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Karnataka 1st PUC English Grammar Notes Language Functions
Match the expressions under column A with their corresponding language functions under column B:
I. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. Take a right turn. – (i) making a request.
2. Hi, how are you? – (ii)expressing gratitude.
3. It is very kind of you. – (iii) complimenting.
4. You look great. – (iv) greeting.
5. Could you please carry this bag? – (v) giving direction.
- — giving direction
- — greeting
- — expressing gratitude
- — complimenting,
- —making a request.
II. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. Well done, we are proud of you. – (i) seeking permission.
2. That is a pity.- (ii) Introducing.
3. Can I have it? – (iii) congratulating.
4. Meet my friend, Kavitha. – (iv) apologizing.
5. I am sorry. – (v) expressing sympathy.
- — congratulating
- — expressing sympathy
- — seekIng permission
- — introducing.
- — apologising.
III. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. See you later, bye. – (i) asking for information.
2. Sorry I couldn’t follow it. – (ii) leave-taking.
3. Want a hand? – (iii) complaining
4. At what time does the train arrange? – (iv) request for repetition
5. I am sorry to say this. – (v) offering help.
- — leave-taking
- — request for repetition.
- — offering help
- — asking for information,
- — complaining.
IV. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. I am sorry, that is not possible. – (i) leave-taking.
2. Indeed, you are right – (ii) asking for information.
3. See you again, bye. – (iii) greeting.
4. How was your trip? – (iv) refusing permission.
5. Hi, how do you do? – (v) agreeing.
- —refusing permission
- — agreeing
- —leave-taking
- — asking for information
- —greeting.
V. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. I am not sure. – (i) greeting.
2. I regret to bring to your notice. – (ii) seeking permission.
3. Can I take your pen? – (iii) expressing a preference.
4. Hello, good morning. – (iv) disagreeing.
5. I would rather have – (v) complaining.
- — disagreeing
- — complaining.
- —seeking permission.
- —greeting
- —expressing a preference.
VI. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. I am extremely sorry for the trouble. – (i) leave-taking.
2. Thank you very much. – (ii) apologizing.
3. Go straight, turn left. – (iii) introducing.
4 Sheela, this is my friend Raju. – (iv) giving direction
5. Ok, bye. – (v) expressing gratitude.
- — apologising
- — expressing gratitude
- —giving direction
- — introducing
- — leave-taking.
VII. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. Can I help you? – (i) complaining.
2. We would be grateful If you…. – (ii) request for repetition.
3. Of course, yes. – (iii) making a request.
4. I beg your pardon. – (iv) agreeing.
5. I am sorry to say this – (v) offering help.
- —offering help
- — makIng a request
- —agreeing
- —request for repetition
- —complaining.
VIII. A. Expressions – B. Functions
1. Well done. – (i) giving permission.
2. Would you mind passing…. – (ii) congratulating.
3. Please go ahead. – (iii) asking preference.
4. You look smart. – (iv) making a request.
5. Who do you want to go with? – (iv) complimenting.
- — congratulating
- — making a request
- — giving permission.
- — complimenting,
- —asking preference.
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