Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 4 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 4 with Answers
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
Who was the secretary of the commission of Enquiry in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
Mr Leopard.
Question 2.
What does ‘cage’ refer to, in ‘The School Boy’?
The school.
Question 3.
According to Mara, how do the mongoose and the cowl cure themselves of snakebite in ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’?
By eating the leaves of the medicinal creeper.
Question 4.
In ‘Oru Manushyan’, the people in the city would do anything, even they for the sake of money
a. commit murder.
b. rob banks
c. beg on the streets.
a. commit murder.
Question 5.
Who is the most educated teacher in Babar Ali’s school?
Debarita Bhattacharya.
Question 6.
__________ Wouldn’t flee shouting for a bath in the poem, ‘If I Was a Tree’.
a. Mother Earth
b. Raindrops
c. Leaves
a. Mother Earth.
Question 7.
In ‘Watchman of the Lake’, one day a visitor approached Mara to
a. Get water to his village
b. Stop fishing in the lake
c. Work as watchman of the lake.
a. Get water to his village.
Question 8.
What does ‘the harvest of my womb’ refer to, in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
Her children.
Question 9.
Write one of the things that sustained Douglass during the darkest hours of slavery.
Faith / Hope.
Question 10.
What does the old woman offer to do to get fifty paise?
To take the visitor to the horseshoe shrine.
Question 11.
Name the village where Lucia was getting treatment in ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’.
Question 12.
What did the speaker ask his beloved not to expect from him, in ‘Do Not Ask of Me, My Love’?
The same love as before.
II. Answer any EIGHT of the following in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each: (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
How did the elephant justify his act of occupying the hut in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. The man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only as there was enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.
Question 14.
How does the schoolboy view his experience in school in “The School Boy”?
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy is very happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the summer morning. But when he thinks of school, his happiness disappears and he feels the school as a prison. The boy does not think freely in the school. The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical gro1h. The poet emphasises on nature. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him.
But when the boy enters formal schooling, lie spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses on free-learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. Ile gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets all-round development and ensures the future of nation. Totally. the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture felt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.
Question 15.
How was Krishna cured when he had piled in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
Krishna was suffering from piles and met the narrator to get some help. But the narrator only helped him with some money which was not enough for the treatment. But Krishna knew a Malavali Sadhu. This godman had treated Krishna on an earlier occasion, when Krishna had started developing boils all over his body. The godman had cured him with the barks of a tree. Krishna went in search of the godman, hut he was too old and could not search for the medicinal creepers. He described the features of the plant to Krishna. Krishna went in search of the leaves and on the way he met the narrator and described the leaves. The narrator understood that those were the leaves which Mara and Appana had tied to the nearest tree. The narrator took him to the plant and dug quite a hit to get the tuber. Krishna ground this root with milk and drank it with milk. In this way, he was cured of piles within five days.
Question 16.
Describe the people and the place where the narrator lived in ‘Oru Manushyan’.
The incident took place in quite a big city in the valley of a mountain, some thousand five hundred miles away from the narrator’s home. The inhabitants of the city had never been known for the quality of mercy. People there were cruel and murder, robbery. and pickpocketing were their daily habits. Traditionally, they were professional soldiers. Some of them lent out money on interest, some were watchmen in banks, mills and in industries. They would do anything for money. even commit murder.
Question 17.
Why does the poet describe money madness as our ‘vast collective madness’ in “Money Madness”?
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. Ile only respects money than relationships. The society goes on measuring the man in terms of money. The man who does not have money does not get respect from society and who have money would be respected and obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, a man gives much importance to money and he never helps fellow being who is in difficulties. The poet says that man has a madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money. an individual goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives a ten pounds without trembling, the man loses his generosity. Man makes money. but money makes man and many things.
So the man fears of money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of a man. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated on status. The poet fears about mankind if it measures man in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread should be free. the shelter should be free and lire should be free mo all the people in the world. by the overall view of the poem, the poet worries of the man’s greedy on money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.
Question 18.
Why does the speaker wish to be a tree in “If I was a Tree”?
The initiation is a definite success. Babar Ali’s intention when he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today. more and more under village people has utilized this opportunity of his and are coming up in society. Moreover, we can clearly see that Babar Au’s action has inspired millions of people around the world. If more people take part to change the world for the better, there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ali has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy from a village had the will and determinations to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on own part to remain as mute spectators but we must also actively participate towards bringing the change.
Question 19.
Give an account of Mara’s meeting with the king on a stormy night in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’.
When the goddess again appeared in Mara’s dream and threatened to destroy the tank, he pleaded with the goddess for permission to go to inform the king and wait for his return before destroying’ the tank. On a stormy night Mara in an act of supreme sacrifice persuaded the king to kill him in order to prevent his return and thereby save the tank. The loved his noble work so much that he requested the king to appoint his descendants as caretakers of the lake after his death.
Question 20.
How does the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’ bring out the plight of the farmer’s wife and her self- assertion?
The narrator used to forego his breakfast and morning tea so that he had the money for his evening meal and tea. One day as usual he came to the crowded restaurant and had his regular meal and tea. When he to pay the bill, he realized that his wallet had been picked. He revealed this fact to the over who only found it funny and laughed out loud. Though the narrator offered to leave his coat with the owner, he forced the narrator to take off all his clothes. As the narrator was very shamed taking off his trousers, a stranger stopped him and paid his bill. He later made the narrator wear his clothes and took him away. When the narrator praised and thanked him, the stranger just laughed.
He did not reveal his name but only warned the narrator against speaking about him. The stranger showed five wallets to the narrator, out of which one was the narrators. The stranger told the narrator to check whether his money was intact and he wished him good luck. The narrator had mixed feelings by now. It was clear that his humiliation at the restaurant was due to the stranger’s picking his wallet and rendering him helpless. But he was also thankful to help at the right moment, avoiding the humiliation of standing stark naked in front of all the people. Ile fact that the stranger had perhaps undergone a transformation during his own interaction with the restaurant owner. This made him say at the end. ‘May God help you’. and leave without saying anything more to the stranger.
Question 21.
Write a note on the cruelty of Mr Plummer in “Frederick Douglass”.
The boys were very useful for the narrator. When the narrator wanted a pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera. or the name of good restaurant, they were always there in all these needs with cheerful competence. They had also taken the author on a guided tour to the different places of interest at Verona including Juliet’s tomb.
Question 22.
What were the different ways in which Nicola and Jacopo earned money?
The cracks around her eyes are symbolic of hardships she has been through. The mountains and temples symbolize the speaker’s strong contentions about the old lady and our religious belief that giving charity is following dharma, respectively. Crack around her eyes extend to the mountains and temples means her determination to live a life of dignity and hard work and not by charity, and this destroys both the beliefs of speaker and religion.
III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words: (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
How does the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’ bring out both the protective and destructive faces of nature?
Nature has god in general, it knows whom to treat and how, when to treat and where to treat. If people protect, it protects the people if they destroy, it also destroys them. So nature is a mirror of people. The play also brought the same idea, when people did not use river Veda properly, it advises the people in the form of a dream to Mara, to build a tank for proper utilization of water. It is a productive way for people which nature had gifted them. And when they become too much selfish by utilizing water and not remembering the goddess, she incarnates the avatar and causes floods and deluge. The good instance is the present floods of Uttarkhand where thousands of people disappeared at Kedarnath temple. This happens because of not nature’s fluctuation but men’s too much polluting the rivers causes anger to nature so she cautions in the form of floods. In the same way, ‘Veda’ causes floods in the village to remind her presence. So the king gets awareness and built a temple in the name o Mara and goddess. So nature is both productive and destructive.
‘Money is the root of all evils in society’. Examine this statement with reference to the poem ‘Money Madness’.
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He only respects money than relationships. The society goes on measuring the man in terms of money. The man who does not have money does not get respect from society and who have money would be respected and obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps fellow being who is in difficulties. The poet says that man has a madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individual to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives a ten pounds without trembling, the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So. the man fears of money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of a man. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated on status. The poet fears about mankind if it measures man in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about mc ney. certainly, money has got men down to become its slaves. So, the poet offers a genuine solution that bread should be “ree, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.
Babar Ali’s school took shape out of an individual’s responsibility towards society. Elaborate.
Babar Ali’s school was started when he was only nine while playing a game. Very soon, children began to love his way of teaching and flocked to his ‘school’. Babar did not charge any fee for his teaching. He also got the help of the local educated people, who came and taught the children, Babar was successful in getting the help of nine high school student volunteers. The oldest and most educated of them is Debarita who goes to College in Behrampur. Babar himself studies in class XII in a school quite far from his house. He commutes the long-distance, attends classes in the mornings and comes back in the afternoons to his ‘school’ to teach youngsters who have worked hard in the mornings and are now ready for learning. The fact that his school is entirely free, he and his staff teach well, there is a midday meal, and his school is recognized by the West Bengal Government, attracts many students to his school. The increasing strength of his school just shows how eager people are to get their children educated, and how good, selfless work gets noticed by people soon. Those who cannot afford education in regular schools, do not mind sending their children to learn from teachers like Babar. This only proves that Indians are realizing the significance of education in life.
IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)
Born on March 21, 1916, Bismillah Khan belonged to a family of professional Shehnai players. At the age of six, he moved to Banaras where his maternal uncle Ali Bux introduced him to the nuances of playing the simple reed instrument, the Shehnai. For many years the temple of Balaji and banks of Ganga became the favourite haunt where Bismillah could practice for hours in solitude. The flowing waters of Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent ’ragas1 which were earlier considered to be beyond the range of Shehnai.
His first reward came at the age of 14, as the best performer at the All India Music Conference in Allahabad in 1930. In 1947 he won three medals at the music conference in Calcutta. On the first Independence Day, 15th August 1947, he played it at the invitation of the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru. Awards and recognitions came fast. He participated in the World Exposition in Montreal, Cannes Art Festival and Osaka Trade Fair. An auditorium was named after him in Tehran called Tahar Mosque Ustaad Bismillah Khan. The World Music Institute Celebrated his 80th birthday in New York. In spite of having travelled all over the world Khan Saab, as he is fondly called, was fond of Banaras and Dumbarton.
Once, one of his students wanted him to head a Shehnai school in the USA and recreated the atmosphere of Banaras there. But Ustaad asked him if he could take the Ganga there. Talking about Balaji temple he said, ” I have tears in my eyes when I visit the place”. About Dumraon he said,” How can I forget the place of my birth?”. While in Mumbai, I think of only Varanasi and holy Ganga. And in Varanasi I miss Dumraon. No wonder Khan Saab never thought of migrating from Banaras unlike ‘ some stars like Pandit Ravi Shankar or UstadAllaudinKhan.
Question 24.
How old was Bismillah Khan when he moved to Banaras?
6 years old.
Question 25. _____ introduced Bismillah Khan to the nuances of playing Shehnai.
His uncle Ali Bux.
Question 26.
Where was the ‘All India Music Conference’ held?
In Allahabad.
Question 27.
What inspired Bismillah Khan to improvise and invent ragas?
Flowing water of Ganga.
Question 28. ________ played Shehnai for Free India from the ramparts of the Red Fort.
a. Khan Saab.
b. Pandit Ravi Shankar.
c. Ustad Allaudin.
a. Khan Saab.
Question 29.
Where is the auditorium named after Bismillah Khan Saab situated?
In Tehran.
Question 30.
Bismillah Khan’s birthplace is ________
a. Banaras.
b. Dumraon.
c. Tehran.
b. Dumraon.
Question 31.
Where was Khan Saab’s 80th birthday celebrated?
World Music Institute in New York.
Question 32.
The Prime Minister offered a ______ (invite) to Khan Saab to play at the Red Fort.
Question 33.
Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘wanted’ to write its antonym (re, un, de) .
V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 34.
The narrator slept all day and woke up _____ four ______ the evening. He did so to save ______ expense of drinking tea or eating the noon meal. He came out and entered _______ crowded restaurant, (in, a, at, an, the)
at, in, the, a.
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 35.
Captain Anthony was not considered a rich slaveholder. He ______ (own) only thirty slaves and two or three farms. His farms and slaves ________ (be) under the care of an overseer. Mr. Plummer _______ (be) an overseer. He was always ______ (arm) with a cowskin and a cudgel.
owned, were, was, armed.
C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject: (3 × 1 = 3)
Question 36.
Nicola and Jacopo struggle hard to save money. One night they _______ (are/is) sitting on the stone pavement. When the narrator _______ (speak/speaks) to them, he learns that they _______ (has/have) specific plans.
were, speaks, have.
D. Correct the follow ing sentences and re-write them: (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
Mara returned back from the jungle, one evening.
Mara returned from the jungle, one evening.
Question 38.
Why did you bring this?
Why did you bring this?
E. Re-write as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
Babar Ali’s students did not get ________ (bored/board)
(Fill in the blank with an appropriate word)
Question 40.
Mara stood in _______ (amaze)
(Fill in the blank with the right form of the word given in brackets)
Question 41.
a miserable/was/ drunkard/ Mr. Plummer. (Rearrange the segments to a meaningful sentence)
Mr Plummer was a miserable drunkard.
Question 42.
Venice is a picturesque city ______? (Add a question tag)
isn’t it?
Question 43.
The narrator thanked the stranger.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’)
Did the narrator thank the stranger?
Question 44.
Nicola and Jacopo were sitting under the lights.
(Frame a question as to get the underlined word as answer).
Where did Nicola and Jacopo were sitting?
VI. A.
Question 45.
Read the weather report and answer the questions on it.
Note: Temperature in degree centigrade.
(a) Which city records the highest temperature in May?
(b) ______ has a minimum temperature in December.
(c) What is the minimum temperature of Dharwad in May?
(d) What is the maximum temperature of Mysuru in May?
(a) Gulbarga
(b) Bengaluru
(c) 35°C
(d) 36°C
Question 46.
Write a letter to the Bank Manager requesting to transfer your account from SBI. Chickmangaluru branch to SBI Hubballi main Branch as you have been transferred to Hubballi. Your letter should have the following information.
• Type of account
• Account Number
J. Karthik
S.B. A/c No. xxxxxxxxxx6513347
29th February 2019
The Bank Manager,
State Bank of India,
Chikmagalur Branch,
Karnataka – 577101.
Sub: Transfer of Savings Account.
I have a savings account at your branch A/c xxxxxxxxxx6513347. I have now been transferred from our Chikmagaluru Branch to the newly opened Branch at Hubballi. I will have to join duty at the Hubballi branch by 7th march 2019. I request you to kindly arrange for transferring my savings account to State Bank of India at Hubballi with the Navanagar Branch.
Address of SBI Hubballi
14th Cross Road
Navanagar, Hubballi
Karnataka – 580025
Kindly arrange for the transfer at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
J. Karthik
Question 47.
Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under column B. (5 × 1 = 5)
A | B |
(1) Hello! Good Morning | (a) Expressing gratitude. |
(2) It’s very kind of you | (b) Apologising |
(3) Sorry, I won’t allow you inside | (c) Introducing |
(4) I’m really sorry for the mistake | (d) Greeting |
(5) Meet my friend Rashmi | (e) Refusing permission. |
(1) – d, (2) – a, (3) – e, (4) – b, (5) – c.
Question 48.
complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)
Rekha : Hi Adarsh _______?
Adarsh: I’m fine _______ How are you, Rekha?
Rekha: I’m fine too, Thank you. We have a party at home today _______?
Adarsh : _______ I will definetly come.
Rekha: Hi Adarsh How are you?
Adarsh: I’m fine, Thank you. How are you, Rekha?
Rekha: I’m fine too, Thank you. We have a party at home can you please come to my house?
Adarsh: Oh ! Sure. I will definitely come.
C. Dialogue writing: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Salim goes to a hospital and enquires with the receptionist about an appointment with the ENT specialist. Write a dialogue between Salim and the receptionist.
Salim: Good morning madam, could you please give me an appointment with the ENT specialist?
Receptionist: Good Morning Sir, sorry he is not available today. Can I get you the appointment for tomorrow?
Salim: Oh Sure, Thank you.
Receptionist: You are most welcome Sir.