Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 7 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 7 with Answers
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark question attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
In whose favor was the judgment given?
In favor of the elephant.
Question 2.
Who spent anxious hours in the school?
The schoolboy.
Question 3.
What is the problem of native doctors in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
The doctors have a blind belief that if they told others about their medicines, the medicines would lose their potency.
Question 4.
How much money did the narrator have in his pocket as his life’s savings?
Fourteen rupees.
Question 5.
What are people more terrified of as per ‘Money Madness’?
Money madness.
Question 6.
How does Ali make the children listen?
By playing a teacher-student game.
Question 7.
When does the sacred cow scrape her body onto the bark in ‘If I was a Tree’?
Whenever it got itching on her body.
Question 8.
Why did the visitor approach Mara in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
To ask water for his village with parched fields.
Question 9.
What does the phrase “harvest of my womb” suggest in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
Harvest of my womb refers to her children.
Question 10.
When was Douglass separated from his mother?
When he was just an infant.
Question 11.
What does the narrator learn from nurse Lucia in “Two Gentlemen of Verona”;
The narrator got information about the boys’ sister and their childhood.
Question 12.
What does the phrase ‘harsh realities* refer to in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
Harsh realities mean difficulties in the real life.
II. Answer any eight of the following in a paragraph of 50-70 words each : (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
How does the elephant justify its act of occupying the hut?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. The man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only, as there wàs enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.
Question 14.
Comment on the boy’s experience outside the school and inside the school.
The boy was not happy in the school because it took away his joy and made him sit under restrictions. He cried and was scared in school, he did not get any happiness from the books. He felt the school was like a prison, he never learned anything there and never got any knowledge.
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy is very happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the sl4rnmer morning. But when he thinks of school, his happiness disappears and he feels the school is a prison. The boy does not think freely in school. The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth.
The poet emphasizes nature. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling, he spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses on free-learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets àll round development and ensures the future of the nation.
Totally, the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture felt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.
Question 15.
What has made modern man lose the knowledge of traditional medicine?
In the present story, we realize the importance of natural resources such as plants and their medicinal value. However, when we speak of developmental projects, they are directed towards technology and allopathic medicines. Only a few measures are taken to create awareness among people about the immense potential of ayurvedic medicine. In the name of development, we are losing a lot of natural resources such as land and trees towards the utility of space for construction purposes. While doing so, we are forgetting the key point – the natural resources such as trees that bring rain and prove as starting materials for making medicine. Also through development, we are in fact giving rise to more diseases. The atmosphere that we had in historic times was far healthier and safer than the atmosphere we breathe in today. Thus, whatever development we are aiming for, should primarily revolve around the lines of conserving our natural resources and their utilization.
Question 16.
How did the stranger save the narrator in the lesson “Oru Manushan”?
Once. the narrator went to a restaurant with fourteen rupees in his act kept in the pocket and ate a full meal consisting of chapatis and meat curry. He drank tea. The bill was eleven annas. He searched his pocket to pay the bill but was shocked that his wallet was not in his pocket and someone had stolen it. When he said the same to the once. the owner caught him by the lapels and ordered him to pay up. But as he did not have any money, he offered to keep his coat there and later ou1d bring some money and claim the coat. But the owner asked him to take òff all his clothes. When he was removing them with great humiliation, a stranger came and helped the narrator by pa lug his bill.
Question 17.
Describe the poet’s care about the people’s feelings towards humanity rather than money.
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Larence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society He respects money over relationships. Society goes on to measure a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money. does not get respect from society and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who ma be in difficulties.
The poet says that man has this none madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individuals to goes behind the same, He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money. but money makes man and many things. So, the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and shouLd not be treated based on status.
The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money. certainly, money has got men to don to become its slaves. So. the poet offers a genuine solution that bread should be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world.
In the overall view of the poem. the poet worries about man’s greed for money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.
Question 18.
Babar Ali’s school reflects the transformation of society. Discuss.
Babar All’s school was started when he was only nine while playing a game. Very soon. children began to love his way of teaching and flocked to his ‘school’. Babar did not charge any fee for his teaching. He also got the help of the local educated people. who came and taught the children. Babar was successful in getting the help of nine high school student volunteers. The oldest and most educated of them is Debarita who goes to College in Behrampur.
Babar himself studies in class XII in a school quite far from his house. He commutes the long-distance, attends classes in the mornings, and comes back in the afternoons to his ‘school’ to teach youngsters who have worked liard in the mornings and are now ready for learning. The fact that his school is entirely free, he and his staff teach well, there is a midday meal, and his school is recognized b the West Bengal Government. attracts man students to his school.
The increasing strength of his school just shows how eager people are to get their children educated. and how good. selfless work gets noticed b people soon. Those who cannot afford education in the regular schools. do not mind sending their children to learn from teachers like Babar. This only proves that Indians are realizing the significance of education in life.
Question 19.
How did Mara react to the Goddess when she appeared before him for the first time?
The first tune was when the Goddess appeared before him. he was very content and happy as she was very beautiful and peaceful and she gave a command to him to build a tank for Veda. Her appearance was a great pleasure for him and he saw her as a peaceful mother.
Question 20.
How were women slaves misused by the white owners?
The slaveholders sexually exploit the slave women and the children born out of this also follow this condition of slavery. Mother and child are separated to avoid any filial bonding. Children born like this are a constant reminder to the wives of the masters about their parentage and they take a sadistic pleasure in ill-treating these Mulattpes.
They are whipped and beaten for the slightest offense and if the master shows any favors to them, they get punished further. The slaves are whipped mercilessly for the smallest mistakes. As it is they are made to work from morning till night without rest.
Question 21.
The poem ‘Farmer’s Wife’ highlights the plight of widows after the death of husbands. Discuss.
The poem The Fanciš Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer virtuous’ and herself a poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad about his act of committing suicide.
The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head benefit justifies the discrimination in our society men and women. Man is born with his head held- high, but a woman is born with her head bent. But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve. She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating, blaming, drinking, and kicking haunting her. She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with ‘worn – eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguous and asked what was that and why he committed suicide.
At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive against all difficulties. Her voice is raised against society in general.
Question 22.
Describe the helplessness of an old woman.
The poem ‘An old woman” depicts the worst condition of an old woman, who is an old beggar near the Horseshoe shrine. She holds the sleeves of the passers-by and follows them asking for a fifty paise coin. Even though by appearance she looks like a beggar. she has her self-respect and in return for the fifty paise, offers to show the tourists around the Horseshoe shrine. She laments about her helplessness in those wretched hills to eke out a living.
Her physical appearance evokes sympathy in the passers-by. Phrases like “bullet holes for her eves. “cracks that begin around her eyes spread beyond her skin”, and shùter proof crone’ describe the pathetIc condition of her miserable existence.
III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words : (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
Explain the observation of the narrator on the two boys in ‘Two Gentleman of Verona’.
The boy’s character and behavior prove that they were selfless, sentimental, adventurous hard working. do not involve others in their troubles. do not expect sympathy from others. responsible for their sister, sharing work with each other, never complained about their difficulties, optimistic and suitable for the title of the lesson “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.
How does the poet bring out the relationship between nature and man in “If I was a Tree”. Discuss.
The speaker wanted to be a tree because no one would discriminate against it and birds wouldn’t ask to what caste it belonged and sunlight would (approach) embrace it and its shadow wouldn’t be termed polluted. It can make friendship with the cool breeze, and raindrops would not go back by thinking that it is untouchable. The tree would feel happy with the touch of a sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for the hundred thousand Gods said to be residing in the cow. The tree can become pure when it is cut into dry pieces and burnt in the hoE fire and can help the sinless dead body by becoming a bier on the shoulders of four good men.
The poem describes the sense of equality present in nature, Sunlight and cool breeze treat everybody with love and spread their sweetness to all without discrimination. Unlike some humans who feel polluted getting in contact with the untouchables, nature has no such sense of superiority. All are equal in their eves.
The poem also presents social discrimination, as the speaker is much humiliated by the social discrimination and wanted to become a tree to escape from discrimination in society. He feels the safest purity and generosity and helping nature of a tree more than in human beings in a society man without thinking of helping others, thinks which is pure and which is polluted. He neglects and discriminates against some and appreciates others in name of caste, creed, and religion. So this practice is meaningless and the practice must be prohibited to sustain equality in society.
“Is Indian herbal medicine is better/safer than allopathic medicine?” Support your view.
India is rich in herbal medicine but the tragedy is modern man does not know the use of all those herbs. Instead, he completely depends on allopathic medicine. In this story, the author is suggesting the effectiveness of herbal medicine with a few unbelievable stories. Nowadays modern man thoroughly neglects the uses of trees and plants and forgets the ayurvedic treatment. In fact, ayurvedic is a more powerful treatment with no side effects. Allopathy has a lot of side effects to the patient and moreover, it is costly
But modern man due to his status and unawareness of ayurvedic advantages depends on allopathy. He has completely lost his faith in traditional medicine. A good example is, that the father of ayurvedic medicine was an Indian named “Bodhi” who had written a book on ayurvedic medicine., but the irony is that Indians do not even know his name, whereas in China he is famous. Today, it is the responsibility of every Indian to preserve every ayurvedic herbal and to use them. If it is practiced in homes, no Indian will get the disease and the future of India could be free of diseases forever.
IV. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set on it in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (10 × 1 = 10)
Lucy Ball, television’s First Lady of Laughter, died due to cardiac arrest. The popular American comedy queen who made audiences all over the world laugh heartily week after week had nothing to laugh about in her own life.
Lucy was abandoned by her family to lead a lonely and loveless life. The cumulative effect of all this build-up was her heart ailment which eventually culminated in a cardiac arrest.
She was a comedy Queen who ruled the roost for over three decades. Her last serial “I love Lucy” was a big hit. Milton Berle, a top comedian in his own right praised Lucy thus: “In fact, she is one of the greatest clowns of all times”.
But her own life has been a saga of comedy and tragedy. As the news of her death spread across the United States, the media acclaimed her as the pioneer who got recognition to the small screen through her serials.
Lucy, the happy-go-lucky lady did not laugh in her last days. There were reasons for her loneliness. Gary Morton, her husband was so much obsessed with golf that he had no time for her. Arnez her daughter, lived too far away to be of little use and solace. Her son despised her. Added to this woe was the death of confidante Vivian Vance who played Ethel in the ‘I Love Lucy” series.
Lucy and her husband led separate lives. Lucy the loner lived in Beverly Hills and Morgan spent most of his time 115 miles away playing golf in Palm Springs, California. A family friend summed up: “Gary is obsessed with golf and Lucy has become a golf widow”. Gary did not spend more than a dozen nights in Lucy’s Beverly Hills home. It was a part-time marriage.
Question 24.
Who was Lucy Ball?
She was a popular American comedy Queen.
Question 25.
Lucy’s husband was obsessed with
(a) golf (b) cricket (c) baseball
(a) golf
Question 26.
How does Milton Berle praise Lucy?
As one of the greatest clowns of all time.
Question 27.
Name Lucy’s last serial.
“I love Lucy”.
Question 28.
How did the media acclaim, Lucy?
As the pioneer who got recognition to the small screen through her serials.
Question 29.
Who played the role of Ethel in Lucy’s last TV serial?
Her close friend and confidante Vivian Vance.
Question 30.
Lucy’s personal life was a tragedy. True/False
Question 31.
Where did Lucy live?
Beverly Hills.
Question 32.
What kind of life did Lucy lead?
Lonely and loveless.
Question 33.
Lucy’s marriage is described as
A part-time marriage.
V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 34.
…………. lion, who wanted to have “peace and tranquility”……………. his kingdom, replied in ……………. noble voice saying “ I command my ministers ……………… appoint a Commission of Enquiry.
(to, in, the, a, an, of)
the, in, a, to
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 35.
One day I got up at 4 p.m as usual. I …………… (finish) my daily chores and …………………. (step) out for iqy tea and a meal. You must understand that I was ………………. (dress) in a suit. I …………. (has) a wallet in my coat pocket.
finished, stepped, dressed, had.
C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 36.
Babar Ali ………………(gives/gave) lessons just the way he has ……………….(hear/heard) them from his teachers. He ……………… (teaches/taught) his students, under the open sky
gives, heard, teaches
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
I saw an one-legged man.
I saw a one-legged man.
Question 38.
Why you are late?
Why are you late?
E. Rewrite as directed : (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
The use of credit cards ………………. (has/have) increased hundredfold.
(Fill in the blank with an appropriate word given in brackets).
Question 40.
A pleasant-looking woman with a ruddy ………….. (complex) and steel-rimmed spectacles appeared. (Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in brackets).
Question 41.
City / a / Verona / is / lovely
(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence).
Verona is a lovely city.
Question 42.
The narrator does not know anything. (Add a question tag).
does he?
Question 43.
Once upon a time, an elephant made friendship with a man.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’.)
Did an elephant make a friendship with a man?
Question 44.
The narrator stayed in that city in a very small dingy room in a dirty street.
(Frame a question so as to get the underlined words as answer).
Where did the narrator stay in that city?
VI. A., Refer to the following schedule given below and answer the questions set on it : (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 45.
The Golgumbaz Express, Yashwantpur – Solapur, leaves Yashwantpur at 9.30 pm and arrives at Alamatti at 9.00 am. The same train leaves Alamatti for Solapur at 9.15 am and arrives at Solapur at 1.15 pm. It leaves Solapur at 2.00 pm for the return journey to Yashwantpur.
(i) Which train leaves from Yashwantpur for Solapur?
(ii) At what time does it leave Alamatti for Solapur?
(iii) How many hours does the train require to reach from Yashwantpur to Alamatti?
(iv) At what time does the train leave Solapur for Yashwantpur?
(i) The Golgumbaz express.
(ii) 9:15 am.
(iii) 11 hours 30 minutes.
(iv) At 2:00 pm.
B. You need a study certificate from the Principal of your College. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 46.
Write a letter to include the following details.
(a) Your admission number, year of study, etc.
(b) Why do you need it?
(c) When and to whom it has to be submitted?
II PUC, ‘A’ Section.
Vijaya College,
Jayanagar, Bangalore -11.
20 March 2014.
The Principal Vijaya College,
Jayanagar, Bangalore – 11.
Dear Sir,
I am studying in II PUC ‘A’ Section. My admission number is 24/2012 – 13.1 have passed the I PUC exam with a distinction. Now I would like to apply for a scholarship, to the BCM officer of our district. I need a Study Certificate for the same. Therefore, I request you to kindly issue my study certificate within two days and oblige.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
VII. A. Match the expression under column A to its corresponding language functions under B: (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 47.
A. Expressions |
B. Functions |
1. He is my friend Manu | (a) Complimenting |
2. You are looking beautiful | (b) introducing |
3. How are you? | (c) expressing sympathy, |
4. Could you please give me the coat? | (d) greeting |
5. Oh God! How sad! | (e) requesting |
(1) – b
(2) – a
(3) – d
(4) – e
(5) – c.
B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 48.
Ravi: …………. help me to carry this?
Raghu: Certainly ………….
Ravi: …………..carrying this.
Raghu: ……….bye.
Ravi: Can you please help me to cam’ this’?
Raghu: Certainly I will.
Rai: Thank you for carrying this.
Raghu: It’s ok. Bye.
C. Dialogue Writing: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Akshaya buys a gift from a gift center. She requests the shopkeeper to gift wrap it for her. Write a dialogue between Akshaya and the shopkeeper.
Akshaya: Please gift wrap this item.
Shopkeeper: Sure. We will do it.
Akshaya: Thank you.
Shopkeeper: It’s ok Madam.