Karnataka 1st PUC Electronics Question Bank Chapter 3 Measuring Instruments
One Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What is meant by measurement?
Measurement is the process of comparing a given quantity with a standard unit.
Question 2.
What is an ammeter?
Ammeter is an instrument used for measuring the current flowing in a circuit.
Question 3.
What is a voltmeter?
A voltmeter is a device used to measure voltage between two points.
Question 4.
What is the ohmmeter?
An ohmmeter is a device used to measure resistance.
Question 5.
Write the symbol of Ohmmeter
Question 6.
What is a multimeter?
A multimeter is a multipurpose electronic instrument that can measure resistance, DC or AC voltage, current, and resistance.
Question 7.
What is an oscilloscope?
An oscilloscope is an instrument used to display, measure and analyze parameters of an electrical signal.
Question 8.
Expand ECG
ECG = Electrocardiogram.
Question 9.
Mention any one application of ECG.
ECG is a diagnostic tool that is used to assess the electrical function of the heart.
Question 10.
Which is BP measuring instrument?
Question 11.
What is a glucometer?
A glucometer is an electronic instrument that measures the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Question 12.
What is an ultrasound scan?
It is a test that uses sound waves to create images of organs inside the body.
Question 13.
What is the advantage of an ultrasound scan?
Ultrasound scan
- Helps to monitor the growth of the unborn child and check abnormalities.
- detect abnormal widening of blood vessels.
- detect abnormalities of heart valves.
Question 14.
What is a pulse oximeter?
It is a device that can detect the saturation level of hemoglobin in arterial blood.
Question 15.
What is a thermometer?
The thermometer is a device used to measure the temperature of the human body.
Two Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Mention the merits of a multimeter.
- Small in size and easily portable.
- Performs many measuring functions.
- Measurements are accurate.
- It is inexpensive.
Question 2.
Explain the controls of a multimeter.
- Function or Range Switch: Selects the function, voltmeter, ammeter, or ohmmeter, and their ranges.
- COM input terminal: This terminal is common ground used in all measurements.
- V = Range: This position is the DC voltage range.
- V ~ Range: This position is the AC voltage range.
- 0 Range: This position is resistance range.
- Diode: This position is used to test a diode.
Question 3.
Write any two applications of an oscilloscope.
- It is used to measure AC/DC voltage.
- It is used to measure the time period and frequency of ac.
Question 4.
Mention any four controls of an oscilloscope.
- Intensityknob
- Focus Knob
- Volt/division knob.
- Time/division knob.
Question 5.
What are the advantages of a digital thermometer?
- Readings can be taken quickly.
- Readings are accurate.
- Readings can be taken easily compared to glass thermometers.