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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 4 Ancient Civilizations

Class 6 Social Science Ancient Civilizations Textbook Questions and Answers

The Egyptian Civilisation

I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Egyptian civilisation was born on the banks of the river _______.
  2. The Pharaoh who built a big pyramid at Giza was _______.
  3. _______ is the first civilisation of the ancient world.
  4. The statue with the body of a lion and the head of man is called _______.


  1. Nile
  2. Khufu
  3. Egypt
  4. Sphinx

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II. Answer the following in a sentence:

Question 1.
Which is the longest river in the world?
River Nile.

Question 2.
Why Egypt is called as the gift of Nile?
Egypt is called ‘Gift of Nile’ because if the River Nile had not flowed through Egypt, it would have been a desert.

Question 3.
Who is a Pharaoh? Name some of the Pharaohs.
The kings of Egypt were called ‘Pharaohs’. Menes, Khufu, Amenhotep and Thamos were prominent pharaohs.

Question 4.
What does ‘Mummy’ mean?
The preserved dead body of Egyptians were called ‘Mummy’.

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Question 5.
Which is the script of ancient Egyptians?

The Mesopotamian Civilisation

I. Fill in the blanks :

  1. Assurbanipal built a library in _______.
  2. Sumerians wrote in _______ script.
  3. _______ was the first king to enforce Code of Laws.


  1. Nenveh
  2. Cuneiform
  3. Hammurabi

II. Answer the following in a sentence:

Question 1.
Which were river banks on which Mesopotamia flourished?
Tigris and Euphrates.

Question 2.
Which were the tribes that ruled Mesopotamia?
Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians.

Question 3.
Which are the city states of Mesopotamia?
Ur, Kish and Lagash were the important city states.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Hammurabi?
Hammurabi was the most famous king among Babylonians. He was the architect of the famous ‘Code of laws’, which were based on ideas like ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’.

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Question 5.
Who created the Hanging Gardens in Babylonia?
Nebuchadnezzar, the great king among Chaldeanean tribe of Babylonia.

Question 6.
What is Ziggurat?
‘Ziggurat’ are high raised temples of Babylonia.

Question 7.
Name the epic of Mesopotamians?
The great epic of Mesopotamia is ‘Gilgamesh’.

Chinese civilisation

I. Fill in the blanks with a appropriate words:

  1. The trade route between China and Rome was known as _______ .
  2. Chinese wrote in _______ script.


  1. “The Silk Route”
  2. Pictographic

II. Answer the following in a sentence:

Question 1.
On which river bank did Chinese civilisation evolve?
Yangtze and Hwang Ho.

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Question 2.
Name the dynasties that ruled China.
Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han and Sung dynasties.

Question 3.
Who built the Great Wall of China and Why?
King Chi-Huand-Ti, the greatking of Qin dynasty built the ‘Great wall of China’.

Question 4.
Write a short note on the king Wu-Ti?
King wu-Ti was the famous king of Han dynasty. He established a vast empire. He gave very much importance to foreign trade. There was a great demand for Chinese silk in Rome. So he formed a trade route between China and Rome, which became famous as ‘The silk Route’. He encouraged and literature. His reign is known as the ‘Golden age’ in Chinese History.

Question 5.
List the contributions of Chinese to the ancient world.
The contributions of Chinese to ancient world are, wood printing press, Porcelain, Tea, Silk, Paper made of bamboo, explosives, painting bruch, Porcelain and Mariner’s compass.

Question 6.
Name the philosopheres of China.
Lao. Tze and Confucius.

Greek Civilisation

I. Answer the following in a sentence:

Question 1.
Which are the different tribes of Greek?
Ayoleans, Ionions and the Dorians.

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Question 2.
Which are the city-states in Greek?
Athens and Sparta.

Question 3.
Write short notes on Athens.
Athens was an ideal city-state of Greece. It was governed by a democratic government. Clesthenes, who overthrew the kingship of Athens was instrumental in forming the base for Democracy, about 2500 years ago. The reign of Pericles in Athens is known as ‘Golden period for science in Athens. Pericles called Athens as ‘The School of Hellas’.

He encouraged Art, Literature and philosophy which reached their Pinnacle during his reign. The temple of Athena in Athens was built by Pericles. It is a best example of Greek Architecture.

Question 4.
Name the great historians of Greek.
Herodotus The father of History and Thucydides.

Question 5.
Name the works of Homer.
Homer, a blind poet, wrote two epics, ‘The Iuiad’ and ‘The Odyssey’.

Question 6.
Who is the father of medicine?
Hippocrates is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’.

II. Match the following from list ‘A’ to list ‘B’:

1. Athens a. Temple of Parthenon
2. Plato b. King of Macedonia
3. Pericles c. Greek dramatist
4. Alexander d. Academy
5. Aeschylus e. City-state


  1. e
  2. d
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a

Roman Civilisation

I. Answer the following in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Who are the ancestors of Rome?
Romus and Remus.

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Question 2.
Name all the persons of the first Triumvirate.
Pompey, Crassus and Julius Caesar formed the ‘first Triumvirate’.

Question 3.
Which were the places of importance during the reign of Julius Caesar?
Rome and Egypt.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Augustus Caesar.
Augustus Caesar was formerly called Octavius. Augustus Caesar formed the second Triumvirate along with Mark Anthony and Lapidus. In the beginning Augustus Caesar shared power with Mark Anthony by banishing Lapidus. Later he also defeated Mark Anthony. Augustus became the most powerful man in the Roman Empire.

He was instrumental in introducing many social reforms and his reign, in Rome was very peaceful and hence known as ’Roman Peace’. Hence rome progressed economic and culturally. His reign is known as the ‘Golden Age of Rome’.

Question 5.
Name the great poets of Roman civilisation.
Virgil, who wrote the epic ‘Aeneid’ and Ovid, were the great poets of Rome.

Question 6.
Name the philosophers of Rome.
Cato, Cicero and Seneca were the famous philosophers of Rome.

Question 7.
List the contributions of Romans.
Ancient Romans had a deep knowledge in science and Mathematics. The encyclopedia ‘Natural History’ was compiled by Pliny. Galen was a famous surgeon. Strabo and Ptolemy were famous Geologists. The Roman law laid the basic foundation for the world’s future laws. Even today Latin words are being used in science, law and other branches of knowledge. Julius Caesar recorded history. The Colosseum and Amphitheatre in Rome are great architectural structures. The Julian calendar is still used all over the world.

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
The achievements of Augustus Caesar.
Augustus Caeser was formerly called Octavius. Augustus Caesar formed the ‘Second Triumvirate’ along with Mark Anthony and Lapidus. In the beginning Augustus Caesar shared power with Mark Anthony by banishing Lapidus. Later he also defeated Mark Anthony. Augustus became the most powerful man in the Roman Empire.

He was instrumental in introducing many social reforms and his reign, in Rome was very peaceful and hence known as ’Roman Peace’. Hence Rome progressed economic and culturally. His reign is known as the ‘Golden Age of Rome’.

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Question 2.
List the contributions of Romans.
Ancient Romans had a deep knowledge in science and Mathematics. The encyclopedia ‘Natural History’ was compiled by Pliny. Galen was a famous surgeon. Strabo and Ptolemy were famous Geologists. The Roman law laid the basic foundation for the world’s future laws. Even today Latin words are being used in science, law and other branches of knowledge. Julius Caesar recorded history. The Colosseum and Amphitheatre in Rome are great architectural structure. The Julian calander is stilll used all over the world.

III. Match the items in list ‘A’ with those of list ‘B’:

1. Rome a. Natural History
2. Augustus Caesar b. Tiber river
3. Pliny c. Golden age of Rome
4. Galen d. Roman sculpture
5. Colosseum e. Roman surgeon


  1. c
  2. a
  3. b
  4. e
  5. d

Harappa Civilisation

I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

  1. Lothal was a _______ in the Harappan Civilisation.
  2. The Mesapotamians called the Harappan civilisation as _______.
  3. _______ Goddess was worshipped by the Harappans.


  1. port / harbour
  2. ‘Meluah’
  3. Mother

II. Answer the following in a sentence:

Question 1.
Which are the two important cities of Harappan civilisation?
Mohenjadaro and Harappa.

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Question 2.
Which was the first country to grow cotton?

Question 3.
Which Gods were worshipped by the people of Harappan civilisation?
Pashupati (Shiva), Mother Goddess, Peepal and Neem trees, Sun, Fire, Earth, Water and Snakes.

Question 4.
Where can we find the ‘Great Bath’ ?

Question 5.
In which was the port of Harappan civilization found?

Question 6.
Mention two reasons for the decline of Harappan civilisation?
The reasons for the decline of Harappan Civilization

  1. Aryan Invation.
  2. Regular floods of the River Indus.
  3. Overuse of wood for burning bricks destroyed forests.
  4. The Spread of Infections diseases.

All the above reasons led to the inhabitants of Harappan Civilization to migrate to other pleaces and abandon their cities.

III. Discuss in groups and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What are the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilisation?
Harappan Civilization developed along the Indus river. The River Indus irrigated the agricultural lands of the inhabitants. Though agriculture flourished, River Indus flooded at regular intervals leading to huge loss of crops, grains and trade which consequently proved to be uneconomical. They migrated to other pleaces with suitable arable land.The cities of Indus Valley Civilization were well planned. They inhabitants built wide roads with wellplanned drainage system and even multistoreyed buildings.

Since agriculture flourished they store excess food grains in granaries. Since agriculture was labour intensive they had to build large quarters for the labour force and lifestocks like cattle, goats, pigs, cats, dogs, camels and donkeys. Even trade with other civilizations flourished. All this required huge quantities of burnt bricks to build the infrastructure. They used large quantity of fire¬wood to bum bricks, which eventually led to the destruction of forests. So they had to migrate to other places.

Although the Indus valley inhabitants gave importance to cleanliness and public-health. Trade with other civilizations brought new diseases which were infections, and which led to mass extinction of the inhabitants so they migrated to, other safe places in fear of death. Moreover, the invation by Aryans, destroyed their cities and they fled to other safe places in fear, abandoning their civilization.

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Question 2.
Discuss the common features that can be found in the social, economic and religious life of your village/town and Harappan civilisation.
Yes, there are common features that can be found in the social, economic and religious life, of our town/village and Harappan Civilization. Similar to us, the Harappan men and women used to decorate themselves with ornaments like necklaces, fillets, armless, finger- rings, bangles, ear-rings and nose-studs. They also used cosmetics and perfumes. They also played Marbles, balls and dice, as recreational sports. They also enjoyed to watch bull-fight, similar to us watching cricket or football. Even their children played with dolls made of clay and wood or metal.

The main occupation of Harappanas was agriculture and rearing domestic animals. They also carried trade with other civilizations. Just like us they were interested in art and architecture. They made clay idols of Mother Goddess. Beautiful artifacts like the copper figurine of a dancing girl and the head of a bearded man made of stone were found while excavating Harappan sites. Just like us they were religious people and worshipped Pashupati and performed fire-rituals. They also has a unique script which is yet to be deciphered.

Class 6 Social Science Ancient Civilizations Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why are river valleys called the ‘Cradles of Civilization’.
River valleys are called ‘Cradles of Civilizations’ because pre-historic people settled on the banks of rivers and civilizations propered there.

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Question 2.
Where did the ancient Egyptian Civilization emerge and when.
Ancient Egyptian Civilization developed along the banks of River Nile about 5400 years ago.

Question 3.
Who was the first Pharaoh of Egypt?

Question 4.
Who was the first ‘Empress’ of the world?
Hatshepsut, the daughter of Pharaoh Thamos.

Question 5.
Who was the most popular Queen of Egypt?
Queen Cleopatra.

Question 6.
What does Hieroglyphics mean?
Sacred writing

Question 7.
Why were Pyramids built?
The Egyptians believed in life after death, so they preserved the dead bodies. The Egyptians used their enormous knowledge of Geometry to build Pyramids to house, the preserved body of the dead, which was known as ‘Mummy’ Pyramids are huge structures, resembling a prism, built with huge stone blocks.

Question 8.
What is ‘Sphinx’?
‘Sphinx’ is an enormous piece of architecture built by the Pharaoh’s of Egypt. It has the body of an animal and the head of a man. .

Question 9.
What does ‘Mesopotamia’ mean?
‘Mesopotamia’ means the ‘Land between rivers’.

Question 10.
Which kings of Mesopotamia formed the ‘Code of laws’?
King Hammurabi.

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Question 11.
Who founded the royal library at ‘Neneveh’ in Babylonia?
King Assurbanipal.

Question 12.
Which king of Babylonia had established trade relations with the people of Harappan Civilization?
King Hammurabi.

Question 13.
The name ‘China’ is derived from which ancient Chinese dynasty.
Qin dynasty

Question 14.
Which king of China built the ‘Great wall of China’?
King Chi-Huang-Ti.

Question 15.
Who formed the trade route to Rome? What is it known as?
King Wu-Ti of Han dynasty formed the trade route to Rome. It is known as “The Silk Route”.

Question 16.
Why was ‘The Silk Route’ to Rome formed?
China was a leading producer of silk. There was a greater demand for silk in Rome. As a result, the trade route between China and Rome was formed.

Question 17.
Which king of Greece as instrumental in laying down the base for democracy.
King Cleisthenes.

Question 18.
What did Pericles call ‘Athens’ and why?
Pericles called ‘Athens’ as ‘School of lellas’ because science, Art, Literature and Philosophy flourished in Athens and reached the world.

Question 19.
Where is the temple of Greek God Zeus in Greece?
Mount Olympia.

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Question 20.
Who were the famous disciples of the great green Philosopher Socrates.
Plato, Aristotle and Alexander, the Great king of Macedonia.

Question 21.
Who established an educational institution ailed ‘Academy’?

Question 22.
Who were the renowned Mathematicians of ancient Greece?
Euclid and Pythagoras.

Question 23.
Which community were the original inhabitants of Rome?

Question 24.
Write two examples of Roman Architecture?
Colosseum and Amphitheatre.

Question 25.
Who excavated the sites of Mohenjodara and Harappa?
Archaeologists Dayaram Sanhi and Rakuldas Bannerji.

Question 26.
Write about the city planning of Harappan Civilization?
The cities of Harappan civilisation were well planned. They were protected by forts. Wide roads, public wells, multi-storeyed- buildings and well-planned drainage system are the important features of Harappan cities. The drainage system is a great achievement of our ancestors. The importance was given to cleanliness and public health is a model for the present. This system of town planning cannot be found elsewhere in the ancient civilisations.

In Mohenjodaro a great tank for public bath, now called the ‘Great Bath’ was found. There was rooms on all sides. Six large granaries and the quarters for laborers are found in Harappan cities. Lothal was a popular harbor in those days.

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Question 27.
Which was the main occupation of Harappas?
Weaving cotton and wollen clothes.

Question 28.
What did the Greeks call ‘Cotton’ in ancient days and why?
The Greeks called ‘Cotton’ as ‘Sindhun’ as it was produced in the Indus Valley or Sindhu Valley.

Question 29.
Write a short note on the Harappan script?
Harappan had developed their own unique script and language. The scholars have been trying hard to understand the writings on the seals but in vain.

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Egypt is considered as the _______.
  2. The kings of Egypt were called ‘_______’.
  3. The first Pharaoh of Egypt was _______.
  4. The first ‘Empress’ of the world was _______.
  5. _______ and _______ were worshipped as Gods in ancient Egypt.
  6. The great epic of Mesopotamians was _______.
  7. The first emperor of ancient China was _______.
  8. The Chinese introduced _______ and _______ to the world.
  9.  _______ was an ideal city state.
  10. _______ is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’.
  11. _______ was a great dictator of ancient Rome.
  12. _______ was the language of Roman Empire.
  13. _______ was a popular harbour of Harappan Civilization.
  14. The invasion of _______ led to the decline of Indus Civilization.


  1. Gift of Nile
  2. Pharaoh
  3. Menes
  4. Hatshepsut
  5. Sun and rivers
  6. Gilgamesh
  7. Chi-Huang-Ti
  8. Tea and Silk
  9. Athens
  10. Hippocrates
  11. Julius Caesar
  12. Latin
  13. Lothal
  14. Sindhun
  15. Aryans

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III. Match the following:

1. Aryan Invation a. Mohenjodara
2. Mehiah b. Rule of Augustus Caesar
3. Great Bath c. Mount Olympia
4. Roman Peace d. Laid down base for Democracy
5. Temple of Zeus e. Neneveh
6. Cleisthenes f. Decline of Indus civilization
7. Confucius g. Mesopotamia
8. The silk route h. Great wall of China
9. Chi-Huang-Ti i. Capital city of Menes
10. Royal Library j. Trade route
11. Memphis k. Chinese philosopher


  1. c
  2. d
  3. e
  4. f
  5. j
  6. a
  7. b
  8. i
  9. k
  10. h
  11. g