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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 10 The Political Developments of 20th Century

Class 10 Social Science The Political Developments of 20th Century Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Question 1.
The Communist Government in Russia was founded by ……………

Question 2.
The First World War ended in …………

Question 3.
The Fascist dictator was ………….

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Question 4.
The Second World War started in ………..

Question 5.
Japan attacked …………. which was the Naval base of USA.
Pearl Harbour.

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Explain the role of Lenin in Russian Revolution.
Lenin played an important role in the Russian revolution. When Japan defeated Russia in 1905, it was a great insult to the people of Russia. It was due to the worst administration of the Tsars. The people started rebellions against the Tsars. Thousands of factory workers and peasants fought with weapons. At this juncture, Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks Labour Party guided the workers and peasant in the revolution against the Tsars. The working class engaged in more and more agitations. The last Russian Tsar Nicholas II was unable to control the agitations and deserted the country. As a result, the Mensheviks party gained the power of Russia. Lenin who was in exile came back to his country. He assured the people a good government. The people responded wholeheartedly to this. He declared Russia the Socialist Republic in 1917. He became the President of Russia.

Question 2.
Discuss the immediate causes of the First World War.
World War I took place between 1914 to 1918. The immediate cause of the war was the assassination of the Austrian prince. Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28th July 1914. This incident, caused an immediate war between the two groups Triple Entente and Triple Alliance.

Question 3.
How did Nazism destroy Germany? Explain.

  • Hitler declared that the Nazi party as the only party of Germany
  • He instilled fear of Jewish people among Germans by spreading false rumors that they are going to dominate the world.
  • He put forward the supremacy of German race theory and nurtured ultra-nationalism carefully.
  • Hitler utilized Nazism to inculcate these values among the GermAnswer:
  • Nazism advocated that Germans are the superior race of the world and they are the only fit to rule the world.
  • Gobbels’ was appointed to spread the theory of Nazism A cruel army named ‘Brown Shirts’ was formed for this purpose.
  • In 1935. Hitler implemented the ‘Nuremberg Laws’.
  • According to one estimate, six million Jews were killed and one million others were also killed.

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Question 4.
What were the reasons for the Second World War?
The causes for World War II were :

  1. The ambition of Hitler was to win the entire world and popularize the Aryan race.
  2. The Versailles Treaty imposed a heavy loss on Germany. Germany lost most of its areas to allied nations. Economically, Germany was destroyed.
  3. Among the defeated countries in World War I feelings of shame and humiliation gave rise to aggressive nationalism.
  4. The compensation for the loss in the war and other decisions that were heaped on Germany affected the people adversely. Unemployment, poverty led to the widespread Germans.
  5.  At this juncture, Hitler took the power of Germany. His main ambition was to take revenge on the allied nations.
  6. He employed his dictatorial power for mass massacres in Germany.
  7. The immediate cause for World War II was Hitler’s attack on Poland, which was an ally of Britain.

Question 5.
What is Cold War?
After World War II, the constant fear, hatred, jealousy and anxiety in political, economic, military and other affairs between the two global powers is called ‘Cold War’.

Question 6.
What were the effects of Chinese Revolution?
The effects of Chinese Revolution were:

  1. Mao-Tse-Tung became the President of China. During his rule community farming was adopted.
  2. People enjoyed free education, health and sports facilities.
  3. A lot of importance was given to science and technology in order to achieve industrial development.
  4. The “Leap Forward” project was adopted.
  5. Private property was converted to the property of society.

Question 7.
How did the USA come out of its Great Economic Depression?
In 1929 economic development in America stagnated. As a result industrial and agricultural production collapsed. Besides mining, shipbuilding, production of consumer goods suffered a lot. The economic crisis was witness to political changes. Under such economic conditions, Roosevelt, the President of America encouraged women to work in the social sector. He brought many reforms to change the economic structure of America. It was due to the efforts of Roosevelt, America overcame its economic depression.

Class 10 Social Science The Political Developments of 20th Century Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Answers:

Question 1.
The October 1917 revolution in Russia was created by the __________ party of workers.

Question 2.
The situations emerging after the first world war brought into power in Italy _______________________

Question 3.
The communist party was formed in china in _____________

Question 4.
The first world war ended by treaty of __________________

Question 5.
In 19th century Russia was ruled by _____________________

Question 6.
Tsar Nicholas II ran away from the country this was called as ______________
February 1917 revolution

Question 7.
Lenin became president of Russia on _____________________
October 7, 1917

Question 8.
Hitlers title was ________________________

Question 9.
Hitlers formed cruel army named as _________________

Question 10.
Mussolini founded party ______________________

Question 11.
Russia entered “a Nonwar pact” with Germany on ________________
August 24, 1939

Question 12.
The private property was converted into public property by revolution, in China ________________

Question 13.
The Suez canal crisis solved by UNO in __________________

II. Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
‘League of Nation’ came into existence in 1919 because
a. In order to prevent future occurrences of war.
b. In order to step the first world war.
c. To follow terms of Versailles treaty
d. To provide peace and security
a. In order to prevent future occurrence of war

Question 2.
Lenin became the president of China it was the results of
a. Support of Menhiviles
b. October revolution
c. The help of Bolsheviks
d. February Revolution
b. October revolution

Question 3.
The founder of the Fascist party was
a. Hindenburg
b. Victor Emanual
c. Hitler
d. Mussolini
d. Mussolini

Question 4.
The leader of komingtong party was
a. Sun yat sen
b. Chiang – Kai – Sliek
c. Mao Tse Tung
d. Karl Mark
a. Sun yat-sen

Question 5.
America faced the war with Japan because
a. Japan attacked Pearl Harbour of U.S.A
b. It was the main trade centre
c. In 1929 USA faeed economic crisis
d. Japan was the main trade centre of Asia.
a. Japan attacked the pearl Harbour of USA

III. One Marks Questions:

Question 1.
More competition had created among the European countries?
Industrialization and the invention of new’ technologies.

Question 2.
Why did Russia withdraw from first world war?
With occurrence of revolution in Russia in November of 1917.

Question 3.
The rule of Tsars was “a nationalistic jail” Why?
Tsars exploited the landlords in turn were exploiting laborers and small farmers.

Question 4.
Which were the watchwords of Lenin in the Russia revolution?
‘’Peace, Food and Land”.

Question 5.
Who became the first Astronaut of the world?
Yurigarin of Russia

Question 6.
Why ‘Brown Shirt’ army was formed by Hitler?
To create violence

Question 7.
Why Hitler committed suicide?
Germany surrendered due to the March of Red army and Allied forces into Berlin.

Question 8.
Why Chiang Kai Shek runaway to Faiwan?
By 1949 most of the cities came under the control of communist party.

Question 9.
Why China implemented‘The Cultural Revolution’?
The private property was converted into public property.

IV. Two Marks Questions:

Question 1.
What were the reasons for first world war?

  • Extreme form of nationalism
  • Rivelary Alliance
  • Triple Alliance
  • Triple Entente
  • Arms race
  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Question 2.
Write the importance of February revolution .

  • Lenin guided the formers and workers
  • Lenin was declared as a traitor
  • Workers and farmers became mere intense
  • The Tsar Nicholar II was ran away from the country.

Question 3.
What were achievements of Lenin?

  • Lenin declared that land belonged to the farmers.
  • He implemented political and economical policies.
  • Ensured free health schooling and residence to all t
  • Implemented Karl Marx’s scientific communism in practice.

Question 4.
How Gorbachev had main role to stop the cold war?

  • Garbachev introduced many reformations.
  • He introduced Glasnost in 1985 it means ‘Liberal’.
  • He implemented perestroika. It means ‘Re-Organising’.

Question 5.
Which were the features of pasist party?

  • Mussolini started pasist party in Italy.
  • Ultra Nationalism
  • Patronizing violence.
  • Racial superiority
  • Expansions of national boundary.
  • Support to human executions

V. Three Marks Questions

Question 1.
What was the role of Sun vat Sen in Chinese revolution?

  • In 1911 under the leadership of Sun yat Sen anti-imperialistic democratic revolution [ took place.
  • The communist party started in China in the year 1925
  • It groomed movements in rural areas and city areas.
  • It supported farmers movements
  • In order to build a unified China
  • The communist party and Kuomintang party worked together.

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