Students can Download Class 4 English Chapter 6 Farming, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 4 English helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 4 English Chapter 6 Farming

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Listen, Recite and enjoy :
“In the Fields” (Poem)

New Words :
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Speak :

Read and answer orally.

1. The colour of the cow was ___
a) black
b) brown
c) black and brown
(b) brown

2. The little lamb had ___
a) silk
b) cotton
c) wool
(c) wool

3. The poet said, “Good morning, Mr. Horse.” The horse said
a) Baa
b) Moo
c) Neigh
(c) Neigh

KSEEB Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 Farming

Read and say.

B. Look at the pictures in columns ‘A’. Link them with their cries or utterances in column ‘B’ and say the sentence.
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Write :

Write answers for the following questions. Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences.

1. When the poet saw the cow, she was ___
a) raising her head and running
b) raising her head and chewing the grass
c) raising her head and mooing.
(b) raising her head and chewing the grass.

2. When the poet saw the horse it was ___
a) neighing
b) trotting around
c) cropping in the hay
(c) cropping in the hay.

3. When the poet saw the little lamb, he ___
a) followed it
b) tied it
c) gave it food.
(a) followed it.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 Farming

Listen and repeat :

B. Some words are given in the cup. Divide them into two groups, so that the words in each group have the same sounds in them.
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Play this game :

Look at the pictures of the tools of farming in the wagon wheel. Draw a line and connect them with their names. You may refer to a dictionary, if required.
(Plough, pick axe, Shovel, Axe, a pair of shears, spade).
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A. Complete the given sentences using the tools. Say orally. Then write.

1. My father ploughs the land with a ___

2. Shivu cuts down the tree with an ___

3. Gundu digs the land with a ___

4. I transfer the dirt to other place with a ___

5. My neighbour uses a __ to cut off the wool form thre shep.

6. Siddappa reaps the crops with a ___
Pick axe

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Read and enjoy : “Farmer and His Friends”

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New Words :

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Speak :

Read and answer orally.

1. Hanumantha’s family had ___
a) four members
b) six members
c) two members
(a) four members

2. The number of animals Hanumantha reared was ___
a) four
b) six
c) two
(b) six

3. By selling wool and milk, Hanumantha could get ___
a) an ox
b) some money
c) love of animals.
(a) some money.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 6 Farming

Write :

Write answers for the following questions :

1. Hanumantha asked the sheep to call him ___
a) master
b) boss
c) friend
(c) friend

2. The sheep wanted Hanumantha to ___
a) shear the wool.
b) give them food
c) sell them at the market
(a) shear the wool.

3. Hanumantha sold the wool, milk and bought ___
a) a horse
b) another hen
c) an ox.
(c) an ox.

Fun with Words :

A. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters.

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B. Some animals are hidden in the grid. Circle them. Help them to go to their places. [Read down and across]
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Write well :

A. Read the pictures. Use ‘a’ or ‘an’ in the blanks. Use ‘an’ before the sounds ‘o, e, i, a, u’.
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B. There are some words in red basket. You and your friend will pick words from it and put them in green basket. Add ‘a’ or ‘an’ before you put them in green basket.
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an earthworm, a pig, a well, a seed, an acre, an insect, an animal, a barn, an offspring

Practise Speech :

A. Read the pictures and say what Kempanna and his wife are doing. You may use the words given. (planting, beating, removing, winnowing, binding, harvesting, ploughing)
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Write more :

A. In the given story, each blank has a picture. Read the picture and write the correct word to complete the story.
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One day Tarun was walking in his field. Suddenly a snake appeared before him. He got frightened. He began to run. He ran and ran. Then he climbed up a tree. The cobra waited for sometime. It slowly crawled out. Tarun started getting down. He felt relieved. He jumped down and went home.

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Read the riddles and find answers :

1. I am in the vegetable group
I grow under the ground
I can be eaten raw or cooked
I help keep eyes healthy
I am orange in colour
Who am I?
Carrot (?)

2. I am in the fruit group
I am a type of citrus fruit
You can squeeze me to make juice
I am the same colour as my name
Who am I ?

3. I am green or red
I am spicy and hot
I am in the vegetable group
I begin with letter “c”
Who am I?