Karnataka 1st PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline

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1st PUC Geography as a Discipline One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define Geography. (T. B. Qn)
The scientific study of the earth surface and its various climates, natural resources and human activities.

Question 2.
What is Modern Geography? (T. & Qtl)
Modem geography deals with interaction between Earth and human activities.

Question 3.
Who is the Father of Geography?

Question 4.
Who used the term physical Geography first?
Immanuel Kant

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Question 5.
What is Lithosphere?
The solid outer layer of the earth is known as Lithosphere

Question 6.
What is Atmosphere?
The gaseous envelope circling the earth is known as the atmosphere.

Question 7.
What is Hydrosphere?
The major part of the earth’s surface is covered with water in various forms such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ponds etc.

Question 8.
What is Biosphere?
The major zone of the earth which consists of various forms of life includes both the animals as well as plants.

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Question 9.
What is Geomorphology?
It is a systematic study of landforms, their evolution and related processes.

Question 10.
What is Climatology?
Climatology encompasses the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of climates and climatic types and regions.

Question 11.
What is pedology?
It is the scientific study of soil formation, structure, texture, chemical composition and their influence on plant growth.

Question 12.
What is Hydrology?
Hydrology studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life.

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Question 13.
What are the two divisions of Bio-geography?
Phytogeography and Zoo-geography

Question 14.
What is cartography?
It is the science of making maps and charts.

Question 15.
What is Meteorology?
It is the study of weather conditions and their related elements.

Question 16.
What is Seismology?
The study of Earthquakes

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Question 17.
What is Astronomical geography?
It is the study of heavenly bodies of the space like planets, satellites, stars etc in relation to the earth.

Question 18.
What is economic geography?
Economic geography deals with the spatial aspects of production, distribution and consumption and also helps in understanding the most proper location for establishing different human activities.

Question 19.
Which branch of Geography deals with heavenly bodies of the space. (T. B. Qn)
Astronomical Geography is the study of the heavenly bodies of the space.

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Question 20.
What is Bio-Geography? (T. B. Qn)
It is the scientific study of the distribution of plants and animals.

Question 21.
Name the branches of Physical Geography. (T. B. Qn)
Geomorphology, climatology, Meteorology, Pedology are the major branches of physical geography.

Question 22.
Name the important two divisions of Geography?
Physical and Human Geography

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Question 23.
What is physical Geography?
The systematic study of the natural elements which constitute the earth’s surface.

Question 24.
Mention the components of Physical Geography?
Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and biosphere

Question 25.
What is Seismology?
The systematic study of earth quakes and propagation of elastic waves through the Earth.

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1st PUC Geography as a Discipline Two Marks Questions And Answers

Question 1.
Why Geography is called ‘Earth Science’? (T. B. Qn)
Geography is fundamentally a description of the earth. It deals with the varied natural or physical factors of environment, such as land forms, mountains water bodies, minerals, climate, soils, natural vegetation and plains.

Question 2.
Explain the term of Geography?
The word Geography is derived from the two Greek word ‘Geo’ which means earth and Graphic which means writing or study. Thus literally Geography means writing or study about the earth. Geography not only deals with a description of the earth, but it also deals with its inhabitants. So, Geography is the study of the earth and its people.

Question 3.
State the content of Geography?
Geography is a study of the varied features on the earth’s surface and their characteristics. Varied natural or physical factors of environment. Such as land forms, water bodies, minerals, climate, soils, natural vegetation and animal life, cultural or man made factors of environment like human settlement, their skills and capacities and the inter relationship between environment and man are included into the content of the geography.

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Question 4.
What is Cultural Environment?
The Cultural environment consists of all man made features on the surface of the earth. It is created by man for his own benefit. The settlements, dwellings, transport facilities, agriculture, industries, religion and government are some of the elements of cultural environment. It is also varies from place to place.

Question 5.
Write two definitions of Geography?
Vidal de la blache: Geography is the science of places.
Marthe: Geography is the science of distribution.

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Question 6.
Write two definitions of Physical Geography?
Oxford Dictionary: The branch of geography which deals with the natural features of the earth surface
Monk house F.J: Physical geography is concerned with those aspects of geography, which are concerned with the shape and form of the land surface, the configuration, the extent, and the nature of the seas and oceans.

Question 7.
How is Geography a discipline of synthesis? (T. B. Qn)
It is considered to be a liaison subject. It recognizes the fact that the world is a system of interdependency. Geography as an integrating discipline stands midway between Natural Science and Social Science. –

Question 8.
What is Mathematical Geography? (T. B. Qn)
The study of the shape and size of the earth, measurement of its curvature is known as Mathematical Geography. It helps to represent Latitudes, Longitudes, Shape of the Earth, Size, Cartographic and Quantitative Techniques, latitudes, longitude, shape of the Earth, Size, Cartographic and Quantitative Techniques.

Question 9.
What is Oceanography? (T. B. Qn)
The branch of science that deals with the physical and biological properties and phenomena of the sea, ocean, relief of the ocean floor.

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Question 10.
Name the four branches of Human Geography. (T. B. Qn)
Cultural Geography, Historical Geography, Economic Geography, Agricultural Geography.

Question 11.
What is the main focus of Physical Geography? (T. B. Qn)
The main focus of the Physical geography is on the life layer, a zone of the lands and oceans containing most of the world of organic life or biosphere. It concern physical factors that make the life layer habitable for all forms of plants and animals, but more particularly for humans.

Question 12.
What is physical Environment?
The natural elements of the earth’s surface are known as physical or natural environment. It comprises the elements like land forms, climate, rivers, soils, mountains, vegetation, animals. These are the gift of the nature and also variable from one place to another.

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1st PUC Geography as a Discipline Five Marks Questions And Answers

Question 1.
Explain the divisions of Geography?
There are two divisions of Geography 1. Physical geography and Human Geography. Physical Geography: Physical geography is the systematic study of the natural elements which constitute the earth’s surface. These elements are grouped into four categories such as the land, the water bodies, and the air and the plants as well as animals. Physical geography is an important branch of Geography which deals with the physical features of the Earth. Including land, air and water. It is an area of study that brings together and inter-relates the important elements of the physical environment of humans. It deals with the physical environment or physical aspect s of the Earth that are crated by nature.

Important areas of studies are:

  • Geomorphology – land, land features and landforms.
  • Climatology – Climate, atmospheric conditions and climatic change.
  • Meteorology – Weather conditions and weather changes,
  • Oceanography – Seas, oceans, relief of the ocean floor, configuration of ocean water, movements of ocean water etc.
  • Soil Geography – Formation and distribution of soils on the Earth.

Human Geography: It deals with man and his activities, particularly cultural environment factors or man made features. Important among them are culture, society, agriculture, mining, industry, transport, tourism, trade, population size etc., viz., Cultural Geography, Historical geography Political Geography, Agricultural Geography, and Economic Geography etc.

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Question 2.
Explain the meaning, content and scope of physical geography.
Geography can be classified into three major braches in terms of its contents. Physical geography is one of the major branch of geography. Meaning of Physical geography: Physical geography is the study of the natural environment on the surface of the earth or close to the surface of the earth. Physical geography is not so . much a basic science, but is an integration of a number of earth and life sciences which give insight into the nature of man’s environment. In other words, physical geography is the study of the physical or relief features, such as the land forms, the water bodies, the distribution of minerals, soils, climates, plants and animals which constitute natural or physical environment.

Content of physical Geography: Physical geography is the study of important components or factors of physical or natural environment or close to the earth’s; surface which influence man and his activities. It is the study of the physical aspects or elennents of the environment, such as land forms, water bodies, minerals, soils, climate, natural v egetation, animal life, etc depending upon which man lives and works.

Scope of Physical Geography: The scope of physical geography is very wide. Modern physical geography tries to interpret the natural environment as a dynamic entity. That is, it studies the interaction between the varies components of the environment rather than concentrating on a single component. In earlier period, its scope was confirmed only to record natural features on the earth’s surface like mountain, rivers, lakes, seas, etc. After successful exploration, discoveries and the development of science and technology, the scope of physical geography has widened. So, the physical geography converts the study of physical factors like the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

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Question 3.
Explain the Field of Geography?
The field of geography is very vast and contains several braches, because physical geography deals with physical as well as biological aspects. It includes the continents, water bodies, flora and fauna, atmosphere and its conditions. These constitute physical environment and determine the life and activities of human being in the different areas of the world. It deals with a variety of features, elements, and their origin and distribution pattern on the Earth’s surface. Field of geography the study of the areal differentiation on the earth covers surface, of its elements and feature, i.e. relief, drainage, climate, soil, vegetation, mineral deposits, population, land use etc.

These can be divided into two types. Natural features and Cultural features. All the physical elements and factors responsible for them form the environment. All those factors and elements which formed by nature come under natural environment. It includes landforms, climate, vegetation and animals, minerals, water bodies etc. They vary from place to place and have influence on the life and activities of human beings.

Human being must utilize the natural environment in the best possible manner to fulfill his needs and adjust to it. All those factors which are created by man form the cultural environment. It comprises of man-made features like human skill, races, religion, languages, settlements, tradition, political attitude, distribution of population etc. The factors of natural and cultural environment are inter connected and complex changes have taken place in certain region.

1st PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline 1

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Question 4.
Explain the nature and importance of physical Geography.
Physical geography is one of the major branch of geography. It deals with the physical aspects of the Earth and their effects on human beings.

Nature of Physical Geography: Physical Geography is the integrated study of the physical environment on close to the earth’s surface. Physical environment does not remain static. Because physical environment is complex and factors vary from place to place, they have changed through time, for e.g. Land forms, climate, plants and animals etc. So it is an ever changing process. The pattern of of natural features in different parts of the earth is continuously changing. Importance of Physical Geography: Modern physical geography is of much value and significance.

The value of modern physical geography is as follows:

  1. Physical geography not only deals with the important components of physical or natural environment, but also deals with the inter-connections between the various components of natural environment.
  2. Physical geography deals with the important components of the natural or physical environment. The natural environment and its spatial changes can be understood from a study of physical geography.
  3. The study of physical geography is essential to understand the natural environment of the earth, evolved by natural process through millions of years. The natural environment varies from one place to another.
  4. An understanding of the agents, processes and elements of physical environment, enable us to evaluate the varied nature of human life.
  5. Physical geography also provides information as to how man is able to adjust himself to his environment.
  6. Modern physical geography tries to interpret the natural or physical environment as a dynamic activity.

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Question 5.
Explain the important branches of Physical geography. (T. B. Qn)
The field of physical geography is wide as it includes the study of the entire surface of the earth and also its physical and biological process as well as their morphology. Modern geography has witnessed the development of many branches and some of them even grown into separate disciplines. Some of the important branches of physical geography are as follows:

  • Geomorphology: It is a systematic study of landforms, such as mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc.
  • Climatology: Climatology encompasses the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of climates and climatic types and regions.
  • Meteorology: The scientific study of atmosphere condition is called meteorology.
  • Pedology: It is the scientific study of soil formation, structure, texture, chemical composition and their influence on plant growth.
  • Hydrology: Hydrology studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life.
  • Seismology: It is the study of Earthquakes, their effects and distribution.
  • Astronomical Geography: It is the study of heavenly bodies of the space like planets, satellites, stars etc in relation to the earth.
  • Volcanology: It is the scientific study of tectonic process of volcanoes.
  • Astronomical geography: It is the study of heavenly bodies of the space like planets, satellites, stars etc in relation to the earth.
  • Bio-geography: It is the systematic study of the distribution of plants and animals.
  • Hydrology: The study of water on the earth’s land is known as hydrology.
  • Oceanography: The study of waves, tides and currents and the other characteristics of oceans, known as oceanography

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Question 6.
Explain the branches of Geography.
1. Physical Geography.
The field of physical geography is wide as it includes the study of the entire surface of the earth and also its physical and biological process as well as their morphology. Modern geography has witnessed the development of many branches and some of them even grown into separate disciplines.

Some of the important branches of physical geography are as follows:

  • Geomorphology: It is a systematic study of landforms, such as mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc.
  • Climatology: Climatology encompasses the study of structure of atmosphere and elements of climates and climatic types and regions.
  • Meteorology: The scientific study of atmosphere condition is called meteorology.
  • Pedology: It is the scientific study of soil formation, structure, texture, chemical composition and their influence on plant growth.
  • Hydrology: Hydrology studies the realm of water over the surface of the earth including oceans, lakes, rivers and other water bodies and its effect on different life.
  • Seismology: It is the study of Earthquakes, their effects and distribution.
  • Astronomical Geography: It is the study of heavenly bodies of the space like planets, satellites, stars etc in relation to the earth.
  • Volcanology: It is the scientific study of tectonic process of volcanoes.
  • Astronomical geography: It is the study of heavenly bodies of the space like planets, satellites, stars etc in relation to the earth.
  • Bio-geography: It is the systematic study of the distribution of plants and animals.
  • Hydrology: The study of water on the earth’s land is known as hydrology.
  • Oceanography: The study of waves, tides and currents and the other characteristics of oceans, known as oceanography.

2. Human geography: It deals with man and his activities particularly cultural environment factors on man made factors, Important among them are culture, Society, agriculture, mining, industry, transport forming trade population etc.
Some of the important grander of Human geography are as fallows:

(1) Political geography: It deals with spatial unit, people distribution, political behavior, political divisions etc.

(2) Economic geography: It refers to basic attributes of the economy such as production, distribution exchange of goods and consumption. It deals with the spatial aspects of production, distribution and consumption and also helps on understanding the most proper location for establishing different human activities.

(3) Commercial Geography: It deals with the spatial distribution of trade and commercial practices etc.

(4) Population Geography: It helps to understand the distribution, growth density, migration and various other components of population.

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