1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
Name one of the members appointed to the Commission of Enquiry in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle.
Mr. Buffalo.

Question 2.
One of the things that the boy likes to do in the poem ‘The School boy’ is
To rise in a summer morning

Question 3.
When, according to the native doctors, would the medicines lose their potency?
If they told others about their medicines, the medicines would lose their potency.

Question 4.
How far was the big city from the narrator’s hometown in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
About a thousand and five hundred miles from his home.

Question 5.
Mention any one of the things which should be made available free of cost in ‘Money Madness’.

Question 6.
How old was Babar Ali when he actually started his school?
He was 9 years old.

Question 7.
What gave the Spring everlasting youth, in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
Speaker’s beloved’s beauty.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 8.
What had the Goddess instructed Mara, in his dream in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
Td build a tank for river Veda’s waters.

Question 9.
Who does ‘you’ refer to in the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
The Farmer.

Question 10.
According to Douglass, why were the child and its mother separated by their masters?
To hinder the development of the child’s affection towards its mother and to blunt and destroy the mother’s natural affection for her child.

Question 11.
What does the old woman offer to do at the shrine?
To be a tour guide to show the visitors the Horseshoe Shrine.

Question 12.
Where did the narrator first meet Nicola and Jacopo?
On the outskirts of Verona.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
What happened when the man started grumbling about his hut being occupied by the elephant?
When the man started to grumble about his hut being occupied by the elephant, the animals in the nearby forest heard the noise and came to see what was the matter. All stood around listening to the heated argument between the man and his friend, the elephant. The lion came and appointed a commission to look into the matter.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 14.
Why does the boy dislike going to school in ‘The School Boy’?
The boy disliked going to school because he felt it was like a prison and he was unhappy in the school. He did not find any happiness in the books but only sat in fear in the school. He did not want to spend his time in that cage, instead, he wanted to enjoy nature. He wanted to spend the time with huntsmen and to listen to the singing of skylarks.

Question 15.
How was Krishna cured of his illness in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
Krishna was suffering from piles and met the narrator to get help from him. But the narrator only helped him with some money which was not enough for his treatment. But Krishna knew a Malayali sadhu. He went to the sadhu but as he was too old he could not search for the medicine but described the medicinal plant. Then Krishna searched for the plant along with the narrator and got cured of piles, by grinding the plant with milk and drinking it.

Question 16.
Describe the embarrassing experience suffered by the narrator in ‘Oru Manushyan’.
Once, the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen rupees in his wallet kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry, l-le drank tea, The bill was eleven annas & He searched his pocket to pay the bill but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the owner, the owner caught him by the lapels and ordered him to pay up. Bitt as he did not have any more, offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take off all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paving his bill.

Question 17.
What qualities of Mara, the watchman, do you appreciate? Why?
Mara was very pious and had unshakeable faith in the Goddess of the village. He had a great sense of humor, was intelligent and resourceful, and Had concern for the people and the welfare of the Kingdom. He very much worked consciously and took pride in his job as the watchman of the lake. Was considerate with animals and fellow humans but very strict with those who violate the rules and harm the environment. He even sacrificed his life for the sake of the Kingdom. These are the qualities of Mara which appreciates very much. They are exemplary qualities that everyone should emulate.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 18.
How is the speaker of the poem ‘Do not ask of me, My love’ affected by the harsh realities of mankind?
The poem “DO not ask of Me My love” by Faiz Ahmad Faiz, presents the concept of love and contemporary issues of our society. The poem begins when the lover expresses his helplessness in not being able to love his beloved as in the past. He explains how she seemed so very bright when he had felt that only she was his world. He even exaggerates how her beauty had given breath to the everlasting spring. Her eyes were everything to him and nothing else was there except her in his world. He had felt that with her by his side, the world was his and he could attain everything.

But now, he has realized that all that was just an illusion and only his imagination. He gives as his reasoning his realization that there out in the wide world were issues. more important than his love for her. He is now more concerned about social problems, war1 destruction, poverty diseases, and pain of people and would rather try and solve those problems than stay in his illusory world of love for his beloved.

He assures her that his love for her has not diminished, but the social problems have taken privacy-justified by these lines, “You’re beautiful still my love, but I’m helpless too………”. In a way, it is a message to all, that love in yoùth is quite common, but one’s country and social problems are more important and deserve concern and commitment from all. The speaker has opted for the more fulfilling choice of social reformation than his love.

Question 19.
Why does the farmer’s widow resolve to live?
The farmer’s widow resolves to live for the sake of her children. Though the farmer had committed suicide, she does not become a coward to die. Moreover, she has the responsibility of looking after their children and their future. In order to take care of her children, she must be alive. So she decided to live for the sake of her children.

Question 20.
Give an instance to show the ruthlessness of Mr. Plummer.
Mr. Plummer was a very cruel and inhuman drunkard and a savage monster. He would tie up an aunt of Douglass to a joist and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood. Tears and pleading had no effect on him and he would stop only when he was tired.

Question 21.
How does the speaker’s attitude undergo a change in’ An Old Woman’?
The poet by depicting her physical appearance makes An Old Woman more sympathetic. The passer-by initially did not show much sympathy to her but later when he observes keenly her physical appearance and when she offered to become a tourist guide to sho around the shrine, he was very much moved by her condition and admired her self-respect. here, passerby represents anybody in general. Finally when he feels as if the sky was falling with the sound of plate glass clatter all around the old crone who was shatterproof and standing alone. he undergoes a change in attitude. So, the old woman was successful in evoking sympathy from anyone. in front of the temple.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 22.
What qualities of Nicola and Jacopo impress the narrator?
Their cheerful competence. unremitting willingness to work, their silent epic of youthful devotion, and their selfless action attracted the narrator.

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
Babar Ali’s efforts to teach poor children have brought about a transformation in their lives. Discuss.
Babar Au’s school was started when he was only nine. while playing a game. Very soon. children began to love his way of teaching and flocked to his ‘school’. Babar did not charge a fee for his teaching. He also got the help of the local educated people. He came and taught the children. Bahar was successful in getting the help of nine high school student volunteers. The oldest and most educated of them is Debarita who goes to College in Behrampur.

Babar himself studies in class XII in a school quite far from his house. He commutes the long-distance, attends classes in the mornings, and comes back in the afternoons to his ‘school’ to teach youngsters who have worked hard in the mornings and are now ready for learning. The fact that his school is entirely free, he and his staff teach well, there is a midday meal, and his school is recognized b the West Bengal Government. attracts many students to his school.

The increasing strength of his school just sho shows cager people are to get their children edücated. and how good. selfless work gets noticed by people soon. Those who cannot afford education in the regular schools, do not mind sending their children to learn from teachers like Babar. This only proves that Indians are realizing the significance of education in life.
Do you think Mara’s dream of building a lake is significant? Give reasons to support your view.
Mara’s dream focuses on the development of village people to get, water the whole year from river Veda. It says to build a tank to hold theaters of river Veda

The first time when the Goddess appeared before him, he was very content and happy as she was ven beautiful and peaceful and she gave a command to him to build a tank for Veda. Her appearance was a great pleasure for him and he saw her as a peaceful mother.

When the Goddess appeared for the second time. it was terrible and Veda was thundering down from the mountain. The Goddess’ eves were wild and gained with a strange light. She carried a sword in lier hand and she laid splashed her forehead with vermilion. She was aggressive and Mara was afraid of her and prayed to appease her.
How does the poem, ‘If I was a Tree’ bring out nature’s acceptance of all its creatures as a contrast to man’s rejection of his own kind?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow, The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead both by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature, Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eyes.

The pond also presents social discrimination. as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society.

He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In society, a man without thinking of helping others thinks which is pure and which is pollinated. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste. creed mid religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

Lies can be divided into two types: white lies and black lies. A black lie is a statement we make that we know is false. A white lie is a statement we make that is not in itself false but that leaves out a significant part of the truth. The fact that a lie is white does not in itself make it less of a lie or any more excusable. White lies may be every bit as destructive as black ones. A Government that withholds essential information from its people by censorship is no more democratic than one that speaks falsely. The woman who conveniently forgets to mention that she has used up all the money in the family bank account is no less guilty than if she had lied directly. Indeed, because it may seem less reprehensible, the withholding of essential information is the most common form of lying, and because it may be the more difficult to detect and confront, it is often even more pernicious than black-lying. White-K ing is considered socially acceptable in many of our relationships because “we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings”. Yet we may bemoan the fact that our social relationships are generally superficial. Parents often feed their children white lies. This is not only considered acceptable but is thought to be loving and beneficent. Even husbands and wives who have been brave enough to be open with each other find it difficult often to be open with their children.

Question 24.
What are the two types of lies?
White lies and black lies.

Question 25.
How does the author define a white lie?
A white he is a statement we make that is not in itself false but that leaves out a significant part of the truth.

Question 26.
According to the author, what is common to both types of lies?
White lies may be every bit as destructive as black ones.

Question 27.
Why is white lying more pernicious than black lying?
As white he is more difficult to detect and confront, it is more pernicious than black lying.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 28.
According to the passage, under what circumstance does a woman resort to white lying?
A woman who has used up all the money in the common family bank account conveniently forgets her mistake, suppressing it from becoming public, and thus resorts to white lies.

Question 29.
When is a white lie considered socially acceptable?
When parents often feed their children white lies, it becomes socially acceptable as a face-saving practice.

Question 30.
Why does the author feel that our social relationships are superficial?
Some people don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings and resort to white lies. So he feels that their social relationships are superficial.

Question 31.
Government withholding essential information from the public by censorship is – democratic. (Add a prefix to the italicized word to make it a meaningful sentence.)
Government withholding essential information from the public by censorship is non- democratic.

Question 32.
Write the expression which means injurious/damaging in the paragraph.

Question 33.
While lying is
(a) considered immoral in our relationships.
(b) socially acceptable in our relationships.
(c) socially unacceptable in our relationships.
(b) socially acceptable in our relationships.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 34.
I stayed in a small city. I made…………living teaching English…………… migrant laborers. I worked …………….. nine in …………. morning to nine at night. (a, from, on, the, to, ah)
I stayed in a small city. I made a living teaching English to migrant laborers. I worked from nine in the morning to nine at night.

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
The Commission met and the members (declare) ………… that they ……….. (have, hear) sufficient evidence from both sides. They …………. (announce) their verdict. Hearing it, the man …………….. (begin) to grumble.
The Commission met and the members declared that they had heard sufficient evidence from both sides. They announced their verdict. Hearing it, the man began to grumble.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject: (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
Babar …………… (live / lives) with his three siblings and his parents in a thatched house which ………….. (are/is) the size of an average city kitchen. Others ………. (are/were) not so lucky.
Babar lives with his three siblings and his parents in a thatched house which is the size of an average city kitchen. Others are not so lucky

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
My friend has found a new job.
My friend has found a new job.

Question 38.
I have bought a new pair of pants.
I have bought a new pair of pants.

E. Rewrite as directed : (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
Mara chased the …………. (dear/ deer) that started running. (Fill in the blank with the appropriate words given in brackets.)
Mara chased the deer that started running.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 40.
Babar Ali’s example serves as an (inspire) for all of us. (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets.)
Babar Ali’s example serves as an inspiration for all of us.

Question 41.
by / Mr. Stuart / she / was hired (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence.)
She was hired by Mr. Stuart.

Question 42.
It was quite a big city. (Add a question tag.)
It was quite a big city, wasn’t it?

Question 43.
The elephant thanked his friend. (Change into a question beginning with the right form of doing.)
Did the elephant thank his friend?

Question 44.
Hanuman found Sanieevini on the crest of the mountain. (Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as the answer.)
What did Hanuman find on the crest of the mountain?

VI. A. Refer to the following TV schedule and answer the questions set on it in a single complete sentence each: (1 × 4 = 4)
1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers 1

Question 45.
(a) Which channel would you watch to listen to music in the afternoon?

(b) Which of the channels broadcasts a program on the sea animals?
Animal Planet.

(c) When can you see a quiz program on Chandana?
At 21.30 hrs.

(d) The channel that broadcasts Delhi News is
(a) Chandana.
(b) NDTV.
(c) Animal Planet.
(b) NDTV.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

B. Write a letter to The Coordinator, ‘Learn English Institute’ Burkit Road, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017 asking him about the English Speaking Courses they offer. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Your letter should include the following points.

  • duration of the course
  • fees for the course
  • date of commencement

#22, II Cross,

2Q July 2014

The Coordinator
Learn English Institute.
Burkit Road
T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017

Sub: Details of the courses offered.

Dear Sir,
Regarding the above subject, I would like to know the duration of the English speaking course at your institution. Please inform me about the fees for the course and the date of commencement of the next batch. Please do inform me about all the above details at the earliest.

Thank you

Yours faithfully

VII. A. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under B: (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. How do you do? (a) requesting
2. Could you please pass me the book? (b) greeting
3. You look stunning in these new clothes. (c) introducing
4. Meet my friend Ratan. (d) disagreeing
5. I beg to differ on this point. (e) complimenting

1 – (b)
2 – (a)
3 – (e)
4 – (c)
5 – (d).

B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Neha: Hi Meera!
Meera: ………………….
Neha: I’m fine. How are you?
Meera: ………………………….
Neha: Hey. you are carrying too many bags. Shall I carry one or two for you?
Meera: ………………………….
Neha: You’re welcome! Which way should we go?
Meera: …………………………..
Neha: Hi Meera!
Meera: Hi. How are you?
Neha: I’m fine. How are you?
Meera: I’m fine, thank you.
Neha: Hey. you are carrying too many bags. Shall I carry one or two for you?
Meera: Thank you. I cat do with some help
Neha: You’re welcome! Which way should we go?
Meera: Towards left in B H, Road

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 9 with Answers

C. Dialogue Writing: (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Ganesh has gone to Kolkata for the first time to attend a conference. He asks a stranger how to reach Shanti Durga College from the railway station. Write a dialogue between Ganesh and the stranger.
Ganesh: Excuse me, Sir
Stranger: Yes, what can I do for you?
Ganesh: Sir, I am new to Kolkata. Can you help me to find an address?
Stranger: Sure, tell me.
Ganesh: Sir, I want to go to Shanti Durga College, where is it?
Stranger: Go straight, take left and you will find Shanti Hotel. There take right and go straight. There on your left, you can find Shanti Durga College.

1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
Who helped the elephant in ‘The Gentlemen of Jungle’?
The man.

Question 2.
What does the boy like to do in ‘The School Boy’?
The boy likes to get up early in summer when the birds will be singing on every tree.

Question 3.
What did Mara’s wife find on opening the packet of meat?
Only the leaves.

Question 4.
Who helped the narrator when he was in difficulty of not being able to pay the bill in the restaurant?
A man with a red turban who was a stranger to the narrator.

Question 5.
How are people without money usually treated?
People without money are treated as foodless and shelterless.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 6.
How many subjects were taught in Babar Ali’s school?
Ten subjects.

Question 7.
What are the uses of wood according to the speaker in the poem “ If I was a Tree”?
It can be burnt in the holy fine. It can be used to make a bier for earning a dead body.

Question 8.
How does The King respond to Mara’s information about the tank?
The; King asked Mara to accompany him the next day on his way back to his capital.

Question 9.
How does the farmer commit suicide in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
By poisoning himself.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 10.
When was Douglass’s mother supposed to meet him?
At night times.

Question 11.
What does the word ‘crack’ refer to?
Old age.

Question 12.
Why didn’t the author speak to the boys on their return journey?
To allow the boys to safely keep their secret.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each: (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
What is the moral of the story “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”.
The author, Jomo Kenyatta concludes the story ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’ by quoting ‘Peace is costly but it is worth the expense’. What the author is trying to convey to us through this short story is that in a society one’s weakness can be misused by the dominating people and this would ultimately lead the weaker section to have to leave the society. He is trying to instill the idea in the readers’ minds that the suppressed minority in a society will eventually rise to seek power. l-le stands. by his ground by saying that the dominated majority can fool the minority over a period of time but not forever. No one likes to be treated as a slave in society and equality is what everyone desires The moral of the story emphasizes to its readers that one should stop colonialism and discrimination, It comes from the old saying treat others the way you want to be treated.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 14.
Describe nature’s significance in children’s learning.
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy is very happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the summer morning. But when he thinks of school, his happiness disappears and he feels the school is a prison. The boy does not think freely in the school The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth.

The poet emphasizes nature. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling, he spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses free learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets àll round development and ensures the future of the nation.

Totally, the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture fèlt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.

Question 15.
How long did it take the narrator to learn the facts about the medicinal creeper? What does it signify?
The Narrator was a good friend of Mara. He was told several unbelievable stories by Mara. But the narrator did not believe him and assumed that they were all cock and bull stories. But when he heard ofAppanna’s account about a herb that if it was squeezed the milk became hard, he wanted to check it. So he plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to his friend Chandru, a pathologist. He told Chandru what he had heard about that plant. They decided to conduct the experiment and brought a liter of milk and put those leaves in the milk and mixed it with a mixer and poured it into a vessel. After a few minutes, the milk became firm and rubbery. So he came to believe in and learn the facts about the medicinal creeper. It signifies that the narrator did not believe it until it came from his own experience. Most of the educated ones become cynics and skeptics about the uneducated’s stories about medicinal creepers.

Question 16.
Describe the transformation that takes place in a person in “Oru Manushyan”.
The narrator used to forego his breakfast and morning tea so that he had the money for his evening meal and tea. One day as usual he came to the crowded restaurant and had his regular meal and tea. When he had to pay the bill, he realized that his wallet had been picked. He revealed this fact to the owner who only found it funny and laughed out loud. Though the narrator offered to leave his coat with the owner. he forced the narrator to take off all his clothes. As the narrator is very much ashamed of taking off his trousers. a stranger stopped him and paid his bill. He later made the narrator wear his clothes and took him away. When the narrator praised and thanked him, the stranger just laughed. He did not recall his name but only warned the narrator against speaking about him. The stranger showed five wallets to the narrator, out of which one was the narrator. The stranger told the narrator to check whether his money was intact, and he wished him good luck. The narrator had mixed feelings b now.

It is clear that his humiliation at the restaurant was due to the stranger’s picking his wallet and rendering him helpless. But he is also thankful for his help at the right moment. avoiding the humiliation of standing štark naked in front of all the people. He TNT that the stranger had perhaps undergone a transformation during his own interaction with the restaurant owner. This made him say at the end. ‘May God help you, and leave without saving anything more to the stranger.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 17.
“We must regain our sanity about money. Before we start killing one another about it.” Comment on the statement.
The poem Money Madness by DH. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money, A man who does not have money, does not get respect from society, and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social statuses, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties.

The poet says that man has this money madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same, He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So, the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status,

The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. 1f people do not regain sanity about money., certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoUld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.

In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers him a solution for a heifer tomorrow.

Question 18.
How does Babar Ali get success in the development of the unprivileged?
Babar All started school at the age of nine. ¡n fact his school “Anand Siksha Nikctai” grew out of a game. Initially, the children used to pÍa with Babar as a teacher. His friends had never seen the inside of a school so they enjoyed playing with students.

They ended up Learning arithmetic and enjoying it. In 2002. this game got institutionalized with a strength of eight. Word spread and the numbers grew. Many friends of Ali and Non-Goernment Organisations. IAS officers and local cops donated rice for midday meals. At last, Government took the initiative to provide rice to the school, Now the school has 800 students in total. ith 10 volunteer teachers teaching for classes one to eight. It is a gods opportunity for the poór children of the neighboring villages.

Question 19.
How do you justify the poem “If I was a Tree” as a satire on social discrimination?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eyes.

The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In a society. a man without thinking of helping others. thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 20.
How differently did Mara treat the fisherman and the visitor?
Mara treated the fisherman in a harsh way because he had violated the command of the Goddess and the orders of the King that the place was sacred and no life was to be taken there. The fisherman is catching fish there. Mara warned him not to repeat the same crime again there. Mara’s duty was to look after the tank in a peaceful manner ensuring that no harm befalls any living creature there and the tank does not get polluted by man or beãst.

To the visitor from the farthest part of the kingdom, he spoke soft with kind words and offered him some food also. The visitor’s village was facing a water scarcity the crops were parching and cattle dying. He wanted some water to be let from the tank. Mara assured him that by the King’s orders, water was there for everybody to share and that he will do the needful. It shows that Mara was strict while enforcing the rules but was fair and humane with people’s problems and reädy to help those in need.

Question 21.
Describe the plight of the farmer’s wife.
The poem “The Farmer ‘s Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband, She called the farmer ‘virtuous’ and herself a poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent’ justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high. but a woman is born with her head bent.

But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve. She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating. blaming, dinking, and kicking haunting her, She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with “worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.

At last, she confidently’ asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive ve against all difficulties. Her voice is raised against society in general.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 22.
Competent on the life of Douglass as an adventure against slavery.
The passage reflects the brutal hidden faces of the masters who treat their slaves cruelly. The slaves were not given proper food. They were exploited without any freedom. Especially for women, it was double exploitation in the name of patriarchy and in the name of slavery. When the girls at teenage seem to be beautiful for their masters, they use them sexually and if they give birth to children, the children were sold at the age of infants to avoid their sentimental relationship.

The passage also explains the heart-rendering description of walking at night for several miles of mothers to see their children. Moreover, they could talk only a little bit because the children would be tired and go to sleep but in the morning they have to go back to work before sunrise. If they fail, they get whipping. This shows the brutal nature of white masters towards their slaves.

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words: (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
Discuss how Babar Ali’s efforts to teach poor children, have brought about a change in their lives.
‘Education is a true religion’ is a fine thought of Nasiruddin. Babar Ali’s father. When people all over arc quarreling about their religions and castes, he is the man who gives education importance and says it is the true religion. One can steal anything. but nobody can steal knowledge. It is the immortal light that lights up millions of other lights. He sums it up by saying. ‘Education is a true religion’.

Inspired by these words, and have understood the value of education and its ties and have started sending their children to schools. Babar’s commitment to helping these people is undeniable and the fact that from eight students in the beginning how his school has grown to cater for eight hundred, shos ho he has changed the people around him and drawn the children to school. Babar is a shining example for the quote ‘where there is a will there is a way,

In spite of being only a teenager instead of whiling away his time playing in the fields, he had a vision and followed it and motivated others into following him.

This literacy movement should not stop at this but should spread to other places also, igniting other like-minded souls to take the initiative to dream, work for and realize a better tomorrow for India. Babar All has become a legend in his youth only and stands tall as a youth icon for the world to emulate.
Describe Mara as a great environmentalist who saves the tank.
Mara’s sacrifice remains eternal in the history of men who saved lakes. He was the man who didn’t think about himself even for a single day but always about others. In other words. his social service is unforgettable to society, he is the great environmentalist whom the modern materialists must follow and adore to protect nature. Mara’s sacrifice of (leaving his body) taking his last breath is ultimate. Of course, today’s people cannot do that much but have to sacrifice a little of their wants and needs to protect nature. People should not pollute rivers in the name of ‘yatras’ and funerals. All superstitious beliefs and must be stopped now. Man must live according to his needs and not for his wants. For this, he has to follow the examples of tribals who live a contented life with whatever they get. They do not torture nature for coal or gold and live in a simple way. 1f men learn to lead a simple life that is the greatest sacrifice to protect nature from calamities.
How does the poem “If I was a tree” bring out nature’s acceptance of all its creatures as a contrast to man’s rejection of his own kind?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eyes.

The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In a society man without thinking of helping others. thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

IV. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set on it in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (10 × 1 = 10)

The great wall of China is said to be one structure built by man on earth, which would be visible to observers on the moon. It covers a distance of 1,500 miles as the crow flies. From the Liaotung Peninsula westward to the last fortress in Central Asia, it crosses the northern province of China.

In the eastern section its height varies from 15-30 feet, and its width from about 25 feet at the bottom to 15 feet at the top, where there is a pathway wide enough for six horsemen to ride side by side, protected by parapets. When the Wall was first built, it had about 25,000 towers, each 40 feet square and 40 feet high projecting from it every few hundred yards, with holes from which the defenders could shoot at the attackers. There are also many watch-towers on the other side, outside the wall on hilltops or passes. These and the towers of the wall were used for signaling with smoke or flags by day and with fire by night.

The great Emperor Shih Huang Ti joined three earlier frontier walls to form a great wall to act as a boundary between China and the north and keep out the feared nomads of the Mongolian steppes. The wall was designed to strengthen the nation’s defenses. Later, during the Ming time, it became a substitute for a strong army and state.

Construction was started around 221 B.C. and the structure was practically complete when Shih Haung Ti died in 210 B.C. The man who did the most in carrying out the Emperor’s plans was General Meng Tien, who in 221 B.C. led an expedition against Tartars and drove them back from the Yellow River into the steppes, and set his men to work on building the wall. They were later joined by thousands of convicts. Year in year out, in icy winds and snowstorms in winter, and in dust storms in summer, the work went on and so many men died that the wall was sometimes called the longest cemetery in the world.

Question 24.
Name the only structure which would be visible to observers on the moon?
The great wall of China.

Question 25.
What is the distance it covers?
1500 miles as the crow flies.

Question 26.
What is the width and height of the wall?
Its width is 25 feet at the bottom andl5 feet* at the top. The height varies between 15 feet to 30 feet.

Question 27.
How many horsemen can ride on its pathway?
6 horsemen side by side can ride on the pathway.

Question 28.
How many towers were built on the wall?
25,000 towers.

Question 29.
Who was the Emperor of China at the time of building the great wall?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 30.
When was the construction started and completed?
It started in 221 BC and ended in 210 BC.

Question 31.
Who was the man that carried out the Emperor’s plans after his death?
General Meng Tien.

Question 32.
Why did so many men die in the construction of the wall?
Icy winds and snowstorms in winter and dust storms in summer took their toll.

Question 33.
Write a suitable title to the passage?
The great wall of China’

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 34.
The sharp sickle had apparently cut an artery and it started bleeding copiously ………… spurts. Everyone around was alarmed and someone brought some leaf, pressed it against ………… wound, and bandaged it With ………….. cloth from one of their lungis.
(with, on, the, a, an, in)
an, in, the; a

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
The Englishman was angry because he ……………. (think) that Mara ……………….(is) so greedy that even though he ……………… (has to offer) him his entire estate, he was not …………… (satisfy).
thought, was, had offered, satisfied

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject : (1 × 2 = 2)

Question 36.
Narrator…………..(shake /shook) his head and turned away. He felt he could not …………. (bear/bearing) to intrude upon this happy family party. But at the foot of the staircase, he ……………..(stop /stopped) and looked back at them with admiration.
shook, bear, stopped.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
I go to bed at 10 pm every day.
I go to bed at 10 pm.

Question 38.
The players are in the field.
The players are on the field.

E. Rewrite as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
Few of the trees ……….. (lose/lose) their leaves in spring. (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in brackets).

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 40.
The sun …………….. in the sky (shine) (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets).

Question 41.
to be/souls/in/one/of/Babar/the/fortunate/happens/his/village. (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence).
Babar happens to be one of the fortunate souls in his village.

Question 42.
Money is our madness. (Add a question tag).
isn’t it?

Question 43.
The whites made us slaves.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’.)’
Did the whites make us slaves?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

Question 44.
The elephant obeyed the command of the lion. (Frame a .question so as to get the underlined words as answer).
Who obeyed the command of the lion?

VI. A. Read the following schedule and answer the question set on it: (4 × 1 = 4)

Question 45.
Kingfisher Airlines -Flight – 0088
1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers 1
(i) What is the flight number.
(ii) At what time will it depart from Bangalore?
(iii) When will the flight reach Hyderabad?
(iv) At what time does the flight leave Chennai?
(i) Kingfisher Airlines – 0088.
(ii) 11:15 hours.
(iii) 15:15 hours
(iv) 12:45 hours.

B. Write a letter to the municipal authorities, Basavanagudi ward, Bangalore, about the unclean and inadequate supply of water in the area. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Your letter should include –
(a) irregular supply
(b) irregular timings
(c) problems faced
(d) request, to take suitable measures
# 1240/2
Kuvempu street
Bangalore – 01

05 August 2014.
The Commissioner
City Corporation
Basavanagudi Ward
Bangalore – 01

Dear Sir,
I am a resident of the Basavanagudi ward. This letter is to bring to your notice that water which is being supplied to our area is unclean and inadequate. The water is very dirty and it is being supplied only once in five days. Since most of the people in my house are employed, they are not able to collect water. Hence I request you to kindly look into the matter and take the necessary steps for supplying clean water on a regular basis of at least every other day.

Thank you

Yours faithfully

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

VII A. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under B. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. That’s a pity (a) expressing surprise
2. Do you think it would be possible? (b) apology
3. I am grateful to you (c) gratitude.
4. How smart the boy looks (d) expressing sympathy
5. I am sorry (e) expressing doubt


B. Complete the dialogue : (1 × 4= 4)

Question 48.
Mahesh: ……………….. Mr.Hari. How are you?
Hari: …………………. Thank you. How are you, Mr. Mahesh.
Mahesh: I’m fine …………….. I am happy to have you as my colleague. Do come home sometime.
Hari: Sure. I will …………
Mahesh: Hello Mr.Hari. How are you?
Hari: I am fine. Thank you. How are you, Mr. Mahesh?
Mahesh: I’m fine. Thank you and I am happy to have you as my colleague. Do come home sometime.
Hari: Sure, I will definitely come.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers

C. Dialogue Writing: (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Ramesh has gone to Chennai for the first time to attend a conference. He asks a stranger how to reach Yagnavalkya College from the railway station. Write a .dialogue between Ramesh and his stranger.
Ramesh: Hello sir. I am new to Chennai. Could you please direct me to Yagnavalkya College?
Stranger: Go straight, and turn left at the signal. You will find the Atria hotel to your left. Opposite to that only is Yagnavalkya College.
Ramesh: Thank you so much, sir.
Stranger: It’s alright.

1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
What favor did the Elephant ask the man on a rainy day?
To put his trunk in the man’s hut.

Question 2.
What does the ‘Cage’ stand for in the poem ‘The School boy’?

Question 3.
What did Mara’s wife find on opening the packet of meat?
A live buck.

Question 4.
How much money did the narrator have in his pocket as life’s savings?
14 Rupees

Question 5.
‘Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt; here ‘eat dirt’ means.
(a) Eat dust
(b) earn money
(c) Suffer humiliation.
(c) Suffer humiliation.

Question 6.
Name the school run by Babar Ali.
Anand ShikshaNikethan.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Question 7.
Who did the king appoint the watchman of the take?

Question 8.
What does “the harvest of my womb” refer to?
Farmer’s Children

Question 9.
How old was Douglass when his mother died?
Seven years old

Question 10.
What service does the old woman offer to get a fifty paise coin?
To take the narrator to the horseshoe shrine

Question 11.
Where did the narrator first meet Nicola and Jacopa?
On the outskirts of Verona.

Question 12.
What did the beauty give the spring?
Ever-lasting youth.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
What fate awaited the man each time he built a new house?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. The man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only, as there was enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Question 14.
How does the poet describe the boy’s experience in the School? ”
The boy was not happy in the school because it took away his joy and made him sit under restrictions. He cried and was scared in school, he did not get any happiness from the books. He felt the school was like a prison, he never learned anything there and never got any knowledge.

Question 15.
What was the story behind Mara’s loss of teeth in “Around a Medicinal Creeper”?
The Narrator was a good friend of Mara. He was told several unbelievable stories by Mara. But the narrator did not believe him and assumed that they were all cock and bull stories. But when he heard ofAppanna’s account about a herb that if it was squeezed the milk became hard, he wanted to check it. So he plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to his friend Chandru, a pathologist. He told Chandru what he had heard about that plant. They decided to conduct the experiment and brought a liter of milk and put those leaves in the milk and mixed it with a mixer and poured it into a vessel. After a few minutes, the milk became firm and rubbery. So he came to believe in and learn the facts about the medicinal creeper It signifies that the narrator did not believe until it came from his own experience. Most of the educated ones become cynics and skeptics about the uneducated’s stories about medicinal creepers.

Question 16.
How did the stranger save the narrator from the embarrassing experience?
Once, the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen nipples in his wallet kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry. I-le drank tea. The bill was eleven annas. He searched his pocket to pay the bill but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the once. the owner caught him by the lapeLs and ordered him to pay up. But as he did not have any money. he offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take òff’all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paying his bill.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Question 17.
Why did Babar Ali take the initiative of starting his own school?
Though children arc provided free education. sending children to school is not entirely free of cost. Although children are taught for free. They still have to pay for Lifli forms. books etc. Many families cannot send their children to school. Thus, instead of going to school. most of the bosses help out their families by working in shops as day laborers, grass cutters, etc. Girls work as maidservants in the village. where they cook, clean, wash clothes and dishes for their employer. Babar wanted to change this: So he took the initiative of opening his very own school

Question 18.
How does the poet bring out the Social discrimination in the poem “If I was a Tree’?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it iš cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eves.

The Poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In society, a man without thinking of helping others thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

Question 19.
Bring out the significance of Mara’s dream in the play “Watchman of the Lake”.
Mara advised his son to take care of the lake and not to allow any fishermen to the tank. The creatures should not be killed in that sacred place. This advice to his son reflects the helping nature of Mara. Mara never thought of himself even fòr a da. He always thought of others. So he advised his son to protect the tank for the sake of the village. He also advised his son to dedicate his descendants to protect the tank.

Question 20.
Why does the farmer’s widow resolve to live against all odds?
The poetess contrasted the farmer as virtuous and herself as a sinner. He had gone without having to bend his head in shame and she has to bend her head. He found a release with poison, by poisoning her remaining life. The difference was that he was happy in his death and she was sad being alive. All his sadness and debts fell on her to take care of. Her husband was a coward to end his life instead of facing them bravely. She was the brave soul ready to face all hardships.

Question 21.
Why could not Frederick Douglass remember much about his mother?
Frederick Douglass was separated from his mother before he was twelve months old. He had spent very little time with her and that too only during a few night times. lie lost her at the age of seven and never enjoyed any care and communication during those years. So, he was not affected by her death. He was also not allowed to visit her during her illness, death, or burial.

Question 22.
In what different ways Nicola and Jacopo were useful to the narrator.
The boys were very useful for the narrator. When the narrator wanted a pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera, or the name of a good restaurant. they were always there in all these needs with cheerful competence. Théy had also taken the author on a guided tour to the different places of interest at ‘Verona including Juliet’s tomb.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
Babar Ali’s tale is a testament to the difference that one person can make in his or her world. Discuss.
The initiation is a definite success. Babar Ali’s intention when he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today, more and more underprivileged people have utilized this opportunity of his and arc coining up in society. Moreover, we can clearly sec that Babar Ali’s action has inspired millions of people around the world. If more people take part to change the world for the better. there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ah has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy from a village had the vil1 and determination to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on our own part to remain as mute spectators but we must also actively participate towards bringing the change.
How does “Watchman of the Lake” brings out the idea that “Nature is both protective and destructive”?
Basically, nature is goodness personified. It showers its blessings on people in abundance. People must respect what nature provides them and reciprocate by not destroying nature. When people take care of the nature and environment, it protects them. Rivers, trees, hills are all part of nature and they are all for the benefit of mankind. When a man cuts down the trees, blasts the hills, etc., nature’s imbalance causes floods, landslides, and other calamities. Water flows in a river, and if used ise1v serves for drinking, irrigation, and other uses. In the dry season, there may not be enough water. so excess water coming in torrents during monsoon should be stored by constructing tanks for the waters of the rivers. When the rivers are over polluted, it results in overflow and floods causing loss of livers, lands, and properties. Nature that way is both productive and destructive.
In the poem “Money madness” an individual measures the value of another individual in terms of money. Substantiate.
In the poem Money Madness b D, H. Lawrence focusses on bowman becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money does not get respect from society and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and lie never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties.

The poet says that man has this n1one» madness and it is widely spread among men. Fie affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So. the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status

The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money, certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoúld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.

In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

Honda company is a leading automobile manufacturing company. If one traces the roots of this company, one can find the perseverance of a very simple and ordinary Japanese man named Honda.

Honda was a simple person. He attempted to design a new type of piston to improve the performance of cars. He was sure of himself that his attempt would yield pathbreaking results. He offered his designs to Toyota. The engineers turned his offer down without meeting him but he didn’t lose heart. His repeated attempts at meeting Toyota engineers, finally succeeded, but only to see that his product was ridiculed by them. Not losing his heart he went into great details to convince them. At last, he obtained an order to supply pistons to Toyota. Honda invested all his resources – money, materials, knowledge, hard work as capital and constructed a plant for producing pistons suddenly there was an earthquake that destroyed his factory.

Yet Honda reposed faith in his own ability, once again he started construction afresh. When it was ready and the production was to start the following week, World War II broke out. Bombs bombarded Japan and most of the country was devastated and so was his factory.

Although Honda lost his factory, wealth, and friends he did not lose his self-confidence. He said, “Yes, I lost everything but not my confidence”. He continued his efforts and began to construct his factory for the third time.

Today Honda car company produces and sells more cars than Toyota.

Question 24.
Who started the automobile manufacturing company in Japan?

Question 25.
Why did Honda try to design a new type of piston?
To improve the performance of cars.

Question 26.
To which company does Honda offer his designs?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Question 27.
When the company turned his offer down, Honda.
(a) didn’t approach it again.
(b) didn’t make further attempts.
(c) didn’t lose heart.
(c) didn’t lose heart,

Question 28.
How did Toyota engineers react to Honda’s product?
His product was ridiculed by them.

Question 29.
Mention one of the resources that Honda invested as capital.
Money, materials, knowledge, hard work.

Question 30.
_____ broke out when he was ready to start production the following week.
World War II broke out.

Question 31.
Mention the natural calamity that destroyed Honda’s factory.

Question 32.
How did Honda construct the factory for the third time?

Question 33.
What does the Honda company produce and sell today?
Honda produces and sells more cars than Toyota.

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: [to, the, an, a, in]. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 34.
Once upon a time _________ elephant made a friendship ____ heavy thunder storm brokeout the elephant went ___________little but. (with, on, a, an, to).
an, with, to, a

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
Nasiruddin _____ (be) a jute seller and a dropout who ______(believe) that education is man’s true religion and initially________(support) his son’s venture with his own income. Babar_______(realize) that he must do something for the underprivileged children in his village.
was, believed, supported, realized.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
Frederick Douglass _____(was/were) born in Maryland. The autobiography ‘The life of Frederick Douglass’_____(deal/deals) with his experience as a slave Three books ______ (was/were) produced by him between 1845 and 1881.
was, deals, were.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
She do not know the truth.
She does not know the truth.

Question 38.
Why you are late?
Why are you late?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
Krishna ground the ______ (route/root) and drank it with milk. (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word given in brackets)

Question 40.
Mara stood in______ (amaze) looking at the lake. (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in the brackets).

Question 41.
More evil | the world has | than good. (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
The world has more evil than good.

Question 42.
The students have written their examinations. (Add a question tag)
Have the students write their examinations?

Question 43.
The Elephant thanked his friend. (Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘Do’)
Did the elephant thank his friend?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

Question 44.
Mara met the king at his palace. (Frame a question so as to get the underlined words as answers).
Where did Mara meet the king?

VI. A. Refer to the following Train schedule and answer the question set on it : (4 × 1 = 4)

Question 45.
1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North) 1
(a) Which express goes to Vasco?
(b) When does Sindhu Express reach Hubli?
(c) What is the destination of Chamundi Express?
(d) At what time does Brindavan Express leave?
(a) Goa Express
(ii) 2.30
(iii) Bengaluru
(iv) 22.00

B. Write a letter to the Co-ordinator, ‘Centre for YOGA and Meditation’, M.G Road Mysuru, -asking him about the courses in YOGA and meditation they offer. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Your letter should include the following points :
(a) Duration of the Course.
(b) Fees for the course.
(c) Date of commencement.
Sri Vani College for Women

The Coordinator
Centre for Yoga and Meditation
M.G. Road

Respected Sir,/Madam,

Sub: Details of the courses in Yoga and Meditation.

This is in regards to the courses in yoga and meditation conducted in your center. I would like to know the details of the duration of the course, fees for the course, and the date of commencement of your yoga and meditation classes. As I am the student coordinator. It would help us to take up courses in yoga and meditation.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under B. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. I beg your pardon (a) making request
2. How sad (b) expressing gratitude
3. will you do me a favor (c) Congratulating
4. I am grateful to you (d) expressing sympathy
5. I’m proud of you (e) Apologising

(1) – e
(2) – d
(3) – a
(4) – b

B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Rakshitha and Geetha are friends. Rakshitha is wearing a fine dress. How does Geetha express her compliment?
Rakshitha: Hi ! Geetha
Geclha : ___________
Rakshitha: Thanks for the compliments
Geetha: _______________
Rakshitha: Today is my birthday.
Geetha: _______________
Rakshitha: Thank you.
Geetha: Hi! Rakshitha your dress ¡s elç.gant
Geetha: Anything special?
Geetha: Many Many happy returns of the day: Thank you.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (North)

C. Dialogue Writing : (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Invite your friend to your college day celebration which is going to be held in the last week of DECEMBER.
Rakshitha: Hi! Deepa
Deepa: Hi! Rakshitha Our college is celebrating College Day please come.
Rakshitha: When is your College Day?
Deepa: Last week of December.
Rakshitha: We have study holidays then.
Deepa: Then please do come I am performing.
Rakshitha: I Shall surely come.
Deepa: Thank you Rakshitha
Rakshitha: You are most welcome.

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

Improve your English Grammar Skills and never make any mistakes in english concepts like parts of speech, tenses, English phrases and a lot more by making the most of our English Grammar Notes. Students can find the most related topics which helps them to analyse the concepts if they practice according to the chapter-wise page. It is necessary for the students to practice more questions in grammar. Notes Letter Writing Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary 1st PUC English Textbook Answers are given in the pdf format in chapter-wise so that students can prepare in both online and offline modes. So, solve Karnataka 1st PUC English Solutions to improve your grammar skills.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

1. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to grant you leave of absence for two days.

P.V.C. I, W Section
Dayananda College

21 January 2019
The Principal
Dayananda College
Dear Sir
Sub.: Permission for leave
I am a student of P.V.C. I, ‘A’ Section and my register number is 181029. I will not be able to attend classes for two days on the 23rd and 24th of January as my sister is getting married or, 24th of January. I hope you will grant me a leave of absence for two days. I would also like to inform you that I have always been regular to class and have had no shortage of attendance till now.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

2. Write a letter to the Assistant Commissioner requesting him/her to deliver a speech on GST for the students in your college next month.

Raghavendra Rao
Chaithanya College
JP. Nagar 7’ Phase

25 December 2018

The Assistant Commissioner
Bengaluru Central Tax Zone
Dear Sir
I am writing in my capacity as Student Welfare Officer of one of the prestigious colleges of Bengaluru, Chaithanya College. It is my duty to organise programmes on a regular basis to benefit the student community. It is important for students to keep abreast of current affairs. Hence it would be useful if you could share your knowledge on GST with our students. We reopen on 2 January 2019 after the Christmas vacation and we would be grateful if you could make some time in the first week of January to address our students for an hour between 9-00 am. and 4-00 p.m. according to your convenience.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Raghavendra Rao
(Student Welfare Officer)

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

3. Write a letter to the BESCOM Officer in charge of your area to reduce the duration of power cuts to help the students. Your letter should also Indude the following points

a. Inconvenience caused to the students during study time.
b. Irregular power cuts disturb the concentration of students.
c. Request to take remedial measures.

23, Ramaiah Layout
Rajajinagar 3rd Block

10 March 2019

The Officer in Charge
Dear Sir
This is to draw your attention to the inconvenience caused to the student community of our area owing to unreasonable power cuts. It is examination time, and of the wakeful hours, 50% is lost because of power cuts. This has affected the study pattern of students who at present have their study holidays for the oncoming exams.

We have a request to make and we hope you will oblige us:
The duration of power cuts should be reduced to one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening. As of now, it is two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening.
in addition to the power cuts, the power supply quite often is erratic. This affects the concentration of students. Please ensure that there is uninterrupted power supply except for the scheduled power cuts. I hope you understand that this kind of power cuts affect the middle class and poor people as they don’t have generators or Inverters. So, please consider remedial measures immediately.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

4. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your area requesting him/her to take remedial measures to overcome the stray dog menace. Your letter should also include the following points:

a. Increase in the number of stray dogs.
b. Frequent attacks by stray dogs.
c. Adopting measures such as castration, relocation, etc.

Archana Rao
M.G. Road’
Saraswathipu ram

21 April 2019

The Municipal Commissioner
Mysuru City Corporation
Dear Sir
This is with regard to a major problem faced by the citizens of our area. For the past one month, we have been suffering from the menace of stray dogs. There is a noticeable increase in the number of stray dogs as also the number of unpleasant incidents related to stray dogs. east week stray dogs bit two children and stray dogs reportedly chased two men as they were carrying food packs. Now the situation is such that people are frightened to step out of the house. I request you to take immediate action to help the citizens out. Measures such as castration and relocation will have to be implemented by authorities and not citizens. So, I request the officials concerned to look into the matter immediately and take action.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Archana Rao

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

5. Write a letter to the Chairman, BWSSB, Bangalore, complaining about the irregular water supply and the inconvenience caused to the people. Your letter should include the following points:

a. Supply of water at odd hours,
b. Non-availability of water to some families.

Venkatesh Adiga
31, 5 Cross
J.P. Nagar 6’ Phase

25 Jul 2019

The Chairman
Kempegowda Road
Dear Sir
This is with regard to the irregular water supply to our area. For the past one month, we have had water supply only from 10-00 p.m. to 7-00 a.m. This is unacceptable. Water is the basic necessity of life and we should not be deprived of It. In cities not most live in apartments and small houses with a limited storing capacity. If the water supply is limited to the night time, it poses problems with regard to bathing, cooking, washing, etc. Please ensure that there is water supply at least for two hours each in the morning and evening. Though this too would pose problems, it would at least be better than the present situation. Please take immediate action and help us out in our predicament.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Venkatesh Adiga

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

6. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to issue Transfer Certificate, the reason being the transfer of your father.

Shankar C.S.
Veerashaiva PU. College

l9 January 2019

The Principal
Veerashaiva P.U. College
Dear Sir
Sub: Issue of TC
I am a student of the I year RU.C. ‘C’ section and I write to you with a request for a Transfer Certificate. My father has been transferred to Hassan and we will be relocating to Hassan.
The TC could be sent to the following address:
Narayana College, Central Market Road. Hassan. I was fortunate to be a student of Veerashaiva P.U. College for a year I carry happy memories of the college.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Shankar C.S.

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

7. Write a letter to the Co-ordinator, ‘Institute of Spoken English’ seeking information about the courses offered in the institute.

Nithin Prabhu
1471, Marigudi Road

3 October 2018

The Coordinator
BBB Institute of Spoken English
Car Street
Manga lore
Dear Sir
I came across your advertisement in the Udayovoni. I am a graduate and I am looking out for good job opportunities. Though my academic records are impressive, my spoken English is weak. Hence I would like to improve myself in this area. Please let me know the duration of the course, the fee structure, and the timings as soon as possible.
Does the course that you offer cover only spoken English or do you extend the course to other aspects like communicative English? Hope you will send an early reply.

Thank you:

Yours faithfully,
Nithin Prabhu

1st PUC English Grammar Notes Letter Writing

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1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
What was the elephant in ‘The Gentleman of the Jungle’?
The elephant was the friend of man.

Question 2.
What does cage stand for in the poem ‘School Boy’?

Question 3.
Who cured Krishna of the boils in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
The Malayali sadhu.

Question 4.
What name did the narrator give the stranger in ‘Oru Manushyan’?

Question 5.
When do people feel a real tremor in the poem ‘Money Madness’?
When they give a 10-pound note.

Question 6.
What was BabarAli’s father?
Babar Ali’s father was a jute seller.

Question 7.
Why was the village headman in a hurry to complete the road work in ‘Watchman of the lake’?
The king would visit the next day.

Question 8.
How many children had the farmer’s wife?
4 children.

Question 9.
Name the first master of Fredrick Douglass.
Colonel Frank Anthony.

Question 10.
What does the old woman expect from the visitors for her service?
A 50 paise coin

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Question 11.
Where does the narrator first meet the two boys in ‘Two gentlemen of Verona’?
On the outskirts of Verona

Question 12.
“For there are other sorrows in the world than love” here sorrow refers to-
(a) Miseries by love
(b) Miseries by poverty
(c) Miseries by Jealousy
(b) Miseries by poverty

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
How did the elephant justify its act of occupying the hut in – ‘The gentleman of the Jungle’?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. The man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only, as there wäs enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.

Question 14.
Describe the school boy’s experience inside the school.
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy is cry happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the seminar morning. But when he thinks of school, his happiness disappears and he feels the school is a prison. The boy does not think freely in school. The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth.

The poet emphasizes nature. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling, he spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses on free-learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets àll round development and ensures the future of the nation.

Totally; the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture felt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Question 15.
What was the story behind mara’s loss of teeth in ‘Around a medicinal creeper?
Once Mara and his friend laid a trap and caught a barking deer. As they had to divide it equally between them, the’ took it near to the stream and divided the meat. They wrapped their portions in some leaves and brought them home. In Mara’s house, they got ready to cook. but when Mara opened the packet to take out the meat. It was a surprise as instead of the meat, there was a live wild buck when it saw Mara, it jumped up and ran out of his house. When Mara was trying to catch it, as usual, Mara’s wife ignorantly took the leaves and threw them into the fire. This incident shows that Indians do not think of what happened and why? But they simply go according to the situations and never turn the circumstances to their advantage. This is the big weakness of Indians.

Question 16.
Give an account of the embarrassing experience of the narrator at the restaurant in ‘Oru Manushyam’.
Once. the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen nipples in his wallet kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry. He drank tea. The bill was eleven annas He searched his pocket to pay the bill, but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the oner. the owner caught him by the lapels and ordered him to pay up. But as he did not have an’ moue’, he offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring sonic money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take off all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paying his bill.

Question 17.
Explain why the speaker wants to be a tree in the poem ‘If I was a tree.
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it iš cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body b becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality. present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables. nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eves.

The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In society, a man without thinking of helping others thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste. creed and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

Question 18.
What kind of hardships did the slaves suffer at the hands of the slaveholders in ‘Fredrick Douglass?
The slaveholders sexually exploit the slave women and the children born out of this also follow this condition of slavery. Mother and child are separated to avoid any filial bonding. Children born like this are a constant reminder to the wives of the masters about their parentage and they take a sadistic pleasure in ill-treating these mulatt9es.

They are whipped and beaten for the slightest offense and if the master shows any favors to them, they get punished further. The slaves are whipped mercilessly for the smallest mistakes. As it is they are made to work from morning till night without rest.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Question 19.
How does the poem bring out the plight of a woman in ‘The Farmers Wife’?
The poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer ‘virtuous’ and herself a poor sinner. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent” justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high, but a woman is born with her head bent. But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve.

She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating, blaming, drinking, and kicking haunting her. She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with “worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.

At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive against all difficulties, Her voice is raised against society in general.

Question 20.
How does the speaker’s attitude undergo a change in the poem “An old woman”?
The poem An old woman” depicts the worst condition of an old woman, who is an old beggar near the Horseshoe shrine. She holds the sleeves of the passers-by. and follows them asking for a fifty paise coin. Even though by appearance she looks like a beggar. she has her self-respect and in return for the fifty paise, offers to show the tourists around the Horseshoe shrine. She laments about her helplessness in those wretched hills to eke out a living.

Her physical appearance evokes sympathy in the passers-by. Phrases like “bullet holes for her eyes, ‘‘cracks that begin around her eyes spread beyond her skin’’, and shatterproof crone describes the pathetIc condition of her miserable existence.

Question 21.
What was the story told by the nurse about the two boys in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?
The boys were true ‘gentlemen’, very refined and sensitive in character. They were devoted to their sister, and in order to earn money for her treatment undertook all kinds of jobs available in Verona. They sold fruit, shined shoes. ran errands and hawked newspapers and worked hard throughout the day. This shows that they did not consider any job below their dignity. Though they were not born to do such jobs, they learned them and performed them well.

Their eagerness to learn and perform varieties of jobs demonstrates a sacrificing, loving nature that is ready to go to any extent to secure the happiness of the loved one. They were also selfless because very earnestly they saved the money they made to pay for their sister’s treatment but never on clothes or on themselves. Both of them were proud boys. They did not discuss their problems with anyone, and very few people knew about their sister and her hospitalization. Even when the narrator took them to the hospital. they went in by themselves and did not speak to him about their sister. They, especially Nicola. did not like to ask for anyone’s help. They display the real characters which exemplify a true gentleman.

The story begins with Luigi’s implication that the two boys might be this selling fruits that they had stolen. What unfolds later proves how wrong his suspicion was. The boys prove to be every inch gentlemen and gain respect from the narrator. They arouse feelings of love and respect in the nurse at the hospital too.

Question 22.
What harsh realities of life have drawn the speaker’s attention much more than the beauty of his beloved?
Though he loved her deep when he comes to realize that there are other truths than his love. He became helpless towards his beloved. He honestly says his love would be the same but he can’t spend the time for her love because there are many problems in the country for which he has to give attention, like poverty and helpless destitute.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
How does the poem ‘Money madness’ bring out the collective madness that affects individuals?
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society He respects money over relationships Society goes on measuring a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money does not get respect from society and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties.

The poet says that man has this money madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So, the man fears monk and tries to accumulate them and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and shouLd not be treated based on status.

The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money. certainly, money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoúld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.

In the overall view of the poem. the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow
Is there any logic in labeling Mara a lunatic by the village headman? – Substantiate.
The headman thought that Mara was a lunatic as he was wandering around without any work and also disturbing other workmen who were busy laying a road. He had shared with some of the workers and the headman his dream about the Goddess and the Tank. The headman was not convinced and thought that Mara was only fooling around. Even though Mara’s dream about the Goddess’ instructions to build a tank to hold the waters of river Veda would have been for the benefit of the village, he was not taken seriously.

In fact, to avoid Mara meeting the King with his story about the Goddess, the headman made Bhima one of his workmen to keep Mara captive under his care till the King’s passing their village. But Mara managed to outwit Bhima and landed in front of the King from a tree and spoke to the King about his dream.

The headman was prejudiced against Mara in calling him a lunatic and definitely not justified in his conclusion.
Do you think that Babar Ali’s act of thoughtfulness has enabled poor children to move towards growth? discuss.
Babar Mi’s school was started when he was only nine while playing a game. Very soon. children began to love his way of teaching and flocked to his ‘school’. Babar did not charge any fee for his teaching. He also got the help of the local educated people, who came and taught the children. Babar was successful in getting the help of nine high school student volunteers. The oldest and most educated of them is Debarita who goes to College in Behrampur.

Babar himself studies in class XII in a school quite far from his house. He commutes the long-distance, attends classes in the mornings, and comes back in the afternoons to his ‘school’ to teach youngsters who have worked hard in the mornings and are now ready for learning. The fact that his school is entirely free, he and his staff teach well, there is a midday meal, and his school is recognized by the Vest Bengal Government, attracts many students to his school.

The increasing strength of his school just shows how eager people are to get their children edücated, and how good. selfless work gets noticed by people soon. Those who cannot afford education in the regular schools, do not mind sending their children to learn from teachers like Babar. This only proves that Indians are realizing the significance of education in life.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

A man was sitting in a garden. When he saw the incredible sight of a cocoon with a tiny opening through which a butterfly was trying to emerge. He watched for an hour captivated, as the butterfly struggled to come out of that tiny hole, bit by bit, flapping its wings, shaking itself fighting to free its body. But even after an hour of frantic struggling, it seemed that the poor little insect was making no progress. It had probably got as far as it could on its own.

So the man decided to help the poor butterfly. With gentle hands, he tore open the hole in the cocoon, just a bit wider to allow the butterfly to emerge easily. The butterfly came out. It had a shriveled body and tiny wings. It looked weak and tender.

The man eagerly waited. the butterfly’s wings to open up and expand for it to fly away. But that did not happen. In fact, the butterfly stayed weak and shriveled unable to fly.

Tire man did not realize that in his attempt to help the butterfly, he had in fact harmed it. The struggle to break free from the cocoon is nature’s way of preparing the butterfly to learn to fly. As it fights to emerge from the restrictive cocoon, fluids from the body get pushed into the wings making them stronger, making them larger, enabling them to fly. Without, the struggle, the butterfly stays weak and unable to fly.

No Struggle, no success. That’s as true for butterflies as it is for all of us.

Question 24.
Where was the man sitting?
The man was sitting in a garden.

Question 25.
What did he see?
He saw the incredible sight of a cocoon with a tiny opening

Question 26.
What was the butterfly trying to do?
The butterfly was trying to emerge.

Question 27.
How long did the man watch the butterfly?
He watched for an hour.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Question 28.
What did the man do then?
The man decided to help the poor butterfly.

Question 29.
Man’s attempt to help the butterfly was
(a) Useful
(b) Harmful
(c) Meaningful
(b) Harmful

Question 30.
Ass a prefix to the word “prepare” to make its antonym.

Question 31.
The word ‘enable’ means
(a) incapable
(b) capable
(c) Uncapable
(b) capable

Question 32.
Why was the butterfly unable to fly?
The butterfly was weak and unable to fly.

Question 33.
What is the message of the passage?
No struggle, no success.

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: [to, the, an, a, in]. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
Verona is_____lovely city and rich ______ history. The streets and splendid buildings are of ______exquiste pale honey color. Romeo and Juliet are reputed ______have lived there.
a, in, an, to.

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
I plucked some leaves from the creeper and_______(take) them to my friend, who ______(be) a plant pathagonist. I________ (tell) him what i had ________(hear) about the plant.
took, was, told, heard.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
To go to shool an a summer morning._________(drive/drives) away the joy from the boy. He__________(spend / spends) the day in misery and__________(sit/sits) in the cage.
drives, spends, sits.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
I am knowing your uncle.
I know your uncle.

Question 38.
Sheela returns the library books
Sheela returned the library books.

E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
My father went to the milk _______[dairy/diary] [fill in the black with the appropriate word given in bracket]
My father went to the milk dairy.

Question 40.
My cousin is working in a________[department] store. [Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given bracket]
My cousin is working in a departmental store.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

Question 41.
at Jejuri | the speaker- | old woman | meets (Re-arrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
The speaker meets an old woman at Jejuri.

Question 42.
The village headman called Mara a lunatic. (Add a question tag)
What did the village headman call Mara?

Question 43.
He received money from he stranger? (Change into question beginning with the right form of “Do”)
Did the stranger receive money?

Question 44.
Chandru is the Plant protagonist (Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as an answer)
Who is Chandru?

VI. A. Read the following table of the event held on Gandhi Jayanthi and answer the questions set on it. (4 × 1 = 4)

Event Time
Inauguration 9.00 to 10.00 AM
Venue Gandhi Bhavana
Talk of Gandhi by Anna Hajare 10.15.AM t 11.30 AM
Gandhi photo exhibition 11.45 AM to 12.15 PM
Lunch break 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM

Question 45.
(1) Where does the function take place?
(2) Who give a talk on Gandhi?
(3) What is the duration of the Gandhi photo exhibition?
(4) At what time the function is started?
(i) Gandhi Bhavana.
(ii) Anna Hajare.
(iii) 11.45 Am to 12.15 PM
(iv) 9 am.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

B. Write a letter to the municipal president of your city (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Write a letter to the municipal president of your city about the inconvenience that you are facing in supplying drinking water to your locality.
12th Main 3rd cross
Srinagar, Shimoga.
1st March 2017

The Commissioner
City Corporation

Respected Sir,

Sub: Inconvenience due to Irregular Water Supply.

I am Rajesh residing at Srinagar, Shimoga. There are 700 families living in this area and there include 1000 children also and we suffer terribly due to irregular water supply which is one of our basic needs. A large number of families are affected and the public faces a lot of inconveniences. So I request you to kindly rectify the problem and take necessary remedial measures as quickly as possible to help us.

Thank you
Yours faithfully

VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under B. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. May I come in (a) Leavetaking
2. I don’t agree (b) accepting suggestion
3. That’s a good idea (c) Disagreeing
4. Meet my friend Shankar (d) Seeking permission
5. Stee you again, bye (e) Introducing

(1) – d
(2) – c
(3)- b
(4) – e
(5) – a.

B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Arpitha : Hai, Anitha good morning
Anitha: __________________
Arpitha: You are looking so nice in this new dress
Anitha: ____________
Arpitha: Today is my birthday
Anitha: Is it?_______________
Arpitha: __________________
Arpitha: Hai! Anitha Good Morning
Anitha: Hai Arpitha Good Mornjijg
Arpitha: You are looking so nice in this new dress
Anitha: Thank you
Arpitha: Today is my birthday
Anitha: Is it? Many many happy returns of the day.
Arpitha: Thank you.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2017 (South)

C. Dialogue Writing : (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Write a dialogue between Rohith and Abhilash. Rohith has won the gold medal in the state-level 800 m running race. The dialogue should cover the following points
(a) Rohith’s preparation for the event.
(b) His achievement.
Rohith: Hi! Abhilash. How are you?
Abhilash: Hi Rohith! am fine How is your preparation for the running race.
Rohith: Great. I won the gold medal in the 800 m running race.
Abhilash: Congratulations Rohith.
Rohith: Thank you Abhilash.

1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
What kind of judgment did the man expect in, “The Gentleman of the Jungle”?
An impartial judgment.

Question 2.
How do Mongoose and Cowcal cure themselves of snake bites?
By chewing the leaves of the medicinal creeper.

Question 3.
How did the narrator earn his living in, “Oru Manushyan”?
By teaching English to the migrant laborers.

Question 4.
A person could feel a tremor when he
(a) hands out a one-pound note
(b) hands ou a ten-pound note
(c) Receives a ten-pound note.
(b) hands out ten-pound note.

Question 5.
What was Tulu Rani Hazra’s occupation?

Question 6.
How many Gods are supposed to dwell in the body of the cow in the poem, “It was a tree”?
Three Hundred Thousand Gods.

Question 7.
Where, according to Mara, had Hanuman found Sanjeevini in the Lesson, “Watchman of the Lake”?
On the east of the mountain

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 8.
How did the farmer commit suicide in “The Farmer’s Wife”?
By consuming poison/By poisoning himself.

Question 9.
How old was Frederick Douglass when his mother died?
Seven years.

Question 10.
What does the old woman offer to do in order to get a fifty paise coin from the speaker?
To take the speaker to the horseshoe shrine.

Question 11.
Name the city in which Lucia was undergoing treatment in the lesson, “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

Question 12.
What gave the spring ever-lasting youth in the poem, “Do not ask of Me, My Love”?
The beauty of the beloved.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
Why does the child hate to go to school in, “The School Boy”?
The boy is very happy being with nature. He loves to rise on a summer morning. He would love to hear the birds singing on every tree. He would love to hear the sound of horns of hunters at faraway places. He would love to sing with the skylarks. The very thought of going to school makes him sad. He felt the school was a prison. It creates fear and anxiety. He is unable to concentrate as it doesn’t help to widen his mental horizon and physical growth.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 14.
What was the story behind Mara’s loss of teeth?
Mara went to the forest. He had laid a trap to catch rabbits. He went early doubting someone will take his trap away. The trap was empty. He went to a nearby stream. He decided to brush his teeth. He plucked a small stick from a nearby plant. He felt sour. He took water from the stream churned and spit out all the teeth touched by the plant fell down.

Question 15.
How does the stranger rescue the narrator in, “Oru Manushyan”?
Once. tile narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen rupees in his a1let kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat CUrry. He drank tea. The bill was eleven annas. He searched his pocket to pay the bill, but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said tile same to the oner. the owner caught him by the lapels and ordered him to pay up. But as lie did not have an’ moue’, he offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take off all his clothes. When lie was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paying his bill.

Question 16.
How was education imparted in BabarAli’s School?
Haber All started his school at the age of nine. ¡n fact his school “Anand Siksha Niketan” grew out of a game. Initially, the children used to play with Babar as a teacher. His friends had never seen the inside of a school. so they enjoyed playing students, They ended learning arithmetic and enjoying it. In 2002, this game got institutionalized the strength of eight. Word spread and the numbers grew. Mans’ friends of Ah and Non-Government Organisations. lAS officers and local cops donated rice for midday meals. At last, Government took the initiative to provide rice to the school. Now the school has 800 students in total. ith 10 volunteer teachers teaching for classes one to eight. It is a godsent opportunity for the poor children of the neighboring villages.,

Question 17.
Why does the poet wish to become a tree?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable. The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it iš cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead both by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables. nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eves.

The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety. purity and generosity and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In society, a man without thinking of helping others thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste. creed and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 18.
How did Mara’s sacrifice save the lake?
Mara’s sacrifice remains eternal in the history of men who saved lakes. He was the man who didn’t think about himself even for a single day but always about others. In other words, his social service is unforgettable to the society, he is the great environmentalist whom the modem materialists must follow and adore to protect the natUre. Mara’s sacrifice of (leaving his body) taking his last breath is ultimate. Of course, today’s people cannot do that much but have to sacrifice a little of their wants and needs to protect nature. People should not pollute rivers in the name of ‘yatras’ and funerals. All superstitious beliefs and must be stopped now. Man must live according to his needs and not for his wants. For this, he has to follow the examples of tribals who live a contented life with whatever they get. They do not torture nature for coal or gold and live in a simple way. If men learn to lead a simple life that is the greatest sacrifice to protect nature from calamities.

Question 19.
How is the plight of the farmer’s wife depicted in the poem, “The Farmer’s Wife”?
The poem “The Farmer’s Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses man phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer as virtuous’ and herself a ‘poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent” justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high, but a woman is born with her head bent. But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve.

She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating. blaming, drinking, and kicking haunting her. She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had bit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with ‘worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.

At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shos a strong will to survive against all difficulties. Her voice is raised against society in general.

Question 20.
How does Douglass portray the life of the slaves?
The passage reflects the brutal hidden faces of the masters who treat their slaves cruelly. The slaves were not given proper food. They were exploited without any freedom. Especially for women, it was double exploitation in the name of patriarchy and in the name of slavery. When the girls at teenage seem to be beautiful for their masters, they use them sexually and if they give birth to children, the children were sold at the age of infants to avoid their sentimental relationship.

The passage also explains the heart-rendering description of walking at night for several miles of mothers to see their children. Moreover, they could talk only a little bit because the children would be tired and go to sleep but in the morning they have to go back to work before sunrise. 1f they fail, they get whipping. This shows the brutal nature of white masters towards their slaves.

Question 21.
Describe the changes that occur in the speaker’s attitude towards the old woman in the poem, “An Old Woman”.
The poet by depicting her physical appearance makes ‘An Old Woman’ more sympathetic. The passer-by initially did not show much sympathy to her but later when he observes keenly her physical appearance and when she offered to become a tourist guide to sho% around the shrine, he was very much moved by her condition and admired her self respect. here, a passer represents anybody in general, Finally when he feels as if the sb was falling with the sound of plate glass clatter all around the old crone who was shatterproof and standing alone. he undergoes a change in attitude. So, the old woman was successful in evoking sympathy from anyone. in front of the temple.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 22.
Describe the circumstances that made Nicola and Jacopo homeless.
War is the element of mass destruction and total annihilation of cities and populations. War not only affects soldiers but also civilians. Jacopo and Nicola are adversely affected by war. The boys lost everything in the war including their father and their house. War affected the boys emotionally. They were thrown onto the streets their sister became a victim of tuberculosis. Jacopo and Nicola’s sheer dint and hard work is an example that war may destroy home but not one’s heart.

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
How is the imperial attitude of the jungle lords brought out the lesson? “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”?
“The Gentlemen of the Jungle” is an allegory with a moral. It is a political satire that shows the selfish ways of the colonizers. The animals represent the colonizers. Man as the colonized. The relationship of the colonizers and the colonized. The colonizers have an arrogant attitude. They think it is their duty to reform backward classes. The story tells about the selfish deeds of the animals who think they are jungle lords.
“Money is dangerous due to man’s madness for it” – Substantiate your opinion.
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money does not get respect from society and those who have more get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who a be in difficulties.

The poet says that man has this money madness and it is widely spread among men. Fie affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes more, but money makes man and many things. So. the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status.

The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money, certainly money has got men down to become its slaves So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoUld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.

In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.
How does “Watchman of the Lake” brings out the idea that, “Nature is both protective and destructive”?
Basically, nature is goodness personified. It showers its blessings on people in abundance. People must respect what nature provides them and reciprocate by not destroying nature. When people take care of the nature and environment, it protects them. Rivers, trees, hills are all part of nature and they are all for the benefit of mankind. When a man cuts down the trees, blasts the hills, etc., nature’s imbalance causes floods, landslides, and other calamities. Water flows in a river, and if used ise1v serves for drinking, irrigation, and other uses. This dry season there man’s not enough water, so excess water coming in torrents during monsoon should be stored by constructing tanks for the waters of the rivers. When the rivers are over-polluted. it results in overflow and floods causing loss of livers, lands, and properties. Nature that way is both productive and destructive.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

Pineapple, one of the popular tropical fruits, is widely cultivated in South India; Assam, and the other Himalayan States. It is one of the rare fruits that can be grown in shades, preferably under mango trees. The plant grows widely in any soil and does not require much care.

The shoots of the plants reach maturity within a short span of time. It takes 15 to 22 months for a plant to bear fruit; the fruit possesses a wonderful taste and an excellent flavor. In America, some of the farmers are producing fibreless variety – One type of pineapple is almost without any core.

Pineapple has medicinal values. It contains an enzyme called Bromelain that helps the body digest protein and fats. So, pineapple juice along with the meals is recommended for people suffering from indigestion.

Fresh pineapple juice relieves thirst and soothes the throat, especially the vocal cords. So, it is a valuable tonic for singers. Another chemical product of pineapple is chlorine that stimulates the kidneys. In dropsy, a disease-causing collection of water fluid in the body. Pineapple juice is helpful in relieving jaundice and strengthening the liver. In Diptheria, pineapple juice relieves the misery and irritable condition of the throat. If the juice is sour, one should add honey instead of sugar to improve its medicinal properties.

Question 24.
Where is pineapple widely cultivated?
In South India, Assam, and the other Himalayan States.

Question 25.
Which chemical present in pineapples stimulates kidneys?

Question 26.
How much time does the pineapple plant take to bear fruit?
15 to 22 months.

Question 27.
Which variety of pineapples is grown in America?
Fibreless Variety.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 28.
Who is recommended to take pineapple juice along with the meals?
People Suffering from indigestion.

Question 29.
Which is the enzyme that helps the body digest protein and fats.

Question 30.
Why is fresh pineapple juice is a valuable tonic for singers?
Soothes throat, especially vocal cords.

Question 31.
________ is a disease-causing water fluid collection in the body.
(a) Jaundice
(b) Dropsy
(c) Diptheria.
(b) Dropsy

Question 32.
Add prefix to the word “digestion” to make an antonym of the word.

Question 33.
Find the word in the passage which means, “grown”.

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 34.
Verona is _______lovely city and rich_______history. The streets and splendid buildings are of _____exquisite pale honey colour. Romeo and Juliet are reputed _______ have lived there, (to, the, an, a, in).
a, in, an, to.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
In 1838, Frederick Douglass________(escape) from slavery and ________(go) to New York City where he_____ (marry) Anna Murray whom he _______(have + meet) in Baltimore.
escaped, went, married, had met.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
To go to school on a summer morning _______(drive/drives) away the joy of the boy. He _____ (spend/spends) the day in mesery and_____(sit/sits) in the cage.
drives, spends, sits.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
He worked very hardly.
He worked very hard.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 38.
He is superior than me.
He is superior to me.

E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
The bird has a long blue ______(tale/tail). (Fill in the blacks with the appropriate word given in brackets)

Question 40.
Students learnt the correct (pronounce) of the words. (Complete the sentence With the right form of word given in the brackets).

Question 41.
Oh the left side/Mara/everything/ had to chew/of his mouth. (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
Mara had to chew everything on the left side of his mouth.

Question 42.
The boys had to work very hard to earn a living. (Add a question tag).
Hadn’t they?

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

Question 43.
Mara tied it to the nearby tree. (Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘Do’)
Did Mara tie it to a near by tree?

Question 44.
The narrator went to a restaurant to have lunch. (Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as answers).
Why did the narrator go to a restaurant?

VI. A. Refer to the following Train schedule and answer the question set on it : (4 × 1 = 4)

1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North) 1
Question 45.
(i) Which team has the highest run rate?
(ii) How many matches has Royal Challengers played?
(iii) How many matches has Rajasthan Royals lost?
(iv) Name the team that has the lowest run rate.
(ii) 5
(iii) 1
(iv) Sunrisers Hyderabad.

B. Imagine that you have lost your I PUC identity card. Write a letter to the Principal of your college requesting him/her to issue a duplicate identity card. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Your letter should include the following points:

  • Reasons for the loss.
  • Your Register Number
  • Your home address.

Neha Gupta
# 22, 1st cross,
Gandhinagar, Bangalore-04

28 February 2018
The Principal
Govt PU College.
Vidyanagar, Dharwad.

Respected Sir,/Madam,

Sub: Issue of Duplicate ID card.

I, Neha student oft PU Science section. 1 lost my identity card along with my purse on the bus. My register No is AN 146. My residential address is # 22, Pt crosses Gandhinagar, I3angalore-04. I kindly request you to issue a duplicate Id card.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely
Neha Gupta.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under B. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. You can use my bicycle (a) Introducing
2. Aunt, could you buy me a pen? (b) Permission
3. Hello, I am Tirumalesh from Tipatur (c) Greeting
4. May I help you? (d) Request
5. Good Evening, Sir (e) Offering help

(1)- b
(3)- a
(4) -e

B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Rahul and his wife Latha plan to have a holiday. They discuss the options. Write a dialogue between them.
Rahul: Latha today my boss told me that I could take a vacation.
Latha: __________ (Congratulating)
Rahul: _______________ (Idea of going to some hotel)
Latha: ____________(giving a different suggestion)
Rahul: Let us not argue. We will have our food at home only.
Latha: _________Thank you.
Latha: Congratulations Rahul
Rahul; Let us to Taj Hotel and celebrate
Latha: No. let us go to Taj West End
Rahul: I agree, let us have food at home

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (North)

C. Dialogue Writing : (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Ravi buys a big gift from a gift center. He requests Raghu to help him to carry it towards the car. Write a dialogue between Ravi and Raghu.
Ravi: Hi! Raghu, How are you”?
Raghu: Hi! Ravi. I am fine thank you.
Ravi: What brings you here?
Raghu: I came here to buy a gift for my friend.
Ravi: Raghu, can you please help me to carry my gift to my car.
Raghu: Sure, I will help you.
Ravi: Thank you Raghu. I shall drop you home.
Raghu: Thank you, Ravi

1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)

Question 1.
Who was first called to give the evidence when the commission sat to take the evidence in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?

Question 2.
In the line ‘I love to rise on a summer morn’ of ‘The School Boy’ ‘I’ refers to
(a) The huntsman
(b) The schoolboy
(c) The poet
(b) The schoolboy.

Question 3.
According to Tejaswi, what is said to be on the verge of extinction in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
India’s native medicinal systems.

Question 4.
Why did the narrator wake up at four in the evening in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
To save the expense of drinking his morning tea or eating the noon meal.

Question 5.
According to the poet, how do the people feel when they hand out a ten-pound note in ‘Money Madness’?

Question 6.
_______ is an illiterate fishmonger by morning and a crusading education is by afternoon in the lesson ‘Babar Ali’.
Tulu Rani Hazra.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Question 7.
What did Bhima’s mother give Bhima to drink when he was a baby in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
Iron decoction.

Question 8.
What does the speaker wish to be in the poem, ‘If I was a tree’?

Question 9.
Farmer’s wife compares ‘The worm-eaten cotton pods’ to her.
(a) crops
(b) children
(c) husband
(b) Children

Question 10.
What was a common custom prevalent in Maryland when Fredrick Douglass was a child?
Separation of an infant from its mother.

Question 11.
Where does the old woman offer to take the narrator in the poem ‘An Old Woman’?
Horseshoe shrine.

Question 12.
Why were Jacopo and Nicola waiting for the last bus from Padua in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?
To sell newspapers.

II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
Why did the man protest on seeing the personnel of the Enquiry commission in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’? How did the animals defend themselves in this matter?
The commission of inquiry was Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Rhinoceros, Mr. Alligator, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Leopard. On seeing the personnel, the man protested and asked if it was not necessary to include, in this commission, a member from his side. But he was told it was impossible since no one from his side was well enough educated to understand the intricacy of jungle law.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Question 14.
Contrast the school boy’s joy in the summer morning with his experience in the school in ‘The School Boy’?
The boy would love to rise early in a summer morning. He would love to hear the birds sing sitting on every tree. [le would love to hear the sound of horns of hunters at faraway places. He would love to sing with the skylarks accompanying him in his singing. All those sweet companies were welcome to him and make those mornings a pleasure to enjoy.

Question 15.
How did Mara lose all his teeth on the side of his mouth in ‘Around a medicinal creeper’?
Once Mara had laid a trap in the forest to catch rabbits. He went into the forest before daybreak. No rabbit has walked into it. There was a stream flowing nearby, Mara decided to brush his teeth and wash his face. He broke a small stick from a nearby plant to brush a third or fourth time, he felt a sour taste in his mouth. He thought there was something wrong and took some water from the stream, and rinsed his mouth and all his teeth tumbled out of his mouth. Which was touched by the stick.

Question 16.
Give an account of the embarrassing experience of the narrator at the restaurant in ‘Qru Manusliyam’.
Once. the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen rupees in his act kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meal curry. He drank tea. The bill was eleven annas. He searched his pocket to pay the bill but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the owner, the owner caught him by the lapels and ordered him to pay up. But as he did not have any money, he offered to keep his coat there and later ould bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take if all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by paving his bill.

Question 17.
Why did Babar Ali volunteer himself to begin a school in his village?
Though children are provided free education, sending children to school is not entirely free of cost, Although children arc taught for free, they still have to pay for uniforms. books etc, Many families cannot send their children to school. Thus, instead of going to school. most of the boys help out their families borking in shops as day laborers, grass cutters, etc. Girls work as maidservants in the village, where they cook, clean, wash clothes and dishes for their employers Flabar wanted to change this: So he took the initiative of opening his very own school

Question 18.
How differently did Mara treat the fisherman and the visitor in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
Mara treated the fisherman in a harsh way because he had violated the command of the Goddess and the orders of the King that the place was sacred and no life was to be taken there. The fisherman was catching fish there. Mata warned him not to repeat the same crime again there. Mara’s duty was to look after the tank in a peaceful manner ensuring that no harm befalls any living creature there and the tank does not get polluted by man or beást. To the visitor from the farthest part of the kingdom, he spoke softly with kind words and offered him some food also: The visitor’s village was facing a water scarcity the crops were parching and cattle dying. He wanted some water to be let from the tank. Mata assured him that by the King’s orders, water was there for everybody to share and that he ill do the needful. It shows that Mata was strict while enforcing the rules but was fair and humane with people’s problems and reädy to help those in need.

Question 19.
Describe the predicament of the widow in the poem, ‘The Farmers Wife’?
The poem “The Farmer ‘s Wife” i a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers & widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer as virtuous’ and herself a ‘poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent” justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high, but a woman is born with her head bent. But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve.

She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence, She remembered the memories of his beating, blaming, drinking, and kicking haunting her. She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with ‘worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.

At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive against all difficulties, Her voice is raised against society in general.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Question 20.
How is the plight of the old woman depicted in the poem “An old woman”?
The poem “An old woman” depicts the worst condition of an old woman, who is an old beggar near the Horseshoe shrine. She holds the sleeves of the passers-b. and follows them asking for a fifty paise coin. Even though by appearance she looks like a beggar. she has her self-respect and in return for the fifty paise, offers to show the tourists around the Horseshoe shrine. She laments about her helplessness in those wretched hills to eke out a living.

Her physical appearance evokes sympathy in the passers-b. Phrases like “bullet holes for her eves. “cracks that begin around her eyes spread beyond her skin”, and shutter proof crone” describe the pathetic condition of her miserable existence.

Question 21.
Explain the role played by Nicola and Jacopo during the war in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’.
War is the element of mass destruction. A bomb had destroyed their home and thrown Nicola and Jacopo into the streets. Their sister became a victim of tuberculosis. Nicola and Jacopo’s extreme youth and insignificant size, added to an intimate knowledge of the neighboring hills, made them immensely valuable. They were used to carry messages to the forces of liberation and, more dangerous still, to ferret out information on the movements of the German troops.

Question 22.
What harsh realities of life have drawn the speaker’s attention much more than the beauty of his beloved in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
The poem “DO not ask of Me My love” by Faiz Alunad Faiz, presents the concept of love and contemporary issues of our society. The poem begins when the lover expresses his helplessness in not being able to love his beloved as in the past. He explains how she seemed so very bright when he had felt that only she was his world. He even exaggerates how her beauty had given breath to the everlasting spring. Her eyes were everything to him and nothing else was there except her in his world. He had felt that with her by his side, the world was his and he could attain everything.

But now, he has realized that all that was just an illusion and only his imagination. He gives as his reasoning his realization that there out ìn the wide world were issues. more important than his love for her. He is now more concerned about social problems, war, destruction, poverty diseases, and pain of people and would rather try and solve those problems than stay in his illusory world of love for his beloved.

He assures her that his love for her has not diminished, but the social problems have taken priority-justified by these lines, “You’re beautiful still my lovó, but I’m helpless too “. In a way, it is a message to all, that love in youth is quite common. but one’s country and social problems are more important and deserve concern and commitment from all. The speaker has opted for the more fulfilling choice of social reformation than his love.

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
Difficulties in life must not destroy one’s hopes and aspirations. Explain this with reference to Frederick Douglass’ life story.
Since his childhood when he was under slavery, the author had strong willpower that he would not be a slave forever and he would escape from it, that was his strong faith and spirit in him. This living faith and spirit of hope make him say that “slavery would not be able to hold mc within its foul embrace” and this did not leave him but remained like a ministering angel to cheer him through the gloom. The author expresses his gratitude to God because God gave him a good spirit of hope.
Bring out the significance of Mara’s dream and sacrifice in ‘Watchman of the Lake’.
Mara’s sacrifice remains eternal in the history of men who saved lakes. He was the man who didn’t think about himself even for a single day but always about others. In other words. his social service is unforgettable to society. he is the great environmentalist whom the modem materialists must follow and adore to protect nature. Mara’s sacrifice of (leaving his body) taking his last breath is ultimate. Of course, today’s people cannot do that much but have to sacrifice a little of their wants and needs to protect nature. People should not pollute rivers in the name of ‘yatras’ and funerals. All superstitious beliefs and must be stopped now. Man must live according to his needs and not for his wants, For this, he has to follow the examples of tribals who live a contented life with whatever they get. They do not torture nature for coal or gold and live in a simple way. 1f men learn to lead a simple life that is the greatest sacrifice to protect nature from calamities.
The poem, ‘If I was a Tree’ is a satire on social discrimination. Explain.
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow, The tree can become pure when it iš cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.

The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature, Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. ALt is equal in its eves.

The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In a society man without thinking of helping others, thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

Nelson Mandela, the world’s most famous political prisoner, was born in Umtata on 18 July. 1918. His father was the main counselor to the chief of the Themba Tribes. As a boy, he loved spending time with tribal elders. Hearing the stories of his ancestor’s valor during the wars, he too dreamt of making His own contribution to the freedom struggle. He met Walter Sisulu in Johannesburg, who helped him to join a law, Finn. At the end of the second world war, he and his friends joined the African National Congress youth league.

Mandela served over 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island for 18 years, and later in Pollsmmor Prison and Victor Verster prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release. He was released in 1990, during a time of escalating civil strife. Mandela joined negotiations with president FW de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory and became South Africa’s first black president. He published his autobiography in 1995. During his tenure in the Government of National Unity, he invited several other political parties to join the cabinet. During the negotiations, to end apartheid in South Africa, he promulgated a new constitution.

He also created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. While continuing the former government’s. liberal economic policy, his administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty, expand health care services. Mandela became an elder statesman, focusing on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through ’The Nelson Mandela Foundation.’

In 1991 the government repealed the last of the laws that formed the legal basis for apartheid. Mandela and de Klerk shared the 1993 peace prize for their efforts to establish democracy and racial harmony in South Africa. In 1994 Mandela became the first elected black president of South Africa in 1999 he retired from public life, returned to his hometown in the Transkei province to spend his remaining days in peace.

Question 24.
Who was called ‘The World’s most famous political prisoner?
Nelson Mandela.

Question 25.
What did Nelson Mandela dream of as a boy?
Making his own contribution to the freedom struggle.

Question 26.
What does the abbreviation ‘ANC’ stand for in the passage?
Africa National Congress.

Question 27.
How many years was Mandela imprisoned in Robben Island?
18 years.

Question 28.
What did Nelson Mandela do to end apartheid in South Africa?
Mandela joined negotiations with president FW de Klerk.

Question 29.
Why did he return to his hometown in 1999?
To spend his remaining days in peace.

Question 30.
He worked hard for the (expand) of health care services.

Question 31.
Racial (harmony) can hinder the development of a nation. (Add a prefix to the word given in brackets to make it a meaningful sentence).

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Question 32.
Name the organization which worked to combat poverty and HIV/AIDS.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Question 33.
Nelson Mandela and shared the 1993 peace prize.
De Klerk.

V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
We decided to conduct the experiment and brought _____ liter of milk. So we put____milk and leaves _______ a mixer and switched it on. We watched_______ some time to see whether it would become curdled or remain as it was.
a the, into, for.

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
The nurse ______ (lead) me through a cool, tiled vestibule into the hospital we _______ (go) upstairs to a balcony. The two boys_____(be) seated at the bedside of a girl and they________(smile) at her.
lead, went, were, smiled.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
This medicinal creeper________(has/have) small leaves resembling betel leaves. As it_____ (is/are) not seen for most of the year, they probably tie to a tree. It _________ (come/comes) up only in the rainy season.
has, is, comes.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
Fresh juice is more better than soft drinks.
Fresh juice is better than soft drinks.

Question 38.
Where they are going?
Where are they going?

E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
He turned to me and said, “put on your __________” [Clothes/Cloths] [fill in the black with the appropriate word given in bracket]

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

Question 40.
The man gave_____(protect) to the elephant. [Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in bracket]

Question 41.
Flower pots / in / grown / Bonsai plants/are. (Re-arrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
Bonsai plants are grown in Flowerpots.

Question 42.
The Englishman took out his gun? (Add a suitable question tag)
Didn’t he?

Question 43.
The narrator carried on a profession. (Change into question beginning with the right form of “Do”)
Did the narration carry on a profession?

Question 44.
The narrator lived in a big city (Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as an answer)
Where did the narrator live?

VI. A. Read the following TV schedule and answer the questions set on it. (4 × 1 = 4)

1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South) 1
Question 45.
(i) Which channel would you watch to know about the latest films?
(ii) When can you listen to music on Chandana?
(iii) The Channel broadcasting a program on mass media is
(a) Chandana
(c) NDTV
(iv) What program is telecasted at 7.00 am on CNN-IBN.
(i) NDTV
(ii) 16-00
(iii) (c) NDTV
(iv) Our leaders.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

B. Write a letter to your friend in Chennai requesting him/her to give you details about the computer courses available in his/her locality. (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 46.
Include the following points in your letter.

  • The best computer teaching center
  • Different courses available
  • Fees structure
  • Duration of the course.

Akshaya Gupta
No. 22, 1 Cross
Gandhinagar, Bangalore-04
28 February 2018
Neha Choudhary
Swarny Vivekananda Nilaya
Vinobnagar, Chennai.

Dear Neha,
Hi. How are you? J am coming to Chennai to visit my grandparents during my summer holidays. I want to take up some computer courses. I request you to please give me details of the best computer teaching center in Chennai. I also would Like to get information about the courses available, fees structure and duration of the course. Do write soon. I am waiting to hear from you.

Your dearest Friend
(Akshaya Gupta)

VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under B. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 47.

A. Expressions B. Functions
1. Can I keep the book for few days? (a) apology
2. I don’t think ¡t would be possible (b) gratitude
3. We remain ever grateful to you (c) greeting
4. Hello, very good morning (d) Seeking permission
5. I ‘am extremely sorry for the delay (e) disagreeing

(1)- d,
(2) – e,
(3) – b,
(4) – e,
(5) – a.

B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Sneha: Hello, Pavithra. how are you?
Pavithra: ______________________
Sneha: How was your exam?
Pavithra: _________________________
Sneha: Don’t worry. You can do better next time.
Pavithra: _______________________
Sneha: No. I have to go home. Bye.
Pavithra: ______________________
Pavithra: Hello Sneha, I am fine Thank you
Pavithra: I have not done so well
Pavithra: Will you come with me to my home?
Pavithra: Bye Sneha.

KSEEB Solutions 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2018 (South)

C. Dialogue Writing : (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Write a dialogue between a rider and a traffic policeman for riding without a license. Cover the following points.

  • Underage rider
  • Fine to be paid
  • Request for an excuse.

Traffic Policeman: Park your vehicle in this comer.
Rider: What is the matter, sir?
Traffic Policeman: What is your age?
Rider: 16 years sir
Traffic Policeman: You are an underage rider. You need to pay a fine.
Rider: Sorry sir, Please excuse me as my mother is hospitalized.

Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 3 The Gift of the Magi

Every chapter available in the KSEEB SSLC Class 10 English Solutions subject is explained clearly in an easy way. Learn the depth concept by referring to the Chapter wise The Gift of the Magi Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary Class 10 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Have a look at every topic and get the complete knowledge on the English subject. Just refer to Karnataka Class 10 English Chapter 3 The Gift of the Magi pdf and have a grip on the total subject.

The Gift of the Magi Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

I believe that the best book is like a best friend to know the complete world by sitting in one place. When you have the best book you have many options to get great knowledge. Selecting the best book will lead to reaching your goal. Students who are looking for the best book to learn English can use Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 3 The Gift of the Magi. Immediately start your learning with Karnataka Board Class 10 English Solutions Pdf.

Comprehension Questions

I. Answer briefly the following questions.

The Gift Of Magi Notes KSEEB Solution Question 1.
How did Della save her one dollar and eighty-seven cents?
Della had saved the money by bargaining hard about prices with the grocer, the vegetable man, and the butcher.

The Gift Of The Magi Questions And Answers KSEEB Solution Question 2.
The writer gives details of Jim’s flat. Pick out the details.
It was a furnished flat at $8 per week. There was nothing to describe. In the vestibule below was a letterbox into which no letter would go, and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Attached to the button was a card bearing the name “Mr. James Dillingham Young.”

KSEEB Solution For Class 10 English The Gift Of Magi Question 3.
The card bearing the full name of Jim now had only one letter ‘D’ on it. State whether the statement is true or false.

The Gift Of The Magi Notes KSEEB Solution Question 4.
What were the most precious possessions of Jim and Della?
The most precious possession of Jim was the gold watch that had been his father’s and his grandfather’s before him. Della’s possession was her long rippling, shining hair that fell down like a cascade of brown waters.

The Gift Of Magi Question Answers KSEEB Solution Question 5.
How has the writer compared Della’s hair to Queen of Sheba’s jewels?
The writer says that had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty’s jewels and gifts.

Gift Of Magi KSEEB Solution Question 6.
How has the writer compared Jim’s watch to King Solomon’s treasures?
The writer says that had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard with envy.

The Gift Of The Magi Questions And Answers Pdf KSEEB Solution Question 7.
Why did Della decide to sell her hair?
Della wanted to buy a gift for Jim and she had only $1.87 which was not sufficient to buy any gift. Hence she decided to sell her hair and buy a good gift with the money she would get.

The Gift Of Magi KSEEB Solution Question 8.
How much money did she get for her hair?
She got $20 for her hair.

The Gift Of The Magi Questions And Answers For Class 10 KSEEB Solution Question 9.
What did Della buy for Jim?
Della bought a platinum fob chain to be used for Jim’s watch in place of the old leather strap that he used.

Gift Of Magi Questions And Answers KSEEB Solution Question 10.
How was the gift worthy of the watch?
The platinum fob chain was simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation.

The Gift Of The Magi Answers KSEEB Solution Question 11.
The writer says that the platinum chain was like Jim. How?
Della feels that the platinum chain was like Jim. Quietness and value – the description applied to both.

The Gift Of The Magi KSEEB Question 12.
What did Della try to fix before Jim get home?
Della tried to fix her chopped hair with curls before Jim got home.

The Gift Of The Magi Solution Question 13.
What was Jim’s reaction when he saw Della without her lovely hair?
Jim was dumb-struck upon seeing Della. His eyes were fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read.

The Gift Of Magi Notes Pdf KSEEB Solution Question 14.
What was Jim’s gift for Della? Give a brief description of the gift.
Jim’s gift for Della was a set of combs, side, and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window. They were beautiful, expensive combs, made of pure tortoise shell, with jeweled rims – just the shade to wear in the beautiful brown hair of Della.

The Gift Of Magi Lesson KSEEB Solution Question 15.
Were the gifts useful to each other?
No, the gifts were not useful to either of them.

The Gift Of The Magi Questions KSEEB Solution Question 16.
How did Della react when she saw Jim’s gift to her?
There was an ecstatic scream of joy when Della saw Jim’s gift to her. Then immediately, there was a quick change to hysterical tears and wails. She recalled how much she had yearned for them. She hugged them to her bosom, and at length, looked up with dim eyes and a smile and assured Jim that her hair would grow very fast.

The Gift Of The Magi Class 10 KSEEB Solution Question 17.
Jim and Della both gave up something dear to them. What does it tell us about them?
We have been already told that Jim and Della are a loving couple. Even in their exigent condition, they desire to gift something to each other. Both keep their attempts to buy a gift a secret from each other. In order to gather the money needed to buy a gift, they sell the most precious things they possess. Though their gifts prove to be useless, they gain in love and satisfaction with each other.

Question 18.
O. Henry’s stories often blend humor and pathos. The description of the card bearing Jim’s name is an example of this. Can you identify one more example from the story?
The mention of a pier-glass between the windows of the room is one more example of O. Henry’s humour blended with pathos. A very thin and very agile person might, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered this art.

The other example is of Della’s gift. When Jim looks at Della’s gift, he just puts his hands under the back of his head and smiles. He tells Della to put away their Christmas presents for some time, as they were too nice to use just at that time.

Question 19.
Who were the Magi?
The Magi were the wise men who brought gifts to the newborn Jesus. According to the Bible, the magi were three kings (Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar) who traveled to Bethlehem from somewhere in the East (probably Persia).

Question 20.
What is the writer’s last word to the wise of these days?
The writer ways that these two, Della and Jim, were the wisest of all those who give gifts. Of all who gave and received gifts, they were the wisest. They were the Magi.

II. Close Study

Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them.

Question 1.
She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love.
a) What does ‘generosity’ refer to?
The ‘generosity’ referred to was the readiness of Della to sacrifice the one precious thing she had-her shining brown hair.

b) What repairing work was carried out?
Her hair was being curled in order to make it look pleasant.

c) Why was the girl repairing the ravages?
Della knew that Jim would be shocked and disappointed to see her beautiful hair chopped off. Hence she tried to ‘repair the savages’.

Question 2.
A mathematician or a wit would give you the wrong answer.
a)What is the question alluded to here?
The question referred to here is ‘Eight dollars a week or million a year – what is the difference?’

b)What is the ‘right’ answer?
The cost of the flat doesn’t matter as long as the people who live there love each other very much.

c) What is the implied meaning of the statement?
In spite of their strained financial condition, Della and Jim were truly rich because they had a lot of love for each other and were ready to sacrifice their most prized possessions for each other.

III. Paragraph Writing:

Discuss in groups of 4 each the answers to the following questions. Individually note down the important points for each question and then develop the points into one paragraph answers.

Question 1.
Why are the gifts of Della and Jim compared to those of the Magi?

  1. The Magi brought gifts on their own, out of love for their lord.
  2. They brought wonderful gifts, which could possibly be exchanged in case of duplication.
  3. Della and Jim too brought gifts for each other, sacrificing their own precious possessions in the process.
  4. Their gifts are greater than those of the Magi because they cannot be exchanged.

Paragraph: The gifts of Della and Jim are compared to those of the Magi. The Magi were the three wise men who brought gifts to the newborn Jesus. Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar traveled from Persia to Bethlehem at great risk to themselves to give their gifts to the newborn. This showed their love and reverence for the newborn.

Likewise, Jim and Della took risks when they sold the most precious possessions they had in order to show their love for each other. In fact, the writer describes them as the wisest of all those who give and receive gifts as they gave up the only priced possessions they had. They are fit to be described as the Magi.

Question 2.
Write on the appropriateness of the title.

  1. The gift of the Magi was an offering to the Lord.
  2. It was given out of love and affection.
  3. The writer points out that the couple is greater than the Magi because their gifts cannot be exchanged unlike those of the Magi.

Paragraph: The writer gives the title to suggest that the story is one of love and affection. The writer points out that the gifts of even ordinary people like Della and Jim can be greater than those of the Magi who were kings and had a lot of wealth. Finally, when they are not able to collect enough money for the gifts, both of them sell the most precious things they had with them – Jim sells his gold watch which belonged to his father and grandfather before him. Della sells her long, beautiful, rippling hair.

The most important point is that, unlike the gifts of the Magi which could be exchanged in case of duplication, the gifts of Della and Jim cannot be exchanged at all. It would be a long time before they used their gifts.

Question 3. Imagine that you were Della and write on the conflict you went through before you sacrificed your hair.

  1. I desperately wanted to give a gift to Jim for Christmas.
  2.  I had very little money, Jim doesn’t earn much, and I try very hard to save whatever little I can by bargaining with all the sellers I have to deal with.
  3. I always knew that my long, beautiful hair was something even Jim was proud of.
  4. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized I could earn a little money by selling my hair. Anyway, the hair would grow back.
  5. When I finally got ready to step out of the house to sell my hair, I had second thoughts. I did not want to lose something so beautiful. But I had to do it. There was no other way to get money. And I had to present a gift to Jim for Christmas.

IV. Vocabulary Exercises:

A. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given in the box below.

(beggar description, at last, made for;,’’ turn inside out, on the sly, on account of, give way, look for, be on the lookout for, to attend to)
  1. Della’s despair _________ to ecstatic joy.
  2. The takeoff was delayed __________ the bad weather.
  3. We are _________ new opportunities.
  4. Her conduct is so strange that it ____________.
  5. I have some urgent work ____________.
  6. ___________ we reached home.
  7. The burglar had _________ the house __________.
  8. Della and Jim were _________ each other.
  9. The two of them must have been ‘meeting _________.
  10. We __________ an improvement in our son’s performance this year.


  1. gave way
  2. on account of
  3. on the lookout for
  4. beggars description
  5. to attend to
  6. At last
  7. turned, inside out
  8. made for
  9. on the sly
  10. are looking for.

B. Fill in the blanks with the antonyms of the words underlined.

  1. The iron rails __________ in summer and contract in winter.
  2. Writing a novel is a laborious process: it is not ___________ .
  3. We should remain calm in ___________ as we do in times of prosperity.
  4. He is very proud of his team’s achievements but is very __________ about his own glorious achievements.
  5. The former option would be much more sensible than the ____________ one.
  6. In Bengaluru, the value of properties has appreciated but the quality of life has ___________.
  7. Investing in shares requires prudence: investing all your money in shares is ___________.


  1. expand
  2. simple
  3. adversity
  4. modest
  5. latter
  6. depreciated
  7. foolishness

V. Language Activities:

A. Dialogue writing: Pair work

Question 1. Write an imaginary conversation between Della and Jim after they presented gifts to each other. You may begin your conversation like this;

  • Della: Why are you looking so dull?
  • Jim: No, dear. I’m not.
  • Della: I told you, my hair will grow fast…
  • Jim: You know that I find you beautiful
    whether your hair is long or short.
  • Della: Then why did you become silent on seeing me?
  • Jim: Open that present. You will understand why.
  • Della: Oh, what wonderful combs!
    How much I had wanted them!
  • Jim: But Della dear, will you be able to wear. them? Your hair has been cut.
  • Della: So it is. But that doesn’t matter. It’s hair after all. It’ll grow back soon. I will be able to wear these wonderful combs someday. Jim, never mind these. Look at what I have got for you!
  • Jim: A platinum fob chin! Oh, Dell!
  • Della: Isn’t it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You’ll have to look at the tiine a hundred times a day now.
  • Jim: Well, let’s put our Christmas presents away and keep them awhile. They’re too nice to use just at present. „
  • Della: Why do you say so, Jim? Give me your watch. I want to see how this chain looks on it.
  • Jim: I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. See? Neither of us can use our gifts. Now, you put the chops on. Let’s eat and sleep.

B. Reporting:
Read the following dialogue between Della and Jim carefully and rewrite it in the reported speech.

“Jim darling,” cried Della, don’t look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it. It’ll grow out again. You won’t mind, will you? I just had to do it.”
“You have cut off your hair?” asked Jim laboriously.
“Cut it off and sold it,” said Della. Don’t you like me as well, anyhow? I’m me without my hair, ain’t I?
“You say your hair is gone?” he said, with an air almost of idiocy.
“You needn’t look for it,” said Della. “It’s sold, I tell you sold and gone, too. It’s Christmas Eve, a boy. Be good to me, for it went for you. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?”
When Jim stood to look at her, Della affectionately asked Jim not to look at her that way. She informed him that she had had her hair cut off and sold it. She assured him that it would grow out again. She asked him not to mind her cutting the hair because she had to do it.

In spite of all her explanations, Jim again asked her, with difficulty, whether she had cut off her hair. Della repeated that she had cut her hair off and sold it. She asked whether he didn’t like her in spite of it. She asserted that she was the same Della even without her hair. Jim, with an air almost of idiocy, asked again whether her hair was gone. Della said with emphasis that her hair was truly sold and gone. She asked him not to look for it. She pleaded him to be good to her because it was Christmas Eve. She pointed out that her hair was gone for his sake. Then she enquired whether she should put the chops on.

C. Reporting: Oral (pair work)

Question 2.
Imagine you went for an interview where they asked you the following questions. Tell your partner what questions were asked using indirect speech.

  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Have you passed the 10th standard?
  5. Do you know cycling?
  6. Why do you want to work?
  7. Why don’t you continue your studies?
  8. What games do you play?
  9. How much salary do you expect?
  10. Are you ready to work for a few extra hours if you are asked to?


  • Ramesh: Hi Radha! How did the interview go in the morning?
  • Radha: Hi Ramesh! The interview was good.
  • Ramesh: What questions did they ask?
  • Radha: They asked me many questions, but all of them were simple.
  • Ramesh: Can you tell’ me those questions? –
  • Radha: Sure. First, they asked me my name. Next, they asked me about my age and where I lived. They asked whether I had passed 10th standard and whether I knew cycling. They wanted to know why I desired to work and not continue my studies. They also asked what games I played and how much salary I expected. Finally, they asked whether I was ready to work for a few extra hours if they wanted me to.

D. In the following set of sentences, the sequencing of events has been jumbled up. Rearrange them and complete the given flowchart.

  1. She listens to other people and changes her mind if it is necessary.
  2. My father, on the other hand, is very stubborn.
  3. My mother is open-minded; she doesn’t stick to one idea.
  4. I think they have only one personality trait in common.
  5. They are both very giving to my sister and me.
  6. If he has an opinion, he refuses to change it.


  1. My mother is open-minded; she doesn’t stick to one idea.
  2. She listens to other people and changes her mind if it is necessary.
  3. My father, on the other hand, is very stubborn.
  4. If he has an opinion, he refuses to change it.
  5. I think they have only one personality trait in common.
  6. They are both very giving to my sister and me.

E. Read the first paragraph of the story carefully. It has seven sentences. The first three sentences are very short (the first sentence has five words, the second, three the third eight words). They are followed by quite a long sentence (34 words) and the next three sentences are again very short.
Such a mixture is a matter of style. It adds variety to the narration.

Question 1.
Can you pick up one more such example from the story?
It was like him. Quietness and value – the description applied to both. Twenty-one dollars they took from her for it, and she hurried home with the 87 cents. OR Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for something nice for him.

Question 2.
Can you try writing a paragraph on one of the following using a similar style?
a) Love
b) Friendship
c) Sacrifice
(a) Love. Love, the most desired experience in the world! Also, the most incomprehensible thing in the world! I want to be loved, but do I understand it when I am shown, love? Not at all. I am searching for love everywhere except where it has always been. Perhaps I am only in love with love, and cannot be in love with any person.

F. Letter writing
Imagine that you are a Social Service volunteer and have been camping in a village for ten days. Write a letter about your experience with the Editor of a daily.

12th April 2015

Umesh N.
No. 18, Hanumanthnagar
5th Cross, Chamarajapet

The Editor,
Indian Express
M.G. Road,

Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to share with readers of your newspaper an interesting experience I had in a small village Ramapura, recently at the ten days Social Service Camp.

I had been to as a volunteer, for the benefit of your readers. The camping site had been chosen to keep in mind the needs of the local people. Recently, a communal riot had disturbed the peace of the residents. As a result, there appeared to be a lot of misunderstanding between the Hindus and the Muslims who had lived for ages as one community. It was heartbreaking to see them harm each other and destroy each other’s houses and property.

Under this critical situation, it was edifying to see the social workers building their houses, taking care of the elderly and the very young and some women who had been left scared and homeless. I was in¬charge of documenting the problems of the people for redressal. Through my work, I learned to appreciate my own blessings and to value communal harmony.

Having spent time at the camp, I have made up my mind never to be a part of a communal riot, but the value and promote peace and harmony.

Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
N. Umesh.

VI. Speaking

B. Look carefully at the following series of pictures. They tell us a story. In pairs, narrate the story to each other.

Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 3 The Gift of the Magi 1

a. The moral of the story.
Co-operation works better than the competition during problematic times.

b. A title or a caption for the story.
“Together We Win.”

VII. Grammer Revisited

A. Subject-verb agreement (Refer to appendix II before doing this exercise)
Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs

  1. The number of visitors (was/were) really large in the last week’s School Day celebrations.
  2. The rapidity of these movements (is/are) beyond expectation.
  3. Time and tide (wait/waits) for none.
  4. Honor or reputation (are/is) dearer than life.
  5. The ship with all the passenger (were/was) sunk by the enemy.
  6. Intelligence as well as industry (are/is) essential for success in today’s competitive world.-
  7. Neither the hens nor the cock (is/are) in the yard.
  8. Either James or I (is/am) going to get the prize.
  9. Twenty thousand rupees (is/are) the price of a good mobile.
  10. The staff (is/are) in a meeting.
  11. Mathematics (is/are) my favorite subject.
  12. More than one person(say/says) so.
  13. Many a flower (wither/Withers) unseen.
  14. The most readable part (are/is) the last three chapters.
  15. Ship after ship (are/is) leaving for America.
  16. The secretary and treasurer (have/has) called, me to the office.
  17. He is one of those who (trusts/I trust) everyone.
  18. Each of the boys (sing/sings)well
  19. Every one of the chocolates (was/were) stale.
  20. All of the pies
  21. Some of the pie (is/are) missing.
  22. None of the garbage (was/were)picked up.
  23. Either of us (is/are) capable of solving the problem
  24. None but fools (has/have) ever believed it.
  25. One of the students (is/are) absent.
  26. Not only the soldiers but also the officer (were/was) drunk.
  27. The politician along with the newsman, (is/are) expected shortly.
  28. The pair of scissors J (belong/belongs) to my uncle.
  29. A lot of work (has/have) to be done.
  30. I wish I (knew/know) her address.


  1. was
  2. was
  3. waits
  4. is
  5. was
  6. is
  7. is
  8. am
  9. is
  10. are
  11. is
  12. says
  13. withers
  14. are
  15. is
  16. has
  17. trust
  18. sings
  19. was
  20. are
  21. is
  22. was
  23. is
  24. have
  25. is
  26. was
  27. is
  28. belongs
  29. has
  30. knew

B. Inversion:
Some phrase openings require the inversion of subject and verb Eg. At no time have I seen him so upset Make sentences using the following phrase opening. All of them require inversion.

Question 1.
Not only _____ but _____
Not only does she sing but also dance well.

Question 2.
Not even once ______
Not even once has the teacher come late to class.

Question 3.
On no account ______
On no account should you go out of the house.

Question 4.
Only by running at full speed ______
Only by running at full speed will you be able to catch the moving bus.

Question 5.
On no occasion ______
On no occasion have I seen my uncle. dressed in untidy clothes.

Question 6.
So badly _______
So badly did I need water that I did not hesitate to ask the stranger.

Question 7.
Seldom ________
Seldom does a lie succeed in solving the problem;

Question 8.
In no circumstances ______
In no circumstances should you take money belonging to the organization?

Question 9.
Nowhere _______
Nowhere could we find a suitable replacement for the car tire.

Question 10.
To such a pitch ______
To such a pitch did the children’s voices rise that the principal was forced to come out and silence them.

Question 11.
Only on that account _______
Only on that account did I go leaving you behind.

Question 12.
Only by paying double the money _______
Only by paying double use money could I manage to get petrol on the day of the bundh.

C. Add suitable tags to the following statements.

Question 1.
You like me just as well,?
don’t you?

Question 2.
Let’s be happy on this Christmas Eve?
shall we?

Question 3.
Do you like this gift,?
don’t you?

Question 4.
None can ever count my love for you,?
can they?

Question 5.
It’s dandy,?
isn’t it?

Question 6.
Give it to me quick,?
will you?

Question 7.
Come in,?
won’t you?

Question 8.
Their gifts, were no doubts wise ones,?
weren’t they?

Question 9.
Did they love each other very much?
didn’t they?

Question 10.
I look like a Coney island chorus girl?
don’t I?

VIII. Language For Fun

A. What is a palindrome?
It’s a word, sentence or paragraph that reads the same backward as well as forwards.
Our first parents in the Garden of Eden must have introduced themselves in palindromic fashion.
“Madam, I’m Adam” “Eve”. How fast can you recall at least ten palindromic words? i
sees, ere, tot, wow, bob, peep, civic, pop, deed, noon.

B. The following boxes conceal meaningful phrases. Use your imagination and decipher them.
The Answer for the Box is: “Half an hour.”

Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Chapter 3 The Gift of the Magi 2

 The Gift of the Magi Summary in English

The Gift of the Magi is a story about a poor but devoted couple Jim and Della who sacrificed their best treasures to purchase Christmas gifts for each other.

She had intended to give a surprise present to’ her husband on the eve of Christmas.

She had saved one dollar and eighty- seven cents after hard bargaining with the grocer, vegetable man, and the butcher.

She had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

She wanted to buy something nice for him but she couldn’t.

Now there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Young in which both took a mighty pride.

One way Jim’s gold watch that had been his father’s and his grandfather’s.

The other was Della’s long, beautiful hair, the hair below her knee. She sold her hair for twenty dollars.

She bought a platinum fob chain, simple and chaste in design for 21 dollars.

She hurried home With 87 Cents. With that chain on his watch, Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company.

Jim came home, “Merry Christmas! Jim. Let’s be happy. You don’t know what a nice gift I have got for you ……”.T have my hair cut and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present” said Della.

Jim presented her beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell with Jewelled rims.

She hugged them to her bosom. Della presented him with a golden chain for his watch.

The Gift of the Magi Summary in Kannada

The Gift of the Magi Summary in Kannada 1
The Gift of the Magi Summary in Kannada 2
The Gift of the Magi Summary in Kannada 3

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2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth

Students who are in search of Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary. First check in which chapter you are lagging and then Download Karnataka Board 2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Chapter Wise. Students can build self confidence by solving the Answers with the help of Karnataka State Board 2nd PUC. English is the scoring subject if you improve your grammar skills. Because most of the students will lose marks by writing grammar mistakes. So, we suggest you to Download Karnataka State Board 2nd PUC English Answers according to the chapters.

Karnataka 2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth

Check out the topics covered in 2nd PUC before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Karnataka 2nd PUC English pdf links. The Answers for Karnataka 2nd PUC English Textbook Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Karnataka 2nd PUC English Textbook Answers you can cover all the topics in 2nd PUC Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth. This helps to improve your communication skills.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Comprehension I

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth KSEEB Solution Question 1.
According to the poet, ‘heaven’ is
(a) on earth
(b) within us
(c) elsewhere.
(a) on earth.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth Summary KSEEB Solution Question 2.
The poet finds god in
(a) nature
(b) earth
(c) temple.
(a) nature.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth Notes KSEEB Solution Question 3.
What does the line ‘Heaven lies all over’ suggest?
Heaven is not elsewhere but within us and is all over the world. If we are good, then that is heaven and if we are bad that is hell. Nature is also a heaven as we can find heaven in objects like trees, moon, sands of grains etc.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth Summary 2nd Puc KSEEB Solution Question 4.
Who creates’heaven on earth’?
Where does the poet create heaven?
The poet creates heaven on earth.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Comprehension II

Heaven Is A Product Of Human Effort KSEEB Solution Question 1.
Describe the beauty in nature that makes the earth a heavenly place.
How has the poet glorified heaven on earth?
The poet Kuvempu argues that we do not need to seek heaven after death. We can enjoy the heavenly bliss in looking at Nature on this earth itself. The poet presents a beautiful description of nature’s beauty. The poet emphatically states that the bliss that one experiences while looking at the streams that are leaping down, roaring from the top of the hills, the waves that come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the sprawling green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a heavenly place.

Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth Summary KSEEB Solution Question 2.
Why does the poet feel that earth is more beautiful than heaven?
According to Kuvempu, there is no heaven in reality. Entities like ‘God’, ‘Heaven’, and the nymphs are merely figments of man’s imagination. All the different forms of nature like the green forests, the streams that leap down the hills, the waves that roll across the seas, the moonlit night, and the splendour of harvest appear more beautiful than the imaginary descriptions of the man.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Comprehension III

Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth KSEEB Solution Question 1.
How does the poet explain the illusion of heaven in the poem?
How does the poem ‘Heaven, if you are not here on Earth’ visualise heaven?
Kuvempu considers concepts like ‘God’, ‘nymphs’ and ‘heaven’ as myths created by man. He opines that if at all ‘heaven’ exists it exists only on this earth and nowhere else. In order to break the illusion of heaven in man’s mind, he presents before us charming sights of nature and argues that nothing can be more heavenly than these forms of nature.

He makes a direct address to nature and declares that if heaven does not exist on the earth where else can it be. He justifies his statement referring to the streams, the waves, and the sunlight. He says that the streams that leap down roaring from the top of the hills, the rolling surf at the edge of the waves, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the green forests, the gentle sun warming the earth all these make the earth heaven.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth Full Poem KSEEB Solution Question 2.
How does the poem celebrate the power of the poet?
Having argued categorically that if at all there exists an entity called heaven, it exists only on this earth, the poet Kuvempu presents before the readers’ beautiful sights of nature. In the last stanza, the poet states that one sees chunks of heaven lying all over in the splendour of harvest and of moonlight. He concludes the poem celebrating poetic talent. He says that the poet enjoys looking at Nature, imbibes the beauty of nature and spills the nectar of heaven, on the earth, through his poetry.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each:

Heaven, If You Are Not On Earth Full Poem KSEEB Solution Question 1.
Where can heaven be found, according to Kuvempu?
Where, according to the poet, did he see heaven?
Where does the poet create heaven in the poem ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
On this earth itself.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth Poem KSEEB Solution Question 2.
Where does the tender sunshine lean?
The tender sunshine leans on gardens green with grass or other rich vegetation.

Heaven If You Are Not On Earth 2nd Puc Notes KSEEB Solution Question 3.
How does the poet create heaven on earth?
The poet creates heaven on earth by imbibing the beauty of nature and spilling the nectar of heaven, on the earth, through his poetry.

Heaven, If You Are Not On Earth Summary In English KSEEB Solution Question 4.
What, according to Kuvempu, are only figments of man’s imagination?
‘Heaven’, ‘God’, and ‘nymphs’ are not tangible entities but are only figments of man’s imagination.

Question 5.
When, according to the speaker, can there be no Gods?
According to the speaker, if we ourselves cannot be gods, then there can be no gods.

Question 6.
According to the speaker, heaven is
(a) on earth
(b) not on earth
(c) beyond earth.
(a) on earth.

Question 7.
Who creates heaven on earth?
The poet.

Question 8.
How does the poet imbibe and spill the ‘song of nectar’?
What does the poet imbibe and spill to create heaven on earth?
The poet absorbs the beauty of nature through his eyes and spills the ‘song of nectar’ through his poetry.

Question 9.
According to the poet makes this Earth heaven.
(a) heavenly nymphs
(b) gods
(c) gentle sun.
(c) gentle sun.

Question 10.
What could not be anywhere else but on earth, according to the speaker, in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
According to the speaker in the poem ‘Heaven, if You are not Here on Earth’ it is heaven. If heaven is not on the earth, it can be nowhere else.

Question 11.
According to the speaker in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’, if we ourselves cannot be gods, then there can be no
(a) gods
(b) nymphs
(c) humans.
(a) gods.

Question 12.
When can there be no nymphs, according to the speaker, in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
According to the speaker in the poem, there can be no nymphs if we ourselves are not heavenly nymphs.

Question 13.
According to the speaker in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’ if we ourselves aren’t heavenly nymphs, the nymphs are not
(a) everywhere
(b) nowhere
(c) elsewhere.
(c) elsewhere.

Question 14.
Who, according to the speaker, imbibes and spills the song of nectar in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
According to the speaker in the poem, it is the poet who imbibes and spills the song of nectar.

Question 15.
What does the poet create on earth, according to the speaker, in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
According to the speaker in the poem, the poet creates heaven on earth.

Question 16.
What quality of harvest causes heaven to lie all over in ’Heaven If you are not here on Earth’?
In ‘Heaven, if you are not Here on Earth’, the splendour of harvest causes heaven to lie all over.

Question 17.
“In the splendour of harvest and of moonlight Heaven lies all over!” The phrase refers to
(a) harvest and moonlight are no match to heaven
(b) splendour is only in heaven
(c) heaven can be seen in the harvest and moonlight
(c) heaven can be seen in the harvest and moonlight.

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each:

Question 1.
Why does the speaker believe that heaven can be created only by human effort in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
The speaker convincingly argues that we do not need to seek heaven in the skies because this very earth is heaven-like in reality. He tries to prove this point by describing a roaring stream and the sunlit verdant garden. The poet emphatically states that the bliss that one experiences while looking at the streams that are leaping down, roaring from the top of the hills, the waves that come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the sprawling green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a heavenly place.

The poet presents two more pictures of heaven on earth. They are the splendour of harvest and the beauty of the moonlit night. The poet wishes that the reader brings to mind the harvest season when in every bit of agricultural land do we see heaps of grains covering the land. Then he mentions the moonlit night on which the whole earth seems to be bathed in silvery light. Finally, the poet says that we (the poets) who enjoy such heavenly sights, imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the nectar of heaven through our poetry and thus create heaven on earth.

Question 2.
What image of heaven does the poem, ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’ create?
According to the speaker, the poem creates a mesmerizing image of heaven which is reflected in the description of pristine nature created by the poet. There are roaring streams leaping down from the top of the hills. The waves come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges. The tender rays of sunlight falling on the vast expanse of green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth enhance the beauty of the Earth, creating an image of Heaven on earth. The splendour of harvest and the pleasant moonlight that bathes the earth makes it all the more heavenly.

Question 3.
What are the requirements of heaven, according to ‘Heaven, If You Are NotHere On Earth’?
As expressed in the poem, Heaven is imagined to be the abode of gods and heavenly nymphs. Besides, it must have roaring and leaping streams, waves rolling with surf at their edge, the vast expanse of green forests being clothed by the tender rays of the sunlight, warmed by the gentle sun during the day and cooled and covered by moonlight at night.

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each:

Question 1.
‘Heaven is a creation of one’s own mind’. Explain with reference to ‘Heaven, if you are not here on earth’.
Why does the speaker in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here on Earth’ say that heaven is nowhere else but on earth?
The very title of the poem suggests the intention of the poet. The poet wishes to argue that concepts like ‘heaven’, ‘god’, nymphs, etc., are not tangible entities but are only figments of man’s imagination. On the other hand, all the imaginary comforts, pleasures, and bliss one believes to enjoy in heaven, can be got in reality on this earth. The poet presents a beautiful picture of the different forms of nature which make this earth a heaven.

The poet claims that the roaring streams that tumble down fast from the top of the hills, the rolling surf at the edge of the waves that come rolling across oceans and seas, the tender rays of the sunbathing the vast green forests, and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a heaven.

Question 2.
‘Heaven lies all over’. How is this brought out in ‘Heaven, if you are not here on earth’?
How does Kuvempu show that heaven is here on earth?
How does the poet recreate and capture the beauty and splendour of heaven on earth?
Describe how the poem ‘Heaven, if you are not on earth’ visualizes heaven in nature.
Why does the speaker heaven, if you are not on earth’ say that heaven is right here on earth?
How, according to the speaker, does one find heaven on earth?
“Heaven is not a separate entity but a part of the earth to be created by human endeavour”. How does the poem ‘Heaven, if you are not here on earth present this?
Having convincingly argued that we do not need to seek heaven in the skies, and this very earth is heavenly in reality, the poet presents the splendour of harvest and the beauty of the moonlit night. The poet calls these chunks of heaven. The poet wishes the reader to bring to mind the harvest season when in every bit of agricultural land do we see heaps of grains, covering the land.

He then presents a beautiful picture of the different forms of nature which make this earth a heaven. The poet claims that the roaring streams that tumble down fast from the top of the hills, the rolling surf at the edge of the waves that come rolling across oceans and seas, the tender rays of the sunbathing the vast green forests, and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a heaven.

Secondly, he mentions the moonlit night on which, the whole earth seems to be bathed in silvery light. Finally, the poet tells the reader that the poets who enjoy such heavenly sights imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the nectar of heaven through their poetry. This way the poet creates heaven on earth and celebrates the joys of heaven through his poetry.

Question 3.
How, according to the speaker, can we create heaven on earth?
Human effort alone can create heaven on earth. How is this brought out in ‘Heaven, If you are not here on Earth’?
The poet Kuvempu convincingly argues that we do not need to seek heaven in the skies because this very earth is heaven-like in reality. He tries to prove this point by describing a roaring stream and the sunlit verdant garden. The poet emphatically states that the bliss that one experiences while looking at the streams that are leaping down, roaring from the top of the hills, the waves that come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the sprawling green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a heavenly place. The poet presents two more pictures of heaven on earth. They are the splendour of harvest and the beauty of the moonlit night.

The poet wishes that the reader brings to mind the harvest season when in every bit of agricultural land do we see heaps of grains covering the land. Then he mentions the moonlit night on which the whole earth seems to be bathed in silvery light. Finally, the poet says that we (the poets) who enjoy such heavenly sights, imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the nectar of heaven through our poetry and thus create heaven on earth.

Question 4.
Heaven is nothing but a replica of the best qualities of Earth. How does the poem ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’justify this statement?
” The poem ‘Heaven, if You are not Here on Earth’, makes an attempt to argue that there is no ‘Heaven’ in reality. Entities like ‘God’, ‘Heaven’, and the ‘Nymphs’ are merely figments of man’s imagination. In response to the belief that ‘Heaven’ is mesmerizingly beautiful and is the abode of ‘Gods’ and the ‘Nymphs’, the poem asserts that ‘Heaven’ is only a replica of the resplendent and pristine Nature. When we are treated with kindness and compassion in times of distress and helplessness, we attribute it to the divinity of God. This is only a replica of ‘Man’ giving divine help to his fellow beings in times of distress and saving them.

We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature represented as young girls living in trees, streams, mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of this earth.

Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs, ‘Heaven’ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place. The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven’s beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil and pleasant.

On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as ‘divinity’ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on earth.

Question 5.
‘It is not gods that make heaven but humans who attain divinity’. How is this brought out in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
The idea that ‘it is not gods that make heaven but humans who attain divinity’ is expressed in lines three and four:

“If we ourselves cannot be gods
Then there can be no gods!”

According to the poet, heaven is only a replica of the resplendent and pristine nature. There is no distinct or substantial entity called ‘God’ and it is the man who makes the earth ‘Heaven’. When ‘man’ treats his fellow beings with kindness and compassion in times of distress and helplessness, he attains divinity. He is as divine as God. This is only a replica of a man giving divine help to his fellow beings in times of distress and saving them. It is such human beings with divine kindness and compassion that make ‘Heaven’ on earth.

Question 6.
‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’ tries to remove the traditional picture of heaven. Discuss.
” The poem ‘Heaven, if You are not Here on Earth’, makes an attempt to argue that there is no ‘Heaven’ in reality. Entities like ‘God’, ‘Heaven’, and the ‘Nymphs’ are merely figments of man’s imagination. In response to the belief that ‘Heaven’ is mesmerizingly beautiful and is the abode of ‘Gods’ and the ‘Nymphs’, the poem asserts that ‘Heaven’ is only a replica of the resplendent and pristine Nature. When we are treated with kindness and compassion in times of distress and helplessness, we attribute it to the divinity of God. This is only a replica of ‘Man’ giving divine help to his fellow beings in times of distress and saving them.

We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature represented as young girls living in trees, streams, mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of this earth.

Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs, ‘Heaven’ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place. The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven’s beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil and pleasant.

On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as ‘divinity’ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on earth.

Question 7.
Both human nature and the natural world play a vital role in the creation of heaven. Explain with reference to ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’.
” The poem ‘Heaven, if You are not Here on Earth’, makes an attempt to argue that there is no ‘Heaven’ in reality. Entities like ‘God’, ‘Heaven’, and the ‘Nymphs’ are merely figments of man’s imagination. In response to the belief that ‘Heaven’ is mesmerizingly beautiful and is the abode of ‘Gods’ and the ‘Nymphs’, the poem asserts that ‘Heaven’ is only a replica of the resplendent and pristine Nature. When we are treated with kindness and compassion in times of distress and helplessness, we attribute it to the divinity of God. This is only a replica of ‘Man’ giving divine help to his fellow beings in times of distress and saving them.

We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature represented as young girls living in trees, streams, mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of this earth.

Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs, ‘Heaven’ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place. The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven’s beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil and pleasant.

On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as ‘divinity’ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on earth.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth by Kuvempu About the Poet:

K.V. Puttappa (1904-1994) is widely known by the pen name Kuvempu. He is acknowledged as the greatest poet of the 20th century Kannada literature. He is the first among eight recipients of the Jnanpith Award for Kannada.

He is the second – after M. Govinda Pai – among Kannada poets to be revered as Rashtrakavi, a national poet. His work ‘Sri Ramayana Darshanam’, the rewriting of the great ancient Indian epic ‘Ramayana’ in modern Kannada, is regarded as a revival of the era of Mahakavya (Epic poetry) in a contemporary form and charm. He is immortalized by some of his phrases, and in particular for his contribution to Universal Humanism or in his own words ‘Vishwa Manavatha Vaada’. He was conferred the Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India. He has penned the Karnataka State anthem ‘Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate’. The poem has been translated into English by Dr. C. Naganna, a well-known poet, critic, and translator.

In this poem, Kuvempu urges us to take note of nature as a dynamic entity. For him, heaven is not something beyond the boundaries of this world, since the earth itself possesses all that the so-called heaven promises. The poet’s decisive inference that heaven is here on earth and nowhere else is seen from the beginning to the end. According to him, the stream, the waves, the splendour of harvest, the sunshine, the celestial eye, the moonlight – are all nothing but the reflection of that unseen paradise called heaven.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Summary in English

This poem is the English version of’Swargave, Bhoomiyoliradire Neenu’, a poem in Kannada, written by Kuvempu, one of the most revered poets of Karnataka.

The poem makes an attempt to give the reader a glimpse into the rationalistic outlook of the poet. The poet has tried to argue that concepts like ‘Heaven’, ‘God’, ‘Nymphs’ etc., are man’s creations. Entities like ‘Heaven’ and ‘God’ exist only on the Earth and you cannot find them anywhere else. The poet suggests that one should perceive divinity and enjoy the heavenly bliss in the company of Nature itself. The poet strongly believes that ‘Heavenliness and worldliness’ are not distinct or two separate entities and argues that there is no difference between worshipping or adoring Nature and worshipping or adoring God.

In the first two lines the poet addresses ‘Heaven’ and declares emphatically that if Heaven does not exist on the Earth where else can it be. It only means that the reader needs not look for ‘Heaven’ in the skies; if at all there is an entity called ‘Heaven’ one must find it on the earth only and nowhere else.

2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth image - 1

The poet refers to our beliefs about ‘Gods’ and ‘heavenly nymphs’. The poet expresses his conviction that there is no distinct or substantial entity called ‘God’ and it is Man himself who is God. Similarly, there exist no entities called ‘heavenly nymphs’. He firmly believes that we ourselves are the nymphs, and the nymphs are to be found nowhere else but on this earth only.

The poet wants to dispel the popular notion that gods and nymphs live in heaven. The poet, who wants to dismiss such beliefs, tells the reader that we ourselves should become gods and nymphs. The poet wants us to give up our belief that we go to heaven after death where we find gods and nymphs.

The poet tries to introduce us to the different forms or parts of heaven that exist on the earth. He presents a mesmerizing picture of ‘Nature’ in its pristine form. The poet states that the ‘bliss’ that we experience when we look at the streams that are leaping down, roaring, from the top of the hills, the waves that come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the vast expanse of green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this Earth, ‘Heaven’.

The poet refers to the beauty of the harvest season and the moonlit night. He declares that one enjoys heavenly bliss when one watches the splendour of harvest and the moonlit night. The poet ends the poem saying that the poet who imbibes this heavenly bliss, spreads the nectar of Heaven through his poetry on this earth.

A poet is endowed with a higher degree of imagination and sensibility. With these qualities, the poet appreciates nature’s beauty and in turn, the poet enables others to behold heaven on earth.

To sum up, the poet argues that we do not need to seek heaven after death, but can enjoy heavenly bliss even when we are alive, if only we have the ‘eyes’ to see ‘Heaven’ on this earth. ’Heaven’ exists only on the earth and nowhere else. One is sure to enjoy the pleasures of heaven when one looks at the splendour of Nature. The poet urges the reader to perceive the tremendous energy that lies underneath the physical beauty of Nature. This idea can be taken as the message of the poem.

Heaven, If you are not here on Earth Summary in Kannada

2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth image - 2
2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth image - 3
2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 10 Heaven, If you are not here on Earth image - 4


  • nymph: damsel
  • Froth: foam
  • Verdant: green with grass or other rich vegetation
  • Nectar: the drink of the Gods

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Karnataka Class 10 English Solutions Poem Chapter 9 Buttoo

Every chapter available in the KSEEB SSLC Class 10 English Solutions subject is explained clearly in an easy way. Learn the depth concept by referring to the Chapter wise Buttoo Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary Class 10 English Karnataka State Board Solutions. Have a look at every topic and get the complete knowledge on the English subject. Just refer to Karnataka Class 10 English Poem Chapter 9 Buttoo pdf and have a grip on the total subject.

Buttoo Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

I believe that the best book is like a best friend to know the complete world by sitting in one place. When you have the best book you have many options to get great knowledge. Selecting the best book will lead to reaching your goal. Students who are looking for the best book to learn English can use Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 9 Buttoo. Immediately start your learning with Karnataka Board Class 10 English Solutions Pdf.

Comprehension Questions:

I. Answer the following questions briefly.

Buttoo Poem Summary KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 1.
Why had Buttoo gone to Dronacharya?
Buttoo had gone to Dronacharya to learn the science of archery.

Butto Notes KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 2.
How did Drona respond to Buttoo’s request?
Buttoo was neither from a royal family nor rich. Hence he was rejected and driven away.

Buttoo Poem Questions And Answers KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 3.
“I came here to learn ‘thy science’, says Buttoo? What does ‘thy science’ refer to?
Dronachaiya’s science refers to his expertise in archery.

Buttoo KSEEB Class 10 Question 4.
Why did Buttoo revere Drona as his master?
Buttoo revered Drona as his master because Drona was the best in archery, and Buttoo got his inspiration and knowledge from him.

Butto Poem Summary KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 5.
Buttoo says “All that I have, all I shall conquer by my skill, gladly shall I to thee resign”. This shows Buttoo’s
a. reverence to Drona
b. generosity
c. gratitude
d. foolishness
(a) reverence to Drona.

Buttoo Poem Notes KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 6.
“Rash promises ever ends in strife.” By saying this Drona is
a) warning Buttoo of unpleasant consequences
b) offering Buttoo a chance to change his stance
c) hinting that his demand for recompense could be damaging or destructive to Buttoo
d) regretting the rash promise he had made to Aijuna
Both (c) and (d).

Butto Poem KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 7.
What did Drona seek from Buttoo as recompense?
Drona asked for Buttoo’s right-hand thumb as recompense.

Butto Poem Summary In English KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 8.
What justification did Drona give for his unfair demand?
He says that he had promised Arjuna that he shall make Arjuna the best archer ever, and there shall be no equal to Arjuna at Archery.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 English Buttoo  Question 9.
“Buttoo”, a small extract from a very long poem is composed in an Epic form. It makes use of archaic words like “unto”, “thee” (line 1). Pick out the other archaic words from this extract.
‘thy’, ‘lo\ ‘thou’, ‘hast’, ‘wilt’, ‘canst’, ‘aught’.

Butto Poem Notes KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Question 10.
The poem makes use of the dialogue form. The two speakers in the poem are Drona and Buttoo. Identify the lines/passages spoken by each of the two.
Drona: “It I’m Master ……… between us new,”
“It is a promise ?”
“Beware! Rash promise ever ends in strife.”
“If it is so – Arjuna hear !”
“For thy sake ………. for thee.”
“For this ……….. Modesty.”
Buttoo: “Oh Master, unto thee ………. from thee.”
“All that I have ………. they gracious will.”
“Yes. I swear ………… thou wilt.”
“Thou art my Master …………. from blame.”

II. Close Study

Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them:

Question 1.
“I press for this sad recompense”, says Drona.
a) What does ‘sad recompense’ refer to?
‘Sad recompense” refers to the compensation or the fee that Dronachaiya is asking from Buttoo for having learnt archeiy indirectly from him.

b) What does it tell us about Drona?
It tells us that Drona is a very shrewd person, and also a person of his word. He has promised Aijuna that he will make Aijuna the best archer in the world. Now Drona realizes that Buttoo might prove to be better than Aijuna, and so to keep his promise to Aijuna, Drona asks for the gift from Buttoo.

c) If it was ‘sad recompense’, why did Drona demand it?
Drona knows that what he is asking for is something veiy cruel. By asking for Buttoo’s right thumb, Drona is ensuring that Buttoo will never be able to use the bow and arrow in his lifetime. Drona is aware that Buttoo worships him as his teacher and is ready to give up even his life for his sake. Yet he takes advantage of this reverence and favours his royal protege, Aijuna. It is ‘sad’ because Drona has actually not done anything to make Buttoo an expert archer.

Question 2.
“The severed thumb was on the sod There was no tear in Buttoo’s eye.”
a) Why was the thumb severed?
Drona asks for the right-hand thumb as a compensation for his teaching in absence. In reality, Drona wanted to ensure that there was no rival to Aijuna in archery.

b) Why was there no tear in Buttoo’s eye?
Buttoo understands his teacher’s dilemma when Drona announces that he is doing this for Arjuna’s sake, and to keep his own promise to Aijuna. Hence Buttoo doesn’t regret cutting his thumb.

c) What does it tell you about Buttoo?
Buttoo is truly more ‘royal’ in sensibility and nobler than the other students of Drona. He had once been rejected by Drona for not being from a royal family, and for being poor. But after his family, and for being poor. But after this incident,
Buttoo appears richer and greater than any other person there, even his master.

III. Paragraph Writing

Question 1.
Discuss, in pairs, the great qualities of Buttoo and write down any five.
Buttoo was low in caste but still aspired to be a great archer. He was also very dedicated to pursue knowledge.

Though he was rejected knowledge by Drona, he still worshipped Drona as a teacher and perfected the science of archeiy by himself. Buttoo was never vain, despite his talent; he was humble and acknowledged Drona as his inspiration.

Butto was not only physically * strong but also emotionally strong. Even unfairly losing his vital thumb, knowing that he would never be a great archef, he still didn’t get angry or reject Drona, he left the matter to God. He was at peace with nature and God.

Drona also saw Butto as a role model for ‘self-help, truth and . modesty’. Conclusively we can say ‘dedication, loyalty, humility, truthfulness, selflessness, sacrificing nature, brilliance in his art, intelligence, etc. are the great qualities of Butto.

Question 2.
Discuss the following in groups of 4 each and write in a paragraph. Was Drona unfair in his demand?
Drona was the teacher of the Pandava and Kaurava Princes. He lived under their patronage, and was responsible for making the princes the best in the land of their chosen areas of warfare.

Thus, when Buttoo approached him for help in learning the art of archery, Drona rejected him and sent him away. Probably he had realized that Buttoo was not an ordinary hunter’s boy. Yet he was loyal to the royal family and declined to teach Buttoo.

Buttoo, on his part, should have understood the sentiments of Drona and stayed away from archery. But he did not do so. He created an image of Drona and learnt archeiy in front to it.

When Drona realized that Butto had turned out to be a greater archer than Arjuna, he foresaw the threat to the princes.

When Buttoo also confessed that he had learnt it secretively from Drona’s image, Drona got his opportunity.

Very shrewdly, and rather ruthlessly, he asked for the gift of his right-hand thumb from Buttoo, and eliminated all competition to his richer and more powerful students. He cannot be said to be unfair in his demand, though he was rather heartless.

Buttoo Poem Summary in English

Guru Dronacharya and buttoo (Ekalavya) is a famous story of Mahabharata era. Drona was very legendry and illustrious teacher. He taught only for princes and they become masters of all the arts which related to the warfare.

When Buttoo requested Drona to teach archery, Drona refused to teach as it was restricted to the royal princes. So Butto embarks upon an idea of self study. He installed the clay statue of Drona and able to gain the level of skill equivalent to that of Arjuna.

Once Butto was very much disturbed by barking dog. Furious Butto filled the mouth of the dog with seven arrows in fast succession. By seeing his talent Drona recalled Aijuna’s claim that he would allow no other pupil to be the equivalent of Arjuna.

As a matter of promise, Drona asked him to give his right thumb, Buttoo, however, cheerfully and without any hesitation severed his right thumb and offered it to Drona. And took an oath of not to shoot hereafter. Drona accepted his Gurudakshina. Drona purposely asked his right-thumb so that Buttoo has to loose his ability to pursue archery. This poem personifies the noblest human qualities of Buttoo towards his master Dronacharya.

Buttoo Poem Summary in Kannada

Buttoo Poem Summary in Kannada 1
Buttoo Poem Summary in Kannada 2

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