Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
What favor did the Elephant ask the man on a rainy day?
To put his trunk in the man’s hut.
Question 2.
What does the ‘Cage’ stand for in the poem ‘The School boy’?
Question 3.
What did Mara’s wife find on opening the packet of meat?
A live buck.
Question 4.
How much money did the narrator have in his pocket as life’s savings?
14 Rupees
Question 5.
‘Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt; here ‘eat dirt’ means.
(a) Eat dust
(b) earn money
(c) Suffer humiliation.
(c) Suffer humiliation.
Question 6.
Name the school run by Babar Ali.
Anand ShikshaNikethan.
Question 7.
Who did the king appoint the watchman of the take?
Question 8.
What does “the harvest of my womb” refer to?
Farmer’s Children
Question 9.
How old was Douglass when his mother died?
Seven years old
Question 10.
What service does the old woman offer to get a fifty paise coin?
To take the narrator to the horseshoe shrine
Question 11.
Where did the narrator first meet Nicola and Jacopa?
On the outskirts of Verona.
Question 12.
What did the beauty give the spring?
Ever-lasting youth.
II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
What fate awaited the man each time he built a new house?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. The man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only, as there was enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.
Question 14.
How does the poet describe the boy’s experience in the School? ”
The boy was not happy in the school because it took away his joy and made him sit under restrictions. He cried and was scared in school, he did not get any happiness from the books. He felt the school was like a prison, he never learned anything there and never got any knowledge.
Question 15.
What was the story behind Mara’s loss of teeth in “Around a Medicinal Creeper”?
The Narrator was a good friend of Mara. He was told several unbelievable stories by Mara. But the narrator did not believe him and assumed that they were all cock and bull stories. But when he heard ofAppanna’s account about a herb that if it was squeezed the milk became hard, he wanted to check it. So he plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to his friend Chandru, a pathologist. He told Chandru what he had heard about that plant. They decided to conduct the experiment and brought a liter of milk and put those leaves in the milk and mixed it with a mixer and poured it into a vessel. After a few minutes, the milk became firm and rubbery. So he came to believe in and learn the facts about the medicinal creeper It signifies that the narrator did not believe until it came from his own experience. Most of the educated ones become cynics and skeptics about the uneducated’s stories about medicinal creepers.
Question 16.
How did the stranger save the narrator from the embarrassing experience?
Once, the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen nipples in his wallet kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry. I-le drank tea. The bill was eleven annas. He searched his pocket to pay the bill but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the once. the owner caught him by the lapeLs and ordered him to pay up. But as he did not have any money. he offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take òff’all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paying his bill.
Question 17.
Why did Babar Ali take the initiative of starting his own school?
Though children arc provided free education. sending children to school is not entirely free of cost. Although children are taught for free. They still have to pay for Lifli forms. books etc. Many families cannot send their children to school. Thus, instead of going to school. most of the bosses help out their families by working in shops as day laborers, grass cutters, etc. Girls work as maidservants in the village. where they cook, clean, wash clothes and dishes for their employer. Babar wanted to change this: So he took the initiative of opening his very own school
Question 18.
How does the poet bring out the Social discrimination in the poem “If I was a Tree’?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it iš cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.
The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eves.
The Poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In society, a man without thinking of helping others thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.
Question 19.
Bring out the significance of Mara’s dream in the play “Watchman of the Lake”.
Mara advised his son to take care of the lake and not to allow any fishermen to the tank. The creatures should not be killed in that sacred place. This advice to his son reflects the helping nature of Mara. Mara never thought of himself even fòr a da. He always thought of others. So he advised his son to protect the tank for the sake of the village. He also advised his son to dedicate his descendants to protect the tank.
Question 20.
Why does the farmer’s widow resolve to live against all odds?
The poetess contrasted the farmer as virtuous and herself as a sinner. He had gone without having to bend his head in shame and she has to bend her head. He found a release with poison, by poisoning her remaining life. The difference was that he was happy in his death and she was sad being alive. All his sadness and debts fell on her to take care of. Her husband was a coward to end his life instead of facing them bravely. She was the brave soul ready to face all hardships.
Question 21.
Why could not Frederick Douglass remember much about his mother?
Frederick Douglass was separated from his mother before he was twelve months old. He had spent very little time with her and that too only during a few night times. lie lost her at the age of seven and never enjoyed any care and communication during those years. So, he was not affected by her death. He was also not allowed to visit her during her illness, death, or burial.
Question 22.
In what different ways Nicola and Jacopo were useful to the narrator.
The boys were very useful for the narrator. When the narrator wanted a pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera, or the name of a good restaurant. they were always there in all these needs with cheerful competence. Théy had also taken the author on a guided tour to the different places of interest at ‘Verona including Juliet’s tomb.
III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
Babar Ali’s tale is a testament to the difference that one person can make in his or her world. Discuss.
The initiation is a definite success. Babar Ali’s intention when he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today, more and more underprivileged people have utilized this opportunity of his and arc coining up in society. Moreover, we can clearly sec that Babar Ali’s action has inspired millions of people around the world. If more people take part to change the world for the better. there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ah has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy from a village had the vil1 and determination to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on our own part to remain as mute spectators but we must also actively participate towards bringing the change.
How does “Watchman of the Lake” brings out the idea that “Nature is both protective and destructive”?
Basically, nature is goodness personified. It showers its blessings on people in abundance. People must respect what nature provides them and reciprocate by not destroying nature. When people take care of the nature and environment, it protects them. Rivers, trees, hills are all part of nature and they are all for the benefit of mankind. When a man cuts down the trees, blasts the hills, etc., nature’s imbalance causes floods, landslides, and other calamities. Water flows in a river, and if used ise1v serves for drinking, irrigation, and other uses. In the dry season, there may not be enough water. so excess water coming in torrents during monsoon should be stored by constructing tanks for the waters of the rivers. When the rivers are over polluted, it results in overflow and floods causing loss of livers, lands, and properties. Nature that way is both productive and destructive.
In the poem “Money madness” an individual measures the value of another individual in terms of money. Substantiate.
In the poem Money Madness b D, H. Lawrence focusses on bowman becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money does not get respect from society and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and lie never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties.
The poet says that man has this n1one» madness and it is widely spread among men. Fie affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So. the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status
The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money, certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoúld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.
In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.
IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)
Honda company is a leading automobile manufacturing company. If one traces the roots of this company, one can find the perseverance of a very simple and ordinary Japanese man named Honda.
Honda was a simple person. He attempted to design a new type of piston to improve the performance of cars. He was sure of himself that his attempt would yield pathbreaking results. He offered his designs to Toyota. The engineers turned his offer down without meeting him but he didn’t lose heart. His repeated attempts at meeting Toyota engineers, finally succeeded, but only to see that his product was ridiculed by them. Not losing his heart he went into great details to convince them. At last, he obtained an order to supply pistons to Toyota. Honda invested all his resources – money, materials, knowledge, hard work as capital and constructed a plant for producing pistons suddenly there was an earthquake that destroyed his factory.
Yet Honda reposed faith in his own ability, once again he started construction afresh. When it was ready and the production was to start the following week, World War II broke out. Bombs bombarded Japan and most of the country was devastated and so was his factory.
Although Honda lost his factory, wealth, and friends he did not lose his self-confidence. He said, “Yes, I lost everything but not my confidence”. He continued his efforts and began to construct his factory for the third time.
Today Honda car company produces and sells more cars than Toyota.
Question 24.
Who started the automobile manufacturing company in Japan?
Question 25.
Why did Honda try to design a new type of piston?
To improve the performance of cars.
Question 26.
To which company does Honda offer his designs?
Question 27.
When the company turned his offer down, Honda.
(a) didn’t approach it again.
(b) didn’t make further attempts.
(c) didn’t lose heart.
(c) didn’t lose heart,
Question 28.
How did Toyota engineers react to Honda’s product?
His product was ridiculed by them.
Question 29.
Mention one of the resources that Honda invested as capital.
Money, materials, knowledge, hard work.
Question 30.
_____ broke out when he was ready to start production the following week.
World War II broke out.
Question 31.
Mention the natural calamity that destroyed Honda’s factory.
Question 32.
How did Honda construct the factory for the third time?
Question 33.
What does the Honda company produce and sell today?
Honda produces and sells more cars than Toyota.
V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: [to, the, an, a, in]. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 34.
Once upon a time _________ elephant made a friendship ____ heavy thunder storm brokeout the elephant went ___________little but. (with, on, a, an, to).
an, with, to, a
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 35.
Nasiruddin _____ (be) a jute seller and a dropout who ______(believe) that education is man’s true religion and initially________(support) his son’s venture with his own income. Babar_______(realize) that he must do something for the underprivileged children in his village.
was, believed, supported, realized.
C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 36.
Frederick Douglass _____(was/were) born in Maryland. The autobiography ‘The life of Frederick Douglass’_____(deal/deals) with his experience as a slave Three books ______ (was/were) produced by him between 1845 and 1881.
was, deals, were.
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
She do not know the truth.
She does not know the truth.
Question 38.
Why you are late?
Why are you late?
E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
Krishna ground the ______ (route/root) and drank it with milk. (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word given in brackets)
Question 40.
Mara stood in______ (amaze) looking at the lake. (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in the brackets).
Question 41.
More evil | the world has | than good. (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
The world has more evil than good.
Question 42.
The students have written their examinations. (Add a question tag)
Have the students write their examinations?
Question 43.
The Elephant thanked his friend. (Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘Do’)
Did the elephant thank his friend?
Question 44.
Mara met the king at his palace. (Frame a question so as to get the underlined words as answers).
Where did Mara meet the king?
VI. A. Refer to the following Train schedule and answer the question set on it : (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 45.
(a) Which express goes to Vasco?
(b) When does Sindhu Express reach Hubli?
(c) What is the destination of Chamundi Express?
(d) At what time does Brindavan Express leave?
(a) Goa Express
(ii) 2.30
(iii) Bengaluru
(iv) 22.00
B. Write a letter to the Co-ordinator, ‘Centre for YOGA and Meditation’, M.G Road Mysuru, -asking him about the courses in YOGA and meditation they offer. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 46.
Your letter should include the following points :
(a) Duration of the Course.
(b) Fees for the course.
(c) Date of commencement.
Sri Vani College for Women
The Coordinator
Centre for Yoga and Meditation
M.G. Road
Respected Sir,/Madam,
Sub: Details of the courses in Yoga and Meditation.
This is in regards to the courses in yoga and meditation conducted in your center. I would like to know the details of the duration of the course, fees for the course, and the date of commencement of your yoga and meditation classes. As I am the student coordinator. It would help us to take up courses in yoga and meditation.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely
VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under B. (5 × 1 = 5)
Question 47.
A. Expressions | B. Functions |
1. I beg your pardon | (a) making request |
2. How sad | (b) expressing gratitude |
3. will you do me a favor | (c) Congratulating |
4. I am grateful to you | (d) expressing sympathy |
5. I’m proud of you | (e) Apologising |
(1) – e
(2) – d
(3) – a
(4) – b
B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 48.
Rakshitha and Geetha are friends. Rakshitha is wearing a fine dress. How does Geetha express her compliment?
Rakshitha: Hi ! Geetha
Geclha : ___________
Rakshitha: Thanks for the compliments
Geetha: _______________
Rakshitha: Today is my birthday.
Geetha: _______________
Rakshitha: Thank you.
Geetha: Hi! Rakshitha your dress ¡s elç.gant
Geetha: Anything special?
Geetha: Many Many happy returns of the day: Thank you.
C. Dialogue Writing : (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Invite your friend to your college day celebration which is going to be held in the last week of DECEMBER.
Rakshitha: Hi! Deepa
Deepa: Hi! Rakshitha Our college is celebrating College Day please come.
Rakshitha: When is your College Day?
Deepa: Last week of December.
Rakshitha: We have study holidays then.
Deepa: Then please do come I am performing.
Rakshitha: I Shall surely come.
Deepa: Thank you Rakshitha
Rakshitha: You are most welcome.