Students can download Class 10 Political Science Chapter 5 International Institutions Important Questions, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Important Questions and Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka SSLC Class 10 Social Science Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 1.
Which was the international organisation established after die First World War to maintain peace?
The League of Nations was established after the First World War to maintain peace.

Question 2.
Which was the organisation established after the Second World War to ensure peace?
The United Nations Organisation was established after the Second World War to ensure peace.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 3.
Who were the leaders responsible for the formation of U.N.O.?
Name the people who worked to establish the U.N.O.
Winston Churchill of England,Joseph Stalin of Russia and Franklin D. Roosevelt of U.S.A. were responsible for the formation of U.N.O.

Question 4.
Who coined the term ‘United Nations’ and when was it first used?
The term ‘United Nations’ was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of U.S.A. and was first used in the declaration signed by 26 countries on January 1st, 1942.

Question 5.
When and where was the Charter of the United Nations signed?
The Charter of the United Nations was signed at the San Francisco conference on June 26th 1945.

Question 6.
When did the U.N.O. come into existence?
The U.N.O. came into existence on October 24th 1945.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 7.
How many countries are members of the U.N.O. at present?
193 countries are members of the U.N.O. at present.

Question 8.
Where is the headquarters of the U.N.O. situated?
The headquarters of the U.N.O. is situated at New York in U.S.A.

Question 9.
Who can become members of the U.N.O.?
All peace – loving countries can become members of the U.N.O.

Question 10.
What is the main document of the U.N.O.? How many Articles does it contain?
The Charter is the main document of the U.N.O. It contains 111 Articles divided into 19 chapters.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 11.
What are the aims of the U.N.O.?

  1. Safeguarding international peace and security.
  2. Fostering co – operation among nations.
  3. Improving the faith in human rights.
  4. Exploring solutions to various economic, social, cultural and other humanitarian problems with international co – operation.
  5. Providing recognition to international agreements and obligations.
  6. Striving to build mutual trust and co-operation among countries.

Question 12.
Which are the main organs of the U.N.O.?
How many organs does the U.N.O. have? Name them.
Which are the affiliated bodies of the U.N.O.?
The United Nations Charter has provided for six principal organs. They are: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and, the Secretariat.

Question 13.
Explain the formation of the General Assembly of the U.N.O.
Describe the structure of the U.N. General Assembly.
The General Assembly is the general body consisting of all the members of the U.N. Every country can send five representatives to this body, but has only one vote. The General Assembly elects one of its members as the President for a term of one year. It also elects 17 Vice Presidents and 7 chairpersons for the seven standing committees.

Question 14.
Which organ of the U.N.O. is called ‘Global Parliament’?
The General Assembly of the U.N.O. is called ‘Global Parliament’.

Question 15.
What are the functions of the General Assembly?

  1. Approval of general budget.
  2. Summoning special sessions to discuss urgent issues.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 16.
Which organ is the most poweiful organ of the U.N.O.?
The Security Council is the most powerful organ of the U.N.O.

Question 17.
Which organ is called the cabinet of the U.N.O.?
The Security Council is called the cabinet of the U.N.O.

Question 18.
Describe the structure of the Security Council of the U.N.O.
The Security Council consists of 15 members of whom 5 are permanent members. They are U.S.A., Russia, China, France and U.K. The remaining 10 members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. These 10 members represent various geographical regions. Every member has one vote. But the approval of all the permanent members is a must for any decision to become operational.

Question 19.
How many permanent and non-permanent members does the Security Council have?
The Security Council has 5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members.

Question 20.
Which are the permanent members of the Security Council?
The permanent members of the Security Council are U.S.A., Russia, China, France and U.K.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 21.
Who elects the non – permanent members of the Security Council?
The non – permanent members of the Security Council are elected by the General Assembly.

Question 22.
What is the term of the non – permanent members of the Security Council?
The term of the non – permanent members of the Security Council is two years.

Question 23.
What are the functions of the Security Council?

  1. Solving international disputes through peaceful means.
  2. Deploying U.N. peace keeping force if necessary to maintain peace and order.
  3. Electing the judges of the International Court of Justice.
  4. Recommending the name for the post of Secretary General.

Question 24.
Describe the structure of the Economic and Social Council.
The Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members elected by the General Assembly. 18 members of the Council are elected each year for a period of three years. The Council elects a chairperson for one year from among its members.

Question 25.
What are the functions of the Economic and Social Council?
What are the activities of the Economic and Social Council?

  1. Conducting studies on economic, social, cultural, educational, health and other international issues and sharing reports.
  2. Issues like refugee problems, status of women, housing, etc., come under its purview.
  3. To make recommendations on issues of human rights and basic freedoms.
  4. Organising conferences on human resources, culture, education and other issues.
  5. Co – ordinating the functions of specialised bodies like ILO, FAO, WHO and other institutions.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 26.
What is the Junction of the Trusteeship Council?
The Trusteeship Council works as a sub – organisation of the General Assembly. It primarily takes care of those entities that have not risen to the status of independent states.

Question 27.
The Trusteeship Council has become inactive now. Why?
As there are no trust territories left, the Trusteeship Council has become inactive now.

Question 28.
Where is the headquarters of the International Court of Justice?
The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is at Hague in Netherlands.

Question 29.
Describe the structure of the International Court of Justice.
The International Court of Justice has 15 judges elected for a term of nine years. They are eligible for another term. The judges elect one president and one vice president from among themselves for a term of three years.

Question 30.
How many judges are there in the International Court of Justice?
There are 15 judges in the International Court of Justice.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 31.
What is the term of the judges of the International Court of Justice?
The term of the judges of the International Court of Justice is nine years.

Question 32.
What are the functions of the International Court of Justice?

  1. The International Court of Justice gives judgement on international disputes.
  2. It provides legal consultations.
  3. It also contributes to international peace and security.

Question 33.
What is the limitation of the International Court of Justice?
The judgements of the International Court of Justice are important only from ethical and rational perspectives. No country is compulsorily bound by these judgements nor can it enforce its decisions.

Question 34.
Who comprise the Secretariat of the U.N.O.?
The Secretary General and his staff comprise the Secretariat of the U.N.O.

Question 35.
Where is the Secretariat of the U.N.O. located?
The Secretariat of the U.N.O. is located at New York. The branch offices are located at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

Question 36.
Who is the head of the Secretariat?
The Secretary General is the head of the Secretariat.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 37.
Who appoints the Secretary General of the U.N.O.?
The Secretary General of the U.N.O. is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

Question 38.
What is the term of office of the Secretary General of the U.N.O.?
The term of office of the Secretary General of the U.N.O. is five years.

Question 39.
Write a note on the Secretary General of the U.N.O.
The Secretary General is the head of the Secretariat. He is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a term of five years.

Question 40.
Who was the first Secretary General of the U.N.O.?
Trygve Lie of Norway was the first Secretary General of the U.N.O.

Question 41.
Who is the present Secretary General of the U.N.O.?
Antonio Guterres of Portugal is the present Secretary General of the U.N.O.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 42.
What are the functions of the Secretariat?
The day – to – day administration of the U.N.O. and the institutional functions come under the purview of the Secretariat.

Question 43.
Explain the achievements of the U.N.O.
I. Peace – keeping operations:

  • Worked towards resolving disputes like Suez Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Kashmir, Palestine, Korea, Hungary, Congo, Israel, Namibia, Afghanistan, etc.
  • Worked towards disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament.

II. Economic and financial achievements:

  • Has encouraged international economic and financial cooperation under General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
  • Has encouraged international cooperation in the economic and financial fields through the United Nations Development Programme.
  • Various schemes of financial assistance have been launched by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the specialised agencies of the U.N.O.

III. Social achievements:

  • A number of educational, health, women and child welfare schemes have been implemented through WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency), etc.
  • Adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
  • Has played a decisive role in the removal of apartheid, colonialism and imperialism.

Question 44.
Discuss the role of the U.N.O. in maintaining world peace.
What are the political achievements of the U.N.O.?
What are the achievements of the U.N.O. in the field of peace-keeping operations?
‘The U.N.O. has played a major role in establishing peace in the world’. Substantiate this statement. The U.N.O. has dealt with and solved a large number of political conflicts and disputes. It has worked towards resolving disputes like Suez Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Kashmir, Palestine, Korea, Hungary, Congo, Israel, Namibia, Afghanistan, etc. It has also worked towards disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament. However, its achievements in peace-keeping are a mixed one. This is mainly because of lack of unanimity among the permanent members of the Security Council.

Question 45.
What are the achievements of the U.N.O. in the financial and economic fields?
U.N.O. has achieved great success in uplifting the socio – economic status of the people. Under GATT, the U.N.O. has encouraged international co – operation in the economic and financial fields. The UNDP, IBRD and IMF have launched various schemes to provide financial assistance to less developed countries.

Question 46.
What are the Social achievements of the U.N.O.?
The U.N.O. has implemented a number of educational, health, women and child welfare schemes through WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF and UNHCR. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is another great achievement. Further, it has played a decisive role in the removal of apartheid, colonialism and imperialism.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 47.
Mention the official languages of the U.N.O.
English, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Arabic are the official languages of the U.N.O.

Question 48.
List the various specialised organisations of the U.N.O.
The various specialised organisations of the U.N.O. are:

  1. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
  2. World Health Organisation (WHO)
  3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
  4. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  5. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  6. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  7. International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  8. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  9. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Question 49.
When was the Food and Agriculture Organisation set up?
The Food and Agriculture Organisation was set up in 1945.

Question 50.
Where is the Food and Agriculture Organisation located?
The Food and Agriculture Organisation is located in Rome.

Question 51.
Why was the Food and Agriculture Organisation set up?
The Food and Agriculture Organisation was set up to fight poverty, malnutrition and hunger all over the world.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 52.
What are the aims of the Food and Agriculture Organisation?
The aims of the FAO are:

  1. Development of agriculture
  2. Providing nutritious food
  3. Creation of hunger – free communities, and
  4. Reforming the life of rural people.

Question 53.
When was the Work! Health Organisation set up?
The World Health Organisation was set up in 1948.

Question 54.
Where is the headquarters of World Health Organisation?
The headquarters of World Health Organisation is at Geneva in Switzerland.

Question 55.
Why was the World Health Organisation set up?
The World Health Organisation was set up with the aim of improving the health of the world community.

Question 56.
What are the achievements of the World Health Organisation?
The WHO has strived to eradicate diseases like plague, cholera, malaria and small pox. It is also working towards freeing the world from AIDS, cancer and other major diseases. It is trying to address issues like population growth, hunger and malnutrition.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 57.
When was UNESCO established?
UNESCO was established in 1946.

Question 58.
Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located?
The headquarters of UNESCO is located in Paris.

Question 59.
Why was UNESCO set up?
UNESCO was set up to promote science, education and culture throughout the world.

Question 60.
What are the functions of UNESCO?
UNESCO is mainly concerned with the promotion of science, education and culture throughout the world. It is active in technical education, cultural studies, creativity and media strategies to preserve the world heritage. It supports governmental and non-governmental organisations to spread the importance of education.

Question 61.
When did UNICEF come into existence?
UNICEF came into existence in 1946.

Question 62.
What is the main aim of UNICEF?
The main aim of UNICEF is to create conducive environment for the development of Women and children.

Question 63.
What are the functions of UNICEF?
The UNICEF was set up to create conducive environment for the development of women and children. It provides aid to all the needy countries of the world to fulfill this goal.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 64.
What prestigious award did UNICEF win for its humanitarian work?
UNICEF won the Nobel Prize in 1965 for its humanitarian work.

Question 65.
Why should we purchase UNICEF greeting cards?
The money from the sale of UNICEF greeting cards is used to fund the various activities particularly for the welfare of children. Hence we must purchase the cards to help the cause of children’s welfare.

Question 66.
Which financial institutions are specialised agencies of the U.N.O.?
The World Bank (IBRD) and the I.M.F. are the financial institutions that are specialised agencies of the U.N.O.

Question 67.
When was the I.M.F. established?
The I.M.F. was established in 1945 and became operational in 1947.

Question 68.
Where is the headquarters of the I.M.F. located?
The headquarters of the I.M.F. is located at Washington D.C.

Question 69.
Which institution is considered the central bank of central banks of different countries?
The I.M.F. is considered the central bank of central banks of different countries.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 70.
What are the aims/functions of I.M.F.?

  1. To resolve international economic crises
  2. To develop global commerce
  3. To promote economic stability
  4. To promote sound balance of payments situation
  5. To play the role of facilitator between developed and underdeveloped countries.

Question 71.
Explain the role of the I.M.F. in solving the economic problems of the world.
The I.M.F. tries to resolve international economic problems. It helps the development of global commerce, promotes economic stability and sound balance of payments. It is considered the central bank of central banks of different countries. It plays the role of facilitator between developed and underdeveloped countries.

Question 72.
What is the I.B.R.D. also known as?
The I.B.R.D. is also known as World Bank.

Question 73.
When did the I.B.R.D. come into existence?
The I.B.R.D. came into existence in 1947.

Question 74.
Where is the headquarters of I.B.R.D.?
The headquarters of I.B.R.D. is in Washington D.C.

Question 75.
Why was the World Bank established?
The World Bank was established to ensure economic progress after the Second World War.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 76.
What are the functions of the World Bank?
The functions of the World Bank are:

  1. It provides funds to member countries for the development of agriculture, infrastructure, transport and communication.
  2. It helps to balance world trade.
  3. It helps in balance of payments process.
  4. It provides funds to developing countries.

Question 77.
Name the two subsidiaries of the World Bank.
The two subsidiaries of the World Bank are:

  1. International Development Association (I.D.A.)
  2. International Finance Corporation (I.F.C.).

Question 78.
Where is the headquarters of I.L.O. located?
The headquarters of I.L.O. is located at Geneva in Switzerland.

Question 79.
What are the functions of I.L.O.?
List the activities of I.L.O.
The I.L.O. is set up to look after the welfare of the workers. It is concerned with issues like social security, protection from health hazards, standard of living, etc., of the working class. , Issues like maternity benefits for women workers, minimum wages, housing benefits, etc., are also dealt with by the I.L.O.

Question 80.
What are the functions of UNCTAD?
The UNCTAD is mainly concerned with the promotion of global trade and commerce. It strives for smooth international trade by providing technical assistance. It helps to avoid any policy barriers and thereby promotes international trade and commerce.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 81.
When was the W.T.O. established?
The W.T.O. was established on January 1,1995.

Question 82.
Where is the central office of the World Trade Organisation?
The headquarters of the World Trade Organisation is at Geneva in Switzerland.

Question 83.
Which agreement has been signed by all the members of W.T.O.?
All the members of W.T.O. have signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Question 84.
What are the functions of W.T.O.?
The W.T.O. aims at solving problems relating to international trade and commerce. It functions along with the World Bank in formulating policies on international trade and comme ce.

Question 85.
Which organisations are considered the three pillars of world trade?
The I.M.F.,the I.B.R.D. and the W.T.O. are considered the three pillars of world trade.

Question 86.
Which organisation is considered the third pillar of world trade?
The W.T.O. is considered the third pillar of world trade.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 87.
Name some of the regional organisations working for the betterment of the world.
Commonwealth of Nations, SAARC, European Union, ASEAN and Organisation of African Unity are some of the regional organisations working for the betterment of the world.

Question 88.
When was the Commonwealth of Nations established?
The Commonwealth of Nations was established in 1926.

Question 89.
What was the Commonwealth of Nations known as formerly?
The Commonwealth of Nations was formerly known as British Commonwealth of Nations.

Question 90.
Where is the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Nations?
The headquarters of the Commonwealth of Nations is in London.

Question 91.
Who is the nominal head of the Commonwealth of Nations?
The British Crown is the nominal head of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Question 92.
How many countries are members of the Commonwealth of Nations at present?
The Commonwealth of Nations has 54 members at present.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 93.
What are the aims of the Commonwealth of Nations?
The aims of the Commonwealth of Nations are: upholding the values of democracy, protection of freedom, poverty alleviation, promotion of world peace, development of sports, science and art among the member countries.

Question 94.
When did SAARC come into existence?
The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) came into existence in 1985.

Question 95.
Where is the headquarters of SAARC?
The headquarters of SAARC is in Khatmandu, the capital of Nepal.

Question 96.
Name the member states of SAARC.
The member states of SAARC are India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

Question 97.
What are the objectives of SAARC?
The main objectives of SAARC are – to foster mutual ties through the promotion of economic growth and cultural progress.

Question 98.
What are the obstacles to the effective functioning of SAARC?
SAARC has not been able to function effectively due to mutual distrust and differences of opinion among the member states. The policy that all decisions need to be taken unanimously has proved to be an obstacle to its progress.

Question 99.
Explain the working of SAARC.
SAARC was established to foster mutual ties between member states through the promotion of economic growth and cultural progress. In order to achieve these aims, numerous task groups, technical groups and permanent committees have been formed. Conferences, workshops and training programs have been taking place for the representatives of the member countries on various topics like science and technology, agriculture, etc.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 100.
What is European Union? When was it formed?
European Union is an institution of 27 countries of Europe. It was formed in 1993.

Question 101.
By which treaty did the European Union come into existence?
The European Union came into existence by the Treaty of Maastricht.

Question 102.
Of which organisation is European Union the successor?
The European Union is the successor of the European Economic Community.

Question 105.
How many countries are members of the European Union at present?
The European Union has 27 members at present.

Question 104.
What is the objective of the European Union?
The European Union was established to implement a common market, a common currency and a common agricultural and trade policy in the member countries.

Question 105.
Name the important sub-divisions of the European Union.
The important sub – divisions of the European Union are:

  1. The Committee
  2. The Commission
  3. The European Parliament, and
  4. The European Court of Justice

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 106.
Explain the European Union.
The European Union is a union of 27 countries of Europe. It was established in 1993 to implement a common market, a common currency and a common agricultural and trade policy in the member countries. The important sub – divisions of the European Union are

  1. The Committee
  2. The Commission
  3. The European Parliament
  4. The European Court of Justice.

Question 107.
When did ASEAN come into existence?
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) came into existence in 1967.

Question 108.
Name the founding members of ASEAN.
Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand are the founding members of ASEAN.

Question 109.
How many countries are members of ASEAN at present?
ASEAN has ten member countries at present.

Question 110.
What are the main objectives of ASEAN?
The main objectives of ASEAN are:

  1. To accelerate economic growth, foster mutual trade cooperation, aid social and economic ties
  2. Achieve progress in cultural, technological, scientific and administrative fields in the member countries.

Question 111.
When did the O.A.U. come into being?
The Organisation of African Unity (O.A.U.) came into being in 1963.

Question 112.
How did the O.A.U. come into being?
A large number of African countries which gained independence initially evolved a number of regional associations. Later, these countries joined together in 1963 to form the Organisation of African Unity.

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 113.
Why was the O.A.U. set up?
The Organisation of African Unity asserts the sovereign power of all the independent African countries. It strives to establish equality, freedom and unity among the member countries. It is determined to fight the imperialism of developed countries. It denounces colonialism, imperialism and apartheid.

Questions 114.
Who can become members of O.A.U.?
The membership of O.A.U. is open to all independent sovereign states of Africa that agree to abide by the charter of the organisation.

Question 115.
Write a note on the structure of O.A.U.
The O.A.U. consists of:

  1. An Assembly of Heads of States and Heads of Governments
  2. A Council of Ministers (Ministers Committee)
  3. A Secretariat
  4. A Commission of Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration (Mediation and Reconciliation Committee).

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 116.
Expand the following abbreviations:
U.N.O., W.H.O., I.M.F., I.L.O., UNESCO, FA.O., UNICEF, I.B.R.D., UNCTAD, W.T.O., G.A.T.T., I.DA., I.F.C., ASEAN, O.A.U., SAARC, E.E.C.

  1. U.N.O. : United Nations Organisation
  2. W.H.O. : World Health Organisation
  3. I.M.F. : International Monetary Fund
  4. I.L.O. : International Labour Organisation
  5. UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
  6. F.A.O. : Food and Agriculture Organisation
  7. UNICEF : United Nations Children’s Fund
  8. I.B.R.D. : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  9. UNCTAD : United Nations Conference on and Development
  10. W.T.O. : World Trade Organisation
  11. G.A.T.T. : General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  12. I.D.A. : International Development Association
  13. I.F.C. : International Finance Corporation
  14. ASEAN : Association of South-East Asian Nations
  15. O.A.U. : Organisation of African Unity
  16. SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
  17. E.E.C. : European Economic Community.

Multiple – choice Questions

Question 1.
The term ‘United Nations’ was coined by _______
(A) Joseph Stalin
(B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
(C) Winston Churchill
(D) Woodrow Wilson.
(B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
(B) Franklin D. Roosevelt

Question 2.
The United Nations Organisation came into existence on
(A) October 24, 1945
(B) June 26, 1944
(C) January 26, 1947
(D) January 26, 1948.
(A) October 24, 1945

Question 3.
The headquarters of the U.N.O. is at _______
(A) Washington
(B) Geneva
(C) New York
(D) Vienna
(C) New York

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 4.
The organ of the United Nations which includes all the member countries is ________
(A) Security Council
(B) General Assembly
(C) Trusteeship Council
(D) International Court of Justice.
(B) General Assembly

Question 5.
The number of permanent members in the Security Council is _______
(A) 5
(B) 7
(C) 10
(D) 15
(A) 5

Question 6.
Which one of the following is not a permanent member of the Security Council?
(A) U.S.A.
(B) China
(C) France
(D) Germany
(D) Germany

Question 7.
The Secretary General of the U.N.O. is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the _______
(A) International Court of Justice
(B) Trusteeship Council
(C) Security Council
(D) Economic and Social Council.
(C) Security Council

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 8.
The specialized agency of the U.N.O., set up to encourage science, education and culture is _______
(C) I.M.F.
(D) F.A.O.

Question 9.
The members of the World Trade Organisation are the signatories to the _______
(A) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(B) Disarmament treaty
(C) Treaty of Maastricht
(D) Simla Agreement.
(A) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Question 10.
The Organisation of African Unity was formed in _______
(A) 1960
(B) 1963
(C) 1967
(D) 1985
(B) 1963

Question 11.
The leaders who were responsible for the establishment of U.N.O. were _______
(A) StaLin, Churchill and Roosevelt
(B) Roosevelt, George Washington and Stalin
(C) StaLin, Lenin and ChurchiL
(D) ChurchilL, Stalin and Washington
(A) StaLin, Churchill and Roosevelt

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 12.
The chief of the Secretariat ¡s called the _______
(A) Chief Adminstrator
(B) GeneraL Secretary
(C) Secretary General
(D) Governor – GeneraL.
(C) Secretary General

Question 13.
The Secretary General of the U.N.O. is elected by the _______
(A) General Assembly
(B) Security Council
(C) Secretariat
(D) U.S.A.
(A) General Assembly

Question 14.
The term of office of the Secretary General of U.N.O. is _______
(A) four years
(B) five years
(C) two years
(D) three years
(B) five years

Question 15.
All the main organs of U.N.O. function from U.SA. except one organ. Identify it.
(A) Secretariat
(B) General Assembly
(C) International Court of Justice
(D) Trusteeship Council.
(C) International Court of Justice

Question 16.
The specialised agency of the U.N.O., also called ‘World Bank’, is _______

Question 17.
The agency of U.N.O. which helps to settle disputes concerning trade and commerce between nations is _______

KSEEB Class 10 Political Science Important Questions Chapter 5 International Institutions

Question 18.
All the day – to – day administrative, planning and organising work of U.N.O. come under _______
(A) Social and Economic Council
(B) International Court of Justice
(C) Trusteeship Council
(D) The Secretariat
(D) The Secretariat

Question 19.
The permanent members of the Security Council are _______
(A) U.S.A., India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China
(B) U.S.A., Russia, Britain, France, China
(C) U.S.A., Russia, Japan, North Korea, China
(D) U.S.A., Switzerland, China, Russia, Germany.
(B) U.S.A., Russia, Britain, France, China

Question 20.
Security Council is like the cabinet of the U.N.O. because it _______
(A) has five permanent members
(B) has ten temporary members
(C) has special voting power
(D) can take major decisions on global issues.
(D) can take major decisions on global issues.

Fill in the blanks

  1. The U.N.O. was founded in the year 1945
  2. The head office of the U.N.O. is in New York
  3. The affiliated body of the U.N.O. that is like a cabinet is Security Council
  4. The term of the judges of the International Court of Justice is 9 years.
  5. The International Court of Justice is in Hague
  6. The present Secretary General of the U.N.O. is Antonio Guterres
  7. The SAARC was founded in the year 1985