Karnataka Board Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Classification of Living Organisms

KSEEB Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Textual Questions & Answers

I. Four alternatives are given to each of the following incomplete statements. Choose the right answer.

Question 1.
A kingdom consisting of single celled prokaryotic organisms is.
(a) Mycota
(b) Monera
(c) Plantae
(d) protesta

Question 2.
Which one of the following is the basic unit of classification of the living organisms?
(a) Family
(b) Species
(c) genes
(d) kingdom.

Question 3.
Most primitive organism among the following are.
(c) Fungi
(d) Algae.

Question 4.
Which one of the following should be grouped with wholes according to modern classification?
(a) Shark
(b) Dolphin
(c) Snake
(d) Tortoise.

II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Question 1.
Plants with many woody stems are called ………..

Question 2.
Animals without a backbone are called ……….
Non chordates

Question 3.
Most of the organisms depend directly or indirectly upon …………. for food.

Question 4.
Group of organisms that breed among themselves and produce fertile off springs make a ………

III. Match the following:
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  1. c
  2. d
  3. e
  4. f

IV. Answer the following :

Question 1.
Why are animals included under Eukaryotas?
Animals have cells with definite nucleus. Hence they are included under Eukaryotas.

Question 2.
In which kingdom do you include multi cellular Eukaryota, primitive, heterotrophic organisms?
The Kingdom Mycota.

Question 3.
Aristotle’s classification include both fish and whale under one group. How are these unrelated?
According to Aristotle’s both are aquatic so they belong to the same group but according to the natural system of
classification whale is different from fish in the life process and made of reproduction. Whole belongs to the class mammalia
it has mammalian characteristics..

Question 4.
What is the difference between plants and animals with regard to nutrition?

  1. Plants
    • Plants belong to autotrophs Plants can prepare their own food
  2. Animals
    • Animals belongs to heterotrophs Animals cannot prepare their own food.

Question 5.
Place the following organisms in their respective kingdoms. Deer, Paramecium,Mushroom.

  1. Deer – Animalia
  2. Paramecium – Protista
  3. Mushroom – Mycota

Question 6.
Why are bread moulds grouped under mycota?
Bread moulds are grouped under mycota as they do not synthesis their food.

Question 7.
Explain, the concept of binomial nomenclature.
Bi nominal nomenclature is the scientific method of naming the living organisms. Common names often differ from one part of a country to another and certainly vary from one country to another. In contrast, scientific name can be used all over the world speaking different languages. It avoids confusion.

Question 8.
Which one of the following is a prokaryotic cell? Why?

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‘B’ belongs to prokaryotic Cell because it does not have a well developed nucleus with nuclear membrane and other organelle. .

KSEEB Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Additional Questions & Answers

Question 1.
Define the following :
1. botany
2. zoology
3. microbiology
4. cytology
5. histology
6. physiology
7. biotechnology

  1. Botany : botany deals with the study of plants.
  2. Zoology : zoology deals with the study of animal.
  3. Microbiology: microbiology is the study of microorganism.
  4. Cytology : cytology is the study of cells.
  5. histology : the study of the microscopic structure of tissues.
  6. Physiology : physiology deals with the processes and the functions of living organisms.
  7. Biotechnology : biotechnology deals with the application of technology in the field of biology. For benefit of mankind.

Question 2.
What is meant by classification?
The method of grouping organism, according to their similarities and differences is called classification.

Question 3.
What is taxonomy?
Taxonomy is the branch of biology. Which deals with the classification of organisms.

Question 4.
What is the purpose of classification of organisms?

The purpose of classifications are,

  1. for convenience – easy to study identify and remember.
  2. to show relationships among various groups of organisms.
  3. to show the evolution of organisms from simple to complex forms of life.

Question 5.
Write the short note on charaka.
Charaka, an ancient Indian sage, was a philosopher, astronomer and physician. He had listed about 340 plant types and about 200 animals types in his book ‘charaka samhita’ charaka for his contributions in known as ‘father of Ayurveda’.

Question 6.
Who is the father of biology?
Aristotle is popularly known as ‘father of biology’.

Question 7.
How did Aristotle classified plants and animals?

Aristotle classified plants and animals in to three groups

  1.  Plants:
    • Herbs with soft stems.
    • Shrubs with several woody stems.
    • Three with a single woody stem.
  2. Animals :
    • Aquatic animals found in water.
    • Terrestrial animals, found on land.
    • Aerial animals found in air.

Question 8.
Who proposed two kingdom classification?
Carol us Linnaeus proposed two kingdom classification.

Question 9.
Define binomial nomenclature.
Carol us Linnaeus introduced the ‘binomial nomenclature’. The scientific method of naming the organisms called binomial nomenclature.

Question 10.
Mention the seven levels of organisation.
The seven levels of organisation are :
Species → Genus → Family → order→ class → Phylum → Kingdom.

Question 11.
Mention the advantages of binomial nomenclature.

  1. Bi nominal nomenclature is the scientific method of naming the living organisms.
  2. Common names often differ from one part of a country to another and certainly vary from one country’ to another. .
  3. In contrast, scientific name can be used all over the world speaking different languages.
  4. It avoids confusion.

Question 12.
What is species?
The basic unit of classification is called species.

Question 13.
Write the scientific names for the following
(i) Mango
(ii) Man
(iii) Dog
(iv) Peepul tree
(v) horse

Common Name Scientific Name
1. Mango Magnifier indica
2. Man Homo sapiens
3. Dog Cains Familiars
4. Peepul tree Ficus religious
5. horse Equous caballus.

Question 14.
Write the Systematic position of human.

level Human Characteristic


Kingdom Animalia Heterotroph bodily movement
Phylum Chordate Chordate
Class Mammalia Mammary grand
Order Primate Erect posture with binocular vision
Family Hominid Fore limbs are shorter than hind limb
Genus Homo Human-large cranium: tool making ability
Species Sapiens Highly developed brain capable of thinking and speak in

Question 15.
Write the systematic position of mango.

Level Mango
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Spindles
Family Anacardiaceae
Genus Magnifier
Species India.

Question 16.
What are the merits of natural system of classification?
Natural system of classification has some merits are,. It includes the related organisms in one group and shows relationships with regard to habitat life process and made of reproduction.

Question 17.
Write short note on two kingdom classification.
This is one of the earliest type of classification, introduced by corollas Linnaeus 1758. Linnaeus classified the living organism under two kingdoms. They are kingdom plantae and kingdom animalia.

Question 18.
Write short note an four kingdom classification.
The four kingdom classification introduced by Copeland in 1966. The kingdoms are. Monera, Protista, plantae, and animalia.

Question 19.
Write short note on five kingdom classification.
In 1969 Robert Whitaker introduced five kingdom classification. They are Monera, Protista, plantae, animalia and mycota.

Question 20.
Viruses from a separate living entity. Give reason.
Viruses do not have a cellular structure and they are not considered as organism. They cannot be included either under prokaryotic or Eukaryotas. Hence form a separate entity.

Question 21.
Viruses are considered as a link between the living and non living. Give reason.
Viruses contain only nucleic acid covered by a protein coat. They are unable to reproduce out side the living cells but inside the host cell they exhibit the characteristics of living organisms. Hence, They are considered as a link between living and non living.

Question 22.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Euglena.
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Question 23.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Paramecium.
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Question 24.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Bacterium.
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Question 25.
How can you play an important role in conserving natural resources such as plants and animals? Explain.

The important measures to conserve natural resources are,1. Restricting unnecessary cutting of trees.

  1. Protecting wild life in their habitat.
  2. Educating the public the importance of Furniture and minimizing the use of timber.
  3. Recycling forest products.
  4. Restricting hunting and poaching of animals.
  5. Preventing the extinction of species.

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