: Members eat the food prepared jointly at the common kitchen. Normally, the eldest female member of the family (the wife of the Karta) supervises the work at the kitchen. Rest of the female members engaged in different kitchen work. A single kitchen under a common roof is a unique element of joint family.

(4) Common Worship: Joint family derives its strength from religion. Hence, it is associated with various religious rituals and practices. Every family may have its own deity of ‘Kula devata’ and its own religious tradition. Members of the family take part in common worship, rites and ceremonies. At least once a year they join other members to take part in the festivals, feasting, marriage ceremonies and so on.

(5) Common Property: The members hold a common property. As O’ Malley writes: “The joint family is a co-operative institution similar to a joint stock company in which there is a joint property”. The total earnings of the members are pooled into a common purse of the family and family expenses are met without of that.

(6) Exercise of Authority: In the patriarchal joint family usually the eldest male member. known as ‘Karta’ exercise authority. The super-ordination of the eldest member and the subordination of all the other members to him is a keynote of the joint family. His commands are normally obeyed by others. Karta ruled his family by love and affection. Similarly, in the matriarchal joint family the eldest female (matriarch) member exercises the supreme authority.

(7) Arranged Marriages: In the joint family, the elders consider it as their privilege to arrange the marriages of the members. The individual’s right to select his/her life-partner is undermined. The younger members rarely challenge their decisions and arrangements. But nowadays selecting a life partner to a family member is more of democratic in nature.

(8) Identification with Mutual Rights and Obligations towards the Family: Every member has his own duties and obligations towards the family. The family in turn, protects the interests and promotes the welfare of all. The senior members of the family act as the guide for junior members.

(9) Self-Sufficiency: Joint family is relatively self-sufficient. It used to meet the economic, recreational, medical, educational and other needs of the members. No type of family is self-reliant that way today.

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Question 2.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of joint family.

  1. Economic Advantage: Joint family prevents property being divided, subdivision and. fragmentation. Cooperation of all the members supports the economic activities. It is the best pattern of living that is most conducive to the growth.
  2. Protection of Members: Joint family protects their members during childhood, adult and old age. It is capable of providing assistance at the time of pregnancy, sickness, death and other situations.
  3. Provides Recreation: Joint family provides recreation to its members. Similarly in a joint family the children play together. As a result there grows the feeling of oneness.
  4. Development of Personality: Joint family helps a person to build his/her own personality. They learn the lessons of generosity, patience, service, cooperation and obedience. Here a sense of sacrifice replaces selfishness. As such the disciplines in a joint family are self- imposed on its members.
  5. Socialism in Nature: Joint family is like a Cooperative Trust and in joint family each member works according to his capability and gets according to his need. In this sense to a larger extent achieves the socialistic order. The joint kitchen, naturally, runs on an understanding of mutual adjustment. Naturally those who are benefitted by the generosity of others remain obliged and grateful.

Disadvantages of Joint Family: The Joint family also suffers from a few disadvantages. Namely:

1. Promotes Idleness: Joint family is the home for idlers and drovers as the non-earning members do not want to earn their livelihood. In the joint family it happens that some people have to exhaust themselves while the others lead a life of utter lethargy.

2. Hindrance to the Development of Personality: In joint family there is a very little opportunity for the fostering of individual autonomy or self dependence.

3. Encourages Litigation and Nepotism: The joint family may encourage litigation at the time of partition of common property; generally disputed crop up peaceful life is disturbed by such litigation, quarrels and conflicts. It is that joint family systems are the root cause of Nepotism and discrimination of The Head of the family (Karta).

4. Unfavorable for Savings and Investments: It is not favourable to accumulation of capital. When one has to share one’s income with large family, it is not possible to save much. Joint family has to spend large amount of money on marriage and other uneconomic activities leads to unfavorable for Investment.

5. Hinders Social Mobility and Low Status of Women: Joint family damages individual initiative and enterprise and it does not provide proper opportunity for the members to develop their talents. Any new enterprise or adventure on the part of the young people is discouraged by the head of the family.

Question 3.
Write a note on Illum and Tarwad.
Nambudri Brahmins lived in patrilineage families which were called Illum. The Nambudris were landowners. Land was considered indivisible, and indivisibility was ensured by the rule of primogeniture. The Nambudri Illom consisted of a man, his wife or wives, his children and his younger brothers. The continuation follow property among the Nambudris are facilitated by the custom of the eldest son marrying girl from his caste, while other sons, although not theoretically debarred from marrying women from their caste, generally do not marry Nambudri women.

It is only when the eldest son fails to have children that the next senior member marries and continues the family. The right of partition being restricted, junior members of the family have only the right to maintenance. The eldest son of the Illum though has absolute control over the family

property: he has no power to alienate it by sale or gift without the consent of the other members. Even the female members have to give their consent in order to alienate it. Nair’s Matriarchal Joint Family – Tarwad Tarawads were matrilineal institutions. Fathers had no significant properties separate from their own Tarawads to give their children, and fathers held no special claims over their children. The Tarawad institutions included family, household, and lands maintained a status and a life beyond any individual. Material support for the household was drawn from the inseparable lands of the Tarawad.

Properties of Tarawad were managed by a senior male called a ‘Karanavan’. The karanavan as the head of a large extended family. The internal management of the affairs of the tarawad were in fact directed by a senior female – a mother, aunt, or grandmother of all sharing the wealth and status of the Tarawad.

Both males and females had a whole-life security within their mother’s tarawads; fathers visited only on occasion. The kamavan is an absolute ruler of the family. On his death the next senior male member becomes kamavan. He can invest money in his own name, can mortgage property, can give money on loan, can give land as gift and is not accountable to any member in respect of income and expenditure. When Tarwad becomes too large, it is divided into Tavashis. ATavashis in relation to a woman is “a group of persons consisting of a female, her children and all descendents in the matrilineal.

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Question 4.
Write a note on Narasinganavar patriarchal joint family.
The Narasinganavar family is a patriarchal Joint family of about 206 individuals who are residing together in the village of Lokur in the Dharwad district of Karnataka. All the individuals in the family share a common ancestry and this family is recognized as one of the largest undivided families in the world. The family spans across five generations. Bhimanna Jinapa Narasinganavar is the patriarch of the family.

For India’s largest joint family, balancing the family is a forbidding task. The Narsingnavar family finds that expenditure on its 206 members always seems to be more than its income. Patriarch Narsingnavar (72), who has been handling money matters of this jumbo family for the past 30 years, says “We believe family finances could be the biggest source of discontent. In their wisdom and sincerity, the elders gave me this job. Whatever I do well be in the interest of the family”.

Agriculture is the main occupation for this family. It owns 270 acres of cultivable land, the annual income is Rs 8 lakh to Rs 12 lakh depending on the monsoon and market. Its annual expenditure of around Rs 10 lakh is largely on farm labour and agriculture machinery. While the family’s requirement of food grains, vegetables and milk are met by its own efforts, it spends a substantial amount on provisions, clothes, medicines, soap and tea.

If there’s resource crunch, the earning members contribute to the common kitty and Bheemanna keeps a meticulous record of the transactions. Weddings are performed every eight or ten years with several marriages being solemnised at the same time. The family’s only source of entertainment is TV.

Question 5.
Describe the views of I.P. Desai on joint family.
I.P. Desai studied a small port town in Gujarat called ‘Mahuva’ in early sixties. Based on the data collected by I.P. Desai, examined the question of jointness in terms of religion, occupational relations, property, education, urbanisation, kinship obligations and household composition.

Besides the structural aspect of family, I.P. Desai examined carefully the types of jointness based on degree, intensity and orientation regard to functions and obligations which people perform for each other, though living separately and at different far off places. Desai finds the following five types of degrees of jointness:

  1. Households with zero degree of jointness.
  2. Households of low degree of jointness (joint by way of the fulfillment of mutual obligations)
  3. Households with high degree of jointness (jointness by way of common ownership of property)
  4. Households with higher degree of jointness (marginally joint families)
  5. Households of highest degree of jointness (traditional joint families)

Thus according to I.P. Desai the structural breakdown is only apparent but not real. Today’s joint family may give rise to several nuclear families and each nuclear family may become a small joint family and after two decades when grandchildren are born, the depth of generations becomes three. Indian family is altering between nucleamess and jointness in a cyclical fashion.

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1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 6 Legislature

You can Download Chapter 6 Legislature Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 6 Legislature

1st PUC Political Science Legislature One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the root word of parliament?
The French word ‘parlor’ is the root word of parliament.

Question 2.
State the primary function of the legislature.
Framing of law is the primary function of the legislature.

Question 3.
Which are the two houses of the Indian Parliament?
Lok sabha and Rajyasabha.

Question 4.
Name the two houses of the United Kingdom.
House of Lords and House of Commons.

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Question 5.
Who is an integral part of the Indian Parliament?
President is an integral part of the Indian parliament.

Question 6.
Who summons the parliament of India?
The President summons the Parliament of India.

Question 7.
Who can promulgate ordinance?
President can promulgate an ordinance.

Question 8.
What is the maximum gap between two sessions of parliament?
6 months is the maximum gap between two sessions of parliament.

Question 9.
Which lists are followed by the parliament to make laws?
Union lists are followed by the parliament to make laws.

Question 10.
Who presides over the joint sitting of the two houses?
President presides over the joint sitting of the two houses.

Question 11.
Which is popularly elected house of Indian parliament?
Lok Sabha is a popularly elected house of Indian parliament.

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Question 12.
Who presides over the proceeding of the Loksabha?
Speaker presides over the proceeding of the Loksabha.

Question 13.
Who elects the speaker of Lok Sabha?
Members are Lok Sabha elects the speaker of Lok Sabha.

Question 14.
What is the strength of Lok Sabha?
The strength of Lok Sabha is 543 + 2.

Question 15.
How many seats are reserved for the Union Territories in Lok Sabha?
Under article 81, not more than 20 Lok Sabha members represent the Union Territories.

Question 16.
How many members of the Anglo-Indian community can be nominated to Lok sabha? or How many nominated members are there in Lok Sabha?
2 members represent by Anglo-Indian Community.

Question 17.
What is the term of a Loksabha member? or What is the normal tenure of the Lok Sabha?
5 years.

Question 18.
When the term of the Lok Sabha can be extended?
During the National emergency, the term of the Lok Sabha can be extended.

Question 19.
Where the money bill is introduced?
The money bill is introduced in Lok Sabha.

Question 20.
What is the total strength of the Rajya Sabha?
The total strength of the Rajya Sabha is 250.

Question 21.
How many members are nominated by the President to Rajya Sabha?
12 members are nominated by the President to Rajya Sabha.

Question 22.
Who presides over the Rajya Sabha?
The Vice president presides over the Rajya Sabha.

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Question 23.
What is the tenure of the members of the Rajya Sabha?
The tenure of Rajya Sabha is 6 years.

Question 24.
Which union territory does not have representation to the Rajya Sabha?
Lakshadeep does not have representation to the Rajya Sabha.

Question 25.
Which house of the parliament has exclusive power to create new All India services?
Rajya Sabha can create new All India services.

Question 26.
Which state has a maximum strength in Lok Sabha?
Uttar Pradesh has maximum strength in Lok Sabha.

Question 27.
What is the term of members of the Legislative Assembly?
The term of the legislative assembly is 5 years.

Question 28.
What is the term of members of the legislative council?
6 years.

Question 29.
What is the maximum strength of the legislative council?
The maximum strength of the council shall not exceed and 1/3rd of the total members in the assembly.

Question 30.
Who dissolves Lok Sabha?
President dissolves Lok Sabha.

Question 31.
What are the three organs of the government?
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.

Question 32.
What type of legislature is existing at the centre in India?
Bicameral legislature.

Question 33.
Give the Meaning of legislature.
The legislature is one that makes the laws. It expresses the will of the state.

Question 34.
What is the strength of Lok sabha?

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Question 35.
What is the term of Rajya sabha?
Rajyasabha is a permanent chamber in the term of office of the members in 6 years.

Question 36.
Who is the speaker of Lok sabha today?
Meera Kumar.

Question 37.
Who is the chairman of Rajya sabha?
The vice president of India Hamid Ansari.

Question 38.
Which state sends the largest number of representatives to Lok sabha?
Uttar Pradesh.

Question 39.
What is the age limit to become a member of Lok sabha?
25 Years and above.

Question 40.
Who is the Custodian of the finance of the country?
Loksabha is the custodian of the finance of the country.

Question 41.
Explain the meaning of the theory of separation of powers.
In this, all the 3 branches of government are separate and independent.

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Question 42.
Who wrote the book “The spirit of laws”?
French political thinker Montesquieu.

Question 43.
What are the functions of the legislature?
Legislature is the law-making organ of government.

Question 44.
What is the other name for the legislature?

Question 45.
Who elects the president of India?
Electoral College.

Question 46.
Which house is called a permanent house?
Rajya Sabha.

Question 47.
Who is the Presiding officer of the Rajya sabha?
Vice President of India.

Question 48.
Give any other two names of Lok sabha.
House of Representatives and lower house.

Question 49.
Who is the presiding officer of the Lok sabha?

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Question 50.
Name the presiding officer of the VidhanaSabha.
Kagadu Thimmappa.

Question 51.
What is an amendment?
It is a process of amending, altering or changing a Law.

Question 52.
Mention the stages involved in the legislative procedure.
There are five stages and three readings.

1st PUC Political Science Legislature Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the legislature?
The legislature is the most important organ of government. It is the law-making organ of government. It expresses the will of the state.

Question 2.
Name the two houses of the American congress.
The two houses are the House of Representatives the lower house and the Senate the upper house.

Question 3.
Which part of the constitution deals with the Indian Parliament?
Part V of the constitution deals with the Indian parliament.

Question 4.
Write the qualifications to become a member of Loksabha.

  1. He must be a citizen of India.
  2. He must not be less than 25 years of age.
  3. Must be eligible as voters.
  4. Must process any other qualification as may be prescribed by parliament.

Question 5.
Write the two important functions of the speaker.

  1. To preside over the session.
  2. To maintain law and order in the session.

Question 6.
What are the functions of the Deputy speaker?
To preside over the house and perform all the functions in the absence of the speaker.

Question 7.
What is the quorum of the house?
To conduct the proceedings of the house 1/10th of the attendance is essential. It is called a quorum.

Question 8.
Who can create or abolish the legislative councils of a state?
Parliament can create or abolish the legislative councils by the recommendation of the concerned state Assembly.

Question 9.
What are the electoral powers of the Vidhan Sabha?
Electing the president and speaker of the assembly is the electoral power of the Vidhan Sabha.

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Question 10.
Who dissolve the legislative assembly?
Governor dissolve the legislative assembly.

Question 11.
Mention the three types of legislative proceedings.

  1. First Reading
  2. Second Reading
  3. Third Reading.

Question 12.
What are the responsibilities of the joint sitting of the house?
In case of disagreement between the two houses on a matter of legislation, it is resolved by a Joint Sitting of both the houses presided over by the Speaker. In a Joint Sitting, Loksabha would emerge triumphant because the decisions are taken by a majority of the total number of members of both the house present and voting in which the numerical superiority of Loksabha prevails.

Question 13.
Write the two function of the speaker of the Vidhana Sabha.

  1. To preside over the session.
  2. To maintain law and order in the session.

Question 14.
What are the qualifications of a member of Rajyasabha?
Qualifications of members of the Rajyasabha:

  1. Must be a citizen of India.
  2. “Should have attained the age of 30 years.
  3. Owe allegiance to the constitution.
  4. Must not hold any office of profit under the Government – National, Regional or local.
  5. Should not be insolvent or man of unsound mind.
  6. Must not have acquired the citizenship of a foreign state.

Question 15.
Write the significance of the legislature.
It is the most important organ of the government. The will of the state is expressed through the legislature. In modem representative democracy it acts as a mirror of the nation.

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Question 16.
What type of legislature is existing in the centre in India?
The legislature with two houses is called bicameralism. There will be upper and lower house. Different nations call the two houses by different names and the composition of house differs.

Question 17.
Write a note on the speaker of Loksabha?
Speaker is the presiding officer of Loksabha the conducts all proceedings of Loksabha except the resolution which seeks his removal. He is the spokesman of the House.

Question 18.
Write a note on the Indian parliament.
The constitution of India lays down that there shall be a parliament and two houses to known as the house of people (The Loksabha) upper house is Rajyasabha. In other words, we have a bicameral legislature in India.

Question 19.
Who summons the parliament of India?
The president is empowered to summon each house of parliament to meet at such a time and place as he thinks fit. The time interval between two sessions of parliament should not be more than six months.

Question 20.
Mention the methods by which the legislature controls the executive.
The legislature controls the executive by way of discussions and debates during the Question Hour, Adjournment Motion, Zero Hour, Cut motion. Call-attention motion etc. The soundest way of controlling the executive is by way of moving the No-confidence motion. If the executive fails to win the support of Lok sabha, they must step down.

Question 21.
What is an electoral college?
The elected by the members of Loksabha and Rajyasabha along with the members of Legislative Assemblies of the states from the Electoral College.

Question 22.
Briefly explain the composition of Rajyasabha.
Composition of the Rajyasabha:
The Rajyasabha consist of 250 members, of which 238 members are elected from the states through indirect elections by a single transferable vote. 12 members are nominated by the president from among those with special knowledge and experience in the field of art, literature, science, social service, etc.

Question 24.
Name the three sessions of the Indian parliament.
The parliament meets in three sessions: the Budget session (February-May), the Monsoon session (July-September) and the winter session (November/December).

Question 25.
What is delegated legislation?
The rules and the regulations made by the executive for the formulation and implementation of law in the parliament are called delegated legislation.

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Question 26.
What is No-confidence motion?
It is a resolution passed by the lower house of the legislature indicating loss or lack of faith in the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. Hence the prime minister and his council will have to resign.

1st PUC Political Science Legislature Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write the meaning and significance of the legislature.
Legislature is the most important institution in a democratic system of government. It is the law-making organ of the government. It brings the will of the people into laws. The importance of the legislature is increasing because the executive and judiciary have to work on the basis of the laws made by the legislature.

The legislature is the primary and most powerful organ of the government. It controls the executive especially in the parliamentary form of government. It sanctions the budget and controls the national finances. In a parliamentary system, the real executive is chosen from and is also controlled by it.

Question 2.
Write a short note on the Indian parliament.
The constitution of India lays down that there shall be a parliament and two houses to be known as the house of people (The Loksabha) upper house is Rajyasabha. In other words, we have a bicameral legislature in India.

Question 3.
Write a briefly note on the composition of Lok Sabha.
The members of Lok Sabha are elected by the people. All adult citizens unless disqualified for other reasons have the right to select their representatives. Qualifications to become the members are must be a citizen of the country and must have attained the minimum age fixed by the constitution. The term of office is five years. Speaker is the presiding officer. He is elected from among the members of the house.

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Question 4.
Describe the composition of Rajya Sabha.
In federal representation the state is important. In India, the members of the Rajyasabha are indirectly elected for 6 years but l/3rd of them will retire every 2 years. The Rajyasabha has 250 members out of whom 12 are nominated by the president for their contributions to science, literature, art and social sendee. The remaining 238 members are indirectly elected by the state legislative assemblies through a system of proportional representation.

Question 5.
Discuss the powers and functions of Loksabha.
1. Legislative functions:
The power of Loksabha extends to all subjects falling under the Union List and the Concurrent list. In case of emergency in operation, its power also extends to the State list as well. No bill can become a law without the consent of Loksabha. The Loksabha has equal powers of law-making with Rajyasabha except on financial matters where the supremacy of Loksabha is total.

In case of disagreement between the two houses on a matter of legislation, it is resolved by a Joint Sitting of both the houses presided over by the Speaker. In a Joint Sitting, Loksabha would emerge triumphant because tire decisions are taken by a majority of the total number of members of both the house present and voting in which the numerical superiority of Loksabha prevails.

2. Financial functions:
On financial matters, the supremacy of the Loksabha is total and complete. “One, who holds a purse, holds power,” said James Madison. By establishing its authority over the national purse, Loksabha establishes its authority over the Rajyasabha. It is expressly stated that the Money bill can originate only in the house of people. Regarding budget, Loksabha being a representative house enjoys total authority. Loksabha’s position on financial matters is such that the demands for grants are placed only before the Loksabha.

3. Control over the executive:
The Loksabha enjoys direct control over the executive because; the executive is directly responsible to the lower house and stays in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of the house. The Loksabha not only makes laws but also supervises the implementation. The lower house being a debating house, the members are free to seek information from the executive and raise questions and seek clarifications. The members can effectively seek information from the government by way of discussions and debates during the Question Hour (seek clarification), the Adjournment Motion (raises issues of national importance), the Zero Hour, the Cu motion, the Call-attention motion, etc. The soundest way of controlling the executive is by way of moving the No-confidence motion, if the executive fails to win the support of Lok sabha, they must step down.

4. Constituent functions:
The Loksabha shares equal powers in regard to amending provisions of the constitution. An amendment may be initiated either in the Rajyasabha or Loksabha and must be passed by a 2/3 majority in both the houses present and voting. The agreement of Rajyasabha is compulsory for the success of the constitutional amendment.

5. Electoral functions:
The Loksabha and Rajyasabha elect the highest constitutional- functionaries such as the President and the Vice-president. The President is elected by the members of Loksabha and Rajyasabha along with the members of Legislative Assemblies of the states. The Vice-president is elected by members of Loksabha and Rajyasabha.

6. Judicial functions:
The Loksabha acts as a judge in the impeachment of the President. Either house can prefer the charge of impeachment. If Rajyasabha prefers the charge, Loksabha investigates the charge and if it passes a resolution by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the house. President stands impeached from the office. The Loksabha also sits in Judgement, along with the Rajyasabha, in removing high constitutional functionaries such as the Comptroller and Auditor General, The Chief Vigilance Commissioner, the Chief Election Commissioner, etc.

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Question 6.
Explain the powers and functions of Rajyasabha.
1. Legislative functions:
On legislative matters, the Rajyasabha enjoys powers with the Loksabha except in case of a Money Bill or Financial Bill. Non-money Bill can originate in Rajyasabha and must get a 2/3 majority in the House and then proceeds to the Loksabha. The approval of both Houses is essential for a bill to become a law. In case of disagreement between the two Houses on a bill, both the houses sit oh a joint sitting presided by the speaker and the deadlock is resolved by a majority of the total number of members of both the houses present and voting.

2. Financial functions:
On the financial front, the Rajyasabha virtually has no powers. The procedure to deal with Money bills clearly states that a Money bill or financial bill cannot originate in the Rajyasabha. The Rajyasabha may discuss and suggest changes but have no right to reject or amend a Money Bill. It is left to the Loksabha to accept or reject its recommendations. In case, the Rajyasabha does not send back a Money bill back to the Loksabha within 14 days from the date of receipt of the bill, the bill is deemed passed, in the original form, by both the Houses.

3. Control over the executive:
The Rajyasabha’s hold over the executive is very minimal because the executive is not directly responsible to the upper house. However, it can seek information, and make clarifications on various policy matters. On issues of national and local importance, the members can grill the executive during debates and discussions during the Question Hour, the Adjournment motion, the Zero Hour, the Cut-Motion. Call- attention Motion etc.

4. Constituent functions:
The Rajyasabha enjoys full powers with Loksabha in executing constituent functions. An amendment to provisions of the constitution can be initiated in either House of the parliament and must be passed by a 2/3 majority in both the Houses present and voting. If Rajyasabha does not pass an amendment bill, the amendment Bill stands defeated. In some special provisions apart from the 2/3 majority in both house of parliament and ratification by not less than 1/2 of the states is necessary.

5. Electoral functions:
The Rajyasabha shares the privilege of electing the highest constitutional functionaries, the President and Vice-president. The President is elected by an electoral college consisting of the members of parliament along with the members of the State legislative assemblies. The members of both the houses of parliament elect the Vice-president.

6.Judicial functions:
The impeachment move against the President may be initiated in either house of the parliament. If Loksabha prefers the charge, Rajyasabha investigates the charge and passes a resolution by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the house, then the President stands impeached. There is no need for an impeachment against the Vice-president who may be removed by a resolution of Rajyasabha passed by the majority of its members and consented to it by Loksabha. The Rajyasabha also participates in the removal of the highest constitutional functionaries such as the Chief Election Commissioner, the Vigilance Commissioner, etc.

7. Miscellaneous functions:
The Rajyasabha performs other functions as well

  1. By a resolution, Rajyasabha can create one or more All India Services.
  2. Continuation of emergency beyond the specified time must come before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  3. Orders made by the President suspending enforcement of fundamental rights is required to be laid before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  4. According to Article 249, the Rajyasabha by a resolution can ask the parliament to legislate on certain subjects in the State list.

Question 7.
Discuss the financial powers of both the houses of Parliament.
Financial functions are a very important function of the modem legislature. The national finances are controlled by the legislature. The legislature enacts the annual budget. The entire financial administration of the country comes under its general supervision direction and control.

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Question 8.
Write a short note on the composition of the Vidhana Sabha.
There is a legislative assembly for every state. The number of members depends upon the population of the state. But it can not have less than 60 and more than 500 members. The members are chosen by direct election by people of the state. The governor has been given the power to nominate one or two members of the Anglo Indian community legislative assembly is five years.

Question 9.
Write a short note on the composition of the Vidhana Parishad.
The Composition of the legislative council is as follows:

  • 1/3 – of the members are elected from the local bodies such as municipalities and district boards;
  • 1/3 – of the members are elected from members of the Legislative Assembly;
  • 1/12 – of the members are elected by the graduates from graduate constituencies.
  • 1/12 – of the members are elected from teacher’s constituencies consisting of secondary- school, college and university- teachers; and
  • 1/6- of the members are nominated by the Governor from the fields of science, art, social service, the co-operative movement, literature, etc.

Question 10.
Explain the powers and functions of Vidhana Sabha.
1. Legislative Functions:
The Legislative Assembly is entitled to pass laws on all subjects that fall under the state list such as police, public health, education, local-self governments, etc. Without the consent of the Vidlianasabha, no bill can become a law. Though the Vidhanasabha is competent enough to make laws on subjects listed in the concurrent list along with the central legislature, if parliament passes a law contained in the concurrent list, the legislative assembly is not competent to pass a law on the same subject.

However, some bills require the previous permission of the President before they are introduced in the state legislature. In case of breakdown of constitutional machinery in a state or when the proclamation of emergency is in operation, parliament has the power of making laws on matters falling under the state list. In case of a conflict between state law and the law of the parliament, the law of the parliament shall supreme.

2. Financial Functions:
The Vidhanasabha enjoys total control over the finance of the state. No new tax can be levied or collected without the consent of the Vidhanasabha. The authority of the Vidhanasabha over Vidhanaparishad is strengthened by the fact that a Money bill or Financial bill can only originate in the Vidhanasabha and the Vdhanaparishad can at the most delay it by 14 days but cannot reject or amend the Bill. The annual income-expenditure statement of the year the Budget must get the approval of the Vidhanasabha. Every- year during March-April, the beginning of the financial year, it is the responsibility of the government to place the budget before the house and seek its approval.

3. Control over the Executive (Administration):
The Vidhanasabha enjoys direct control over the administration, as the executive is directly, collectively, responsible to the Vidhanasabha and remains in office as long as they enjoy the confidence of the house. The members of the house can seek information from the government through questions and supplementary questions. It is the responsibility of the ministers to clarify points raised by members and give a satisfactory explanation.

Any attempt to lie or mislead the house is considered an offence against the house punishable under Contempt of the House. The debating occasions such as the Question Hour, Adjournment motion, the Emergency Adjournment motion, the Zero Hour, the Cut motion, the Call-attention motion keeps the executive under constant check and tire executive must be alert and ready with answers. However, ministers can ask for time to answer questions. The most effective weapon in the hands of the Vidhana sabha is the No-confidence motion, which can bring down a government.

4. Electoral Functions:
The members of the Vidhana sabha along with the members of the parliament constitute an electoral college to elect the President of India. They also take part in electing the members of Rajyasabha and also of the members of Legislative council.

5. Constituent Functions:
The state legislative assembly takes part in amending a few constitutional provisions. The Assembly does not initiate any amendment to constitution neither does it has such powers. But ratification of at least not less than half of the State legislative assemblies is necessary1 for amending certain provisions of the constitution. For instance, if there has to be an amendment made to electoral procedure of electing president of India then it has to be ratified by 1/2 of the states, which in turn is done by state legislative assemblies.

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Question 11.
Discuss the powers and functions of Vidhana Parishad.
The powers and functions of the Vidhana Parishad are as follows:
1. Legislative functions:
No bill can become a law unless agreed upon by both the Legislative council and the Legislative assembly. Any bill other than a Money Bill can originate in the upper house. The lower house on passing a bill sends it to the upper house for consideration and recommendations.

If the upper house rejects the bill after keeping it with them for 120 days, the low er house can again send the bill. And if the Legislative council does not give approval the second time, the bill is deemed to have been passed by both the Houses of the state legislature.

2. Financial functions:
The Legislative council does not enjoy any position of power on financial matters. It is expressly stated in the constitution that a Money bill or financial bill cannot originate in the upper house. The Vidhanasabha on passing a Money bill sends it to the Vidhana Parishad for its recommendations, but it is to the lower House to accept or reject the recommendations. The Vidhana Parishad can neither correct nor amend a Money Bill.

If a Money Bill is not returned to the Vidhana sabha within 14 days of receipt of the bill, the bill is deemed passed by both the houses in its original form. On Financial matters, the Vidhana Parishad is sub-ordinate to the Vidhana Sabha. The Vidhana Parishad can only discuss the Budget but cannot make changes.

3. Control over the executive:
The influence of the Legislative council over the executive is minimal because the executive is directly responsible to the Legislative assembly. It has the right to seek necessary information and records for suggestions but cannot directly control the administration. The upper House can ask questions and supplementary questions during which ministers are duty-bound to provide satisfactory answers. The Vidhana Parishad can not initiate a motion of No-confidence to bring down the government as it is a nominated House.

Question 12.
Discuss the powers and functions of the speaker of the Loksabha.
The presiding officer of Loksabha is the Speaker who is elected from among the members along with the Deputy Speaker and stays in office till the life of the House i.e., 5 years. His primary task is to protect the dignity and decorum of the House and to see that the proceedings of the House are conducted in an orderly and a focused manner. He is the principal spokesperson of the House and must be impartial and even-handed in dealing as the custodian of the House.

In order to ensure impartiality, the speaker resigns his party membership in the election. The Deputy speaker discharges the duty even the office of the speaker falls vacant due to resignation, death or removal by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the House or in the absence of the speaker. The salary of the speaker is determined by the parliament from time to time. The Speaker’s position in the House is one of dignity and authority.

  • All orders of the house are executed through the Speaker
  • Communication from the President is made known through the Speaker.
  • It is the power of the speaker to declare whether a bill is a money bill or not.
  • He enjoys the authority of interpreting the Rules of procedure and has the power to vote except in case of a tie.
  • No member can speak in the House without the permission of the speaker and it is the speaker who fixes the time limit for speech.
  • He presides over the Joint sittings of the parliament.
  • During discussions, the members must address the Chair.
  • In case of a tie, the speaker has the right to cast a vote.
  • Speaker’s decisions cannot be questioned in a court of law.

Question 13.
Discuss the role of the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
The presiding officer of the Rajyasabha is the Vice-President who acts as the ex-officio chairman of the Rajyasabha. He holds office for a period of 5 years and salaries and allowances are as determined by the parliament. The position of the Chairman is that of dignity and honour and his task is to see that the transaction of business is conducted with dignity and purpose. Smooth transaction of business and maintenance of order is the responsibility of the Chairman.

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Question 14.
Explain the law-making procedure.
A bill in order to become a law has to go through the law-making process. A bill, other than a Money bill, can originate in either house of the parliament before it goes to the President for assent. Non-money bill goes through three readings, involving five stages, in both the houses, before becoming a Law. A Bill may be moved by a private member called a Private Member bill or by a minister representing the Government called a Public bill. It is also called a Government bill.

1. The First Reading:
A minister or a member can introduce a bill with the permission of the Speaker. No formal debate or no speeches relating to contents of the bill are made at this stage. After the bill has been introduced, it is immediately published in the Gazette of the Government of India. Now. the First reading of the bill is complete.

2. The Second Reading:
At this stage, the concerned minister provides details such as the purpose, objectives, and background of the bill in general as well as specifics relating to various clauses, schedules, and amendments to take place. No corrections or amendments can be made at this stage and after detailed discussion, the bill is put to vote.

3. The Committee Stage:
At this stage, the bill is submitted to a Committee and the names of. the members of the Committee are published. The committee headed by a chairman examines the Bill and its provisions and discusses it clause by clause. In the process, it may ask for relevant information and suggest its own changes and modifications. And now, the report and the bill are published in the Gazette.

4. The Report Stage:
Based on recommendations made by the Committee, the bill goes through detailed discussions. Changes can be suggested at this stage and the Report Stage is the last chance for the members to make any amendments to the bill.

5. The Third Reading:
This is the formalization stage of the bill where general discussions about the concerned bill take place. At this stage, no formal amendments can be made except informal changes. Then the bill is put to vote. Though the bill is open tor rejection, even at this stage, it is not normally resorted to.

After completing five stages in the House from which it originated, say Rajyasabha, it goes to the loksabha and has to undergo the same procedure. After getting passed in both the houses, it goes for the acceptance of the President. In case the other house rejects the bill altogether, the president may call for a joint sitting of the parliament to resolve the deadlock (Article 108).

Question 15.
Write a brief note on the Legislative powers of the president.
1. Legislative Functions:

The legislative functions are detailed below:
1. To summon, prorogue and dissolve the Parliament.

2. The President enjoys the power to address the Parliament. It is normally done after general elections or the first session of the year. It is generally called Presidential speech. This inaugural speech outlines the objectives and priorities of the government.

3. In passing the bills, if a deadlock arises due to non-agreement between two houses of the parliament, the President may call for a joint session of both the houses.

4. The President may address Lok sabha or Rajya sabha or both any time and also may send a message to both the houses of parliament to look into a bill.

5. In the considered view of the President, if he is satisfied that the Anglo-Indian com¬munity is not adequately represented, he may nominate 12 members to Rajya Sabha and 2 members to Lok sabha.

6. Prior permission of the President is essential while dealing with bills relating to the formation of new states, alteration of boundaries and some special bills like the finance bills.

7. No bill can become a law without the assent of the President. He enjoys the power to withhold a bill. This power is called ‘Veto power’. However, he cannot refuse his assent for finance bills. But he can withhold assent for a nonmoney bill. But if the same is resubmitted for signature even without changes, he cannot refuse to sign it.

8. The President enjoys the power of issuing Ordinance when the parliament is not in session. It will have the same power and effect similar to that of a law made by the Parliament provided the same is ratified by the Parliament within 6 weeks of its passage. Otherwise, it ceases to be a law and is considered null and void or zero.

Question 16.
Which is more powerful? State legislative assembly or state legislative council? Explain.
The legislative council is a weaker chamber. It is not only the second but also the secondary chamber of the state legislature. Money bills must originate only in the legislative assembly. The council has no control over the ministry in the state.

Question 17.
What are the miscellaneous functions of the Rajyasabha?
The miscellaneous functions of the Rajyasabha are:

  1. By a resolution, Rajyasabha can create one or more All India Services.
  2. Continuation of emergency beyond the specified time must come before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  3. Orders made by the President suspending enforcement of fundamental rights is required to be laid before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  4. According to Article 249, the Rajyasabha by a resolution can ask the parliament to legislate on certain subjects in the State list.

Question 18.
What are the functions of the legislature?
1. Lawmaking: The legislature enacts new laws, amends old laws and repeals unwanted laws.

2. Deliberative: The Legislature conducts extensive discussions on matters of public importance, bills and the budget.

3. Formulates policies: The legislature formulates domestic and foreign policy.

4. Controlling the executive: The legislature controls both the political and administrative executive, through questions, resolutions, and motions. A no-confidence motion is to express a lack of faith in and to oust the government.

5. Financial control: To enact money bills and budgets.

6. Judicial: The judiciary can impeach the heads of state and the judges of the higher courts.

7. Constitutional: the legislature amends the constitution.

8. Electoral: It is part of the Electoral College that elects the head of the state.

9. Ventilation of grievances: The legislature is a forum of complaints and formation of public opinion.

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Question 19. Briefly explain the importance of the legislature.
The Importance of the legislature is:
The importance of Legislature has grown many-fold due to the ever-increasing role of government in the developmental activity. In present times, the role of the executive and judiciary cannot be imagined without legislature. That’s why Gilchrist has rightly observed thus: “The legislature is the preamble, executive the content and judiciary the conclusion”.

1. Lawmaking:
The Lawmaking the role of the legislature is so vital because even though the executive is strong, a wrong law passed by the legislature will have disastrous consequences. So, efficient lawmaking is essential and that task is handled by legislature. While making laws, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons of that legislation.

2. Determines the government:
In democracies, people elect a government of their choice from among competing political parties in elections, held periodically. Party or parties that secure majority support of the people form the government and others act as the opposition. The government is also called as “the ruling party or ruling coalition” continues as long as it enjoys the confidence of the legislature (lower house). If the government fails to secure a motion of no confidence it has to vacate the office. In India, parliamentary elections are held once in 5 years whereas in U.S.A, presidential elections are held once in 4 years.

3. Public platform:
The importance of legislature is reflected in its role serving as a public platform. The legislature consists of people’s representatives from different nooks and comers of the country representing various castes, religions, languages, customs, traditions, cultures and vivid socio-economic backgrounds. These representatives assemble in one place to discuss problems concerning people of the whole nation. So, legislature plays a key role in mirroring national sentiment.

Question 20.
Briefly explain the theory of separation of powers.
The theory of separation of powers deals with the relationship between the three organs of government. This theory was put forward by Montesquieu, a French political thinker in his book “The spirit of the laws”. He suggested that the governmental powers must be separated between i.e., legislature, executive and judiciary, Montesquieu theory had a great influence on the US constitution.

1st PUC Political Science Legislature Ten Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Describe the composition, powers, and functions of Loksabha.
The members of Lok Sabha are elected by the people. All adult citizens unless disqualified for other reasons have the right to select their representatives. Qualifications to become the members are must be a citizen of the country and must have attained the minimum age fixed by the constitution. The term of office is five years. Speaker is the presiding officer. He is elected from among the members of the house.

The powers and functions of LokSabha are as follows
1. Legislative functions:
The power of Loksabha extends to all subjects falling under the Union List and the Concurrent List. In case of emergency in operation, its power also extends to the State list as well. No bill can become a law without the consent of Loksabha. The Loksabha has equal powers of law-making with Rajyasabha except on financial matters where the supremacy of Loksabha is total.

In case of disagreement between the two houses on a matter of legislation, it is resolved by a Joint Sitting of both the houses presided over by the Speaker. In a Joint Sitting, Loksabha would emerge triumphant because the decisions are taken by a majority of the total number of members of both the house present and voting in which the numerical superiority of Loksabha prevails.

2. Financial functions:
On financial matters, the supremacy of the Loksabha is total and complete. “One, who holds purse, holds power” said James Madison. By establishing its authority over the national purse, Loksabha establishes its authority over the Rajyasabha. It is expressly stated that the Money bill can originate only in the house of people. Regarding budget, Loksabha being a representative house enjoys total authority. Loksabha’s position on financial matters is such that the demands for grants are placed only before the Loksabha.

3. Control over the executive:
The Loksabha enjoys direct control over the executive because; the executive is directly responsible to the lower house and stays in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of the house. The Loksabha not only makes laws but also supervises the implementation. The lower house being a debating house, the members are free to seek information from the executive and raise questions and seek clarifications.

The members can effectively seek information from the government by way of discussions and debates during the Question Hour (seek clarification), the Adjournment Motion (raises issues of national importance), the Zero Hour, the Cu motion, the Call-attention motion, etc. The soundest way of controlling the executive is by way of moving the No-confidence motion, if the executive fails to win the support of Lok sabha, they must step down.

4. Constituent functions:
The Loksabha shares equal powers in regard to amending provisions of the constitution. An amendment may be initiated either in the Rajyasabha or Loksabha and must be passed by a 2/3 majority in both the houses present and voting. The agreement of Rajyasabha is compulsory for the success of the constitutional amendment.

5. Electoral functions:
The Loksabha and Rajyasabha elect the highest constitutional functionaries such as the President and the Vice-president. The President is elected by the members of Loksabha and Rajyasabha along with the members of Legislative Assemblies of the states. The Vice-president is elected by members of Loksabha and Rajyasabha.

6. Judicial functions:
The Loksabha acts as a judge in the impeachment of the President. Either house can prefer the charge of impeachment. If. Rajyasabha prefers the charge, Loksabha investigates the charge and if it passes a resolution by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the house. President stands impeached from the office. The Loksabha also sits in Judgement along with the Rajyasabha, in removing high constitutional functionaries such as the Comptroller and Auditor General, The Chief Vigilance Commissioner, the Chief Election Commissioner, etc.

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Question 2.
Describe the composition, powers, and functions of Rajyasabha.
In federal representation the state is important. In India, the members of the Rajyasabha are indirectly elected for 6 yrs but 1/3rd of them will retire even. 2 yrs. The Rajyasabha has 250 members out of whom 12 are nominated by the president for their contributions to science, literature, art and social service. The remaining 238 members are indirectly elected by the state legislative assemblies through a system of proportional representation.

The powers and functions of Rajyasabha are as follows:
1. Legislative functions:
Oh legislative matters, the Rajyasabha enjoys powers with the Loksabha except in case of a Money Bill or Financial Bill. Non-money Bill can originate in Rajyasabha and must get a 2/3 majority in the House and then proceeds to the Loksabha. The approval of both Houses is essential for a bill to become a law.

In case of disagreement between the two Houses on a bill, both the houses sit on a joint sitting presided by the speaker and the deadlock is resolved by a majority of the total number of members of both the houses present and voting.

2. Financial functions:
On the financial front, the Rajyasabha virtually has no powers. The procedure to deal with Money bills clearly states that a Money bill or financial bill cannot originate in the Rajyasabha. The Rajyasabha may discuss and suggest changes but have no right to reject or amend a Money Bill. It is left to the Loksabha to accept or reject its recommendations. In case, the Rajyasabha does not send back a Money bill back to the Loksabha within 14 days from the date of receipt of the bill, the bill is deemed passed, in the original form, by both the Houses.

3. Control over the executive:
The Rajyasabha’s hold over the executive is very minimal because the executive is not directly responsible to the upper house. However, it can seek information, and make clarifications on various policy matters. On issues of national and local importance, the members can grill the executive during debates and discussions during the Question Hour, the Adjournment motion, the Zero Hour, the Cut-Motion, Call- attention Motion, etc.

4. Constituent functions:
The Rajyasabha enjoys full powers with Loksabha in executing constituent functions. An amendment to provisions of the constitution can be initiated in either House of the parliament and must be passed by a 2/3 majority’ in both the Houses present and voting. If Rajyasabha does not pass an amendment bill, the amendment Bill stands defeated. In some special provisions apart from the 2/3 majority in both house of parliament and ratification by not less than 1/2 of the states is necessary.

5. Electoral functions:
The Rajyasabha shares the privilege of electing the highest constitutional functionaries, the President and Vice-president. The President is elected by an electoral college consisting of the members of parliament along with the members of the State legislative assemblies. The members of both the houses of parliament elect the Vice-president.

6. Judicial functions: The impeachment move against the President may be initiated in either house of the parliament. If Loksabha prefers the charge, Rajyasabha investigates the charge and passes a resolution by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the house, then the President stands impeached.

There is no need for an impeachment against the Vice president who may be removed by a resolution of Rajyasabha passed by the majority of its members and consented to it by Loksabha. The Rajyasabha also participates in the removal of the highest constitutional functionaries such as the Chief Election Commissioner, the Vigilance Commissioner, etc.

7. Miscellaneous functions:
The Rajyasabha performs other functions as well as

  1. By a resolution Rajyasabha can create one or more All India Services.
  2. Continuation of emergency beyond the specified time must come before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  3. Orders made by the President suspending enforcement of fundamental rights is required to be laid before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  4. According to Article 249, the Rajyasabha by a resolution can ask the parliament to legislate on certain subjects in the State list.

Question 3.
Explain the composition, powers, and functions of Vidhana Sabha.
There is a legislative assembly for every state. The number of members depends upon the population of the state. But it can not have less than 60 and more than 500 members. The members are chosen by direct election by people of the state. The governor has been given the power to nominate one or two members of the Anglo Indian community legislative assembly is five years.

The powers and functions of Vidhanasabha are as follows:
1. Legislative Functions:
The Legislative Assembly is entitled to pass laws on all subjects that fall under the state list such as police, public health, education, local-self governments, etc. Without the consent of the Vidhanasabha, no bill can become a law. Though the Vidhanasabha is competent enough to make laws on subjects listed in the concurrent list along with the central legislature, if parliament passes a law contained in the concurrent list, the legislative assembly is not competent to pass a law on the same subject.

However, some bills require the previous permission of the President before they are introduced in the state legislature. In case of breakdown of constitutional machinery’ in a state or when the proclamation of emergency is in operation, parliament has the power of making laws on matters falling under the state list. In case of a conflict between state law and the law of the parliament, the law of the parliament shall supreme.

2. Financial Functions:
The Vidhanasabha enjoys total control over the finance of the state. No new tax can be levied or collected without the consent of the Vidhanasabha. The authority of the Vidhanasabha over Vidhanaparishad is strengthened by the fact that a Money bill or Financial bill can only originate in the Vidhanasabha and the Vidhanaparishad can at the most delay it by 14 days but cannot reject or amend the Bill. The annual income-expenditure statement of the year the Budget must get the approval of the Vidhanasabha. Even year during March-April, the beginning of the financial year, it is the responsibility of the government to place the budget before the house and seek its approval.

3. Control over the Executive (Administration):
The Vidhanasabha enjoys direct control over the administration, as the executive is directly, collectively, responsible to the Vidhanasabha and remains in office as long as they enjoy the confidence of the house. The members of the house can seek information from the government through questions and supplementary questions. It is the responsibility of the ministers to clarify points raised by members and give a satisfactory explanation.

Any attempt to lie or mislead the house is considered an offence against the house punishable under Contempt of the House. The debating occasions such as the Question Hour, Adjournment motion, the Emergency Adjournment motion, the Zero Hour, the Cut motion, the Call-attention motion keeps the executive under constant check and the executive must be alert and ready with answers. However, ministers can ask for time to answer questions. The most effective weapon in the hands of the Vidhanasabha is the No-confidence motion, which can bring down a government.

4. Electoral Functions:
The members of the Vidhanasabha along with the members of the parliament constitute an electoral college to elect the President of India. They also take part in electing the members of Rajyasabha and also of the members of Legislative council.

5. Constituent Functions:
The state legislative assembly takes part in amending a few constitutional provisions. The Assembly does not initiate any amendment to constitution neither does it has such powers. But ratification of at least not less than half of the State legislative assemblies is necessary for amending certain provisions of the constitution. For instance, if there has to be an amendment made to electoral procedure of electing president of India then it has to be ratified by 1/2 of the states, which in turn is done by state legislative assemblies.

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Question 4.
Describe the composition, powers, and functions of Vidhana Parishad.
The Composition of the legislative council is as follows:

  • 1/3 – of the members are elected from the local bodies such as municipalities and district boards.
  • 1/3 – of the members are elected from members of the Legislative Assembly.
  • 1/12 – of the members are elected by the graduates from graduate constituencies.
  • 1/12 – of the members are elected from teacher’s constituencies consisting of secondary school, college, and university teachers; and
  • 1/6- of the members are nominated by the Governor from the fields of science, art, social service, the co-operative movement, literature, etc.

The powers and functions of the Vidhana Parishad are as follows:
1. Legislative functions:
No bill can become a law unless agreed upon by both the Legislative council and the Legislative assembly. Any bill other than a Money Bill can originate in the upper house. The lower house on passing a bill sends it to the upper house for consideration and recommendations. If the upper house rejects the bill after keeping it with them for 120 days, the lower house can again send the bill. And if the Legislative council does not give approval the second time, the bill is deemed to have been passed by both the Houses of the state legislature.

2. Financial functions:
The Legislative council does not enjoy any position of power on financial matters. It is expressly stated in the constitution that a Money bill or financial bill cannot originate in the upper house. The Vidhanasabha on passing a Money bill sends it to the Vidhana Parishad for its recommendations, but it is to the lower House to accept or reject the recommendations. The Vidhana Parishad can. neither correct nor amend a Money Bill. If a Money Bill is not returned to the Vidhana sabha within 14 days of receipt of the bill, the bill is deemed passed by both the houses in its original form. On Financial matters, the Vidhana Parishad is sub-ordinate to the Vidhana Sabha. The Vidhana Parishad can only discuss the Budget but cannot make changes.

3. Control over the executive:
The influence of the Legislative council over the executive is minimal because the executive is directly responsible to the Legislative assembly. It has the right to seek necessary information and records for suggestions but cannot directly control the administration. The upper House can ask questions and supplementary questions during which ministers are duty-bound to provide satisfactory answers. The Vidhana Parishad cannot initiate a motion of No-confidence to bring down the government as it is a nominated House.

Question 5.
What are the special powers of both the Houses of the Parliament?
The Rajyasabha performs other functions as well as

  1. By a resolution, Rajyasabha can create one or more All India Services.
  2. Continuation of emergency beyond the specified time must come before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  3. Orders made by the President suspending enforcement of fundamental rights is required to be laid before the Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
  4. According to Article 249, the Rajyasabha by a resolution can ask the parliament to legislate on certain subjects in State list. The Loksabha enjoys direct control over the executive because; executive is directly responsible to the lower house and stays in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of the house. The Loksabha not only makes laws but also supervises the implementation. The lower house being a debating house, the members are free to seek information from the executive and raise questions and seek clarifications.

The members can effectively seek information from the government by way of discussions and debates during the Question Hour (seek clarification), the Adjournment Motion(raises issues of national importance), the Zero Hour, the Cu motion, the Call-attention motion, etc. The – soundest way of controlling the executive is by way of moving the No-confidence motion, if the executive fails to win the support of Lok sabha, they must step down.

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Question 6.
Explain the role, powers, and functions of the speaker of Loksabha.
The presiding officer of Loksabha is the Speaker who is elected from among the members along with the Deputy Speaker and stays in office till the life of the House i.e., 5 years. His primary task is to protect the dignity and decorum of the House and to see that the proceedings of the House are conducted in an orderly and a focused manner. He is the principal spokesperson of the House and must be impartial and even-handed in dealing as the custodian of the House.

In order to ensure impartiality, speaker resigns his party membership on election. The Deputy speaker discharges the duty when the office of the speaker falls vacant due to resignation, death or removal by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the House or in the absence of the speaker. The salary of the speaker is determined by the parliament from time to time. The Speakers’ position in the House is one of dignity and authority.

  • All orders of the house are executed through the Speaker
  • Communication from the President is made known through the Speaker.
  • It is the power of the speaker to declare whether a bill is a money bill or not.
  • He enjoys the authority of interpreting the Rules of procedure and has the power to vote except in case of a tie.
  • No member can speak in the House without the permission of the speaker and it is the speaker who fixes the time limit for speech.
  • He presides over the Joint sittings of the parliament.
  • During discussions, the members must address the Chair.
  • In the case of a tie, the speaker has the right to cast a vote.
  • Speaker’s decisions cannot be questioned in a court of law.

Question 7.
Explain the role, powers, and functions of the speaker of Vidhana Sabha.
The presiding officer of Vidhana sabha is the Speaker who is elected from among the members along with the Deputy Speaker and stays in office till the life of the House i.e., 5 years. His primary task is to protect the dignity and decorum of the House and to see that the proceedings of the House are conducted in an orderly and a focused manner. He is the principal spokesperson of the House and must be impartial and even-handed in dealing as the custodian of the House. In order to ensure impartiality, the speaker resigns his party membership in the election.

The Deputy speaker discharges the duty when the office of the speaker falls vacant due to resignation, death or removal by a 2/3 majority of the total membership of the House or in the absence of the speaker. The salary of the speaker is determined by the parliament from time to time. The Speaker’s position in the House is one of dignity and authority.

All orders of the house are executed through the Speaker

  • Communication from the Governor is made known through the Speaker.
  • It is the power of the speaker to declare whether a bill is money bill or not.
  • He enjoys the authority of interpreting the Rules of procedure and has the power to vote except in case of a tie.
  • No member can speak in the House without the permission of the speaker and it is the speaker who fixes the time limit for speech.
  • During discussions, the members must address the Chair.
  • In case of a tie, the speaker has the right to cast a vote.
  • Speaker’s decisions cannot be questioned in a court of law.

Karnataka Class 10 Hindi Solutions पूरक वाचन Chapter 3 नागरिक के कर्तव्य

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नागरिक के कर्तव्य Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary


I. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए :

प्रश्न 1.
मीना मैडम ने कितने दिनों के कार्यशिबिर का आयोजन किया था ?
मीना मैडम ने पंद्रह दिनों के कार्यशिबिर का आयोजन किया था।

प्रश्न 2.
संभाषण का विषय क्या था ?
नागरिकों के मूल कर्तव्य यह संभाषण का विषय था।

प्रश्न 3.
अकुल ने मीना मैडम से क्या कहा ?
अकुल ने मीना मैडम से कहा, एक नागरिक की है सियत से हमें अपने देश के राष्ट्र\(\square\)ध्वज, राष्ट्र\(\square\)गान र तथा। राष्टी   \(\square\)य त्योहारों का आदर करना चाहिए। करना चाहिए।

प्रश्न 4.
सलमा ने क्या कहा ?
सलमा ने कहा कि प्रकृति हमारी माँ है। इसलिए हमें प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का अपव्यय नहीं करना चाहिए। साथ ही पर्यावरण को स्वच्छ रखना भी हमारा कर्तव्य है।

प्रश्न 5.
अन्वर ने मीना मैडम से क्या कहा ?
अन्वर ने मीना मैडम से कहा कि देशवासियों के प्रति भाईचारे का भाव रखना जरूरी है। जाति, धर्म, भाषा, प्रदेश, वर्ग पर आधारित सभी भेदभावों से दूर रहना चाहिए।

प्रश्न 6.
मीना मैडम ने छात्रों से अंत में क्या कहा ?
मीना मैडम ने छत्रों से कहा कि देश की म रक्षा और उत्कर्ष के लिए सतत प्रयत्नशील रहें। अपने कर्तव्यों का पालन करें तभी देश का कल्याण होगा।

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