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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 8 Important Dynasties of North India
Class 6 Social Science Important Dynasties of North India Textbook Questions and Answers
I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
- The ambassador sent by Seleucus to the court of Chandragupta Maurya was _______.
- The king who treated his subjects like his own children was _______.
- Ashoka’s inscriptions are mainly found in _______ script.
- Ashoka declared a war on Kalinga after _______ years of his ruling.
- Our National Emblem is _______.
- Kanishka started _______ year in memory of the beginning of his rule.
- Megasthenes
- Ashoka
- Brahmi
- eight
- Four headed Lion of Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath
- Shalivahana Shaka
II. Answer the following in one sentence:
Question 1.
Who is the founder of Maurya Dynasty?
Chandragupta Maurya.
Question 2.
Name the capital of Mauryas.
Question 3.
Name the famous book written by Kautilya.
Question 4.
Name the famous book written by Megasthenes.
Question 5.
Which king considered his subjects as his own children?
Question 6.
What were the functions of Dharmamahamatras?
‘Dharma Mahamathras’ helped the king in administration and preached good conduct to the people.
Question 7.
Where did Kanishka conduct the International Buddhist Conference?
Question 8.
Which is the famous book written by Ashwaghosha?
Buddha Charita.
III. Discuss in group and answer the question:
Question 1.
Write about the importance of Kalinga war.
The Kalinga war is an important stage in the life of Ashoka, the great. Ashoka declared war on Kalinga during the eight year ofhis rule. About one lakh people lost their lives and another lakh were injured. Another one and a half lakh soldiers were held as prisoners of war. Ashoka was deeply disturbed by the immense destruction of human life in the war. He resolved to. not wage wars in future. We chose the path of Dharma in place of war.
He accepted Buddhism and spread the messages of Buddhism all over his empire and also many other countries. He encouraged his subjects to repsect their parents, elders and to have compassion, truthfulness and to be generous. He also appointed ‘Dharmamaha Mantras’ to preach good conduct to his subjects. They were also responsible for the welfare of orphans, widows and old people.
IV. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the related words in Column ‘B’:
A | B |
1. Ashoka | a. Kanishkapura |
2. Kanishka | b. Buddhacharita |
3. Ashwaghosha | c. Kalakendra |
4. Gandhara | d. Devanampriya |
- b
- c
- d
- a
I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
- The capital of Guptas was _______.
- Alahabad pillar inscription was created by _______.
- The Gupta king who won ‘Kaviraja’ title _______.
- The book ‘Mudrarakshasa’ written by _______.
- The great poet who had the title ‘Kavi Guru Tilaka’ _______.
- Pataliputra
- Harisena
- Samudra Gupta
- Vishakadutta
- Kalidasa
II. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Which emperor’s details are available on Allahabad inscription?
The details of Samudragupta, who was a brave warrior king.
Question 2.
Which Gupta emperor had the title ‘Vikramaditya’?
Chandragupta II.
Question 3.
Name the Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the Gupta rule?
Question 4.
Name a play written by Kalidasa.
Abhijnana Shakuntala.
Question 5.
Who wrote Mrichakatika?
Question 6.
Name the dictionary composed by Amarasimha.
Question 7.
Where is Dhamek stupa located?
Question 8.
Who was the famous mathematician of the Gupta period?
Aryabatta and Brahmagupta
Question 9.
Who wrote ‘Astangahridayasamhita’?
I. Fill in the blanks using appropriate words:
- Harshavardhana was close to _______, a Chinese traveller.
- The record of Hieun Tsang’s experiences is known as _______.
- Nalanda University was in the present state of _______.
- _______ was the Kannada King who defeated Harshavardhana on the banks of river Narmada.
- Hiuen Tsang
- ‘Si-Yu-Ki’
- Bihar
- Pulikeshi II
II. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Name the brother and sister of Harshavardhana.
Rajyavardhanavarma and Rajyashree.
Question 2.
Which was the capital city of Harshavardhana?
Question 3.
Who wrote the book ‘Harshacharita’?
Question 4.
Name the plays written by Harshavardhana.
Priyadarshika, Ratnavali and Nagananda
Question 5.
Who was the Chinese traveller who visited the court of Harshavardhana.?
Hiuen Tsang.
Question 6.
Which was the most famous Indian university during ancient times and where it was?
Nalanda University.
Class 6 Social Science Important Dynasties of North India Additional Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Which is the first dynasty of India?
Mauryan dynasty.
Question 2.
Who guided Chandragupta Maurya to establish an empire?
Vishnugupta or Kautilya or Chanakya trained Chandragupta in the skills of warfare and helped him to establish an army. He later became the prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya.
Question 3.
What is ‘Sallekhana’.
It is a ritual practised among Jains. It means to fast till death.
Question 4.
Which place in Karnataka has an inscription of Ashoka’.
Maski,in Raichur.
Question 5.
Who was the chief of village administration during Mauryan Period?
Question 6.
Who was the important ruler of Kushana dynasty?
Question 7.
Which form of calendar is the official calendar of Government of India?
The calendar started by Kanishka, ‘Shalivahana Shaka’.
Question 8.
Which was the tallest stupa in India and who built it?
The stupa at Purshapura (Peshwar) is the tallest stupa. It had thirteen stories and was four hundred Meters tall.
Question 9.
Which dynasty introduced Gold coins for the first time in India?
The Kushana dynasty under Kanishka.
Question 10.
Which great philosopher was a member of Kanishka’s court?
Question 11.
What details of the Gupta dynasty can be obtained from the Allahabad pillar of Gupta period?
The inscription on the Allahabad pillar was written by Harisena, a poet in the court of Samudragupta. It tells us that Samudragupta of the Gupta dynasty defeated nine kings North India.
Question 12.
Which Buddhist scholar was a minister in Samudragupta’s court?
Question 13.
How did Chandragupta II earn the title ‘Vikramaditya’.
Chandragupta II defeated the satrapas of Gujarat who were ruling it for more than three centuries and earned the title ‘Vikramaditya’.
Question 14.
Who is the author of Panchatantra?
Question 15.
Describe the achievement in the field of Medicine during the rule of Gupta’s.
Vagbhata of the Gupta times prepared a summary of the famous work ‘Charaka Samhita’, known as ‘Ashtangahridayasamhita’. This is an authoritative work on Ayurveda and is being followed even today. Surgery was also practised in ancient India. Surgeons of those days had the knowledge of 127 surgicai instruments, they were able to remove iron and stones pieces from the human body. The credit for using mercury as a medicine for the first time, goes to doctors of India.
Question 16.
Which Chinese traveller studied at Nalanda University?
Hiuen Tsang.
Question 17.
What does ‘Si-yu-ki’ mean?
‘Si-yu-ki’ means ‘Record of the western kingdom’.
Question 18.
Write a short note on Nalanda University?
Nalanda University which was in present Bihar, was a popular university for six centuries since Gupta period. It was the most famous university of ancient times. Students were coming from places like China, Japan to study here. It had eight schools and three big libraries. Though Buddhism was the major subject of study, subjects like Yoga, Veda, Medicine and others were also taught. Hiuen Tsang spent many years in this university.
In Nalanda, there were no fees for Education, Boarding and Lodging. To bear the running expenses of the university, revenue from hundred villages was pledged. Harshavardhana was one of the chief patrons of this university. Students life was disciplined and great scholars were among the faculty.
II. Fill in the blanks:
- The wheel at- the centre of our National flag is the _______.
- _______ of Greece was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya.
- ‘Sallekhana’ means _______.
- _______ declared ‘My citizens are like my children’.
- The British officer _______ read the Ashokan inscriptions for the first time.
- _______ preached good conduct to people during the reign of Ashoka.
- The fourth Buddhist conference was organised by _______ in kashmir.
- The _______ were the first to mint gold coins in India.
- ‘Gho-quo-ki’ was written by _______.
- The _______ pillar at Mehrauli is an example of progress in _______ during the Gupta period.
- Ashoka chakra
- Seleucus
- Fasting till death
- Ashoka
- James Princept
- Darmamahamatras
- Kanishka
- Kushanas
- Fahiyan (Fa Hien)
- Iron, Mettahirgy
III. Match the following:
A | B |
1. Hiuen Tsang | a. Defeated Harshavardhana |
2. Kanauj and Prayag | b. Banabatta |
3. Pulakeshi II | c. Astronomer |
4. Harshacharita | d. Gupta period |
5. Surgery | e. Kanishka |
6. Varahamithra | f. National symbol |
7. Sanchi temple | g. Gupta period |
8. Gold coins | h. Religious conferences |
9. Shaka calendar | i. Madhya pradesh |
10. Four headed lion | j. Si-yu-ki |
- c
- d
- f
- h
- i
- j
- e
- b
- g
- a