Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 8 with Answers
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
Who helped the elephant in ‘The Gentlemen of Jungle’?
The man.
Question 2.
What does the boy like to do in ‘The School Boy’?
The boy likes to get up early in summer when the birds will be singing on every tree.
Question 3.
What did Mara’s wife find on opening the packet of meat?
Only the leaves.
Question 4.
Who helped the narrator when he was in difficulty of not being able to pay the bill in the restaurant?
A man with a red turban who was a stranger to the narrator.
Question 5.
How are people without money usually treated?
People without money are treated as foodless and shelterless.
Question 6.
How many subjects were taught in Babar Ali’s school?
Ten subjects.
Question 7.
What are the uses of wood according to the speaker in the poem “ If I was a Tree”?
It can be burnt in the holy fine. It can be used to make a bier for earning a dead body.
Question 8.
How does The King respond to Mara’s information about the tank?
The; King asked Mara to accompany him the next day on his way back to his capital.
Question 9.
How does the farmer commit suicide in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
By poisoning himself.
Question 10.
When was Douglass’s mother supposed to meet him?
At night times.
Question 11.
What does the word ‘crack’ refer to?
Old age.
Question 12.
Why didn’t the author speak to the boys on their return journey?
To allow the boys to safely keep their secret.
II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each: (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
What is the moral of the story “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”.
The author, Jomo Kenyatta concludes the story ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’ by quoting ‘Peace is costly but it is worth the expense’. What the author is trying to convey to us through this short story is that in a society one’s weakness can be misused by the dominating people and this would ultimately lead the weaker section to have to leave the society. He is trying to instill the idea in the readers’ minds that the suppressed minority in a society will eventually rise to seek power. l-le stands. by his ground by saying that the dominated majority can fool the minority over a period of time but not forever. No one likes to be treated as a slave in society and equality is what everyone desires The moral of the story emphasizes to its readers that one should stop colonialism and discrimination, It comes from the old saying treat others the way you want to be treated.
Question 14.
Describe nature’s significance in children’s learning.
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy is very happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the summer morning. But when he thinks of school, his happiness disappears and he feels the school is a prison. The boy does not think freely in the school The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth.
The poet emphasizes nature. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling, he spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses free learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets àll round development and ensures the future of the nation.
Totally, the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture fèlt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.
Question 15.
How long did it take the narrator to learn the facts about the medicinal creeper? What does it signify?
The Narrator was a good friend of Mara. He was told several unbelievable stories by Mara. But the narrator did not believe him and assumed that they were all cock and bull stories. But when he heard ofAppanna’s account about a herb that if it was squeezed the milk became hard, he wanted to check it. So he plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to his friend Chandru, a pathologist. He told Chandru what he had heard about that plant. They decided to conduct the experiment and brought a liter of milk and put those leaves in the milk and mixed it with a mixer and poured it into a vessel. After a few minutes, the milk became firm and rubbery. So he came to believe in and learn the facts about the medicinal creeper. It signifies that the narrator did not believe it until it came from his own experience. Most of the educated ones become cynics and skeptics about the uneducated’s stories about medicinal creepers.
Question 16.
Describe the transformation that takes place in a person in “Oru Manushyan”.
The narrator used to forego his breakfast and morning tea so that he had the money for his evening meal and tea. One day as usual he came to the crowded restaurant and had his regular meal and tea. When he had to pay the bill, he realized that his wallet had been picked. He revealed this fact to the owner who only found it funny and laughed out loud. Though the narrator offered to leave his coat with the owner. he forced the narrator to take off all his clothes. As the narrator is very much ashamed of taking off his trousers. a stranger stopped him and paid his bill. He later made the narrator wear his clothes and took him away. When the narrator praised and thanked him, the stranger just laughed. He did not recall his name but only warned the narrator against speaking about him. The stranger showed five wallets to the narrator, out of which one was the narrator. The stranger told the narrator to check whether his money was intact, and he wished him good luck. The narrator had mixed feelings b now.
It is clear that his humiliation at the restaurant was due to the stranger’s picking his wallet and rendering him helpless. But he is also thankful for his help at the right moment. avoiding the humiliation of standing štark naked in front of all the people. He TNT that the stranger had perhaps undergone a transformation during his own interaction with the restaurant owner. This made him say at the end. ‘May God help you, and leave without saving anything more to the stranger.
Question 17.
“We must regain our sanity about money. Before we start killing one another about it.” Comment on the statement.
The poem Money Madness by DH. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money, A man who does not have money, does not get respect from society, and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social statuses, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties.
The poet says that man has this money madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same, He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So, the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status,
The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. 1f people do not regain sanity about money., certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread shoUld be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.
In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers him a solution for a heifer tomorrow.
Question 18.
How does Babar Ali get success in the development of the unprivileged?
Babar All started school at the age of nine. ¡n fact his school “Anand Siksha Nikctai” grew out of a game. Initially, the children used to pÍa with Babar as a teacher. His friends had never seen the inside of a school so they enjoyed playing with students.
They ended up Learning arithmetic and enjoying it. In 2002. this game got institutionalized with a strength of eight. Word spread and the numbers grew. Many friends of Ali and Non-Goernment Organisations. IAS officers and local cops donated rice for midday meals. At last, Government took the initiative to provide rice to the school, Now the school has 800 students in total. ith 10 volunteer teachers teaching for classes one to eight. It is a gods opportunity for the poór children of the neighboring villages.
Question 19.
How do you justify the poem “If I was a Tree” as a satire on social discrimination?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.
The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eyes.
The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In a society. a man without thinking of helping others. thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society
Question 20.
How differently did Mara treat the fisherman and the visitor?
Mara treated the fisherman in a harsh way because he had violated the command of the Goddess and the orders of the King that the place was sacred and no life was to be taken there. The fisherman is catching fish there. Mara warned him not to repeat the same crime again there. Mara’s duty was to look after the tank in a peaceful manner ensuring that no harm befalls any living creature there and the tank does not get polluted by man or beãst.
To the visitor from the farthest part of the kingdom, he spoke soft with kind words and offered him some food also. The visitor’s village was facing a water scarcity the crops were parching and cattle dying. He wanted some water to be let from the tank. Mara assured him that by the King’s orders, water was there for everybody to share and that he will do the needful. It shows that Mara was strict while enforcing the rules but was fair and humane with people’s problems and reädy to help those in need.
Question 21.
Describe the plight of the farmer’s wife.
The poem “The Farmer ‘s Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband, She called the farmer ‘virtuous’ and herself a poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent’ justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high. but a woman is born with her head bent.
But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve. She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating. blaming, dinking, and kicking haunting her, She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with “worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.
At last, she confidently’ asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive ve against all difficulties. Her voice is raised against society in general.
Question 22.
Competent on the life of Douglass as an adventure against slavery.
The passage reflects the brutal hidden faces of the masters who treat their slaves cruelly. The slaves were not given proper food. They were exploited without any freedom. Especially for women, it was double exploitation in the name of patriarchy and in the name of slavery. When the girls at teenage seem to be beautiful for their masters, they use them sexually and if they give birth to children, the children were sold at the age of infants to avoid their sentimental relationship.
The passage also explains the heart-rendering description of walking at night for several miles of mothers to see their children. Moreover, they could talk only a little bit because the children would be tired and go to sleep but in the morning they have to go back to work before sunrise. If they fail, they get whipping. This shows the brutal nature of white masters towards their slaves.
III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words: (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
Discuss how Babar Ali’s efforts to teach poor children, have brought about a change in their lives.
‘Education is a true religion’ is a fine thought of Nasiruddin. Babar Ali’s father. When people all over arc quarreling about their religions and castes, he is the man who gives education importance and says it is the true religion. One can steal anything. but nobody can steal knowledge. It is the immortal light that lights up millions of other lights. He sums it up by saying. ‘Education is a true religion’.
Inspired by these words, and have understood the value of education and its ties and have started sending their children to schools. Babar’s commitment to helping these people is undeniable and the fact that from eight students in the beginning how his school has grown to cater for eight hundred, shos ho he has changed the people around him and drawn the children to school. Babar is a shining example for the quote ‘where there is a will there is a way,
In spite of being only a teenager instead of whiling away his time playing in the fields, he had a vision and followed it and motivated others into following him.
This literacy movement should not stop at this but should spread to other places also, igniting other like-minded souls to take the initiative to dream, work for and realize a better tomorrow for India. Babar All has become a legend in his youth only and stands tall as a youth icon for the world to emulate.
Describe Mara as a great environmentalist who saves the tank.
Mara’s sacrifice remains eternal in the history of men who saved lakes. He was the man who didn’t think about himself even for a single day but always about others. In other words. his social service is unforgettable to society, he is the great environmentalist whom the modern materialists must follow and adore to protect nature. Mara’s sacrifice of (leaving his body) taking his last breath is ultimate. Of course, today’s people cannot do that much but have to sacrifice a little of their wants and needs to protect nature. People should not pollute rivers in the name of ‘yatras’ and funerals. All superstitious beliefs and must be stopped now. Man must live according to his needs and not for his wants. For this, he has to follow the examples of tribals who live a contented life with whatever they get. They do not torture nature for coal or gold and live in a simple way. 1f men learn to lead a simple life that is the greatest sacrifice to protect nature from calamities.
How does the poem “If I was a tree” bring out nature’s acceptance of all its creatures as a contrast to man’s rejection of his own kind?
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable, The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the holy fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.
The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature. Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eyes.
The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safety, purity, and generosity, and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings. In a society man without thinking of helping others. thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.
IV. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set on it in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (10 × 1 = 10)
The great wall of China is said to be one structure built by man on earth, which would be visible to observers on the moon. It covers a distance of 1,500 miles as the crow flies. From the Liaotung Peninsula westward to the last fortress in Central Asia, it crosses the northern province of China.
In the eastern section its height varies from 15-30 feet, and its width from about 25 feet at the bottom to 15 feet at the top, where there is a pathway wide enough for six horsemen to ride side by side, protected by parapets. When the Wall was first built, it had about 25,000 towers, each 40 feet square and 40 feet high projecting from it every few hundred yards, with holes from which the defenders could shoot at the attackers. There are also many watch-towers on the other side, outside the wall on hilltops or passes. These and the towers of the wall were used for signaling with smoke or flags by day and with fire by night.
The great Emperor Shih Huang Ti joined three earlier frontier walls to form a great wall to act as a boundary between China and the north and keep out the feared nomads of the Mongolian steppes. The wall was designed to strengthen the nation’s defenses. Later, during the Ming time, it became a substitute for a strong army and state.
Construction was started around 221 B.C. and the structure was practically complete when Shih Haung Ti died in 210 B.C. The man who did the most in carrying out the Emperor’s plans was General Meng Tien, who in 221 B.C. led an expedition against Tartars and drove them back from the Yellow River into the steppes, and set his men to work on building the wall. They were later joined by thousands of convicts. Year in year out, in icy winds and snowstorms in winter, and in dust storms in summer, the work went on and so many men died that the wall was sometimes called the longest cemetery in the world.
Question 24.
Name the only structure which would be visible to observers on the moon?
The great wall of China.
Question 25.
What is the distance it covers?
1500 miles as the crow flies.
Question 26.
What is the width and height of the wall?
Its width is 25 feet at the bottom andl5 feet* at the top. The height varies between 15 feet to 30 feet.
Question 27.
How many horsemen can ride on its pathway?
6 horsemen side by side can ride on the pathway.
Question 28.
How many towers were built on the wall?
25,000 towers.
Question 29.
Who was the Emperor of China at the time of building the great wall?
Question 30.
When was the construction started and completed?
It started in 221 BC and ended in 210 BC.
Question 31.
Who was the man that carried out the Emperor’s plans after his death?
General Meng Tien.
Question 32.
Why did so many men die in the construction of the wall?
Icy winds and snowstorms in winter and dust storms in summer took their toll.
Question 33.
Write a suitable title to the passage?
The great wall of China’
V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 34.
The sharp sickle had apparently cut an artery and it started bleeding copiously ………… spurts. Everyone around was alarmed and someone brought some leaf, pressed it against ………… wound, and bandaged it With ………….. cloth from one of their lungis.
(with, on, the, a, an, in)
an, in, the; a
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 35.
The Englishman was angry because he ……………. (think) that Mara ……………….(is) so greedy that even though he ……………… (has to offer) him his entire estate, he was not …………… (satisfy).
thought, was, had offered, satisfied
C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject : (1 × 2 = 2)
Question 36.
Narrator…………..(shake /shook) his head and turned away. He felt he could not …………. (bear/bearing) to intrude upon this happy family party. But at the foot of the staircase, he ……………..(stop /stopped) and looked back at them with admiration.
shook, bear, stopped.
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
I go to bed at 10 pm every day.
I go to bed at 10 pm.
Question 38.
The players are in the field.
The players are on the field.
E. Rewrite as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
Few of the trees ……….. (lose/lose) their leaves in spring. (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in brackets).
Question 40.
The sun …………….. in the sky (shine) (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets).
Question 41.
to be/souls/in/one/of/Babar/the/fortunate/happens/his/village. (Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence).
Babar happens to be one of the fortunate souls in his village.
Question 42.
Money is our madness. (Add a question tag).
isn’t it?
Question 43.
The whites made us slaves.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’.)’
Did the whites make us slaves?
Question 44.
The elephant obeyed the command of the lion. (Frame a .question so as to get the underlined words as answer).
Who obeyed the command of the lion?
VI. A. Read the following schedule and answer the question set on it: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 45.
Kingfisher Airlines -Flight – 0088
(i) What is the flight number.
(ii) At what time will it depart from Bangalore?
(iii) When will the flight reach Hyderabad?
(iv) At what time does the flight leave Chennai?
(i) Kingfisher Airlines – 0088.
(ii) 11:15 hours.
(iii) 15:15 hours
(iv) 12:45 hours.
B. Write a letter to the municipal authorities, Basavanagudi ward, Bangalore, about the unclean and inadequate supply of water in the area. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 46.
Your letter should include –
(a) irregular supply
(b) irregular timings
(c) problems faced
(d) request, to take suitable measures
# 1240/2
Kuvempu street
Bangalore – 01
05 August 2014.
The Commissioner
City Corporation
Basavanagudi Ward
Bangalore – 01
Dear Sir,
I am a resident of the Basavanagudi ward. This letter is to bring to your notice that water which is being supplied to our area is unclean and inadequate. The water is very dirty and it is being supplied only once in five days. Since most of the people in my house are employed, they are not able to collect water. Hence I request you to kindly look into the matter and take the necessary steps for supplying clean water on a regular basis of at least every other day.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
VII A. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under B. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 47.
A. Expressions | B. Functions |
1. That’s a pity | (a) expressing surprise |
2. Do you think it would be possible? | (b) apology |
3. I am grateful to you | (c) gratitude. |
4. How smart the boy looks | (d) expressing sympathy |
5. I am sorry | (e) expressing doubt |
B. Complete the dialogue : (1 × 4= 4)
Question 48.
Mahesh: ……………….. Mr.Hari. How are you?
Hari: …………………. Thank you. How are you, Mr. Mahesh.
Mahesh: I’m fine …………….. I am happy to have you as my colleague. Do come home sometime.
Hari: Sure. I will …………
Mahesh: Hello Mr.Hari. How are you?
Hari: I am fine. Thank you. How are you, Mr. Mahesh?
Mahesh: I’m fine. Thank you and I am happy to have you as my colleague. Do come home sometime.
Hari: Sure, I will definitely come.
C. Dialogue Writing: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Ramesh has gone to Chennai for the first time to attend a conference. He asks a stranger how to reach Yagnavalkya College from the railway station. Write a .dialogue between Ramesh and his stranger.
Ramesh: Hello sir. I am new to Chennai. Could you please direct me to Yagnavalkya College?
Stranger: Go straight, and turn left at the signal. You will find the Atria hotel to your left. Opposite to that only is Yagnavalkya College.
Ramesh: Thank you so much, sir.
Stranger: It’s alright.