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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Sanskrit नंदिनी Chapter 10 मन्थरा निर्ममन्य

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


I. एकवाक्येन उत्तरं लिखत ।

प्रश्न 1.
चम्पूविषये प्रसिद्धाः अभियुक्तिः का?
‘गद्यपद्यमयीवाणी चम्पूः’ इति चम्पूविषये प्रसिद्धा अभियुक्तिः अस्ति।

प्रश्न 2.
राजा कान् आचरयौ ?
राजा सुमन्त्रप्रमुखान् मन्त्रिमुख्यान् आचख्यौ ।

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प्रश्न 3.
तृषितः चकोरः कम् आश्रयति?
तृषितः चकोरः चन्द्रम् आश्रयति ।

प्रश्न 4.
मन्थरा कस्याः हृदयं निर्मममन्थ ?
मन्थरा कैकेय्याः हृदयं निर्ममन्थ ।

II. समानार्थकपदं लिखत ।

  1. पङ्तिरथः = दशरथः
  2. तनयः = सुतः, आत्मजः, पुत्रः, सूनुः ।
  3. आनन्दः = सन्तोषः, प्रमोदः, आमोदः
  4. मुकुटम् = किरीटम्

III. लकारपुरुष वचनानि लिखत :

  1. उदेति – लट्लकारः, प्रथमपुरुषः, एकवचनम्
  2. यतिष्ये – लुट्लकारः, प्रथमपुरुषः, एकवचनम् ।
  3. निर्वर्तयामास लिट्लकारः, प्रथमपुरुषः, एकवचनम् ।
  4. बभूव – लिट्लकारः, प्रथमपुरुषः, एकवचनम् ।

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IV. कृदन्तपदं चित्वा प्रत्ययस्य नाम लिखत :

प्रश्न 1.
मुकुटं विधातुं यतिष्ये ।
कृदन्तपदं → विधातुं, प्रत्ययः → तुमुन्

प्रश्न 2.
नृपस्य मनोरथं निवेद्य जगाम ।
कृदन्तपदं → निवेद्य, प्रत्ययः → ल्यप्

V. लघूत्तरं लिखत ।

प्रश्न 1.
सुमन्त्रप्रमुखाः दशरथाय किं व्यजिज्ञपन् ?
सुमन्त्रप्रमुखाः दशरथाय एवं व्यजिज्ञपन् – देवे प्रजापालने सत्यपि तव पुत्रं श्रीरामं प्रजाः स्वयम् इच्छन्तु नाम । अत्र किम् आश्चर्यम् ? यथा पिपासितः चकोरः चन्द्रमेव आश्रयति नतु चन्दजनकं क्षीरसागरम्, तथा प्रजाः श्रीरामम् आश्रयन्ति नतु तज्जनकं दशरथम् इति ।

VI. दशवाक्यैः संस्कृतभाषया कन्नडभाषया आङ्ग्लभाषया वा लिखत।

प्रश्न 1.
दशरथः पौरवृद्धान् आह्य किम् उक्तवान् ?
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KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit नंदिनी Chapter 10 मन्थरा निर्ममन्य


  • कविः : भोजराजः
  • देशः : विदर्भः
  • कालः : क्रि.श. 1018 – 1063 (एकादश शतकम्)
  • कृतयः : चम्पूरामायणम्, सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरणम्, शृंगारप्रकाशः इत्यादयः

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Summary in Kannada

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Summary in Kannada 1

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Summary in Kannada 2

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Summary in Kannada 3

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit नंदिनी Chapter 10 मन्थरा निर्ममन्य

मन्थरा निर्ममन्य Summary in English

The Samskritha literature is mainly divided into two. “Drushya’ and ‘Shravya’ are the two types. “Shravya Kavya’ divided into Gadhya, Padya and Champu. “Gadya’ means without prosody (Chandaha). With prosody is called as Padhya. Champu is a harmonious blend of prose and poetry. (Gadhya and Padhya)

This champu part is selected from Charmpu Rarnayan’ of Bhoja Raja, Then Dasharatha having taken counset with his ministers, he convoked an assembly of the elders of the town and addressed them thus – It is of course, well known to you that all our ancestors attained maximum happiness. Hence indeed all my subjects were ruled all this time by me too, following my ancestor’s example. At present old age has entered my body which cannot be avoided. Hence, I desire to enjoy the happiness of rest having transferred, the long-borne burden of the earth to my dear son, who possesses valour.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit नंदिनी Chapter 10 मन्थरा निर्ममन्य

Then the people were filled with excessive joy. The king too having suppressed within himself his satisfaction which was doubled by the excessive joy of the people. Dasharath addressed the chief ministers such as Sumantra and others thus – “Leaving me, who has not yet resorted to penance and who is still vigilant in protecting people in the right way. How can such an attachment of the people arise as soon with regard to Rama whose boyish innocence has not yet disappeared?

They too respectfully replied to Dasharatha whose desire was definite. “Although your majesty remains the ruler, let the people voluntarily take to serve Rama, your son, where is any wonder in it? Would the thirsty ‘Chataka’ seek, instead of the moon, the milk-ocean which has been the cause for its birth?” Then, having summoned Rama charming with his modesty, the king with excessive joy arisen spoke thus – I shall try to deposit the royal crown on your head speedily tomorrow in Pushya constellation.

Afterwards to Rama who had returned to his apartment having reported the desire of Dasharatha to Kausalya, the venerable Vasishtha full of joy, celebrated the preliminary festivity. At that time Manthara whom they speak as the root cause for the eradication of the race of demons and whose mind, crooked by nature, had semblance with her bodily frame mercilessly stirred the heart of Kaikeyi, just as a wild buffalo stirs the clear water of a cool and lovely pool. Then Kaikeyi with her intentions controlled wholly by the possession of a female ghost, Manthara reminded Kaikeyi of her husband Dasharatha’s two boons he had granted her formerly.