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Karnataka 1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing
1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to grant you leave of absence for two days.
P.V.C. I, W Section
Dayananda College
21 January 2019
The Principal
Dayananda College
Dear Sir
Sub.: Permission for leave
I am a student of P.V.C. I, ‘A’ Section and my register number is 181029. I will not be able to attend classes for two days on the 23rd and 24th of January as my sister is getting married or, 24th of January. I hope you will grant me a leave of absence for two days. I would also like to inform you that I have always been regular to class and have had no shortage of attendance till now.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
2. Write a letter to the Assistant Commissioner requesting him/her to deliver a speech on GST for the students in your college next month.
Raghavendra Rao
Chaithanya College
JP. Nagar 7’ Phase
25 December 2018
The Assistant Commissioner
Bengaluru Central Tax Zone
Dear Sir
I am writing in my capacity as Student Welfare Officer of one of the prestigious colleges of Bengaluru, Chaithanya College. It is my duty to organise programmes on a regular basis to benefit the student community. It is important for students to keep abreast of current affairs. Hence it would be useful if you could share your knowledge on GST with our students. We reopen on 2 January 2019 after the Christmas vacation and we would be grateful if you could make some time in the first week of January to address our students for an hour between 9-00 am. and 4-00 p.m. according to your convenience.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Raghavendra Rao
(Student Welfare Officer)
3. Write a letter to the BESCOM Officer in charge of your area to reduce the duration of power cuts to help the students. Your letter should also Indude the following points
a. Inconvenience caused to the students during study time.
b. Irregular power cuts disturb the concentration of students.
c. Request to take remedial measures.
23, Ramaiah Layout
Rajajinagar 3rd Block
10 March 2019
The Officer in Charge
Dear Sir
This is to draw your attention to the inconvenience caused to the student community of our area owing to unreasonable power cuts. It is examination time, and of the wakeful hours, 50% is lost because of power cuts. This has affected the study pattern of students who at present have their study holidays for the oncoming exams.
We have a request to make and we hope you will oblige us:
The duration of power cuts should be reduced to one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. As of now, it is two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening.
in addition to the power cuts, the power supply quite often is erratic. This affects the concentration of students. Please ensure that there is uninterrupted power supply except for the scheduled power cuts. I hope you understand that this kind of power cuts affect the middle class and poor people as they don’t have generators or Inverters. So, please consider remedial measures immediately.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
4. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your area requesting him/her to take remedial measures to overcome the stray dog menace. Your letter should also include the following points:
a. Increase in the number of stray dogs.
b. Frequent attacks by stray dogs.
c. Adopting measures such as castration, relocation, etc.
Archana Rao
M.G. Road’
Saraswathipu ram
21 April 2019
The Municipal Commissioner
Mysuru City Corporation
Dear Sir
This is with regard to a major problem faced by the citizens of our area. For the past one month, we have been suffering from the menace of stray dogs. There is a noticeable increase in the number of stray dogs as also the number of unpleasant incidents related to stray dogs. east week stray dogs bit two children and stray dogs reportedly chased two men as they were carrying food packs. Now the situation is such that people are frightened to step out of the house. I request you to take immediate action to help the citizens out. Measures such as castration and relocation will have to be implemented by authorities and not citizens. So, I request the officials concerned to look into the matter immediately and take action.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Archana Rao
5. Write a letter to the Chairman, BWSSB, Bangalore, complaining about the irregular water supply and the inconvenience caused to the people. Your letter should include the following points:
a. Supply of water at odd hours,
b. Non-availability of water to some families.
Venkatesh Adiga
31, 5 Cross
J.P. Nagar 6’ Phase
25 Jul 2019
The Chairman
Kempegowda Road
Dear Sir
This is with regard to the irregular water supply to our area. For the past one month, we have had water supply only from 10-00 p.m. to 7-00 a.m. This is unacceptable. Water is the basic necessity of life and we should not be deprived of It. In cities not most live in apartments and small houses with a limited storing capacity. If the water supply is limited to the night time, it poses problems with regard to bathing, cooking, washing, etc. Please ensure that there is water supply at least for two hours each in the morning and evening. Though this too would pose problems, it would at least be better than the present situation. Please take immediate action and help us out in our predicament.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Venkatesh Adiga
6. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to issue Transfer Certificate, the reason being the transfer of your father.
Shankar C.S.
Veerashaiva PU. College
l9 January 2019
The Principal
Veerashaiva P.U. College
Dear Sir
Sub: Issue of TC
I am a student of the I year RU.C. ‘C’ section and I write to you with a request for a Transfer Certificate. My father has been transferred to Hassan and we will be relocating to Hassan.
The TC could be sent to the following address:
Narayana College, Central Market Road. Hassan. I was fortunate to be a student of Veerashaiva P.U. College for a year I carry happy memories of the college.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Shankar C.S.
7. Write a letter to the Co-ordinator, ‘Institute of Spoken English’ seeking information about the courses offered in the institute.
Nithin Prabhu
1471, Marigudi Road
3 October 2018
The Coordinator
BBB Institute of Spoken English
Car Street
Manga lore
Dear Sir
I came across your advertisement in the Udayovoni. I am a graduate and I am looking out for good job opportunities. Though my academic records are impressive, my spoken English is weak. Hence I would like to improve myself in this area. Please let me know the duration of the course, the fee structure, and the timings as soon as possible.
Does the course that you offer cover only spoken English or do you extend the course to other aspects like communicative English? Hope you will send an early reply.
Thank you:
Yours faithfully,
Nithin Prabhu
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