KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Patterns

Students can Download Maths Chapter 10 Patterns Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Patterns

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Patterns Ex 10.1

I. Solve the following problems:

1. Write the numbers from 1 to 50.

Color the square numbers in red and triangular numbers in blue.

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Question a.
List the square numbers.
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49

Question b.
List the triangular numbers
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21. 28, 36, 45

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Question c.
How many square numbers are there from 1 to 50?
7 Numbers

Question d.
How many triangular numbers are there from 1 to 50?
9 Numbers

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2. Observe e the given pattern of numbers and fill in the square provided.

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3. Express the following square numbers as the sum of consecutive odd numbers. 16, 36, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 225
Example : 9 = 1 + 3 + 5

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4. Fill in the missing odd number and write the square number in the circle.

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5. List the first four square numbers and triangular numbers. Represent them through dot diagrams.

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6. Here is fun with triangular numbers. First complete the list and then write then write them in the table as shown.
1, 3, 6, 10, → → → 36, 45.

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Now add them together and write the sum in the bottom row.
What can you say about the numbers formed in this row?
Write your conclusion in the form of a statement.
All numbers are square numbers.

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7. Observe the given table

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Write multiplication tables of 4,5 and 6. In each table, circle the triangular numbers as shown in the example. Draw a box for square numbers. List them in columns as shown.

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Write numbers from 51 to 100. Identify and list triangular numbers and square numbers.

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 9 Three Dimensional Figures

Students can Download Maths Chapter 9 Three Dimensional Figures Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 9 Three Dimensional Figures

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Three Dimensional Figures Ex 9.1

I. Answer orally:

Question a.
What is the shape of the faces of a cube?

Question b.
How many circular faces are there in a cylinder?

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Question c.
Mention the number of plane surfaces and curved surfaces in a cone.
One, One

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II. Observe the following table. Against each shape of solid, some pictures are given. Put (✓) against the figure which is an example of that shape and put (✗) against the figure which is not an example of that shape.

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III. A robot is constructed using different solid shapes. Identify the shapes and write the number of times it is used.

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Cube – 2, Cuboid -1, Cylinder – 3, Cone – 2

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IV. Different views of a table are given below. Name them

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V. 1. Draw diagrams of cube, cylinder and cone with different measurements in 2D.
Do it your self

2. Draw diagrams of your school showing elevation, side view and plan.
Do it your self

3. Draw diagrams of different objects in your house to show elevation, side view and plan.
Do it your self

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 8 Symmetrical Figures

Students can Download Maths Chapter 8 Symmetrical Figures Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 8 Symmetrical Figures

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Symmetrical Figures Ex 8.1

1. Mark symmetric figures as (✓) and non symmetric figure as (✗) in the following:

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2. A few lines have been drawn on the following figures and the lines are denoted by numbers. Identify the axes of symmetry and write its number.

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a) (2), b) (1), c) (1) ಮತ್ತು (3)

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3. Draw axes of symmetry to the following symmetrical figures.

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4. A few symmetrical figures with only half part are given below. Complete the remaining half part by drawing.

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5. Pairs of figures are given below. If one figure is the image of the other figure put a tick (✓) if not put (✗).

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6. Some figures are given below. Draw their images in the given space.

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7. A few numerals and words are given below. Among them a few numerals or words are the images of original numerals and words. List them.
a) 818
b) 310
c) 18081
d) 80888
e) DAD
f) MAM
g) EVE
a) 818 c) 1808 f) MAM

8. List the symmetrical objects you have seen in your surroundings.
Paper, Mobile, Chair, lock, ball

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths Symmetrical Figures Ex 8.2

1. Figures are given in the first row’ of the table given below. In the next rows, the rotations it has to be turned are given. If the figure is turned forgiven rounds and resembles the original figure, put (✓) in the box and if it does not resemble put (✗) in the box.

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2. The follow ing figures when turned \(\frac{1}{3}\) round do not resemble the original figure. Make suitable changes in the figure, to make them resemble the original figure when turned \(\frac{1}{3}\) round.

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3. a) List the letters from English alphabet, which will not change their shape, when turned \(\frac{1}{2}\) rotation.

Example: X
H, I, N, O, S, Z.

b) Which capital letter from English alphabet when turned \(\frac{1}{4}\) round gives another letter?

c) Which capital letter from English alphabet when rotated \(\frac{1}{2}\) round gives another letter?

4. Draw the figures which resemble the original figure when rotated \(\frac{1}{4}\) round.
Do it your self

5. Draw the figures which resemble the original figure when rotated \(\frac{1}{3}\) round.
Do it your self

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Data Handling

Students can Download Maths Chapter 10 Data Handling Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Data Handling

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Data Handling Ex 10.1

1. Observe the pictograph and answer the questions

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  • Number of Science books read Six
  • Number of Kannada books read Four
  • Number of Adventure books read Twelve
  • Number of novels read Eight
  • Total number of books read Thirty

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2. The following pictograph shows the number of cars in 5 villages of a taluk.

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Observe the pictograph and answer the following questions:

  • Which village has the maximum number of cars? Village 3
  • Which village has the minimum number of cars? Village 1
  • What is the total number of cars in five villages? 150 cars
  • How many more cars are there in village 3 than in village 5? Twenty-five
  • Which two villages have the same number of cars? Village 2 & 4

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Data Handling Additional Questions and Answers

1. A survey of sale of cars made by an agency for a particular month is an follows:

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Represent this data through a pictograph.
Scale = 5 cars.

Answer the following questions:

In which week were the maximum number of cars sold?
First week

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In which week were the minimum number of cars sold?
Second week

What is the difference in the number of cars sold in the third and fourth week?
Five years

What is the total number of cars sold in the month?
110 cars

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Arrange the number of cars sold in the descending order along with the week.
35, 30, 25, 20
First Week

Question 3.
Ramu had 5 pens. 3 erasers, 6 books, 2 pencils and one sharpener in his bag.
Write the data in tubular form and represent the same through a pictograph.

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4. The number of bulbs manufactured in a week by a factory is given below. Draw a pictograph to represent the data. (Choose a suitable scale)

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Bar Graphs

I. Read the bar graph and answer the given questions:

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What is the information given in the bar graph?
Days against Earnings of flourist in rupees

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Mention the scale taken.
50 flourist = 1 cm

Mention the earnings on each day.
First day – 300
Second day – 500
Third day – 200
Fourth day – 400
Fifth day – 350

What is the total earnings in five days?
1750 flourist in Rupees

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What is the difference in the amount earned on the second day and the fifth day?
150 flourist in Rupees

Arrange the amount earned on each day in the descending order.
500,400,350,300,200, 2nd day 4th day 5th day ! day 3rd day

2. Study the bar graph and answer the questions given.

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What is the information given in the bar graph?
Saplings planted by a farmer against week

Mention the scale taken.
100 Plants = 1 week

Mention the number of saplings planted in each week.
First week – 700
Second week – 900
Third week – 500
Fourth week – 800
Fifth week – 600

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What is the total number of saplings planted in the five weeks?
3500 saplings

In which week did the farmer plant the maximum number of saplings?
Second week

In which week did he plant the minimum number of saplings?
Third week

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3. A survey of 120 school students was done to find the activity they prefer to do in their free time.

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Draw a bar graph to illustrate the above data.
Scale: 1 cm= 5 students

Which activity is preferred by most of the students other than playing?
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4. The number of belts sold by a shopkeeper on six consecutive days of a week is as follows:

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Draw a bar graph to represent the data.
Scale : 1 cm = 5 belts

What is the total number of belts sold in 6 days?

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5. The number of hours spent by a student on different activities in a day is given below.

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Represent the above data by a bar graph.
Scale: 1 cm = 1 hour
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6. The following table shows the number of bicycles manufactured in a factory during the year 2005 – 2009. Illustrate the data using a bar graph.
(choose a suitable scale)

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Question a.
In which year was the maximum number of bicycles manufactured?

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Question b.
In which year was the minimum number of bicycle manufactured?
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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 8 Length

Students can Download Maths Chapter 8 Length Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 8 Length

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Length Ex 8.1

I. Answer orally.

Question 1.
How many millimeters make one centimeter?
10 millimeters

Question 2.
How many centimeters make one meter?
1m = 100cm

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Question 3.
How many meters make one kilometer?
1 kilometre = 1000 metres

Question 4.
How many meters make half a kilometer?
500 meters

Question 5.
How many centimetres make \(\frac{3}{4}\)
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 8 Length 1
= 75 centimeters

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II. Solve the following:

Question 1.
Convert 573cm into meters.
1 meter = 100 Centimeter
573cm = 573/100 = 5.73
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Question 2.
Convert 1,378m into kilometers.
1 kilometer = 1000 meter
1378 meter = 1378/1000
= 1.378 kilometer
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Question 3.
Convert 1,515 cm into millimeters.
1cm = 10 millimeter
1515cm = 1515 × 10
= 15150 millimeter

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Question 4.
Radha’s school is at a distance of 2,450m from her house. Express this distance in km.
1 kilometer = 1000 meter
Radha’s school is at a distance of 2,450mt
The distance in km = 2400/1000
= 2.450 kilometers
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Question 5.
The length of a ground is 15 meters. Express the length in centimeters.
1 meter = 100 centimeter
The length of a ground = 15 meters
The length in centimeter = 100 × 15 = 1500

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths Length Ex 8.2

I. Answer Orally:

Question 1.
The length of a wire is 3m. What is the total length of 5 such wire?
The length of a wire is 3 meter The total length of 5 such wire = 5 × 3
= 15 meters

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Question 2.
Out of a roll of cloth measuring 50m, 17m of cloth is sold. Find the length of the remaining cloth.
A roll of cloth measure 50 meters 17 meter of cloth is sold
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The remaining length of cloth = 33 meter

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Question 3.
24m of colored ribbon is distributed among 8 students equally. What is the length of the ribbon that each one gets?
The number of students = 8
The colored ribbons = 24 meter
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Question 4.
How many centimeters are there in 9 meters?
1 metre = 100 centimetre
9 metre 100 × 9
= 900 centimeter

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Question 5.
The length of a wooden plank is 19m. Out of this 5 pieces of 3tn each is cut off. Find the length of the remaining piece.
The length of a wooden plank = 19 metre
5 pieces of 3 metre each cut off = 5 × 3 = 15

The length of the remaining piece
= 19 – 15
= 4 meter

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II. Add the following:

1. 22m 71cm and 14m 30cm

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2. 4km 230m and 22km 280m

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III. Subtract the following:

1. 68m 35cm from 75m 48cm

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2. 12km 425m from 17km 650m

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IV. Solve the following:

Question 1.
The length of a line segment is 12cm. Into how many line segments of 3cm each, can it be divided?
The length of a line segment = 12cm
Each line segment = 3cm
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The length of each line segment = 4cm

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2. Ravi bought 3m 60cm length of pant cloth. He gave lm 20 cm of cloth to his younger brother. What is the length of the remaining cloth?
Ravi bought of pant cloth – 3m, 60cm Ravi gave cloth to his younger brother . = 1m, 20cm
The length of the remaining cloth = ( 3m- lm) (60cm- 20cm)
= 2m, 40cm

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Question 3.
The length of cloth purchased by John is as follows: 2m 20cm for shirt, 1m 20 cm for pant and 4m 80cm for coat. What is the total length of cloth purchased by John?
The length of cloth purchased by John
2 m 20cm for shirt
1 m 20cm for pant
4 m 80cm for coat
8 m 20 cm
1 m = 100 centimetre
Total length of cloth purchased by john = 8m, 20cm

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Question 4.
2m 80cm of cloth is required to stitch a frock. What is the length of cloth required to stitch 12 such frocks?
To stitch a frock = 2m, 80cm
The length of cloth repaired to stitch 12
such frocks = 12 x 2 = 24
= \(\frac{12 \times 80}{960 \mathrm{cm}}\)
1 m = 100cm
960 cm = \(\frac{960}{100}\) = 9.6m
24 metre + 9 metre + 60 cemtimetre 33 metres, 60 centimetres

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Question 5.
The length of cloth required to stitch 6 pairs of Kurta and Pyjama is 33m. What is the length of cloth required to stitch 1 pair of Kurta & Pyjama?
Length of cloth required to stitch 6 pairs
of kurtha & pyjama = 33m
The length of cloth required to stitch are

pair of kurtha & pyjama \(\frac{33}{6}=5.5\)

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Question 6.
The total length of 8 bundles of wire is 204m. Find the length of each bundle of wire.
The total length of 8 bundles of wire = 204m
The length of each bundle of wire

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Question 7.
The hight of a table is 1 m 25cm and the height of a stool is 50cm less than the height of the table. Find the height of the stool.
The height of a table = 1 m + 25cm
The height of a stoll = 50 cm less than the height of table
= (1m + 25cm) – 50 cm = 75cm

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Question 8.
A gram panchayat constructed a road to connect the village and the main road. On the first day 3 km 460 m of road was constructed and 4 km 540m of road was constructed on the next day. What is the total length of the road constructed?
A gram panchayat construct a road on the

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The total length of the road constructed 8km

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume

Students can Download Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Weight and Volume Ex 6.1

I. Answer orally:

Question 1.
Albert buys 16 kg of jaggery and 15kg of rice from a shop. He puts both the packets into one bag. What is the total weight of the bag?
Albert buys jaggry = 16 K.G
Albert buys Rice = 15 K.G
Albert puts jiggery and rice = 31 K.G in one bag

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Question 2.
62kg of rice was supplied to a school under ‘Aksharadasoha Scheme’. If 15 kg of rice was used, find the quantity of rice remaining.
Akshara dasoha supplied to school – 62 KG
The school used of rice – 15 KG
The remaining quantity of rice – 47 KG

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Question 3.
A bag can hold 20kg of soji. If 140 of soji is to be filled equally, how many such bags are required?
A bag can hold of soji = 20 KG
Soji is equally filled = 140KG
The number of bags = \(\frac{140}{20}\) = 7

Question 4.
A marchant has 5 packets of sugar, each packet weighting 15kg of sugar. What is the total weight of 5 packets of sugar?
A merchant has 5 packets of sugar, Each packet weight of sugar 15 kg
The total weight of 5 packet of sugar = \(\frac{15 \times 5}{75 \mathrm{kgs}}\)

II. Convert the following:

1. 7 kg = ______ gram.
1 kg = 1000 gram
7 kg = 1000 × 7
= 7000 gram

2. 16 gram = ______ milligram.
1 gram = 1000 mg
16 gram = 1000 × 16
= 16000 milligrams

3. 6000 gram = _______ kg.
1 kg = 1000 gram
6000gram = \(\frac{6000}{1000}\) = 6kg.

4. 750 milligram = ______ gram.
1 grams = 1000 milligrams
750 milligrams = \(\frac{750}{100}\) = 7.5grams

5. 12 quintals = ________ kg.
1 quintals = 100 kg
12 quintals = 12 × 100 = 1200 kg

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6. 1,500 kg = _______ quintals.
1 quintals = 100 kg
1500 kg = \(\frac{1500}{100}\)= 15 quintals

III. Add the following:

1. 4kg, 250g, 12kg and 355g.

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2. 23kg, 432g,37 kg and 350g.

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3. 12kg, 450g, 15kg and 550g.

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4. 17kg, 370g, 18kg and 630g.

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5. 6kg 250g, 8kg 430g, 7kg 220g and 430g.

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IV. Subtract the fallowing:

1. 13kg 250g from 28kg 550g

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2. 35kg 550g from 70kg 675g

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3. 55kg 335g from 85kg 730g

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4. 28kg 650g from 63 kg 350g

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5. 34 kg 585g form 75kg 475g

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V. Solve the following:

Question 1.
Radha buys 2kg 500g of carrot, 2kg 5Q0g of brinjal and 3kg 250g of tomatoes from a vegetable shop. Find the total weight of vegetables bought by her.
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Question 2.
A merchant has 68kg 250g of wheat with him. He sells 15kg 250g of wheat to one customer and 13kg 500g to another customer. What is the weight of wheat remaning with him?
A merchant has 68 kg+250 grm of wheat ,(one customer) A merchant has soldi5kg 250gm. (Another customer) A merchant has sold 13kg500gm.
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The remaining wheat of a merchant 39 kg 500 gram

Question 3.
The yield of paddy per acre is 29 quintals and 50kg. Rachappa has 30 acres of field. What is the total yield of paddy?
The yield of paddy per acre = 29 quintals and 50kg
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The total yield of paddy = 8 8,5 00 kgs

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Question 4.
18kg 400g of sugar is to be packed in 4 bags equally. What is the weight of each bag?
1kg = 100 grm
8 kg = 1000 × 18 = 18,000 kgs
18 kg + 400 grm of sugar is to be packed in 4 bags equally = \(\frac{18400}{4}\) = 4,600 grm
The weight of each bag 4,600 grm

Question 5.
A farmer gets 60 to 400 g of onion from one field and 56kg 800g from another field. If he sells 98kg 200g of onion, find the weight of onions left with him.
From a land, A farmer 60kg+400 grm’of onion From another land, A farmer 56 kg + 800 grm of onion
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The weight of onion 19 kg left with him

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Weight and Volume Ex 6.2

I. Answer orally:

Question 1.
A glass contains 300ml of water and another glass contains 250ml of water. If water from both the glasses are poured into a jug, what is the quantity of water in the jug?
A glass contains of water 300 ml
Another glass contains of water 250ml
The glasses ofwater poured into 300 + 250 = 550 ml

Question 2.
A milkman has 5l700ml of milk. Out of this he sells 11350ml of milk to one person and 21250ml to another person. Find the quantity of milk left with the milkman.
A milk man has 5l700 ml of milk
For one person, A milkman sells 11350 ml
For another person A milkman sells 21250 ml
The total selling of milk
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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume 18
The quantity of milk left with milkman =?
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The quantity of milk left with milkman 2l 100 ml

Question 3.
A bottle contains 200ml of milk. What is the total quantity of milk contained in 5 such bottles?
A bottle contains of milk 200 ml
5 such bottles of milk = 200 × 5 = 1000 ml
The total quantity of milk 1000 ml (or) 1l

Question 4.
100 ml of sugarcane juice is distrubuted among 4 friends equally. What quantity of sugarcane juice does each one get?
There are 4 friends
Sugarcane juice=100 ml
The total quantity of milk= \(\frac{100}{4}\) = 25 = 25ml

II. Convert the following:

1. 5l = 5000 ml.
1l = 1000 ml
5l = 1000 × 5
= 5000 ml

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2. 6ml = 600 l.
1 l = 1000 ml
6l = 1000 × 6 = 6000 ml

3. 500 ml. = 1/2l
1 l = 1000 ml.
500ml = \(\frac{500}{1000}\) = 1/2

4. 8,000 l = 8 kilolitre
1 l = 1000 ml
8000l = \(\frac{8000}{1000}\) = 8l.

III. Add:

1. 3l 250ml, 750 ml and 6l 500 ml.

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2. 15l 450ml, 5l 350ml and 21l 750ml.

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3. 12l. 550ml, 14l 450ml and 12l 650ml.

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4. 8kl 250l, 3kl 350l and 4kl 550l.

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IV. Subtract:

1. 15l 750 ml from 25l 350 ml

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2. 24l 550ml from 64l 450ml

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3. 45l 800 ml from 75l 750 ml

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4. 34 kilolitre 750l from 55 kilolitre

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V. Solve the following:

Question 1.
Veena buys 3l 250 ml of groundnut oil while returning from her office. Her mother also bought 1l 500 ml of groundnut oil on the same day. What is the total quantity of groundnut oil bought by them?
Veena buys of groundnut oil – 3(l), 250(ml)
Veena’s mother buys of groundnut oil – 1(l), 500(ml)
The total quantity of groundnut oil=4l, 750ml
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume 28

Question 2.
A milkman has 25 litres of milk. He sells 16l 750 ml of it. Find the quantity of milk left with him.
A milkman has 25 litres of milk.
He sells of milk 16l750 ml
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume 29
The quantity of milk left 8 litres 250ml

Question 3.
A bottle contains 1l 500 ml of sandal oil. It has to be filled into bottles of 250 ml each. How many bottles are required?

A bottle contains of sandal oil 1 liter 500 ml
For each Bottle 250 ml fill
The no of Bottles = ?
ll = 1000 ml
1 l + 500 ml = 1500 ml
The no of bottle = \(\frac{1500}{250}\) = 6.

Question 4.
An oil can contains 15l of Sunpure oil. Out of this Ram uses 3/ 600 ml in the first month and 5/ 300 ml in the sec ond month. Find the quantity of oil left in the oil can.
An oil can contains 15 l of sunpure
Rani uses in first month 31600 ml
Rani uses in second month 51300 ml
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume 30
The total oil used by Rani in 2 months 8l 900 ml
The quantity of oil left with Rani l ml
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 6 Weight and Volume 31

Question 5.
A vessel contains l litre 800 ml of tea. It is poured into 12 glasses of thesame size equally. What is the quantity of tea contained in each glass?
A vamel contains of Tea 11800 ml
Tea poured into 12 galsses of the same size equally
1 l = 1000 ml
1l + 800 = 1800 ml
12 such glasses = \(\frac{180}{12}\) = 150ml.

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time

Students can Download Maths Chapter 7 Time Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Time Ex 7.1

I. Answer orally:

Question 1.
At what time do you get up in the morning?
6.30 A.M

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Question 2.
At what time do you go to school?
9.0 A.M

Question 3.
At what time do you go out to play?
5.0 P.M

Question 4.
From what time to what time do you study during night?
6P.Mto 10 P.M

Question 5.
At what time you will have your dinner?
9 P.M

Question 6.
At what time do you go to bed at night?
10 P.M

II. Denote the following timings in a.m and p.m.

1. 10:15 morning
10.15 A.M

2. 8:10 night
8.10 P.M

3. 1:45 afternoon
1.45 P.M

4. 4:30 morning
4.30 A.M

5. 9:45 night
9.45 P.M

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6. 5:35 evening
5.35 P.M

III. Convert the following timings to 12-hour clock timing. Also, write in a.m. and p.m.

1. 23:25 hour
11.25 P.M

2. 12:35 hour
12.35 P.M

3. 14:45 hour
2.45 P.M

4. 18:40hour
6.40 P.M

5. 08:30hour
8.30 P.M

6. 11:55hour
11.55 A.M

7. 02:15 hour
2.15 A.M

8. 15:37 hour
3.37 P.M

9. 21:40 hour
9.40 P.M

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10. 16:45 hour
4.45 P.M

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Time Ex 7.2

I. Answer orally:

Question 1.
How many seconds make 1 minute?
60 Seconds

Question 2.
How many minutes make 1 hour?
60 minutes

Question 3.
How many hours are there in a day?
24 hours

Question 4.
How many days are there in a week?
7 Days

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Question 5.
How many months are there in a year?
12 months

Question 6.
How many days are there in a year?
365 days

Question 7.
How many days are there in a month?
30 days

Question 8.
How many days are there in February?
28 days of February

Question 9.
What do you mean by leap year?
The year in which there are 29 days in February is called leap year.

Question 10.
What is the sum of 3hr 20min and 4hr 30min?
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 1

II. Add the following:

1. 4 hr 40 min and 6hr 10 min

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 2

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2. 3 hr 30min and 2hr 20min

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 3

3. 2 hr 50min and 3hr 40min

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 4

4. 5hr 30min and 2hr 50min

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 5

5. 3 hr 15min 18s and 1 hr 19min 17s

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 6

6. 2 hr 30min 40s and 4hr 50min 30s

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7. 5hr 45min 30s and 3hr 25min 40s

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8. 3yr 8mth and 2yr 7mth

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9. 5yr 6mth and 4yr 9mth

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths Time Ex 7.3

I. Answer orally:

Question 1.
How many seconds make 5 minutes?
1 min = 60 sec
5 min = 60 × 5 = 300 sec

Question 2.
How many minutes are there in 10 hours?
10 hr = 60 min
= 60 × 10 = 600 min

Question 3.
How many seconds make 1 hour?
1 hr = 60 min
1 min = 60 sec
1 hr = 60 × 60
1 hr = 3600 sec

Question 4.
What is the time interval between 9:30 a.m. and 12.00 noon?
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Question 5.
Find out the railway clock time for 5:30 p.m.
5.30 P.M – 17.30 hrs

II. Subtract the following:

1. 5hr 10min from 7hr 30 min

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 12

2. 3hr 20min 25s from 4hr 40min 50s

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3. 2hr 5 min 5hr 30min

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4. 5hr 40min from 6hr 10min

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5. 3yr 8mth from 6yr 4mth year month

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6. 2yr 9mth from 5yr 6mth

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7. 4yr 11mth from 7yr 5mth

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths Time Ex 7.4

I. Solve the following problems:

Question 1.
A worker enters the factory at 6:15 a.m. He finishes his work and leaves the factory at 2:15 p.m. For how many hours has he worked in the factory?
A worker enters the factory 6:15 A.M
He finished works & leaves 2:15 P.M
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 19
8:00 He worked in the factory 8 hrs

Question 2.
A school closes for mid-term vacation on October 3rd and reopens on October 31st. How many days has the school closed for midterm vacation?
A school classes for midterm vacation on October 3rd
The school re-open on October 31st
31st of October
3rd of October
The school closed for midterm vacation = 28 days

Question 3.
A school starts at 8:00 on Saturday and closes at 12:30 p.m. How many hours did the school work on that day?
A school starts at 8.00 A.M on Saturday
The school closes at 12.30 P.M
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 20
The school work on Saturday = 4 hr 30 min

Question 4.
Shyam comes to his office at 9:00 a.m. He works 8 hours in his office. What time does he leave his office in the evening?
Shyam comes to his office 9.00 A.M.
Shyam works 8 hours in his office
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 21
Shyam leaves his office at 5 P.M in the evening

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Question 5.
Fathima studies for 5hr. 10min in her school. At home, she studies 2hr. 50min. What is the total number of hours she studied on that day?
Fathima studies in Her school
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 22
Fathima total number of hours studies 8 hrs

Question 6.
Mahesh spends his 15days holidays in his uncle’s place from 3 – 10 – 2011. On which date does he leave his uncle’s place?
Mahesh spends his 15 days holidays
Mahesh spends his holidays on
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Time 23
Mahesh leave his uncle’s place on 18-10-2011

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles

Students can Download Maths Chapter 7 Circles Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Circles Ex 7.1

I. Complete the following using suitable
a) The distance between the centre of a circle and a point on the circle is called radius.
b) In the given figure,

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles 1
1. Centre of the circle is O
2. Radius of the circle is represented by the line segment OA
3. Radius of the circle is r

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II. Mark the correct statement by (✓) and false statement by (✘)

a) Only one radius can be drawn to a circle (✘)
b) All radii of a circle are equal (✓)
c) There is only one centre for a circle (✓)
d) In the figure

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles 2
i OC is the measure of the radius (✓)
ii. AB is the radius (✘)

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III. i) in each of the following figures, identify the circle, its radius and centre.

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles 4
O – is the centre
Radii – OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles 5

ii) In figure (c), how many circles are there? Do they have the same centre?

Four, yes

iii) In figure (c), the length of the needle which is showing the hour is the radius ______ of circle.
(c) No (d) Yes (e) OB

iv) In figure (d), the length of the needle which is showing the minute is the radius of ______ circle.

v) in figure (d), which cow’s thread will represent the radius of the circle?
___________. OB

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IV. Measure the length of the radius of each of the following circles. Write them in the given space:

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths Circles Ex 7.2

1. Construct the circles with the following radii.

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2. The students in the following figures have to draw circles with the given radii. So the students have placed the composes on the scale as shown. If they have placed the compasses correctly put ‘✓’ if not put ‘✘’. Take correct measurements and construct the circles in your book.

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3. Observe the figures given below. Write the name of geometrical instruments required to construct them, against the space provided.

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4. ‘O’ Mark a point O. With O as centre draw circles with radii 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm and 6cm.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 7 Circles 14

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money

Students can Download Maths Chapter 5 Money Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money

I. Find the following:

1. Sum of Rs. 13.25, Rs.6.30, Rs 10.40 = ____________

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2. Difference of Rs,78.45 and Rs.69.70 = ___________

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3. Product of Rs.147.25 and Rs 17 = _____________

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4. Quotient of Rs. 4960 ÷ Rs. 8 = 620

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 4

II. Solve the following:

Question 1.
Subtract Rs. 95.80 from the sum of Rs.279.05 and Rs.103.25
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 5

Question 2.
Express Rs.32 in paise.
1Rs= 100 Paise
32 Rs = \(\frac{100 \times 32}{3200 \mathrm{Paise}}\)

Question 3.
Express Rs. 19.75 in paisa
1 Rs = 100 Paise
19.75 Rs = \(\frac{19.75 \times 100}{1,975.00 \text { Paise }}\)

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Question 4.
Express 4,705 paise in rupees.
100 Paise = 1 Rupee.
4,705 Paise = \(\frac{4705}{100}\)
= Rs. 47.05

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Money Ex 5.1

Problems involving addition in Money system.

I. Solve:

Question 1.
I had Rs. 625 with me. My father gave Rs. 450.75 as pocket money. What is the total amount with me now?
I had – Rs 625.00
My father gave – Rs 450.75
The total Amounts with me – Rs 1,075.75

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 6

Question 2.
Mahesh buys a pen for Rs. 18.5, a book for Rs.10.75 and a bag for Rs.125. What is the total cost of all the things bought?
Mahesh buys a pen – Rs 18.50
Mahesh buys a book – Rs 10.75
Mahesh buys a Bag – Rs 125.00
The total cost of all thing – Rs. 154.25

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 7

Question 3.
Razia had Rs. 345 with her. She bought a dress for Rs. 245.75. What is the amount left with her?
Girija buys 2 Kg of beans – Rs 36.50
Girijabuys 1 Kg of tomatoes – Rs 12.25
Girija buys 1 Kg of potatoes – Rs 14.75 6
The total Amount Girija pay to the shopkeeper – Rs 63.50

Problems involving subtraction in Money system.

II. Solve:

Question 1.
Subtract Rs. 348.25 from Rs. 500.
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 8

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Question 2.
Varun bought sweets for Rs.475.5. He paid Rs.500 to the shop keeper. What change should he get back from the shopkeeper?
Varun paid – Rs 500.00
Varun bought sweets – Rs 475.50
Varun get back from the shopkeeper – Rs 124.50

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 9

Question 3.
Razia had Rs.345 with her. She bought a dress for Rs.245.75. What is the amount left with her?
Razia had – Rs 345.00
Razia bought a dresses – Rs 245.75
Razia amount left – Rs 99.25

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 10

Question 4.
Poornima had Rs.3,425 with her. She gave Rs.2,745.75 to her friend to buy a saree. What is the amount left with her?
Poornima had an amount – Rs 3,425.00
Poornima gave an amount – Rs 2,745.75
To her friend
The amount left with Poornima Rs 679.25

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 11

Question 5.
Joseph had Rs. 2,500 in the account in a bank. He withdrew Rs. 1,800.75 for his expenses. What is the amount left in his account in the bank?
Joseph had amount in a bank – Rs 2500.00
Joseph withdraw amount in a bank – Rs 1800.75
The amount left with joseph – Rs 699.25

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 12

Problems involving Multiplication in Money system.

III. Solve:

Question 1.
The cost of an egg is Rs.4. What is the cost of a dozen eggs?
The cost of an egg – Rs 4
The cost of a dozen egg – Rs 12 × 4
The amount of a dozen eggs – Rs 48

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Question 2.
Swathi buys 8 metres of cloth at Rs.75 per metre. What is the amount to be paid to the shopkeeper?
Swathi buy a cloth Rs 75 per metre
Swathi buys 8 metre of cloth – 75 x 8
Swathi paid to the shopkeeper – Rs 600

Question 3.
The cost of an umbrella is Rs.225 What is the cost of 15 umbrellas?
The cost of an umbrella – Rs 225
The cost of 15 umbrella as 225 × 15 = 3,375

Question 4.
A labourer earns Rs.525 a day. How much will he earn in a week?
A labourer earns amount – Rs 525
A labourer earns amount –  Rs 525 × 7
In a week = 3675

Question 5.
The cost of a table is Rs.4,320. What is the cost of 16 tables?
The cost of a table Rs 4,320
The cost of a table Rs 4,320 × 16 = 69,120

Problems involving division in Money System

IV. Solve:

Question 1.
The Government higher primary school sanctioned a scholarship amount of Rs.4,000 for 10 students, How much amount did each one get?
The government higher primary school sanctioned a scholarship amount – Rs 4,000
For 10 students – Rs 4,000
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 13
For each students gets – Rs 400

Question 2.
Mohan paid Rs. 1,422 for 9 shirts. What is the cost of each shirt?
Mohan paid Rs 1,422 for 9 shirts
The cost of each shirts \(\frac{1422}{9}\)
The cost of Shirts Rs 158

Question 3.
Distribute Rs.4,425 among Amar, Akbar and Anthony equally. What is the amount of share that each one gets?
Distribute Rs 4,425 among Akhbar Amar & Anthony equally
The amount of share each gets = \(\frac{4425}{3}\) = 1475 Rs

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Question 4.
If the cost of a dozen apples is Rs. 96, what is the cost of one apple?
The cost of a dozen apples = 96
The cost of one apple \(\frac{96}{12}\) = 8 Rs

Question 5.
Vinod, a carpenter earns Rs.9,666 in 6 days. What is the amount he earns in a day?
Vinod a carpenter earns 9.666 in 6 days
The amount vinod earns a day = \(\frac{9666}{6}\) = 1611 Rs

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Money Ex 5.3

Miscellaneous Problems in Money System

I. Solve:

Question 1.
Subtract Rs. 687.25 from the sum of Rs.932.60 and Rs.403.7
KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 14

Question 2.
Ramegowda had Rs.8,000 with him. He spent Rs.2,450.25 to buy mango saplings, Rs.675.5 for seedlings and Rs.150 for transportation. What is the amount left with him?
Ramegowda had amount Rs 8000
Ramegowda spent Rs 2,450.25 for mango
Ramegowda spent Rs 675.50 for seedlings
For transportation Rs 150.00
Total spent by Ramegowda Rs 3,275.75

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 15
The amount left Ramegowda Rs 4,724.25

Question 3.
Kishan had Rs.10,000 in his bank account. He withdrew Rs.5,475.5 for his expenses. Later he deposited Rs. 3,280.75. Find the amount left in his account in the bank?
Krishna had an amount – Rs 10,000.00
Krishna deposit an amount – Rs 3,280.75
Total amount deposit in the bank – 13,280.75

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 16
Krishna withdraw an amount – Rs 5,475.50
The amount left with Krishna – Rs 7,805.25

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 17

Question 4.
Salma bought 20 chocolates at Rs.22 each. She gave the shopkeeper Rs. 500 note. What is the change she hds to get from the shopkeeper?
Sahan bought 20 chocolates
Each chocolate of cost Rs 22
The cost of 20 chocolate = 20 x 22 = Rs 440
Sahana gave Rs 500 to the shopkeeper

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 18
Sahan Rs 60 from the shopkeeper

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Question 5.
Raghu had Rs.25,000 in his account in the bank. He later deposited Rs. 15,000 to his account. He took 8 gift cheques of equal value for the total amount from the bank. What is the amount of each gift cheque?
Raghu had an amount Rs 25,000
Raghu deposit Rs 15,000 to his account

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 19
Raghu took 8 gifts cheques of equal value for the total amount \(\frac{4000}{8}\) = Rs 5000
The amount of each gift cheques Rs 5000

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Money Ex 5.4

I. Check and correct the bills given below:

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 20

2. Mrs. Uma bought the following articles from Sunny Enterprises.

  • 5 instrument boxes at Rs. 38 each 12 pencils at Rs. 3 each
  • 6 boxes of crayons at Rs.12 each.
  • 8 paint boxes at Rs. 25 each.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 21

3. Miss Rita bought the following items for the school Annual Day from megha Stationaries:

  • 25 sheets of colour paper at Rs. 9 each
  • 18 sheets of gold colour paper at Rs. 19 each
  • 12 sheets of silver colour paper at Rs. 18 each.
  • 2 tubes of glue stick at Rs. 30 each.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 22

4. Ranbir Singh bought the following articles from Hanuman Hardware shop.

  • 2 hammers at Rs.85 each.
  • 6 boxes of nails at Rs. 25 each.
  • 8 boxes of screws at Rs.30 each box.
  • 2 spanners at Rs.175 each.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Money 23

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 4 Decimal Fractions

Students can Download Maths Chapter 4 Decimal Fractions Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 4 Decimal Fractions

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Decimal Fractions Revision Exercise

I. Read the following decimals and write them in words:

1. 0.5
Zero point five

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2. 0.13
Zero point one three

3. 1.7
One point seven

4. 5.21
Five point two one

II. Write the numeral representing each of the following:

1. Zero point one – two

2. Six point eight

3. Ten point five

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4. Four point zero two.

5. Six point eight four

6. One hundred eight point zero six

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. 8mm = 0.8 cm
1 cm = 10 mm
8 mm = \(\frac{8}{10}\) = 0.8 cm

2. 75 mm = 7.5 cm
1 cm = 10 mm
75 mm = \(\frac{75}{10}\) = 7.5 cm

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3. 8 cm 5 mm = 8.5 cm
1 cm = 10 mm
5 mm = \(\frac{5}{10}\) = 0.5
8 + 0.5 = 8.5 cm+

4. 525 mm = 5.2 cm
1 mm = \(\frac{10}{10}\)
525 mm = \(\frac{525}{10}\) = 52.5cm

IV. Fill in the blanks:

1. 8 cm = 0.08 m
1 mm = 100 cm
8cm = \(\frac{8}{100}\) = 0.08

2. 72 cm = 0.72 m.
1 mm = 100 cm
72 = \(\frac{72}{100}\) = 0.72

3. 375 cm = 3.75 m.
1 mm = 100 cm
375 cm = \(\frac{375}{100}\) = 3.75

4. 4m 80 cm = 4.08 m.
1 mm = 100 cm
80cm = \(\frac{80}{100}\) = 0.8
4m + 0.8m = 4.08 m

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5. 15m. 6 cm = 15.06 m.
1 mm = 100 cm
6 cm = \(\frac{6}{100}\) = 0.06
15m + 0.06 = 15.06m

V. Write in decimal fractions:

1. 75 paise = Rs. ________
1 paise = 100 paise
75 paise = \(\frac{75}{100}\) = 0.75

2. 10 rupees and 25 paise = Rs. _________
1 rupees = 100 paise
25 paise = \(\frac{25}{100}\) = 0.25
10 rupees + 0.25 paise = 10.25

3. 870 paise = Rs._________
1 rupees = 100 paise
870 = \(\frac{870}{100}\) = 8.70

4. 782 rupees and 10 paise = Rs. _________
1 rupees = 100 paise
782 rupees 782.10 paise

5. 2050 paise = Rs. _________
1 rupees = 100 paise
2050 paise = \(\frac{2050}{100}\) = 20.50

KSEEB Class 5 Maths Decimal Fractions Ex 4.2

I. Write the following fractions as decimal fractions:

1. \(\frac{8}{10}\) = 0.8

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2. \(\frac{7}{10}\) = 0.7

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3. \(\frac{6}{10}\) = 0.6

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 4 Decimal Fractions 3

4. \(\frac{16}{10}\) = 1.6

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5. \(\frac{42}{10}\) = 4.2

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6. \(\frac{83}{10}\) = 8.3

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7. \(\frac{7}{100}\) = 0.07

KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 4 Decimal Fractions 7

8. \(\frac{72}{100}\) = 0.72

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9. \(\frac{861}{100}\) = 8.61

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10. \(\frac{162}{10}\) = 16.2

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11. \(\frac{141}{100}\) = 1.41

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12. \(\frac{1461}{100}\) = 14.61

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13. \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 0.5

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14. \(\frac{3}{4}\) = 0.75

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15. \(\frac{2}{5}\) = 0.4

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16. \(\frac{7}{20}\) = 0.35

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17. \(\frac{38}{50}\) = 0.76

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18. \(\frac{17}{25}\) = 0.68

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19. \(\frac{13}{20}\) = 0.65

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20. \(\frac{8}{25}\) = 0.32

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II. Write the following decimal fractions as fractions:

1. 0.7

2. 0.02

3. 3.8

4. 14.5

KSEEB Solutions

5. 0.56

6. 8.03

7. 14.57

8. 85.4

9. 147.5

10. 8.5

11. 85.61

12. 6.84

KSEEB Solutions